Ballb 7 Sem Interpretation of Statutes and Principle of Legislation NP 3522 Dec 2016
Ballb 7 Sem Interpretation of Statutes and Principle of Legislation NP 3522 Dec 2016
Ballb 7 Sem Interpretation of Statutes and Principle of Legislation NP 3522 Dec 2016
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.t.LL.S . VlI sem. construction of statutes? e
I· NP-3522 :~: 3I~r..'H if '1lrT<! ll..iUl,jj- all ~ a!Ir
B.A.LL.B. Examination, Dec.- 2016
Interp.retatioD or Statute. 4. What do you mean by term 'Ex
Priacfple or Legialation Iaw ". POst facto \
'UCiliH failI· ~ Wil<l1 .q$~ 'h
~ Time: Thru /lours I (Maximum Marks : 100 5. Explain that, "The statute must be read
Note: Attempt questions from aU Sections as
per instructIons .
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(Detailed Answer Question)
and that In case' of about benefit should go
to the subj ect- Explain.
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