Course Schedule ENG 101-20 Fall 2011
Course Schedule ENG 101-20 Fall 2011
Course Schedule ENG 101-20 Fall 2011
Lee-Schott Fall 2011 Semester Assignments submitted in Desire2Learn (D2L) will be due on each date by 1:30 p.m.
Week #/ Class Date: Week 1/ August 23 Assignments/Activities for the Class Period Course icebreaker and overview Classroom introduction Introduction to Desire2Learn (D2L) Students will write a diagnostic essay during class. Diagnostic essay Work Submitted by Student
Week 1/ August 25
Week 2/ August 30
Class topic: What is academic writing? Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say: Preface: Demystifying Academic Conversation, xvi - xxvi Class topic: Constructing a successful introduction Punctuation clinic: Using quotation marks Prior to class, watch: Five Minute Educast: Quotation Marks and MLA Long Quotes) (available in D2L) Essay 1 assigned Class topic: Establishing your dominant voice
Week 2/ September 1
Week 3/ September 6
Prior to class, watch Presentation: Establishing Your Dominant Voice (available in D2L) Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader, Nutritionism by Michael Pollan, pp. 11-16 Class topic: Tying your ideas together with a successful conclusion Grammar clinic: Run-on sentences Prior to class, watch: Subjects and Verbs Run-on Sentnences 1 Run-on Sentences 2 Run-on Sentences 3 (all are available in D2L)
Quiz: Using Quotation Marks (D2L Quizzes) Quiz: Pollan discussion/writing prompts (D2L Quizzes)
Week 3/ September 8
Week 4/ September 13
Class topic: Diving into your role of academic writer Grammar clinic: Run-on sentences
Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say, Introduction: Entering the Conversation, pp. 1-15 Essay 2 assigned (in-class essay): Later in the semester, this essay may be revised and submitted in your English 101 Portfolio. CONFERENCES: This week, you will meet with me for individual conferences in my office (Room 2225). This conference is mandatory (worth 20 points) and will be your opportunity to speak one-on-one about your writing abilities early in the semester. We will discuss your diagnostic essays and Essay 1. Quiz: Run-on sentences (D2L Quizzes) Essay 2
Week 4/ September 15
Week 5/ September 20
Week 5/ September 22
CONFERENCES: This week, you will meet with me for individual conferences in my office (Room 2225). This conference is mandatory (worth 20 points) and will be your opportunity to speak one-on-one about your writing abilities early in the semester. We will discuss your diagnostic essays and Essay 1.
Week 6/ September 27
Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader: Chapter 2: Consumerism by James Miller, pp. 33-36 Do You Want Lies With That? by Morgan Spurlock, pp. 36-42 Essay 3 assigned Class topic: Working with what They Say Grammar Clinic: Sentence fragments Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say, One: They Say: Starting with What Others Are Saying, pp. 19-29
Reading response assignment for Miller (D2L Dropbox) Reading response assignment for Spurlock (D2L Dropbox)
Week 6/ September 29
In-class assignment
Week 7/ October 4
Class topic: Indirectly quoting what They Say Grammar Clinic: Sentence fragments
Prior to class, watch: Fragments (available in D2L) Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say, Two: Her Point Is: The Art of Summarizing, pp. 30-41 Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader, Open for Business: Eating Out as Group Therapy in Post-Katrina New Orleans by Corby Kummer, pp. 47-53 Class topic: Directly quoting and documenting sources Prior to class, review: Presentation: MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide Web Link: MLA Style 7th Edition Document: MLA Paper Template These resources are available in D2L.
Quiz: The Art of Summarizing (D2L Quizzes) Reading response assignment for Kummer (D2L Dropbox) In-class assignment
Week 7/ October 6
Quiz: Sentence fragments (D2L Quizzes) Reading response assignment for Odell (D2L Dropbox)
Week 8/ October 11
Week 8/ October 13
Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader, The Deadly Little Secret: Candy Cigarettes by Patty Odell, pp. 53-55 Essay 4 assigned (in-class essay): Later in the semester, this essay may be revised and submitted in your English 101 Portfolio. Class topic: Responding so that your complexity shows Grammar clinic: Subject-verb agreement and maintaining consistent verb tense Prior to class, watch: Identifying Subjects Past Tense and Past Participle Verb Forms Regular Subjects and Verbs Subject-Verb Agreement Understanding Verbs Verb Tense List of Irregular Verbs in English (all are available in D2L) Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say: Four: Yes/No/Okay, But: Three Ways to Respond, pp. 55-67 Five: And Yet: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say, pp. 68-77 Class topic: Responding so that your complexity shows Grammar clinic: Subject-verb maintaining consistent verb tense agreement and
Quiz: Using MLA Style (D2L Quizzes) Essay 3 (D2L Dropbox) Essay 4 Quiz: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say (D2L Quizzes)
Week 9/ October 18
Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader: Chapter 3: Body Image by James Miller, pp. 57-63 Childhood by Marya Hornbacher, pp. 67-75
Reading response assignment for Miller (D2L Dropbox) Reading response assignment for Hornbacher (D2L Dropbox)
Week 9/ October 20
Class topic: Responding so that your complexity shows Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say, So What? Who Cares?: Saying Why It Matters, pp. 92-101
Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader, How to Address Obesity in a Fat-Phobic Society by Courtney E. Martin, pp. 63-66 Class topic: Dissecting others motivations to benefit your own Prior to class, read from They Say, I Say, Whats Motivating This Writer?: Reading for the Conversation, pp. 145-155 Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader, Chapter 4: Ethics by James Miller, pp. 83-87 Essay 5 assigned (longer documented essay) Class topic: When a five-paragraph essay becomes a full-grown college paper Grammar clinic: Commas, semicolons, em dashes, and colons Prior to class, watch: Punctuation Em Dashes How to Use Commas in English Writing (all are available in D2L) Class topic: Generating ideas Grammar clinic: Commas, semicolons, em dashes, and colons Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader: Whence the Beef?: The Gruesome Trip From Pasture to Platter by Laurie Snyder, pp. 87-92 Meatless Like Me: I May Be a Vegetarian, but I Still Love the Smell of Bacon by Taylor Clark, pp. 92-97 Class topic: Generating ideas Prior to class, read from The Eater Reader: Causes of Hunger Are Related to Poverty by Anup Shah, pp. 97-102 The Ethics of Eating: Consider the Farmworkers by Eric Haas, pp. 102-109
Quiz: Subject-verb agreement and maintaining consistent verb tense (D2L Quizzes) Quiz: Saying Why It Matters (D2L Quizzes) Reading response assignment for Martin (D2L Dropbox) Reading response assignment for Miller (D2L Dropbox)
Reading response assignment for Snyder (D2L Dropbox) Reading response assignment for Clark (D2L Dropbox)
Reading response assignment for Shah (D2L Dropbox) Reading response assignment for Haas (D2L Dropbox) Quiz: Commas, semicolons, em dashes, and colons (D2L Quizzes)
For this class session, students should prepare to report their theses and supporting ideas in class. Essay 6 (in-class essay): This essay will be submitted (as is) in your English 101 Portfolio.
CONFERENCES: During portfolio preparation, you will meet with me for individual conferences. This conference is mandatory (worth 20 points) and will be your opportunity to get a sense of your strengths and shortcomings leading up to the portfolio evaluation. English 101 Portfolio Preparation: We will meet in Room 3250. Please bring all of the materials you will need to work on your portfolio. CONFERENCES: During portfolio preparation, you will meet with me for individual conferences. This conference is mandatory (worth 20 points) and will be your opportunity to get a sense of your strengths and shortcomings leading up to the portfolio evaluation. English 101 Portfolio Preparation: We will meet in Room 3250. Please bring all of the materials you will need to work on your portfolio. CONFERENCES: During portfolio preparation, you will meet with me for individual conferences. This conference is mandatory (worth 20 points) and will be your opportunity to get a sense of your strengths and shortcomings leading up to the portfolio evaluation. English 101 Portfolio Preparation: We will meet in Room 3250. Please bring all of the materials you will need to work on your portfolio. English 101 Portfolio: Your portfolio should have: A cover letter An in-class essay A shorter revised essay (Essay 2 OR Essay 4, not both) A longer documented paper
In-class assignment
Week 16/ December 8 FINALS WEEK/ December 13 3:00 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. English 101 Portfolio Results: Students should come to my office (Room 2225) for your results.