Rao2013 Article FrictionSurfacingOnNonferrousS
Rao2013 Article FrictionSurfacingOnNonferrousS
Rao2013 Article FrictionSurfacingOnNonferrousS
DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4214-0
Received: 24 November 2011 / Accepted: 1 May 2012 / Published online: 22 May 2012
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012
Abstract This work reports a feasibility study on producing Keywords Nonferrous metals . Coatings . Friction surfacing
friction surfaced coatings on nonferrous substrates. Commer-
cially pure aluminum, copper, magnesium (ZM21), Inconel
800, and titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4 V) were chosen as the 1 Introduction
substrates. Low carbon steel, aluminum alloy (AA6063),
commercially pure copper and titanium were chosen as the Friction surfacing is an emerging technology for producing
consumable rods. Friction surfacing was attempted with all solid-state coatings over a variety of substrates, owing to its
consumable rods on every substrate. In some cases metallur- capability to produce coatings with minimal dilution and
gically bonded coating was obtained readily over the substrate good metallurgical bonding. The solid-state nature of the
and in some other cases coating was obtained with a start-up process helps to avoid melting of the coating material and
plate. However, for certain combination of parameters, no hence free from most of the problems associated with con-
coating could be obtained. The coatings obtained were analyzed ventional hardfacing techniques. In friction surfacing, the
for their microstructural features and interfacial characteristics material to be coated is taken in rod form and rotated against
using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The results the substrate under an axial load. Friction heat generated by
showed that co-efficient of friction, material properties like the violent rubbing between rod and substrate softens the
thermal conductivity, and stability at high temperature influ- rod end and brings it to viscoplastic state. The material in
enced the formation of a coating. Coatings obtained exhibited visco-plastic state gets coated over the substrate as the
fine grained microstructure with properties better than the substrate moves against the rubbing surface of the rod.
original parent material. Dynamic recrystalization as a result The process is described in detail by Chatopadyay [14]. A
of severe plastic deformation accounts for grain refinement. schematic of friction surfacing process is shown in Fig. 1.
Friction surfacing of few dissimilar combinations was
already attempted. Among the reported works, friction sur-
K. P. Rao : A. Sankar : H. K. Rafi (*) : G. D. J. Ram facing of alloy steels on low carbon steel was mostly studied.
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Friction-surfaced steel coatings are now under active consid-
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai 600-036, India
eration for different commercial applications [1]. Process
e-mail: khalidrafi@gmail.com parameter optimization and process modeling were studied
for steel combinations by Voutchkov et al. [15], Vitanov et al.
G. M. Reddy [16, 17], Rafi et al. [6], and Liu et al. [8, 9]. These studies
Metal Joining Group,
established the feasibility of producing different alloy steel
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL),
Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad 500-058, India coatings for wear and corrosion applications using optimized
parameters. Studies on interfacial characteristics of the coating
Present Address: showed that the coatings are metallurgically bonded to the
H. K. Rafi
Department of Industrial Engineering, Speed School of Engineering,
substrate without any dilution, which is the highlight of this
University of Louisville, technique. Metallurgical bonding was obtained by bringing
Louisville, KY 40292, USA together the two nascent surfaces, formed by the removal of
756 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 65:755–762
oxide layers due to violent rubbing under compressive force. 3 Results and discussion
Friction surfacing of dissimilar metal combinations was
reported by Chandrasekaran et al. [2, 3]. They attempted 3.1 Feasibility study on different nonferrous substrates
surfacing of aluminum and Inconel 800 over mild steel and
found that aluminum was difficult to coat over mild steel Details showing the substrate, the coating, the possibility
under normal conditions where as Inconel 800 can be readily for coating formation, reasons for good or bad coating with
coated. This discrepancy was attributed to the difference in corresponding images are given in Table 1. Continuous
thermal stability of both the materials at elevated temperatures. coating was obtained with steel consumable rods over
In open literature, reports on friction surfaced coatings on copper and Inconel 800 substrates. As expected, due to
nonferrous substrates are limited. Reddy et al. [11, 12] success- the wide differences in strength and thermal properties,
fully carried out friction surfacing of aluminum metal matrix getting coating was difficult in other cases. For instance,
composite over cast aluminum substrate and titanium substrate. in the case of aluminum and magnesium substrates, their
Because of the poor response of some nonferrous materials to strength at high temperature is too low to withstand the
higher loads and higher temperatures, it is of great interest to torque generated by the rotation of consumable rod. For
know the feasibility of producing friction-surfaced coatings on titanium substrate, apart from its low strength at elevated
different nonferrous substrate with a variety of consumable temperature, oxidation during the process limited the for-
materials. In this work, an attempt was made to coat materials mation of coating. In few cases, discontinuous coatings
such as low carbon steel, commercially pure aluminum, titani- (some portions sticking to the substrate) were obtained.
um, and copper over the nonferrous substrates like aluminum,
magnesium, copper, and Inconel 800. These combinations are 3.2 Surfacing of steel on copper substrate
of interest in producing bimetallic strips for different industrial
applications. Successful coatings are further characterized to In contrast to the wider process parameter window observed
study microstructural features and interfacial characteristics. for friction surfacing between ferrous systems [6], the
parameter window is too narrow to get a successful coating
of steel over copper substrate. The heat generation at the
2 Experimental procedure consumable rod–substrate interface is mainly a function of
parameters such as rotational speed and traverse speed. A
A custom-made friction-surfacing machine was used to combination of higher rotational speed and lower traverse
carry out the current work. The machine was capable to speed results in maximum heat generation. Unlike steels,
deliver 10 kN axial load, with a maximum spindle speed of copper cannot withstand a larger heating range at elevated
3,000 rpm. Substrate plates used for this study were com- temperatures as it softens very fast. Therefore, it is required
mercially pure (CP) copper, CP aluminum, magnesium to strike a balance between the mechanical stability and the
(ZM21), Inconel 800, and titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4 V). All maximum temperature copper can withstand during defor-
the plates were of dimension 150×200×10 mm. Precautions mation. While carrying out the experiments, it was observed
were taken to avoid entrapment of any artifacts during that small variations from the optimum parameters resulted
surfacing. Both the plate and rubbing end of the rods were in irregular coatings. But for friction surfacing between
thoroughly cleaned with acetone prior to surfacing. ferrous materials, deviations from the optimum parameters
Standard metallographic procedures were followed to resulted only in variation of the width or thickness of the
prepare samples for optical microscopy (OM) and scanning coatings [6]. The parameter set which resulted in successful
electron microscopy (SEM). OM was carried out by Lieca steel coating over copper substrate was; rotational speed,
optical microscope and for SEM, FEI QUANTA 200 2,400 rpm; traverse speed, 2 mm/s; and axial load, 8 kN.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 65:755–762 757
Table 1 Details of coating feasibility with respect to different substrate/consumable rod combinations
758 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 65:755–762
Fig. 2 Low carbon steel friction surfaced over copper substrate (top
Formation of acicular ferrite requires a temperature range (e) Copper and CP titanium coatings could not be depos-
of 350–400°C. During friction surfacing, frictional heat ited on any substrate material.
generated is sufficiently high to reach an autenizing temper- (f) AA 6063 aluminum alloy could be deposited on CP
ature range of 1,150–1,250°C [8]. Higher temperature and aluminum substrate alone.
higher strain rates involved in the process create the situation
for dynamic recrystalization of austenitic phase. Grain growth
may not be expected after dynamic recrystalization since the Acknowledgments Authors gratefully acknowledge Naval Research
time spent by the plasticized metal at elevated temperature is Board, DRDO, Govt. of India for funding this project.
quite low. Though the top surface of the coating cools at
much faster rates as it is exposed to the atmosphere, the
cooling rates of subsurfaces are relatively slow. This is be-
cause of the heat conduction from the moving consumable References
rod towards the already deposited coating. Therefore, the
coating subsurface experiences a temperature within the
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