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Optically Connected Memory

for Disaggregated Data Centers

Jorge Gonzalez∗ Alexander Gazman‡ Maarten Hattink‡ Mauricio G. Palma∗ Meisam Bahadori§
Ruth Rubio-Noriega¶ Lois Orosa∗∗ Madeleine Glick‡ Onur Mutlu∗∗ Keren Bergman‡ Rodolfo Azevedo∗
∗ University of Campinas ‡ Columbia University § Nokia ¶ INICTEL-UNI ∗∗ ETH Zürich

Abstract—Recent advances in integrated photonics enable

the implementation of reconfigurable, high-bandwidth, and low
energy-per-bit interconnects in next-generation data centers. We
arXiv:2008.10802v1 [cs.AR] 25 Aug 2020

propose and evaluate an Optically Connected Memory (OCM)

architecture that disaggregates the main memory from the
computation nodes in data centers. OCM is based on micro-ring
resonators (MRRs), and it does not require any modification to
the DRAM memory modules. We calculate energy consumption
from real photonic devices and integrate them into a system
simulator to evaluate performance. Our results show that (1)
OCM is capable of interconnecting four DDR4 memory channels
to a computing node using two fibers with 1.07 pJ energy-
per-bit consumption and (2) OCM performs up to 5.5× faster
than a disaggregated memory with 40G PCIe NIC connectors to Fig. 1. Disaggregation concept for data centers.
computing nodes.
Index Terms—disaggregated computing, disaggregated mem-
ory, photonics, data-centers, DRAM, memory systems
I. I NTRODUCTION The primary limitation of an electrical interconnect is that it
caling and maintaining conventional memory systems in
S modern data centers is challenging for three fundamen-
tal reasons. First, the dynamic memory capacity demand is
constrains the memory bus to onboard distance [54] because
the electrical wire’s signal integrity loss increases at higher
frequencies. This loss dramatically reduces the Signal-to-Noise
difficult to predict in the short, medium, and long term. As Ratio (SNR) when distances are large. An optical interconnect
a result, memory capacity is usually over-provisioned [23], is more appealing than an electrical interconnect for memory
[25], [36], [43], [49], which wastes resources and energy. disaggregation due to three properties: its (1) high bandwidth
Second, workloads are limited to using the memory available density significantly reduces the number of IO lanes, (2) power
in the local server (even though other servers might have consumption and crosstalk do not increase with distance, and
unused memory), which could cause memory-intensive work- (3) propagation loss is low. Silicon Photonic (SiP) devices are
loads to slow down. Third, memory maintenance might cause likely suitable for disaggregation, delivering ≥ Gbps range
availability issues [39]; in case a memory module fails, all bandwidth, as well as efficient and versatile switching [].
running applications on the node may have to be interrupted to
replace the faulty module. A promising solution to overcome The goal of this work is to pave the way for designing
these issues is to disaggregate the main memory from the high-performance optical memory channels (i.e., the optical
computing cores [35]. As depicted in Figure 1, the key idea equivalent of an electrical memory channel) that enable main
is to organize and cluster the memory resources such that memory disaggregation in data centers. Our work provides an
they are individually addressable and accessible from any optical link design for DDR DRAM memory disaggregation,
processor in the data center [14]. Memory disaggregation and it defines its physical characteristics, i.e., i) number
provides flexibility in memory allocation, improved utilization of Micro-Ring Resonator (MRR) devices, ii) bandwidth per
of the memory resources, lower maintenance costs, and lower wavelength, iii) energy-per-bit, and iv) area. We evaluate the
energy consumption in the data center [44]. performance (see Section IV-A) and energy consumption (see
Disaggregating memory and processors remains a challenge, Section IV-B) of a system with disaggregated commodity DDR
although the disaggregation of some resources (e.g., storage) DRAM modules.
is common in production data centers [33]. Electrical inter-
We make three key contributions: (1) we propose the
connections in rack-distances do not fulfill the low latency
Optically Connected Memory (OCM) architecture for mem-
and high bandwidth requirements of modern DRAM modules.
ory disaggregation in data centers based on state-of-the-art
This work is supported by the LPS Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) photonic devices, (2) we perform the first evaluation of the
Research Program (contract HD TAT DO 7 (HT 15-1158)), the Depart- energy-per-bit consumption of a SiP link using the bandwidth
ment of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) ASCR requirements of current DDR DRAM standards, and (3) we
Program (contract DE-SC0017182), the Sao Paulo Research Foundation
(FAPESP) (fellowships 2013/08293-7 and 2014/01642-9), CAPES (fellow-
model and evaluate OCM in a system-level simulator and
ships 2013/08293-7 and 88882.329108/2019-01), and CNPq (fellowships show that it performs up to 5.5x faster than a 40G NIC-based
438445/2018-0, 309794/2017-0 and 142016/2020-9). disaggregated memory.

II. M OTIVATION optical interconnects for memory disaggregation and extends
Photonics is very appealing for memory disaggregation prior works [5], [18], to reduce the latency overhead caused
because: (1) the integration (monolithic and hybrid) between by additional protocols such as remote direct memory access
electronics and optics has already been demonstrated [3], (RDMA) and PCIe [61]. OCM is versatile and scales with
which allows the design and fabrication of highly-integrated the increasing number of wavelengths per memory channel
and complex optical subsystems on a chip, and (2) optical expected from future photonic systems [26].
links offer better scaling in terms of bandwidth, energy, and A. Architecture Overview
IO compared to electrical links; e.g., optical switches (o-SW) Figure 3a shows the main components of the OCM architec-
show better port count scaling [52]). ture configured with state-of-the-art photonic devices and DDR
New electrical interfaces, such as GenZ, CCIX, and Open- memories. OCM uses N optical memory channels, each one
CAPI, can disaggregate a wide range of resources (e.g., mem- consisting of X memory modules (DIMM 1 to X) operating
ory, accelerators) [13]. Optical devices can enable scalable in lockstep. OCM uses two key mechanisms to take advantage
rack-distance, and energy-efficient interconnects for these new of the high aggregated bandwidth of the optical domain while
interfaces, as demonstrated by a previous work that disaggre- minimizing the electrical-optical-electrical conversion latency
gates the PCIe interface with silicon photonics [62]. Our OCM overhead. First, it implements an optical memory channel
proposal extends the memory interface with optical devices with multiple wavelengths that can support multiple DIMMs
and does not require substantial modifications to it, e.g., the in a memory channel. Second, it achieves high throughput
memory controllers remain on the compute nodes. by increasing the cache line size and splitting it across all
Figure 2 shows the IO requirements in the memory con- the DIMMs in a memory channel. For example, if OCM
troller for electrical [37], and optical interconnects to achieve a splits a single cache line between two DIMMs, it halves the
specific aggregated bandwidth. We define IO as the number of bus latency (i.e., data burst duration tBL), compared to a
required electrical wires or optical fibers in the interconnects. conventional DDR memory.
We use, for both electrical and optical interconnects, 260- In our evaluation (Section IV), we use two DDR channels
pin DDR4-3200 DRAM modules with 204.8 Gbps maximum operating in lockstep to get a cache line of 128 bytes with
bandwidth per memory channel. We make two observations. similar latency as a cache line of 64 bytes in a single DDR
First, the required number of optical IOs (left y-axis) is up to channel (Section III-B). OCM benefits from the use of a wide
three orders of magnitude smaller than the electrical IOs be- Xn-bit interface, where X is the number of DIMMs, and n
cause an optical fiber can contain many virtual channels using is the width in bits of a DIMM bus. OCM transfers depend
Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) [8], [17]. Second, on the serialization capabilities of the SiP transceiver. The
a single optical IO achieves up to 800 Gbps based on our serialization/deserialization latency increases with the number
evaluation, requiring 2 IOs for bidirectional communication of DIMMs in lockstep. Notice that, a commercial SERDES
(see Section IV-B). An optical architecture could reach the link (e.g., [29]) supports serialization up to 256B (i.e., four
required throughput for a 4 memory channel system using 64B cache lines). As shown in Figure 3a, on the CPU side,
only 2 IOs (two fibers) and for a 32-channel system with only there is a Master controller, and on the memory side, there
10 IOs. are N Endpoint controllers that respond to CPU requests.
Both controllers have a structure called SiP Transceiver,
and Figure 3b shows a difference in the organization of
the SiP transceivers per controller. Figure 3c shows the SiP
transceivers present in the Transmitter (TX) and Receiver
(RX) lanes in both Master and Endpoint controllers. A TX
lane consists of a serializer (SER) and Modulator (MOD)
for transmitting data. An RX lane contains a Demodulator
(DEMOD), a Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) block, and a
Deserializer (DES) for receiving data. Both TX and RX lanes
connect with a Xn-bit (e.g., X=2 and n=64 in our evaluation)
bus to the Endpoint controller, which forms the bridge between
Fig. 2. Required electrical and optical IO counts (lower is better) for the lanes and the DRAM module.
sustaining different amounts of aggregated bandwidth.
B. Timing Model
OCM transfers a cache line as a serialized packet com-
III. OCM: O PTICALLY C ONNECTED M EMORY posed of smaller units called flits, whose number depends
To overcome the electrical limitations that can potentially on the serialization capabilities of the SiP transceiver. Figure
impede memory disaggregation, we introduce an OCM that 4 presents the timing diagram of the OCM Read (RD) and
does not require modifications in the commonly-used DDR Write (WR) operations. For reference, a conventional DDR
DRAM protocol. OCM places commodity DRAM Dual Inline DRAM memory channel uses 64B cache lines; a data bus
Memory Modules (DIMMs) at rack-distance from the proces- transfers each line as 8B data blocks in 8 consecutive cycles,
sor, and it sustains multiple memory channels by using differ- and the 1B Command (CMD) and 3B Address (ADDR) use
ent wavelengths for data transmission. OCM uses conventional separate dedicated buses. In OCM, as depicted in Figure 4,
DIMMs and memory controllers, electro-optical devices, and the cache line is transferred in AB-GH flits. We show OCM
optical fibers to connect the computing cores to the memory timing with a f lit size that doubles the width of the memory
modules. Our work explores the idea of direct point-to-point channel data bus, and is the reason for dividing the cache

Fig. 3. Optically Connected Memory organization: optical memory channels for disaggregation of the main memory system.

line between DIMMs 1 and 2 to perform parallel access and controller latency Tcontr , DIMM WR/RD latency Tmem(A|B)
decrease latency. OCM splits a single cache line between (latency is equal for both DIMMs), serialization/deserialization
two DIMMs, which halves the bus latency (i.e., tBL [1]), latency Tserdes , modulation/demodulation latencies Tmod and
compared to conventional DDR DRAM memory. Tdemod , distance propagation latency penalty Tdist , and system
For the RD operation, data A and B are read from different initialization time (e.g., Clock Data Recovery (CDR) latency,
DIMMs to compose a flit (AB). Flit AB serialization and modulator resonance locking [42]) Tsetup .
transmission occur after the Master controller receives the Tlat (t) =Tsetup + Tcontr + Tmem(A|B) (t) + Tserdes
CMD/ADDR flit. For the WR operation, the Master controller (1)
+ Tmod + Tdemod + Tdist
sends the flit containing data blocks AB immediately after
the CMD/ADDR flit. After Endpoint deserialization, DIMM Tsetup equals zero because it has no impact on the system once
1 stores A, and DIMM 2 stores B. For example, OCM with a it is configured [5]. In the optical and millimeter wavelength
commercial Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) serializer [29] and bands, Tmod and Tdemod are in the order of ps [8], due to the
128B cache line size, transfers 2 × (4 × 16B of data) with 1 small footprint of ring modulators (tens of micrometers) and
× 4B CMD/ADDR initiator message (or extra flit). the high dielectric constant of silicon.
Compared to conventional electrical DDR memory, OCM C. Operation
adds serialization and optical packet transport latency to the Figure 3a illustrates the five stages of a memory transaction.
overall memory access time (see Section IV). The DIMM
interface can support the latency overhead that is imposed by Stage 1 : the processor generates a Read/Write (RD/WR)
our optical layer integration. In our evaluation, we consider memory request. In the photonic domain, a laser source
both optimistic and worst-case scenarios. Past experimental generates light in λ1,2,...,K wavelengths simultaneously [9].
works [5] show that the overhead is low in the order of a
few nanoseconds, requiring no modification to the memory Stage 2 : the data from the processor is serialized (SER) onto
controller. However, if there is high latency imposed by the Master Controller’s TX lane, and the generated electrical
the optical layer, the signaling interface from the memory pulses p1,2,...,m (t) drive the cascaded array of Micro-Ring
controller needs to be adapted. Equation 1 shows the OCM Resonators (MRRs) for modulation (MOD), represented
latency model Tlat , which is defined as the sum of the DIMM as rainbow rings. We use non-return-to-zero on-off keying

Fig. 4. OCM timing diagram for Read (top) and Write (bottom) requests.

(NRZ-OOK) that represents logical ones and zeros imprinted to work in the communications C-band (1530-1565 nm). For
on the envelope of light [8]. more detail on photonic devices, please see [7], [26], [53].
OCM achieves high aggregated bandwidth by using mul-
Stage 3 : the optical signal is transmitted through an optical tiple optical wavelengths λ1,2,...,K (see laser in Figure 3a)
fiber. At the end of the fiber, the combined optical WDM via WDM in a single link. The K wavelengths are evenly
channels are coupled into an optical receiver. distributed among the controllers, where the TX/RX lanes of
a single DDR memory channel have the same number (m) of
Stage 4 : first, in the RX lane of an Endpoint, the optical wavelengths (λ1,2,...,m , see Figure 3c). All wavelengths
WDM Demodulator (DEMOD) demultiplexes the optical have the same bit rate br , and the aggregated bandwidth for N
wavelengths using m MRRs. Each MRR works as an optical memory channels is BWaggr = br × m × N . Assuming that
band-pass filter to select a single optical channel from BWaggr is higher than the required bandwidth for a single
λ1,2,...m . Second, these separated channels are then fed memory channel BWmc , then BWaggr = BWmc × N . The
to DEMOD’s integrated photo-detectors (PD) followed by total number of MRRs is 2×2×2×N ×m because each TX or
transimpedance amplifiers (TIA). Together the PD and TIA RX lane requires m MRRs. OCM has two unidirectional links;
convert and amplify the optical signal to electrical pulses each link needs both TX and RX lanes, and these lanes are
p01,2,...,m (t) suitable for sampling. Third, the data is sampled, located in both Endpoint controllers and Master controllers.
deserialized (DES), and sent to the memory controller. IV. E VALUATION
Stage 5 : the processor accesses memory with the DDR To evaluate system-level performance, we implement OCM
protocol using a RD or WR command and a memory address. architecture in the ZSIM simulator [51]. To evaluate the
For a RD command, the Endpoint TX transmits to the interconnection between processor and memory as a point-
processor a cacheline with the wavelengths λ1,...,m (similar to-point SiP link, we use PhoenixSim [50] with parameters
to Stages 1 to 4). For a WR command, the data received extracted from state-of-the-art optical devices [6], [8], [46].
from the processor is stored in memory. The SiP link energy-per-bit modeling allows us to find: (1)
the required number of optical wavelengths (λ), and (2) the
bit rate per λ. Table I lists OCM optical devices and their main
D. Enabling Reconfigurability characteristics used in our simulation model.
OCM supports reconfigurability by placing an o-SW be-
tween the Endpoints and the Master controller, similar to
previous work [5]. OCM uses optical switching to connect O PTICAL AND ELECTRICAL MODELS FOR OCM S I P LINK DEVICES
or disconnect a master controller from an endpoint. Switching
can happen (1) in the setup phase, which is the first time Parameter Design Criteria Details Ref.
Optical power 20 dBm Max. aggregated
that the system is connected before starting execution, or (2) Center wavelength 1.55 µm
before executing a workload, to adapt the amount of assigned Laser 30% Laser wall-plug efficiency [22]
memory to the requirements of the workload. Waveguide loss 5 dB/cm fabrication roughness [27]
As depicted in Figure 5, an optical switch has multiple 0.02 dB/bend waveguide bend loss
Coupler loss 1 dB off-chip coupler [24]
ports, through which a set of N processors can be connected Modulator Q = 6500 Ring resonator Q factor [46]
to a configurable set of M OCMs, where N and M depend on ER = 10 dB MRR extinction rate
the aggregated bandwidth of the SiP links. In Section IV, we 65 fF Junction capacitance
evaluate OCM with a single CPU, and assume that the setup -5 V Maximum drive voltage
1 mW Thermal-tuning [7]
phase is already completed. power/ring
Mod. mux and re- MRR power penal- Crosstalk model [8]
ceiver demux ties
Photodetector 1 A/W Current per o-power [55]
Modulator driver 28 nm Semicond. tech. for OOK- [46]
SERDES power 28 nm Semicond. tech. [46]
Digital receiver 28 nm Semicond. tech. for OOK- [46]
Element positioning 100 µm Modulator padding

Fig. 5. Reconfigurable OCM with optical switches (o-SW). Table II shows the configuration of our baseline system (a
server processor), the two DDR4 memory configurations used
E. High Aggregated Bandwidth in our evaluation (MemConf1 and MemConf2), the latencies
OCM uses WDM [8], [17] to optimize bandwidth utiliza- of an OCM disaggregated system, and the latencies of a
tion. WDM splits data transmission into multiple colors of disaggregated system using 40G PCIe NICs. MemConf1 has 4
light (i.e., wavelengths, λs). DDR4 memory channels as in conventional server processors,
To modulate data into lightwaves, we use Micro-Ring and MemConf2 has a single DDR4 memory channel, and an
Resonator (MRR) electro-optical modulators, which behave in-package DRAM cache on the processor side. The goal of
as narrowband resonators that select and modulate a single the DRAM cache is to reduce the optical disaggregation over-
wavelength. We use MRRs because they have a small hardware head [61], which can have a significant performance impact
footprint and low power consumption [9], and they are tailored in memory-bound applications. Our DRAM cache resembles

the Banshee DRAM cache [60] that tracks the contents of TABLE III
the DRAM cache using TLBs and page table entries, and E VALUATED SPEC06 & SPEC17 BENCHMARK MIXES .
replaces pages with a frequency-based predictor mechanism. mix1 soplex 1, h264, gobmk 3, milc, zeusm, bwaves, gcc 1, omnetpp

We configure our DRAM cache to have the same operation mix2 soplex 1, milc,povray, gobmk 2, gobmk 3, bwaves, calculix, bzip2 2
latency as commodity DDR4 memory.
mix3 namd, gromacs, gamess 1, mcf, lbm, h264 2, hmmer, xalancbmk
mix1 exchange2, cactus, gcc 2, imagick, fotonik3d, xalancbmk, xz 2, lbm

TABLE II mix2 gcc 1, nab, lbm, leela, mcf, xz 1, sroms, omnetpp
mix3 xalancbmk, nab, cactus, mcf, imagick, xz 1, fotonik3d, deepjeng
Processor 3 GHz, 8 cores, 128B cache lines
Cache 32KB L1(D+I), 256KB L2, 8MB L3 TABLE IV
MemConf1 Mem 4 channels, 2 DIMMs/channel, DDR4-2400 [1] M EASURED MEMORY FOOTPRINTS .
Mem 1 channel, 2 DIMMs/channel, DDR4-2400
DRAM cache 4GB stacked, 4-way, 4K pages, FBR [60], DDR4-2400 SPEC06 [30] MIX1: 2.2 GB, MIX2: 3.1 GB, MIX3: 2.4 GB
SERDES latency: 10/150/340 cycles SPEC17 [21] MIX1: 19.9 GB, MIX2: 36.4 GB, MIX3: 34.7 GB.
Fiber latency: 30/60/90 cycles (2/4/6 meters roundtrip) PARSEC [16] canneal: 716.7 MB, streamcluster: 112.5 MB, ferret: 91.9 MB,
NIC 40G PCIe [41] latency: 1050 cycles raytrace: 1.3 GB, fluidanimate: 672 MB
SPLASH [15] radix: 1.1 GB, fft: 768.8 MB, cholesky: 44.2 MB,
ocean ncp: 26.9 GB, ocean cp: 891.8 MB.
We calculate the SERDES link latency values for the
GAP [11] Urand graph: 18 GB, Web graph: 15.5 GB
upcoming years. We estimate the minimum at 10 cycles,
which assumes 3.2 ns serialization/deserialization latency [32].
We use 340 cycles (113ns) maximum latency reported in a
Notice that a system with disaggregated main memory is ex-
previously demonstrated optical interconnection system [47].
pected to perform worse than the non-disaggregated baseline,
We simulate rack distances of 2m, 4m, and 6m with a 5 ns/m
because of the extra latency introduced by the interconnects
latency [2], which translates into 30, 60, and 90 cycles latency
(see Eq. 1).
in our system.
We make two observations. First, the 40G NIC-based sys-
For the 40G NIC-based system configuration, we evaluate a
tem is significantly slower than our OCM system, even though
scenario using a PCIe Network Interface Card (NIC) latency
the Ethernet configuration we evaluate is very optimistic (350
of 1050 cycles (350 ns) [2] (a realistic NIC-through-PCIe
ns average latency, equivalent to 1050 cycles in Table II).
latency is in the order of microseconds [41]). We evaluate
OCM is up to 5.5× faster than 40G NIC for the minimum
the system-level performance of OCM with applications from
SERDES latency, and 2.16× faster for the maximum SERDES
four benchmark suites: (1) SPEC06 [30] using Pinpoints
latency. Second, the results show the feasibility of low-latency
(warmup of 100 million instructions, and detailed region of 30
disaggregation with OCM as future SERDES optimizations
million instructions), (2) PARSEC [16] with native inputs, (3)
become available. OCM has an average slowdown (across all
SPLASH2 [15] with simlarge inputs, (4) SPEC17 [21] speed
rack-distances) of only 1.07× compared to the baseline with a
with reference inputs, and (5) GAP graph benchmarks [11]
SERDES latency of 10 cycles, and 1.78× average slowdown
executing 100 billion instructions with the Web graph input,
with a SERDES latency of 340 cycles.
and 30 billion instructions with the Urand graph input. The
Figure 7 shows the speedup of a disaggregated OCM system
Urand input has very poor locality between graph vertices
(green bars) compared to a non-disaggregated baseline, both
compared to the Web input. Table III lists the SPEC benchmark
configured with MemConf1. Figure 7 also shows the speedup
mixes we use in our multiprogrammed workload evaluation.
of OCM with MemConf2 (red bars), and the speedup of a
Table IV summarizes the measured memory footprint values
non-disaggregated system with MemConf2 (blue bars), both
for all the benchmarks used in our evaluation.
compared to a MemConf2 baseline without a DRAM cache
A. System-level Evaluation and without disaggregation. OCM has a conservative SERDES
Multiprogrammed Evaluation. Figure 6 shows the slowdown latency of 150 cycles, and a distance of 4m.
of OCM and 40G NIC-based disaggregated memory systems Figure 7 (left) shows the results for SPEC17 mixes (see
with MemConf1, compared to a non-disaggregated MemConf1 Table III). We make two observations. First, the average
baseline, for three mixes of SPEC06 benchmarks (Table III). slowdown of OCM without DRAM cache (green bars) is

Fig. 6. Slowdowns of OCM and 40G NIC-based disaggregated systems, compared to a non-disaggregated baseline with MemConf1, for three randomly-selected
mixes of SPEC06 benchmarks (lower is better).

Fig. 7. OCM speedup results with 4m distance and a SERDES latency of 150 cycles (higher is better), compared to a disaggregated baseline, with or without
a DRAM cache. Left: Speedup for SPEC17. Right: Speedup for GAP [11] graph
. benchmarks

17%, which is in the same order as the SPEC06 results unidirectional SiP links using PhoenixSim [50] using the pa-
(Figure 6). Second, with a DRAM cache, the performance rameters shown in Table I. We estimate the minimum energy-
of the OCM disaggregated system (red bars), and the non- per-bit consumption and the required number of MRRs for
disaggregated system (blue bars) is very close, as the memory our model, given an aggregated optical bandwidth equivalent
intensity of these benchmarks is not very high. As expected, to the bandwidth required by DDR4-2400 DRAM memory.
the performance of the disaggregated system is always lower A single DDR-2400 module requires 153.7 Gbps band-
than the non-disaggregated system. width [1]. 4 memory channels, with 2 DIMMs per channel in
Multithreaded Evaluation. Figure 7 (right) shows the results lockstep, require ∼615 Gbps/link. OCM’s maximum feasible
for multithreaded graph applications. We make two obser- bandwidth (while remaining CMOS compatible) is 802 Gbps
vations. First, the maximum slowdown of OCM without a using the parameters in Table I. More advanced modulation
DRAM cache (green bars) is up to 45% (pagerank (PR)), formats, such as PAM4 [53], can be used to achieve higher ag-
which is in the same order as SPEC17 results, despite the gregated bandwidth. Figure 9 shows the energy-per-bit results
Web input having very high locality. The extra latency of (y-axis), and the aggregated bandwidth. The aggregated link
the OCM disaggregated system has a clear negative effect bandwidth is the multiplication of the number of λ (bottom
on performance. Second, graph workloads dramatically benefit x-axis values), and the aggregated bitrate (top x-axis values),
from using a DRAM cache (red and blue bars), e.g., PR with i.e., a higher number of λs implies a lower bitrate per λ. We
Urand input shows a speedup of 2.5× compared to the base- consider three feasible and efficient MRR sizes in our model:
line, which is 50% lower speedup than the non-disaggregated 156.4 (green), 183.5 (orange), and 218.4 µm2 (blue).
scenario. We believe that the performance degradation of OCM In OCM with 615 Gbps links, the minimum energy con-
with DRAM cache is still reasonable. However, adding a sumption overhead compared to the electrical memory system
DRAM cache also brings new challenges that need further is 1.07 pJ/bit for 35 optical wavelengths (λ) per link, each λ
investigation in a disaggregated setting, such as page replace- operating at 17.57 Gbps. In OCM with 802 Gbps links, the
ment mechanisms and caching granularity [31], [34], [38], minimum energy consumption is 1.57 pJ/bit for 39 λs per link,
[40], [48], [58]–[60]. each λ operating at 20.56 Gbps.
Figure 8 shows the slowdown of OCM compared to the
We make three observations from Figure 9. First, as in
baseline, using MemConf1 with PARSEC and SPLASH2
electrical systems, it is expected that a higher bandwidth per
benchmarks. We show results for the memory-bound bench-
link increases the link energy-per-bit consumption. However,
marks only. We also test other compute-bound benchmarks
the optical energy-per-bit is lower compared to electrical
(not shown in the figure) that show less than 5% slowdown. We
systems. For reference, the energy-per-bit of a DDR4-2667
make three observations. First, with the lower bound SERDES
DRAM module is 39 pJ [45]; thus, the energy-per-bit caused
latency (10 cycles) and lowest rack distance (2 m), applications
by an additional SiP link in the memory subsystem is less than
such as streamcluster, canneal and cholesky, experience an
5%. Second, there is a non-smooth behavior on the energy-per-
average 3% speedup. This small improvement occurs as a
bit curves due to the energy consumption model of the optical
result of Tmem reduction (tBL related) due to splitting of a
receiver, which depends on the data rate. In our model, we
cache line into two DIMMs. Second, the slowdowns increase
set the photodetector current to a minimum value. As the data
slightly as distance increases. Third, with large rack-distance
rate increases, the received signal becomes less distinguishable
and maximum SERDES latency, the slowdown is significant.
from noise. Our model forces the photocurrent to step into
The highest slowdown measured is 2.97× for streamcluster at
a new minimum value to avoid this, causing the repeated
6m and 340 SERDES cycles; the average slowdown is 1.3×
decrease and increase of the energy-per-bit values [9]. For both
for SPLASH2 and 1.4× for PARSEC.
SiP links, the 183.5 µm2 rings consume the lowest energy. The
We conclude that OCM is very promising because of its
estimated area overhead is 51.4E-3 mm2 with 2 × 615 Gbps
reasonably low latency overhead (especially with the use of a
links, and 57.3E-3 mm2 with 2 × 802 Gbps links. In our case
DRAM cache), and the flexibility of placing memory modules
study of 4 DDR4 memory channels, OCM uses fewer physical
at large distances with small slowdowns.
interconnects (optical fibers) than 40G PCIe NIC links (copper
B. SiP Link Evaluation cables). In other words, to achieve the required aggregated link
We evaluate the energy and area consumption of the SiP bandwidth, we require 2 optical fibers with OCM or 30 copper
link to allow the system designer to make tradeoffs about cables with 40G PCIe NICs.
the use of SiP devices in the computing system. We consider We conclude that a bidirectional SiP link, formed by two

Fig. 8. OCM slowdown compared to the baseline for PARSEC and SPLASH2 benchmarks (lower is better).

Fig. 9. SiP link energy-per-bit. Left: at 615 Gbps bandwidth, Right: at 802 Gbps bandwidth.

unidirectional links using current SiP devices, can fit the energy and area impact on the system? (Section IV-B), and (3)
bandwidth requirements of commodity DDR4 DRAM mod- How does the processor interact with a disaggregated memory
ules. OCM incurs a low energy overhead of only 10.7% subsystem? (Section IV-A).
compared to a non-disaggregated DDR4 DRAM memory (the Some other works, such as [56], [62], point out, without
energy consumption of current DDR4 DRAM technology is evaluation, that existing disaggregation protocols (i.e., PCIe
∼ 10pJ/bit [53]). and Ethernet) could lead to high-performance loss. Our work
V. R ELATED W ORK uses system-level simulation to measure the performance
To our knowledge, this is the first work to propose an overhead of such protocols. We propose to alleviate the
optical point-to-point disaggregated main memory system for optical serialization overhead by using the DDR protocol
modern DDR memories that (1) evaluates a SiP link with state- (Section III-A). As photonic integration improves, we believe
of-the-art optical devices, (2) demonstrates that OCM incurs that the optical point-to-point links will become the main
only 10.7% energy overhead compared to a non-disaggregated candidate for interconnecting disaggregated memory. With our
DDR4 DRAM memory, and (3) quantifies the performance PhoenixSim [50] model, we explore the design of SiP links
implications of the proposed optical links at the system level based on DDR requirements. Our proposal can be used to
on commonly-used application workloads. improve existing PCIe+photonics works, such as [57].
Brunina et al. [19], [20] introduce the concept of optically Yan et al. [57] propose a PCIe Switch and Interface Card
connected memory in a mesh topology connected with optical (SIC) to replace Network Interface Cards (NIC) for disaggre-
switches. Both works propose point-to-point direct access to gation. SIC is composed of commercial optical devices and is
the DRAM modules using Mach Zender modulators. These capable of interconnecting server blades in disaggregated data
works motivate our study in optically connected memory. centers. The evaluated SIC shows a total roundtrip latency up
Brunina et al. [18] also experimentally demonstrate that mi- to 426 ns. In contrast, the scope of our work is point-to-point
croring modulators can be used for optically connecting DDR2 DDR DRAM disaggregation without PCIe or other additional
memory. Our work builds on [18] to design the microring protocols.
modulators used in our SiP links. There are several recent Other related prior works (1) explore silicon photonics
works [8], [9], [53] that propose analytical models of the integration with a many-core chip in an optical network-
microring used in our SiP links. Anderson et al. [5] extend the on-chip design [10], (2) propose the design of a DRAM
work of Brunina et al. [18]–[20] to experimentally demonstrate chip with photonic inter-bank communication [12], (3) present
the optical switches using FPGAs for accessing memory. an optoelectronic chip for communication in disaggregated
These prior works [5], [18]–[20] are all experimental systems with 4-λ and an energy consumption of 3.4 pJ/bit [4],
demonstrations to show photonic capabilities. In contrast, our (4) evaluate a memory disaggregation architecture with optical
work addresses three important questions prior work does not: switches focusing on re-allocation mechanisms [61], (5) ana-
(1) How many optical devices (i.e., MRRs) do we need for lyze the cost viability of optical memory disaggregation [2],
current DDR technology? (Section IV-B), (2) What is the and (6) evaluate memory disaggregation using software mech-

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