Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Profitability: Empirical Evidence On High Profile Industry in Indonesia
Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Profitability: Empirical Evidence On High Profile Industry in Indonesia
Green Accounting, Environmental Performance, and Profitability: Empirical Evidence On High Profile Industry in Indonesia
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
means that the company is willing to take reporting them to related parties.
the desired action by expecting a guarantee Bebbington (1997) says that environmental
for the company's sustainability (Reverte, accounting has been studied since the 1970s
2009). Environmental performance and as part of the broader scope of social
disclosure prove that the company has accounting. Green accounting is necessary
complied with applicable norms and can for creating sustainability, but its
increase public trust and maintain company implementation can also provide challenges
continuity (Murniati & Sovita, 2021). for companies.
Disclosure of environmental costs is
Profitability reporting on costs generated as a form of
Financial performance is the company's company participation in environmental
performance in the financial statements, management (Tunggal & Fachrurrozie,
which is reflected in its ability to meet 2014). Disclosure of environmental costs is
targets. Good financial performance is one also in line with Article 66, paragraph 6 of
thing that encourages investors to invest in Law no. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited
companies (Putra & Wirawati, 2020). This Liability Companies, that companies are
financial performance can be done through also required to report CSR activities in their
financial information contained in the annual reports. Environmental costs include
company's financial statements the cost of environmental facilities, the cost
(Kurniawandi, 2021). Financial ratios are of recycling waste, and the cost of research
tools to assess and evaluate the company's and development of materials (Handayani,
financial conditions and achievements in Kusumaningtias, 2013).
(Rosaline & Wuryani, 2020).
Profitability comes from the word Environmental Performance
"profit," which means earnings or gain. The Environmental performance shows the
profitability ratio measures the company's company's efforts to preserve the
ability to generate profits from its environment (Rosaline & Wuryani, 2020).
operational activities (Weygandt, Kimmel, According to Hernádi (2012), environmental
& Kieso, 2015). The profitability ratio used performance is a fundamental thing that
in this study is ROA. ROA shows the companies need to minimize their
comparison between company profits and environmental impact. Companies limiting
assets owned. The more significant ROA negative environmental impact will result in
number indicates that the company has a good environmental performance
good and efficient ability to manage assets (Chasbiandani et al., 2019). Environmental
to support its operational activities, while a performance can be said to be an action to
low ROA number indicates that the combine attention to the environment in the
company has unproductive assets company's operating activities and
(Setyoningrum, 2020). interactions with stakeholders that exceed
the company's organizational
Green Accounting responsibilities (Widianto & Sari, 2020). The
Green accounting is a company company's environmental performance
disclosure regarding the recognition, level can be seen from its rating on PROPER.
recording, and reporting of environmental PROPER, as stipulated in the Regulation of
activities to make decisions by report users the Minister of Environment and Forestry of
(Lako in Lestari et al., 2019). Hernádi (2012) the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2021,
also defines green accounting as is a program that assesses the company's
environmental accounting that connects efforts in environmental management. The
financial and environmental aspects, PROPER rating is classified based on the
emphasizing analyzing company activities level of environmental management into
that cause environmental changes and five colors: gold, green, blue, red, and black.
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
A gold rating is given to companies that profitability. These results are also
have demonstrated excellence in supported by the research of Ningtyas and
environmental management, while a black Triyanto (2019) and Nisa et al. (2020). Based
rating is given to companies that do not take on this explanation, the hypothesis in this
care of the environment. The PROPER study is:
rating is assessed based on two criteria: H1: Green accounting has a positive effect
compliance with regulations and other on profitability
activities that exceed the required
compliance (beyond compliance) and Effect of Environmental Performance on
regulations relating to water pollution, air Profitability
pollution, waste management, and land Environmental performance is a form
damage control. Activities that exceed the of company legitimacy to be accepted in
required compliance include applying society. The better the company's efforts to
environmental management, including manage the environment, the better its
environmental management systems, reputation. Companies whose activities
community empowerment, social impact the environment will show a good
innovation, and so on. image to stakeholders, so the company's
profitability will also increase. Rosaline and
Company Size Wuryani's research (2020) proves that
Company size shows the condition of environmental performance positively
the company and groups the size of the affects profitability. Similar results were
company based on the number of assets, the proven in the research by Putri et al. (2019).
number of sales, the number of employees, The positive influence between
and so on (Puspitaningrum & Indriani, environmental performance and
2021). The size of the company is related to profitability was also found in Tahu's
its profitability. The larger the company, the research (2019) which revealed that good
greater the number of assets owned, and the company environmental performance
higher the profit that can be generated from would increase investor interest in investing
these assets (Brigham & Houston, in and public interest in buying company
Lorenza, Kadir, & Sjaruddin, 2020). Large products so that company profitability
companies have lower business risk than increases. Based on this explanation, the
small companies because large companies hypothesis in this study is:
have easier access to the capital market to H2: Environmental performance has a
obtain funds that can be used for business positive effect on profitability
development and increased profits
(Sukmayanti & Triaryati, 2019). Conceptual Framework
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
Quantitative data in this study are ROA data The ROA indicator measures
and company size, while data on green profitability. The higher the ROA, the better
accounting and environmental performance the company can manage assets to generate
variables are quantified data. profits. The following formula measures
The population used in this study are ROA:
companies classified as high-profile 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒
𝑅𝑂𝐴 = × 100%
industries listed on the IDX for the 2017- 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠
2021 period. Sampling in this study was The total asset measures company size. The
conducted by non-probability sampling greater the total amount of assets, the larger
using the purposive sampling method. the company's size.
Purposive sampling is a sampling method The following formula measures
based on specific criteria (Hartono, 2018). company size:
The criteria for selecting the sample in this 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑧𝑒 = ln(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠)
study include the following: Observational data were processed
1. High-profile industry companies listed using the SPSS 25 program. The analytical
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for procedures used in this study were
2017-2021. descriptive statistical analysis, classical
2. PROPER participants in 2017-2021. assumption test, multiple linear regression
3. Companies that issue annual and analysis, and hypothesis testing.
financial reports for 2017-2021. The regression equation of this study is
4. Companies that do not experience as follows:
losses during 2017-2021. 𝑌 = 𝛼 + 𝛽1 . 𝑥1 + 𝛽2 . 𝑥2 + 𝛽3 . 𝑥3 + 𝑒
Y = Dependent variable
Based on these criteria, the sample (profitability)
companies in this study amounted to 69 𝛼 = Constant
companies. The number of observational 𝛽1 , 𝛽2 , 𝛽3 = Regression coefficient
data in this study is 255 data. 𝑥1 = Independent variable (green
Green accounting is measured by accounting)
indicators of environmental cost 𝑥2 = Independent variable
components in financial statements using a (environmental
dummy variable. Companies that report performance)
environmental costs are assigned a score of 𝑥3 = Control variable (company
1, while companies that do not are assigned size)
a score of 0. E = Error term
Company rating indicators measure
environmental performance in PROPER. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
The PROPER rating is categorized into five Descriptive Statistics
colors: gold, green, blue, red, and black. A The green accounting variable has the
gold rating is given to companies with good lowest value of 0, the highest value of 1, an
environmental performance, while a black average of 0.11, and a standard deviation of
rating is given to companies with poor 0.308. The environmental performance
environmental performance. variable has the lowest value of 2, the
The value of the company according to highest value of 5, an average of 3.07, and a
its PROPER rating is as follows: standard deviation of 0.476. The firm size
Gold =5 variable has the lowest value of 26,790, the
Green =4 highest value of 32.485, an average of 29,722,
Blue =3 and a standard deviation of 1.441. The
Red =2 profitability variable has the lowest value of
Black =1 0.001, the highest value of 0.527, an average
of 0.069, and a standard deviation of 0.069.
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
environment also present reports on the from the results of descriptive statistics, the
environment that are separate from the average value of environmental
financial statements. Such environmental performance and profitability variables in
reporting is not regulated by Financial the research of Nisa et al. (2020) are 3.81 and
Accounting Standards (SAK). The absence 13.291, while the average values of
of accounting standards for green environmental performance and
accounting is why companies, especially profitability variables in this study are 3.07
those studied, do not report environmental and 0.069. The increase in the environmental
costs, so this study does not find any effect performance variable's average value causes
of green accounting on profitability. the profitability variable's average value to
It is important for company increase, so it can be concluded that
stakeholders to know about environmental environmental performance positively
costs to show that companies still pay affects profitability.
attention to the environment in their Companies that show excellence in
operational activities, but many companies environmental performance have better
still do not report these environmental costs. profitability than companies that do not
This result contradicts stakeholder theory, comply with environmental regulations.
which states that companies are responsible High profitability is obtained from high
for carrying out and reporting actions that profits, and the company's income
lead to stakeholders' interests. The results of influences high profits. This significant
this study prove that the company has not income comes from the number of people
carried out its responsibility to report who use or consume goods and services
environmental costs even though most from a company. The results of this study
companies have carried out activities indicate that the better the environmental
related to the environment. People do not performance, the more people who use a
consider reporting environmental costs company's products, and the higher the
before buying a company's products, so company's profitability. This finding is also
green accounting does not affect company supported by a survey conducted by Clutch,
profitability (Rosaline & Wuryani, 2020). a business data provider platform. The
This is contrary to the legitimacy theory, survey conducted in 2019 shows that people
which says that companies are obliged to are more concerned with environmentally
carry out activities related to the friendly business practices and social
environment as legitimacy so that the responsibility than the price of goods or
company's sustainability is maintained. The services offered by companies. The survey
results of this study prove that reporting also found that 75% of respondents prefer to
environmental costs does not guarantee the shop from companies with the same views
company's sustainability. as them so that people concerned about the
These results are compatible with the environment can increase the profitability of
results of the research done by Putri et al. companies that also show concern for the
(2019), Chasbiandani et al. (2019), and Nisa environment.
et al. (2020), who also found that This result is in line with stakeholder
environmental performance had a positive theory and legitimacy theory. The theory
effect on profitability. The similarity of states that good environmental performance
research methods and characteristics of the will improve the company's image to attract
research object influences the similarity of stakeholders such as the public and
these results. Research by Putri et al. (2019) investors to increase company profitability.
and Chasbiandani et al. (2019) was This study proves that the companies
conducted on manufacturing companies, studied have balanced their business
while the research of Nisa et al. (2020) was activities with environmental activities. The
conducted on mining companies. Judging descriptive statistical analysis results
Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022
explain that the companies studied have an not affect the size of the company's
average blue PROPER rating and none have profitability.
a black PROPER rating. 2. Environmental performance has a
The results of hypothesis testing positive effect on profitability. The
indicate that firm size has a negative effect better the company's compliance with
on profitability. This study proves that the environmental regulations and
greater the number of company assets, the environmental management activities,
lower the company's ROA. Conversely, the the higher the profitability.
smaller the company's assets, the higher the 3. Firm size has a negative effect on
company's ROA. profitability. A greater number of
These results align with Brastibian and company assets can reduce its ability to
Rinofah (2020) research, which used generate profits.
pharmaceutical companies as the Suggestions that can be given for
population. Judging from the results of further research include the following:
descriptive statistics, the average value of 1. Further research is expected to be able
firm size and profitability variables in to add variables with other variables
Brastibian and Rinofah's research (2020) is not examined in this study because the
25,439 and 12,653, while the average value adjusted R2 value of this study was only
of company size and profitability variables 5.8%. Variables that can be added are
in this study is 29,722 and 0.069. The average CSR disclosures which are also related
value of the company size variable that to the environment and affect the
increases causes the average value of the company's profitability.
profitability variable to decrease, so it can be 2. Further research is expected to increase
concluded that company size has a negative the research population from other
effect on profitability. sectors, such as companies
According to Wakhidati and Idayati participating in PROPER or Asia
(2022), large company assets do not Sustainability Reporting Rating
guarantee high profitability either because (ASSRAT), which are also related to the
an increase does not match the increase in environment.
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Vol. 5 No. 2 December 2022