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Definisi Kebakaran

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Definisi Kebakaran

Fire is a chemical reaction in which energy in the form of heat is produced. The chemical
reaction is known as combustion. Combustion occurs when fuel or other material reacts rapidly
with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame. A flame is produced during the ignition point in
the combustion reaction and is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. Flames consist primarily of
carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen, and nitrogen.
Combustion is the opposite process of photosynthesis. Combustion is the breaking apart
of the building blocks put together through photosynthesis. Combustion is the release of the
energy acquired during photosynthesis. Oxygen is introduced, and bonds in the fuel of hydrogen
and carbon are broken (releasing energy), the resulting hydrogen and carbon combining
separately with the oxygen as H2O and CO2, releasing heat in the process. Photosynthesis is the
process of plants slowly absorbing the energy (heat) from the sun and building/growing tissue
(Figure 7). Carbon dioxide is stored in the tissue, and oxygen is given off into the atmosphere.
Combustion is the process of that tissue (plant matter) burning—oxygen is consumed, and
carbon dioxide and heat are released into the atmosphere.
The fire triangle includes the three components that must be present for a fire to burn.
These components are fuel, oxygen, and a heat/ignition. Without one of these components, fire
cannot exist. For a fire to ignite, there must be an initial and continued heat source—this is called
a chain reaction and is part of what makes up the fire tetrahedron.

Heat allows fire to spread by removing the moisture from nearby fuel, warming
surrounding air, and preheating the fuel in its path. When the fire becomes either fuel-controlled
(i.e., there is no more fuel to burn) or ventilation-controlled (i.e., there is not enough oxygen to
sustain combustion), the fire decays to a smoldering state.
Four ways to put out a fire:
1. Cool the burning material.
2. Exclude oxygen.
3. Remove the fuel.
4. Break the chemical reaction.
Heat/ignition sources include anything capable of generating heat—lightning, cigarettes,
powerlines, catalytic converters, small engine sparks, matches, a magnifying glass.
Jenis Jenis Kebakaran
Class A
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "A" is for use on Class A fires. Class A fires are
fires that involve ordinary combustible materials such as cloth, wood, paper, rubber, and many
Class B
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "B" is for use on Class B fires. Class B fires are
fires that involve flammable and combustible liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, diesel oil, oil-
based paints, lacquers, etc., and flammable gases.
Class C
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "C" is for use on Class C fires. Class C fires are
fires that involve energized electrical equipment.
Class D
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "D" is for use on Class D fires. Class D fires are
fires that involve combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium and sodium.
Class K
A fire extinguisher labeled with letter "K" is for use on Class K fires. Class K fires are
fires that involve vegetable oils, animal oils, or fats in cooking appliances. This is for
commercial kitchens, including those found in restaurants, cafeterias, and caterers.

Foam Fire Extinguisher

Used for : Classes A and B
Dangerous if used for : Class F
How it works: the foam released by this extinguisher seals the surface of the burning
material, preventing any stray materials from escaping and igniting elsewhere, as well as
ultimately suffocating the fire. This extinguisher can be used on solid materials and flammable
liquids such as paraffin and petrol (Classes A and B), but not for chip and pan fires (Class F).
Water Fire Extinguisher
Used for: Class A
Dangerous if used for: Classes E and F
How it works: the water soaks the burning materials, such as paper, wood or fabric (Class
A) and cools them down, completely putting out the fire. However, these extinguishers are very
dangerous to use on oil and fat fires as well as electrical fires (Classes E and F).

Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher

Used for : Classes B and E
Dangerous if used for : Class A and C
How it works: the carbon dioxide cuts off the oxygen supply to the fire, which smothers
the blaze and puts it out. They are ideal for electrical fires and flammable liquids such as petrol
and paraffin (Classes B and E), but are dangerous for use on solid materials and flammable gases
including methane, propane or butane (Classes A and C).

Powder Fire Extinguisher

Used for: Classes A, B, C, and E. Specialist types available for Class D.
Dangerous if used for: Class F
How it works: a powder is released and acts as a blanket which suffocates and cools the
flames. The powder also prevents the flames from spreading, making it effective for most fire
types including solid materials, flammable liquids, gases and electrical equipment (Classes A, B,
C and E), however it’s not suitable for oil or pan fat fires (Class F). Specialist mixtures of
powder extinguishers are available for fires involving metals (Class D).

Automatic Fire Extinguisher

Used for: Classes A, B, C and E
Dangerous if used for: Class F
How it works: automatic fire extinguishers are ideal for locations where manual operation
is not possible, or immediate activation is of utmost priority. They release an extinguishing agent
when fire is detected, making them ideal for blazes involving solid materials, flammable liquids
and gases as well as electrical fires (Classes A, B, C and E). However, they can’t be used in areas
with a high risk of fire ignited by oils or fats (Class F).

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

Used for: Class F
Dangerous if used for: Classes B, C, D and E
How it works: these extinguishers are specially formulated to tackle blazes involving oils
and fats, with the chemicals reacting to create a fine film, suffocating the blaze. These
extinguishers are perfect for use in kitchens with a high risk of fires involving cooking oils or
fats (Class F), however they should not be used for any liquid, gas, metal or electrical fires
(Classes B through to E).

Peran Pemadam Kebakaran

A permanent firefighter is a full-time firefighter. Being a firefighter is no ordinary job, as
the work is varied and challenging. A Firefighter is not just about the suppression and prevention
of fires, but they are also involved in:
− fire prevention and investigation
− community education and activities related to safety and
prevention, including:
• School discussion (Fire Ed - Pre-school/ Kindergarten and Rescue Ed - High School/
• Assistance with the elderly
• Working with communities to help minimise the environmental impact of fire
− recovery and management of hazardous, toxic and flammable
− recovery after storm and flood − motor vehicle accidents
− rescues and may administer basic first aid until an accredited
provider arrives, such as the Ambulance
− carry out building inspections to prepare risk assessments
and pre-incident plans − maintaining good health and physical
− undertaking ongoing development and maintenance of skills
and knowledge through regular training and studies
− cleaning/maintenance of equipment and the fire station.

Firefighters often operate in stressful situations, particularly when people are injured or
threatened with injury. When attending an incident, firefighters may be required to comfort
victims or advise the public to stay clear of the area. Firefighting is physically and
psychologically demanding, especially during major emergencies, and involves quick thinking,
team work and endurance.

Pengaturan dalam Perundangan RI

Pertimbangan Keselamatan dan Proteksi Kebakaran dalam Pengembangan Wilayah

Sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam UU Nomor 28 Tahun 2002, adapun salah satu
syarat dalam pengajuan SLF atau sertifikat laik fungsi bangunan gedung yang wajib dipenuhi
adalah adanya sistem proteksi kebakaran bangunan gedung yang sesuai dengan peraturan
perundang-undangan. Dalam Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 29/PRT/M/2006
tentang Pedoman Persyaratan Teknis Bangunan Gedung, disebutkan bahwa terdapat dua sistem
proteksi bahaya kebakaran yang wajib tersedia di dalam bangunan gedung, yakni sistem proteksi
pasif dan sistem proteksi aktif.
Adapun yang dimaksud sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif adalah sistem perlindungan
bangunan gedung terhadap kebakaran melalui sifat termal bahan bangunan, penerapan sistem
kompartemenisasi dalam bangunan, dan persyaratan ketahanan api dalam struktur bangunan.
Sementara itu, yang termasuk sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif di atas antara lain ditujukan untuk
melindungi bangunan dari keruntuhan serentak, memberi waktu bagi para penghuni untuk
menyelamatkan diri, dan melindungi keselamatan petugas pemadam kebakaran saat melakukan
proses evakuasi dan meredam kobaran api. Sedangkan sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif adalah
sistem proteksi kebakaran yang terdiri atas sistem pendeteksian kebakaran baik manual ataupun
otomatis, sistem pemadam kebakaran berbasis air seperti springkler, pipa tegak dan slang
kebakaran, serta sistem pemadam kebakaran berbasis bahan kimia seperti APAR (Alat Pemadam
Api Ringan), pemadam khusus, peralatan pengendali asap, sistem daya listrik, lift, pencahayaan
darurat, dan ruang pengendali operasi.

Pengertian Ledakan dan Dampaknya

Ledakan adalah peningkatan tajam antara peningkatan volume dan pelepasan energi
dengan cara yang membahayakan, dengan mengeluarkan suhu yang tinggi dan menghasilkan
gas. Sebuah ledakan menghasilkan gelombang tekanan di lokasi ledakan itu terjadi. Sedangkan
bahan peledak yaitu zat yang berbentuk padat, cair, gas, ataupun campurannya yang apabila
terkena suatu aksi berupa panas, benturan, tekanan, hentakan, atau gesekan akan berupa secara
fisik maupun kimiawi menjadi zat lain yang lebih stabil. Perubahan dari aksi atau gesekan
tersebut memiliki durasi waktu yang singkat dan disertai dengan tekanan sangat tinggi yang
membahayakan. Sebagian besar (hampir seluruhnya) perubahan kimiawi pada bahan peledak
industri berbentuk gas.

BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion) adalah terjadinya penguapan yang
sangat cepat dan memicu terjadinya ledakan dimana akan melepaskan sejumlah besar energi.
Bilamana yang menguap tersebut adalah bahan yang mudah terbakar , maka dampak yang timbul
adalah fireballs (bola api), fragmentasi, dan radiasi panas yang luar biasa tingginya heat-
flux.BLEVE selalu didahului dengan adanya failure (kerusakan) dari wadah tempat bahan kimia
tersebut. Bila wadah tersebut failure akibat adanya pemanasan/kebakaran (external fire) maka
dapat dipastikan fenomena fireball dan radiasi panas dengan heat-flux tinggi dapat terjadi. Bahan
kimia yang ter-BLEVE umumnya mempunyai tekanan dan panas yang tinggi, di mana tekanan
tersebut akan memberikan kecepatan yang tinggi pada serpihan pecahan vessel yang pecah
(kecepatannya bahkan ada yang dapat mencapai 400 km/jam bandingkan dengan peluru dari
senjata api yang rata-rata kecepatannya adalah 380 km/jam) dan panas yang tinggi dapat
memberikan heat flux hingga 1000 Watt/m2 (pada angka 400 Watt/m2 tubuh manusia akan
terbakar level 3). Penyebab kerusakan vessel (cause of vessel failure) yang menyebabkan
BLEVE, selain external fire antara lain adalah mechanical impact, material vessel yang rapuh,
korosi, tekanan dalam (internal pressure) yang berlebihan, dan juga karena aspek metalurgi.

A dust explosion results when a certain amount of combustible dust is dispersed through
the air in sufficient concentration to cause a violent reaction when ignited by a flame, spark, or
other ignition source.

Dust explosions can happen in a variety of work situations, as combustible dusts can be
made from many different types of material, including metals.

A dust explosion is the rapid combustion of a dust cloud. In a confined or nearly confined
space, the explosion is characterized by relatively rapid development of pressure with flame
propagation and the evolution of large quantities of heat and reaction products. The required
oxygen for this combustion is mostly supplied by the combustion air. The condition necessary
for a dust explosion is a simultaneous presence of dust cloud of proper concentration in air that
will support combustion and a suitable ignition source. The term dust is used if the maximum
particle size of the solid mixture is below 500 µm.
An explosion hazard exists when dusts are produced, stored or processed in a plant and
these materials are present as a mixture in air. An explosible mixture is present, when
combustible dusts are present in such quantities in air that an explosion occurs after an ignition.
The industries where the hazard of combustible and explosive dust can be commonly found are:
● Wood processing and storage
● Grain elevators, bins and silos
● Flour and feed mills
● Manufacture and storage of metals such as Al and Mg
● Chemical production
● Plastic production
● Starch or Candy producers
● Spice sugar and cocoa production and storage
● Coal handling or processing area
● Pharmaceutical plants
● Dust collection bins or bags
● Shelves, nooks, crannies, inside of equipment and above false ceilings in all facilities.

A wide range of industrial dusts is known to be explosible. But there are some
exceptions. All explosible dust may be combustible. i.e. will burn in air, but not all combustible
dusts are explosible (Cashdollar K.L, 2000) . For example, anthracite and graphite are not
explosible, although they have high heats of combustion. Present knowledge does not permit the
explosibility of combustible dusts to be predicted and reference must be made to tests. If the
composition of the dust is known, the first steps is to consult the list of dusts, published by HM
Factory Inspectorate of the Department of Employment which have already been tested for
explosibility. The dusts are classified into two groups as follows:
Group (a): Dusts, which ignited and propagated flame in the test apparatus
Group (b): Dusts, which did not, propagated flame in the test apparatus.

Classification based on ignitability

A measure of the ignitability of a dust layer and intensity of burning of a dust layer is the
Combustion Class (CC) (ISSA, 1998). (Tamanini 2002) This classification is based on the
behaviour of a defined heap when subjected to a gas flame or hot platinum wire:
1. CC1: No ignition; no self – sustained combustion
2. CC2: Short ignition and quick extinguishing; local combustion of short duration
3. CC3: Local burning or glowing without spreading; local sustained combustion but no
4. CC4: Spreading of a glowing fire; propagation smouldering combustion
5. CC5: Spreading of an open fire; propagating open flame
6. CC6: Explosible burning; explosive combustion.

The dust explosion pentagon has put forth five major parameters, which comprises the
dust explosion pentagon (Amyotte 1996);
Presence of combustible dust in a finely divided form
● Availability of oxidant
● Presence of an ignition source
● Some degree of confinement
● State of mixed reactants
A dust explosion is a complex phenomenon involving simultaneous momentum, energy
and mass transport in a reactive multi-phase system (Vijayaraghavan, 2004). Particles, when in
dust, powder or flake forms from operations such as grinding, finishing and processing may be
suspended as a dust cloud in air and consequently may ignite and cause serious damage. If the
dust cloud is unconfined the effect is simply one of flash fire. If however, the ignited dust cloud
is at least partially confined the heat of combustion may result in rapidly increasing pressure and
produce explosion effects such as rupturing of the confining structure (Manju mittal 1999).

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