FS-Q4 2020-2021 (Bod) - Sofp
FS-Q4 2020-2021 (Bod) - Sofp
FS-Q4 2020-2021 (Bod) - Sofp
Amount in BDT
Property, plant and equipment 4A.00 1,840,889,900 1,746,686,296
Capital work in progress 7A.00 681,602,867 578,628,698
Deferred tax asset - -
Non-current assets 2,522,492,767 # 2,325,314,995
- -
- -
Trade receivables 9A.00 312,968,794 485,391,585
Other receivables 10A.00 345,143,663 533,827,465
Inventories 11A.00 256,068,142 219,905,374
Cash and cash equivalents 14A.00 252,579,380 177,252,084
Current Assets 1,166,759,980 # 1,416,376,507
- -
Total Assets 3,689,252,747 # 3,741,691,502
- -
Shareholder's equity and liabilities - -
Share capital 15A.00 2,500,000 2,500,000
Retained earnings SOCE 342,783,209 255,370,484
Shareholders' equity of the parent 985,413,881 722,491,286
Total Equity 1,330,697,089 # 980,361,771
- -
Liabilities - -
Term loan-non current portion 18A.01 795,004,936 512,632,617
Security deposits from customers & dealers 19A.00 119,489,525 122,886,134
Deferred tax liability non-current portion 32.03A 25,223,561 21,040,037
Non-current liabilities 939,718,022 # 656,558,787
- -
Trade payables 21A.00 112,966,456 202,946,941
Other payables 22A.00 149,817,331 233,050,337
Short term bank loan 23A.00 210,612,593 260,638,081
Term loan-current portion 18A.02 398,676,329 236,245,781
Current Liabilities 1,877,462,015 2,152,251,575
Total Liabilities 2,749,534,725
- # 3,085,132,715
Total Shareholder's equity and liabilities 3,689,252,747 # 3,741,691,502
Company Secretary