Prieto LZ TG2 UNIT5
Prieto LZ TG2 UNIT5
Prieto LZ TG2 UNIT5
Lesson A
1 Listen, read, and match the descriptions to the pictures. B
Last week, we hiked in the mountains. There were lots of things to see.
a. There was snow on top of
the mountains.
b. There were flowers near
b f
a river.
c. There was a deer in
the forest!
d. There were rocks with a e
green moss.
e. There were orange
f. There was a waterfall. c d
It was beautiful in the mountains!
2 Read the questions and circle the correct answers.
1. Was there snow on the mountains?
Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.
2. Were there purple butterflies?
Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.
3. Was there a waterfall?
Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.
4. Were there rocks near the river?
Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.
Lesson A
Objectives Prepare
Stick on the board the butterfly flashcard with the picture side showing. Draw
Language a few large flowers next to the card. Say as you point to the board There is a
Last week, we hiked in the butterfly. There are flowers next to the butterfly. Write the sentences on
mountains. the board with generous space between them. Underline There is and There are.
There were lots of things to Remind students that we use there is when talking about one thing and there are
see. when talking about more than one. Then erase/take the pictures away, cross out
There was snow on top of is and are in the sentences, and write was and were above as appropriate. Say
the mountains. There was a butterfly, but now there isn’t. There were flowers next to
There was a deer in the the butterfly, but now there aren’t. Tell students that they are going to learn
forest! how to talk about the past, and underline in the sentences was and were.
There were orange
butterflies. 1 Listen, read, and match the descriptions to the
There were rocks with green pictures. 2B
Draw students’ attention to the pictures. Play the track and have them point to
the pictures for which they hear familiar words, e.g., snow, flowers, rocks,
orange butterflies. Then have students read the sentences and think about
beautiful, butterfly, deer,
which sentence matches which picture even if they don’t know all of the words.
mountain, river, waterfall,
Play the track a few times more, and have students write the letter of each
sentence next to the correct picture.
Materials Audio Script
flashcards, paper, colored Last week, we hiked in the mountains. There were lots of things to see. There
pencils or markers, index was snow on top of the mountains. There were flowers near a river. There was
cards a deer in the forest! There were rocks with green moss. There were orange
butterflies. There was a waterfall. It was beautiful in the mountains!
Workbook page 58 2 Read the questions and circle the correct answers.
Answer Key Tell students to refer to the pictures in Exercise 1 while answering the questions.
1 a. 1. waterfall Do the first one together as an example. Check answers by having students read
2. snow, mountains the questions and answers aloud.
3. butterflies, rocks
4. flowers, forest Build Listening Skills
5. deer, river Ask additional questions about the pictures in Exercise 1, e.g., Were there
b. 1. No, there wasn’t. purple flowers near the lake? (Yes, there were.) Was there snow in the
2. Yes, there were. forest? (No, there wasn’t.) Was there a deer near the waterfall? (No,
3. Yes, there was. there wasn’t.) If students simply answer yes or no, encourage them to give more
4. No, there weren’t. complete answers by modeling.
Lesson A T-58
IL Millions of years ago pencils or markers
Tell students to look at the
Explain that ago is used to talk about something that happened in the past, animals presented in the
usually with a time word such as years, e.g., ten years ago, many years Science Zone and to choose
ago. Go over the text and have students follow along. Pause from time to their favorite. They draw a
time and ask them to point to the correct animal. Then ask students to write picture and write about why
three things under the yellow and green headings. Finally, give out paper they like it the best. Have
and have students draw a picture of Earth millions of years ago. them share their drawings.
T-59 Lesson A
Was there
a cat in No, there wasn’t!
the forest? There was a deer
in the forest.
Millions of years ago
Brontosaurus Tyrannosaurus
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Rex mammoth
saber-tooth cat
saber-tooth cat giant sloth giant armadillo
Answer Key
Build Oral Skills
1 a. 1. Cal is climbing a tree. Write on the board the simple past verbs from Exercises 1 and 2. Have all
2. Yesterday, Sally watched students repeat them after your model, making sure they pronounce all of them
television. (except hooted) as one-syllable words.
3. The dog is playing with a
Language Expansion
b. 1. green Have students copy one of the past tense sentences from Exercise 2 and draw
2. red a scene depicting it. Stick the deer, forest, mountain, and valley flashcards
3. green on the board for reference. Place students’ pictures around the room.
2 1. baked
2. hiked
3. watched
4. played
Lesson B T-60
Workbook page 61
Answer Key
3 1. e
2. d
3. f
4. b
5. c
6. a
4 Drawings and answers will vary.
T-61 Lesson B
5 2 3
6 1 4
UNIT 5 It’s a Beautiful World 61
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Seventy-one, … ninety-eight,
seventy-two … ninety-nine, one
Play the track and have students follow in their book. Play it a few times more and
encourage them to join in the chant. Have them trace the words. Play the chant
again and have students chant as they read the number words that they traced.
Audio Script
Oh, no! Oh, no! One hundred kilometers to go!
Oh, no! Oh, no! One hundred kilometers to go!
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty,
fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty,
ninety, one hundred!
Oh, no! Oh, no! One hundred kilometers to go!
Oh, no! Oh, no! One hundred kilometers to go!
Workbook page 62
b. Chant and write the numbers.
Answer Key Have students practice the chant by listening to the track again and pointing to
1 1. ten the “signs” that the family is going to follow up the road. They then write the
2. twenty numbers in the blanks. Have students say the chant without listening to the track.
3. thirty
4. forty Build Reading Skills
5. fifty Play Back to the Board. Have two students sit on a chair in front of the board,
6. sixty facing the class. Write a number word from Exercise 1 on the board, e.g.,
7. seventy seventy. Have the partners take turns guessing a number between ten and one
8. eighty hundred. Their classmates point up or down to indicate the number is higher
9. ninety or lower if they don’t guess correctly. The partners continue guessing until they
10. one hundred
say the correct number. Play a few times more with other pairs.
2 1. 25
2. 40
2 Write the missing numbers. Say them
3. 33
to a classmate.
4. 51
Give students time to write in all the missing numbers. Then call their attention
5. 29
to how the children in the picture tell each other the numbers in order, e.g., 71 is
6. 60 seventy-one, 72 is seventy-two. Put students in pairs and have one say numbers
3 1. 56, 57, 60, 62, 63 in order while the other points to the numbers. Then have them change roles.
2. 82, 84, 85, 86, 87
Lesson C T-62
IL Directions on the compass the cardboard. Tell students
where to stick the cards up
Ask students if they know what a compass is, and if so, how it is used and in the correct place around
where we often see pictures of compasses. Then go over the information. You the classroom. The concepts
could have a group of five volunteers stand at the front of the room, with can be reinforced with an
one in the middle and the other four standing in an outer square at the four interactive compass rose and
cardinal points to show that there are four main directions. Have an additional map, if available, via the
four students “fill in” the points between the main directions, e.g., between N Internet or a CD/DVD.
(north) and E (east), one student represents NE (northeast). Then divide the
class into small groups to each draw a map of the school.
T-63 Lesson C
A compass shows us direction. The compass needle
always points north. Earth’s magnetic field makes this
happen. This is what the letters on a compass mean.
N = north S = south
E = east W = west
NE = northeast NW = northwest
SE = southeast SW = southwest
The sun always rises in the east and sets in the west. You can use
the sun to find east and west without a compass.
Draw a map of your school. Show north, south, east, and west on
the map. Draw map accordingly.
UNIT 5 It’s a Beautiful World 63
Main Trail
1. The top of the mountain is a short / long way from the bottom.
2. The picnic tables are near / far.
3. The lake is close / far. It’s a short / long hike to the lake.
4. The river is far / close. The forest is far from / near the river.
If you want to visit the lake, follow the Main Trail. To go to the
lookout, turn left on the third path. Stop and look! You can
see valleys and the city far away. To go to the cave, go back to
the Main Trail and turn left on the fourth path. The cave is
a nice place to rest. Near the lake, turn right and follow the
fifth path to the rocks and a waterfall. Enjoy your visit!
Lesson D T-64
T-65 Lesson D
ft / ld / lt / mp / nk / nt / sk / st
Use these words stamp belt mask raft tent nest child bank camp forest
UNIT 5 It’s a Beautiful World 65
1 Listen and read the story. B
Ask students to look at the pictures and find any new characters. Have them
Language describe the two new characters. Do they look like good people or bad people?
There was a beautiful castle. Then have students draw or trace a picture of the giant’s wife and the giant
Everything is big here! to add to their collection of story puppets. They color and cut out the new
Hide right now, little man. characters. Help students attach a straw to the back of each character. Then
I wanted ninety-nine children have them take out the rest of their story puppets (or hand them out if you are
for lunch. But there were no keeping them). Go over the names of all the characters. Students can refer to the
children. new characters as the giant’s wife and the giant.
Hey! What are these things?
They are golden eggs! 1 Listen and read the story. B
Play the track and have students listen and follow along in the book. Play it again
Vocabulary and pause occasionally. Ask students to point to that part of the story.
castle, giant, glasses of bug
juice, lizard sandwiches, snack Audio Script
Jack and the Beanstalk: Episode 5
Materials Jack climbed up and up. He passed clouds and rainbows. He was hundreds of
meters high in the sky. There was a beautiful castle.
story puppets, paper, colored Jack: Hello! Who’s there? Wow! Everything is big here!
pencils or markers, straws Giant’s Wife: Who are you? What are you doing here? Hide right now, little
man. My husband is coming.
Giant: I’m hungry! I wanted ninety-nine children for lunch. I looked near and
far, north, south, east, and west. But there were no children.
Giant’s Wife: Eat your snack. There are fifty lizard sandwiches and sixty glasses of
bug juice.
Jack: He eats children? Oh, no! Hey! What are these things? They are golden
eggs! I can take them and sell them.
Build Literacy
Write on the board these two words: fact, fantasy. Explain that a fact is a
normal, real thing that happens, and fantasy is something impossible in real
life. Give an example of each from this episode: The castle has a door. (fact)
The castle is high in the sky. (fantasy) Then write these facts on the board:
Workbook page 66 a ham sandwich as a snack, eggs from a normal chicken. Ask students
to find a fantasy version of these facts in the story (fifty lizard sandwiches,
Answer Key golden eggs).
1 Read accordingly.
Lesson E T-66
Language Expansion
Dictate a series of numbers, and have students write them down in their
notebooks. Make sure you include one from each set of ten, e.g., 21, 33,
47, 52, 65, 79, 84, 96. When students have written them down, have them
read the numbers back to you.
Workbook page 67
Answer Key
2 1. looked
2. hiked
3. listened
4. walked
3 a. Draw accordingly.
b. 1. No
2. No
3. Yes
T-67 Lesson E
andw iches
45 glasses of frog juice 80 spider s
UNIT 5 It’s a Beautiful World 67
Affirmative Negative
I was at the river. I wasn’t at the river.
We were at the river. We weren’t at the river.
You were at the river. You weren’t at the river.
They were at the river. They weren’t at the river.
He/She/It was at the river. He/She/It wasn’t at the river.
Lesson F T-68
Clay landscapes
Logical-Mathematical: The
Prepare missing object
Show students a piece of clay. Ask Tell students to make a list of
them if they know what it is, what Culture Note everything in their landscape
it is used for, and where it comes Clay is a very useful mater but to leave out one thing.
ial. It can be used
from. Say that it comes from the to make lots of things – cup Then have students come to
s, plates, models,
soil, and demonstrate how easy it roof tiles, bricks, and even the front with their models
houses. It is one of
is to make shapes with clay. Then the earliest materials that and talk about them. The
people used to make
tell students that they are going things because it is easy to other students listen and say
work with but
to make a model landscape using can be quite durable if it is which thing has not been
dried sufficiently.
clay. Note: An alternative surface Pieces of objects made of mentioned.
clay thousands of
for the models can be a piece of years ago have been found
all over the world Spatial: Landscape drawing
heavy cardboard. Another idea and can be seen in museum
Materials: bag, paper,
is the inside of a shoe box, which
colored pencils or markers
you could ask students to bring in
for the project. Write all the students’ names
on small pieces of paper and
put them in a bag. Have each
Do the Project
student draw (pull out) a
• Make sure students wear old clothes or aprons to protect their clothes.
name from the bag but put
• Have students work in groups. Give out all the materials, or have group
it back if they pull out their
leaders come to the front and collect enough for each group. Also give out
own name. Tell them they are
heavy paper for students to work on.
going to draw the landscape
• Go over the instructions for the project.
that belongs to the name they
• Tell students that if something doesn’t work or they make a mistake, that it
draw. They should include
isn’t a problem. They can just roll the clay back into a ball and start again.
everything and do it as well
• Encourage them to use natural colors and to add any plants, animals, people,
as they can. When they finish,
or other figures on a relative scale.
they give it as a gift to the
• When students have finished, tell them to be very careful when moving their
other student.
• Encourage them to compare their models and talk about them.
• Put the landscapes on display around the classroom so that everyone can look
at and talk about each other’s work.
T-69 Lesson F
• clay in seve
colors: brown
, blu
green, red, ora e,
1 Choose a clay color for the nge,
ground. Make a ball. • rolling pin
• tools for sha
and cutting c
• toothpicks
UNIT 5 It’s a Beautiful World 69