Ref 003
Ref 003
Ref 003
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shown that, for low values of the electric field, the main
mechanism limiting the runaway energy are the synchrotron
losses due to the gyromotion of the runaways having a finite
pitch angle, while for high electric field values the synchro-
tron losses are dominated by the electron motion on toroidal
paths. The conclusions are summarized in Sec. V.
charge, m e is the electron mass, E i is the toroidal electric
field, Z eff is the effective ion charge, and ln L is the Coulomb dq i qi q'2 v 3
5D2 g ~ a 1 g ! 3 2 F gc1F gy 4 g 4 ,
logarithm. dt q q c q
The first term in the equations ~1! and ~2! is the accel- ~5!
eration due the toroidal electric field, and the second term
includes the effect of the collisions with the plasma
particles.7 The effects of the synchrotron radiation losses are
qi g2
5D 2 2 2 F gc1F gy 4 g 4
q q q
D SD 3
, ~6!
the radiation losses ~the guiding center motion and the elec-
1 1 tron gyromotion, respectively!, given by F gc5F gy(m e c/
2 5 2 cos u 1cos u sin u
6 2 4
R R0 eB 0 R 0 ) 2 , F gy52 e 0 B 20 /3n e , ln Lme (B 0 is the toroidal mag-
netic field!.
5 r 2g 1
1cos4 u sin2 u 1 1 sin4 u ~4! From ~5! and ~6! we get
2 8R 20 r 2g
dq' 1 q 2i
(R 0 is the plasma major radius, u the pitch angle, and r g is q' 5 g~ a 1 g ! 22 g 2
dt q q
the electron gyroradius!; r e 5e 2 /(4 p e 0 m e c 2 ) is the classical
electron radius and v is the electron velocity, v /c5( g 2
21) 1/2/ g .
Note that the orbit of an electron in a tokamak is com-
2 F gc1F gy
q'2 . ~7!
posed of two parts: the guiding center motion ~along the The system of equations ~5! and ~7! have in (q i ,q'2 )
magnetic field lines! and the gyromotion around the field space two singular points ~a saddle point, P 1 , and a stable
lines, both contributing to the radius of curvature of the elec- focus, P 2 ) as it is shown in the phase-space plot of Fig. 1.
tron. The first term in ~4! is mainly determined by the guid- An analytical relation between the singular points and the
ing center motion and the second term by the electron gyro- normalized electric field can be obtained considering that P 1
motion. Since r g !R 0 , the second term is dominant for finite and P 2 lie at the intersection of the two contours q̇ i 50 and
pitch angles ~and so, the radius of curvature is determined by q̇' 50 ~or q̇50). Thus, from q̇50,
the electron gyromotion!; only when u is close to zero, the g 2s
contribution due to the guiding center motion is non- D5
cos u s ~ g 2s 21 !
negligible. Thus, we can use for ^ 1/R 2 & the simplified rela-
S ~ g 2s 21 ! 3/2 ~ g 2s 21 ! 5/2
3 11F gy sin2 u s 1F gc , ~8!
1 1 sin u 4
gs gs
2 . 21 .
R R0 r 2g with cos us , from q̇' 50, given by
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2372 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1998 Martı́n-Solı́s et al.
g 3/2
s ~a1gs!
D5 ~10!
g 2s 21
( g s is the relativistic gamma factor at the singular point!.
The relation ~10! is also shown in Fig. 2 for comparison. In
this case, there is only one branch ~the one corresponding to
the saddle point! extending to infinity in g s .
FIG. 2. The normalized electric field versus g s at the singular points: full
line, taking into account the radiation losses; dashed lined, neglecting the
power radiated by the electron. III. RUNAWAY GENERATION
A. Critical electric field
The nonrelativistic theory of a plasma in an electric field
F gc~ g 2s 21 ! a1gs
cos u s 511
1 E i predicts that there will always be runaway electrons. This
2F gy 2F gy~ g 2s 21 ! 3/2 results from the fact that the momentum loss due to colli-
3 12
4 a F gy~ g 2s 21 ! 3/2
~ a1gs!2
sions decreases with increasing energy, d p/dt; p 22 , so that
for any value of the electric field, above some critical energy,
the electrons will be continuously accelerated. However, if
1 11
F gc~ g 2s 21 ! 5/2
2 1/2
. ~9!
relativistic effects are considered, as momentum increases,
v →c, d p/dt; v 22 , and, unlike the nonrelativistic case, the
collision loss is no longer reduced, implying that for weak
In these equations, g s is the relativistic gamma factor at enough electric fields no electrons will run away. The de-
the singular points @to which we will often refer as the elec- tailed analysis done by Connor and Hastie4 allows to define a
tron energy, given the straightforward relation between g and critical electric field, E R 5(kT e /m e c 2 )E D ~in normalized
the electron energy, E5( g 21)m e c 2 #, and u s the pitch form D R 51), below which no electrons run away.
angle. Figure 2 shows, for given plasma parameters, the re- The work done in Ref. 4 considered the acceleration in
lation ~8! between D and the energy g s of the singular the toroidal electric field and the collisions of the relativistic
points. For each value of the normalized electric field D, electrons with the bulk plasma. In fact, the result D R 51 can
there are two values of g s corresponding to the singular be easily recovered from the analysis of the test particle
points P 1 and P 2 ; branch I in Fig. 2 gives g s at the saddle equations when F S 50. If the electron radiation is not con-
point P 1 , while branch II gives the electron gamma value at sidered, the relation between the normalized electric field D
the stable focus P 2 . The two branches are separated by the and the saddle point energy is given by ~10!: as shown in
minimum of D vs g s . As it will be explained in detail in the Fig. 2, D is a decreasing function of g s , and taking the limit
following sections, the two singular points have a well- g s →`, we get D→1, so that for D,1 there is no singular
defined physical meaning: the saddle point ~branch I! gives point in momentum space and no runaway electrons are gen-
the critical energy for runaway generation, and the stable erated. This can be more easily understood when considering
focus ~branch II! the energy limit for the generated runaway that, as will be explained in the next section, the saddle point
electrons. energy constitutes an estimate of the critical energy for run-
The limiting particle trajectories passing through P 1 and away generation: if the electric field decreases, the critical
P 2 are the separatrices S r and S a . The separatrix S r divides energy for runaway generation ( g s ) increases and therefore,
the phase space (q i ,q'2 ) in two regions, the region outside S r in the limit g s →`, we get the critical D R below which ab-
constituting the runaway region: all the electrons initially solutely no runaways are generated.
outside S r will eventually move along S a toward the stable When the radiation losses are taken into account, the
focus P 2 . Electrons initially inside S r will collapse into the relation between D and the singular points is given by ~8!.
origin ~i.e., they do not run away!. This relation ~see Fig. 2! shows a local minimum that sepa-
It is convenient to remark that the stable point P 2 is a rates the saddle points ~branch I! from the stable points
consequence of including the radiation losses in the test ~branch II!. As it was stated in Sec. II, for each value of the
equations. The runaway electrons are not continuously accel- electric field, branch I gives the critical energy g c for run-
erated by the toroidal electric field but they reach a maxi- away generation and branch II the runaway energy limit g l .
mum energy when the power radiated by the electron equals When D decreases, less energy is absorbed from the electric
the energy gain in the electric field. This energy balance field so that g c increases ~it is more difficult to generate
takes place at P 2 , which sets a limit on the energy that the runaway electrons! and the energy limit g l decreases, until
runaway electrons can reach. If the radiation losses are not both of them coalesce for a given value of D ~the minimum
considered, the relaxation equations only show one singular of D versus energy! below which no electrons will run away.
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Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1998 Martı́n-Solı́s et al. 2373
FIG. 7. The runaway energy limit g l versus the normalized electric field
@trace ~a!#. The energy limits calculated assuming that the radiation losses
are dominated by the electron gyromotion @trace ~b!#, and by the motion on
toroidal paths @trace ~c!# are also shown.
B52 .
4 a F gy~g2gy21!3/2 1/2 A 3•2 1/3
3 12 11 . ~12! The analytical expression for g l takes a particularly
~a1ggy) 2
simple form in the two limiting cases discussed before. In the
In these relations, the subscript gy has been used to remark first case, when the radiation losses are assumed to be domi-
that only the contribution associated to the electron gyromo- nated by the electron gyromotion @a F gyg l /D@F gcg 4l in
tion is considered in the radiation terrn. ~14!#, we have
~ii! The radiation losses in this case are assumed to be
D ~ D21 !
dominated by the electron motion on toroidal paths, ^ 1/R 2 & g l. . ~18!
;1/R 20 , so that the energy limit is estimated neglecting in the a F gy
test electron equations the term in F gy . Thus, using again The condition of validity of this result, a F gyg l /D@F gcg 4l ,
q̇5q̇' 50 in Eqs. ~6! and ~7!, we have can now be rewritten using ~18! as D 4 (D21) 3
g 2gc
11F gcS~g2gc21!5/2
D !( a F gy) 4 /F gc , showing that, as it was discussed before, the
radiation associated to the electron gyromotion will be domi-
nant at low values of the electric field. Note that in ~18!, as a
3 11 S a
ggc1F gc~g2gc21) 5/2 D 1/2
. ~13!
consequence of the pitch angle scattering due to collisions,
g l decreases when Z eff and n e increase.
In the second limiting case, the radiation is assumed to
be dominated by the guiding center motion ( a F gyg l /
In Fig. 7, the energies g gy and g gc obtained from the above
D!F gcg 4l ) and then, from ~14!,
expressions are plotted together with g l calculated using the
general relation ~8!. From this figure, it is easy to infer that,
for low values of the electric field, the runaway energy limit g l. S D
F gc
. ~19!
is dominated by the radiation associated to the electron gy-
romotion and g l can be derived from ~11! and ~12! since, In a similar way to the first case, we can rewrite the range of
when the electric field is low, the collisions of runaways with applicability of this result ( a F gyg l /D!F gcg 4l ), using ~19!,
plasma particles are effective enough to increase the pitch as D(D21) 3/4@ a F gy /F 1/4
gc . Therefore, the relation ~19! for
angle, and therefore the radiation losses associated to the g l will be valid for high enough electric field values.
electron gyromotion. However, for high electric fields, the
effect of the collisions with the bulk plasma is negligible and V. CONCLUSIONS
the pitch angle is close to zero, so that the radius of curvature
is almost equal to the major radius of the tokamak and the In this paper, the trajectories in momentum space of rela-
energy limit is well approximated by ~13!. tivistic test electrons have been analyzed, taking into account
Although the relation ~8! between D and g l is valid for the acceleration in the toroidal electric field, the collisions
any value of the electric field, it is often convenient to have with the plasma particles, and the deceleration due to syn-
explicit expressions giving g l as a function of D. An explicit chrotron radiation losses. The single-particle relaxation equa-
expression for g l can be derived under the assumptions g 2l tions for q i and q'2 are characterized in (q i ,q'2 ) space by the
@1 and g l @ a /2D, conditions that are usually verified for presence of two singular points: a saddle point around which
most of the electric field values ~see Fig. 7 as an example!. the trajectories separate ~collapsing into the origin or moving
Under these conditions it is not difficult to show ~see the out to larger energies! and a stable focus toward which all
Appendix! that cos ul.1 and sin2 ul.a/Dgl , where u l is the the escaping trajectories move. The relation between the
pitch angle at P 2 . Then, from ~8! and using that g 2l 21 ~normalized! electric field and the singular points, D
. g 2l when g 2l @1, we get 5D( g s ), is given by Eqs. ~8! and ~9!.
Previous investigations4 showed that, due to relativistics
a F gy effects, if D→1 the critical momentum for runaway genera-
D.11 g l 1F gcg 4l . ~14!
D tion recedes to infinity, i.e., there are no runaway electrons
produced if D,D R 51. The inclusion of the synchrotron ra-
This relation constitutes an algebraic quartic equation, diation into the runaway dynamics, increasing the energy and
momentum losses, and precluding the runaway generation at
g 4l 1 ag l 2b50 ~15!
large energies, leads to a critical electric field D R greater
@a[ a F gy /DF gc , b[(D21)/F gc# with a real positive solu- than unity that increases with the radiation strength ~de-
tion, scribed by the parameter F gy defined in Sec. II!. It has been
found that, within the single-particle description, D R is the
g l5
2F 2a
2B 1/21 2B1 1/2
B S DG1/2
, ~16!
electric field for which the two singular points in momentum
space ~the saddle point and the stable focus! coalesce. This
value corresponds to the minimum of D vs g s and can be
and found from the condition dD/d g s 50 in ~8!.
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2376 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1998 Martı́n-Solı́s et al.
In general, as explained in Ref. 3, runaway in momen- ripple interaction. In a tokamak, the ripple strength is larger
tum space will occur for those electrons that are outside the for low toroidal harmonic numbers and decays rapidly with
separatrix S r passing through the saddle point. However, radius from the plasma edge. Therefore, it is expected that
since most of the electrons must be concentrated in the di- the most important effects will be found at the edge plasma
rection of the electric field force, a simplified condition q i and for low values of the toroidal harmonic number. Experi-
.q c for runaway generation can be established with q c , the mental evidence for efficient runaway–ripple interaction has
critical momentum for runaway generation, given by the in- been reported in several devices,9,12,13 and it has been pre-
tersection of the separatrix S r with the positive q i axis. It has dicted that a resonance between the electron gyrofrequency
been shown that a reasonable estimate of q c is given by the and the fundamental ripple frequency could create an upper
~normalized! electron momentum at the saddle point, ob- bound on runaway energy during a plasma disruption in
tained from Eqs. ~8! and ~9!. The radiation losses increase large tokamaks like the Joint European Torus ~JET!14 or
the value of q c in comparison with a nonradiative theory, the ITER.15 An analysis of the dynamics of the interaction be-
largest effect taking place for electric fields close to the criti- tween the toroidal field ripple and the runaway motion using
cal electric field D R ; moreover, due to the synchrotron ra- the test particle description here presented has already been
diation, the critical momentum q c always keeps finite, even addressed in a previous work,16 and will be the subject of a
when D→D R . The effect of the radiation is larger on the future publication.
generation of runaways in the backward direction due to the ~b! An outward drift of the electron orbit when its en-
high perpendicular momentum gained through collisions by ergy increases: the drift orbit of a runaway electron gener-
electrons traveling counter to the electric field, which will ated at an initial radius r c , measured from the magnetic axis,
enhance the radiation stemming from the electron gyromo- will be shifted to the low magnetic field side of the flux
tion; again, the most noticeable effects will occur when D surface until it intersects a physical barrier ~a limiter or first
→D R . wall! at a radius r l . A simple estimate ~assuming a flat cur-
The generated runaway electrons are not continuously rent profile! of the energy g for which this occurs is given17
accelerated but they reach a maximum energy when the en- by
ergy gain in the toroidal electric field is balanced by the rc Ip 2 1/2
collisional and radiation losses. This balance takes place in g5 2R 0 12 11 , ~20!
momentum space at the stable focus. Thus, the energy limit r l 17 000r l
for the runaway electrons will be equal to the electron energy where I p is the plasma current.
at the stable focus, which, for given electric field and plasma ~c! Loss mechanisms that can deplete the population of
parameters, can be determined from the relations ~8! and ~9!. runaways, such as turbulent diffusion processes,18 having an
An explicit expression for the energy limit g l , valid for a influence on the limiting electron energy. These losses, and
wide range of electric field values, has been given. It has their effect on the runaway energy, are usually difficult to
been shown that at low electric fields, the collisions with the quantify.
bulk plasma are effective enough to increase the pitch angle,
and thus the synchrotron losses, to values finally leading to
the energy blocking of runaways; the energy limit in this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
case increases quadratically with the electric field and de-
creases when the effective ion charge Z eff and the electron J. R. Martı́n-Solı́s wishes to thank P. J. Hernando for
density n e increase. At high electric field values, the radia- helpful discussions and valuable suggestions on the phase-
tion is dominated by the electron motion on toroidal paths space analysis.
and the energy limit g l increases with the electric field as This work was done under financial support from Direc-
g l ;E 1/4
i . ción General de Investigación Cientı́fica y Técnica ~DGI-
There are a number of other mechanisms limiting the CYT! Project No. PB93-0231-C02-01.
energy that runaway electrons can reach. Thus, an upper
boundary on the runaway energy can also appear due to the
~a! A resonance between the electron gyromotion and FOCUS
the harmonics of the toroidal field ripple, which increases the
energy perpendicular to the magnetic field and therefore the The value of the pitch angle u l at the stable focus P 2 ,
power radiated by the electrons.12 The interaction with the under the assumptions g 2l @1 and g l @ a /2D, can be derived
nth harmonic of the toroidal field ripple takes place at an as follows. At the singular point, q̇ i 50 and q̇50, so that
energy g n .eB 0 R 0 /(nN c m e c), 12 where N c is the number of Eqs. ~5! and ~6! will be written as
toroidal field coils and n is the toroidal harmonic number: if
g n , g l ~the radiation limit considered in Sec. IV! the ripple
resonance can set an additional barrier to the increase in the
05D2 g ~ a 1 g !
2 F gc1F
q'2 4 v
gy 4 g
, ~A1!
large enough ripple amplitude is necessary for an efficient where all the dynamical quantities are referred to as the sin-
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