مناعة كاملة
مناعة كاملة
مناعة كاملة
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Nuclear antigens
Clinical Features
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem disease and can affect virtually all organs and system; whilst some manifestations
are common, others are rare. Therefore, joint, skin and blood are affected in 80-100% of patients, kidneys, CNS and
cardiopulmonary system in over 50%; while thrombosis, a typical lupus manifestation associated with possession of the
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
anticardiolipin antibody, is present in 10% of patients. Systemic manifestations including fatigue, malaise, fever, anorexia, nausea
and weight loss, are present in the great majority of patients.
The symptoms difference according to the infected organ and including arthritis, arthralgia, malar rash, an erythematous rash over
the nasal bridge, photosensitivity, discoid lesions, headache, migraine,nephrotic syndrome, pleuritis and pericarditis.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
The most frequent laboratory alteration that is identified is normocromic normocytic anemia of chronic disorders. Occasinally a
Coombs-positive haemolytic anemia is observed. Leukopenia (probably autoantibody mediated), especially lymphopenia, and
thrombocytopenia are frequent. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is typically elevated, while C-reactive protein tends to be
normal. Urinalysis can show haematuria, proteinuria and renal casts in the presence of glomerulonephritis.
Immunological laboratory findings
All patients in whom SLE is suspected should be tested for antinuclear antibodies, including those to dsDNA and extractable
nuclear antigens (ENA), and for antiphospholipid antibodies, as well as having their serum level of IgG and complement
components, C3 and C4 measured,Antihistone antibodies are also present in patients with drug-induced SLE, most frequently
associated with hydralazine and procainamide therapies.
The sero-immunological hallmark of SLE is antinuclear antibodies (ANA), in the absence of ANA, the diagnosis of SLE is put
into question, even though some 5% of patients may have an ANA-negative serology.ANA is currently detected by an indirect
immunofluorescence technique, where diluted patients serum is applied to frozen tissue, especially liver, of rodent origin and cell
lines of human origin, such as the HEp2 cell line derived from a laryngeal tumor, in which nuclei are prominent, are used as
substrate to detect ANA. If the patient is ANA positive, the autoantibody will bind to nuclei. To reveal this binding, a second
antibody tagged with fluorescent label is add. This second antibody will bind and ANA will then be seen by placing the preparation
under a fluorescence microscope. Four patterns of fluorescence can be seen indicating different types of antinuclear antibodies.
Table. Immunofluorescence Patterns of Antinuclear Antibodies
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
ANA is a very sensitive test for SLE, being present in virtually all patients and frequently at high titers; its disease specificity is
relatively low since it is frequently found in other rheumatic diseases, as well as in autoimmune liver disease, during viral infections
and, occasionally, at low titers, in normal subjects.
DNA antibodies are the most important in SLE. They can react with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or with double-stranded
DNA (dsDNA).Although anti-ssDNA may be found in many diseases besides SLE, anti-dsDNA autoantibodies are found almost
exclusively in SLE (70%of the patients). While the disease specificity of dsDNA autoantibodies is high, that of ANA is low.
Anti-dsDNA autoantibodies are usually detected by very analytically sensitive technique, such as radioimmunoassay (RIA) or
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).they can also be detected by immunofluorescence staining of an organelle called a
kinotoplast in the flagellate Crithdia luciliae,which contains dsDNA.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
In a patient with lupus nephritis, a kidney biopsy is frequently obtained for diagnostic reasons the glomeruli of such bioptic renal
material contain antigen-antibody complexes. By applying a fluorescent antibody directed against human antibody (similar to that
used in the second step of ANA detection) to frozen section of the kidney biopsy. This one step technique is known as direct
Extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) include Sm (Smith), RNP (ribonucleoprotein), Ro (Robert) also called SS-A (Sjogrens
syndrome antigen A) and anti- La (Lane) or SS-B (Sjogrens syndrome antigen B).
Anti-ENA antibodies are include anti-Sm found almost exclusively in SLE, and anti-RNP more typically associated with mixed
connective tissue disease than with SLE, anti- Ro and anti-L are found in Sjogrens syndrome. Other Anti-ENA antibodies are anti-
Jo-1, anti Scl-70 and anticentromere, which are associated mainly with polmyositis, systemic sclerosis and CREST syndrome
respectively. Anti-ENA antibodies are normally detected by immunodiffusion or ELISA technique.
The lupus anticoagulant causes a prolonged clotting time in vitro but thrombosis in vivo. It is often found in associated with other
autoantibodies to phospholipids, such as anticardiolipin antibodies and false positive tests for syphilis.
Assessment of the complement profile is of importance in management. Serial determinations of CH50, a functional assay measuring
complement hemolytic activity, and of the individual factors C3 and C4, inform on how much immune complexes are consuming
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 1 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 2 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease of undetermined
etiology involving primarily the synovial membranes and articular structures of multiple
joints. The disease is often progressive and results in pain, stiffness, and swelling of joints.
In late stages, deformity and ankylosis develop. Women are affected more than men, with a
female: male ratio of 3:1; the disease onset reaches its apex between 35 and 50 years.
The causes of RA is unknown.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease result from immunological response to an antigen within
the joint. This antigen could be self molecules expressed in the joint or could be foreign (e.g.
bacterial or viral) antigen sequestered in joint tissue. The nature of this immunological
response and the target antigen remain uncertain. Unknown antigen stimulates the activation
of T lymphocytes that, in turn activate synovial macrophages. The macrophages secrete the
proinflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-1, which activate osteoclasts and chondrocytes.
This "two-pronged attack" results in the destruction of cartilage and bone. The chondrocytes
begin to produce high quantities of fibroblast growth factor and GM-CSF, which completes
a harmful cycle that can result in reactivation of the macrophage. Also, B cells are activated
by polyclonal stimulation and produce immunoglobulins, especially rheumatoid factors, that
stimulate the activation of complement through immune complex. Moreover,
proinflammatory cytokines, especially TNF-α and IL-1, lead to the increased of proliferation
and activation of fibroblast. This result in synovitis with pannus formation and in
consecutive bone and joint damage.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 2 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 2 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Symptoms of RA Patients
RA usually affects joints on both sides of the body equally. Wrists, fingers, knees, feet, and
ankles are the most commonly affected. The disease often begins slowly, usually with only
minor joint pain, stiffness, and fatigue. Joint symptoms may include:
Morning stiffness, which lasts more than 1 hour, is common. Joints may feel warm,
tender, and stiff when not used for an hour.
Joint pain is often felt on the same joint on both sides of the body.
Over time, joints may lose their range of motion and may become deformed.
Laboratory diagnosis
Synovial fluid analysis
Inflammatory synovial fluid (WBC count > 2000/µL) is present with WBC counts
generally from 5,000-50,000/µL.
Usually, neutrophil predominance (60-70%) is observed in the synovial fluid( in
contrast with mononuclear cell predominance in the synovium).
Because of a transport defect, the glucose levels of pleural, pericardial, and synovial
fluids in patients with RA are often low compared to serum glucose levels.
Immunological parameters include autoantibodies (e.g., RF, anti-RF33 (nuclear
antigen), anti-CCP, ANA).
Rheumatoid factor(RF) refers only to the IgM antibody which binds aggregated IgG
as antigen. During the first year of illness, rheumatoid factor is more likely to be
negative with some individuals converting to seropositive status over time. RF is also
seen in other illnesses, for example Sjögren's syndrome, Hepatitis C, chronic
infections and in approximately 10% of the healthy population, therefore the test is
not very specific.
Anti-cyclic Citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) is the highly sensitivity (90-96%) for
RA, can identify RA years before symptoms develop and is the most specific test for
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 2 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are present in approximately 30% of patient with
RA. This test is not routinely performed in the early disease.
C-reactive protein (CRP) for acute active arthritis.
Hematological tests
Complete blood count (CBC) indicate the presence of anemia in normocytic and
Thrombocytosis may be present.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated inapproximately 90% of patient
with RA. This test is not routinely performed in the acute setting
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 2 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Ankylosing spondylitis
The term spondyloarthritis (SpA) (otherwise known as spondyloarthropathy) encompasses
a heterogeneous group of inflammatory diseases characterized by spinal and peripheral joint
oligoarthritis, inflammation of the attachments of ligaments and tendons to bones
(enthesitis) and, at times, mucocutaneous, ocular, and/or cardiac manifestations. These
disorders show familial aggregation and are typically associated with genes of the major
histocompatibility complex (MHC), particularly human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 The
SpA include: (1) ankylosing spondylitis (AS); (2) reactive arthritis (ReA)— known
previously as Reiter’s syndrome; (3) psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and/or spondylitis; (4)
enteropathic arthritis and/or spondylitis associated with the inflammatory bowel diseases
(IBD), ulcerative colitis (UC), or Crohn’s disease; and (5) undifferentiated SpA, which
encompasses patients expressing elements of, but failing to fulfill, accepted criteria for one
of the above diseases. In addition, isolated acute anterior uveitis (AAU)1 and spondylitic
heart disease (complete heart block and/or lone aortic regurgitation)2 associated with HLA-
B27 may also be classified within the spectrum of SpA.
The etiology of the disease is unknown, but persistence of specific antigens of the
infecting organisms has been demonstrated in these patients. This has led to suggestion
that AS is also triggered by infection (possibly in the gastrointestinal tract) in susceptible
HLA-B*27- positive individuals.
The onset of AS tends to be insidious with a dull lumbar pain; this persists over 3 months
and is accompanied by morning stiffness relieved by exercise. Arthritis of the peripheral
joints is seen in one third of the patients. Amongst extrarticular manifestation, iritis is the
most troublesome: it tends to be unilateral and accompanied by photophobia pain.
Inflammation of the colon and ileum is frequent but usually asymptomatic.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Criteria of AS Classification
Acute diarrhea
Etiology of AS
Inflammation occurs and persists in different organs and joints in Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Each individual tends to have their own unique pattern of presentation and activity of the
illness. The initial inflammation may be a result of an activation of body's immune system,
perhaps by a preceding bacterial infection or a combination of infectious microbes. Once
activated, the body's immune system becomes unable to turn itself off, even though the
initial bacterial infection may have long subsided. Chronic tissue inflammation resulting
from the continued activation of the body's own immune system in the absence of active
infection is the hallmark of an inflammatory autoimmune disease.
Some additional factor(s), perhaps environmental, are necessary for the disease to appear
or become expressed.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Genetic Predisposing Factor (HLA-B 27) with CD8 T cells
positive T
lymphocyt Natural
CD8 killer
positive T (NK) cell
T cell
Free B27 HLA-class
homodimers at
heavy chain (DR, cell surface
DQ, DP) peptide
Endoplasmic Bi Bi ERA
misfolding, UP
R Gol
Fig. After transcription of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27 heavy chain on ribosomes in
macrophages, it is inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), glycosylated, and two pathways ensue.
(A) The B27 heavy chain is retained through binding with calnexin and ERp57, folded into its tertiary
structure and bound to b2- microglobulin. After that calnexin releases the complex and it is associated with
calreticulum, which in turn chaperones the formation of the peptide loading on to the complex of heavy
chain, b2-microglobulin and antigenic peptide, via the TAP proteins and tapasin. The antigenic peptide is
derived from intracellular proteins from viruses, bacteria, tumors, etc., that have been degraded in
proteasomes, and then the peptides are trimmed for optimal length for peptide loading by endoplasmic
reticulum-associated aminopeptidase (ERAP1). Then the trimolecular peptide complex (HLA-B27 heavy
chain, b2-microglobulin and peptide) travels through the Golgi apparatus (A1) to the cell surface, where
the antigenic peptide is presented either to the a:b T-cell receptor on CD8+ T lymphocytes or to the killer
immunoglobulin (KIR) receptor on natural killer (NK)cells (A2); or (B) the HLA-B27 heavy chain misfolds
in the ER, forming B27 homodimers and other misfoldings which are bound to the ER chaperone BiP.
Then, they either (B1) accumulate there, causing either ER-associated degradation (ERAD) or a
proinflammatory ER unfolded protein response (UPR); or (B2) the B27 homodimers migrate to the cell
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
surface where they either become antigenic themselves or present peptide to receptors on T cells and natural
killer (NK) cells.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Features
o Chronic pain and stiffness in the lower part of the spine.
o An inflammation of the eye (iridocyclitis and uveitis), causing redness, eye
pain, vision loss, floaters and photophobia.
o Generalized fatigue and sometimes nausea
o Less commonly aortitis, apical lung fibrosis and ectasia of the sacral nerve
root sheaths may occur.
o Other forms of spondyloarthropathies are associated with ulcerative colitis,
Crohn's disease, psoriasis, and Reiter's syndrome (reactive arthritis).
Ke y C o n c e p t s
Clinical features of inflammatory back pain
¡ Low-back pain that is present every day for at least 3 months
¡ Age of onset at less than 45 years
¡ Morning stiffness in the back lasting at least 30 minutes
¡ Pain that is relieved by exercise and worsened by rest
¡ Alternating-buttock pain
¡ Relief with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents
A physical examination
X-ray findings
Blood tests
Symptoms include pain and morning stiffness of the spine and sacral areas with or
without accompanying inflammation in other joints, tendons, and organs.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 3 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
2. The Schober's test is a useful clinical measure of flexion of the lumbar spine
performed during examination. Flexibility of the low back and/or neck can be
4. The expansion of the chest with full breathing can be limited because of rigidity of
the chest wall.
Laboratory findings
The presence of the blood test genetic marker, the HLA-B27 gene.
Increase in the blood concentration of CRP & ESR is a nonspecific marker for
inflammation throughout the body and is often elevated in conditions such as
Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Urine Analysis is often done to look for accompanying abnormalities of the kidney.
Differential Diagnosis of AS
kidney conditions that may produce back pain that mimics Ankylosing Spondylitis
Patients are also simultaneously evaluated for symptoms and signs of other related
spondyloarthropathies, such as Psoriasis.
Venereal disease.
Dysentery (reactive arthritis or Reiter's disease).
Inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease).
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 4 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Psoriatic Arthritis
Skin involvement exhibits four clinical patterns. The most common type is psoriasis
vulgaris. Nearly as common is guttate psoriasis. The most severe type is the erythrodermic
variety. Finally, pustular psoriasis is the type most closely associated with HLA- B27.
Usually the disease appears coincident with or after the onset of skin manifestations,
although approximately 15–20% of patients will have pre-existent arthritis. The joint disease
likewise occurs in different subtypes, as defined by the Moll and Wright classification (Fig.
1), including oligoarticular, asymmetric, polyarticular, symmetric, distal interphalangeal
(DIP)-predominant, spondylitis (sacroiliitis), arthritis mutilans, inflammation of DIP joints
(often with nail involvement
(~ 80%)), dactylitis: “sausage digits,” and enthesitis. Extra-articular features include nail
pitting (which correlates best with DIP involvement) and uveitis (which occurs in some
series as high as 33% but in most far less). Radiographically, large eccentric erosions are
(MCP) and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints than the lower extremities, and is more
likely to have a chronic course. The symptoms of peripheral arthritis tend to coincide with
activity of the bowel disease in UC but not in Crohn’s disease. Total colectomy is associated
with remission of arthritis in half of patients. In contrast, axial involvement may precede the
development of IBD, has no gender predilection, and resembles the development of AS. The
axial symptoms do not parallel activity of bowel disease. In addition to spondylitis, an
isolated sacroiliitis occurs that is often asymmetric and not associated with HLA-B27.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 4 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
The uveitis with IBD that is bilateral, posterior, insidious in onset, and/or chronic in duration
contrasts with the uveitis associated with other types of SpA, which is predominantly
anterior, unilateral, sudden in onset, and limited in duration. Only 46% of patients with
uveitis associated with IBD are HLA-B27-positive, as opposed to 89% of the patients with
SpA. Episcleritis, scleritis, and glaucoma are more common among patients with IBD than
in those with SpA.
Fig. 1 : Patterns of psoriatic arthritis, showing (A) rheumatoid-like distribution; (B) sausage digits; (C) distal
interphalangeal involvement; and (D) psoriatic arthritis mutilans.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 4 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is a chronic and inflammatory arthritis in association with skin
psoriasis, characterized by osteolysis and bony proliferation. PsA is classified as one of the
subtypes of spondyloarthropathies. Males and females are equally affected. PsA can range
from mild nondestructive disease to a severely rapid and destructive arthropathy.
Two percent of patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthropathy; this may affect the
peripheral joints or the spine. The psoriasis generally precedes the arthritis by many years;
in rare cases where the arthritis comes first, diagnosis may be difficult. A family history of
psoriasis is a helpful diagnostic clue and the characteristic nail changes of psoriasis are
present in 80% of patients with psoriatic arthritis. Dactylitis – inflammation of an entire
digit to look like a sausage – is a distinctive feature. Usually rheumatoid factor (RF) negative
and ACPA negative. Radiographic damage can be noted in up to 47% of patients at a median
interval of two years despite clinical improvement with standard DMARD therapy.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 4 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Treatment is similar to that for RA, including the use of anti- TNF drugs. The prognosis is
usually good, although severe joint destruction can occur.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Sjögren's Syndrome
Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by
lachrymal and salivary gland dysfunction. It was named after the Swedish
ophthalmologist Henrik Sjo¨gren after he reported 19 cases of keratoconjunctivitis in
1933.1 The hallmark feature of SS is deficient tear and saliva production due to
lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary and lachrymal glands leading to xerostomia (dry
mouth) and xerophthalmia (dry eyes). In addition, SS can involve any organ system and
present with a wide spectrum of clinical features. The autoimmune process seems to
primarily affect the lining epithelium of various organs; in fact some experts propose the
term “autoimmune epithelitis” to be used instead of SS.
Most individuals with Sjögren's syndrome present with sicca symptoms, such as
Conjunctivitis Sicca (dry eyes), xerostomia (dry mouth), & parotid gland
Sjo¨gren’s syndrome predominantly effects females (female : male ratio 9:1) in their
fourth and fifth decades of life. However, symptoms can be present for much longer
time and there is usually a 5- to 10-year delay in the diagnosis of SS.
Environmental factors
The inciting event in the pathogenesis of SS is not known, and it may not be a single
event. The strong predominance of females suggests gender-specific predisposing
factors. Although sex hormones are obvious targets, there is no conclusive proof yet
that the difference in the pathogenesis between males and females is due to sex
hormones alone. Estrogens are considered contributors to autoimmunity, whereas
androgens are thought to be protective. But since the peak age of onset in SS occurs
around menopause, characterized by a decrease in estrogens, the in- creased risk may
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Viral infections have also been proposed as inciting events. This theory is
strongly supported by the fact that chronic inflam- mation of the salivary
glands has been observed with chronic hepatitis C, HTLV-1, and human
immunodeficiency virus infections.
These primary and secondary types occur with similar frequency, but the sicca
complex seems to cause more severe symptoms in the primary form.
• Immunological Factors.
• Neurological Factors.
• Apoptotic Mechanisms.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Immune Mechanism
• Cell-mediated immune mechanisms likely play a central role in the inflammation that
leads to tissue damage in SS.
• CD4 T helper cells predominate in the focal lymphocytic infiltrates that characterize
involved salivary and lacrimal glands.
Neuroendocrine Mechanism
C. Moreover, a recent study reports that M3 muscarinic receptor antibodies may cause
autonomic dysfunction in patients with Sjögren syndrome.
Apoptotic Mechanism
Clinical considerations ¡
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Clinical Features:
Skin, nose, and vaginal dryness, and may affect other organs of the body,
including the kidneys, blood vessels, lungs, liver, pancreas, and brain.
Patients with secondary SS also have signs and symptoms of the associated rheumatic
Classification criteria
1. Ocular symptoms
Foreign-body sensation
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
4. Oral signs
I. Laboratory Studies
1) Complete blood count (CBC) [showed low platelets & WBCs, ESR is elevated in
80%] of patients.
2) Chemistry Tests:
• A high total protein level or a low albumin level should prompt the clinician to
perform serum protein electrophoresis.
• A high alkaline phosphatase level should prompt consideration for primary biliary
• With elevated transaminase levels, consider the possibility of chronic active hepatitis,
which can be associated with sicca symptoms, or hepatitis C, which can cause mild
salivary gland enlargement. However, mild (<2-fold) increases in transaminase levels
have been observed in 22% of patients with Sjögren syndrome.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
• Consider evaluating patients with a low bicarbonate level for type I (distal) renal
tubular acidosis. Less commonly, patients can also develop proximal renal tubular
acidosis with Fanconi syndrome.
• Schirmer's test
• Autoantibodies
In recent years, research has focused on identifying antibodies more specific for SS,
such as anti-a-fodrin and anti-muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibodies, but the
results have been controversial. The major stimulus for saliva production is the
binding of acetylcholine to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. The hypothesis that
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 5 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
oral and ocular dryness could result from antibodies antagonizing the muscarinic
acetylcholine receptor-3 is intriguing.
• Antinuclear antibodies of the speckled and homogeneous type are present in most
cases of primary Sjögren's syndrome.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 6 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Behcet's Disease
Behcet's disease is a rare, chronic, lifelong disorder that involves inflammation of blood
vessels throughout the body. It is a form of vasculitis that can lead to ulceration and other
lesions, slightly affecting more men than woman characterized by a triad of symptoms,
including aphthous ulceration of the oral mucous membranes and genitalia and uveitis. Rare
manifestations include oligoarthritis of the lower extremities, vasculitis of the pulmonary
vessels, cerebrovascular symptoms. The etiology of the Behcet's disease is unkown. It is
believed to be partly genetic, an association with HLA-B51 has been found.
Risk factors
Age. Behcet's disease most commonly affects men and women in their 20s, 30s and
40s, though children and older adults also can develop the condition. When the
condition occurs at an earlier age, it tends to be more severe.
Geography. Although the disease occurs worldwide, people from countries in the
Middle East and Asia, including Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Japan and China, are more likely
to develop Behcet's.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 6 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Sex. While Behcet's disease occurs in both men and women, the disease is usually
more severe in men.
Genes. Having certain genes HLA-B51 is associated with a higher risk of developing
Clinical features
Mouth: Painful mouth sores, identical to canker sores, are the most common sign of
Behcet's disease. Sores begin as raised, round lesions in the mouth that quickly turn
into painful ulcers. The sores heal usually in seven to 21 days, though they do recur.
Skin: Skin lesions may occur in people with Behcet's disease. Skin problems can
vary. Some people may develop acne-like sores on their bodies. Others may develop
nodules on the lower legs.
Genitals: People with Behcet's disease may develop sores on their genitals. The sores
most commonly occur on the scrotum or the vulva.
Eyes: Behcet's disease may cause inflammation in the eye — a condition called
uveitis In people with Behcet's disease, uveitis causes redness, pain and blurred vision
in one or both eyes
Joints: Joint swelling and pain most commonly affect the knee in people with
Behcet's disease.
Vascular system: Inflammation in veins and large arteries may occur in Behcet's
disease, causing redness, pain and swelling in the arms or legs when a blood clot
Digestive system: Behcet's disease may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or bleeding.
Brain: Inflammation in the brain and nervous system that leads to headache, fever,
disorientation, poor balance or stroke.
There is no diagnostic test and the diagnosis is entirely clinical. Laboratory findings are
nonspecific and reflect the inflammatory state, C-reactive protein levels, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR), leukocyte count, complement components, and acute-phase
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 6 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
reactants may all be elevated during an acute attack. Internationally accepted diagnosis
criteria have been published recently.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy /(GSE) or Celiac Disease
Celiac disease (CD), an immune-mediated mucosal disorder primarily affecting the small
intestine in genetically susceptible individuals, is triggered by the ingestion of dietary
gluten. Gluten is the alcohol-soluble protein component of the cereals wheat, rye and barley.
It is composed of 2 major protein fractions: glutenin and gliadin; most of the toxic activity
exerted by gluten in CD is due to gliadin.
The disorder is a multifactorial condition, originating from the interplay of genetic and
environmental factors. The necessary environmental trigger is gluten, timing of gluten
introduction into the diet could play a role in pathogenesis, since initial exposure to wheat,
barley, or rye in the first 3 months of life or after the 7th months proved to be related to an
increased risk of CD. Breast-feeding could have a protective effect, since introduction of
gluten to the infant’s diet when infant is still at the age of being breastfed has markedly
reduced the risk of celiac disease. While, the genetic predisposition has been identified in
the major histocompatibility complex region on chromosome 6p21, with over 90% of CD
patients expressing human leukocyte antigens HLA DQ2 and the remaining celiac patients
express DQ8.Some infectious agents could increase the risk of celiac disease, like repeated
infection with rotavirus, the most common cause of childhood gastroenteritis, represent an
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
independent risk factor for celiac disease in genetically susceptible individuals. Some
drugs can have a role in enhancing a person’s susceptibility to gluten, a course of
interferon alfa could activate celiac disease in predisposed people.
• Protein gluten in wheat, rye, & barley, +/- oats injures sensitive small
• Chronic small intestine injury
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
The inflammatory lesions of the GIT are found in the small intestine, the area in great
contact the ingested gliadin.
Increased No. of lamina propria mononuclear cells underlying normal intestinal crypts &
villi. This progress to further increased in cellular filtrate & development of hypertrophic
crypts which elaborate crypt epithelial cells at a rate that compensates for the loss of
epithelial villous cells.
With further progression the inflammation reaches a destructive stage of Dz.
characterized by intense mononuclear infiltrate associated with crypt hyperplasia that can
no longer keep pace with the loss of villous cells ; as a result, the villi become shortened
or even flattened & the Pt. now develop the characteristic mal absorption of GSE .
If the GSE inflammation prolonged, the mature lesion may progress to the fibrotic or
burned stage in which destruction is permanent and the Pt no longer fully recovers when
placed on a gluten-free diet.
What happens in Celiac disease?
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Immunological Mechanism
Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy is due to an immune reactivity to certain cereal storage protein
peptides. The main pathologic stages are:
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Induction of T cells by APC which present gliadin peptides to T cells in the
context of MHC Ags associated with GSE.
The induced T cells [ TH1] cells produce INF-γ & TNF-α, which then act on
intestinal macrophages to produce proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β
& TNF-α
These cytokines induce fibroblast to produce metallo-proteinases that are
the proximal cause of injury to the LP matrix supporting the villi.
The 2nd mechanism: T cells with TCR-bearing IEL recognize and lyses
epithelial cells expressing gliadin peptides presented in the context of non-
classical MHC Ags.
B cells specific for gliadin also occur in lesions and give rise to
characteristic s-IgA antigliadin Ab. Antibody for gliadin & an endogenous
enzyme [transglutaminase] also occur. These entire Abs act to activate
complement which subsequently amplifying the inflammatory process.
These events seems to be genetically related to certain HLA molecules that
enhance the Dz development and act as a risk factors for the Dz
development such as HLA-B8 , DR3 DQ2 particularly the latter which
observed to participate in gliadin presentation to reactive T cells.
The clinical manifestations of CD vary markedly with the age of the patient, the duration
and extent of disease, and the presence of extraintestinal pathology. Depending on the
features at the time of presentation, together with the histologic and immunologic
abnormalities at the time of diagnosis, CD can be subdivided into the following clinical
1. Classical (typical) form
The so-called typical form of CD is present characteristically between 6 and 24 months of
age. Symptoms begin at various times after the introduction of weaning foods containing
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
gluten. Infants and young children typically present with chronic diarrhea, anorexia,
abdominal distension, abdominal pain, poor weight gain or weight loss and vomiting.
Malnutrition can be severe if the diagnosis is delayed. Behavioral changes are common and
include irritability.
2. Atypical forms
An increasing number of patients, especially at an older age, are being diagnosed with CD
without having typical gastrointestinal manifestations but there are various extraintestinal
manifestations present such as dermatitis herpetiformis, anemia, osteoporosis, autoimmune
hepatitis, dental enamel defects, recurrent aphthous stomatitis, epilepsy, and neuropathy.
Serology for CD is positive and bioptic findings confirm the diagnosis.
3. Silent form
Silent celiac disease patients are those who are asymptomatic but small intestinal biopsy
show villous atrophy. Silent cases are detected by population screening and screening of
first degree relatives of celiac disease, 10% of whom are found to have CD. Serological tests
are positive in them.
4. Latent form
Latent (or “potential”) form is asymptomatic patients, with a normal or minimally abnormal
mucosa. These individuals have a genetic susceptibility to CD and may also have positive
autoimmune serology.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
TABLE Symptoms of Celiac Disease and Possible Causes
Peripheral insensitivity to
Male impotence, decreased libido
circulating testosterone
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Seizures, gluten ataxia, central Increased affinity of celiac
nervous system symptoms antibodies for brain vasculature
The degree of the intestinal lesion is defined on the basis of the widely used Marsh-
Oberhuber classification, it ranges from type 0 (Marsh 0) to Marsh type 4:
Type 3or destructive lesion is synonymous with the typical flat mucosa of CD and
it is subclassified according to the different degrees of villous atrophy present: Marsh
type 3a, with partial villous atrophy; Marsh type 3b, in the presence of subtotal villous
atrophy; and Marsh type 3c, when total villous atrophy is present.
Marsh type 4 or hypoplastic lesion (total villous atrophy with crypt hypoplasia)
represents the extreme end of the gluten-sensitivity spectrum and an irreversible
lesion is present in some adult CD patients whose small bowel mucosa is
unresponsive to gluten withdrawal: the so-called refractory CD.
2. Serology tests
Serologic testing is primarily used to identify symptomatic or at-risk individuals who need
to undergo biopsy. Because of their high sensitivity and specificity, serologic tests are
excellent for screening asymptomatic at-risk individuals; they also can be used for
monitoring dietary compliance.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) are not specific for CD as they are also found in
healthy individuals and patients with other gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis,
gastroenteritis and irritable bowel syndrome, except in children younger than 2 years
of age, in whom anti-gliadin antibodies measure is more sensitive test. IgG-AGA is
very sensitive but less specific, and IgA-AGA is less sensitive but more specific.
Their use in combination can give results of a high detection rate. Several methods
have been used to analyze AGA, but currently ELISA is the most used method.
Anti-endomysial antibodies (EMAs) are used as the “gold standard” for CD screening
because of their high sensitivity and specificity. The test was developed in the early
1980s and rapidly gained use as part of ''a celiac panel'' by commercial labs in
combination with AGA IgG and IgA. IgA-EMA and IgG-EMA are measured by
indirect immunofluorescence, using tissue sections from either monkey esophagus or
human umbilical cord [140]. Its major drawbacks are false negatives in young
children, and in the hands of an inexperienced laboratory because of the subjective
nature of the test. Also IgA-EMA give false negative in patients with IgA deficiency.
Anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies are more specific have shown to be
correlated with mucosal damage and are used widely in CD screening. IgG-tTG and
IgA-tTG were used in combination as a screening test for celiac disease to assess IgA
deficiency. ELISA is the most used method to analyze tTG. However, it represents
an improvement over the antiendomysial antibody assay because it is inexpensive,
rapid and easy to perform.
Anti-reticuline antibody is best detected by an indirect immunofluorescent method
using unfixed cryostat sections of rat liver and kidney as antigens. IgA class reticulin
antibodies react with connective tissue fibers and are found in 60% of celiac disease
patients. IgG class reticulin antibodies are occasionally found in other disease states,
especially bullous dermatoses and in some normal subjects.
3. Genetic testing
Up to 95% of patients with celiac disease are positive for HLA-DQ2, and most of the
remaining patients are positive for HLA-DQ8. . However, these alleles are also found in
40% of the general population. Although HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 are necessary in the
disease process, they alone are not sufficient for celiac disease to develop. HLA testing has
a high negative predictive value and can be useful in certain situations, such as when a
diagnosis is unclear, when serologic testing or biopsy is performed in patients on a gluten-
free diet, or in determining which family members to screen for celiac disease.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Serological Tests:
Differential Diagnosis
Anorexia Nervosa
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (e.g. Crohn's Disease)
Intestinal infection (e.g. Giardiasis, Clostridium difficile, Tropical Sprue)
Malabsorption (e.g. Lactose Intolerance)
Mesenteric Ischemia
Intestinal Lymphoma
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Immunodeficiency (e.g. Human Immunodeficiency Virus,
Whipple's Disease
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Pernicious Anemia
Pernicious anemia (PA) is a megaloblastic anemia caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12
resulting from malabsorption. Impaired absorption is the result of defective intrinsic factor
(IF) secretion. This is due to atrophy of the gastric mucosa caused by autoimmune reactions
to gastric parietal cells and their products.
Pernicious anemia occurs in equal numbers in both men and women. Most patients with
pernicious anemia are older, usually over 60 years. Occasionally, a child will have an
inherited condition that results in defective intrinsic factor.
Virtually all patients will have gastric parietal cells antibody targeting antigens in the
secretory canaliculi, which are the intracellular channels carrying hydrochloric acid into the
gastric lumen and its major target is the α subunit of the proton pump (H+, K+, ATPase), an
enzyme composed of two transmembrane components, the α and β subunits. In addition,
there are at least two types of antibody against intrinsic factor: blocking and binding
antibodies; the blocking type reacts with the combining site for vitamin B 12 on IF and is
found in most patients (over 70%), while the binding antibody reacts with other epitopes on
IF (whether this is free or complexed to vitamin B12) and is present in some 60% of pateints.
During the course of the digestion of foods containing B 12, the B12 becomes attached to a
substance called intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is produced by parietal cells that line the
stomach. The B12-intrinsic factor complex then enters the intestine, where the vitamin is
absorbed into the bloodstream. In fact, B12 can only be absorbed when it is attached to
intrinsic factor.In pernicious anemia, this process is impaired because of loss of parietal
cells, resulting in insufficient absorption of the vitamin. So, the vitamin passes out of the
body as waste. Although the body has significant amounts of stored B12, this will eventually
be used up. At this point, the symptoms of pernicious anemia will develop.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Intrinsic factor is produced by specialized cells within the stomach called parietal cells.
When these parietal cells shrink in size (atrophy), they produce less intrinsic factor.
Eventually, the parietal cells stop functioning altogether. Other important products of
parietal cells are also lessened, including stomach acid, and an enzyme involved in the
digestion of proteins. Other conditions that interfere with either the production of intrinsic
factor, or the body's use of B12, include conditions that require surgical removal of the
stomach, or poisonings with corrosive substances which destroy the lining of the stomach.
Certain structural defects of the intestinal system can result in an overgrowth of normal
bacteria. These bacteria then absorb B12 themselves, for use in their own growth. A B-12
deficient state, may be caused by infection with the tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum,
possibly due to the parasite's competition for vitamin B-12.Various conditions that affect
the part of the intestine (the ileum), from which B12 is absorbed, can also cause anemia due
to B12 deficiency. These ileum-related disorders include tropical sprue, Crohn's disease,
B12 is required for the proper formation of red blood cells. Without B 12, red blood cell
production is greatly reduced. Those red blood cells that are produced are abnormally large
and abnormal in shape. Because red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around
the body, decreased numbers (termed anemia) result in a number of symptoms see figure.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes is a state of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) that can have many underlying
causes and is classified into:
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 DM) is a major clinical problem in both children and adults.
It is an organ-specific autoimmune disease represents 10-15% of all diabetes. Healthy
human islets of Langerhans are composed of a core of some 80% β cells (making the
glucose-regulating hormone insulin), with a mantle of other endocrine cells types, producing
glucogan (α cells), somatostatin (δ cells) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP cells) making up
the remainder.
In type 1 DM, the hyperglycemia results from insufficient insulin secretion by β cells in the
islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.
1. Genetic: DR3/DQ2 or DR4/DQ8 haplotypes have strong link for the incidence of the
disease, but other genetic associations (non HLA) are CTLA-4 (cytotoxic lymphocyte
associated protein 4) also found in many family that play a role in the onset of type 1
2. Environmental factors:
Seasonal variation in the incidence rate (peaks in autumn and winter).
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 7 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Infection with pathogens that have specific tropism toward the pancreatic tissue,
mumps and coxsakie viruses. Similarities in the protein sequence of these viruses
and certain islet cell cytoplasmic (ICA), glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)
would initiate molecular mimicry mechanism in tolerance breakdown.
A virus infection in the pancreatic β islets cells leads to inflammation, damaged and
releasing β cells antigens, their recruit antigen presenting cells (dendritic cells) which
capture the virus protein and auto antigens released from the damaged β islets cells to local
lymph node and present them to T cells. T cells are activated to eradicate the virus.
Inadvertently, T cells are activated against β cells and the slow process of β cells damage
Many pre- or subclinical stages occur in the DM patient before clinical diagnosis can be
1. Stage 1: the cell mass and function of β cells is normal but individuals who carry
genetic susceptibility alleles to type 1 suffer exposure to an environmental stimulus
triggering islets inflammation (insulitis). The release of sequestered or altered self
antigens explains in part the later development of islet Autoantibodies that mark the
recognition of stage 2.
2. Stage 2: serological evidence of humoral and cell-mediated autoimmunity indicated
by the appearance of different types of autoantibody as islet cell cytoplasmic
autoantibody (ICA), glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody (GADA), insulinoma-
2 associated autoantibody (IA-2A) or insulin autoantibody (IAA). This occurs
without any clinical metabolic signs. However, during this stage, there can be a 50%
decline in β cells mass without detectable abnormalities by any form of glucose
tolerance testing.
3. Stage 3: The earliest functional β cells abnormalities which manifestation by the
intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) which decrease.
4. Stage 4: intolerance to oral glucose challenges appears as indicated by oral glucose
tolerance test (OGTT).
5. Stage 5: after 1-2 years of glucose intolerance upon oral testing, atypical history of
polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia with weight lose are identified. Finally by a true
hyperglycemia a full diagnosis can be done.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 8 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Inflammatory bowel disease
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn's disease also known as granulomatous colitis and regional enteritis, it is classified
as a type of inflammatory bowel disease, in which the body immune system attacks the
gastrointestinal tract, causing a transmural inflammation, that may affect any part of the
gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. It is onset patient between 15-30 year, males and
females are equally affected.
Ileocolic Crohn's diseases, which affect both the ileum (the last part of the small
intestine that connect to the large intestine) and the large intestine, accounts for 50%
of cases.
Crohn's ileitis, affecting the ileum only, accounts for 30% of cases.
Crohn's colitis, affecting the large intestine, accounts for the remaining 20% of cases
and may be difficult to distinguish from ulcerative colitis.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 8 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
However, individual affected by the disease rarely fall outside these three classification,
being affected in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract such as the stomach and esophagus.
Crohns disease may also be categorized by the behavior of disease as it progresses. There
are three categories of disease presentation in Crohns disease:
Stricturing disease: narrowing of the bowel which may lead to bowel obstruction or
changes in the caliber of the feces.
Penetrating disease: creates abnormal passageways (fistulae) between the bowel and
other structures such as the skin.
Inflammatory disease: cause inflammation without causing stricture or fistulae.
Genetic factor: many studies that is suggested relationship between genetic and
Crohns disease such as mutation in gene nucleotide-binding oligomerisation domain
2 (NOD2 gene) on chromosome 16.
Environmental factor: by diet, smoking, drugs, hormonal contraception.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 8 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Immune system: abnormalities in immune system causes Crohns disease and the
inflammation that is occur in this disease causes activation of T H1 by an
overproduction of IL-12 by macrophages and of IFN-γ by T lymphocytes.
Microbes: there are many bacteria causes of Crohns disease such as Mycobacterium
ovum, Yersinia spp and Listeria spp.
Clinical Features
A. Gastrointestinal Features
Abdominal pain.
Diarrhea may be bloody or may not be bloody, is different according to the part of
the small intestine or large intestine, in ileitis large-volume watery feces, while, in
colitis small volume semisolid or watery feces.
Vomiting &nausea.
Perianal discomfort (itching around the anus).
Aphthousof mouth (ulceration of mouth).
B. Systemic Features
In children causes growth failure, acute myelogenous leukemia in blood (myeloid)
and lymphoma (cancer of lymph).
In adult causes weight loss.
C. Extraintestinal Features
In the eye, the inflammation of the interior portion of the eye is called uveitis or
white part of the eye called episcleritis, both can lead to loss of vision if untreated.
In the skin cause erythema nodosum (red nodules or subcutaneous tissue) or
pyodermagangrenosum (ulcerating nodules).
In the blood causes blood clotting especially painful of the lower legs can be a sign
of deep venous thrombosis.
Difficult breathing may be a result of pulmonary embolism.
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
Some neurological disease such as neuropathy & depression.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 8 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Inflammation of one or more joints (arthritis).
Osteoporosis increased risk of bone fracture.
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is confined to the colon and affects the mucosal layer only and causing a
continuous inflammation. It is result of immune response to commensal microflora with TH2
profile, through there is an increase of the TH2 cytokine IL- 5. Favouring a TH2 pattern is
the fact that ulcerative colitis is associated with the production of various autoantibodies,
such as perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (PANCA) and anti- tropomyosin.
Clinical Features
A. Gastrointestinal Features
The clinical presentation of ulcerative colitis depends on the extent of the
disease process. Patients usually present with diarrhea mixed with blood
[Relapsing rectal bleeding] and mucus, of gradual onset.
They also may have signs of weight loss, and blood on rectal examination.
The disease is usually accompanied with different degrees of abdominal pain,
from mild discomfort to severely painful cramp [Tenesmus].
B. Extraintestinal Features
Aphthous ulcers of the mouth
Ophthalmic (involving the eyes):Iritis or uveitis
Musculoskeletal: Seronegative arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Sacroiliiatis
Cutaneous (related to the skin):Erythema nodosum, Pyoderma gangrenosum
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
clubbing, a deformity of the ends of the fingers
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, a distinct disease that causes inflammation of
the bile ducts
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 8 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
1. In both inflammatory bowel diseases, the key diagnostic procedures are radiologic,
endoscopic and histologic.
2. In Crohn's disease, typical laboratory findings include anemia (chronic disease, iron
deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, folate deficiency), leukocytosis, thrombocytosis,
elevation of the sedimentation rate, hypoalbuminaemia and electrolyte imbalance in
the presence of severe diarrhea. The measurement of C-reactive protein appears to be
of use in monitoring the progress of the disease.
3. While, in ulcerative colitis, the laboratory findings are mostly non-specific, reflecting
blood loss and inflammation, and include anemia, leukocytosis, elevated
sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels. Seventy percent of patients with
ulcerative colitis, but not with Crohn's disease, have been reported to have in their
sera an anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) that give a characteristic
perinuclear staining (PANCA) that can also be seen in primary sclerosing cholangitis.
4. General stool examination for occult blood.
Clinical Immunology Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Although acute infection can cause abdominal pain and dyspepsia, there is typically no
clinical recognition of acute infection. Rather, the burden of H. pylori results from chronic
infection of the stomach.The development of peptic ulcer disease and adenocarcinoma
caused by chronic H. pylori infection correlates with the anatomical distribution of
inflammation. When H. pylori chronic gastritis affects the antrum predominantly, there is
an association with duodenal ulcers, increased serum gastrin levels and excess acid
production, and no gastric mucosal atrophy. However, when H. pylori affects the body and
the antrum in a confluent or patchy manner, intestinal metaplasia develops, oxyntic
mucosa atrophies, and acid production decreases. This latter type of H. pylori chronic
gastritis is associated with gastric ulcerations and increased risk for adenocarcinoma and
mucosa-associated lymphoreticular tissue (MALT) B-cell lymphoma. Although
eradication of H. pylori can reverse the mucosal atrophy and restore acid production in this
setting, mucosal restoration occurs only in a minority of patients and does not necessarily
reverse the intestinal metaplasia.
Immune pathophysiology
Although there are many pieces of evidence to support immune mechanisms for the
persistence of HP infection in the stomach, data suggest that pro-regulatory effects of H.
pylori infection, including local IL-10 production, increases in regulatory T cells (Tregs)
in the gastric mucosa and increased antigen-presenting cell (APC) phagocytosis of
apoptotic cells all contribute to persistence of chronic H. pylori gastritis.
Active disease can be diagnosed with endoscopic biopsy, which has high sensitivity and
specificity, while simultaneously assessing peptic and malignant complications.
Noninvasive testing for H. pylori infection includes serum antibody detection (best used in
highly endemic areas to predict active infection), urea breath testing (limited by expense
and possible false-positive results), and fecal antigen testing (which has potential
advantages in the setting of intestinal metaplasia and after antibiotic treatment).
Once H. pylori infection is diagnosed, there are many effective eradication therapies that
need to be tailored to patients’ drug tolerance and allergy history as well as local antibiotic
resistance patterns. In general, a 14-day course with a proton pump inhibitor (histamine 2
[H2] blockers may be substituted) and two antibiotics (clarithromycin with amoxicillin or
metronidazole) is recommended as first-line treatment.13 Alternative regimens, including
bismuth or sequential therapy, may be needed in cases of antibiotic resistance. Eradication
of infection can be confirmed by either invasive or noninvasive (but not serum antibody)
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 9 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease of the liver that results in
chronic injury to the intrahepatic bile duct epithelium. The gradual inflammatory destruction
of the bile ducts causes cholestasis with the subsequent retention of toxins, inciting further
hepatic injury and resulting in fibrosis, cirrhosis, and eventual liver failure.
It is most common in women over the age of 50. The ratio of affected women to men has
been reported to be as high as 9:1.
The cause of the disease is unknown, but research indicates that there is immunological
basis for the disease, making it an autoimmune disorder. Most of the patients (>90%)seem
to have anti-mitochondria antibodies (AMAs) against pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
(PDC-E2), an enzyme complex that is found in the inner mitochondria membrane.
Molecular mimicry is the most widely proposed explanation as to the induction of
autoimmunity in PBC. Briefly, a host is infected with a microorganism that contains
antigens similar to antigens present in the host. These microbial antigens induce an
immunologic response when presented to the immune system of the host. As a result, what
began as a pathogen-specific response then cross-reacts with the host antigens and results in
tissue injury and disease.
The predisposing role of the HLA system to the disease has not been fully clarified, although
a weak but significant association with HLA-DR8 has been reported.
The pathogensis of the bile duct damage in PBS is unclear. Bile ducts in PBS patients
express increased densities of adhesion molecules, MHC classII antigens, IL-2 and pyruvate
dehydrogenase compared with normal ducts, and so represent potential targets for the
infiltrating activated T cells (CD4+ and CD8+ ).
The most common presenting symptoms include pruritis and fatigue. Jaundice, darkening
of the skin in exposed areas and manifestations resulting from impaired bile excretion
follow.latter range from steatorhoea to impaired absorption of lipid soluble vitamins ,
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 9 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
leading to osteomalacia (from vitamin D malabsorption), bruising (vitamin K) and
occasionally night blindness (vitamin A).
The diagnostic criteria for PBC include an elevation in liver enzymes (most notably alkaline
phosphatase) for a duration of six or more months, histologic findings, and the presence of
antimitochondrial antibodies in the serum. The presence of two criteria is highly suggestive
of the disease while a definite diagnosis requires all three.
Involvement of the liver is heterogeneous, so a biopsy may demonstrate different stages of
Stage I is characterized by portal inflammation comprised of predominantly
lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. The pathognomonic lesion of PBC, the florid duct
lesion, represents focal duct obliteration by granuloma formation.
Stage II there is extension of inflammation to theperiportal areas.
Stage III. There is formation of fibrous septa that link adjacent portal triads and bile
duct loss (ductopenia).
Stage IV is defined by frank cirrhosis.
Clinical Immunology Lecture No. 9 Prof.Dr.Izzat Al-Rayahi
Year 4
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis(PSC) is a chronic liver disease that is characterized by
chronic inflammation and fibrosis leading to narrowing and dilatation of the intrahepatic or
extrahepatic bile duct, or both.
PSC typically presents in the fourth to fifth decades of life. Men are affected more often
than women.
Although the exact cause of PSC is unknown, it is considered autoimmune due to the
presence of autoantibodies.The condition is associated in the majority of cases with chronic
inflammatory bowel disease, particularly ulcerative colitis.
Patient may present with clinical, biochemical, immunological and histological features
indistinguishable from those of type I autoimmune hepatitis, though they have more
frequently an atypical peri-nuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody. This pANCA is
atypical in that its target antigen appears to be nuclear and not cytoplasmic.
The correct diagnosis can be made only by demonstrating the characteristic bile duct
abnormalities by specialized imaging such as endoscopic retrograde cholangio-
pancreatography or magnetic resonance cholangiography.
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- ( 10 )
Renal disease
The glomerulus is the communication point between the bloodstream
and nephron, the functional unit of the kidney. It is composed of the
glomerular capillaries and Bowman’s capsule of the nephron. Fluid from
the blood in the glomerular capillaries passes into the Bowman’s capsule
and then enters the tubules where it is processed to form urine. Each
kidney has about 1 million nephrons that act together to complete the
various functions including removing waste substances from the blood,
regulating blood volume and blood pressure. If a significant number of
nephrons are damaged, these functions will be significantly hampered.
Mesangial cells among the glomerular capillaries regulate the blood flow
in the capillaries. If these cells and layers of the glomerulus are damaged,
glomerular filtration and therefore normal kidney functioning is
Renal diseases
Many renal diseases have underlying immunological mechanisms.
Antibody-mediated effects are primarily involved. Other mechanisms may
involve cell-mediated injury or cytotoxic antibodies. Immunological
diseases of the kidney mainly affect the glomerulus, which is most likely
due to its filter function. Circulating antibody-mediated renal diseases are
-: induced in three mechanisms
1- Circulating performed immune complexes accumulate sub-endothelial on
the capillary aspect of the basement membrane
,2- Antibodies may react in situ with the glomerular basement membrane
3- Antigens of the visceral epithelial cells.
Antibody deposits can cause direct damage to epithelial or endothelial cells
of glomerulus due to complement activation and pore formation. On the
other hand, the antibodies can also bind to the FC receptors of monocytes,
macrophages, granulocytes and platelets. This leads to the activation, or in
the case of platelets aggregation of the cells. The glomerular damage can
:cause two distinct symptom complexes
Glomerulonephritis (GN)
Means inflammation in the kidneys either of the small blood vessels or of
the glomeruli but includes a number of disorders that affect the structure
and function of the glomerulus without any prominent inflammation. It is
therefore also referred to as glomerular disease or glomerulopathy. In
glomerulonephritis, various known and unknown causes trigger immune
activity against the glomeruli which damages it.
Diagnosing the pattern of GN is important because the outcome and
treatment differs in different types.
Pathophysiology of Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis is known to be an immune reaction mediated by
antigen-antibody complexes. An antigen is the trigger substance against
which antibodies are formed by the immune system. The antibodies then
bind with the antigen and this antigen-antibody complex can instigate a
number of immune activities designed to protect the body. In the process,
inflammation arises in whichever tissue that the targeted immune
response is occurring. Although the exact cause of glomerulonephritis is
not always understood, the mechanism by which it occurs is proposed in
two different models –
Types of Glomerulonephritis
1- Glomerulonephritis may be primary or secondary.
Primary glomerulonephritis arises on its own without any other
underlying disease. Secondary glomerulonephritis occurs as a
consequence of some other disease, which may not even involve the
• Anemia
• Fatigue
• Dehydration
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- ( 11 )
Renal disease
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) describes a group of diseases
with aggressive glomerular injury which may be irreversible if not treated
early (e.g. antiglomerular basement membrane disease, anti neutrophil
.(cytoplasmic antibody associated glomerulonephritis
Immunosuppression with high-dose steroids and oral cyclophosphamide,
together with plasmapheresis, is used in the treatment of severe forms of this
Autoantibodies in ANCA
There are 2 main kinds of autoantibodies that can be involved in ANCA
1- P-ANCA is called (perinuclear ANCA). This type of autoantibody
usually targets and attaches to something called MPO
(myeloperoxidase), which is inside of neutrophils.
2- C-ANCA is called (cytoplasmic ANCA). This type is usually targets
and attaches to something called proteinase 3 (PR3), which is also
inside of neutrophils.
There are many different symptoms that can occur in ANCA vasculitis If
the kidneys are affected
• Blood in the urine (may appear red or more often tea-colored)
• Foamy urine (due to protein in the urine)
• New or worsened high blood pressure
• Decreased kidney function or kidney failure – this often does not cause
a lot of symptoms until it is more advanced/severe, but symptoms can
include fatigue, nausea/vomiting, poor appetite, metallic taste
Diagnosis of ANCA
1- Blood tests for kidney function (creatinine), urine tests for blood and
protein, and looking at the urine under a microscope
In general, treatment for ANCA vasculitis involves 2 parts.
The first part is called induction therapy, which is aimed at trying to get the
disease controlled and into remission.
The second part of treatment is called maintenance therapy. Maintenance
therapy involves continuing immunosuppressive medications to keep the
disease in remission and decrease the chance that it will come back (relapse).
These are some of the treatments/medicines that can be used:
1-Corticosteroids:- Drug works by decreasing the movement of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to sites of cellular and tissue injury to
decrease inflammation.
2- Cyclophosphamide:- Drugs of this class suppress the natural immune
system including B and T lymphocyte activity and function.
3- Rituximab :- is a medicine that reduces the number of immune cells in the
4- Azathioprine :- Drugs of this class alter RNA and DNA, building blocks
of all cells, resulting in blunting of the immune system.
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- 12 & 13
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
MN is one of the most common causes of nephrotic syndrome. When your
immune system attacks the glomeruli in membranous nephropathy, it causes
changes to the filters that lead you to lose large amount of protein into the
urine. is a specific type of glomerulonephritis also known as membranous
glomerulopathy, Membranous nephropathy and extramembranous
glomerulonephritis . is a slowly progressive disease of the kidney affecting
mostly people between ages of 30 and 50 years, usually white people (i.e.,
those of European, Middle Eastern, or North African ancestry) .
The symptoms of MGN are different for everyone, and you may not have
symptoms at all. If symptoms do develop, they typically include:
• foamy urine
• an excessive need to urinate at night
• weight gain
• poor appetite
• blood in the urine
Causes of membranous nephropathy (MN)
Most cases of MN are now known to be caused by an antibody to a protein
on the podocyte called the phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R). In most
people with MN, the body’s immune (defense) system makes an antibody (a
protein that normally helps fight infections). Instead of targeting an
infection, these antibodies attack the podocytes. The podocytes stop
retaining the proteins in the blood stream and allow them to leak into the
Pathophysiology of Membranous Glomerulonephritis
MGN is caused by immune complex formation in the glomerulus. The
immune complexes are formed by binding of antibodies to antigens in
the glomerular basement membrane. The antigens may be part of the
basement membrane, or deposited from elsewhere by the systemic
The immune complex serves as an activator that triggers a response from the
C5b - C9 complements, which form a membrane attack complex (MAC) on
the glomerular epithelial cells. This, in turn, stimulates release of proteases
and oxidants by the mesangial and epithelial cells, damaging the capillary
walls and causing them to become "leaky". In addition, the epithelial cells
also seem to secrete an unknown mediator that reduces nephrin synthesis
and distribution.
For treatment of idiopathic membranous nephropathy, the treatment options
include immunosuppressive drugs and non-specific anti-proteinuric
measures such as ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers. Given
spontaneous remission is common, international guidelines recommend a
period of watchful waiting before considering immunosuppressive
treatment.[18] Likelihood of achieving spontaneous remission is much higher
if anti-proteinuric therapy with ace inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor
blockers is commenced.
Post infection Glomerulonephritis
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (GN) is a kidney disorder that occurs
after infection with certain strains of streptococcus bacteria. is mainly seen
in countries in which antibiotics for streptococcal infections are not widely
available and accounts for about a third of cases of acute GMN. It is a
disease of children aged 2–10 years, but adolescents and adults may be
affected. Over 90% of cases are preceded by streptococcal infection of the
throat or skin. Patients typically present with acute nephritis 7–12 days after
a throat infection or about 3 weeks after a skin infection.
Laboratory investigations are the most useful in PSGN assessment.
• Evidence of a preceding streptococcal infection is determined by
measuring anti-streptolysin titer (ASO), and anti-nicotinamide-
adenine dinucleotidase (anti-NAD) which tend to rise following
pharyngitis. Other antibodies such as anti-DNAse B and anti-
hyaluronidase (AHase) are usually elevated after both pharyngitis and
skin infections. ASO titer is the most frequently used test, while the
most sensitive is the streptozyme test; which includes measuring the
titers of all the antibodies mentioned above. ASO titers can be falsely
low in patients treated with antibiotics for streptococcal infections.
• Serum complement level (C3) is usually low due to its consumption in
the inflammatory reaction. Mostly, the decrease in C3 concentration
occurs before serum ASO has risen.Complement levels usually return
to normal levels in 6-8 weeks.
• Urineanalysis: shows macroscopic or microscopic hematuria, RBC
casts, mild proteinuria. Only 5% of patients with PSGN have massive
proteinuria that indicates nephrotic syndrome. White blood cell casts,
hyaline, and cellular casts are usually present in the urine analysis.
• Renal Function Tests: Blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine
typically elevate during the acute phase. These values usually return
to normal later.
Renal biopsy is not recommended for diagnosing patients with PSGN and is
performed only when other glomerular pathologies are suspected.
IgA Nephropathy
IgA nephropathy was first described by Berger and Hinglais in 1968, and is
also known as Berger disease.
It accounts for about 10% of all cases of primary glomerular disease in the
USA, 20% of cases in Europe and 30–40% in Asia.
The disease derives its name from deposits of Immunoglobulin A
(IgA) in a granular pattern in the mesangium (by immunofluorescence), a
region of the renal glomerulus. The mesangium by light microscopy may be
hypercellular and show increased deposition of extracellular matrix proteins.
1- ultrasound of the kidney and cystoscopy are usually done first for an adult
patient with isolated hematuria, to pinpoint the source of the bleeding. In
children and younger adults, the history and association with respiratory
infection can raise the suspicion of IgA nephropathy.
2- A kidney biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. The biopsy
specimen shows proliferation of the mesangium, with IgA deposits on
immunofluorescence and electron microscopy.
3- A urinalysis will show red blood cells, usually as red cell urinary casts.
Proteinuria, usually less than 2 grams per day, also may be present.
4- Other blood tests done to aid in the diagnosis include CRP or ESR,
complement levels, ANA, and LDH. Protein electrophoresis and
immunoglobulin levels can show increased IgA in 50% of all patients.
Fourth stage
Lecture :- 14 & 15
A- Lupus Nephritis
B- Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
8. Proteinuria (protein in the urine), which often causes your urine to look
9. Red skin rash on the face.
10. Weight gain due to excess fluid in your body.
Autoimmunity plays a major role in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis.
The immunologic mechanisms include production of autoantibodies
directed against nuclear elements. The characteristics of the nephritogenic
autoantibodies associated with lupus nephritis are as follows :
1. Antigen
specificity directed against nucleosome or double-stranded
DNA (dsDNA) - Some anti-dsDNA antibodies cross-react with the
glomerular basement membrane
2. Higher-affinity
autoantibodies may form intravascular immune
complexes, which are deposited in glomeruli
3. Cationic
autoantibodies have a higher affinity for the anionic
glomerular basement membrane
B- Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
(HSP) is an acute immunoglobulin A (IgA)–mediated disorder characterized
by a generalized vasculitis involving the small vessels of the skin, the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the kidneys, the joints, and, rarely, the lungs and
the central nervous system (CNS). It most commonly occurs in children. It
most commonly occurs in children.
4- Chemicals
5- Insect bites.
6-Some experts also say that HSP is associated with the colder
weather of fall and winter.
Tests in children with suspected HSP depend on the patient, but might
include the following:
• Platelet count and coagulation studies to looks for other causes of bleeding.
• Insome patients, a biopsy may be taken of the skin, kidney or other tissue.
Biopsies in patients with HSP often show high levels of a specific type of
immune protein, called immunoglobulin A (IgA).
To help the children to feel better, the doctor may recommend medicines
such as:
5. Pneumonia
Many medicines and substances are known to cause lung disease in some
people. These include:
• Antibiotics, such as nitrofurantoin and sulfa drugs
• Heart medicines, such as amiodarone
• Chemotherapy drugs such as bleomycin, cyclophosphamide, and methotrexate
• Street drugs
Symptoms may include any of the following:
• Bloody sputum
• Chest pain
• Cough
• Fever
• Shortness of breath
• Wheezing
4. Blood tests to rule out SLE-like reactions as a cause of the lung disease
5. Lung Biopsy, in rare cases
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 18
Respiratory disease
2- Eosinophilic Pneumonia
• Fever.
• Chills.
• Fatigue.
Without prompt diagnosis and treatment, the oxygen in your blood may fall
to dangerously low levels. This can lead to acute respiratory failure in a few
hours, requiring emergency treatment.
• Wheezing.
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 18
Respiratory disease
3- Occupational lung diseases
Occupational or work-related lung diseases are lung conditions that have
been caused or made worse by long-term exposure to certain irritants in the
workplace. Dust particles, chemicals, fungal spores, and certain animal
droppings are examples of exposures that may increase your risk of
developing occupational lung disease.
• Shortness of breath
• Chest pain
• Chest tightness
7. Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the lining of the lungs
and less commonly the lining of the abdomen. Asbestos exposure is the
primary risk factor for mesothelioma. Occupations such as mining or
milling, electricians, plumbers, pipe-fitters, insulators, or even remodelers of
older homes still have a high risk of exposure.
8.Work-related asthma:- Men working in forestry and minerals
and women working in service industries (waitresses, cleaners, and
dental workers) are most likely to develop occupational asthma.
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 19
Respiratory diseases
4- Asthma
A chronic disease in which the bronchial airways in the lungs become
narrowed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe. Symptoms include
wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, and rapid
breathing. An asthma attack may be brought on by pet hair, dust, smoke,
pollen, mold, exercise, cold air, or stress.
Asthma signs and symptoms include:
1. Shortness of breath
2. Chest tightness or pain
3. Wheezing when exhaling, which is a common sign of asthma in
4. Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing
3. Physical activity
4. Cold air
5. Air pollutants and irritants, such as smoke
There are two phases of an asthma exacerbation, which include the
early phase and late phase. The early phase is initiated by IgE
antibodies that are sensitized and released by plasma cells. These
antibodies respond to certain triggers in the environment, such as the
risk factors listed above. IgE antibodies then bind to high-affinity mast
cells and basophils. When a pollutant or risk factor gets inhaled, the
mast cells release cytokines and eventually de-granulate. Released
from mast cells are histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes.
Simultaneously, cytokines derived from the mast cell will signal other
inflammatory cells and their mediators to the lung. The result is airway
inflammation, increased vascular permeability, mucus secretion,
bronchospasm, and wheezing. These events are referred to as the early
asthmatic response because they occur within minutes. A major component
of the early response is bronchospasm.
The late asthmatic response is delayed by hours. It is caused by a multitude
of inflammatory cells continuing the inflammatory process. Of the
inflammatory cells, the T cells play an important role. Antigen presenting
cells may present a variety of allergenic antigens to chronically activated
T helper cells. These cells then secrete multiple cytokines that maintain and
intensify the local inflammatory response. Many other inflammatory cells,
including mast cells and eosinophils, will respond to the T cells' cytokines.
These inflammatory cells will produce cytokines, which amplify the cellular
response and the inflammatory reaction. There is a migration of
inflammatory cells from the circulation into the pulmonary vasculature and
the airway submucosa. A central component to the inflammatory process as
well as treatment is the arachidonic acid pathway, which leads to the
generation of leukotrienes.
1- Physical exam
2- Lung function tests :- These are also called (pulmonary function tests.)
Lung function tests detect how well you inhale (breathe in) and exhale
(breathe out) air from your lungs. These tests measure breathing.
Lung function tests are often done before and after inhaling a medication
known as a bronchodilator. This medicine opens the airways. If lung
function improves a lot with a bronchodilator, the patient likely has asthma.
3- Allergy tests
Blood tests: measured the levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) and -4
.Eosinophil . If the levels are high, this could be a sign of severe asthma
Treatment of asthma
• Bronchodilators: These medicines relax the muscles around your
airways. The relaxed muscles let the airways move air. They also let
mucus move more easily through the airways. These medicines
relieve your symptoms when they happen and are used for intermittent
and chronic asthma.
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 20
Respiratory disease
5- Non-allergic bronchitis
• A runny nose
• A sore throat
• Sneezing
• Fever & chills
• Breathing difficulties
• Extreme fatigue
• Mild headache
• Mild body ache
A virus usually causes acute bronchitis. Bacteria can sometimes cause acute
bronchitis. But, even in these cases, taking antibiotics is NOT advised and
will not help you get better.
10.Influenza tests
Treatment of acute bronchitis is typically divided into two categories:
antibiotic therapy and symptom management.
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 23
Also called warm hemolysis, this involves IgG antibodies. These bind red
blood cells at 98.6°F (37°C), or normal body temperature. This accounts
for 80–90 percent of cases.
This is also called cold hemolysis. In this type, IgM autoantibodies, or cold
agglutinins, bind red blood cells when the blood is exposed to cold
temperatures, specifically 32° to 39.2°F (0° to 4°C). This accounts for 10–20
percent of cases.
• rapid heartbeat
• shortness of breath
• yellowing skin, or jaundice
• dark urine
• muscle pains
• headaches
2-Coombs tests :- These blood tests look for antibodies that may
affect the red blood cells.
Positive: A clumping of the red blood cells (agglutination) during the test.
Agglutination of blood cells during a direct Coomb’s test suggests that
antibodies may be present on red blood cells of the patient and that the
condition of hemolysis may persist.
Agglutination of blood cells during an indirect Coomb’s test suggest the
presence of antibodies circulating in bloodstream that could cause the
immune system to react to any red blood cells that are considered foreign to
the body — particularly those that may be present during a blood
3- Reticulocyte test
This blood test measures the levels of reticulocytes, which are slightly
immature red blood cells. It can determine whether the bone marrow is
creating red blood cells at a suitable rate.
The range will be higher if the body has low hemoglobin levels due to
bleeding or red cell destruction. High red blood cells production can be a
sign of anemia.
4- Bilirubin test
5- Haptoglobin test
Haptoglobin is a protein that the liver produces. Within the body, it connects
a specific type of hemoglobin within the blood.The amount of haptoglobin
in the blood shows how fast red blood cells are being destroyed.
1-corticosteroids is the first type of treatment for people with primary AIHA,
and it can help to improve symptoms in many common types of AIHA.
4- Blood transfusion
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 24
A. Exogenous eczemas – are related to clearly defined external triggering
factors , although inherited tendencies can also play a part , this group
include :
1. Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) .
2. Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) .
3. Photo-contact dermatitis .
5. Infective dermatitis .
6. Dermatophytide .
7. Post-traumatic eczema .
B. Endogenous eczema – It implies that the condition is not a result of
exogenous or external environmental factors , i.e. is mediated by processes
originating within the body , include :
1. Atopic dermatitis (AD) .
2. Hand eczema and pompholyx .
3. Asteatotic eczema .
4. Discoid eczema .
5. Exudative discoid and lichenoid dermatitis .
6. Chronic superficial scaly dermatitis .
7. Pityriasis alba .
Although every type of dermatitis has different symptoms, there are
certain signs that are common for all of them, including :-
1- Redness of the skin,
2- Swelling,
3- Itching and skin lesions.
4- Sometimes oozing and scarring.
5- Typical affected skin areas include the folds of the arms, the
back of the knees, wrists, face and hands.
Causes :-
The cause of eczema is unknown but is presumed to be a combination of
genetic and environmental factors.
The pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis is complex and multifactorial,
involving elements of barrier dysfunction, alterations in cell mediated
immune responses, IgE mediated hypersensitivity, and environmental
factors. The imbalance of Th2 to Th1 cytokines observed in atopic
dermatitis can create alterations in the cell mediated immune responses and
can promote IgE mediated hypersensitivity, both of which appear to play a
role in the development of atopic dermatitis. One must additionally take into
consideration the role of the environment on the causation of atopic
dermatitis and the impact of chemicals such as airborne formaldehyde, harsh
detergents, fragrances, and preservatives. Use of harsh alkaline detergents in
skin care products may also unfavorably alter the skin’s pH causing
downstream changes in enzyme activity and triggering inflammation.
Environmental pollutants can trigger responses from both the innate and
adaptive immune pathways.
Diagnosis of eczema is based mostly on the history and physical
examination. However, in uncertain cases, skin biopsy may be useful. Those
with eczema may be especially prone to misdiagnosis of food allergies.
Patch tests are used in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis.
An atopy patch test can be used to determine whether or not a specific
allergen is the cause of the rash. The test involves applying a series of
allergens to the skin surface and evaluating the results in one to three days.
A patch test is a method used to determine whether a specific
substance causes allergic inflammation of a patient's skin. Any individual
suspected of having allergic contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis needs
patch testing.
• Medicated products applied to the skin. Many options are available to
help control itching and repair the skin. Products are available in
various strengths and as creams, gels and ointments.
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 21 & 22
Hypersensitivity Diseases
Hypersensitivity (also called hypersensitivity reaction or intolerance) is a set
of undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system, including
allergies and autoimmunity. They are usually referred to as an over- reaction
of the immune system and these reactions may be damaging, uncomfortable,
or occasionally fatal. Hypersensitivity reactions require a pre-sensitized
(immune) state of the host. They are classified in four groups after the
proposal of P. G. H. Gell and Robin Coombs in 1963.
Type I: IgE mediated immediate reaction
Type II: Antibody-mediated reaction (IgG or IgM antibodies)
Type III: Immune complex-mediated reaction
Type IV: Cytotoxic, cell-mediated, delayed hypersensitivity reaction .
Diagnosis of hypersensitivity
Laboratory testing may include:
The treatment of immediate hypersensitivity reactions includes the
management of anaphylaxis with intramuscular adrenaline (epinephrine),
oxygen, intravenous (IV) antihistamines, support blood pressure with IV
fluids, avoid latex gloves and equipment in patients who are allergic, and
surgical procedures such as tracheotomy if there is severe laryngeal edema.
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 25 & 26
AITD are the more frequent pathological conditions of the thyroid gland.
Although appearing as a single pathologic entity, the AITD comprise two
main clinical presentations: Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Both conditions are characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the
thyroid parenchyma.
In Graves’ disease, the infiltration is mild and induces the production of
anti-TSH receptor antibodies that stimulate the growth and the function
of thyroid follicular cells, ultimately leading to hyperthyroidism.
In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the lymphocytic infiltration is more severe
and causes the destruction of the thyroid follicles and subsequent
hypothyroidism. It is a typical T cell-mediated autoimmune disease,
characterized by the ectopic formation of tertiary lymphoid follicles
within the thyroid gland.
1.Genetic susceptibility
2. Envionmental factors
Aside the genetic factors, the remaining 20% or so contribution to the
occurrence of AITD is thought to be due to environmental factors.
Several factors have been identified and proposed. These include
radiation, iodine status, smoking, infection, stress and drugs such as
lithium and interferon .
3. Radiation
External radiation for Hodgkin’s disease triggers the subsequent
occurrence of antithyroid antibodies and AITD, hypothyroid thyroiditis as
well as Graves’ disease. Similarly, radioiodine treatment of toxic goitre
4. Stress:- As early as one of the first description of the disease, stress has
been considered as a trigger factor for Graves’ disease onset. An abundant
literature is devoted to that question , the approach of which remains
relatively uncertain in the absence of objective markers.
The symptoms may vary depending on the thyroid function, i.e.
hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism can cause sweating, rapid heart rate, anxiety, tremors,
fatigue, difficulty sleeping, sudden weight loss, and protruding eyes.
Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss,
intolerance to cold, and constipation. The effects of this disease may be
permanent but can sometimes be transient.
Pathogenesis of AITD
Thyroid autoantibodies appear mostly with the presence of lymphocytes in the
targeted organ. Lymphocytes produce antibodies targeting three different
thyroid proteins: Thyroid peroxidase Antibodies (TPOAb), Thyroglobulin
Antibodies (TgAb), and Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor Antibodies
(TRAb). Some patients who are healthy may be positive for more than one of
these antibodies. Doctors who attend to such patients will most likely do routine
follow-ups on the patient’s health since, even though it is highly unlikely that
they will present any thyroid problems, there is still a chance that they will
develop some type of dysfunction with time.
AITD is characterized by lymphocytic infiltration in the thyroid gland and the
production of pathogenic thyroid autoantibodies . Autoantibodies against
various thyroid antigens such as thyroid peroxidase (TPO), Tg, sodium iodide
symporter, and pendrin are detected in the sera from patients with Hashimoto's
thyroiditis . Production of TSAb against TSHR result is Graves'
hyperthyroidism . It is clear that the production of autoantibodies requires
disruption of self-tolerance and an adaptive immune response.
For thyroid function evaluation, thyrotropin (TSH) is the usual starting point.
TSH shows an exponential response to changing peripheral thyroid hormone
levels, thereby providing high clinical detection sensitivity. Thyroxine (T4) or
triiodothyronine (T3) is frequently measured alongside, mostly as free
hormones (FT4 and FT3), to assess disease severity or treatment response.
Some diseases require additional testing to determine the cause of observed
abnormalities or to clarify contradictory results of TSH and T4/T3 testing.
Thyroid autoantibody testing is important in this context.
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 25 & 26
College of Health and Medical Techniques/ kufa
Clinical immunology
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 27& 28
5. Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9: Serum marker for pancreas cancer But its
use is limited to monitoring response to therapy, not as a diagnostic marker.
Because CA 19-9 epitope is normally present within the biliary tree.
6. DNA-Based Markers:
Specific mutations in oncogenes , tumor -suppressor genes, and mismatch
repair genes can serve as biomarkers. These mutations may be germline .
e.g. proto-oncogene , or somatic mutations such p53 mutations. RB gene
Fourth stage
Lecture :- week 29 & 30
Immunology of transplantation
Graft or Transplant: Transfer of living cells, tissues and organs from one part
of the body to another or from one individual to another.
The transplantation mainly based on:
1. Organ or tissue transplanted
2. Anatomical site of origin of transplant & site of its placement:
a. Orthotopic: normal sites
b. Heterotopic: abnormal sites
2. 7 – 10 days healing.
3. 12 -14 neutrophil resolution,
Allograft reaction:-
First Set Response :- Skin graft from a genetically unrelated animal of
same species . Initial acceptance , Thrombosed and necrosed Mainly by T
lymphocytes .
- After 3- 7 days have revascularization of blood vesicles .
- 7 – 10 cellular infiltration ,
- 10 -14 thromboses and necrosis ,
- > 14 day damaged blood vesicles and rejection the implanted tissues.
Second Set Response :- If an animal has rejected a graft by the first set response,
another graft from the same donor is applied – rejected in an accelerated manner ,
Mainly by antibodies
Effecter mechanism of allograft rejection:-
• Hyper acute Rejection
a. Pre-existing specific antibodies in high titers in the host circulation bind
to donor endothelial antigens.
- Tissue matching .
Micro Cytotoxicity: -
Tests for complement mediated lysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes
with a standard set of typing sera. Micro-cytotoxicity assay, utilizes
serum with known anti-HLA antibodies that recognize particular HLA
loci (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DQ, HLA-DR /not DP) in order to
match genetically similar individuals in hopes of performing a tissue
Graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction: -
Graft rejection is due to the reaction of the host to the grafted tissue,
Host-versus-graft response , The contrary situation, in which the graft
mounts an immune response against the antigens of the host, is known as:
Graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction.
Essential Component Required for (GVH)
The GVH reaction occurs when the following conditions are present:
1. The graft contains immunocompetent T cells.
2. The recipient possesses transplantation antigens that are absent in the
3. The recipient must not reject the graft.
When grafted tissue has mature T cells, they will attack host tissue leading
to GVHR. Major problem for bone marrow transplant.
Methods to overcome GVHR :
- Treat bone marrow to deplete T cells.
- Use autologous bone marrow.
- Use umbilical cord blood.
Caused by the reaction of grafted mature Tcells in the marrow inoculum
with alloantigens of the host
- Acute GVHD :- Characterized by epithelial cell death in the skin,
GI tract, and liver .