Study Session 10
Study Session 10
Study Session 10
In this study session, you will be introduced to word processing software. Word processing
software is used to manipulate a text document, such as a report. You typically enter text by
typing, and the software provides tools for copying, deleting and various types of formatting.
Word processing software typically also contains features to make it easier for you to perform
repetitive tasks. For example, let's say you need to send a letter to all your customers regarding
a new policy. The letter is the same for all customers except for the name and address at the
top of the letter. A mail merge function allows you to produce all the letters using one template
document and a table with customer names and addresses in the database.
Text editors shouldn't be confused with word processing software. While they do also allow
you to create, edit and save text documents, they only work on plain text. Text editors don't use
any formatting, such as underlined text or different fonts. Text editors serve a very different
purpose from word processing software. They are used to work with files in plain text format,
Word-processing packages are computer software that are used for typing or generating
documents. Document can simply be in form of letters, forms, memo, pamphlets, handbill or
posters. When compared to typewriter (manual or electric), computer word processors have the
following capabilities:
Automatic Spell-checking
Ease of Editing
Advanced Thesaurus
Among these software packages are the Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Ventura, Page Makers,
Corel Draw, Print Master, Jetset etc. We shall center the lecture on the use of MSWORD.
10.2 - Microsoft Word
When you use a computer program to create, edit, and produce text documents, you are
Microsoft Word, often called MSWORD, is a window-based word processor for creating
documents. It has some advanced features that make typesetting easier and smarter for users.
In addition to word features, it has graphical interface that makes it user friendly. MSWORD
is the most commonly used application in MS Office suite. MS Office suite is a collection of
MS-WORD, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, MS-Access and others depending on the version. For
this course, we are using Microsoft Word version 2007 or simply MS-WORD 2007.
With Word 2007, it is easier than ever to efficiently create a wide range of business and
personal documents, from the simplest letter to the most complex report. Word includes many
desktop publishing features that you can use to enhance the appearance of documents so that
they are appealing and easy to read. The program has been completely redesigned to make
these and other powerful features more accessible. As a result, even novice users will be able
To load up the software, click the Start button, select Programs and double click on MS-Word
2007 from the program drop down menu. If the icon is not listed, then click on MS Office and
then double click MS- WORD 2007 from the MS Office list. You will get into an environment
MS Word 2007 Screen
Typing Area
From the moment you launch any of the applications in the 2007 Microsoft Office System, you
will notice a dramatic difference: The entire user interface has been redesigned to be more
intuitive, easier to navigate, and better suited to the task at hand. The interface is based on the
way people use their computers today and it is a simplified, smart system that brings you just
the tools you need, when you need them. No more clicking through menus, submenus, and
nested dialog boxes. Now the commands you need come to you, depending on the type of
object you select and the application you are using. We now introduce the new elements in the
Office 2007 user interface so that you’ll recognize the features as you begin to use the
The new Word environment is designed to more closely reflect the way people generally work
with the program. When you first start Word, this environment consists of the following
Commands related to managing Word and Word documents as a whole (rather than
document content) are gathered together on a menu that is displayed when you click
Commands can be represented as buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar to the right of
the Microsoft Office Button. By default, this toolbar displays the Save, Undo, and
Repeat buttons, but you can customize the toolbar to include any command that you
use frequently.
The title bar displays the name of the active document. At the right end of the title bar
are the three familiar buttons that have the same function in all Windows programs.
You can temporarily hide the Word window by clicking the Minimize button, adjust
the size of the window with the Restore Down/Maximize button, and close the active
Below the title bar is the Ribbon, which makes all the capabilities of Word available in
a single area so that you can work efficiently with the program.
Commands related to working with document content are represented as buttons on the
tabs that make up the Ribbon. The Home tab is active by default. Clicking one of the
On each tab, buttons are organized into groups. Depending on the size of the program
window, in some groups the button you are likely to use most often is bigger than the
Depending on your screen resolution and the size of the program window, a tab might
not have enough room to display all of its groups. In that case, the name of the group
resembles a button, and clicking the button displays the group’s commands.
Related but less common commands are not represented as buttons in the group. Instead
they are available in a dialog box, which you can display by clicking the Dialog Box
Some button names are displayed and some aren’t. Pausing the mouse pointer over any
button for a few seconds (called hovering) displays a ScreenTip with not only the
Some buttons have arrows, but not all arrows are alike. If you point to a button and both
the button and its arrow are in the same box and are the same colour, clicking the button
will display options for refining the action of the button. If you point to a button and
the button is in one box and its arrow is in a different box with a different shade, clicking
the button will carry out that action with the button’s current settings. If you want to
change those settings, you need to click the arrow to see the available options.
The Ribbon:
The Ribbon: is the dramatic new replacement for the customary menu system in previous
versions of Microsoft Office. In other words, the menus and toolbars have been replaced with
the Ribbon. The Ribbon stretches across the top of the work area in Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
and Access, and it appears in selected windows in Outlook, giving you tabs, contextual
commands, and more that are related to the current operation you are performing. The Ribbon
is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Commands
are organized in logical groups, which are collected together under Tabs. Each Tab relates to a
type of activity, such as writing or Laying out a page. To reduce clutter, some tabs are shown
only when needed. For example, the Picture Tools Tab is shown only when a picture is selected.
Microsoft Office button, which opens the File menu), and the Save, Undo, and Redo
icons. (You can customize the QAT to add tools you use frequently.)
Command tabs (such as Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and
View) stretch across the screen just below the window title bar.
Command sets are the commands available for the selected tab that relate to what you’re
trying to do. The name of the command set appears below the commands (for example,
Contextual commands appear only when an object (a table, chart, etc.) is selected.
In this Study session, we have discussed about the general overview of the Microsoft word and
different menus.
You have learnt that word processing is an application program that allows you to create letters,
reports, newsletters, tables, form letters, brochures, and Web pages. Using this application
program you can add pictures, tables, and charts to your documents. You can also check
Some of the main features of word processing applications discussed here are:
allow you to use predefined shortcuts and typing patterns to quickly format your
The nested tables feature supports putting one table inside another table.
Tables of contents with section titles and their page numbers.
MS Word 2007 has useful features and tools introduced to produce professionally
created documents. You can easily create, format, edit professional-looking user
Tabs are more task oriented such as Home, Insert, Page Layout.
Related command buttons are also grouped together to execute a command or to display
a command menu.
Finally, you have learnt about different buttons on the menus in tabular form with their symbol
and description.
1. Having understood the basics of word processing software, critically explain the
2. MS Word gives the user a collection of different options to format text in the most