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Searching is one of the most fundamental operations in the field of computing. It is

used in any application where we need to find out whether an element belongs to a list
or, more generally, retrieve from a file information associated with that element. In its
most basic form the searching problem is stated as follows: Given a sequence
S = { s , , s,, . . . , s,) of integers and an integer x, it is required to determine whether
x = s, for some s, in S.
In sequential computing, the problem is solved by scanning the sequence S and
comparing x with its successive elements until either an integer equal to x is found or
the sequence is exhausted without success. This is given in what follows as procedure
SEQUENTIAL SEARCH. As soon as an s, in S is found such that x = s,, the
procedure returns k; otherwise 0 is returned.

procedure SEQUENTIAL SEARCH (S, x, k)

Step 1: (1.1) i +- 1
(1.2) k + 0.
Step 2: while (i < n and k = 0) d o
if si= x then k + i end if
i+i+ 1
end while.

In the worst case, the procedure takes O(n) time. This is clearly optimal,since every
element of S must be examined (when x is not in S ) before declaring failure.
Alternatively, if S is sorted in nondecreasing order, then procedure BINARY
SEARCH of section 3.3.2 can return the index of an element of S equal to x (or 0 if no
such element exists) in O(1og n) time. Again, this is optimal since this many bits are
needed to distinguish among the n elements of S.
In this chapter we discuss parallel searching algorithms. We begin by consider-
ing the case where S is sorted in nondecreasing order and show how searching can be
performed on the SM SIMD model. As it turns out, our EREW searching algorithm is
Sec. 5.2 Searching a Sorted Sequence 113

no faster than procedure BINARY SEARCH. On the other hand, the CREW
algorithm matches a lower bound on the number of parallel steps required to search a
sorted sequence, assuming that all the elements of S are distinct. When this
assumption is removed, a CRCW algorithm is needed to achieve the best possible
speedup. We then turn to the more general case where the elements of S are in random
order. Here, although the SM SIMD algorithms are faster than procedure
SEQUENTIAL SEARCH, the same speedup can be achieved on a weaker model,
namely, a tree-connected SIMD computer. Finally, we present a parallel search
algorithm for a mesh-connected SIMD computer that, under some assumptions
about signal propagation time along wires, is superior to the tree algorithm.


We assume throughout this section that the sequence S = { s , , s,, . . . , s,) is sorted in
nondecreasing order, that is, s, < s, < . - . < s,. Typically, a file with n records is
available, which is sorted on the s field of each record. This file is to be searched using s
as the key; that is, given an integer x, a record is sought whose s field equals x. If such a
record is found, then the information stored in the other fields may now be retrieved.
The format of a record is illustrated in Fig. 5.1. Note that if the values of the s fields are
not unique and all records whose s fields equal a given x are needed, then the search
algorithm is continued until the file is exhausted. For simplicity we begin by assuming
that the si are distinct; this assumption is later removed.

5.2.1 EREW Searching

Assume that an N-processor EREW SM SIMD computer is available to search S for a

given element x, where 1 < N < n. To begin, the value of x must be made known to all
processors. This can be done using procedure BROADCAST in O(1og N) time. The
sequence S is then subdivided into N subsequences of length n/N each, and processor
Pi is assigned { s (-~ + s ( ~I)(,/,,,)
- + ,, . . . , S i ( n l N ) } . All processors now perform
procedure BINARY SEARCH on their assigned subsequences. This requires
O(log(n/N)) in the worst case. Since the elements of S are all distinct, at most one
processor finds an s, equal to x and returns k. The total time required by this EREW
searching algorithm is therefore O(1og N) + O(log(n/N)),which is O(log n). Since-this is
precisely the time required by procedure BINARY SEARCH (running on a single
processor!), no speedup is achieved by this approach.

'i OTHER INFORMATION Figure 5.1 Format of record in file to be
114 Searching Chap. 5

5.2.2 CREW Searching

Again, assume that an N-processor CREW SM SIMD computer is available to search

S for a given element x, where 1 < N 6 n. The same algorithm described for the
EREW computer can be used here except that in this case all processors can read x
simultaneously in constant time and then proceed to perform procedure BINARY
SEARCH on their assigned subsequences. This requires O(log(n/N))time in the worst
case, which is faster than procedure BINARY SEARCH applied sequentially to the
entire sequence.
It is possible, however, to do even better. The idea is to use a parallel version of
the binary search approach. Recall that during each iteration of procedure BINARY
SEARCH the middle element s, of the sequence searched is probed and tested for
equality with the input x. If s, > x , then all the elements larger than s, are discarded;
otherwise all the elements smaller than s, are discarded. Thus, the next iteration is
applied to a sequence half as long as previously. The procedure terminates when the
probed element equals x or when all elements have been discarded. In the parallel
version, there are N processors and hence an (N + 1)-ary search can be used. At each
stage, the sequence is split into N + 1 subsequences of equal length and the N
processors simultaneously probe the elements at the boundary between successive
subsequences. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.2. Every processor compares the element s of
S it probes with x:
1. If s > x, then if an element equal to x is in the sequence at all, it must precede s;
consequently, s and all the elements that follow it (i.e., to its right in Fig. 5.2) are
removed from consideration.
2. The opposite takes place if s < x.
Thus each processor splits the sequence into two parts: those elements to be discarded
as they definitely do not contain an element equal to x and those that might and are
hence kept. This narrows down the search to the intersection of all the parts to be
kept, that is, the subsequence between two elements probed in this stage. This
subsequence, shown hachured in Fig. 5.2, is searched in the next stage by the same
process. This continues until either an element equal to x is found or all the elements
of S are discarded. Since every stage is applied to a sequence whose length is 1/(N + 1)
the length of the sequence searched during the previous stage less 1, O(log,+ ,(n + 1))
stages are needed. We now develop the algorithm formally and then show that this is
precisely the number of steps it requires in the worst case.
Let g be the smallest integer such that n 6 (N + 1)g - 1, that is,
g = rlog(n + l)/log(N 1)1. It is possible to prove by induction that g stages are
sufficient to search a sequence of length n for an element equal to an input x. Indeed,
the statement is true for g = 0.Assume it is true for (N + - 1. Now, to search a
sequence of length (N + - 1, processor Pi, i = 1,2,. . . , N, compares x to sj where
j = i (N + as shown in Fig. 5.3. Following this comparison, only a subsequence
of length (N l)g-' - 1 needs to be searched, thus proving our claim. This
subsequence, shown hachured in Fig. 5.3, can be determined as follows. Each
Sec. 5.2 Searching a Sorted Sequence 115

processor Pi uses a variable ci that takes the value left or right according to whether
the part of the sequence Pi decides to keep is to the left or right of the element it
compared to x during this stage. Initially, the value of each ci is irrelevant and can be
assigned arbitrarily. Two constants c, = right and c,, = left are also wed. Follow-
ing the comparison between x and an element sj, of S, Pi assigns a value to ci (unless
sji = x, in which case the value of ci is again irrelevant). If ci # ci - for some i,
1 < i < N , then the sequence to be searched next runs from s, t~os,, where
q = (i - 1)(N + +
1 and r = i(N + - 1. Precisely one processor updates q
and r in the shared memory, and all remaining processors can simultaneoiusly read the
updated values in constant time. The algorithm is given in what follows as procedure
CREW SEARCH. The procedure takes S and x as input: If x = s, for some k, then k is
returned; otherwise a 0 is returned.
procedure CREW SEARCH (S, x, k)
Step 1: {Initialize indices of sequence to be searched}
(1.1) q t 1
(1.2) r t n.
Step 2: {Initialize results and maximum number of stages}
(2.1) k c 0
+ +
(2.2) g + rlog(n I ) / I O ~ ( N1)1.
Step 3: while (q < r and k = 0) do
(3.1) jo t q - 1
(3.2) for i = 1 to N do in parallel
+ +
(i) ji c (q - 1) i(N l)e-'
{ P icompares x to sj and determines the part of the sequence to be kept}
(ii) if ji < r
then if sji = x
then k +ji
else if sj, > x
then ci t left
else ci + right
end if
end if
else (a) ji + r 1
(b) ci + left
end if
{The indices of the subsequence to be searched in the next iteration are
(iii) ifci#ci-,then(a) q t j i - l 1+
(b) r + j i - 1
end if
(iv) if (i = N and ci # ci+,) then q tji 1+
end if
end for
(3.3) g + g - 1.
end while.
116 Searching Chap. 5

Figure 5.2 Searching sorted sequence with N processors.

Figure 5.3 Derivation of number of stages required to search sequence.


Steps 1,2, 3.1, and 3.3 are performed by one processor, say, P,, in constant time. Step
3.2 also takes constant time. As proved earlier, there are at most g iterations of step 3.
It follows that procedure CREW SEARCH runs in O(log(n + l)/log(N + 1)) time, that
is, t(n) = O(log,+,(n + 1)). Hence c(n) = O(N log,+,(n +
I)), which is not optimal.
Example 5.1
Let S = {1,4,6,9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18,20,23, 32,45,51) be the sequence to be searched
using a CREW SM SIMD computer with N processors. We illustrate two successful and
one unsuccessful searches.

1. Assume that N = 3 and that it is required to find the index k of the element in S
equal to 45 (i.e., x = 45). Initially, q = 1, r = 15, k = 0, and g = 2. During the first
iteration of step 3, P , computes j , = 4 and compares s, to x. Since 9 < 45,
c , = right. Simultaneously, P , and P , compares, and s,,, respectively, to x :Since
14 < 45 and 23 < 45, c, = right and c, = right. Now c, f c,; therefore q = 13 and
r remains unchanged. The new sequence to be searched runs from s , , t o s,,, as
shown in Fig. 5.4(a), and g = 1. In the second iteration, illustrated in Fig. 5.4(b), P I
computes j , = 12 1 and compares s,, to x : Since 32 < 45, c , = right. Simulta-
neously, P , compares s,, to x , and since they are equal, it sets k to 14 (c, remains
unchanged). Also, P , compares s,, to x : Since 51 > 45, c, = left. Now c, # c,:
Thus q = 12 + 2 + 1 = 15 and r = 12 + 3 - 1 = 14. The procedure terminates
with k = 14.
2. Say now that x = 9, with N still equal to 3. In the first iteration, P I compares s, to
x : Since they are equal, k is set to 4. All simultaneous and subsequent com-
putations in this iteration are redundant since the following iteration is not
performed and the procedure terminates early with k = 4.
Sec. 5.2 Searching a Sorted Sequence

Figure 5.4 Searching sequence of fifteenelements using procedure CREW SEARCH.

3. Finally, let N = 2 and x = 21. Initially, g = 3. In the first iteration P , computes

j, = 9 and compares s, to x: Since 15 < 21, c, = right. Simultaneously, P,
computes j, = 18: Since 18 > 15, j, points to a n element outside the sequence.
Thus P, sets j , = 16 and c, = left. Now c, # c,: Therefore q = 10 and r = 15, that
is, the sequence to be searched in the next iteration runs from s,, to s , ,, and g = 2.
. the second iteration, P, computes j, = 9 3 and
This is illustrated in Fig. 5 . q ~ )In
118 Searching Chap. 5

compares s , , to x: since 23 > 21, c , = left. Simultaneously, P , computes j , = 15:

Since 51 > 21, c , = left. Now c , # c,, and therefore r = 1 1 and q remains
unchanged, as shown in Fig. 5.qd). In the final iteration, g = 1 and P I computes
j , = 9 + 1 and compares s , , to x: Since 18 < 21, c, = right. Simultaneously, P ,
computes j2 = 9 + 2 and compares s , , to x: Since 20 < 21, c , = right. Now
c , # c,, and therefore q = 12. Since q > r, the procedure terminates unsuccessfully
with k = 0.

We conclude our discussion of parallel searching algorithms for the CREW

model with the following two observations:

1. Under the assumption that the elements of S are sorted and distinct, procedure
CREW SEARCH, although not cost optimal, achieves the best possible running
time for searching. This can be shown by noting that any algorithm using N
processors can compare an input element x to at most N elements of S
simultaneously. After these comparisons and the subsequent deletion of ele-
ments from S definitely not equal to x, a subsequence must be left whose length
is at least
r(n - N)/(N + 1)1 2 (n - N)/(N + 1) = [(n + 1)/(N + I)] - 1.
After g repetitions of the same process, we are left with a sequence of length
[(n+ 1)/(N + I)#] - 1. It follows that the number of iterations required by any
such parallel algorithm is no smaller than the minimum g such that
[(n + l)/(N + -1 < 0,
which is

2. Two parallel algorithms were presented in this section for searching a sequence
of length n on a CREW SM SIMD computer with N processors. The first
required O(log(n/N)) time and the second O(log(n + l)/log(N + 1)). In both
cases, if N = n, then the algorithm runs in constant time. The fact that the
elements of S are distinct still remains a condition for achieving this constant
running time, as we shall see in the next section. However, we no longer need S
to be sorted. The algorithm is simply as follows: In one step each Pi,i = 1, 2,
. . . , n, can read x and compare it to si;if x is equal to one element of S, say, s,,
then P, returns k; otherwise k remains 0.

5.2.3 CRCW Searching

In the previous two sections, we assumed that all the elements of the sequence S to be
searched are distinct. From our discussion so far, the reason for this assumption may
have become apparent: If each siis not unique, then possibly more than one processor
will succeed in finding a member of S equal to x. Consequently, possibly several
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence 119

processors will attempt to return a value in the variable k, thus causing a write
conflict, an occurrence disallowed in both the EREW and CREW models. Of course,
we can remove the uniqueness assumption and still use the EREW and CREW
searching algorithms described earlier. The idea is to invoke procedure {STORE(see
problem 2.13) whose job is to resolve write conflicts: Thus, in O(log N) time we can get
the smallest numbered of the successful processors to return the index k it has
computed, where s, = x. The asymptotic running time of the EREW search algorithm
in section 5.2.1 is not affected by this additional overhead. However, procedure
CREW SEARCH now runs in
t(n) = O(log(n + l)/log(N + 1)) + O(1og N).
In order to appreciate the effect of this additional O(log N) term, note that when
N = n, t(n) = O(1og n). In other words, procedure CREW SEARCH with n processors
is no faster than procedure BINARY SEARCH, which runs on one processor!
Clearly, in order to maintain the efficiency of procedure CREW SEARCH while
giving up the uniqueness assumption, we must run the algorithm on a CRCW SM
SIMD computer with an appropriate write conflict resolution rule. Whatever the rule
and no matter how many processors are successful in finding a member of S equal to
x, only one index k will be returned, and that in constant time.


We now turn to the more general case of the search problem. Here the elements of the
sequence S = {s,, s,, . .., s,) are not assumed to be in any particular order and are not
necessarily distinct. As before, we have a file with n records that is to be searched using
the s field of each record as the key. Given an integer x, a record is sought whose s field
equals x; if such a record is found, then the information stored in the other fields may
now be retrieved. This operation is referred to as querying the file. Besides querying,
search is useful in file maintenance, such as inserting a new record and updating or
deleting an existing record. Maintenance, as we shall see, is particularly easy when the
s fields are in random order.
We begin by studying parallel search algorithms for shared-mernory SIMD
computers. We then show how the power of this model is not really needed for the
search problem. As it turns out, performance similar to that of SM SIMD algorithms
can be obtained using a tree-connected SIMD computer. Finally, we demonstrate that
a mesh-connected computer is superior to the tree for searching if signal propagation
time along wires is taken into account when calculating the running time of
algorithms for both models.

5.3.1 Searching on S M SIMD Computers

The general algorithm for searching a sequence in random order on a SM SIMD

computer is straightforward and similar in structure to the algorithm in section 5.2.1.
1 20 Searching Chap. 5

We have an N-processor computer to search S = {s,, s, . . . , s,} for a given element x,

where 1 < N < n. The algorithm is given as procedure SM SEARCH:

procedure SM SEARCH (S, x , k)

Step 1: for i = 1 to N do in parallel
Read x
end for.
Step 2: for i = 1 to N do in parallel
(2.1) Si { ~ ( i -l)(n/N)+ 1r S ( i - I ) ( n / N )+ 2 , . . . r ~ i ( n l N ) J
(2.2) SEQUENTIAL SEARCH ( S , , x , k i )
end for.
Step 3: for i = 1 to N do in parallel
if ki > 0 then k t ki end if


We now analyze procedure SM SEARCH for each of the four incarnations of the
shared-memory model of SIMD computers.

5.3.1.I EREW. Step 1 is implemented using procedure BROADCAST and

requires O(1og N) time. In step 2, procedure SEQUENTIAL SEARCH takes O(n/N)
time in the worst case. Finally, procedure STORE (with an appropriate conflict
resolution rule) is used in step 3 and runs in O(log N ) time. The overall asymptotic
running time is therefore

and the cost is

c(n) = O(N log N) + O(n),
which is not optimal. Steps 1 and 2 are as in the EREW case, while step 3 now
takes constant time. The overall asymptotic running time remains unchanged.

5.3.1 -3CREW. Step 1 now takes constant time, while steps 2 and 3 are as in
the EREW case. The overall asymptotic running time remains unchanged. Both steps 1 and 3 take constant time, while step 2 is as in

the EREW case. The overall running time is now O(n/N), and the cost is

which is optimal.
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence 1 21

In order to put the preceding results in perspective, let us consider. a situation

where the following two conditions hold:

1. There are as many processors as there are elements in S, that is, N = n.

2. There are q queries to be answered, that is, q values of x are queuecl waiting for

In the case of the EREW, ERCW, and CREW models, the time to process one query
is now O(1og n). For q queries, this time is simply multiplied by a factor of q. This is of
course an improvement over the time required by procedure SEQUENTIAL
SEARCH, which would be on the order of qn. For the CRCW compute]:, procedure
SM SEARCH now takes constant time. Thus q queries require a constant multiple of
q time units to be answered.
Surprisingly, a performance slightly inferior to that of the CRCW algorithm but
still superior to that of the EREW algorithm can be obtained using a much weaker
model, namely, the tree-connected SIMD computer. Here a binary tree with O ( n )
processors processes the queries in a pipeline fashion: Thus the q queries require a
constant multiple of log n (q - 1 ) time units to be answered. For large: values of q
(i.e., q > log n), this behavior is equivalent to that of the CRCW algoritl-~m.We now
turn to the description of this tree algorithm.

5.3.2 Searching on a Tree

A tree-connected SIMD computer with n leaves is available for searching a file of n

records. Such a tree is shown in Fig. 5.5 for n = 16. Each leaf of the tree stores one
record of the file to be searched. The root is in charge of receiving input from the
outside world and passing a copy of it to each of its two children. It is also responsible
for producing output received from its two children to the outside world. As for the
intermediate nodes, each of these is capable of:

1. receiving one input from its parent, making two copies of it, and sending one
copy to each of its two children; and
2. receiving two inputs from its children, combining them, and passing the result to
its parent.

The next two sections illustrate how the file stored in the leaves can be queried and
maintained. Querying. Given an integer x, it is required to search the file of

records on the s field for x, that is, determine whether there is a value in
S = {s,, s,, . .., s,) equal to x. Such a query only requires a yes or no answer. This is
the most basic form of querying and is even simpler than the one that we have been
concerned with so far in this chapter. The tree-connected computer handles this query
Searching Chap. 5




Figure 5.5 Tree-connected computer for searching.

in three stages:
Stage I : The root reads x and passes it to its two children. In turn, these send x
to their children. The process continues until a copy of x reaches each leaf.
Stage 2: Simultaneously, all leaves compare the s field of the record they store to
x: If they are equal, the leaf produces a 1 as output: otherwise a 0 is produced.
Stage 3: The outputs of the leaves are combined by going upward in the tree:
Each intermediate node computes the logical or of its two inputs (i.e., 0 or 0 = 0,
0 or 1 = 1, 1 or 0 = 1, and 1 or 1 = 1) and passes the result to its parent. The
process continues until the root receives two bits, computes their logical or, and
produces either a 1 (for yes) or a 0 (for no).
It takes O(1og n) time to go down the tree, constant time to perform the comparison at
the leaves, and again O(1og n) time to go back up the tree. Therefore, such a query is
answered in O(log n) time.
Example 5.2
Let S = {25,14,36,18,15, 17,19,17) and x = 17. The three stages above are illustrated in
Fig. 5.6.

Assume now that q such queries are queued waiting to be processed. They can
be pipelined down the tree since the root and intermediate nodes are free to handle the
next query as soon as they have passed the current one along to their children. The
same remark applies to the leaves: As soon as the result of one comparison has been
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence

(a) STAGE 1

(b) STAGE 2

Figure 5.6 Searching sequence of eight

(c) STAGE 3 elements using tree.

produced, each leaf is ready to receive a new value of x. The results are also pipelined
upward: The root and intermediate nodes can compute the logical or of the next pair
of bits as soon as the current pair has been cleared. Typically, the root and
intermediate nodes will receive data flowing downward (queries) and upward (results)
simultaneously: We assume that both can be handled in a single time unit; otherwise,
and in order to keep both flows of data moving, a processor can switch :its attention
from one direction to the other alternately. It takes O(1og n) time for the answer to the
124 Searching Chap. 5

first query to be produced at the root. The answer to the second query is obtained in
the following time unit. The answer to the last query emerges q - 1 time units after the
first answer. Thus the q answers are obtained in a total of O(log n) + O(q) time.
We now examine some variations over the basic form of a query discussed so far.
1. Position If a query is successful and element s, is equal to x, it may be desired
to know the index k. Assume that the leaves are numbered 1 , . . . , n and that leaf i
contains si. Following the comparison with x, leaf i produces the pair (1, i) if si = x;
otherwise it produces (0, i). All intermediate nodes and the root now operate as
follows. If two pairs (1, i) and (0, j)are received, then the pair (1, i) is sent upward.
Otherwise, if both pairs have a 1 as a first element or if both pairs have a 0 as a first
element, then the pair arriving from the left son is sent upward. In this way, the root
produces either

(i) (1, k) where k is the smallest index of an element in S equal to x or

(ii) (0, k) indicating that no match for x was found and, therefore, that the value of k
is meaningless.

With this modification, the root in example 5.2 would produce (1,6).
This variant of the basic query can itself be extended in three ways:

(a) When a record is found whose s field equals x, it may be desirable to obtain the
entire record as an answer to the query (or perhaps some of its fields). The
preceding approach can be generalized by having the leaf that finds a match
return a triple of the form (1, i, required information). The intermediate nodes
and root behave as before.
(b) Sometimes, the positions of all elements equal to x in S may be needed. In this
case, when an intermediate node, or the root, receives two pairs (1, i) and (1, j),
two pairs are sent upward consecutively. In this way the indices of all members
of S equal to x will eventually emerge from the root.
(c) The third extension is a combination of (a) and (b): All records whose s fields
match x are to be retrieved. This is handled by combining the preceding two

It should be noted, however, that for each of the preceding extensions care must be
taken with regards to timing if several queries are being pipelined. This is because the
result being sent upward by each node is no longer a single bit but rather many bits of
information from potentially several records (in the worst case the answer consists of
the n entire records). Since the answer to a query is now of unpredictable length, it is
no longer guaranteed that a query will be answered in O(1og n) time, that the period is
constant, or that q queries will be processed in O(log n) + O(q) time.

2. Count Another variant of the basic query asks for the number of records
whose s field equals x. This is handled exactly as the basic query, except that now the
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence 125

intermediate nodes and the root compute the sum of their inputs (instead d the logical
or). With this modification, the root in example 5.2 would produce a 2.
3. Closest Element Sometimes it may be useful to find the element of S whose
value is closest to x. As with the basic query, x is first sent to the leaves.. Leaf i now
computes the absolute value of si - x, call it a,, and produces (i, a,) as output.
Each intermediate node and the root now receive two pairs (i, a,) and (j,aj): The
pair with the smaller a component is sent upward. With this modification and x = 38
as input, the root in example 5.2 would produce (3,2) as output. Note that the case of
two pairs with identical a components is handled either by choosing one of the two
arbitrarily or by sending both upward consecutively.
4. Rank The rank of an element x in S is defined as the number of ellements of S
smaller than x plus 1. We begin by sending x to the leaves and then having each leaf i
produce a 1 if si < x, and a 0 otherwise. Now the rank of x in S is computed by making
all intermediate nodes add their inputs and send the result upward. The root adds 1 to
the sum of its two inputs before producing the rank. With this modification, the root's
output in example 5.2 would be 3.
It should be emphasized that each of the preceding variants, if car~efullytimed,
should have the same running time as the basic query (except, of course, when the
queries being processed d o not have constant-length answers as pointed out earlier). Maintenance. We now address the problem of maintaining a file

of records stored at the leaves of a tree, that is, inserting a new record and updating or
deleting an existing record.
1. Insertion In a typical file, records are inserted and deleted continually. It is
therefore reasonable to assume that at any given time a number of leaves are
unoccupied. We can keep track of the location of these unoccupied leaves by storing
in each intermediate node and at the root

(i) the number of unoccupied leaves in its left subtree and

(ii) the number of unoccupied leaves in its right subtree.

A new record received by the root is inserted into an unoccupied leaf as follows:

(i) The root passes the record to the one of its two subtrees with unoccupied leaves.
If both have unoccu,pied leaves, the root makes an arbitrary decision; if neither
does, the root signals an overflow situation.
(ii) When an intermediate node receives the new record, it routes it to its subtree
with unoccupied leaves (again, making an arbitrary choice, if necessary).
(iii) The new record eventually reaches an unoccupied leaf where it is stored.

Note that whenever the root, or an intermediate node, sends the new record to a
subtree, the number of unoccupied leaves associated with that subtreee is decreased by
126 Searching Chap. 5

1. It should be clear that insertion is greatly facilitated by the fact that the file is not to
be maintained in any particular order.
2. Update Say that every record whose s field equals x must be updated with
new information in (some of) its other fields. This is accomplished by sending x and
the new information to all leaves. Each leaf i for which si = x implements the change.
3. Deletion If every record whose s field equals x must be deleted, then we begin
by sending x to all leaves. Each leaf i for which si = x now declares itself as unoccupied
by sending a 1 to its parent. This information is carried upward until it reaches the
root. On its way, it increments by 1 the appropriate count in each node of the number
of unoccupied leaves in the left or right subtree.
Each of the preceding maintenance operations takes O(1og n) time. As before, q
operations can be pipelined to require O(1og n) + O(q) time in total.
We conclude this section with the following observations.
1. We have obtained a search algorithm for a tree-connected computer that is
more efficient than that described for a much stronger model, namely, the EREW SM
SIMD. Is there a paradox here? Not really. What our result indicates is that we
managed to find an algorithm that does not require the full power of the shared-
memory model and yet is more efficient than an existing EREW algorithm. Since any
algorithm for an interconnection network SIMD computer can be simulated on the
shared-memory model, the tree algorithm for searching can be turned into an EREW
algorithm with the same performance.
2. It may be objected that our comparison of the tree and shared-memory
algorithms is unfair since we are using 2n - 1 processors on the tree and only n on the
EREW computer. This objection can be easily taken care of by using a tree with n/2
leaves and therefore a total of n - 1 processors. Each leaf now stores two records and
performs two comparisons for every given x.
3. If a tree with N leaves is available, where 1 < N < n, then n/N records are
stored per leaf. A query now requires

(i) O(log N) time to send x to the leaves,

(ii) O(n/N) time to search the records within each leaf for one with an s field equal to
x, and
(iii) O(1og N) time to send the answer back to the root,

that is, a total of O(1og N) + O(n/N). This is identical to the time required by the
algorithms that run on the more powerful EREW, ERCW, or CREW SM SIMD
computers. Pipelining, however, is not as attractive as before: Searching within each
leaf no longer requires constant time and q queries are not guaranteed to be answered
in O(1og n) + O(q) time.
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence 127

4. Throughout the preceding discussion we have assumed that the wire delay,
that is, the time it takes a datum to propagate along a wire, from one level of the tree
to the next is a constant. Thus for a tree with n leaves, each query or maintenance
operation under this assumption requires a running time of O(1og n) to be processed.
In addition, the time between two consecutive inputs or two consecutive outputs is
constant: In other words, searching on the tree has a constant period (provided, of
course, that the queries have constant-length answers). However, a direct hardware
implementation of the tree-connected computer would obviously have connections
between levels whose length grows exponentially with the level number. As Fig. 5.5
illustrates, the wire connecting a node at level i to its parent at level i 1 has length
proportional to 2'. The maximum wire length for a tree with n leaves is O(n)and occurs
at level log n - 1. Clearly, this approach is undesirable from a practical point of view,
as it results in a very poor utilization of the area in which the processors and wires are
placed. Furthermore, it would yield a running time of O(n) per query if the
propagation time is taken to be proportional to the wire length. In orde:r to prevent
this, we can embed the tree in a mesh, as shown in Fig. 5.7. Figure 5.7 illustrates an n-


Figure 5.7 Tree-connected computer embedded in mesh.

Searching Chap. 5

node tree, with n = 31, where

(i) the maximum wire length is O(n1I2),

(ii) the area used is O(n), and
(iii) the running time per query or maintenance operation is O(n1l2)and the period is
O(n1I2),assuming that the propagation time of a signal across a wire grows
linearly with the length of the wire.

This is a definite improvement over the previous design, but not sufficiently so to
make the tree the preferred architecture for search problems. In the next section we
describe a parallel algorithm for searching on a mesh-connected SIMD computer
whose behavior is superior to that of the tree algorithm under the linear propagation
time assumption.

5.3.3 Searching on a Mesh

In this section we show how a two-dimensional array of processors can be used to

solve the various searching problems described earlier. Consider the n-processor
mesh-connected SIMD computer illustrated in Fig. 5.8 for n = 16, where each
processor stores one record of the file to be searched. This architecture has the
following characteristics:
1. The wire length is constant, that is, independent of the size of the array;
2. the area used is O(n); and
3. the running time per query or maintenance operation is O(n1I2)and the period is
constant regardless of any assumption about wire delay.

Clearly, this behavior is a significant improvement over that of the tree

architecture under the assumption that the propagation time of a signal along a wire is
linearly proportional to the length of that wire. (Of course, if the wire delay is assumed
to be a constant, then the tree is superior for the searching problem since log n < nli2
for sufficiently large n.) Querying. In order to justify the statement in 3 regarding the

running time and period of query and maintenance operations on the mesh, we
describe an algorithm for that architecture that solves the basic query problem;
namely, given an integer x, it is required to search the file of records on the s field for x.
We then show that the algorithm produces a yes or no answer to such a query in
O(n1I2)time and that q queries can be processed in O(q) + O(n'12)time. Let us denote
by siqjthe s field of the record held by processor P(i, j).The algorithm consists of two
stages: unfolding and folding.
Unfolding. Processor P(1,l) reads x. If x = s,,,, it produces an output b,,,
equal to 1; otherwise b,,, = 0. It then communicates (b,,,, x) to P(1,2). If x = s,,, or
b,,, = 1, then bIT2= 1; otherwise b,,, = 0. Now simultaneously, the two row
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence

4 1 1 ) - - - p(1,2) 3 P(1.4)

Figure 5.8 Mesh-connected computer for searching.

neighbors P ( 1 , l ) and P ( 1 , 2 ) send ( b x ) and (b,,,, x ) to P ( 2 , l ) and P(2,2),
respectively. Once b,,, and b,,, have been computed, the two column neighbors
P ( 1 , 2 )and P(2,2)communicate (b,,,, x ) and (b,,,, x ) to P(1,3) and P(2,3), respectively.
This unfolding process, which alternates row and column propagation, cointinues until
x reaches P(n'I2, n1I2).
Folding. At the end of the unfolding stage every processor has had a chance to
"see" x and compare it to the s field of the record it holds. In this second stage, the
reverse action takes place. The output bits are propagated from row to row and from
column to column in an alternating fashion, right to left and bottom to top, until the
answer emerges from P ( l , 1). The algorithm is given as procedure MESH SEARCH:

procedure MESH SEARCH (S, x, answer)

Step 1: {P(1, 1) reads the input)
if x = s,,, then b,,, + 1
else b , , , + 0
end if.
Step 2: {Unfolding}
for i = 1 to n1I2- 1 do
(2.1) for j = 1 to i do in parallel
(i) P(j, i) transmits (bj,i,x) to P(j, i 1)
, ,
(ii) if ( X = s ~ , ~or+bj,i = 1) then bjqi+ + 1
else bj,i+ + 0
end if
end for
Searching Chap. 5

(2.2) for j = 1 to i + 1 do in parallel

(i) P(i, j) transmits (bi,j, x) to P(i + 1, j )
(ii) if(x = s i + l , jor bi.j = 1) then bi+l.j+ 1
else bi+l.j6 0
end if
end for
end for.
Step 3: {Folding}
for i = n1I2downto 2 do
(3.1) for j = 1 to i do in parallel
P(j, i) transmits bj,; to P(j, i - 1)
end for
(3.2) for j = 1 to i - 1 do in parallel
bj,i- 1 bj.i
end for
(3.3) if ( b i , i l = l or bi,i=l)then bi,i-l+-l
else bi,i- t 0
end if
(3.4) for j = 1 to i - 1 do in parallel
P(i, j) transmits b , , to P(i - 1, j)
end for
(3.5) for j = 1 to i - 2 do in parallel
bi- l , j bi.j

end for
(3.6) if(b,-,,i - l = 1 or bi.i-l = 1)then bi-l,i-l + l
else bi_,,i-l t 0
end if
end for.
Step 4: {P(l,l) produces the output}
if b,,, = 1 then answer + yes
else answer t no
end if.


As each of steps 1 and 4 takes constant time and steps 2 and 3 consist of nli2 - 1
constant-time iterations, the time to process a query is O(n1'2).Notice that after the
first iteration of step 2, processor P(1,l) is free to receive a new query. The same
remark applies to other processors in subsequent iterations. Thus queries can be
processed in pipeline fashion. Inputs are submitted to P(1,l)at a constant rate. Since
the answer to a basic query is of fixed length, outputs are also produced by P(l, 1) at a
constant rate following the answer to the first query. Hence the period is constant.
Example 5.3
Let a set of 16 records stored in a 4 x 4 mesh-connected SIMD computer be as shown in
Fig. 5.9. Each square in Fig. 5.9(a) represents a processor and the number inside it is the s
Sec. 5.3 Searching a Random Sequence

Figure 5.9 Searching sequence of sixteen elements using procedure MESH


field of the associated record. Wires connecting the processors are omitted for simplicity.
It is required to determine whether there exists a record with s field equal to 15 (i.e.,
x = 15). Figures 5.9(b)-5.9(h) illustrate the propagation of 15 in the arra:y. Figure 5.9(i)
shows the relevant b values at the end of step 2. Figures 5.9(j)-5.9(0) illustrate the folding
process. Finally Fig. 5.9(p) shows the result as produced in step 4. Note that in Fig. 5.9(e)
processor P(1,l) is shown empty indicating that it has done its job propagating 15 and is
now ready to receive a new query.

Some final comments are in order regarding procedure M E S H SEARCH.

1. N o justification was given for transmitting bi,jalong with x during the unfolding
stage. Indeed, if only one query is t o be answered, n o processor needs t o
communicate its b value to a neighbor: All processors can compute and retain
their outputs; these can then be combined during the folding stage. However, if
132 Searching Chap. 5

several queries are to be processed in pipeline fashion, then each processor must
first transmit its current b value before computing the next one. In this way the
biVjare continually moving, and no processor needs to store its b value.
2. When several queries are being processed in pipeline fashion, the folding stage of
one query inevitably encounters the unfolding stage of another. As we did for the
tree, we assume that a processor simultaneously receiving data from opposite
directions can process them in a single time unit or that every processor
alternately switches its attention from one direction to the other.
3. It should be clear that all variations over the basic query problem described in
section can be easily handled by minor modifications to procedure
MESH SEARCH. Maintenance. All three maintenance operations can be easily

implemented on the mesh.
1. Insertion Each processor in the top row of the mesh keeps track of the
number of unoccupied processors in its column. When a new record is to be inserted,
it is propagated along the top row until a column is found with an unoccupied
processor. The record is then propagated down the column and inserted in the first
unoccupied processor it encounters. The number of unoccupied processors in that
column is reduced by 1.
2. Updating All records to be updated are first located using procedure MESH
SEARCH and then the change is implemented.
3. Deletion When a record is to be deleted, it is first located, an indicator is
placed in the processor holding it signifying it is unoccupied, and the count at the
processor in the top row of the column is incremented by 1.

5.4 P R O B L E M S
5.1 Show that C2(log n) is a lower bound on the number of steps required to search a sorted
sequence of n elements on an EREW SM SIMD computer with n processors.
5.2 Consider the following variant of the EREW SM SIMD model. In one step, a processor
can perform an arbitrary number of computations locally or transfer an arbitrary number
of data (to or from the shared memory). Regardless of the amount of processing-
(computations or data transfers) done, one step is assumed to take a constant number of
time units. Note, however, that a processor is allowed to gain access to a unique memory
location during each step (as customary for the EREW model). Let n processors be
available on this model to search a sorted sequence S = {s,, s,, . . . , s,} of length n for a
given value x. Suppose that any subsequence of S can be encoded to fit in one memory
location. Show that under these conditions the search can be performed in O(10g"~n)time.
[Hint: Imagine that the data structure used to store the sequence in shared memory is a
binary tree, as shown in Fig. 5.1qa) for n = 31. This tree can be encoded as shown in Fig.
Sec. 5.4 Problems

Figure 5.10 Data structures for problem 5.2.

5.3 Prove that R(l~g''~n) is a lower bound on the number of steps required to search a sorted
sequence of n elements using n processors on the EREW SM SIMD computer of problem
5.4 Let us reconsider problem 5.2 but without the assumption that arbitrary subsequences of
S can be encoded to fit in one memory location and communicated in one step. Instead, we
shall store the sequence in a tree with d levels such that a node at level i contains d - i
elements of S and has d - i 1 children, as shown in Fig. 5.11 for n = 23. Each node of
this tree is assigned to a processor that has sufficient local memory to store the elements of
S contained in that node. However, a processor can read only one element of S at every
step. The key x to be searched for is initially available to the processor in charge of the
root. An additional array in memory, with as many locations as there are processors,
allows processor P i to communicate x to P j by depositing it in the location a.ssociated with
P j . Show that O(n) processors can search a sequence of length n in O(log ,n/loglog n).
Searching Chap. 5

Figure 5.11 Data structure for problem 5.4.

5.5 Let M(N,r, s) be the number of comparisons required by an N-processor CREW SM

SIMD computer to merge two sorted sequences of length r and s, respectively. Prove that
+ +
M(N, 1,s) = riog(s I ) ~ o ~ ( N1)i.
5.6 Let 1 < r < N and r < s. Prove that

5.7 Let 1 < N d r < s. Prove that

5.8 Consider a n interconnection-network SIMD computer with n processors where each

processor has a fixed-size local memory and is connected to each of the other n - 1
processors by a two-way link. At any given step a processor can perform any amount of
computations locally but can communicate at most one input to at most one other
processor. A sequence S is stored in this computer one element per processor. It is required
to search S for a n element x initially known to one of the processors. Show that Q(1og n)
steps are required to perform the search.
5.9 Assume that the size of the local memory of the processors in the network of problem 5.8 is
no longer fixed. Show that if each processor can send or receive one element of S or x at a
time, then searching S for some x can be done in O(log nllog log n) time.
5.10 Reconsider the model in problem 5.8 but without any restriction on the kind of
information that can be communicated in one step from one processor to another. Show
that in this case the search can be performed in O(logl'*n) time.
5.11 Let the model of computation described in problem 2.9, that is, a linear array of N
processors with a bus, be available. Each processor has a copy of a sorted sequence S of n
distinct elements. Describe an algorithm for searching S for a given value x on this model
and compare its running time t o that of procedure CREW SEARCH.
5.12 An algorithm is described in example 1.4 for searching a file with n entries on a CRCW SM
S I M D computer. The n entries are not necessarily distinct or sorted in any order. The
Sec. 5.5 Bibliographical Remarks 135
I .

algorithm uses a location F in shared memory to determine whether early termination is

possible. Give a formal description of this algorithm.
5.13 Give a formal description of the tree algorithm for searching described in section
5.14 Given a sequence S and a value x, describe tree algorithms for solving; the following
extensions to the basic query:
(a) Find the predecessor of x in S, that is, the largest element of S smaller than x.
(b) Find the successor of x in S, that is, the smallest element of S larger than x.
5.15 A file of n records is stored in the leaves of a tree machine one record per leaf. Each record
consists of several fields. Given ((i, xi), (j, xj),. . . , (m, x,)), it is required to find the records
with the ith field equal to xi, the jth field equal to xi, and so on. Describe an algorithm for
solving this version of the search problem.
5.16 Consider a tree-connected SIMD computer where each node contains a record (not just
the leaves). Describe algorithms for querying and maintaining such a file of records.
5.17 Repeat problem 5.14 for a mesh-connected SIMD computer.
5.18 Consider the following modification to procedure MESH SEARCH. As usual, P(1,l)
receives the input. During the unfolding stage processor P(i, j) can send data simulta-
neously to P(i + 1, j) and P(i, j 1). When the input reaches P(nl/', nl/'), this processor
can compute the final answer and produce it as output (i.e., there is no folding stage).
Describe the modified procedure formally and analyze its running time.
5.19 Repeat problem 5.11 for the case where the number of processors is n and each processor
stores one element of a sequence S of n distinct elements.
5.20 A binary sequence of length n consisting of a string of 0's followed by a string of 1's is given.
It is required to find the length of the string of 0's using an EREW SM SIMD computer
with N processors, 1 < N < n. Show that this can be done in O(log(n/N)) time.
5.21 In a storage and retrieval technique known as hashing, the location of a dlata element in
memory is determined by its value. Thus, for every element x, the address of x is f (x),
where f is an appropriately chosen function. This approach is used when the data space
(set of potential values to be stored) is larger than the storage space (memory locations) but
not all data need be stored at once. Inevitably, collisions occur, that is, f ( x ) = f(y) for
x # y, and several strategies exist for resolving them. Describe a parallel algorithm for the
hashing function, collision resolution strategy, and model of computation of your choice.
5.22 The algorithms in this chapter addressed the discrete search problem, that is, searching for
a value in a given sequence. Similar algorithms can be derived for the contirluouscase, that
is, searching for points at which a continuous function takes a given value. Describe
parallel algorithms for locating (within a given tolerance) the point at which a certain
function (i) assumes its largest value and (ii) is equal to zero.
5.23 It was shown in section 5.2.2 that procedure CREW SEARCH achieves th~ebest possible
running time for searching. In view of the lower bound in problem 5.1, show that no
procedure faster than MULTIPLE BROADCAST of section 3.4 exists for simulating a
CREW algorithm on an EREW computer.

5.5 B l B L l O G R A P H l C A L R E M A R K S
The problem of searching a sorted sequence in parallel has attracted a good de:al of attention
since searching is an often-performed and time-consuming operation in most database,
information retrieval, and office automation applications. Algorithms similar to procedure
136 Searching Chap. 5

CREW SEARCH for searching on the EREW and CREW models, as well as variations of these
models, are described in [Coraor], [Kruskal], [Munro], and [Snir]. In [Baer] a parallel
computer is described that consists of N processors connected via a switch to M memory
blocks. During each computational step several processors can gain access to several memory
blocks simultaneously, but no more than one processor can gain access to a given memory
block (recall Fig. 1.4). A sorted sequence is distributed among the memory blocks. Various
implementations of the binary search algorithm for this model are proposed in [Baer]. A brief
discussion of how to speed up information retrieval operations through parallel processing is
provided in [Salton I].
Several algorithms for searching on a tree-connected computer are described in
[Atallah], [Bentley], [Bonuccelli], [Chung], [Leiserson 11, CLeiserson21, [Ottman],
[Somani], and [Song]. Some of these algorithms allow for records to be stored in all nodes of
the tree, while others allow additional connections among the nodes (such as, e.g., connecting
the leaves as a linear array). The organization of a commercially available tree-connected
computer for database applications is outlined in [Seaborn]. Also, various ways to implement
tree-connected computers in VLSI are provided in [Bhatt] and [Schmeck 11. An algorithm
analogous to procedure MESH SEARCH can be found in [Schmeck 21. The idea that the
propagation time of a signal along a wire should be taken as a function of the length of the wire
in parallel computational models is suggested in [Chazelle] and [Thompson].
Other parallel algorithms for searching on a variety of architectures are proposed in the
literature. It is shown in [Kung 23, for example, how database operations such as intersection,
duplicate removal, union, join, and division can be performed on one- and two-dimensional
arrays of processors. Other parallel search algorithms are described in [Boral], [Carey],
[Chang], [DeWitt I], [DeWitt 23, [Ellis I], [Ellis 21, [Fisher], [Hillyer], [Kim], [Lehman],
[Potter], [Ramamoorthy], [Salton 21, [Schuster], [Stanfill], [Stone], [Su], [Tanaka], and
[Wong]. In [Rudolph] and [Weller] the model of computation is a so-called parallel pipelined
computer, which consists of N components of M processors each. Each component can initiate
a comparison every 1/M units of time; thus up to N M comparisons may be in progress at one
time. The algorithms in [Rudolph] and [Weller] implement a number of variations of binary
search. Several questions related to querying and maintaining files on an M I M D computer are
addressed in [Kung 11,[Kwong I], and [Kwong 21. Parallel hashing algorithms are presented
in [Miihlbacher]. Finally, parallel search in the continuous case is the subject of [Gal] and

5.6 R E F E R E N C E S
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Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-34, No. 2, February 1985, pp. 151-155.
Baer, J.-L., Du, H. C., and Ladner, R. E., Binary Search in a multiprocessing environment,
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-32, No. 7, July 1983, pp. 667-676.
Bentley, J. L., and Kung, H. T., Two papers on a tree-structured parallel computer, Technical
Report N O . CMU-CS-79-142, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon Univers-
ity, Pittsburgh, August 1979.
Sec. 5.6 References 137

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Ellis, C., Concurrent search and insertion in 2-3 trees, Acta lnformatica, Vol. 14, 1980, pp. 63-
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1 38 Searching Chap. 5

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