Behuraetal 2022
Behuraetal 2022
Behuraetal 2022
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5 authors, including:
Subhankar Ghosh
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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hydrological modelling of a small watershed for effective management using SWAT model. View project
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Seawater intrusion is one of the major threats in coastal areas and subsequently a major concern for the
groundwater resource management. Effective planning and management is required for mitigation of this
problem in coastal aquifers. The present research is aimed to identify the spatial distribution of seawater intrusion
in the coastal aquifers of Puri District in the state of Odisha. In the present study, the vulnerability of aquifers
to saltwater intrusion was assessed by GALDIT, an index-based method. To quantify the spatial extent of
susceptibility of coastal intrusion, six hydro-geological characteristics were considered in the model such as G:
Aquifer type (confined, unconfined & semi-confined), A: Conductivity of aquifer, L: Level of groundwater
above MSL, D: Perpendicular distance from the shoreline, I: [Cl-/HCO3-+CO32-] ratio representing existing
effect of the intrusion of saline water and T: Saturated thickness of aquifer. Different weights and ratings were
assigned to these layers according to the model and overlay analysis of the layers was done for mapping the
seawater intrusion vulnerability map. For the pre-monsoon, susceptibility zones are categorized as low, moderate,
and high, with percentages of 75.12 %, 22.84 %, and 2.034 %, respectively. Similarly, for the post-monsoon
season, 78.07 %, 21.08 %, and 0.84%, area are categorized under low, moderate and high susceptible zones.
The Gop block was found to be the most susceptible area out of the 5 studied blocks. Statistical analysis such as
map removal sensitivity analysis showed that the level of groundwater above MSL and perpendicular distance
from the shoreline are the most sensitive parameters and thickness of aquifer is the least sensitive parameter for
groundwater contamination in the study area. Such modeling studies can help in planning and managing
activities for sustainable groundwater resource management
Key words: Seawater intrusion, GALDIT, Coastal aquifers, Map removal sensitivity analysis
Ferreira et al., 2005; Sujhitha, 2020; Sophiya and Material and Methods
Sayed, 2013). The acronym stands for the first
letters of the six input layers of the GALDIT Study Area
model. G denotes the aquifer type or groundwater Puri is one of the nine coastal alluvial districts of
occurrence; A denotes aquifer hydraulic eastern Odisha. The district falls in the Mahanadi
conductivity; L denotes the groundwater level river basin and the main drainage is formed by
above MSL; D denotes the distance from the the rivers Daya, Devi, Kushabhadra, Bhargavi,
shoreline; I denotes the pre-existing seawater and Prachi, which have southerly, southeasterly
intrusion conditions; and T denotes the aquifer and south westerly courses. The district is covered
thickness. These parameters of the GALDIT by well-developed irrigation network covered by
model are affected by various factors which Mahanadi Delta Stage-II canal systems. About
subsequently directly or indirectly affect the 84.3 percent of the population of the district live
intrusion phenomena. There are various methods in rural areas and agriculture is the mainstay of
and coefficients which have been integrated with the people. The coastal tract of Puri district in
the GALDIT model to determine the vulnerability Odisha, India, was chosen for the present study
to seawater intrusion. The risk of SWI of seawater intrusion vulnerability mapping. The
groundwater contamination was calculated for an study area is located between latitudes 19°28′ N
improved vulnerability mapping technique by and 20°10′ N, and longitudes 85°09′ E and 86°25′
combining GALDIT, the groundwater quality E (Fig.1). Study area is about 742.85 km2 in area
index for saltwater intrusion (GQISWI), and is bordered to the north by the Jagatsinghpur
geostatistics, and the Ghyben-Herzberg model. district, to the southeast by the Bay of Bengal,
(Trabelsi et al., 2016). Mirzavand et al. (2018) and to the south by Chilika Lake as shown in
employed the AHP-GALDIT model in the Figure 1. Parts of the Brahmagiri, Puri Sadar,
Kashan Plain Aquifer of Iran and found out that Gop, Kakatpur, and Astranga blocks are in the
the GIS-based AHP-GALDIT model is adequate study area. The average annual rainfall in the
for demarcating susceptible locations with higher district is 1534 mm, with the majority of that
accuracy and that it can be used in various coastal amount occurring between June and September,
areas. In another study, susceptibility index (SI) during the monsoon season. The mean monthly
and modified GALDIT methodologies were used potential evapo-transpiration values varies from
and a factor score map was created to estimate 57 mm in January to 254 mm in May. The summer
the constructed vulnerability maps (Reshma and season, which lasts from mid-March to mid-June,
Sindhu, 2019) is followed by the rainy season, which begins in
In the present study, vulnerability assessment June and ends in September. From late November
of seawater intrusion along the coastal tract of through the end of February is the winter season.
Puri district of Odisha (Fig. 1) has been done using Throughout the year, relative humidity is high
the GALDIT index model. The current stage of ranging from 62 to 85 percent. Physiographically,
groundwater development in the district is only Puri district is broadly divided into three natural
23.79%, leaving a vast scope for future divisions, i.e., saline marshy tract along the coast,
groundwater development as mentioned in gently sloping plain, and undulating hard rock
NAQUIM Report of the district (CGWB, 2018). areas with lateritic capping and isolated hillocks.
But its development is restrained due to the Broadly soils of this region are classified into
proximity of the sea and salinity hazards. Its alfisols, aridisols, and entisols. The study area is
arbitrary development may upset hydro-chemical underlain by geological formations ranging in era
balance leading to seawater ingress. So, this coastal from Archean to Recent (Quaternary).
tract of the district is considered as a case study
for groundwater vulnerability assessment using GALDIT model
GALDIT model. The current investigation aims To identify and assess the spatial distribution of
to use GIS based model for mapping seawater seawater intrusion in the coastal trails of Puri
vulnerability zones. district, an GIS-based GALDIT model was
Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers 227
Parameters Source
SRC (Special Relief Commissioner); NAQUIM (National Aquifer Mapping); CGWB (Central Ground Water Board),Bhubaneswar
228 Behura et al.
flow of water in the aquifer. The Central Ground to evaluate the effect of existing intrusion of
Water Board pumping test value was utilized for seawater in coastal aquifers. Chloride is the major
estimating spatial variations of hydraulic ion in saltwater and is only found in trace amounts
conductivity in the study area. in groundwater, whereas bicarbonate which is
abundant in groundwater, appears only in trace
Height of groundwater level above mean sea level
amounts in seawater. Data on water quality
(L): This parameter controls the pressure between
provided by CGWB was used to calculate the
the freshwater and seawater front at the transition appropriate ratio.
zone. This pressure of groundwater table above
sea level pushes back seawater away from the Thickness of aquifer (T): The saturated thickness
freshwater aquifers. of an aquifer impact the amount and degree of
seawater intrusion in coastal zones. The degree
Distance from shore (D): As one move inland at of saltwater intrusion increases with aquifer
right angles to the shore, the impact of seawater thickness. The data relating to aquifer thickness
intrusion decreases gradually (Agarwadkar, 2005). was obtained from CGWB.
The areas close to the shorelines would be
subjected to greater possibility of intrusion hazard. Using the ArcMap10.5 interface, the six
The monitoring well locations and the distance parameters were spatially distributed using IDW
measured perpendicular to the coastline were used Interpolation feature. Then these spatially
to determine the distance to the shoreline distributed data or the raster layers were assigned
parameter. rating and weight according to the GALDIT
model. Table 2 refers to different weight and rating
Impact of the existing status of seawater of various ranges of parameters of the GALDIT
intrusion (I): The ratio of [Cl-]/ [HCO3-+ CO3 - -], model (Chachadi and LoboFerreira, 2001). All the
which is referred to as the Revelle index, is used 6 weight and rate assigned parameters were then
lower than 500 m whereas the lowest value of [Cl -]/[HCO 3-1 + CO 3-2]. Chloride (Cl -) ion is
rating i.e., 2.5 is allotted for distance higher than present in large amounts in seawater, but it only
1000 m. exists in trace levels in groundwater. The
Impact of existing status of groundwater layer bicarbonate is abundantly found in groundwater,
(I) was calculated employing the Revelle index but is found in trace amount in the saltwater. The
Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers 231
relative map as shown in Figure 7 shows four input layer of the GALDIT model is the T layer
intervals of Revelle index. When the [Cl-]/[HCO3-1 i.e., aquifer thickness. Higher the saturated
+ CO3-2] ratio is 2 or higher, a site is considered to thickness of aquifer, the greater the saltwater
be contaminated by seawater intrusion (Sophiya intrusion. This layers is also classified into 4 classes
and Sayed, 2013). This ratio is also considered as according to the GALDIT model but for the
one of the seawater intrusion indicator. The last present study area, the layer possess only 2 classes
232 Behura et al.
as shown in Figure 8. The class with a thickness GALDIT index vulnerability map
of less than 10 m was given a rating of 7.5, Using the reclassification tool in ArcGIS, each of
whereas the majority of the study area had a the 6 layers were given the appropriate rate or
thickness of greater than 10 m and was given a ranking in accordance with the GALDIT model.
rating of 10. To create the GALDIT map, all the input layers
Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers 233
were overlaid in ArcGIS and the assigned weights seawater vulnerability classes into 3 groups, as low,
and ratings as described in GALDIT equation. moderate, and high. Pre-monsoon GALDIT
The GALDIT index categorizes the study region Index map distribute or classify the present study
into distinct vulnerability classifications. The area into low, moderate, and high susceptibility
spatial distribution of the GALDIT index is zones as 75.122% (558 km2), 22.84% (169.74 km2),
depicted in Figure 9 (Pre-monsoon) and Figure and 2.034% (15.117 km2), respectively as shown
10 (Post-monsoon). GALDIT model classified the in Table 4. Table 5 shows the distribution of study
234 Behura et al.
area among low, moderate, and high vulnerability The Gop Block of the study area is the most
zones as 78.07% (580.18 km2), 21.08% (156.7 vulnerable area. This block is more prone to a high
km 2), and 0.837% (6.22 km 2 ), respectively, vulnerability zone due to the presence of a major
according to the post-monsoon GALDIT Index river in this district, i.e., the Kushabhadra river.
map. Most importantly, the percentage of land The Kushabhadra River is one of the several river
classified as moderately vulnerable increased systems that make up the Mahanadi River’s
slightly between pre-monsoon and post-monsoon, distributaries. Due to the connection between the
while those classified as highly vulnerable Kushabhadra River and the sea, river water near
decreased significantly. One of the reasons for the the coast is very saline and it also causes
decrease in highly vulnerable zones is the rise in salinization of the surrounding aquifer. The map
groundwater levels after the monsoon season. shows that the area closest to the coast is
somewhat vulnerable, while the land farthest from
Table 4. GALDIT Index Range (Pre-monsoon)
the coast is moderate to lowly vulnerable.
shore (D) layer, with a mean vulnerability index Water Pollution Potential Using Hydrogeologic Settings. US
of 5.77 and 5.72 for the pre-monsoon and post- Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC, p
monsoon GALDIT Index maps, respectively.
Because these criteria were given a high theoretical Brehme M, Scheytt T, Celik M and Dokuz UE (2011)
Hydrochemicalcharacterisation of ground and surface
weight, the removal of L layer and distance from
water at Dörtyol/Hatay/Turkey. Environmental Earth
the shore (D) resulted in the greatest change. The Sciences 63(6): 1395-1408.
summary statistics suggested that the influence of
Chachadi AG and Lobo-Ferreira JP (2001) Sea water
saltwater intrusion has the lowest mean variation intrusion vulnerability mapping of aquifers using
(mean variation = 5.8 for pre-monsoon and 5.04 GALDIT method. Coastin 4: 7-9.
for post-monsoon), followed by aquifer type (mean CGWB (2018) Aquifer mapping and management of ground
variation = 5.4 for pre-monsoon and 5.0 for post- water resources, Puri District, Odiaha.
monsoon). The least sensitive parameter, with the
CGWB (2021) Ground Water Year Book 2020-2021, South
lowest mean variance index, was aquifer hydraulic Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar.
Lobo-Ferreira JP, Chachadi AG, Catarina D, Diamantino C
and Henriques MJ (2005) Assessing aquifer vulnerability
Conclusions to seawater intrusion using GALDIT method: Part 1.
In: IAHS and LNEC proceedings of the fourth
GIS-based GALDIT model was employed to
interceltic colloquium on hydrology and management
study the vulnerability of aquifer in coastal Odisha of water resources, Portugal.
to seawater intrusion. GALDIT vulnerability
Lobo-Ferreira JP and Chachadi AG (2005) Assessing aquifer
index value were classified into three groups like vulnerability to seawater intrusion using GALDIT
low, moderate, high vulnerable zone and mapped method: part 2. In: IAHS and LNEC proceedings of
through GIS. The GALDIT index vulnerability the fourth interceltic colloquium on hydrology and
map shows that in the pre-monsoon season, management of water resources, Portugal.
75.122% (558 km2), 22.84% (169.74 km2), and Mádl-Szõnyi J and Füle L (1998) Groundwater vulnerability
2.034% (15.117 km 2 ), area are under low, assessment of the SW Trans-Danubian central range,
Hungary. Environmental Geology 35(1): 9-18.
moderate and high vulnerable zones to seawater
intrusion. In the post-monsoon season, 78.07% Mirzavand M, Ghasemieh H, Sadatinejad SJ, Bagheri R and
Clark ID (2018) Saltwater intrusion vulnerability
(580.18 km2), 21.08% (156.7 km2), and 0.837
assessment using AHP-GALDIT model in Kashan plain
percent (6.22 km2) area are under low, moderate aquifer as critical aquifer in a semi-arid region. Desert
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effect on salinization of the aquifer. Map removal
Sherif MM and Hamza KI (2001) Mitigation of seawater
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DRASTIC: A Standardized System for Evaluating Ground Received: September 1, 2022; Accepted: September 9, 2022