TH 03 057
TH 03 057
TH 03 057
IGC 2022
15th – 17th December, 2022, Kochi
Kochi Chapter
Govind Raj. B1, Anurag Chafale2, Madan Kumar Annam3 & K.V. Babu4
1 Deputy General Manager, Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India-400059
2 Assistant Manager, Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt Ltd., Mumbai, India-400059
3 Head of Engineering, Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India-600024
4 Deputy General Manager, L&T Hydrocarbon Engineering Limited, Vadodara-19, India
Abstract. Large diameter piles are generally used to provide the foundation sys-
tem for the elevated tanks. The behavior of the laterally loaded pile is influenced
by the pile head conditions, position of load application, pile length and the soil
resistance below ground. Understanding the load deflection behavior of the pile
is an essential requirement for the consistent and reliable design of the tank. In
this paper, performance of 1m diameter pile installed in layered soils and tested
2m above ground level is discussed. The pile is modelled by Finite Difference
and Finite Element approaches to understand behavior of pile. This paper illus-
trates theoretical and actual behavior of laterally loaded long piles tested above
ground level.
Keywords: Laterally loaded pile, load application above ground, finite differ-
ence, finite element.
1 Introduction
Pile foundations are typically used for providing stability for the structures subjected to
high vertical and lateral loads. The lateral loads can be due to wind and seismic cases
and the understanding of the load deflection behavior is an essential requirement for
the design of the structures.
40m deep piles, 1m diameter was necessitated for an elevated tank in the West Coast
of India. The project site is located in active Seismic Zone, subjected to high lateral
forces. Behavior of the piles are studied by Finite Element and Finite Difference ap-
proaches. Lateral pile load test was performed at 2m above ground level.
This paper discusses theoretical and actual behavior of laterally loaded piles tested
above ground level. The P-Y method proposed by Reese and Van Impe (2011) was
used for the analysis. The governing differential equation is solved by the Finite Dif-
ference Techniques. The results obtained are compared with 3D Finite Element Models
and the load test results. In addition, the diameter effect which needs to be considered
while using P-Y curve method is also discussed.
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Govind Raj and Madan Kumar Annam
An elevated tank was proposed in the West Coast of India. Project specifications de-
mand high lateral load requirement for the piles. The piles are 1m diameter, 40m deep
and cut-off level is 2m above existing ground level.
Two boreholes were explored to 50m deep below the existing ground level (EGL). The
subsoil consists of mixed soil strata (layers of sand and stiff to hard layers). Ground
water table was observed to be 2 below EGL at the time of testing. The stratification
along with the sub soil data is presented in Table 1.
cu ’
Sl No Type Elevation, m N
kPa ()
1 Silty Sand 0.0m-3.0m 8 - 31
2 Stiff clay 3.0m-7.5m 15 68 -
3 Silty Sand 7.5m-10.5m 46 - 34
4 Stiff clay 10.5-18.0m 27 122 -
5 Stiff clay 18.0-25.5m 38 171 -
6 Stiff clay 25.5-31.5m 26 117 -
s7 Stiff clay 31.5-36.0m 39 176 -
8 Silty Sand 36.0-50.0m 133 - 34
Table 1. Subsoil Stratification at the job site
3 Numerical Analysis
Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement of lateral pile load test. The pile is modelled by
P-Y Method and 3D Finite Element method. P-Y curve analysis is performed using the
method proposed by Reese and Matlock. The parameters used to develop P-Y curves
in clay are undrained shear strength and the normal strain at 50% of the ultimate devi-
ator stress in a triaxial test. The parameters used in sand are the angle of friction and
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the horizontal modulus of subgrade reaction. The governing differential equation is
solved by the Finite Difference Techniques.
Embedded pile/beam option is considered for 3D Finite Element Method for pile and
Mohr Coulomb model parameters are used for surrounding soil. The Clay layers are
modelled as undrained soil whereas sand is modelled as drained type.
Influence of mesh coarseness in finite element method and diameter effect in the P-Y
curve method is studied.
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Govind Raj and Madan Kumar Annam
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Fine mesh
Medium mesh
Depth below EGL (m)
Coarse mesh
Deflection (mm)
Pile Dia (m) Lateral Load (Tons) Deflection (P-Y Deflection (3D
Model) FEM Model)
1.0m 31 25 27
56 53 57
76 86 85
92 121 105
1.5m 100 37 42
160 76 71
200 110 99
TH-03-057 4
250 169 126
2.0m 100 18 24
160 33 40
200 43 52
250 61 66
The present analysis shows differences in the deflection patterns for large diameter piles
at high loads, however, detailed studies are to be done on the same.
Data from experiments across the globe are insufficient to make a conclusion on the
diameter influence and further extensive studies are required for the same. Hence it is
opinioned that the assessment of big diameter piles through P-Y Analysis method shall
be followed by additional checks such as FEM Analysis and load tests.
Pile was tested to maximum of 137 tons / 100mm deflection whichever comes first.
Point of application of the load is kept 2.0m above ground level. Application of the
loading was carried out by means of jacking the test pile against the reaction system.
The readings were taken with the help of two calibrated dial gauges and the average
readings were taken.
The results of the numerical analysis and the load test are plotted in the following table:
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Govind Raj and Madan Kumar Annam
The deflections obtained from the numerical analysis are compared with the field rec-
ords and are found to be in the order.
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Fig. 6. Behavior of 1m diameter pile at 920 kN Test Load
It is observed that depth wise variation in deflection is following similar trends between
the two numerical methods, the point of fixity is found to be the same in both the nu-
merical methods.
6 Conclusion
Behavior of the laterally loaded pile is assessed by Finite Element Analysis and P-Y
Method of analysis. It is observed that both methods follow similar trends and match
with the load test results in most of the load cases. Programs using P-Y curves are
originally developed for small diameter piles, application of it for larger diameter piles
shall be used with caution. Additional checks such as FEM Analysis and load tests may
be used to validate the performance.
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Govind Raj and Madan Kumar Annam
1. Tomlinson, M.J, "Pile Design and Construction Practice", Fifth Edition, E&FN Spon, Lon-
2. Reese, L.C and W.F. Van Impe 2011. Single Piles and Pile Groups under Lateral Loading
(2nd edition). London: Taylor & Francis, 2011, ISBN 978-0-415-46988-3.
3. IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec 1),2020 "Analysis of Laterally Loaded Piles", Indian Standard Design
and Construction of Pile Foundations
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