Strata RX Tech Ref Manual
Strata RX Tech Ref Manual
Strata RX Tech Ref Manual
Analog + Digital
Manual Part No. 400495-1
Rev. B MAY 2007 Reference Manual
Proprietary Material
The information and design contained within this manual was
originated by and is the property of Microwave Radio
About This Manual Communications. Microwave Radio Communications reserves
Part number 400495-1 all patent proprietary design, manufacturing, reproduction use,
and sales rights thereto, and to any articles disclosed therein,
Revision B MAY 2007
except to the extent rights are expressly granted to others. The
The information in the manual applies to the Microwave Radio foregoing does not apply to vendor proprietary parts.
Communications (MRC) STRATA RX System.
Microwave Radio Communications has made every effort to
ensure the accuracy of the material contained in this manual at
Copyright the time of printing. As specifications, equipment, and this
The information in this manual may only be reproduced by the manual are subject to change without notice, Microwave Radio
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Microwave Radio Communications is certified to ISO 9001:2000.
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© 2007 Microwave Radio Communications
Microwave Radio Communications
101 Billerica Avenue - Bldg. 6
North Billerica, MA 01862-1256USA
TEL: 800.490.5700
FAX: 978.671.5800
Printed in U.S.A.
Symbol Meaning
WARNING Follow WARNINGS to prevent damage to
the equipment. WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock
CAUTION Follow CAUTIONS closely to prevent WARNING: General Warning. Risk of Danger
personal injury or death.
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version 4.0 or above. Protective Earth Ground - Identifies any terminal
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Click on this icon to download your conductor for protection against electric shock in
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Product Description
When viewing this manual on-line, text displayed as blue Routine Operation
contains a hypertext link. Click on the blue hypertext link to
jump to that destination. If the destination link is also blue, click Advanced Operation
on the blue destination link to return.
Theory of Operation
1.7 Ordering documentation
Any of the above manuals may be ordered by contacting MRC
Channels & Frequencies Customer Service:
Business Hours: Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US)
Configurator Reference (0800 - 1900 hrs US ET)
Link Quality Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US)
(0800 - 1700 hrs US ET)
Telephone: 800-490-5700 (Press 3)
Note The Technical Reference Manual contains 978-671-5700 (Press 3)
everything in the Operator’s Guide, plus
additional technical content. Fax: 978-671-5800
When contacting Customer Service, please have the following
1.5 For Whom It’s Written information available:
This manual is intended for use by qualified installers and • Model number and serial number of the unit. This is
service personnel. Users of this manual should already be located on a label on the bottom of each unit.
familiar with the fundamentals of radio, video, and audio. • Approximate purchase date.
• Radio version, which appears on the RXU or RCU
1.6 Related Documents alphanumeric display at startup.
• STRATA RX Operator’s Guide or
(part no. 400494-1)
After regular business hours and on weekends and holidays, you Therefore, there are NO supported field repairs to either the
can also reach our expert staff as follows: RXU, RCU, or ACU.
RF from RF
Antenna Front 70 MHz IF
70 MHz IF
70 MHz IF
Composite Video
70 MHz IF (NTSC or PAL)
RF from RF Demod
Antenna Front (NTSC or
4 channels
End PAL)
Analog Audio
70 MHz IF
70 MHz IF
- or -
ASI (output of
COFDM demod)
Digital - or -
RF from RF Demod
Front External IF
Antenna COFDM - or -
End (+ MPEG) Composite Video
MON. +
70 MHz IF
or ASI 4 Channels analog audio
- or -
2 Channels analog audio +
2 Channels digital audio
- or -
4 channels digital audio
- or -
ASI (output of
70 MHz IF COFDM demod)
(Digital) Digital - or -
RF from RF Demod External IF
Antenna Front COFDM - or -
End (+ MPEG) Composite Video
MON. +
70 MHz IF
70 MHz IF or ASI 4 Channels analog audio
- or -
2 Channels analog audio +
2 Channels digital audio
- or -
4 channels digital audio
- or -
ASI (output of
COFDM demod)
- or -
External IF
Digital Analog - or -
RF from RF 70 MHz IF Demod Composite Video
Antenna Front COFDM (NTSC or (NTSC or PAL)
End (+ MPEG) PAL)
MON. 4 Channels analog audio
- or -
70 MHz IF 2 Channels analog audio +
70 MHz IF or ASI 2 Channels digital audio
- or -
4 channels digital audio
Topic Chapter
Changing settings using See Chapter 5, Advanced
the Configurator software Operation
Installation See Chapter 6, Installation
Connections to other See Chapter 6, Installation
Supported Repairs See Chapter 7, Repair
Repair Parts See Chapter 8, Replacement Parts
Block Diagram See Chapter 9,Theory of Operation
LED Color Meaning
----- Power is not on in the unit.
Green Power is on and no errors are detected.
The RXU is configured using the Windows PC-based
Amber Minor Alarm - Power is on but some part of the
Configurator software. For details, see “Advanced Operation” on system reports an abnormal condition that might
page 5-1 (part of the STRATA RX Technical Reference Manual impair performance.
Red Major Alarm - Power is on but there is a failure
or error that prevents normal operation.
Topic Page DC
Fixed Mounting
Mounting Plate
(for RXU, RCU, ACU)
Quick Release
Quick Release
MRC Tripod
2. Attach the antenna to the RXU using the Antenna
Lock Plate, or connect a cable from the RXU to the
antenna. See Figure 3-8 on page 3-10.
3. If you have both an RXU and an RCU, be sure they
For portable deployment situations where you are mounting to are connected to each other via coaxial cable.
another type of tripod that doesn’t directly accept the Quick
Release, consult with MRC or your tripod manufacturer. MRC If you are unsure of the connections, refer to the
has Dovetail Adapter Plates that will convert some types of “Installation” Chapter on page 6-1 (part of the STRATA
tripods to accept the Quick Release. RX System Technical Reference Manual only).
Note The procedures and illustrations contained in the 4. Connect the STRATA RXU (and RCU, if present) to
following paragraph are typical, reflecting use of an DC power of the correct voltage and polarity.
MRC tripod.
If you’re using a STRATA ACU, connect the AC input
Mounting to the Tripod Following are the general steps to to AC power and connect the DC output to the RXU
mount a STRATA RX to an MRC tripod. These steps assume the and RCU.
RX is already assembled into its Bracket, and that the Mounting
Plate and Quick Release are attached.
5. Connect the RXU (or RCU) outputs to your audio and - The LED above the power switch should illuminate
video equipment. and change colors from red, to green, to amber, and
finally green.
Figure 3-8: Complete Tripod Installation
- The display should light up and display a self-test
Antenna Mounting screen, then the version of the installed firmware, and
Bracket RXU RCU finally the Main screen. Some typical screens are
Lock Plate
shown in Figure 3-9. The exact screens will vary
depending on installed hardware.
- The RX System will typically power up using the last
settings in use when power was turned off. If the
STRATA RX does not power up normally, refer to the
“Troubleshooting” Chapter on page 4-1.
4. To turn power off, set the PWR switch off ( O ) on the
RXU (and RCU, if present).
- OR -
3.3.3 Turning Power On and Off
1. Be sure the STRATA system is connected to power Main Screen Preset#3
and the RXU and RCU are connected. (Digital Mode) -38.9 dBm LQ7
PRE 2.0E-7
Post-Viterbi Bit Error Ratio
POST 0.0E-7
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (dB)
SNR 20.7 dB SNR IF Filter Setting (Analog/Digital)
Main IF Fil Dig
-43.2 dBm LQ7 TRANS LOCK
COFDM Transport Stream Status (LOCK/UNLOCK)
Video Out CV
Preset #
Locked: Yes
Received Carrier Level
No Errors Error
Error Code(s) Currently Active
PRE 2.0E-7
POST 0.0E-7
3.6.8 Controlling DC Power on Coax • The system must be configured to have DC on the coax,
using the DC Power Command Screen.
In the STRATA RX System, DC power is always supplied to the
front panel Power connector on the RCU. Command Screen To configure the system for DC on coax
using the Command screen, perform the following steps:
There are then two options for powering the RXU:
Be sure the STRATA RX is connected and
• DC power from the same source as the RCU, supplied via powered. See “Preparing for Operation”
the front panel power connector on the RXU. on page 3-7”.
• DC power supplied via the coax cable from the RCU. Start at the Main Screen.
When the RXU and RCU are in the same location (co-located), Preset #3
the RXU and RCU must always be powered via their DC power -43.2 dBm
connectors from the same DC power supply.
If your application requires the RXU and RCU to be separated, Rotate the control switch CCW until the
the RXU must be powered via the coaxial cable from the RCU. display reads
Refer to the “Installation” chapter (part of the STRATA RX 75 Ohm Coax.
The display will also indicate
Technical Reference Manual only) for more details.
Power On or Power Off.
Monitor Screens
select Ext IF Analog Digital
hold 2GHz C2 2GHz C2
RF 2016.500MHz LQ7
Command Screens
Chng Preset Preset 1, 2, PUSH to
Preset 3 3,...9 activate
Set Channel Channel 1, 2,
Channel 2 3,..10 (..14) Ext IF
Set RF Band Set RF Band
High Band Low Band Common
(Analog / Squelch Adj. No, Force, -65,
Ext IF only) -95 dBm -66,-67..-95 dBm
Set OFDM BW 6, 7, 8 MHz
(Digital 8 MHz
The design of the STRATA RX System and the Configurator Set Set
software makes commonly available settings accessible from the Available Using Using
RX front panel, and more advanced settings accessible through Settings Control Config-
the Configurator. Switch urator
A summary of which settings can be controlled by each method Presets
is contained in Table 3-4. Preset in use 1, 2, ... 9 3 3
Preset text Any 12 3
Operation Mode • MPEG CV 3
• ASI Output
• SDI Output
• Ext. IF
• FM CV Out
IF Filter Type • Analog 3 3
• Digital
Squelch level • No Squelch 3 3
• -65, thru -95
• Force 3
Monitor Out • IF 3 3
Set Set
Available Using Using
Settings Control Config-
Switch urator
Video Deviation • 3 MHz 3
• 4 MHz
Low Pass Filter • On 3
• Off
Audio Subcarrier • 4830 kHz 3
Frequency • 5200 kHz
• 5800 kHz
• 6200 kHz
• 6800 kHz
• 7020 kHz
• 7500 kHz
• 8065 kHz
• 8300 kHz
• 8590 kHz
Audio Channel Enabled • Selected 3
• Not selected
Deemphasis • Selected 3
• Not selected
Filtered • Selected 3
• Not selected
Topic Page
Table 4-1: Status LED Indications
Status LED 4-1
Messages on Display 4-2 LED
Meaning Suggested Action
Error Codes 4-4 Color
Operational Problems 4-10 ----- Power is not on in that unit. Turn on power, as
Green Power is on and no errors None.
are detected.
Amber Minor Alarm - Power is on Check Monitor screens
but some part of the system for error messages or
reports an abnormal Error Codes.
condition that requires Troubleshoot using
attention. Condition might tables in this chapter.
impair performance.
Red Major Alarm - Power is on Turn off unit and
but there is a serious failure disconnect power.
or error that will prevent
normal operation. The
internal processors are not
The STRATA RX has an extensive library of diagnostic Error Primary Error Code
Codes to help you pinpoint any problems.
Identifies error condition.
These Error Codes: See Section 4.4.1 on page 4-4.
• Are displayed on the front panel display, in the Error Code
• Are reported and displayed by the Configurator, using the
“Monitor Radio” function on the Main Page. E141 45
• Cause the Status LED to glow amber, alerting you to
investigate the problem.
The Error Codes are formatted into 2 groups of characters, as
described in Figure 4-1. Error Status Unit ID
Depends on Identifies unit
error code. reporting error.
See Section 4.4.2 See Section 4.4.3
on page 4-10. on page 4-10.
Error Code Meaning Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
Status Errors
(Some part of System is reporting an abnormal condition.)
E200 FMR Audio 1 PLL Unlocked • Check to be sure transmitter is • Use Configurator to check FMR
E201 FMR Audio 2 PLL Unlocked operating. If not transmitting, this is settings. Be sure all settings match
normal - there is no audio signal to the transmitter settings.
E202 FMR Audio 3 PLL Unlocked lock onto. • Use Configurator to reprogram all the
E203 FMR Audio 4 PLL Unlocked
• Check FMR settings using Monitor settings in the radio.
screens and Command screens. • If problem persists, possible
Settings must match transmitter hardware failure. Call MRC Technical
settings. Support.
• Contact technical staff.
E204 FMR Audio 1 No Sub-Carrier • Check to be sure transmitter is • Use Monitor Radio function of
Detected operating. If not transmitting, this is Configurator to verify which channel
E205 FMR Audio 2 No Sub-Carrier normal - there is no subcarrier to is not working.
Detected detect. • Check audio configuration using
E206 FMR Audio 3 No Sub-Carrier • Check subcarrier frequencies using Configurator, on the MPEG page.
Detected Monitor Screens. Subcarrier Subcarrier frequencies must match
frequencies must match transmitter. incoming signal.
E207 FMR Audio 4 No Sub-Carrier
Detected • Contact technical staff. • If problem persists, possible
hardware failure. Call MRC Technical
Error Code Meaning Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
E120 MPEG Transport Lock Alarm • Check to be sure transmitter is • Use Configurator to check settings.
E121 MPEG Video Lock Alarm operating. If not transmitting, this is Be sure all settings match the
normal - there is no signal to lock transmitter settings.
E122 MPEG PCR Lock Alarm onto. • Use Configurator to reprogram all the
E140 Block Down Converter PLL
• Check connections between antenna settings in the radio.
and RXU. • If problem persists, possible
E141 Low-Noise Down Converter PLL
• Check settings of RX using Monitor hardware failure. Call MRC Technical
Screens and Command Screens. Support.
E142 IF PLL Unlocked Settings must match transmitter
• Take actions to optimize RCL, SNR,
and BER. See Section 3.5.6 on
page 3-17.
• Contact technical staff.
Parameter Errors
(Some internal parameter is outside of allowable limits.)
E150 RXU 2.048 volt reference error • Check for Error Codes related to If errors persist with correct power
E151 RXU 5.5 volt line error power - E156-E158 and E159-E15B. connected, unit has suffered internal
Correct power problem. failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
E152 RXU +12 volt line error
• Contact technical staff.
E153 RXU -12 volt line error
Error Code Meaning Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
E154 RXU Receive Signal error • Check to be sure transmitter is If errors persist when tested on service
operating. If not transmitting, this is bench with known good signal source,
normal - there is no signal to receive. unit has suffered internal failure. Call
• Check connections between antenna MRC Technical Support.
and RXU.
• Check connections between RCU
and RXU.
• Check settings of RX using Monitor
screens and Command screens.
Specifically check Channel, Offset,
and Frequency. Settings must match
transmitter settings.
• Take actions to optimize RCL, SNR,
and BER. See Section 3.5.6 on
page 3-17.
• Contact technical staff.
E155 RXU Temperature error • Check RX to be sure it is not too If errors persist with proper location and
close to sources of heat. Relocate airflow, and correct power connected,
RX if possible. unit has suffered internal failure. Call
• Check to be sure RX has room MRC Technical Support.
around it for air circulation. Move
objects preventing air flow.
• Contact technical staff.
Error Code Meaning Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
E156 RXU 75 Ohm Coax Current error Note - these errors can only appear in a If errors persist with correct coax
E157 RXU 75 Ohm Coax Voltage error system with RXU + RCU, when powering connections and correct power
the RXU via the coax cable. connected, unit has suffered internal
E158 RXU 75 Ohm Coax Power error failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
• Check connection of coax cable
between RXU and RCU. Be sure
connectors are fully mated and that
cable and connectors are
• Make sure all power cables are
connected properly.
• Contact technical staff.
E159 RXU Circular Connector Current • Make sure all power cables are If errors persist with correct power
error connected properly and are not connected, unit has suffered internal
E15A RXU Circular Connector Voltage damaged. failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
error • Contact technical staff.
E15B RXU Circular Connector Power
E1F0 RCU 2.048 volt reference error • Check for Error Codes related to If errors persist with correct power
E1F1 RCU 5.5 volt line error power - E156-E158 and E159-E15B. connected, unit has suffered internal
Correct power problem. failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
E1F2 RCU +12 volt line error
• Make sure all power cables are
E1F3 RCU -12 volt line error
connected properly.
• Contact technical staff.
Error Code Meaning Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
E1F4 RCU Temperature error • Check RX to be sure it is not too If errors persist with proper location and
close to sources of heat. Relocate airflow, and correct power connected,
RX if possible. unit has suffered internal failure. Call
• Check to be sure RX has room MRC Technical Support.
around it for air circulation. Move
objects preventing air flow.
• Contact technical staff.
E1F5 RCU 75 Ohm Coax Current error • Check connection of coax cable If errors persist with correct coax
E1F6 RCU 75 Ohm Coax Voltage error between RXU and RCU. Be sure connections and correct power
connectors are fully mated and that connected, unit has suffered internal
E1F7 RCU 75 Ohm Coax Power error cable and connectors are failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
• Make sure all power cables are
connected properly.
• Contact technical staff.
E1F8 RCU Circular Connector Current • Make sure all power cables are If errors persist with correct power
error connected properly and are not connected, unit has suffered internal
E1F9 RCU Circular Connector Voltage damaged. failure. Call MRC Technical Support.
error • Contact technical staff.
E1FA RCU Circular Connector Power
4.4.3 Unit ID
The Unit ID digit identifies which part of the RX System is
reporting a problem. See Table 4-5.
Unit ID
1 Transmitter Unit (TXU)
4 Receiver Unit (RXU)
5 Receiver Control Unit (RCU)
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
Video Problems
No video. Problem with video source Check video source and cabling. • Check video source and cabling.
or cabling. • Use the Color Bar Generator function of RX to
look for problems on the receiving end. Turn
on using Configurator, on the MPEG Page.
Channel and frequency Check settings of RX using Use Configurator to check settings. Be sure all
settings of RX do not Monitor screens and Command settings match the transmitter settings.
match settings of screens. Channel, Offset, and
transmitter. Frequency must match
COFDM not locked. Check COFDM Monitor screen. If Use Configurator to check BW settings. Be sure
not locked, check COFDM BW settings match the transmitter settings.
Bandwidth (BW) setting. BW
MUST match with incoming signal.
Video configuration Check video settings using Use Configurator to check video settings. Be
incorrect. Monitor Screens and Command sure all settings match the transmitter settings.
Screens. Settings must match
transmitter settings.
Poor video quality Link Quality low due to Take actions to boost RCL,
interference or weak improve SNR, and improve BER.
signal. See Section 3.5.6 on page 3-17.
Video configuration Check video settings using Use Configurator to check video settings. Be
incorrect. Monitor Screens and Command sure all settings match the transmitter settings.
Screens. Specifically check Video
Deviation. Settings must match
transmitter settings.
Video signal level too high Check video signal - should be 1 V p-p.
at transmitter.
If Unit Enabled for Optional BISS Encryption/Decryption
No video. BISS Decryption not Use Configurator to check BISS settings. Be sure
operating. key and/or ID match the transmitter settings.
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
Audio Problems
No audio in one or Problem with audio source Check audio source and cabling.
more channels. or cabling.
One or more audio Check audio setup using Monitor • Use Monitor Radio function of Configurator to
channels turned off. screens. Be sure all channels identify which channel is not working.
you’re using are set to ON. • Check audio configuration using Configurator,
on the MPEG page. Be sure all channels in
use are set to ON.
Audio configuration Check audio setup using Monitor • Use Monitor Radio function of Configurator to
incorrect. screens. Be sure all audio identify which channel is not working.
settings match transmitter. • Check audio configuration using Configurator,
on the MPEG page. Settings must match both
incoming signal and wiring of RX audio
Audio subcarrier Check subcarrier frequencies • Use Monitor Radio function of Configurator to
frequencies not matched to using Monitor screens. Subcarrier identify which channel is not working.
transmitter settings. frequencies must match • Check audio configuration using Configurator,
transmitter. on the MPEG page. Subcarrier frequencies
must match incoming signal.
Channel and frequency Check settings of RX using Use Configurator to check settings. Be sure all
settings of RX do not match Monitor screens and Command settings match the transmitter settings.
settings of transmitter. screens. Channel, Offset, and
Frequency must match
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
Audio is distorted or Audio configuration Check audio setup using Monitor • Use Monitor Radio function of Configurator to
weak. incorrect. screens. Be sure all settings identify which channel is not working.
match transmitter. • Check audio configuration using Configurator,
on the MPEG page. Settings must match both
incoming signal and wiring of RX audio
DVB-S Audio not being STRATA RX does not Reconfigure link to use other audio format.
received. currently support DVB-S Contact MRC for latest information on availability.
Linear Audio not being STRATA RX does not Reconfigure link to use other audio format.
received. currently support Linear Contact MRC for latest information on availability.
No audio in one or BISS Decryption not Use Configurator to check BISS settings. Be sure
more channels. operating. key and/or ID match the transmitter settings.
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
General System Problems
Status LED on RXU or RX is indicating a Minor • Check all Monitor screens on • Error messages: Troubleshoot using
RCU is yellow not Alarm. RX display. Look for Section 4.3 on page 4-2.
green. messages such as “RF NOT • Error Codes: Troubleshoot using Section 4.4
FOUND” or “UNLOCKED”. on page 4-4.
Troubleshoot using
Section 4.3 on page 4-2.
• Check Error Code Screen on
RX display. Troubleshoot
using Section 4.4 on page 4-4.
Status LED on RXU or RX is indicating a Major TURN OFF POWER and call for Call MRC Technical Support.
RCU is red not green. Alarm. service.
Changing settings on RXU and RCU are not • Check connection between If problem persists with correct coax connections,
one unit doesn’t communicating. RXU and RCU. one or both units have suffered internal failure.
change settings on the • Turn power off in both RXU Call MRC Technical Support.
other in a connected and RCU. Then turn power
RXU+RCU system. back on in both.
Can’t find Chroma None. Chroma is automatically None. Chroma is automatically set to match
settings. set to match incoming signal, but incoming signal, but setting does not appear on
setting does not appear on any any Configurator page.
Monitor screen.
Unable to configure or RX does not currently Contact MRC for latest information on availability.
select Service Name support Service Name
and Service Number. functionality.
Unable to manually RX does not currently Contact MRC for latest information on availability.
select PIDs. support selecting PID
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Operator Action Suggested Technical Staff Action
PID values reported on RX does not currently Contact MRC for latest information on availability.
Monitor Page of support multi-service
Configurator are selection. PID values
incorrect. shown are fixed.
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
20. Select the Squelch text box for each applicable Preset
and enter the value required or enter N. See Figure 5-
Notes In the following steps, the COFDM tab will be 22. Select the bandwidth for each applicable Preset using
active (not greyed out) only if your STRATA RX the Bandwidth pull-down menu. See Figure 5-10.
System contains COFDM and MPEG modules.
Figure 5-10: Bandwidth Pull-Down Menu
If your STRATA RX System does not contain
COFDM and MPEG modules, go to Step 38 .
21. Select the COFDM tab and observe the COFDM page
is displayed. See Figure 5-9.
32. Select the Encryption - Type: pull-down menu and 36. Enter the attenuation level in the MPEG Audio Output
select OFF, BISS-1, or BISS-E. See Figure 5-14. Levels - Audio A: text box, as required. The range is
0 to 60 (0.0 to 6.0 dB). See Figure 5-16.
Figure 5-14: BISS Encryption Options
Figure 5-16: MPEG Audio Output Levels Text Boxes -
39. Select the active Presets - Preset X option button 42. Select the active Audio Sub-Carrier - Enable
required. Channel 1 thru Enable Channel 4 check boxes, as
40. Select the Video Deviation - 3 MHz or 4 MHz radio required. See Figure 5-20 on page 5-11.
button, as required. See Figure 5-18.
41. Select the low pass filter option required using the LP
Filter option button to select ON or OFF, as required.
See Figure 5-19.
46. Select the Chan Plan tab and observe the Chan Plan
page is displayed. See Figure 5-21.
48. Select the Band Information - Currently Selected 51. Select the Main tab and observe the Main page is
Band pull-down menu and select the High Band displayed. See Figure 5-24.
(7 GHz) option.
49. Observe the 7 GHz Band channel plan is displayed. Figure 5-24: Main Page - Typical
See Figure 5-23.
Figure 5-30: Connection Complete - Typical 15. Navigate to the file required in the Load an
Instrument Configuration File window and select it.
16. Select the Open option button.
17. Select each tab and make your choices for settings on
that page.
1. Verify the power cable is properly connected to the 11. Observe the STRATA RX Configuration Utility main
RXU/RCU PWR/RS-485 connector. page is displayed. See Figure 5-37 on page 5-20.
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
15. Select each tab and make your choices for settings on
that page.
17. Select the Radio Operations - PROG option button
See the “Configurator Reference” Appendix on (See Figure 5-41 on page 5-22) and observe the
page C-1 for details of choices on each page. following indications:
- The Radio Operations - PROG option button is
Notes To load the new configuration settings and channel surrounded by a flashing, light blue frame during
plan into your STRATA RX System, perform Step programming.
16 and Step 17. - ADVISORY: status messages are displayed during
To save the new configuration settings and channel - Progress bars are displayed beneath the ADVISORY:
plan to a file on your PC, perform Step 18 thru Step message area during programming.
- All Configurator tabs are inactive during programming.
To exit this procedure, go to Step 22.
Note This procedure assumes the configuration and 3. Set the DC power source to on.
channel plan contained in the file on your PC are to 4. Set the RXU/RCU PWR switch to on ( I ) and go to
be loaded directly into your STRATA RX System Step 10.
and that no changes will be made to any of the
Configurator pages. 5. Verify the power cable is properly connected to both
the RXU and the RCU PWR/RS-485 connectors.
6. Connect a coaxial cable between the RXU SIGNAL
OUTPUT connector and the RCU SIGNAL INPUT
Note If you are unsure of power requirements, refer to Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
the “Installation” Chapter on page 6-1. only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
8. Set the DC power source to on. 13. When connection is complete, observe the following:
9. Set the RXU and RCU PWR switches to on ( I ). - The CONN option button label changes to read
10. Start the Configurator software by double-clicking the DCON. See Figure 5-38 .
STRATA RX Configurator icon on your PC desktop. - The STRATA RXU and/or STRATA RCU configuration
. modules and data fields update to reflect the STRATA
RX System hardware and firmware versions detected.
- The Chan Plan and Monitor tabs appear.
- The Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs become
active (not greyed-out), as applicable to your STRATA
RX System configuration.
11. Observe the STRATA RX Configuration Utility main - The MONITOR OFF option button label changes to
page is displayed. See Figure 5-45. read MONITOR ON, and, after a short delay, the label
changes to also display Preset 1, where Preset 1 is
Figure 5-45: Main Page the Preset name displayed in the pull-down menu
located in the lower right-hand corner of the window.
Figure 5-49: Modify Individual Configuration Pages Notes If your STRATA RX System consists of a
standalone RXU or RCU, go to Step 1.
If your STRATA RX System consists of both an
RXU and an RCU, go to Step 5.
Note If you are unsure of power requirements, refer to Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
the “Installation” Chapter on page 6-1. only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
8. Set the DC power source to on. 13. When connection is complete, observe the following:
9. Set the RXU and RCU PWR switches to on ( I ). - The CONN option button label changes to read
10. Start the Configurator software by double-clicking the DCON. See Figure 5-51 on page 5-29.
STRATA RX Configurator icon on your PC desktop. - The STRATA RXU and/or STRATA RCU configuration
. modules and data fields update to reflect the STRATA
RX System hardware and firmware versions detected.
- The Chan Plan and Monitor tabs appear.
- The Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs become
active (not greyed-out), as applicable to your STRATA
RX System configuration.
11. Observe the STRATA RX Configuration Utility main - The MONITOR OFF option button label changes to
page is displayed. See Figure 5-50. read MONITOR ON, and, after a short delay, the label
changes to also display Preset 1, where Preset 1 is
Figure 5-50: Main Page the Preset name displayed in the pull-down menu
located in the lower right-hand corner of the window.
16. Select the Main tab and observe the Main page is
displayed. See Figure 5-53.
Figure 5-53: Main Page - Typical 18. Observe the Save an Instrument Configuration File
window is displayed. See Figure 5-55.
15. Select each tab and make your choices for the Preset
settings on that page, as applicable.
14. Select the Radio Operations - READ option button To save the new Preset settings to a file on your
(See Figure 5-59) and observe the following: PC, perform Step 19 thru Step 22.
- The Radio Operations - READ option button is
To exit this procedure, go to Step 23.
surrounded by a flashing, light blue frame during the
loading process.
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
13. When connection is complete, observe the following: Note By default, settings for Preset 1 will automatically
be loaded into the Configurator software after a
- The CONN option button label changes to read
connection has been established.
DCON. See Figure 5-67.
- The STRATA RXU and/or STRATA RCU configuration
modules and data fields update to reflect the STRATA
Note In the following step, when the Chan Plan tab is
RX System hardware and firmware versions detected. selected, the 2 GHz Band channel plan will be
- The Chan Plan and Monitor tabs appear. displayed as the default channel plan.
- The Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs become
active (not greyed-out), as applicable to your STRATA 14. Select the Chan Plan tab and observe the Chan Plan
RX System configuration. page is displayed. See Figure 5-68 on page 5-38.
- The MONITOR OFF option button label changes to
read MONITOR ON, and, after a short delay, the label
15. Select the Channel 1 thru Channel 10 - Offset -. Figure 5-71: 7 GHz Band Channel Plan - Typical
Center, and Offset + text boxes and enter channel
plan frequencies for each channel, as required. See
Figure 5-69. The value ranges are 1990.000 to
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
Note If you are unsure of power requirements, refer to
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
the “Installation” Chapter on page 6-1.
13. When connection is complete, observe the following:
8. Set the DC power source to on.
- The CONN option button label changes to read
9. Set the RXU and RCU PWR switches to on ( I ).
DCON. See Figure 5-78.
10. Start the Configurator software by double-clicking the
STRATA RX Configurator icon on your PC desktop. - The STRATA RXU and/or STRATA RCU configuration
modules and data fields update to reflect the STRATA
. RX System hardware and firmware versions detected.
- The Chan Plan and Monitor tabs appear.
- The Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs become
active (not greyed-out), as applicable to your STRATA
RX System configuration.
11. Observe the STRATA RX Configuration Utility main - The MONITOR OFF option button label changes to
page is displayed. See Figure 5-77. read MONITOR ON, and, after a short delay, the label
14. Select the Chan Plan tab and observe the Chan Plan
page is displayed. See Figure 5-79.
Figure 5-86: File Access - SAVE option Button Notes When entering a file name in the following step,
remember that 2 GHz and 7 GHz channel plans
are saved as separate files on your PC.
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
Note If you are unsure of power requirements, refer to
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
the “Installation” Chapter on page 6-1.
13. When connection is complete, observe the following:
8. Set the DC power source to on.
- The CONN option button label changes to read
9. Set the RXU and RCU PWR switches to on ( I ).
DCON. See Figure 5-78 on page 5-43.
10. Start the Configurator software by double-clicking the
STRATA RX Configurator icon on your PC desktop. - The STRATA RXU and/or STRATA RCU configuration
modules and data fields update to reflect the STRATA
. RX System hardware and firmware versions detected.
- The Chan Plan and Monitor tabs appear.
- The Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs become
active (not greyed-out), as applicable to your STRATA
RX System configuration.
11. Observe the STRATA RX Configuration Utility main - The MONITOR OFF option button label changes to
page is displayed. See Figure 5-89. read MONITOR ON, and, after a short delay, the label
Notes If only the 2 GHz channel plan is to be modified, 17. Select the Band Information - Currently Selected
perform Step 16 and go to Step 20. Band pull-down menu and select the High Band
(7 GHz) option. See Figure 5-94.
If both the 2 GHz and 7 Ghz channel plans are to
be modified, perform Step 16 thru Step 19 and go Figure 5-94: Band Information Pull-Down Menu
to Step 20.
To load the new channel plan into your STRATA Notes 2 GHz and 7 GHz channel plan files are saved
RX System, go to Step 20. separately on your PC.
To save the new channel plan to a file on your PC, If you are saving a 2 GHz channel plan, perform
go to Step 21. Step 21 thru Step 25 and go to Step 31.
To exit this procedure, go to Step 31. If you are saving a 7 GHz channel plan, go to Step
Note In the following step, the Chan Plan tab will appear
only if your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
14. Select the Chan Plan tab and observe the Chan Plan 15. Select the File Access - LOAD option button. See
page is displayed. See Figure 5-104. Figure 5-105 on page 5-56.
6.1 Chapter Overview • DO NOT discard the container or packing material until
you have inspected the equipment and are sure there is
This chapter describes how to unpack and install your STRATA no shipping damage. The container and packing must be
RX System. The topics covered in this chapter are listed below. available in the event that a damage claim needs to be
filed with the shipping carrier.
Topic Page
6.3 Initial Inspection
Unpacking 6-1
After the equipment is unpacked, we recommend you inspect it
Initial Inspection 6-1
using the following checklist:
Damage in Shipment 6-1
• Check for any dents or scratches. If the equipment is
Mounting and Cabling 6-2
dented or scratched, it may have suffered internal
Power Connections 6-12 damage as well.
Grounding 6-16
• Check that the equipment is clean and dry.
Audio Connections 6-16
• Check that no cables or connectors are broken, damaged,
Signal Connections 6-20
or loose.
Data Connections 6-21
• Check that no switches or LED indicators are broken,
Powering Up 6-26
damaged, or loose.
Product Modifications 6-26
MRC Tripod The Quick Release Mount will typically remain attached to the
Mount Mounting Plate and Universal Mounting Bracket.
The upper Universal Mounting Bracket is attached to the lower
Universal Mounting Bracket and is secured in position using the
two thumbwheel screws located on the lower Universal Mounting
Bracket. See Figure 6-5 on page 6-5.
Quick Dovetail Note The versatility of the Quick Release Mount and a
Release Adapter Plate mating Dovetail Adapter Plate allows the Quick
Mount (Machined) Release Mount to be attached to the bottom of the
Universal Mounting Bracket and the Dovetail
MRC Adapter Plate to be attached to a non-MRC tripod,
Tripod or vice versa.
The method you use to attach the STRATA RX
System to a non-MRC tripod is your choice.
Non-MRC Quick
Tripod Mount Release 1/2-Inch Long Flat
Mount Head Screws
To mount a TX System and an optional ACU on a non-MRC The ACU is installed in the lower Universal Mounting Bracket
tripod, one option is to attach the Quick Release Mount to the and is secured using the two Universal Mounting Bracket
bottom of a Mounting Plate and to attach a Dovetail Adapter latches. The STRATA RX System is installed in the upper
Plate to the non-MRC tripod mount. The RXU and/or RCU and Universal Mounting Bracket(s) and is secured using the
the optional ACU require individual Universal Mounting Brackets Universal Mounting Bracket latches.
and the Mounting Plate for installation. The Quick Release Mount, with the Universal Mounting
Brackets, ACU, and RX System, is then attached to the Dovetail
Quick Change
Plate Quick Flat Flat
Release Washers Washers
Mount Lock Lock
Nuts Washers
Tripod Mount The QuickSet Quick Change Adapter will typically remain
attached to the Universal Mounting Bracket.
The RXU/RCU is installed in the Universal Mounting Bracket and
is secured using the two Universal Mounting Bracket latches.
The QuickSet Quick Change Adapter, with the Universal
Mounting Bracket and the RXU/RCU, is then attached to the
QuickSet tripod mount and is secured with the tripod mount
locking clamp. See Figure 6-16 on page 6-11.
6.5.10 STRATA RX System and ACU Mounting - The Quick Release Mount is then attached to the non-MRC
tripod mount.
Non-MRC Tripod (Option 6)
The upper Universal Mounting Bracket is attached to the lower
To mount a STRATA RX System and an optional ACU on a non-
Universal Mounting Bracket and is secured in position using the
MRC tripod that contains a QuickSet tripod mount, the RX
two thumbwheel screws on the lower Universal Mounting
System and the optional ACU each require individual Universal
Mounting Brackets and a Mounting Plate for installation.
Panel Power Connections The RXU and RCU use the same
type of power connector. In the RXU it is on the front panel; on
A +V
B +V
C +V
Audio B
F Right (return) Controlled by “Audio 3” in 3
G Ground Configurator, displayed as 1
Audio 3
“Audio 3” in Monitor Controlled by “Audio B” in
H Right (live) Screens. 2
Configurator, displayed as
J Left (return) Controlled by “Audio 4” in “Audio B” in Monitor 3
Configurator, displayed as Screens.
G Ground Audio 4 1
“Audio 4” in Monitor
K Left (live) Screens. 2
• Wayside Data communication. Radio Programming and Monitoring connections are shown in
Table 6-5 on page 6-22 and Figure 6-30 on page 6-24.
The RX can be connected directly to a PC, or it can be interfaced
to a LAN for applications such as remote monitoring and control. 6.10.3 Wayside Data
6.10.1 Remote Control Overview The Wayside channel is a simplex data channel
transmitting data from the STRATA RX System. See Figure 6-26
The RX can be controlled from a remote location using the on page 6-22.
STRATA RX Remote Control Panel. This is typically used for
Cable-mount Cable-mount
DB9 Female DB9 Male
2 2
3 3 Radio Data
5 5
To Radio 7
RS-232 Panel
Connector 8
3 Wayside Data
DB9 Female
5 9
1 6
6 1
1 6
1 9
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
(F) 6 1
9 4
Description Comments
Null Modem Cable Connects RS-232 port on RX to PC. For
8.1 Chapter Overview Programming and Monitoring Data only. See
Section 6.10 on page 6-21.
This chapter describes which replacement parts are available for
Multipurpose Data Connects RS-232 port on RX to PC. For both
the STRATA RX System.
Cable Programming and Monitoring data, and
Since there are no supported field repairs on the RXU or Wayside data. See Section 6.10 on page 6-
RCU. The only parts available are external cables and 21.
mounting hardware. RF Connection Connects Signal Output of RXU to Signal
Cable Input of RCU.
8.2 External Cables
The external cables for the STRATA RX are listed in Table 8-1. If
you need something that is not listed, ask your Sales
Representative or consult the factory.
Description Comments
AC Power Cable Provides AC Main Power to the ACU Power
DC Power Cable Connects the RXU or RCU to the ACU
Power Supply. Connectors on both ends.
Power Input Connector only.
Audio Output Cable Splits output from AUDIO connector into 4
XLR connectors. See Section 6.8 on page 6-
Switched Outputs -
Low Noise
Block Down Low Noise
Converter (LNB) Converter (LNC) AGC/IF
In Switch COFDM MPEG Decoder
+ Demodulator
DC Power
2 GHz
900 MHz
2 GHz
2 GHz
900 MHz
2 GHz
900 MHz
2 GHz LNC One specific version of the LNC is the 2GHz LNC. No other modules are needed in the Front End. See Figure 9-6.
The 2 GHz LNC differs in that it has two inputs - one for incoming
2 GHz RF, and an “AUX” input for accepting 2 GHz from a Low Figure 9-6: 2 GHz Configuration
Noise Block Down Converter (LNB). The inputs are selectable, 2 GHz In
and are amplified or filtered as needed depending on the signal 900 MHz Out
The block diagram is shown in Figure 9-7 on page 9-8. AUX In
900 MHz
RF In RF In 2 GHz
RF In 2 GHz
High AUX In
2 GHz 900 MHz
Out 2 GHz 900 MHz
LNB + LNC 9.4 AGC/IF Module
The AGC/IGF module performs several tasks:
900 MHz • Converts the incoming 900 MHz signal to 70 MHz.
Out • Maintains AGC (automatic gain control) over the input
• Provides a calibrated RCL (received carrier level) front
Band Switched
panel display.
Certain combinations of a higher band and 2 GHz can be
• Provides receiver squelch control in IF and Analog
ordered together in a band-switched configuration. Consult your
Sales Representative or contact the factory for the latest band
When operated in the higher band, the RF first passes through 9.5 Switch and IF Interface Module
the LNB, which converts it to 2 GHz. This is then passed to the The STRATA RX provides a very high degree of operator control
AUX Input of the 2 GHz LNC, which converts it to 900 MHz. over inputs and outputs. All of this flexibility is managed by the
When operated in the 2 GHz band, the LNB is bypassed and the Switch and IF Interface Module.
2 GHz RF signal is coupled directly into the RF Input of the 2 The Switch and IF Interface Module is responsible for routing all
GHz LNC. See Figure 9-9. the signals handled by the RX. This includes both input and
IF Interface
Audio Out
IF Switching/Logic Circuit
IF In Audio C Video SDI Audio C Video
FM Receiver COFDM
MPEG Decoder
MPEG Decoder + FM Receiver If desired, the RCU can
contain both an MPEG Decoder and an FM Receiver (FMR).
This circuit provides analog FM receiver video and audio
demodulation functions for either NTSC or PAL video formats
(must be specified when ordering).
When the FMR circuit is installed in an RCU housing along with
the COFDM/MPEG option, an audio switching circuit is added
Monitor Signal Out
which accommodates audio output switching between digital and
analog operating modes. See Figure 9-13 on page 9-12 for
details of the RCU audio switching circuit.
Note that when the STRATA RCU or RXU is operated in the
9.5.2 Audio Switching digital mode, the MPEG decoder audio outputs may be
configured for analog or digital audio outputs as shown in
The STRATA RX provides analog and/or digital audio outputs.
Figure 9-13 on page 9-12.
How this works depends on whether there is an MPEG Decoder
installed, or an FM Receiver, or both. Also note that the audio output wiring configuration differs
between analog and digital audio circuits. See ”Audio
MPEG Decoder When the MPEG decoder circuit is used, a
Connections” on page 6-16 for more details.
flexible analog and/or digital audio switching circuit is provided
Topic Page
Initial Factory Presets A-1
2 GHz (Lower) Channel Plan A-2
2 GHz (Upper) Channel Plan A-2
3 GHz Channel Plan A-3
5 GHz Channel Plan A-3
7 GHz (Lower) Channel Plan A-4
7 GHz (Upper) Channel Plan A-4
8 GHz Channel Plan A-5
10 GHz Channel Plan A-5
13 GHz Channel Plan A-6
US 2 GHz Reallocation - 12 MHz A-6
Channel Plan
(-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset (-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset
Channel Channel
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 1994.750 1999.000 2003.250 1 2300.000 2313.333 2326.666
2 2012.250 2016.500 2020.750 2 2339.999 2353.332 2366.665
3 2029.250 2033.500 2037.750 3 2379.998 2393.331 2406.664
4 2046.250 2050.500 2054.750 4 2419.997 2433.330 2446.663
5 2063.250 2067.500 2071.750 5 2459.996 2473.329 2486.662
6 2080.250 2084.500 2088.750 6 2499.995 2513.328 2526.661
7 2097.250 2101.500 2105.750 7 2539.994 2553.327 2566.660
8 2454.250 2458.500 2462.750 8 2579.993 2593.326 2606.659
9 2471.250 2475.500 2479.750 9 2619.992 2633.325 2646.658
10 2487.750 2492.000 2496.250 10 2659.991 2673.324 2686.657
11 --- --- --- 11 --- --- ---
12 --- --- --- 12 --- --- ---
13 --- --- --- 13 --- --- ---
14 --- --- --- 14 --- --- ---
(-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset (-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset
Channel Channel
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 3406.250 3418.250 3431.250 1 4450.000 4475.000 4500.000
2 3443.250 3455.250 3467.250 2 4525.000 4550.000 4575.000
3 3480.250 3492.250 3504.250 3 4600.000 4625.000 4650.000
4 3506.250 3518.750 3531.250 4 4675.000 4700.000 4725.000
5 3543.750 3556.250 3568.750 5 4750.000 4775.000 4800.000
6 3581.250 3593.750 3606.250 6 4825.000 4850.000 4875.000
7 3610.000 3620.000 3630.000 7 4900.000 4925.000 4925.000
8 3640.000 3650.000 3660.000 8 4940.500 4941.500 4942.500
9 3670.000 3680.000 3690.000 9 4943.500 4944.500 4944.500
10 3700.000 3710.000 3720.000 10 4947.500 4952.500 4957.500
11 3730.000 3740.000 3750.000 11 4962.500 4967.500 4972.500
12 3760.000 3770.000 3780.000 12 4977.500 4982.500 4982.500
13 3790.000 3800.000 3800.000 13 4985.500 4986.500 4987.500
14 3800.000 3800.000 3800.000 14 4988.500 4989.500 4989.500
(-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset (-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset
Channel Channel
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 6881.250 6887.500 6893.750 1 6900.000 6914.285 6928.570
2 6906.250 6912.500 6918.750 2 6942.855 6957.140 6971.425
3 6931.250 6937.500 6943.750 3 6985.710 6999.995 7014.280
4 6956.250 6962.500 6968.750 4 7028.565 7042.850 7057.135
5 6981.250 6987.500 6993.750 5 7071.420 7085.705 7099.990
6 7006.250 7012.500 7018.750 6 7114.275 7128.560 7142.845
7 7031.250 7037.500 7043.750 7 7157.130 7171.415 7185.700
8 7056.250 7062.500 7068.750 8 7199.985 7214.270 7228.555
9 7081.250 7087.500 7093.750 9 7242.840 7257.125 7271.410
10 7106.750 7112.500 7118.750 10 7285.695 7299.980 7314.265
11 6431.250 6437.500 6443.750 11 7328.550 7342.835 7357.120
12 6456.250 6462.500 6468.750 12 7371.405 7385.690 7399.975
13 6481.250 6487.500 6493.750 13 7414.260 7428.545 7442.830
14 6506.250 6512.500 6518.750 14 7457.115 7471.400 7485.685
(-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset (-) Offset (0) Center (+) Offset
Channel Channel
(MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
1 7700.000 7716.666 7733.332 1 10000.00 10016.66 10033.33
2 7749.998 7766.664 7783.330 2 10049.99 10066.66 10083.33
3 7799.996 7816.662 7833.328 3 10099.99 10116.66 10133.32
4 7849.994 7866.660 7883.326 4 10149.99 10166.66 10183.32
5 7899.992 7916.658 7933.324 5 10199.99 10216.65 10233.32
6 7949.990 7966.656 7983.322 6 10249.99 10266.65 10283.32
7 7999.988 8016.654 8033.320 7 10299.98 10316.65 10333.32
8 8049.986 8066.652 8083.318 8 10349.98 10366.65 10383.31
9 8099.984 8116.650 8133.316 9 10399.98 10416.65 10433.31
10 8149.982 8166.648 8183.314 10 10449.98 10466.64 10483.31
11 8199.980 8216.646 8233.312 11 10499.98 10516.64 10533.31
12 8249.978 8266.644 8283.310 12 10549.97 10566.84 10583.31
13 8299.976 8316.642 8333.308 13 10599.97 10616.64 10633.30
14 8349.974 8366.640 8383.306 14 10649.97 10666.64 10683.30
This section describes acronyms and abbreviations used in The signal (video + audio) is imposed onto the 70
MHz carrier by varying both the phase and the
communications, broadcasting, and in MRC Products and
amplitude of the signal while keeping the frequency
constant. There are 8 possible combinations of
phase and amplitude that can be used to carry
Table B-1: Useful Terms
64QAM 64-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
1RU 1 Rack Unit
16QAM 16-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation The signal (video+audio) is imposed onto the 70 MHz
carrier by varying both the phase and the amplitude
The signal (video + audio) is imposed onto the 70 of the signal while keeping the frequency constant.
MHz carrier by varying both the phase and the There are 64 possible combinations of phase and
amplitude of the signal while keeping the frequency amplitude that can be used to carry information.
constant. There are 16 possible combinations of A&C Alarm and Control
phase and amplitude that can be used to carry ABW Automatic Bandwidth detection
ACU AC to DC Converter Unit
32QAM 32-state Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
The signal (video + audio) is imposed onto the 70 AES Audio Engineering Society
MHz carrier by varying both the phase and the AES/EBU Unofficial name for a digital audio standard
amplitude of the signal while keeping the frequency developed as a joint enterprise of the AES and the
constant. There are 32 possible combinations of EBU.
phase and amplitude that can be used to carry
information. AFC Automatic Frequency Control
AGC Automatic Gain Control
4 FSK 4-state Frequency Shift Keying AIS Alarm Indication Signal (all one’s)
8 PSK 8-Phase Shift Keying AMI Alternate Mark Inversion, line code format for traffic
AVG Average
The signal (video+audio) is imposed onto the 70 MHz A serial communications interface operating at
carrier by varying the phase of the signal while 270 Mbit/sec. Generally used for in-studio news
keeping the amplitude and frequency constant. There operations.
are 4 possible values of phase that can be used to SECAM Sequence de Couleur Avec Memoire
carry information.
RCL Received Carrier Level Color television standard used in France, Russia,
and other countries. Provides 625 horizontal lines of
The strength of a received RF signal, in dBm. resolution. Not compatible with NTSC or PAL. Not
RCU Receiver Control Unit supported by this product.
Rcvr Receiver SER Symbol Error Rate
RD Receive Data Setpt Set point
RDS Radio Data System SFN Single-Frequency Network
RF Radio Frequency SG Signal Ground
RF Level RF Power from the transmitter. SI Service Information
RFU Radio Frequency Unit Simplex A channel capable of transmitting information in only
one direction.
RMA Return Material Authorization
Site ID A physical location where any number of modems,
R-S Reed-Solomon
transmitters, or receivers are installed.
RSSI Receiver Signal Strength Indicator
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
RX Receiver
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
RXU Receiver Unit
SR16 Symbol Rate 16
RZ Return to Zero
STDBY Standby
SC Service Channel
Subcarrier An electromagnetic signal that is used as a medium
SC Single Carrier for placing an information channel above another
SCM Single Carrier Modem information channel.
SD EMB Synchronous Digital Interface Embedded
Topic Page
Windows C-2
Tabs C-3
Greyed-Out Tabs C-3
Pages C-3
Greyed-out Choices C-4
Option Buttons C-4
Dynamic Option Button Labels C-4
Menus C-5
Text Boxes C-5
Help Tips C-5
Radio Buttons C-5
Check Boxes C-6
Alert Button C-6
Progress Bars C-6
Windows When the STRATA RX Configurator icon, as shown Note Windows, other than the Configurator software
below, is selected on your PC desktop and the software is windows, may vary from those presented in this
initialized, the STRATA RX Configuration Utility window is manual due to differences between PC Operating
displayed. See Figure C-1. . Systems or the “Views” option selected for the
window. See “PC Requirements” on page C-34.
Tabs A maximum of seven tabs will appear across the bottom of The Chan Plan tab will appear when the STRATA RX System is
the Main page when the Configurator software is connected to connected to the Configurator software. See Figure C-4 on
the STRATA RX System. These tabs correspond to the seven page C-4. Please note that the Chan Plan tab will appear only if
pages of options available. See Figure C-3. your STRATA RX System contains an RXU.
Note that only five tabs appear in the example shown in Figure The Monitor tab will also appear only when the STRATA RX
C-3. This is because the Configurator software is not connected System is connected to the Configurator software and the
to a STRATA RX System at this time. To select a page, just MONITOR OFF option button is selected. When the MONITOR
select a tab when the tab is active (not greyed-out). OFF option button is selected, the button label will change to
Greyed-Out Tabs If a page is unavailable, the tab label will read MONITOR ON and the Monitor tab appears.
appear in grey or may not be displayed. As an example, in Pages Each page contains settings or options that apply only to
Figure C-3, the Radio, COFDM, MPEG, and FMR tabs are grey that particular function. For example, the FMR page shown in
because the Configurator software is not connected to a Figure C-4 on page C-4 contains all the settings that apply to the
STRATA RX System. FMR Demodulator option. Each of the individual pages are
described later in this Appendix.
Help Tips Help tips are displayed to indicate value ranges for
Current certain options. In the example shown in Figure C-10, when the
Monitored Preset Pull- Radio page Squelch option is selected and the cursor is moved
Preset Down Menu into the Squelch text box, the value range will be displayed.
Figure C-8: Drop-Down Menu - Typical Radio Buttons Radio buttons are contained on the Radio and
FMR pages. One button is always selected by default. When
another radio button is selected, the default button becomes
inactive and the selected radio button becomes active. See
Figure C-11 on page C-6.
Topic Page
COM Port Pull-Down Menu C-10
When you select the General Operations - PROG button, a Connect to Radio Option Button C-10
flashing light blue frame will surround the PROG button until the
programming process is completed. During the programming Preset Pull-Down Menu C-11
process, a progress bar is displayed near the top of the Main Program to Radio Option Button C-11
page. Load Settings from File Option C-11
Figure C-28: STRATA RCU - FMR, COFDM, and MPEG Figure C-30: STRATA RXU - FMR Only
Figure C-46: BISS-1 1 Key Figure C-48: Service Information and PIDs
Note that the Preset being configured must be selected by Radio FMR Operations - READ Option Button When the
clicking the applicable Preset button. Radio FMR Operations - READ option button is selected, only
FMR page configuration settings from your STRATA RX System
FMT page settings available are as follows: are loaded into the Configurator software. See Figure C-53. No
Select Video Deviation Option Video deviation for individual settings from any other page are loaded into the STRATA RX
Presets may be set to either 3 MHz or 4 MHz by selecting the System when this option button is selected.
option button next to the Video Deviation frequency required.
Figure C-53: Radio FMR Operations Option Buttons
Select Low Pass Filter Option Low pass (LP) filter settings
may be set to either ON or OFF using the applicable LP Filter
option buttons.
Select Audio Sub-Carrier Configuration Options For each
audio sub-carrier, you can perform the following:
• Enable/Disable Channel
When selected (checked), turns that audio channel on. During the read process, a flashing, light blue frame surrounds
When not selected (unchecked), turns that audio channel the READ option button and a progress bar is displayed near the
off. top of the page.
The Monitor page will contain various tabs depending upon the When a different Preset must be selected for monitoring,
options contained in the current active Preset. When the selection of the new Preset is accomplished by using either the
STRATA RX System is connected to the Configurator software Monitor page or the STRATA RX Monitor Utility window Preset
Figure C-72: MPEG Tab - Typical Figure C-73: Errors Tab - Typical
The Monitor page MPEG tab allows you to monitor the following The Errors page lists all Active Errors in the STRATA RX
MPEG Information: System. These errors can also be monitored on the STRATA
Error Message Possible Cause Suggested Action Error Message Possible Cause Suggested Action
Unable to Connect... Installed STRATA Contact MRC Technical Unable to Retrieve Problem with RS- Try again.
message displayed RX System Support. [Setting] 232 If error still appears,
in Configurator Main hardware is communication. turn off STRATA RX
page ADVISORY defective. OR System power, close
message area the Configurator, then
Unable to Load turn on STRATA RX
Cannot Change Configurator Turn off STRATA RX [Setting] System power and start
Operation Mode... cannot find System power, close Configurator.
installed Configurator, then turn RS-232 cable is Connect cable. Be sure
hardware. on STRATA RX System disconnected. connectors on both
power and start ends are fully seated.
Configurator. RS-232 cable is Replace cable.
RS-232 cable is Connect cable. Verify defective.
disconnected. connectors on both Installed STRATA Contact MRC Technical
ends are fully seated. RX System Support.
RS-232 cable is Replace cable. hardware is
defective. defective.
Installed STRATA Contact MRC Technical
RX System Support.
hardware is
Error Message Possible Cause Suggested Action Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action
Configuration File Unable to read Select a different COFDM Page
Corrupt data stored in file configuration file. COFDM tab is Operation Mode On Radio page, set
chosen. selected but setting set incorrectly. Operation Mode for
OR File damaged. Re-create configuration options are greyed Preset(s) to MPEG CV
and save it with a out. Out, ASI Output, or
Unable to Open different filename. SDI Output.
Configuration File
Problem with PC Contact your PC service MPEG Page
or its disk drive. provider. MPEG tab is Operation Mode On Radio page, set
selected but Presets set incorrectly. Operation Mode for
C.8.2 Configurator Operational Problems or setting options Preset(s) to COFDM IF
are greyed out. Out or DVB-Satellite.
See Table C-2 for a listing of the most common operational
problems with the Configurator and what to do if they occur. Preset not Select Preset on MPEG
selected. page by clicking on
Table C-2: Configurator Operational Problems Preset button.
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action FMR Page
FMR tab is selected Operation Mode On Radio page, set
but Presets or setting set incorrectly. Operation Mode for
STRATA RX System Power on Connect power and turn options are greyed Preset(s) to Analog IF
is not detected when STRATA RX unit on. out. Out.
Connect to Radio System is
Preset not Select Preset on FMT
button is selected. disconnected or
selected. page by clicking on
Preset button.
RS-232 cable is Connect cable. Be sure
Digital Audio Problems
disconnected. connectors on both
ends are fully seated. No audio produced. Audio A or B Check Audio Output
Stream not set settings on the MPEG
RS-232 cable is Replace cable.
correctly. page.
Installed STRATA Contact MRC Technical
RX System Support.
hardware is
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action
Analog Audio Problems Configurator crashes Incompatible See Decimal Separator
No audio produced Subcarrier Check sub carrier when trying to run. Decimal Compatibility.
even though RCL is frequencies not frequencies on both the Separator
high. set correctly. transmitter and the AND / OR configuration.
STRATA RX System. Program files Use the “Add/Remove
Use the Monitor page Get “Runtime Error” damaged. Programs” function in
Radio tab to view the message. Windows Control Panel
alarm status and to un-install the
identify which STRATA RX
subcarriers not being Configuration Utility,
received. then reinstall it.
PC/Software Problems Problem with PC Contact your PC service
Configurator won’t Previous version Uninstall previous or its disk drive. provider.
install on PC. of STRATA RX version using the “Add/ STRATA RX
Configuration Remove Programs” STRATA RX System Power on Connect power and turn
Utility already function in Windows is not detected when STRATA RX unit on.
installed. Control Panel. Connect to Radio System is
PC does not meet See “PC Requirements” button is selected. disconnected or
System on page C-34. off.
Requirements. RS-232 cable is Connect cable. Be sure
CD damaged. Contact MRC Technical disconnected. connectors on both
Support. ends are fully seated.
Problem with PC Contact your PC service RS-232 cable is Replace cable.
or its disk drive. provider. defective.
Installed STRATA Contact MRC Technical
RX System Support.
hardware is
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action Problem Possible Cause Suggested Action
COFDM Page Analog Audio Problems
COFDM tab is Operation Mode On Radio page, set No audio produced Subcarrier Check sub carrier
selected but setting set incorrectly. Operation Mode for even though RCL is frequencies not frequencies on both the
options are greyed Preset(s) to MPEG CV high. set correctly. transmitter and the
out. Out, ASI Output, or STRATA RX System.
SDI Output. Use the Monitor page
MPEG Page Radio tab to view the
alarm status and
MPEG tab is Operation Mode On Radio page, set identify which
selected but Presets set incorrectly. Operation Mode for subcarriers not being
or setting options Preset(s) to COFDM IF received.
are greyed out. Out or DVB-Satellite.
PC/Software Problems
Preset not Select Preset on MPEG
selected. page by clicking on Configurator won’t Previous version Uninstall previous
Preset button. install on PC. of STRATA RX version using the “Add/
Configuration Remove Programs”
FMR Page Utility already function in Windows
FMR tab is selected Operation Mode On Radio page, set installed. Control Panel.
but Presets or setting set incorrectly. Operation Mode for PC does not meet See “PC Requirements”
options are greyed Preset(s) to Analog IF System on page C-34.
out. Out. Requirements.
Preset not Select Preset on FMT CD damaged. Contact MRC Technical
selected. page by clicking on Support.
Preset button.
Problem with PC Contact your PC service
Digital Audio Problems or its disk drive. provider.
No audio produced. Audio A or B Check Audio Output
Stream not set settings on the MPEG
correctly. page.
Signal Quality
Link Quality
D.3.3 LQ and Signal Quality 3
Figure - illustrates how LQ changes as the received digital signal SNR Performance Data
To improve the Link Quality, we suggest the following general Note - BW must be manually set to match the
sequence of actions. You should develop your own action plan transmitter.
so you’re prepared in case LQ begins to fall.
1. Optimize RCL.
- No signal: Check channel and frequency - be sure
they match the transmitted signal.
- If RCL is -70 dBm or lower, the signal is weak.
Reposition transmit and receive antennas, or increase
transmit power if possible.
This is technical background information to help you understand This is the most robust FEC setting, capable of correcting
LQ and make best use of its capabilities. the most errors. However, it has the lowest data transfer
D.4.1 RCL and SNR • By contrast, an FEC setting of 7/8 would mean that every
In analog systems, efforts to optimize the link quality are usually 7 packets of payload are accompanied by 1 packet of
directed at improving the received signal strength (RCL), with the error correction. In effect, 7/8 of the packets are payload.
goal of having a strong signal relative to the RF noise present
Video Response: . . . . . ±0.25 dB @ within video filter bandwidth Output Impedance: . . . . . . . . . . . 600 ohms balanced/10 K ohms
Video Performance (15 MHz L/C IF Filter): Output Level (adjust): . . . . . . . . . . . +8 dBm – line level – nominal
Signal/Noise: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >68 dB (weighted per RS-250C) (0 dBm to +18 dBm) – local/serial
Signal/Hum: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >63 dB (weighted per RS-250C) Audio Channel Crosstalk: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 dB
Differential Phase: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 degree De-emphasis: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 uS/75 uS , flat
Differential Gain: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% CODFM DEMODULATION
Chroma/Luminance Gain: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% IF Input: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 MHz
Chroma/Luminance Delay: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±20 nS Input Range: . . . . . . . –10 dBm nominal, (–10 dBm to –12 dBm)
Threshold (2 GHz): . . . . . . . . . . . . . –87 dBm @ 37 dB video S/N Bandwidth (Selectable): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MHz, 7 MHz, 8 MHz