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318M-19 Errata

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ACI 318M-19 (SI units)

Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

Reported by ACI Committee 318
Errata may already be included in the print version you own

ERRATA as of March 8, 2023

Appendix C, equivalence table, p. 590, add size effect equation as follows:

Provision U.S. Customary units stress in

SI-metric stress in MPa mks-metric stress in kgf/cm2
number pounds per square inch (psi)

2 2 2
s = 1 s = 1 s = 1 d d d
1+ 1+ 1+
254 25.4 10

Table, p. 130, revised as follows: ( changed to

Beam type Conditions

Shallow depth h ≤ 10 in.

h ≤ greater of 2.5tf or
Integral with slab
h ≤ 24 in.

Constructed with steel fiber- h ≤ 24 in.

reinforced normalweight concrete and
conforming to,, and and Vu  2 fcbwd
with fc′ ≤ 6000 psi

In accordance with
One-way joist system

ERRATA as of September 29, 2022

R9., second paragraph, p. 143 revised as follows (please note that the correction is a removal of
a comma before the variable ℓd in the paragraph):
The application of this provision is illustrated in Fig. R9. for simple supports and in Fig.
R9. for points of inflection. For example, the bar size provided at a simple support is satisfactory
only if the corresponding bar, ℓd, calculated in accordance with 25.4.2, does not exceed 1.3Mn/Vu + ℓa.

R23.1, second paragraph, p. 435, revised as follows:

The shaded regions in Fig. R23.1(a) and (b) show typical D-regions (Schlaich et al. 1987). The plane
sections assumption of is not applicable in such regions. In general, …

ERRATA as of July 7, 2022

R8.6.1.2, p. 111, revised as follows:

R8.6.1.2 … In such cases, sliding along the inclined crack can cause a flexure-driven punching failure at a
shear force less than the strength calculated by the two-way shear equations of Table for slabs without
shear reinforcement and less than the strength calculated in accordance with for slabs
with shear reinforcement.
Tests of slabs…

ERRATA as of March 2, 2022

R8., p. 119, revised as follows:

R8. Between Outside of column orand shear cap faces, structural integrity tendons should pass
below the orthogonal tendons from adjacent spans so that vertical movements of the integrity tendons are
restrained by the orthogonal tendons. Where tendons are distributed in one direction and banded in the
orthogonal direction, this requirement can be satisfied by first placing the integrity tendons for the
distributed tendon direction and then placing the banded tendons. Where tendons are distributed in both
directions, weaving of tendons is necessary and use of may be an easier approach.

ERRATA as of December 14, 2021

p. 84, Fig. R6.6.5, revised as follows:

Fig. R6.6.6—Permissible redistribution of moments for minimum rotation capacity., p. 101, revised as follows: For nonprestressed slabs without interior beams spanning between supports on all sides, having a
maximum ratio of long-to-short span of 2, overall slab thickness h shall not be less than the limits in Table, and shall be at least the value in (a) or (b), unless the calculated deflection limits of 8.3.2 are
(a) Slabs without drop panels as given in 8.2.4 .... 125 mm
(b) Slabs with drop panels as given in 8.2.4 ......... 100 mm
For fy exceeding 550 MPa, the calculated deflection limits in 8.3.2 shall be satisfied assuming a reduced modulus
of rupture fr = 5 fc .

R8.7.7, p. 123, revised as follows:

R8.7.7 Shear reinforcement – headed studs
Using headed stud assemblies as shear reinforcement in slabs requires specifying the stud shank diameter,
the spacing of the studs, and the height of the assemblies for the particular applications.
Tests (ACI 421.1R) show that vertical studs mechanically anchored as close as possible to the top and
bottom of slabs are effective in resisting punching shear. The bounds of the overall specified height achieve
this objective while providing a reasonable tolerance in specifying that height, as shown in Fig.
R20. R20.

p. 137, add R9.6.3.2 to document:

R9.6.3.2 Refer to R9.6.3.1., p. 403, revise “≤” to “>” in two cases below:

V u,x V u, y If ≤ > 0.5 and ≤ > 0.5 then Eq. ( shall be satisfied.
V n , x V n , y

23.5.3, p. 445, revised as follows:

23.5.3 Struts are considered laterally restrained if they are restrained perpendicular to the plane of the
strut-and-tie model in accordance with (a), (b), or (c):
(a) The discontinuity region is continuous perpendicular to the plane of the strut-and-tie model.
(b) The concrete restraining the strut extends beyond each side face of the strut a distance not less than
half the width of the strut.
(c) The strut is in a joint that is restrained in accordance with 15.2.8 15.2.5 or 15.2.6.

23.10.2 and R23.10.2, p. 449, revised as follows:

23.10.2 If specified clear cover normal to plane of bend is 2db or greater, the bend radius rb shall be in
accordance with (a) or (b), but shall not be less than half the minimum bend diameter specified in 25.3.
(a) Curved bar nodes with bends less than 180 degrees:

2 Ats f y
rb  (23.10.2a)
bs f c

(b) Ties anchored by 180-degree bends:

1.5 Ats f y Ats f y (23.10.2b)

rb  rb 
wt f c wt f c

R23.10.2 Equation (23.10.2a) is intended to avoid fce exceeding the limit for C-T-T nodes given by 23.9.2
(Klein 2008). bs is the width of the strut transverse to the plane of the strut-and-tie model. Equation
(23.10.2a) applies whether the tie forces at the node are equal or different; where the tie forces are different,
ℓcb required by 23.10.6 must also be satisfied.
Ties anchored by 180-degree bends can be used at C-C-T or C-T-T nodes, as illustrated in Fig. R23.10.2.
The parallel straight legs of the bar(s) that extend into the member form a single tie, where 𝐴𝑡𝑠 is taken as
the total area of reinforcement extending from both ends of the bend(s). Equation (23.10.2b) is intended to
ensure that fce does not exceed the limit for C-C-T C-T-T nodes given by 23.9.2. Width wt is the effective
tie width as illustrated in Fig. R23.10.2.

p. 487, Table, second column, fourth row, add “≤” after “pitch” and before “100 mm”

Modification factor Condition Value of factor

Lightweight Lightweight concrete 0.75

λ Normalweight concrete 1.0

Reinforcement enclosed within (1), (2), (3),

or (4):
(1) a spiral
(2) a circular continuously wound tie with
Confining db ≥ 6 mm and pitch ≤ 100 mm
reinforcement (3) No. 13 bar or MD130 wire ties in
ψr accordance with 25.7.2 spaced ≤ 100 mm
on center
(4) hoops in accordance with 25.7.4 spaced
≤ 100 mm on center

Other 1.0

ERRATA as of January 14, 2021

R2.2, p. 27, add the following variable to the commentary notation:

wn = length of the side of a nodal zone, mm

R6.6.5, p. 83, revised as follows:

The Code permissible redistribution is shown in Fig. R6.6.5. Using conservative values of limiting concrete
strains and lengths of plastic hinges derived from extensive tests, flexural members with small rotation
capacities were analyzed for redistribution of moments up to 20 percent, depending on the reinforcement
ratio. As shown, the permissible redistribution percentages are conservative relative to the calculated
percentages available for both fy = 60 ksi 420 MPa and 80 ksi 550 MPa.

R7.6.3.1, p. 93, revised as follows:

R7.6.3.1 Solid slabs and footings have less stringent minimum shear reinforcement requirements than
beams because there is a possibility of load sharing between weak and strong areas. However, research
(Angelakos et al. 2001; Lubell et al. 2004; Brown et al. 2006) has shown that deep, lightly reinforced one-
way slabs, particularly if constructed with high-strength concrete or concrete having a small coarse
aggregate size, may fail at shears less than Vc calculated from Eq. ( prior editions of the Code.
One-way slabs subjected to concentrated loads are more likely to exhibit this vulnerability., p. 202, revised as follows: If the pile cap is designed in accordance with the strut-and-tie method as permitted in,
the effective concrete compressive strength of the struts, fce, shall be calculated in accordance with 23.4.3,
where βs = 0.60λ, and λ is in accordance with 19.2.4., p. 286, revised as follows:

Table R18.2, p. 287, row titled “Diaphragms and trusses”, fourth column “C (”, change the section

R20.5.5.1, p. 388, revised as follows:

R20.5.5.1 For recommendations regarding protection, refer to ACI 423.3R4.2 and 4.3 of Mojtahedi and
Gamble (1978) and ACI 423.73.4, 3.6, 5, 6, and 6.3 of Breen et al. (1994).

23.2.8, p. 442, revised as follows:

23.2.8 The effects of prestressing shall be included in the strut-and-tie model as external loads with load
factors in accordance with 5.3.131. For pretensioned members, it shall be permitted to assume that the
prestress force is applied at the end of the strand transfer length.

R23.3.1, p. 443, revised as follows:

R23.3.1 Factored loads are applied to the strut-and-tie model, and the forces in all the struts, ties, and
nodal zones are calculated. If several load combinations exist, each should be investigated separately. For
a given strut, tie, or nodal zone, FuFus, Fut, or Fun is the largest force in that element for all load
combinations considered.

R23.4.2, p. 443, revised as follows:

23.4.2 Effective compressive strength of concrete in a strut, fce, shall be calculated in accordance with
23.4.3 or 23.4.4., p. 519, revised as follows:

(a) Mineral fillers shall confirm conform to ASTM C1797M., p. 519, revised as follows:

(a) Mixing water shall confirm conform to ASTM C1602M.

Table, p. 524, revised the title of the table as follows:

ERRATA as of November 2, 2020

Chapter 2, p. 32, Fig. R2.1(B) is revised as follows (the leader line for hef now stops at top at the
concrete for (a) and (b)):, p. 111, revised as follows: If vuv > ϕ20.17λsλ fc on the critical section for two-way shear surrounding a column, concentrated load,
or reaction area, As,min, provided over the width bslab, shall satisfy Eq. (

ERRATA as of October 1, 2020

11.6.1, p. 170, revise as follows:

11.6.1 If in-plane Vu ≤ 0.040.5ϕαcλ f c Acv, minimum ρℓ and minimum ρt shall be in accordance

with Table 11.6.1. These limits need not be satisfied if adequate strength and stability can be
demonstrated by structural analysis.
11.6.1, Table 11.6.1, p. 171, revise Table 11.6.1 title as follows:

0.5ϕα λ 

11.6.2, p. 171, revise as follows:

11.6.2 If in-plane Vu > 0.040.5ϕαcλ f c Acv, (a) and (b) shall be…

Appendix C, p. 587, revised as follows:

11.6.1 Vu ≤ 0.040.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu ≤ 0.130.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu ≤ 0.5ϕαcλ fc Acv

11.6.2 Vu > 0.040.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu > 0.130.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu > 0.5ϕαcλ fc Acv

ERRATA as of September 23, 2020

R8., p. 107, first paragraph, second equation, subscript “CD” as noted below:

 v M sc cCD
vu ,CD = vuv −
 v M sc cCD
vu ,CD = vuv −

R18., p. 321, line after Eq. (, change “0.007” to “0.00028” as follows:

where ns shall not be taken less than the quantity 0.0070.00028hwcs.

NOTE: This was corrected in the second printing of the hard copy of this document.

R17., p. 267, change the value of 7 to 0.6 as follows:

R17. Like the concrete breakout tensile strength, the concrete breakout shear strength does not
increase with the failure surface, which is proportional to (ca1)2. Instead, the strength increases
proportionally to (ca1)1.5 due to the size effect. The constant, 7 0.6, in the shear strength equation
( was determined from test data reported in Fuchs et al. (1995) at the 5 percent fractile adjusted
for cracking.
ERRATA as of June 24, 2020

R2.2, p. 15, add the following variables to the commentary notation:

Di = diagonal compression component of shear flow resistance in concrete, lb
Md = moment due to unfactored dead load, in.-lb
Ni = axial tension component of shear flow resistance in longitudinal reinforcement, lb
po = perimeter of area Ao, in.
q = shear flow, lb/in.
εs = strain in steel
εy = yield strain of steel
τ = shear stress, psi

Fig. R6.2.5.3, p. 71, revised clause number in “Slenderness effects at column ends” box to
Table 17.9.2(a), p. 271, revised as highlighted below

Table 17.9.2(a)—Minimum spacing and edge distance requirements

Anchor type
Cast-in anchors Post-installed
Spacing Adhesive, expansion and
parameter Not torqued Torqued undercut anchors Screw anchors
Minimum Greater of 0.6hef and
4da 6da 6da
anchor spacing 6da
Greatest of (a), (b), and (c):
Specified cover (a) Specified cover requirements for reinforcement
requirements for according to
Minimum edge
reinforcement 6da (b) Twice the maximum aggregate size
according to (c) Minimum edge distance requirements according to ACI 355.2 or 355.4, or Table
17.9.2(b) when product information is absent

Table, p. 357, revised as highlighted below

wc, lb/ft3 λ

≤ 100 0.75 (a)

100 < wc ≤ 135 0.00750.00047wc ≤ 1.0 (b)

> 135 1.0 (c)

Appendix C, p. 588, revised as:

1.7λ fc Aj 5.3λ fc Aj 20λ fc Aj
1.3λ fc Aj 4.0λ fc Aj 15λ fc Aj

1.0λ fc Aj 3.2λ fc Aj 12λ fc Aj

0.66λ fc Aj 2.1λ fc Aj 8λ fc Aj

ERRATA as of May 12, 2020, p. 324, revised as:

(b) If special boundary elements are required by (a), then (i) and either (ii) or (iii) shall be satisfied.
(i) Special boundary element transverse reinforcement shall extend vertically above and below the
critical section a least the greater of ℓw and Mu/4Vu, except as permitted in, p. 475, revised as: The total cross-sectional area of ties or stirrups confining hooked bars Ath shall consist of (a) or
(a) Ties or stirrups that enclose the hook and satisfy 25.3.2.
(b) Other reinforcement enclosing the hook, that extends at least 0.75ℓdh from the enclosed hook in the
direction of the bar in tension,.

Ath shall be and is in accordance with (1c) or (2d). For members with confining reinforcement that is both
parallel and perpendicular to ℓdh, it shall be permitted to use the value of Ath based on (1c) or (2d) that
results in the lower value of ℓdh.
(1c) Two or more ties or stirrups shall be provided parallel to ℓdh enclosing the hooks, evenly distributed
with a center-to-center spacing not exceeding 8db, and within 15db of the centerline of the straight portion
of the hooked bars, where db is the nominal diameter of the hooked bar.
(2d) Two or more ties or stirrups shall be provided perpendicular to ℓdh, enclosing the hooked bars, and
evenly distributed along ℓdh with a center-to-center spacing not exceeding 8db, where db is the nominal
diameter of the hooked bar.

R25.7.1.6, p. 497, third paragraph, revise as:

When a rectangular beam fails in torsion, the corners of the beam tend to spall off due to the inclined
compressive stresses in the concrete diagonals of the space truss changing direction at the corner as shown
in Fig. R25.7.1.6(ab). In tests (Mitchell and Collins 1976), closed stirrups anchored by 90-degree hooks
failed when this occurred. For this reason, 135-degree standard hooks or seismic hooks are preferable for
torsional stirrups in all cases. In regions where this spalling is prevented by an adjacent slab or flange, relaxes this requirement and allows 90-degree hooks because of the added confinement from
the slab (refer to Fig. R25.7.1.6(ba)).

A., p. 577, revised as:

A. For structural wall panel zones, Vne shall be calculated in accordance with A.
Vne shall not be taken greater than 25Acv fc .
Appendix C, p. 587, revised as:

11.6.2 Vu ≥ > 0.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu ≥ > 0.5ϕαcλ fc Acv Vu ≥ > 0.5ϕαcλ fc Acv

Appendix C, p. 593, revised as:

 f y  e  r  o  c  1.5  f y  e  r  o  c  1.5  f y  e  r  o  c  1.5

  db   db   db
 23 f c   23 f c   55 f c 
 f y  e  r  o  c  1.5  f y  e  r  o  c  1.5  f y  e  r  o  c  1.5
  db   db   db
 23 f c   23 f c   55 f c 

 0.24 f y   0.075 f y   fy 
  db   db   db
  f c    f c   50 f c 
 0.24 r f y   0.075 r f y   r fy 
  db   db   db
  f c    f c   50 f c  (0.043ψrfy)db (0.0044ψrfy)db (0.0003ψrfy)db

ERRATA as of February 21, 2020, p. 202, revised as:

Except for pile caps designed in accordance with, the pile cap shall be designed such that (a) is
satisfied for one-way foundations and (a) and (b) are satisfied for two-way foundations.
(a) ϕVn ≥ Vu, where Vn shall be calculated in accordance with 22.5 for one-way shear, Vu shall be
calculated in accordance with, and ϕ shall be in accordance with 21.2
(b) ϕvn ≥ vu, where vn shall be calculated in accordance with 22.6 for two-way shear, vu shall be calculated
in accordance with, and ϕ shall be in accordance with 21.2, p. 322, revised as:

For horizontal wall segments and coupling beams, Vn shall not be taken greater than 10 fc Acv Acw ,
where Acw is the area of concrete section of a horizontal wall segment or coupling beam.

ERRATA as of January 3, 2020

R1.2.3, p. 9, revised as:

(a) In English using SI units (ACI 318M)
(b) In Spanish using SI units (ACI 318S).
(c) In Spanish using inch-pound units (ACI 318SUS).
Jurisdictions may adopt ACI 318, ACI 318M, and ACI 318S, or ACI 318SUS.

3.2.5, p. 50, referenced standard revised as:

3.2.5 American Welding Society (AWS)

D1.4/D1.4M:2018—Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing Bars

11.6.2, p. 171, “≤” is not correct and should be corrected/replaced with “>”; revised as:

11.6.2 If in-plane Vu  0.5αc  f c Acv Vu >0.5αc  f c Acv , (a) and (b) shall be satisfied:…

R11.6.2, p. 171, revised as:

R11.6.2 For monotonically loaded walls … If hw/ρw hw/ℓw is greater than 2.5, only a minimum amount of
vertical reinforcement is required (0.0025sh).

R11.8.1.1, p. 172, revised as:

R11.8.1.1 This procedure is presented as an alternative to the requirements of for the out-of-
plane design of slender wall panels, where the panels are restrained against rotationoverturning at the top.

13.1.1, p. 191, revised as:

13.1.1 This chapter shall apply to the design of nonprestressed and prestressed foundations, including
shallow foundations (a) through (f)(e), deep foundations (g)(f) through (i), and retaining walls (j) and (k):

R13.4.5.6, p. 201, reference revised:

R13.4.5.6 … These provisions for precast concrete piles in SDC A and B are based on information from
the 2018 IBCPCI Recommended Practice for the Design, Manufacture, and Installation of Prestressed
Concrete Piling (1993) and the PCI Bridge Design Manual, Chapter 20 (2004)., p. 324, revised as:

(ii) b  0.025 cw

(ii) b  0.025c w

Fig. R18.14.5.1, p. 353, ℓn is not part of the x-axis and, therefore, deleted in the x-axis title and revised as,
R22.6.4.2, p. 412, revised as:
R22.6.4.2 For two-way members with stirrup … Calculated shear stress at this section must not exceed
the limits given in expressions (b)(a) and (d)(e) in Table

23.3.1(c), p. 443, revised as:

(c) Nodal zones: Fnn ≥ FusFun, p. 402, equation revised as: The interaction of shear forces acting along orthogonal axes shall be permitted to be
neglected if (a) or (b) is satisfied.

vu , x Vu , x
(a)  0.5  0.5 (
vn , x Vn , x

vu , y Vu , y
(b)  0.5  0.5 (
vn , y Vn , y

23.4.4, p. 444, equation revised as:

Vu  5 tan  s fc bwd

Vu  5 tan() s f c  bw d

Table 24.2.2, p. 456, table revised as:

Member Condition Deflection to be considered limitation

Not supporting or attached to nonstructural Immediate deflection due to maximum of Lr,

Flat roofs ℓ/180[1]
elements likely to be damaged by large S, and R
Floors ℓ/360Immediate deflection due to L ℓ/360
Immediate deflection due to L

Likely to be damaged That part of the total deflection occurring

by large deflections after attachment of nonstructural elements,
Supporting or attached
Roof or which is the sum of the time-dependent
to nonstructural Not likely to be
floors deflection due to all sustained loads and the
elements damaged by large ℓ/240[4]
immediate deflection due to any additional
live load[2], p. 551, Compliance requirements:

(b) Strength of a shotcrete mixture shall be acceptable if (1) and (2) are satisfied:
(1) Every arithmetic average of the strengths from three consecutive test panels equals or exceeds fc′.

(2) Thethe average compressive strength of three cores from a single test panel is not less than 0.85fc′
with no core having a strength less than 0.75fc′.

(c) If either ofthe requirements of areis not satisfied, steps shall be taken to increase the
average of subsequent strength results.

(d) Requirements for investigating low strength-test results shall apply if the requirements of areis not met.

R26.12.6.1(e), pp. 553-554, revised as:

R26.12.6.1(e) An average core strength of 85 percent … The acceptance criteria for core strengths have
been established with consideration that cores for investigating low strength-test results will typically be
extracted at an age later than specified for fc′. For the purpose of satisfying, this
Code does not intend that core strengths be adjusted for the age of the cores.

R26.13.1.6, p. 556, add reference, revised as:

R26.13.1.6 The installation of all adhesive anchors requires inspection by a certified inspector.
Certification is established through an independent assessment such as the ACI Adhesive Anchor
Installation Inspector program (ACI CPP 681.1-17), the ACI Post-Installed Concrete Anchor Installation
Inspector program (ACI CPP 681.2-19), or similar program with equivalent requirements.

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