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Reducing Chemical Fertilizer Application in Greenhouse
Vegetable Cultivation under Different Residual Levels
of Nutrient
Nannan Zhou 1 , Yujiao Chen 1 , Jiajia Wang 2 , Wenbin Yang 1 and Ying Wang 1,2,3, *

1 Collaborative Innovation Center of Recovery and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Wanjiang Basin
Co-Founded by Anhui Province and Ministry of Education, School of Ecology and Environment,
Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China
2 Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Nutrient Recycling, Resources and Environment,
Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
3 Anhui Laboratory of Molecule-Based Materials, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China
* Correspondence: wangying11@ahnu.edu.cn

Abstract: Excessive chemical fertilizer application in greenhouse vegetable cultivation results in

environmental risks and residual nutrients in the soil. Conventional plot experiments conducted
in one field cannot recommend fertilizer reduction to farmers when the residual nutrient levels
were various among different fields. In this study, nine plot experiments were simultaneously
conducted in nine greenhouse fields where the soils could reflect different residual levels of nutrient,
with two application rates (100 and 0%) for each nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer.
The results showed that fertilizer reduction did not decrease vegetable yield when soil nitrate,
Olsen–phosphorus, and exchangeable potassium were ≥173.3, 45.8, and 93.1 mg kg−1 , respectively.
However, no N treatment decreased vegetable yields in fields 1–3 because the inadequately residual
nitrate (≤103.9 mg kg−1 ) in these fields led to low nitrate absorbed from sources other than chemical
fertilizer, high recovery efficiencies of N, and high productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer.
Residual nitrate that soil EC could reflect was the limiting factor of yield under fertilizer reduction.
Citation: Zhou, N.; Chen, Y.; Wang, J.; This study indicated that reducing fertilizer in greenhouse vegetable cultivation should be based
Yang, W.; Wang, Y. Reducing on the residual level of nutrients in the soil, which is meaningful in agricultural sustainability and
Chemical Fertilizer Application in environmental safety.
Greenhouse Vegetable Cultivation
under Different Residual Levels of Keywords: residual nutrient; fertilizer reduction; stem lettuce; nutrient accumulation;
Nutrient. Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174. nutrient recovery efficiency

Academic Editors: Roberto

Mancinelli and Thorsten Ruf 1. Introduction
Received: 2 April 2023
Overuse of chemical fertilizer in vegetable production results in soil deterioration [1]
Revised: 21 May 2023 and environmental risks, such as water eutrophication [2] and air pollution [3]. Com-
Accepted: 29 May 2023 pared with open-air fields, the suitable days for vegetable production in plastic greenhouse
Published: 31 May 2023 fields are more extended, which generally means more chemical fertilizer application [4].
Therefore, reducing the application of chemical fertilizer in greenhouse vegetable culti-
vation is essential for the sustainable development of agriculture and the safety of the
ecological environment.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. A history of excessive application of chemical fertilizers would store nutrients in
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. the soil as mineral nutrients, in roots, immobilized into microorganisms or the other soil
This article is an open access article organic matter pools; then, they become available for the crops in subsequent cultivating
distributed under the terms and seasons, which is called the residual nutrient effect [5]. Previous literature has confirmed the
conditions of the Creative Commons
effect of residual nutrients. For example, a 3–year field experiment found that 14.6–18.7%
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
and 5.4–5.8% of 15 N–labeled fertilizer were recovered by maize in the second and third
seasons, respectively [6]. A pot experiment was performed to reveal the residual effect of P

Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13061174 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/agriculture

Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 2 of 13

fertilization. The result showed no significant difference in the wheat yield and absorbed
P between P and no P treatments [7]. Previous studies that revealed the residual nutrient
effect mainly focused on cereal crops. The residual nutrient effect in plastic greenhouse
vegetable fields should not be ignored because of the continuously high fertilizer input and
largely surplus nutrient.
Application of fertilizer based on farmers’ individual experience would result in differ-
ent residual levels of nutrient in different fields [8,9]. Consequently, the affecting intensities
of residual nutrient must be various among different fields. For instance, adequate residual
nutrient in greenhouse soils may meet the demands of vegetable production, thus reducing
fertilizer application will not affect vegetable yield. Otherwise, it will decrease the yield.
Many studies have investigated the responses of vegetable yields to fertilizer reduction in
one field divided into several plots [10–13]. Due to the different residual nutrient levels,
the recommendation of fertilizer reduction from these studies might only be suitable in
the studied field. A fields-scale (on-farm) study should be helpful to clarify the effect of
fertilizer reduction on vegetable yield under different residual levels of nutrients, which
can give more precision guidelines to local farmers, but related research was limited.
Based on the previous pot experiment [14], we performed nine plot experiments
simultaneously in nine fields covered with plastic greenhouses where the soils could reflect
different residual nutrient levels in the study area. The present study aims to (i) clarify the
responses of vegetable yields to fertilizer reduction under different residual nutrient levels,
(ii) determine the critical level of residual nutrients that reducing chemical fertilizer does
not decrease vegetable yield, (iii) reveal the affecting mechanism of fertilizer reduction on
vegetable yield under the effect of residual nutrient, then find out the limiting factor.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Site
The research area was located on the southeastern coast of Dianchi Lake (24◦ 420 N,
102◦ 420 E) (Figure 1), which is a typically eutrophic shallow lake in China [15]. The area
belongs to a semi-humid region within the subtropical climatic zone. The average annual
air temperature is 14.7 ◦ C, ranging from a minimum of −8.1 ◦ C to a maximum of 31 ◦ C.
The average annual precipitation averages 782.5 mm, of which more than 90% falls between
May and October. The average annual evaporation is 2472.3 mm [16]. A paddy rice-
broad bean cropping system with a low nutrient input (210–433 kg N, 0–71 kg P, and
0–123 kg K ha−1 y−1 ) was dominant in the last century. After that, paddy rice cultivation
has been gradually changed to vegetable cultivation in plastic greenhouses. Greenhouse
soils in the area show similar physical properties and dull reddish color. The soil particle
size distribution of sand, silt, and clay was 24.0%, 31.6%, and 44.4%, respectively. The
cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation percentages were 18.7 cmolc kg−1 and
161.7%, respectively. The contents of exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and Na were 22.2, 5.52, 1.32,
and 0.82 cmolc kg−1 , respectively [16]. The contents of iron and aluminum oxides were
38.65–57.09 and 37.47–47.68 g kg−1 , respectively [17]. The soils can be categorized as Eutric
Cambisol (WRB soil classification) [16].
The main crops in the vegetable fields are leafy vegetables, such as stem lettuce (Lactuca
sativa L.). The growth duration is 30–90 days. The annual cropping intensity ranges from
one to seven. Nutrient input from chemical fertilizer varies greatly in different fields
(170–2970 kg N, 70–970 kg P, and 100–1870 kg K ha−1 year−1 ) [18].

2.2. Experimental Design

A large-scale investigation (94 vegetable fields covered with plastic greenhouses) was
conducted before the present study. After testing soil nutrients in the 94 vegetable fields,
nine fields were carefully selected to conduct the experiment simultaneously from July 2018
to June 2019. The soil nutrient contents in the nine fields could reflect different nutrient
levels in the study area (details are shown in Section 3.1) (Figure 1). Considering the
workload, each field was divided into 12 plots with 4 treatments and 3 replications for
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 3 of 13

each treatment. The treatments with different applications of chemical fertilizer are shown
in Table 1. Control treatment (N100–P100–K100) reflected the average application level
in the research area based on a large–scale investigation. N, P, and K inputs under other
treatments were zeroed separately. For example, N0–P100–K100 indicated that not applied.
The N, P, and K fertilizers were urea (N ≥ 46.4%), calcium superphosphate (P2 O5 ≥ 16.0%),
ure 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 14
and potassium chloride (KCl ≥ 95.0%), respectively. Each plot (long × wide: 10.6 m ×
5.0 m) was distributed based on a randomized block design.

Figure 1. Study area and1.locations

Figure of and
Study area the nine fields.ofNumbers
locations the nine in the circles
fields. Numbersrepresent
in the the fields
circles for
represent the fields for
the plot experiments.
the plot experiments.

2.2. Experimental 1. Input amounts of nutrients under different treatments.
A large-scale investigation (94 vegetable fields covered with plastic
Nutrient greenhouses) was
Treatment −1 )
conducted before the present study. After testing soil nutrients in thekg94havegetable
(N–P–K fields,
nine fields wereN100-P100-K100
carefully selected to conduct the experiment simultaneously from July
2018 to June 2019. The soil nutrient contents in the nine fields0–208–572
N0-P100-K100 could reflect different nutri-
ent levels in the N100-P0-K100
study area (details are shown in Section 3.1)645.3–0–572
(Figure 1). Considering the
workload, each N100-P100-K0
field was divided into 12 plots with 4 treatments 645.3–208–0
and 3 replications for
each treatment. The treatments with different applications of chemical fertilizer are shown
in Table 1. Control treatment
Four crops (N100–P100–K100)
of stem lettuce, a reflected the average
locally common application
vegetable, were level in
cultivated during the
the research area based on aperiod.
experimental large–scale investigation.
Seedlings with 5–6 N,
and Kshowing
inputs under
normal other
and equal growth
treatments were zeroed
status wereseparately.
each plot N0–P100–K100
with about 18 plant m−2 , the
indicated that not ap-
average cropping density
plied. The N, P,inand K fertilizers were urea (N ≥ 46.4%), calcium superphosphate
the study area. Sprinklers combined with artificial irrigation were utilized (P 2 O5 ≥ to ensure that
16.0%), and potassium chloride (KCl ≥ 95.0%), respectively. Each plot (long × wide:
the soil humidity in each plot was about pF 2.0 (HT-TSW, Huatai, Beijing, China) [19]. 10.6
m × 5.0 m) was distributed based on a randomized block design.
2.3. Soil and Vegetable Sampling and Analysis
Table 1. Input amounts of nutrients
Before under different
the experiment, the treatments.
surface soils (0–20 cm) were sampled from each field by
the “5–point sampling method” after vegetable
Nutrient Input harvesting to obtain five soil subsamples.
Treatment Visible crop residues were taken away. The five soil subsamples were thoroughly mixed
(N–P–K kg ha−1)
with a soil drill and were separated into two parts after sieving (<5 mm), one of which
N100-P100-K100 was utilized to analyze nitrate645.3–208–572
content (the main form of N absorbed by vegetables), and
N0-P100-K100 the other was air–dried to determine0–208–572soil total N (TN), total carbon (TC), available P
N100-P0-K100 and K, pH, and electric conductivity645.3–0–572
(EC). Soil nitrate was extracted by 1 mol L−1 KCl,
N100-P100-K0 then determined by a continuous 645.3–208–0
flow analyzer (San++ System, Skalar Corp., Delft, The
Netherlands). Soil TN and TC were analyzed by an elemental analyzer (vario MACRO
Four cropscube;
of stem lettuce, Corp.,
Elementar a locally common
Hanau, vegetable,
Germany). were cultivated
Available during the
soil P (Olsen–P) was extracted by
experimental period. − 1
Seedlings with 5–6 true leaves showing normal and equal growth
0.5 mol L NaHCO3 and analyzed using the Olsen method [20]. Available soil K was
status were transplanted
extracted byinNH
each plot(1
4 OAC with L−1 ) and
molabout 18 plant m–2, using
analyzed the average cropping den-
flame photometry (FP6450, Shanghai
sity in the study Corp., Shanghai,
area. Sprinklers combinedChina). Soil EC irrigation
with artificial and pH werewereanalyzed
utilized tousing glass electrodes
that the soil humidity in each plot was about pF 2.0 (HT-TSW, Huatai, Beijing, China) [19].

2.3. Soil and Vegetable Sampling and Analysis

Before the experiment, the surface soils (0–20 cm) were sampled from each field by
the “5–point sampling method” after vegetable harvesting to obtain five soil subsamples.
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 4 of 13

(SX751, Sanxin Corp., Shanghai, China) after mixing the soil with distilled water under 1:5
and 1:2.5 soil–to–water ratios, respectively.
The aboveground mature stem lettuce was sampled along the diagonal in each plot.
The subsample point area was 1 m2 . Each subsample point contained about 18 lettuce
plants m−2 , and the three subsample points were distributed evenly in the area with an
average growth condition in each plot. Stem lettuce was dried in an oven (70 ◦ C) to a
constant weight, and the total N, P, and K contents were measured according to the methods
of Bao [21].

2.4. Calculations and Statistical Analysis

N, P, and K in stem lettuce under the treatments N0–P100–K100, N100–P0–K100, and
N100–P100–K0 could be considered as N, P, and K uptake from sources other than chemical
fertilizer, respectively. The recovery efficiency of applied N was calculated as:

abNN100−P100−K100 − abNN0−P100−K100
REN = (1)

N100 was the applied amounts of N from chemical fertilizer under treatments N100–
P100–K100. abNN100–P100–K100 and abNN0–P100–K100 were N absorbed by stem lettuce
under N100–P100–K100 and N0–P100–K100 treatments, respectively [22]. The recovery
efficiencies of applied P (REP) and K (REK) were calculated using a similar method.
The productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer indicates the variation of
vegetable weight per unit N uptake from chemical fertilizer (∆Y/∆abN), which can reflect
the contribution of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer to the vegetable yield. In this study,
the productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer was calculated as:

YN100−P100−K100 − YN0−P100−K100
∆Y/∆abN = (2)
abNN100−P100−K100 − abNN0−P100−K100

YN100–P100–K100 and YN0–P100–K100 are the stem lettuce yields under the N100–P100–
K100 and N0–P100–K100 treatments, respectively. The productivities of P(∆Y/∆abP) and
K(∆Y/∆abK) absorbed from chemical fertilizer were calculated using a similar method [14].
The significant differences between control and no fertilizer treatments were ana-
lyzed by independent samples t-test. The Pearson correlation was calculated to explore
the relationships between different variables. All of the analyses were performed using
SPSS 16.0.

3. Results
3.1. Soils Properties in the Nine Fields
Soil-available nutrients (nitrate, Olsen–P, and NH4 OAC–K) in fields 1–3 showed rela-
tively low contents compared with those in fields 4–9 (Table 2). Soil nitrate and NH4 OAC–K
in field 9 were the highest among these fields. The relatively high CV of nitrate, Olsen–P,
and NH4 OAC–K suggested that the selected nine fields could reflect different residual
nutrient levels in the study area. Nitrate was positively correlated with EC (Figure 2a) and
was negatively correlated with pH (Figure 2b).
Table 2. Soil properties in the nine fields.

TN TC Nitrate Olsen–P NH4 OAC–K EC pH

(g kg−1 ) (g kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mg kg−1 ) (mS m−1 )
1 2.5 23.6 50.1 45.8 110.2 35.3 6.8
2 2.1 27.8 70.4 40.3 155.6 58.2 6.9
3 2.2 18.2 103.9 30.1 93.1 53.4 6.9
4 2.6 16.2 173.3 62.8 160.5 57.4 6.5
5 1.9 15.4 193.4 89.6 178.9 88.5 6.8
(g kg−1) (g kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mg kg−1) (mS m
1 2.5 23.6 50.1 45.8 110.2 35.
2 2.1 27.8 70.4 40.3 155.6 58.
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 5 of 13
3 2.2 18.2 103.9 30.1 93.1 53.
4 2.6 16.2 173.3 62.8 160.5 57.
5 Cont.
Table 2. 1.9 15.4 193.4 89.6 178.9 88.
6 3.0 24.4 224.5 221.2 186.2 97.
TN TC Nitrate Olsen–P NH4 OAC–K EC pH
(g kg−1 ) (g 7
kg−1 ) 2.7
(mg kg−1 ) 19.2
(mg kg−1 ) 270.9
(mg kg−1 ) 110.4
(mS m−1 ) 190.5 112
6 3.0 8
24.4 2.6224.5 23.0 221.2 290.3 186.2 190.5 97.6 210.4
6.7 130
7 2.7 19.2 270.9 110.4 190.5 112.7 6.5
8 2.6
2.8290.3 19.1 190.5 323.2 210.4 97.4 130.9 249.1
9 2.8 CV19.1
(%) 14.3323.2 19.9 97.4 52.0 249.1 67.8 154.2 28.26.3 45.
CV (%) 14.3 19.9 52.0 67.8 28.2 45.5 3.2
CV: Coefficient of variation.
CV: Coefficient of variation.

Figure 2. Correlations of soil nitrate with soil EC (a) or soil pH (b). Numbers in the circles represent
Figure 2. Correlations of soil nitrate with soil EC (a) or soil pH (b). Numbers in the circ
the fields for the plot experiments. *** significant at p < 0.001, ** significant at p < 0.01.
sent the fields for the plot experiments. *** significant at p < 0.001, ** significant at p < 0.
3.2. Nutrient Absorption and Vegetable Yield under Fertilizer Reduction
3.2. Compared with 100% Nand
Nutrient Absorption application,
Vegetable N absorption
Yield under by Fertilizer
stem lettuce under 0% N ap-
plication significantly decreased by 66.2% in field 1, 79.6% in field 2, 73.7% in field 3, and
17.5% Compared with 100%
in field 4, respectively, N application,
resulting in relatively lowNN absorption by stem
absorption in fields lettuce
1–4 (Table 3). unde
For significantly
fields 5–9, non–application decreased by 66.2%
of N fertilizer did notin field 1, 79.6%
significantly affect Ninabsorption.
field 2, 73.7%
P in
absorption in fields 2 and 3 under 0% P treatment significantly decreased by 44.9% and
17.5% in field 4, respectively, resulting in relatively low N absorption in fields
36.5% compared with those under 100% P treatment, resulting in relatively low P absorp-
3). For
tion fields
in the 5–9, non–application
two fields. of N fertilizer
For other fields, P absorption did not significantly
did not significantly decrease under affect N a
P absorption of
non-application inPfields 2 and
fertilizer. 3 under difference
No significant 0% P treatment significantly
was observed between 100% decreased
and by
0% K treatments for K absorption in all fields. The results indicated that
36.5% compared with those under 100% P treatment, resulting in relatively low fertilizer reduction
resulted in different responses of nutrient (N and P) absorption in different fields.
tion in the two fields. For other fields, P absorption did not significantly decr
non-application of P fertilizer. No significant difference was observed between
0% K treatments for K absorption in all fields. The results indicated that fertil
tion resulted in different responses of nutrient (N and P) absorption in differen
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 6 of 13

Table 3. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are absorbed by stem lettuce under different chemical
fertilizer applications.

Nutrient Absorbed by Vegetable (kg ha−1 y−1 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N100-P100-K100 428.2 a 402.9 a 504.2 a 525.5 a 535.3 a 465.8 a 595.7 a 534.5 a 513.3 a
N0-P100-K100 144.7 b 82.1 b 132.6 b 433.5 b 506.9 a 439.2 a 583.7 a 491.7 a 479.4 a
N100-P100-K100 108.1 a 115.7 a 104.2 a 149.6 a 170.1 a 217.1 a 184.7 a 199.6 a 205.9 a
N100-P0-K100 102.1 a 63.7 b 66.2 b 139.7 a 165.8 a 205.6 a 175.1 a 178.9 a 185.9 a
N100-P100-K100 273.2 a 263.5 a 302.8 a 297.2 a 274.5 a 382.5 a 431.1 a 456.0 a 437.2 a
N100-P100-K0 257.1 a 230.7 a 281.3 a 262.3 a 260.9 a 355.9 a 418.8 a 424.7 a 425.5 a
Different letters within a column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

Compared with 100% N application, the stem lettuce yield under 0% N application
significantly decreased by 73.6% in field 1, 63.7% in field 2, and 49.9% in field 3, respectively
(Table 4). For other fields, non-application of N fertilizer did not significantly affect the yield.
Reducing P application to zero significantly decreased the yield by 20.8% in field 2 and
31.8% in field 3, respectively, while it did not affect the yield in other fields. Compared with
100% K application, the yield in all fields did not significantly decrease without K fertilizer
input. The results indicated that reducing fertilizer decreased vegetable productivity in
several fields.

Table 4. Stem lettuce yields under different chemical fertilizer applications.

Vegetable Yield (t ha−1 y−1 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
N100-P100-K100 395.1 a 355.0 a 430.6 a 460.9 a 427.1 a 494.3 a 509.9 a 518.1 a 511.7 a
N0-P100-K100 104.2 b 128.7 b 215.8 b 432.3 a 415.3 a 482.5 a 505.2 a 516.9 a 510.0 a
N100-P100-K100 395.1 a 355.0 a 430.6 a 460.9 a 427.1 a 494.3 a 509.9 a 518.1 a 511.7 a
N100-P0-K100 384.3 a 281.3 b 293.5 b 458.1 a 412.5 a 481.1 a 484.9 a 506.3 a 508.9 a
N100-P100-K100 395.1 a 355.0 a 430.6 a 460.9 a 427.1 a 494.3 a 509.9 a 518.1 a 511.7 a
N100-P100-K0 366.5 a 337.7 a 406.3 a 455.5 a 402.0 a 477.1 a 497.2 a 492.4 a 505.3 a
Different letters within a column indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).

3.3. Correlation of Nutrient Absorbed from Sources Other Than Chemical Fertilizer with Other Variables
In this study, N, P, and K absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer were pos-
itively correlated with the soil nitrate, Olsen–P, and NH4 OAC–K, respectively (Figure 3a–c).
The result suggested that nutrients absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer by
stem lettuce were mainly from available soil nutrients, namely, residual nutrients of the
previous chemical fertilizer.
Significant correlations were observed between N absorbed from sources other than
chemical fertilizer and REN (Figure 4a). The REN values in fields 4–9 (ranging from 0.02 to
0.14) were obviously lower than those in fields 1–3 (ranging from 0.44 to 0.58). The results
suggested that N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer negatively regulated
REN, and a high amount of N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer resulted
in a low REN. The correlations were insignificant for P and K (Figure 4b,c). All REP and
REK values were less than 0.30 and 0.07, respectively.
Agriculture 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 14
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 7 of 13

Agriculture 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW Correlation of of nutrient

nutrient absorbed 8 of 14
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Correlation absorbedfrom fromsources
chemicalfertilizer bybystem
fertilizer stem lettuce
lettuce with soil nutrients. (a–c) Numbers in the circles represent the fields for the plot experiments.
with soil nutrients. (a–c) Numbers in the circles represent the fields for the plot experiments. ** sig-
** significant
nificant at p at p < 0.01,
< 0.01, * significant
* significant p <p <0.05.
at at 0.05.

Significant correlations were observed between N absorbed from sources other than
chemical fertilizer and REN (Figure 4a). The REN values in fields 4–9 (ranging from 0.02
to 0.14) were obviously lower than those in fields 1–3 (ranging from 0.44 to 0.58). The
results suggested that N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer negatively
regulated REN, and a high amount of N absorbed from sources other than chemical ferti-
lizer resulted in a low REN. The correlations were insignificant for P and K (Figure 4b,c).
All REP and REK values were less than 0.30 and 0.07, respectively.

Figure 4. Cont.
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 8 of 13

Figure 4.
Figure Correlation of
4. Correlation of the
the recovery
recovery efficiency
using chemical
chemical fertilizer
fertilizer with
with nutrients
nutrients absorbed
absorbed fromfrom sources
sources otherother
thanthan chemical
chemical fertilizer
fertilizer byby stem
stem lettuce.
lettuce. REN,REN, REP,
REP, and REK
and REK represent
represent the recovery
the recovery efficiencies
efficiencies of applied
of applied N, P, K
N, P, and and K using
using chemical
chemical fertilizer,
fertilizer, respec-
respectively. (a–
tively. (a–c) Numbers in the circles represent the fields for the plot experiments. NS not significant,
c) Numbers in the circles represent the fields for the plot experiments. NS not significant, *** signif-
*** significant
icant at p < 0.001.
at p < 0.001.

The productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer was negatively correlated

The productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer was negatively correlated
with the N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer; that is, a high amount of
with the N absorbed
N absorbed from
from sources sources
other other than
than chemical chemical
fertilizer fertilizer;
would decreasethat
theis, a high amount of
N absorbed from
fromsources other
chemical than(Figure
fertilizer chemical
5a). fertilizer would
No significant decreasewas
relationship the found
Agriculture 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 1
of N absorbed
between from chemical
the productivity fertilizer (Figure
of P absorbed 5a). Nofertilizer
from chemical significant
and relationship
P absorbed fromwas found
between the than
sources other productivity of P absorbed
chemical fertilizer, the samefrom
as K chemical fertilizer and P absorbed from
(Figure 5b,c).
sources other than chemical fertilizer, the same as K (Figure 5b,c).

Figure 5. Cont.
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 9 of 13

Figure Correlationof the
of productivity of nutrients
the productivity absorbed
of nutrients from chemical
absorbed from fertilizer
chemical with nutrients
fertilizer with nutri
absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer by stem lettuce. ∆Y/∆abN,
ents absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer by stem lettuce. ΔY/ΔabN, ΔY/ΔabP, ∆Y/∆abP, and and
representthe productivities
the of N,
productivities ofP,N,and K absorbed
P, and from chemical
K absorbed fertilizers,
from chemical respectively.
fertilizers, respectively
Numbersinin thethe
circles represent
circles the fields
represent for the
the fields forplot
theexperiments. NS is not
plot experiments. NS significant,
is not significant,
*significant atpp<<0.05.
significant at 0.05.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
4.1. Mitigating Nutrient Load and Environmental Pollution by Reducing Chemical Fertilizer Application
4.1. Excessive
Load and Environmental
would Pollution
increase the nutrientby Reducing
load Chemical Fertilizer
in the agroecosystem
and lead to environmental risk [23]. In the areas that received excessive nutrient inputs,
reducing chemical
Excessive fertilizerfertilizer
chemical application wouldincrease
would be beneficial economically,
the nutrient load agronomically,
in the agroecosystem
and environmentally [24]. Meanwhile, maintaining the crop yield should
and lead to environmental risk [23]. In the areas that received excessive be considered
nutrient inputs
simultaneously. According to the results, in field 1, the P and K fertilizers could be
reducing chemical fertilizer application would be beneficial economically, agronomically
exempted, while the N fertilizer should not be reduced. In fields 2 and 3, N and P fertilizer
and environmentally [24]. Meanwhile, maintaining the crop yield should be considered
was needed, but the K fertilizer was not. In other fields, the applying amounts of N, P, and
could decrease toAccording
zero (Table to
4). the results, in field 1, the P and K fertilizers could be ex
empted, while the N fertilizer should not be reduced. In fields 2 and 3, N and P fertilize
butof the
Soil Nutrient and Rational
K fertilizer was not. Duration
In otherfor fields,
Reduction without
applying Yield Loss
amounts of N, P, and
K could decrease
The residual to zeroeffects
nutrient (Table 4). been observed in many regions, such as India [25],
the UK [26], Morocco [27], Japan [7], and China [6]. Our previous studies also indicated
that the overuse of chemical fertilizer resulted in N, P, and K accumulation in vegetable
field soil in the research area, and different chemical fertilizer applications caused different
residual degrees of nutrients [9,18]. Under the effect of residual nutrients, there should be a
critical level of available soil N, P, or K sufficient for vegetable growth without additional
fertilization. However, the literature that concluded how much the soil nutrient contents
met the demands of plastic greenhouse crop production was not sufficient [3]. According to
the result of this study, the critical levels of nitrate, Olsen–P, and exchangeable K were 173.3
(field 4), 45.8 (field 1), and 93.1 mg kg−1 (field 3), respectively (Tables 2 and 4). As there
was a relatively large interval of soil nitrate between field 3 and field 4 (69.4 mg kg−1 ), the
more accurately critical level of nitrate may lie between 103.9 and 173.3 mg kg−1 . However,
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 10 of 13

the present result should still provide a fertilizer reduction suggestion in the regions where
soil residual nitrate is higher than 173.3 mg kg−1 . A study has summarized data from
nearly 100 pieces of literature and has indicated that the critical content of soil Olsen–P
for leafy vegetables is 46.0 mg kg−1 , while it lacks the support from field experiments [28].
The present study provided field experimental data (45.8 mg kg−1 ). Compared to nitrate,
K+ is more easily adsorbed by negatively charged soil colloids and relatively hard to lose
from soils [29]. This should be the reason why all the soils in the present study showed a
relatively high K content. Therefore, the more accurately critical level of exchangeable K
may be lower than 93.1 mg kg−1 . At least this study indicates that there should be a certain
room for K fertilizer reduction in the regions where soil exchangeable K is higher than
93.1 mg kg−1 . In the study area, urea was a common N fertilizer. Therefore, both decline
in soil pH and the nitrate accumulation should result from nitrification (Figure 2b) [30].
Meanwhile, soil nitrate from previously excessive fertilization was responsible for soil
salinization (Figure 2a). In addition, the significant correlations indicated that EC could
evaluate soil nitrate. In this study, the critical level of nitrate, 173.3 mg kg−1 , corresponded
to the EC with the value of 81.5 ms m−1 (Figure 2a), meaning farmers could reduce N
fertilizer application when soil EC is greater than this value.

4.3. Nutrient Balances under Fertilizer Reduction

At the average application levels in the research area (100% N, P, and K), the input–
output balances of N, P, and K were 49.6–242.4 (averaging 144.7), −9.1–103.8 (averaging
46.3), and 116.0–308.5 (averaging 225.6) kg ha−1 y−1 , respectively, suggesting that abundant
nutrient was surplus, which was unsustainable (Tables 1 and 3). After fertilizer reduction,
the input–output balances of N, P, and K were negative. Although the yields were not
significantly decreased by at least four crops (one year) in most fields (Table 4), the negative
balance would deplete the soil nutrient pools and create soil fertility risk after long–term
cultivation [31,32].
Plastic greenhouse vegetables have a faster growth rate than field crops, easily forming
a depletion zone of rhizosphere nutrients. Thus, enhancing the movement of soil nutrients,
such as improving transpiration to accelerate the nutrient transfer through soil water flow,
effectively eliminates the zone, possibly extending the duration of fertilizer reduction [33].
The limitation of this study is the relatively short experimental duration. To determine
the rational duration of fertilizer reduction, a further long–term study combined with soil
nutrient dynamic testing needs to be performed.

4.4. Effect of Residual Nutrients in Soil on Nutrient Absorption and Vegetable Yield
Nutrients absorbed by crops from sources other than chemical fertilizer includes soil
nutrients, nutrients in applied crop residues and manure, nutrients from irrigation, and
natural processes, such as atmospheric deposition, and biologically fixed N [34,35]. Many
studies have reported that there is a competitive effect of residual N on synthetic N, that
is, the more crop N is taken up from sources other than the applied synthetic N, and the
less synthetic N absorbed by crops [5,36,37]. This study also observed such a competitive
relationship (Figures 3a and 4a).
Low nutrient recovery efficiency is a common concern in agricultural management,
usually indicating fertilizer waste and environmental harm [4,38–40]. Low nutrient recov-
ery efficiency was also observed in this study. In plots experiments conducted in one field,
due to the previously similar cropping management by the same farmer, soils used for dif-
ferent treatments may show a similar nutrient content. Thus, a higher nutrient application
rate may result in a lower nutrient recovery efficiency, indicating that reducing the fertilizer
input is an effective method to improve nutrient recovery efficiency [41]. However, for a
large–scale study, fertilizer management should be different in different fields, inducing
various residual nutrients in the soil. When determining the factors affecting the nutrient
recovery efficiency, in this case, the residual nutrient effect should be considered [12,42].
For example, in this study, REN values in fields 4–9 were lower than those in fields 1–3
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 11 of 13

due to more residual nitrate in fields 4–9 (Figure 4a). Many studies have suggested a
unified standard of fertilization to improve the nutrient recovery efficiency in vegetable
production, which is convenient to extend [28,40,41]. However, for precision fertilization,
the recommended fertilization should be detailed based on considering various residual
nutrient statuses in different regions.
The “partial factor productivity” (PFP) has been widely used to estimate the effect of
a single fertilizer application, typically N, P, or K, on the crop yield [37,42–45]. However,
the calculation of PFP cannot ascertain the effect of nutrients absorbed from fertilizer on
the yield. Thus, this study calculated the productivity of nutrients absorbed from chemical
fertilizer that could reflect the response of the vegetable yield to nutrient uptake from
chemical fertilizer. High N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer, namely,
residual N in the soil, resulted in a weak yield response to N absorbed from chemical
fertilizer (Figure 5a), which coincided with another study [46].

4.5. Affecting Mechanism of Fertilizer Reduction on Vegetable Yield

The previous studies found that a history of relatively low N fertilization resulted in
less residual nitrate in fields 1–3 than that in fields 4–9 [9,18]; therefore, the REN in fields
1–3 showed high values. The amount of N applied to each field was equal; thus, high
REN implied much N uptake from chemical fertilizer. Consequently, under no N fertilizer
treatment, the absorbed N from chemical fertilizer in fields 1–3 more easily decreased than
in fields 4–9. Additionally, the productivities of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer in fields
1–3 under 100% application of N fertilizer were high (Figure 5a), suggesting that decreasing
the N absorbed from chemical fertilizer for one unit would induce much yield loss. These
should be why reducing N application resulted in yield loss in fields 1–3. In fields 4–9,
owing to the abundantly residual nitrate, the REN and productivities of N absorbed from
chemical fertilizer showed low values. Thus, no N fertilizer treatment did not affect the
stem lettuce yield. In summary, residual nitrate in soil was the limiting factor of yield under
chemical fertilizer reduction. Therefore, determining soil nitrate was essential in guiding
fertilization when residual nitrate was various.

5. Conclusions
Under the effect of residual nutrients, reducing fertilizer application without yield
loss was feasible when soil nitrate, Olsen–P, and exchangeable K were ≥173.3, 40.3, and
93.1 mg kg−1 , respectively, which might provide guidance for fertilizer reduction in the
regions that received residual nutrient from previous fertilization. Residual soil nitrate
was the main factor that greatly influenced vegetable yield under fertilizer reduction. The
concrete mechanism was that N absorbed from sources other than chemical fertilizer by
vegetables was mainly from soil nitrate, which was negatively correlated with the REN
and the productivity of N absorbed from chemical fertilizer, respectively. Soil EC value
could be used to characterize the nitrate content, which is helpful for reducing N fertilizer
without yield loss when residual nitrate in the soil was various.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.Z. and Y.W.; methodology, Y.W.; software, Y.C.; vali-
dation, J.W.; formal analysis, W.Y.; investigation, N.Z.; data curation, N.Z.; writing—original draft
preparation, N.Z.; writing—review and editing, Y.W.; visualization, Y.W.; supervision, Y.W.; project
administration, Y.W.; funding acquisition, Y.W. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (1708085QD88,
2008085QD162), the University Synergy Innovation Program of Anhui Province (GXXT-2020-075),
the Foundation of Anhui Laboratory of Molecule-Based Materials (fzj19012) and Anhui Provincial
Key Laboratory of Nutrient Recycling, the Anhui Provincial Foundation for Overseas Students.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: When requested, the authors will make available all data used in this study.
Agriculture 2023, 13, 1174 12 of 13

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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