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Final Naol Project - Commented

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ID NO; 1102416

February, 2023
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia


I hereby declare that this document is an independent work of mine. All writings in this
document contain works that are done by my effort exclusively. This project contains actual
events and facts that was observed and performed during my internship program. All the
contents are my own and it has not been submitted to any other institute.
I undersigned, declare that this project, entitled solution on the effect of segregation.

Name: - Naol Seid

Signature _______________

Date _______________

Advisor Name: Inst. Mintesinot legese.



First of all, I would like to thank Dire Dawa university (DDU) staffs who are giving this valuable
internship program for students like me in order to develop my theoretical knowledge through
like this experience. After that, I would like to thank Ummi Construction for accepting me in
their company and I am really fortunate that I had the kind association with Ummi
Construction`s workers.

My precious thanks to Mr. Mintesnote Legese (Advisor) for his humility, desire to help me, and
best wishes since I was arrived on the Ummi Construction.

Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my family for their encouragement,
tolerance and endless support throughout this program.



Construction is a tool through which a society achieves its goals of urban and rural development
and this makes the construction industry one of the main sectors that provide important
ingredients for the development of an economy. However it is becoming more complex because
of the sophistication of the construction process itself and the large number of parties involved in
the construction process, i.e., clients, contractors, consultants, users, designers, subcontractors,
regulators, and suppliers. This eventually leads to delay in the completion of the project.
Construction delay defined as “time over run either beyond completion date specified in a
contract or beyond the date that parties agree upon for delivery of a project.” It is slipping over
its planned schedule and is considered as common problem in construction projects.
Delay in construction project completion is a global phenomenon that occurs in the construction
industry and considered as one of the most common problems causing a multitude of negative
effects on the project and its participating parties especially where the government projects are
concerned and in the construction industry of Ethiopia is no exception. The objective of this
study is to identify the major causes and factors of construction delays, their effects on the
successful completion of projects, and provide suggestions to minimize delays in the
construction of Building projects under in the internship site. This study uses a comprehensive
literature review to design and conduct a survey to investigate delay causes and then filtered
based on appropriateness to the Ethiopian Construction Industry as well as the Building Projects
at internship site. A general survey was distributed through questionnaire to examine the
correlation of the most critical factors of delay and its relative effect on the project with respect
to time, cost and quality.





CHAPTER ONE…………………………………………………………………………………………...1

1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………………….1

1.1 Introduction…………..…………………….………………………………………………………..1

1.2 Problem statement…………………………………………………………………………………...1

1.3Study question….………………………………………………………………………………….....2

1.4 Objective……………………………………………..........................................................................2

1..4.1 General objective…………………………………………………………………………...…..2

1.4.2 Specific objective ……………………………………………………………………………….2

1.5 Scope of the study ……………………………………………………………………………........2

1.6 limitation of the studu …………………………………………………………………………...3

1.7 significance of the study …………………………………………………………………………....3

CHAPTER TWO ………………………………………………………………………………………...4

2. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………………………………….….4

2.1 Definition …………………………………………………………………………………….. .4

2.2 Critcal vs non critical ……………………………………………………………………………..6

2.3 Excusable vs non excusabe……………………………………………………………………….….6


2.3.1 Non excusable …………………………………………………………………………………...7

2.4 Compensable vs non compensable………………………………………………………………......8

2.5 Cocurrent vs paralel delay…………………………………………………………………………...8

2.6 Cause of delay……………………………………………………………………………………..…8

2.7 Construction delay claim…………………………………………………………………………...11

2.7.1.Major catagories of clam ………………………………………………………………………11

2.8.Main parties in the construction industries .………………………………………………………..12

2.9. Duties and responsblities of main parties ……………………………………………………...…..13

CHAPTER THREE ……..………………………………………………………………………...…....17

3.Methdology …………………………………………………………………………………………..17

3.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………...….17

3.2 Study area …………………………………………..…………………………………………....17

3.3Study design …………………………………………………………………………………..….17

3.4 Study population and data source …………………………..…………………………………....17

3.5 Sampling technique……………………………………………..……………………………………..18

CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………………………………………………..…..19

4. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS……………………………………………………………………....19

4.1 Cause of the constration delay …………………………………………………………...………...19

4.2 Effect of construction delay…………………………………….......................................................25

4.3Suggested way to minimize delay…………………………………………………………………...26

CHAPTER FIVE……………………………………………………………………………………….….27

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………….…..27

5.2 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………….. .27

5.3 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………….….27





1.1 Background

Delays are one of the biggest problems in construction projects in developing countries, as cause
negative effects on the projects. Delays can be minimized only when their causes are identified.
This project aims to identify the major causes and effective methods of minimizing delay in
construction projects. The literature related the field of causes and of delay and methods for
minimizing construction delay has been reviewed over the last decade. This project highlighted
methodology to reduce construction delays from client, consultant and contractor viewpoints.
The perspective of client, contractors and consultants has been analyzed to rank the methods of
minimizing construction delays based on their relative importance. The most effective methods
of minimizing delay in construction projects are:

 Adequate funding throughout the project

 Competent project manager
 Awarding bids to the right designer/contractor
 Complete and proper design at the right time,
 Availability of resources
 Clear objective and scope, and
 The use of experienced subcontractors and suppliers.

1.2 Construction Delay

A construction delay is a delay that impedes the ability of construction heads or contractors to
maintain a schedule.

A construction delay may also define as in residential, commercial and light constructions are
often the result of miscommunication between contractors, sub contractors and property owners.
This type of misunderstanding and unrealistic expectations is usually avoided through the use of
detailed critical path schedule, which specify the work and time table to be used.


1.2.1 Cause of construction delay

Cause of construction delay is a factor which affects the construction not to complete the project
on its specified time. These main causes of construction delay are: Material, manpower,
equipment, contractual relationship.

1.3 Study questions

 What causes construction delay?

 How to reduce construction delays?
 How to deal with construction delays?

1.4 Aims and objectives of the project

The purpose of this project is to study the general cause of delay in construction and the different
resolution methods used. In this project we will try to review the effects of delay in construction
and how to manage and control by using different types of measurement

1.4.1 General objective of this project

 Overall cause of delay in construction.

 To study impact of construction delay in our countries economy.
 To find the best way possible to reduce delay on construction.

1.4.2 Specific objective of this project

 To review the major causes of construction delay

 To study the effects of construction delay
 To suggest ways of minimizing delays.

1.5 Scope of the study

Delays in construction project due to various reasons are major problem facing construction
professionals. The incapability of finishing projects punctually and within a given budget is a
persistent issue in developing countries especially in countries like Ethiopia where cost of
everything is going up day by day. In this project we will review the cause of delay in
construction and find the best way to reduce it, if possible to erase it totally.


1.6 limitation of the study

The limitation of the project is as follows


 The only advantage will be since Ethiopian financial institutes does not have 20 to 30
years mortgage payment program owners do not want to borrow money from this
institutes because their monthly payment will be very high to pay back so they just wait
until they get the money from their other business and finish it.


 Disagreement
 Cost overrun
 Arbitration
 Waste of time and etc

1.7 Significance of the study/project

In this project we will try to identify the major causes of construction delay and their resolution
techniques .Consequently, once the major cause of construction delay is identified The
construction company can take action to reduce the probability of similar causes of delay
occurring in future. More often if they do occur, the best resolution methods to be adopted will
be suggested.

This study is helpful for understanding the causes and resolution methods of construction delay.
Knowing and understanding about delays and causes of delays can help us use our resources
effectively and efficiently in construction. This will reduce the cost of construction delays in
monetary term or reputation.





A construction delay is anything that impedes the ability of construction heads or contractors to
maintain schedule.
Construction delays also define as in residential & light constructions are often the result of
miscommunication between contractors, sub contractors& property owners. This type of
understanding & unrealistic expectations is usually avoided through the use detailed critical path
schedules, with specify the work & time table to be used.

But the most importantly, the logical sequence of event which must occur for a project to be
completed. Delay in construction projects are frequently expensive, since there is usually a
construction loan involved which charges interest, management staffs dedicated to the project
whose costs are time dependent and ongoing inflation in wage and material process. However, in
more complex projects, problems are arise that are not for seen in the contract and legal
construction forms are subsequently used, such as change orders.

In the perspective of economic historian Robert E.Wright construction delays are caused by bid
gaming, change order, asymmetric information and post contractual marker power. Until those
fundamental issues are confronted and resolved, many custom constructions will continue to
come in over budget.

Second edition of construction delay written by Theodore J. Trainmen states that delay is to
make happen latter than expected, to cause something to be performed latter than planned or to
not act timely.

In the areas of construction delays are caused by several factors. Ahmed et al (in 2003) grouped
delays in to two categories: i.e.

1, Internal Causes: - arises from the parties of the construction.

E.g. Clients & consultants

2, External causes: - arises from events beyond the control of the parties. These include the act
of God, government action & material suppliers.

As we discuss earlier our sources and scholars define construction delay on their own ideology.
According to Theodore J. Trainmen construction delays are classified as

1, Critical & Non-critical

2, Excusable & Non-excusable

3, Compensable & Non-compensable

4, Concurrent & Non-concurrent

Theodore J. Trainmen also uses a chart to represent the general overview of the excusable and
non-excusable delay types.

Delay categories

Excusable Non-excusable

Beyond contractor control within contractor control

Owner change Due to slow process of
Unsuitable weather contractor &sub contractor
Different site condition Broken equipment
Time extension

Compensable Non-compensable

There is a payment for delay No payment for delay

Within owner control beyond owner control


2.2Critical vs. Non-critical

Critical delays are critical to the completion date or a milestone date. Delays that affect the
project completion date are considered as critical delays and delays that do not affect the project
completion date are non-critical.

The concept of “critical” delays emanates from critical path method (CPM) scheduling. While
the determination of critical activity is a major element of CPM scheduling, all projects,
regardless of the type of schedule have critical activities. If these activities are delayed, the
project completion date will be delayed. In some contracts the term “controlling item of work”
will be used. Normally, this refers to critical activities or critical work. Regardless of the type of
schedule used all project have a critical path. The path of activities that if delayed will delay the
completion date.

Determine which activities truly control the project completion date depends on the following.

 The project itself

 The contractor plan &schedule (particularly the critical path )
 The requirement of the contractor for sequence & facing
 The physical constraints of the project- how to build the job from a practical perspectives

Regardless of how one analysis a project & the schedule to find the delay .There is one
overriding criterion: The analysis must accurately consider thecontemporaneous information
when the delays where occurring contemporaneous information refers to daily reports, the
schedule in effect&any other job data available that show the circumstance as the time of delays.

2.3Excusable vs. Non excusable

All delays are either excusable or non excusable. An excusable delay, in general is a delay that is
due to unforeseeable eventbeyond the contractors or the sub contractors control.

Normally, basedon common general provision in public agency specification, delay resulting
from the following events would be considered excusable.

 General labor strikes

 Fire
 Floods
 Acts of god
 Owner directed change


 Errors &omissions in the plans & specification

 Differing site condition
 Unusual severe weather
 Intervention by outside agencies such as environmental protection agencies
 Lack of action by government bodies .Such as building inspection.

Those conditions may be reasonably unforeseeable and not within in the contractors
control .Before analyst conclude a delay is excusable base solely on the preceding definitions, he
or she must refer to the construction contract document. Decisions concerning delays must be
within the context of the specific contract.

The contract should clearly define the factors that are considered valid delays to the projects that
justify time extension to the contract completion date. For example, sub contractors may not
allow any time extension caused by weather condition, regardless of how unusual, un expected
or sever.

2.3.1Non excusable delay

The events which are within the contractors control or that are foreseeable. These are some
examples of non excusable delays

 Late performance of sub contractor

 Untimely performance by supplier
 Faulty work man ship by the contractor or sub contractor
 A project specific labor strike caused by either the contractors unwillingness to
meet with labor representative or by un fair labor practices

Again, the contractor is the controlling document that determines if delay will be considered as
non excusable. For example some contractors consider supplier delay as excusable If the
contractor can prove that the material where requisitioned or ordered in a timely manner. But the
material could not be delivered due to circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. Other
contracts may not allow such delays .The owner and the designer or drafter of the contract
specification must be sure the contract documents are clear and ambiguous. Similarly, before
signing the contract, the contractor should fully understand what the contract defines as
excusable & no excusable delays.


2.4Compensable vs. Non compensable

A compensable delay is a delay where contractors entitled to a time extension & addition
compensation .Only excusable delays can be compensable

A non compensable delay meansthat although an excusable delay may haveoccurred, the
contractor is not entitled to any added compensation resulting from the excusable delay.

Whether or not delay is compensable depends primarily on the terms of the contract. In most
cases, acontract specifically notes the kinds of delays that are non compensable for which does
not receive any additional money but may allowed a time extension.

2.5Concurrent or parallel delay

Concurrent or parallel delays occur when there are two or more independent delays during the
same time period.

Concurrent delays are significant when one is an employer risk event and the other a contractor
risk event, the effects of which are felt at the same time.

When two or more delay events arise at different times, but the effects of them are felt (in whole
or in part) at the same time, this is more correctly termed ‘concurrent effect’ of sequential delay

Boltonclassifies construction delays as follows

 Excusable but non-compensable. These are delays caused by occurrences which

are not attributable to any of the parties.
 Compensable delay results from acts or omissions of the owner or someone for
whose acts an owner is liable
 Non excusable delay resultsfrom acontractors own faultor his sub contractors or

2.6Causes of delay

According to a slightly modified version of Assaf etal (1995)

The nine major areas are materials, manpower, equipments, financing, environment, changes,
governmentactions, contractualrelationship& scheduling & controlling techniques.


1 Material

 Shortage of material on site or market

 Late delivery of material

2, Man power

 Shortage of unskilled labor

 Shortage of skilled labor

3, Equipment

 Equipment failure or breakdown

 Unskilled equipment operators

4, Financing

 Delay in honoring payment certificates

 Difficulties in assessing credit
 Fluctuation of prices

5, Environment

 Bad weather condition

 Unfavorable site condition

6, Changes

 Client initiated variations

 Mistakes in soil investigation
 Poor design
 Foundation condition encountered on the site.

7, Government action

 Delays in obtaining permits from municipality

 Discrepancy between design specification & building code
 Public holidays

8, Contractual relation

 Legal disputes
 Insufficient communication between parties


 Poor professional management

 Delay in instructions from consultants
 Delay by contractors

9, Scheduling & controlling techniques

 Poor site management

 Poor supervision
 Lack of program of works
 Accidents during construction
 Construction method
 Underestimation of cost of projects

Category Causes of delay

Client Finance and payments of completed works, Owners

interference, Slow decision making and unrealistic contract
duration imposed by owners.

Contractor Site management, improper planning, inadequate contractor

experience, faulty construction, and sub-contractors delays.

Consultant Contract management, preparation and approval of

drawings, quality assurance/control and long waiting time
for approval of tests and inspections.

Resources Quality, Shortage and Productivity of resources together

(Material, with Old equipments breakdown.
Labor &

Contract Change orders, incompleteness of contract documents,

disputes and negotiation during implementation,
inappropriate organizational structure, and lack of


External Weather conditions, changes in regulations, problems with

neighbors and unforeseen ground conditions.

2.7Construction delay claims

“A claim is an assertion of a right to property, money or a remedy”

Claim is mostly concerned with entitlements and liabilities arising under, or as a result of,
a legally valid contract.

A construction claim is therefore can be a

 Demand for payment of additional compensation

 Adjustment of the parties' respective contractual obligations
 Extension of Time or compensating delay damages
 Or any other change with regard to the contractual conditions or terms.

2.7.1Major categories of claim

 Time Related Claims

 Cost Related Claims
 Default by contracting parties

1, Time Related Claims:

Claims associated with delay or in time completion of projects where either of the following six
Entitlements or Penalties are subjected to:

 Extension of Time only

 Liquidated Damages only
 Time Extension and Cost Compensation
 Concurrent Compensations
 Bonus


2, Cost Related Claims:

Claims associated with monetary compensation where either of the following entitlements or
penalties is entertained:

 Additions requiring rate adjustments

 Price Changes
 Provisional sum adjustments

3, Default by Contracting Parties:

Claims associated with non performances of contractual obligations such as:

 Delay in Payment Certificates

 Suspensions and Terminations

2.8 Main Parties in the Construction Industry

 The main players in the construction industry are:
 The Client: The client is the initiator and owner of the project.
 The Consultant: The consultant transfers the wish of the owner into realizable form and
makes the study, design and possibly the supervision.
 TheContractor: The contractor is the one who performs the work.
 Insurance Companies: A Contractor is required to provide bid bonds as a condition of
being allowed to bid, and then they must provide insurance for Performance bonds and
payment bond prior to award of the contract. Insurance companies provide bid bonds,
performance and payment bonds, and they also service the liability and property
insurance needs of contractors.
 Banks: Banks provide the working capital contractors need to build the project. Banks
also provide bonds for bid and performance.
 Suppliers: The quality of a construction project is very dependent on the quality of the
suppliers used by individual contractors.
 Permitting agencies: These agencies represent the interests of public safety. They
administer publicly funded construction projects, and they ensure private construction
projects comply with zoning laws and building codes.
 Public: The public is impacted by every construction activity. Impacts are both good and


2.9Duties and Responsibilities of main parties

The duties of the following main participants will be dealt in the sections to follow:

• The Client – the initiator

• The Consultant – the professional advises

• The Contractor – the one who constructs

The Client

The client is the most important party who is active from inception to completion and even to
post-occupancy maintenance.

Clients can be classified as Public Sector Clients and Private Sector Clients.

1. Public sector clients

These represent:

• Central government offices(Ministries)

• Local authorities (Regional or town)

• Public corporations

2. Private Sector Clients

These are private individuals & private companies.

3. The Consultant

The main role of the consultant is to interpret the client’s project requirements into a specific

The consultants’ team shall:

• Ascertain, interpret and formulate the client’s requirement into an understandable project.

• Design the project to much requirements and constraints (imposed by statutory obligations,
technical feasibility, environmental factors, site conditions, cost, etc)

• Assess client’s cost limit to decide on materials & the like.

• Prepare contract documents.


• Supervise the project and constantly inform the client on the progress

• Approve payments

• Resolve contractual disputes

• Issue provisional and final acceptance certification

4. The Contractors

These are groups established mainly as commercial companies, that contract to construct
development projects.

Responsibilities of Contractors:

• Carry out a full site investigation prior to submission of tender. This helps to know the costs of
contractual risks and problems,

• Submit tender

• Plan &programmed works and even re-programmed, whenever unforeseen situation occur,

• Control directly employed works, sub contractors, suppliers, materials and plant,

• Control project program & cost,

• See to it that completed works comply with the specification and are to the satisfaction of the

• Notify the consultant about delays, discrepancies,

• Effect all payments to his employees, suppliers, subcontractors, etc

• Rectify all defects on completion of works,

• Provide post occupancy repair & maintenance if required,

5.Public Sector Agencies

These are organization set with the authority to sum public utilities or provide local service.

They are:


a.Statutory Authorities

These bodies offer technical advice during design and construction in their respective areas. E.g.
EEPCO, AAWSA, Fire authority - requires meeting their specific requirements. Thus early
information to these authorities is required.

b. Municipalities & Government Authorities

These bodies offer the basic Land permit and building permit. The responsibilities of these
authorities are:

- prepare development plans (site etc) to benefit the public

- ensure that all plots and likes are put to the intended use

- approve and control standards

- provide land and building permits

- Check on material quality and safety

Responsibility and type of delay-construction related

Responsible party Type of delay

Inspection Contractor Non-excusable
Sub surface soil condition Shared Non-excusable
Material procurement Contractor Non-excusable
Lack of qualified craftsman Contractor Non-excusable
Poor subcontractor Contractor Non-excusable
Defective work Contractor Excusable
Different site condition Contractor Non-excusable
Labor injuries Contractor No –excusable
Damage structures Contractor Non-excusable
Construction Mistakes Contractor Non-excusable
Poor supervision Contractor Non-excusable
Lack of equipment Contractor Non-excusable


Responsibility and type of delay- Acts of God

Acts of God Responsible party Type of delay

Flood Owner Excusable, compensable
Fire Shared Excusable, compensable
Wind damage Owner Excusable, compensable

Responsibility and type of delay- Design related

Design Related Responsible party Type of delay

Design development Consultant Excusable, compensable
Change order Owner Excusable, compensable
Decision during development Owner Excusable, compensable
Change in drawing Owner Excusable, compensable
Change in specification Owner Excusable, compensable
Shop drawing approval Consultant Excusable, compensable
Incomplete documents Consultant Excusable, compensable

Responsibility and type of delay- finance or economy

Finance related Responsible party Type of delay

Financial process Owner Excusable, compensable
Financial difficulties Owner Excusable, compensable
Delayed payment Owner Excusable, compensable
Economic problem Owner Excusable, compensable




3.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the project design and methodology used in acquiring the necessary
information to achieve the project objectives. It specifically presents the study area, design,
population and data source and sampling technique.

3.2 Study area

The study area of this project is in Adama city. I selected it because I was performing my
internship program as an intern student at ummi construction company and the problem on our
site is that the time duration of the project is not handled properly so that is why I came up with
my title to try and solve this problem and for many more projects in our country.

3.3 Study design

Study design is the plan or organization of scientific investigation, designing of a research study
involves the development plan or strategy that will guide the collection analyses of data
accordingly, this study consist the following parts categories of five parts. The first part consist
the proposal for identifying and defining the problems and establishment of the objective of the
study. The second part of the study includes literature review in which delay in construction were
reviewed. The third part of the study includes the methodology of this study. The fourth part of
this study includes result and discussion. In this phase the result of desk study and
questionnaireswere discussed. The last part of the study includes the conclusion and

3.4 Study population and data source

The population made of consultant and contractor with an experience in the construction
industry and currently involved in the construction of the project. More over all respondents had
high position; lengthy year of experience and educational background attended higher level
education implies the respondents have enough knowledge of the construction industry with
issues relating to causes and effects of delay.

To do this research this project uses the following method and source

 Primary source = observation

 Secondary source = interview, questionnaire.


The data used for project is primary and secondary data and it is collected by interview and
observation that is designed for the same purpose and distributed to interviewee of two target
groups who have a direct involvement on the projects under study.

 Site manager
 consultant

3.5 Sampling technique

In this study responders were selected based on their performance, knowledge, ability, skill and
experience in building construction.





Cause of construction delay is a factor which causes or impedes the construction of a project not
to be completed within the schedule. Those factors which are suggested to delay the construction
project in Adama are categorized in to six groups. i.e.

1. Owner related factor

2. Consultant related factor

3. Contractor related factor

4. Material related factor

5. Labor& equipment related factor and

6. External related factor

The major causes of delay which have negative effect on the completion time of construction
project are listed in a tabular form as follows. The listed factors are gained from the information
& data that we have collected from different construction sites through questionnaire &

1. Owner related factor

Among the major factors that affects or cause construction delay on my site. The owner related
factors takes the first position based on our analysis. It includes, change in order, decision during
development stage, change in drawing, financial process, financial difficulties, delayed payment.

Change in drawing


Change in drawing is the first requirement in construction building project is to understand

architectural drawing. Among the owner related cause of construction delay change in drawing
take the highest part on my site.

Financial difficulties

The financial group of delay was ranked secondly by all the respondents .The in ability of clients
(building owners) to honor payment on time was determined by all respondents under financial
group of delay as second major factor that causes delay in building construction project.

Change order

Change order is written agreement between bureau & general contractor to change a building
construction contract. It is instruction to revise construction plans after they have been
completed. According to information we gathered, the construction delay that happens due to the
owner on my site need to change the original contract or order is not the major factors from
owner factors.

Decision during development stage

Decision making discussions during the early stage of construction project is involving
construction professionals in order to explore & possibly develop. But, when the decisions made
after the construction is start or at the middle of construction it may cause delay. So this is the
other reason of construction delay on my site because of the owner late to decide the
development of the project.

Financial process

The importance of adequate &timely provision of financial resource in building construction

project management are not be over emphasized. The owner must be complete the financial
process on time, otherwise it can cause delay in construction on my site is also the cause,
because the owner fails to perform the financial process on time.

Delayed payment

When the payment /fund is not released on time for the contractor , he will obligated /forced to
stop the performance , because he may has not any budget to pay for his employees &
labors .He may also has not enough money to buy material & equipment for construction.

During this time delay can occur. As we have seen from our questionnaires &interviews the
delayed payment can cause a little effect on construction project among owner related factors.

2. Consultant related factors

Among the major factor which affects or cause construction delay on my Site. The consultant
related factor includes or may be caused by the following factors, i.e. Design development,
incomplete document, failure to advice the employer when the project is delayed, failure to
facilitate communication among parties, etc.

Design Development

The primary factor of construction delay on my site can be caused by in appropriate design
developed by consultant .That is when the design of construction did not match with the site

As a result of this, the original design should be redesigned. During this process gap is created
which can cause the construction to be delayed. This cause of construction delay is known as
excusable, compensable

Incomplete Document

Construction delay can again be caused by incomplete document which is prepared by the
consultant. The incomplete document is a document which does not fulfill all the criteria for
contract. But this incompletion of document disputes may occur between parties which are
involved in the construction industry. During this time to address the disputes arbitration is

Failure to advice the contractor (employer) when delay occurs

This cause of delay is not a major factor in construction project. But it can affect the construction
milestone or completion date. As we get information from different construction sites, the
engineering unit of my site failed to advice the contractors.

Failure to facilitate communication among parties

In construction work different parties are involved .And delay of construction can also be caused
by failure of communication among these parties. So in order to perform the work efficiently
there must be a smooth relationship or communication between responsible parties. When we
come to my site, delay is occurred due to lack of communication between the consultant and
other parties.

3. Contractor related factor


Contractor related factor is ranked as the fourth factor of cause of delay. The contractor is the
one who perform contract or procurement with client & appointed to perform the work on the
project. Contractor related factors include the following element:

Material procurement

When the material is not reached at work site on time material procurement can occur. In other
words material procurement is the delay of material to reach work site on time. This may be
occurred due to the finance difficulty or if means of transportation is rare then the delay may be

Lack of qualified craftsmen

This is also one of the major causes of delay related to contractor. If qualified craftsmen are not
available, they must be brought from other place. As a result the construction can delay.

When the contractor fails, in his performance, or when his performance is poor, the construction
delay can occur. In order to prevent the delay in, the contractor must be punctual on his work.
This type of delay is the third cause of delay related to contractor.

Defective work

Defective work is the factor that causes delay related to contractor on my site. Defective work is
the work that leads the project to depts. before one can proceed with work of construction
project he/she must identify whether the work has defect or not. Then after identifying, take the
appropriate remedial measure. Lastly the work can be satisfactory .If this not the case the work
of construction can be delayed.

Lack of equipment availability

If equipment is not sufficiently available around the construction site or if provision of

equipment is not sufficient the project can be delayed. Equipment availability is the decisive
factor of construction delay on my site .If the material is available but not provided on the work
site on time it also causes delay.

Poor supervision

Poor supervision can highly affect the construction process. When the supervisor of the project
does not perform his work or play his role well, the construction is delayed. Poor supervision
also causes economic &time spends.

Construction mistake


Construction mistake is one of the causes of delay that may occur due to the design problem &
mismanagement of the site appropriately. When this happens the design should be redesigned,
as a result, the construction project delay can occur.

Labor injury

Labor injury may occur on construction site. Until the injured labor is recovered from his injury,
there may a need for substitution. During this time the delay can occur.

4. Material related factors

Material related factors are ranked as fifth major factors which cause construction delay on my
site. Material related factors include the following elements:

Low quality of locally available materials

The qualities of the materials around the construction site are poor on my site. Because of this
the contractors are obligated to bring the materials from other places which can incur them
additional costs & which can also causes the time overrun that leads the construction to delay.

Shortage of water

As we get information from many parties, the shortage of water is the second cause of
construction delay in material related factors. Since, there is a shortage of water, construction
projects on my site faces delay with their construction work.

Unexpected rise of cost of materials

When the contractors under estimate the cost of the materials, suddenly there is unexpected rise
of the materials cost, it can causes the cost overrun. Which can affect the construction to be

Shortage in selected material around the construction

If there is shortage of selected material around the construction site, the project cannot be
continue with its work .Due to this selected material should be brought from other places. This
causes the construction to delay.

5. Labor & equipment related factors


Labor & equipment factor on my site is taken as the third factor following consultant & owner
related factors .If sufficient labor force & equipment is not available the project cannot continue
well, even it may stop. Because labor & equipment is the lung of one construction project so if
they are unavailable the construction delay can be occurred. The major factors that bring delay in
construction due to labor &equipment unavailability are the following:

Equipment Unavailability & failure

This is the major cause of construction delay that is related to labor & equipment .If sufficient
equipment is not available & even when there is available equipment & it is not well functional,
the construction project is delayed.

Unexpected low labor productivity

Unexpected low labor productivity is occurred when the employees are fail to work as
expected or when their output / productivity is low .As we get responses from many parts the low
labor productivity is the secondary factor which causes delay in constriction related to labor

Unavailability of unskilled labor in the region

When the project work is established on certain site the labor force is the major requirement .If
those unskilled labor i.e labor that work by experience are not available proximity to the
construction site, the labors should be brought from other regions. This increases cost and time
of work by causing delay a in construction project.

Unavailability of skilled man power in region

On project like that of unskilled labor, skilled man power is also necessary. This, when unskilled
labor perform the work by their force, the skilled man power perform by mind, or by skill he
gained through education. Skilled man power includes designer, consultant, contractor; site
engineer & the like is the facilitator of the project work. If those skilled man powers are not
available in the region, they must be brought from other region. This increases time & cost
resulting delay of the construction.

Unexpected rise of cost of labor & equipment

When the project work is started many factors may affect the work at the certain time, example,
unexpected rise of cost of labor & equipment is the major factors. When such situation is rise at


the middle of the work the contractor may obligate to delay the performance. This in turn brings
construction delay.

6. External related factor

This is not key delay for the construction project. The external factor related cause of
construction delay includes: Flood, Wind damages, unforeseen sub surface condition& earth

Unforeseen sub surface condition

If our site is not suitable for construction that means, for example, if there is black cotton soil
type, we should have to be excavated& replace it with other type of soil. During this process
delay is occurred.


This is the disastrous factor which can affect our construction site. If flood is occurred on
construction site the construction work cannot proceed. So flood should be prevented to proceed
with the work, until this process is done delay can occur on construction site.

4.2 Effects of construction delay

These are effects which are caused by not to complete the project of the construction in a given. As
we obtained data from different building construction projects through questionnaires and
interview, the major effects of these delays are: Time overrun & Cost overrun.

The effect of time overrun in construction project happens when the project is delayed & time is
extended to complete the project .In this time overrun: the client, contractor &consultant related
factors of delay are responsible. The factors which cause time overrun are

 Inadequate planning
 Improper site management
 Lack of experience
 Change in design etc.

The second effect of delay in the construction projects is cost overrun .From practical
experience, too often there are severe overruns of construction costs. The great deal of this is
caused by poor planning which gives rise to greater increase in cost during implementation
mostly due to:

 Alterations during work executions


 Price variations due to economic conditions changes

 Mistakes in estimating bill of quantities
 Excessive delay of projects
 Improper contract administrations
 Mistakes in planning
 Unprecedented responsibility and authority to those who do not fit to the job due to lack
of experience or profession
 Unawareness of the construction rules and regulations by the parties involving in the
contract, etc.

4.3 Suggested ways to minimize delay

The methods which are suggest below enables the site workers to complete the project on the
completion date. These are

 Acceleration of the site activities

 Good management
 Being well responsible for the site until its date of completion.
 Adequate funding throughout the project
 Competent project manager
 Awarding bids to the right designer/contractor
 Complete and proper design at the right time,
 Availability of resources
 Clear objective and scope, and
 The use of experienced subcontractors and suppliers.

Acceleration of site activities: we suggested that in case of delay successive site activities are
accelerated but this not always make up for loss of time or delay occurred. The reason behind
this is that due to set up of acceleration it seems progress but due to inefficient project
management problem that caused delay remains in force and results overall acceleration

Contingency Allowance: Contingency fund is some extra amount kept at the budget stage. This
amount is must be realistic and sufficient to contain risk of unforeseen cost increase during




5.1 Conclusion

 From the above literature review it can be seen that a lot of work has been done in
understanding causes, effects and methods to minimize construction delay. The major
effects of construction delay are described as time overrun& cost overrun. And as we
analysis from the project, the major cause of delay in zubeydakedir mixed building
construction is consultant related factor. To reduce these and any other causes which
result delays, Lot of methods are suggested. Out of which major methods are:

 Competent project manager

 Awarding bids to the right designer/contractor
 Complete and proper design at the right time,
 Availability of resources
 Clear objective and scope, and The use of experienced subcontract
 Good management

 The study showed that all the three respondents, generally agreed that owner related
factors are the major cause of construction delay in zubeydakedir mixed building.
 Consultant related factor where considered as the second most important factor causing
delay in construction projects followed by labor & equipment ,contractor related factors.



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