Student Project Portfolio: Rto No: 91223
Student Project Portfolio: Rto No: 91223
Student Project Portfolio: Rto No: 91223
Section 1: Planning 6
Section 2: Physical Audience 8
Section 3: Online Audience 11
Provide an overview of the "Social Media - Has it improved or harmed our social connections?" is
topic you have selected. Why the topic I've chosen.
have you chosen this topic?
I picked this issue because it has been widely discussed on social
media platforms, in papers, and at conferences.
Which key ideas about this Key thoughts that I need to display to my gatherings of people are:
topic do you want to present to
your audiences?
- The affect and ubiquity of social media among the society these days
- Pros and Cons of social media
- How to utilize it appropriately without permitting it to supplant physical
human associations
How can you use storytelling to The presenter can use storytelling to convey a topic in a way that
get your idea or point across? connects and resonates with the audience, allowing them to correlate
their experiences and emotions with the topic.
Include an example.
When a presenter presents a tale about how cyberbullying impacts the
life of a narrative, the audience often feels pity and empathy for the
narrative. As a result, they are able to discern the detrimental influence
of social media.
Outline how humour can be Before discussing a topic, in the presentation's opening, humor can be
used and the benefits and risks employed, for example, by sharing a humorous personal experience
of using humour for your with the subject.
specific topic.
Benefits of humor include improving rapport between presenter and
audience, adding interest to the presentation, and enabling audience
members to relate to the subject.
The danger of employing humor in a presentation or discussion is that
it could cause unseriousness, draw the audience's attention away from
the speaker, and, in some serious cases, insult the audience.
Describe a benefit and a risk of Benefit: Because the material is tied to a specific individual, the
sharing personal information in presentation can be more convincing and acquire the audience's
a presentation or debate. confidence and support.
Risk: It may represent a threat to personal security because the
person's details and tale may be made public.
What types of critical Constructive Criticism is the critical debate that I hope to achieve since
discussion are you hoping to the presentation's goal is to increase awareness about Social Media
achieve? Use and build improvements to produce a more appropriate approach
to Social Media Advancement.
All of the information in this section must be researched and completed with your physical audience in
Define your audience My groups of onlookers would be understudies from the college, as
they are the individuals who tend to spend a part of time on social
Where will you hold a
media stages, communicate and keep up connections with other
presentation and debate
individuals through social media.
I will hold the introduction and talk about session within the conference
Who will be involved?
room of the college.
All instructors and understudies matured 18 to 30 will be included.
Why have you chosen this I choose this platform because it lets me to better interact and
platform? convince my audiences, and it allows me to present to a big number of
How will you communicate with I use the following presentation and communication techniques:
this audience? Outline
- Maintain positive expression and eye contact
presentation strategies and
communication methods you - Storytelling
will use. - Pay attention to the needs and wants of the audience
To connect with this audience, I need to actively engage them in the
show, connect the topic to their concerns, and provide concrete
examples they can relate to. To gauge the audience's understanding
and engagement with the topic, I also ask questions.
Which persuasive techniques The performer might utilize pathos to convince the audience and affect
will you use with your audience their reactions by appealing to their feelings, emotions, and
and why? experiences since the issue is sensitive to the audience.
How will you encourage idea To empower thought era, the moderator will include gatherings of
generation? people into the talk, request to their feelings and conviction to
persuade them to share their thoughts related to the subject and
What questions can you ask
inquire questions
your audience to do this?
Questions that I can inquire gatherings of people are:
- How do you think the social media has influenced your individual life
Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
BSBCRT412 Articulate, present and debate ideas | 7
and relationship?
- What ought to we do to utilize the social media legitimately without
permitting it to supplant physical human associations?
How do these communication These communication techniques have successfully achieved their
methods meet your objectives goals by establishing a connection between the moderator and the
as outlined in Section 1 above? subject matter of the introduction to the audiences. It also makes a
difference to draw audiences into the discussion of the introduction to
highlight for them the main idea of the topic and ask for their feelings
to influence their reactions regarding the benefits and drawbacks of
social media.
Consult with at least two other I've sought advice from the advisor and the understudy facilitator to
people either in person or via look into: - Techniques for eliciting an emotional response in crowds of
All of the information in this section must be researched and completed with your online audience in
Define your audience My gatherings of people are individuals matured from 18 to 30, who
tend to spend a parcel of time on social media stages, communicate
Where will you hold a
and keep up connections with other individuals through social media.
presentation and debate
session? I will hold a introduction and wrangle about session by means of Zoom
Who will be involved? Members from my organize at the college, work and social media
stages will be included
Why have you chosen this I picked this stage because it offers high-quality and simple-to-use
platform? video communications, including live chat, whiteboarding, and
substance sharing, which supports and promotes the adequacy of the
debate about and introduction.
How will you communicate with To connect with this audience, I have to actively involve them in the
this audience? Outline show and relate the topic to what the audience cares about and give
presentation strategies and concrete examples that the audience can relate to. I also ask
communication methods you questions to check the audience's understanding and support for the
will use. topic.
I use the following presentation strategies and communication
- Start strong
- Storytelling
- Focus on the interests and needs of the public
Which persuasive techniques The performer might utilize pathos to convince the audience and affect
will you use with your audience their reactions by appealing to their feelings, emotions, and
and why? experiences since the issue is sensitive to the audience.
How will you encourage idea To empower thought era, the moderator will include gatherings of
generation? people into the talk, request to their feelings and conviction to
persuade them to share their thoughts related to the subject and
What questions can you ask
inquire questions
your audience to do this?
Questions that I can inquire gatherings of people are:
- How do you think the social media has influenced your individual life
and relationship?
Strathfield College RTO: 91223 CRICOS Provider Code: 02736K
BSBCRT412 Articulate, present and debate ideas | 10
- What ought to we do to utilize the social media legitimately without
permitting it to supplant physical human associations?
Consult with at least two other I've sought advice from the advisor and the understudy facilitator to
people either in person or via look into: - Techniques for eliciting an emotional response in crowds of