Amalgam Questions
Amalgam Questions
Amalgam Questions
26. dental amalgam is used for all of the following a. smooth surface restoration
except b. high strength restoration
a. core for full crown c. low strength restoration
b. direct posterior restoration d. high marginal sealing
c. indirect posterior restoration
33. Homogenization and stress relief (aging)
d. cusp build up
processes are important for the production of
27. the most corrodible phase in admixed high spherical amalgam alloy particles
copper amalgam is a. True
a. Ag3Sn b. False
b. Ag2Hg3
33. Non zinc containing amalgam could be used as
c. Sn8Hg
a filling for children
d. Cu3Sn
a. true
28. Admixed amalgam alloy should be shaked well b. false
before use:
a. to remove oxide layer on particles 34. Give reason: unavoidable creep that occurs in
b. to allow for even distribution of particles dental amalgam
c. to allow proper wetting with Hg a. due to its viscoelastic nature
d. to allow aging of the lathe cut particles b. due to presence of silver
c. in zinc containing amalgam
29. Zinc containing amalgam if used without good d. low corrosion resistance
moisture isolation may lead to the following
35. Type of dental amalgam powder that need
both homogenization and annealing is:
a. alkaline taste
a. spherical
b. delayed expansion
b. spheroidal
c. postoperative pain
c. lathe cute
d. blistering of the surface
d. both lathe and spherical
30. which amalgam particle type and size is
36. amalgamation reaction refers to:
preferred for better properties
a. chemical reaction between amalgam alloy and
a. lathe cut and coarse cut
b. spherical and coarse cut
b. oxidation of dental amalgam powder during
c. lathe cut and fine size
d. spherical and fine size
c. elimination of gamma 2 in conventional amalgam
31. the most reactive element with Hg in amalgam d. melting of dental amalgam alloy elements
is: together
a. Ag
37. the most corrodible phase is:
b. Sn
a. n phase
c. Cu
b. silver tin phase
d. Zn
c. silver mercury phase
32. Delayed condensation of dental amalgam d. tin mercury phase
results in:
38. delayed expansion of zinc containing amalgam
is due to
a. formation of more oxygen gas
b. formation of more gamma 2
c. formation of more gamma 1
d. formation of more hydrogen gas
39. how can creep be decreased:
a. delayed condensation
b. placing a stiff base under amalgam
c. using low copper amalgam
d. using low Hg/alloy ratio