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Emulsification Rate of Sheet-Fed Offset Ink and Its Effect On Pri

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Emulsification rate of sheet-fed offset ink and its effect on printed

Qingyi Chen

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Chen, Qingyi, "Emulsification rate of sheet-fed offset ink and its effect on printed quality" (1986). Thesis.
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Ching-Yih Chen

A thesis summitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the
School Printing in the College of Graphic Arts and

Photography of the Rochester Institute of Technology

May, 1986

Thesis advisor: Mr. Chester J. Daniels

School of Printing
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York



This is to certify that the Master's Thesis of

Ching-Yih Chen
name of student

With a major in Printing Technology

has been approved by the Thesis Committee as
satisfactory for the thesis requirement for the
Master of Science degree at the convocation of
May, 1986
Thesis Committee: Chester J. Daniels
Thesis Advisor
Joseph L. Noga
Graduate Program Coordinator
Miles Southworth
Director or Designate
Re ' sed sample statement for grant1ng or deny1ng permission to

relroduce an RIT thesis.

T1 tle of Thes1s t::JJ2u/s/f 'cc:rft'oY/ &lte of 5Ae ei---{<?d off~et folc

40d Ir~ ~ffocf On ,PYlnted' (,?:Jd,/-rY'
I ~_C_h_i_n~g~-_Y_i_h_C~h_e_n~~~~~~~~~~ hereby (g~ant,
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---------------------------------------------------- prefer to be

contacted each time a rcqu~st f6r reprodu~tion is made. I can be

reached at the following address.


This thesis was made by the support of the Thesis Committee in

the Rochester Institute of Technology.

A very special note of appreciation is extended to Mr. Chester J.

Daniels for his extra efforts in technical guidance and for his permission

to use the equipments in the Ink and Paper laboratory.

Also Robert Pre-

acknowledged are the assistance of Dr. Hacker,

fessor Robert Chung and Dr. Julius Silver. Their scrutiny minimized

errors and added to the completeness of the writing. The author also

thanks Ms. C.P. Huang for her encouragement.

The printing and preparation of paper, printing plate and inks

were made available by the support from T & E Center of Rochester Insti

tute of Technology, for which I am indeed grateful.






Statement of the Problem 2

Assumptions 5
Footnotes for Chapter One 7


Emulsif ication 9
Effect of Fountain Solution on Performance 12
Lithographic Plates 14
Effect of Surface Water 15
Optical Density Loss Versus Water Gain 17
Ink and Water Balance 18
Footnotes for Chapter Two 20



Experimental Design 22
Test of Emulsif ication Rate 23
Mixer 23
Prestirring of the Ink 23
Addition of the Fountain Solution 24
Mixing Speed 24
Separation of Free Solution 24
Testing Temperature 24
Relative Humidity 24
Gravimetric Versus Volumetric Determination 24
Preparation of Fountain Solution 24
Tensiometer 24
Calibration 25
Preparation 26
Effect of Surface Water on the Tack Reading 27
Setup 27
Inkometer 28


Direct Reading Attachment 29
X-Y Recorder 29
Sample Volume 29
Standard Operation Procedures 30
Plate Making and Press Run 30
Plate 30
Selected Inks and Fountain Solutions 31
Paper 31
Press 31
Operator 32
Standard Operation Procedures 32
Footnotes for Chapter Four 36


Introduction. 37
Emulsif ication Rate Test Results 38
Per Cent Addition of Isopropyl Alcohol and the Surface
Tension 49
Effect of Surface Water on Tack Reading 50
Printing Press Run 51
Introduction 51
Observation During the On Press Experiment 51
Results 52
Printing Characteristics of the Four Test Experi
ment 57
Comparison of the Printing Results Which Are Asso
ciated with the Four Different Emulsification Rate
Curves 62
Test of Hypothesis 62


Appendix 1 68

Table Page

1 Two by Two Experimental Design 23

2 Per Cent Mixture of Diluted Fountain Solution, Isopropyl

Alcohol and Distilled Water and the Produced Surface

Tension 26

3 Ink Data of Eight Sheet-Fed Offset Inks for Emulsifica

tion Rate Test 38

4 Emulsification Rate Test Results 39

5 Repeatability Test of Four Selected Inks 42

6 Tack Drop Data of 10 Selected Sheet-Fed Offset Inks in

Various Volume of Surface Water 49

7A Solid Ink Density Data Collected From Press Run 1-1.... 53

7B Solid Ink Density Data Collected From Press Run 1-2 54

7C Solid Ink Density Data Collected From Press Run II-l... 55

7D Solid Ink Density Data Collected From Press Run II-2... 56

8A Frequency Distribution of 7A 53

8B Frequency Distribution of 7B 54

8C Frequency Distribution of 7C 55

8D Frequency Distribution of 7D 56

9A Ink Density Data of 50% Dot Area Collected From Press

Run 1-1 53

9B Ink Density Data of 50% Dot Area Collected From Press

Run 1-2 54

9C Ink Density Data of 50% Dot Area Collected From Press

Run II-l 55


Table Page

9D Ink Density of 50% Dot Area of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run II-2 56

10 Average Dot Gain Obtained From Each Test Combination... 57

11 Average Solid Ink Density and the 2 Sigma Interval... 62

12 Average Dot Gain and the 2 Sigma Interval 62


13 Average Solid Ink Density and the 2 Sigma Interval

(Modified) 64

14 Average Dot Gain and the 2 Sigma Interval (Modified). 64


Figure Page

1 Ink-in-Water Emulsion 10

2 Water-in-Ink Emulsion 10

3 Surland's Emulsification Rates Versus Press Performance 11

4 Water Film Transferred to Image Areas ny Fountain Form

Rollers As- Well As Non-Image Areas 15

5 Ink Response Due to Addition of Surface Water in the Tack

Reading 16

6 Solid Ink Density Change As a Function of Water Feed

Level 18

7 Layout of Inkometer, Direct Reading Attachment and X-Y

Recorder 28

8 Layout of Two Printing Plates Used in Printing Press

Runs 33

9 Layout of Printing Test Form 34

10 Graphic Representation of Table 4 40

11 Graphic Representation of Table 5 44

12 Inkometer Tack Readings of Ink #6-M 46

13 Inkometer Tack Readings of Ink #6 47

14 Emulsification Rate Curves of Two Inks Under Two Types

of Fountain Solution i 48

15 Surface Tension Versus Per Cent Isopropanol 49

16 Dot Gain of Press Run 1-1 58

17 Dot Gain of Press Run 1-2 59


Figure Page

18 Dot Gain of Press Run II-l 60

19 Dot Gain of Press Run II-2 61




Ching-Yih Chen

A thesis summitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Master of Science in the
School Printing in the College of Graphic Arts and

Photography of the Rochester Institute of Technology

May, 1986

Thesis advisor: Mr. Chester J. Daniels


This thesis is a study of Surland's Emulsification Method, and

is intended to demonstrate the effect of change in emulsification rate

curve with different types of fountain solution whose surface tension

was varied. The surface tension of a fountain solution can be changed

by the addition of isopropyl alcohol. Two inks were modified to produce

the same tack reading but a different emulsification capacity. Using

the Surland method the two inks and two fountain solutions generate four

different emulsification rate curves and these four curves are tested for

their effect on printed quality.

The printing performance of an ink is judged by the ease with

which an ink can obtain ink-water balance as well as the degree of freedom

from printing "catching


problems such as and plate scumming.

The printed sheets are sampled and the data is analyzed statis

tically using solid ink density and dot gain as response variables. The

RIT Symmetrical Scale was included in the printing form design to faci

litate solid ink density measurement and dot gain calculation. Solid ink

density and dot gain variations are calculated within each

printing run.

The addition of isopropul alcohol to a dampening solution not only

reduces its surface tension and increase its wettability but it also

suppresses an ink's continuous emulsification tendency. Ink and water

balance is easily controlled when a printing ink is able to reach a state

of equilibrim with dampening solution.

On the basis of observation during the on press printing run it was

found that a high percentage of isopropyl alcohol in a dampening solution

can dissolve the blue toner from the black ink and requires an increase

of ink feed to obtain the desired optical density.

This study indicates the tendency of plate "catching up" can be

associated with emulsification rate curves. The Pb type of emulsifica-

tion rate curve can be so modified that press run will encounter fewer

problems. Density variation within a press run is then more easily controlled.

Abstract approved: Chester J. Daniels ,thesis

------------------------------- advisor

Senior Technologist, title and department



Sheet-fed offset lithographic presses are designed and manufac

tured with the assumption that press controls will be manipulated by

skilled pressmen. The skill, experience and familarity of the operator

with a particular press dictate his success of press adjustment resulting

in successful control. The printing plates used on these presses consist

of two distinct phases, an image area and a non-image area. The image

area is treated to accept the ink and repel the water, while non-image

area is treated to accept the water and repel the ink. In the actual

printing operation the two phases established by the plate are difficult

to maintain with a uniform result throughout a printing run because of

the interaction of ink-water and surface properties established by

the plate. This is partially due to the continuous contact of image sur

faces with the dampening fountain roller and partially due to the ink

and water interaction. Ink and fountain solution interaction also in

fluence the normal functioning of the inking unit .

There are many factors that might directly or indirectly


cause a change of printing working condition and these changes

are not evident until the pressman inspects the printed sheets. The press

man always makes his judgement on the basis of the printed sheet andJthen

makes the appropriate adjustments to the press.

The author believes that density variation on the printed sheet

will be small if the process is stable. The process can be expected

to be stable if pressman can select an optimum combination of ink and

fountain solution prior to printing.

Statement of the Problem

A viable control technique to reduce color variation in printing

short run four color jobs for sheet-fed offset lithographic presses is a

very desirable goal. Color variation is thought of as a serious process

flaw because the customer will quickly recognize the problem when he re

views the printed sheets. Process control is an important function of the

pressman. Most press persons apply their skills to this end but sometimes

they fail most likely because of the materials they are using.

Color variation is defined as the hue change among the printed

sheets. Causes of color variation in printing in short run four-color

printing with a sheet-fed offset lithographic press may be due to incorrect

setting of ink feed and water feed, misregistration , the character of

ink emulsification, ink and water interaction and imcompatibility with

the type of ink and fountain solution selected. T. Lehtonen, researcher

at the Technical Research Center of Finland studied the effect of ink feed

on the variation in density of lithographic prints and concluded that

in printing presses, most of the variation of solid ink density originates

from variables that affect the amount of ink fed by the ducter roller .

Although ink trapping is considered a cause of color variation in

color printing in wet on wet offset lithographic printing, it is usually

considered neglegible in single color sheet-fed offset lithographic


A test of the effect of each possible factor on the consistency

of ink density on the printed sheet can give an idea of how each

different variable functions on the press. The effect of each factor

and the interaction between the factors to be tested shall be studied.

Ink, fountain solution, paper and plate are considered as the sources or

factors that cause the variation in the printed result. The response

variables are expected to be solid ink density and dot gain.

A factorial experimental design is used for testing. It is

powerful in many respects :

1. The effect of several factors can be studied in the same experiment.

2. The effect of each factor at all levels of the other factors can be

tested and discovered whether or not this effect change as the others


3. It allows testing not only for the effects of the factors separately-

the main effects-but also to test for interactions-joint effects of

two or more factors combined.

4. Every judgement was made about the effects of the factor is based on

all the observations accumulated in the entire set of experiments,

not merely on a few of the observations. Thus factorial experiments

are more sensitive in the detection of small effects.

The set of combinations which cause the lowest ink density va

riation in the test printed sheets is considered the best one for that

press under that particular working condition. It is considered the

best set of combinations because it allows the press process to work

with optimum stability.

The following is a summary of the factors to be concerned:

1. Ink: Inks used for sheet-fed offset lithographic printing are made to
accept some amount of water from the dampening fountain solu

tion. An ink containing dispersed water must continue to dis

tribute on the ink rollers and transfer well from blanket to

paper. A good ink may contain between 10 and 20 per cent by

volume of water without loss of working properties. Some inks

have printed well with even larger volumes of water present and

others break down as soon as 5 per cent water uptake is ex

ceeded . The rate of emulsification theory proposes that it

is essential for the lithographic process that ink has some

capacity to emulsify dampening solution into it's body . Emul

sification rate is thought to have an effect on ink transfer

ence. Ink containing dispersed water must vaporize it's water

or be forced to vaporize water content in order to maintain its

emulsifying capacity.

2. Fountain solution: Fountain solution is used to wet the non-image

areas of the printing plate. The surface tension of a fountain

solution is a measure of the strength of intermolecular forces.

The surface tension of fountain solution can be determined by

means of an instrument called the Du Nouy Tensiometer. Usually

fountain solution surface tension ranges between 35 to 70 dynes/cm.

The most popular method for lowering the surface tension of

fountain solution is by addition of chemicals such as isopropanol,

glycols or surfactants . Fountain solutions with low surface

tension tend to wet surfaces better than fountain solutions

with high surface tension . In press operation, pressman must

maintain a water film such that complete coverage of non-image

areas is maintained. The printing process would be expected

to be affected in its stability due to inefficiency of ink to

emulsify fountain solution input from the dampening roller.

Excessive surface water may cause a variation of ink transfer

among the rollers.

3. Plate: A common type of scum found on grained metal plates is residual

coating sum . This kind of scum was caused by the coating that

remains on the plate after development. The desensitized etch

may keep the non-image areas clear of ink for several hundred

prints and then the non-image areas of the plate would start to


take inks. The means desensitizing the non-image

areas of the plate to ink. This is an important step in the

platemaking process. Its purpose is to add a thin, invisible, but

tightly adhering water-receptive gum film to the non-image areas.

This film acts as a barrier to prevent ink from contacting and

sticking to the plate metal. If the plate accidentally takes

ink in the non-image area, the dampening solution causes the ink

to be released and the plate clean up . The plate which has an

insufficient degree of desensitizing requires more fountain

solution to keep the non-image areas clean.


Sheet-fed lithographic presses can produce more consistent ink

density throughout the printing run if the process is maintained at a

stable working condition. It is assumed that ink density variation among

the printed sheets is due to process fluctuation in its inner mechanism.

Ink and water balance can not be maintained properly. Ink which has the

capacity of being more forgiving to the presence of fountain solution

should be able to keep the process in a stable working condition pre

sumably resulting in lower ink density variation among the printed sheets,

Fountain solution with various surface tension will contribute to

printing process variation due to change in the amount of water feed

required. Fountain solution may cause difficulty if the surface water

can not be removed by the ink used for that printing.


1. Koniecki, Joseph, Adkins, Ronald, Blom, Bruce, and Concannon, "Ink/

Paper/Fountain Solution
TAGA Proc. 1983, p. 259-282.

Color Variation As Function

2. Chen, Jang-Fun, "An Investigation of

of Register in Dot-on-Dot Multicolor Halftone TAGA Proc.

1984. p. 315-334.

3. Lehtonen, T., "Effect of Ink Feed on the Variation in Density of

Advances in Printing Science and Technology,
1975, p. 269-297.

4. Rickmers, Albert D. ,
and Todd, Hollis N., Statistics, Mcgraw-Hill,
New York, 1967.

5. Askew, F.A., Printing Ink Manual, W. Heffer and Sons, Cambridge,

England, 1969.

6. Karttunen, Simo, and Manninen, Mikko, "Water-Ink Interaction in

Advances in Printing Science and Technology,
1976, p. 163-174.

7. Schlapfer, K. , "Wettability Phenomena and Their Significance in the

TAGA Proc. 1975, p. 85-99.
Lithographic Printing

8. Master ton, William L. and Slowinski, Emil J., Chemical Principles,

Saunders, Philadelphia, 1977.

9. Latham, Charles W. , Advances Pressmanship, Graphic Arts
Foundation, Pittsburgh, 1963.

10. Latham, Charles W. , Lithographic Offset Press Operating,
Arts Technical Foundation, Pittsburgh, i95b.



In a recent work Aage Surland points out that lithographic ink

efficiency can be affected by the ability of ink to emulsify fountain

solution and the range of ink to balance with fountain solution . His

findings are new and are consistent with other authors who studied the

effect of water on ink. In lithographic printing ink and water are con

tinuously fed into the system via ink form rollers and the dampening

system. Ink and water interact with each other and lead to emulsifica


There are two central mechanisms which lead to water in ink emul-

sification during lithographic printing .

1 . The first mechanism occurs in the inker form rollers/plate

nips in the image areas. A thin ink film left in the image areas

in the plate/blanket nip is covered with fountain solution in the

dampener/plate nips and comes in the nip against a thicker ink


2. The second mechanism occurs in the inker form roller/drum nips

in the non-image areas. The ink film on the ink form rollers

pick up water from the surface of the well dampened non-image

areas and comes against the ink film on the inker drum and its

surface water. Because there is usually a significant amount of

non-image area on the plate, this mechanism is very important.

Ink emulsification was furthur studied by Surland and he proposes char-

acterizing inks by their rate of emulsification.


Oil and ink tend not to mix because there is a greater attration

of water molecules for each other and of oil molecules for each other than

between water molecules and oil molecules. If the ink is such that it

has both a strong attraction for oil molecules and a strong attraction

for water molecules, it will be capable of producing a colloidal solution.

If the dispersing substance also has an attraction for oil molecules, and

if an oil is contacted or mixed with the colloidal solution, the oil may

be dispersed into small droplets and an oil-in-water type of emulsion can

result (Figure 1). Each droplet has a surface film of the dispersing

agent with the oleophilic group in the oil phase and the hydrophilic

group in the water phase. On the other hand, if the effect of the oil-

soluble portion of the molecule having mixed properties is sufficiently

great, the substance can dissolve in water. The water-solubilizing group,

however, has an attraction for water, and if the solution is contacted or

mixed with water, the latter may be dispersed in the oil and produce a

water-in-ink type of emulsion (Figure 2). These are two types of emul-

sification that exist in every lithographic press .

Figure 1: Ink*in-Water Emulsion Figure 2: Waterin-Ink Emulsion

Inks are manufactured for the sheet-fed offset lithographic industry with

various brand names by many different ink makers. Inks are different in

their constituents and each individual ink has its own operating char

acteristic. Some inks might contain more emulsifying agents than other

inks and these inks would be expected to have a greater tendency to emul


Aage Surland developed a procedures to determine the rate of

emulsification and then related this information to actual lithographic

performance. He classified thousands of lithographic inks after labo

ratory tests into six curves i.e. Pa, Pb, Pc, Pd, Pe, Pf. These curves

were plotted as the amount of weight of

dampening solution emulsified by

100 grams of ink as a function of time in minutes. The Y axis, repre

senting full miscibility between the two phases, (ink and dampening solu

tion) and X axis representing absolute repellency between the phases.

Figure 3 shows the six different possible emulsification rate curvts .











5 6 7
Time in Minutes
Water Balance (a)

Figure 3: Surland's Emulsification Rates Versus Press Performance

The ink represented by curve Pa scums because it is miscible with water

and both image and non-image areas of the plate accept ink. The ink

represented by curve Pb shows rather narrow water balance and these inks

are said to have a tendency for dot spread, mottled solids and low solid

ink density in the printing. The narrow water balance requires that the

feed of ink and dampening solution has to be readjusted frequently on

the press. The inks represented by curve Pc exhibit wide water balance,

are remarkably easy to run on the press and reproduce the plate image

with a high degree of fidelity. The solid ink density is even. When the

ink reaches its maximum rate of emulsification it tends to maintain a


constant emulsification rate. The ink represented by curve Pd has very

narrow water balance. When this ink reaches a maximum level of emulsi

fication it reverses the emulsification process and increases water re-

pellency to a point that the printed result shows a tendency toward dot

sharpening. There also may be solids with high contrast mottling and

low printed density. The ink represented by curve Pf can be a suffix

to any types of the other curves. The ink ends up performing similarly

to a Pd type of ink. The ink represented by curve Pe can not print

images because this type of ink repels water strongly and transfer of

ink to the image areas is prevented by the water film which is normally

present over the ink form roller and plate image .

Rate of emulsification is a plot of the amount of weight of

fountain solution emulsified by a given ink as a function of time in

minutes. Brad E. Evans reviewed Surland '& emulsification method and dis

covered ink of low water pick-up will emulsify more when in contact with

a lower surface tension fountain solution while ink of high water pick

up will emulsify less fountain solution of lower surface tension .

Emulsification rate of ink is affected by the fountain solution selected.

In order to select a proper fountain solution it is desirable to use Sur

land's emulsification method to analyse the effectiveness of the ink to

emulsify the fountain solution.

Effect of i Fountain Solution 6n"Pefformance-

Fountain solution is used to wet the non-image areas of the plate

and prevent the non-image areas from taking ink from ink form rollers.

All fountain solutions are very dilute solutions of chemicals such as cal-

cium floride, chromic sulfate, chrome alum, tannic acid, glycerin, nickel

salts, etc. Fountain solution which has a high surface tension may have

more difficulty to wet the non-image areas completely than fountain solu

tion which has a low surface tension. Fountain solution with a lower

surface tension may tend to wet the images of the plate possibly

causing problems with ink transfer and image sharpening. Wetting agents

can be used to lower the surface tension of the fountain solution and

these can affect the emulsification capacity of the ink. Surland studied

and evaluated the effects of the fountain solution on the rate of emulsi

fication. He concludes that the significant variation of ink perfor

mance with the different fountain solutions, shows that the selection of

dampening solution is of great importance for the efficiency of the print

ing process . Inks perform well when the fountain solution has a sur

face tension of about 40 dynes/cm. The ink has poor performance when the

fountain solution is about 65-70 dynes/cm.

In sheet fed lithographic printing it is important to select

the proper fountain solution for the ink to be used. Improper select-

tion of fountain solution can result in poor ink performance and cause

troubles for the pressman. Inappropriate selection of materials may

require pressman to spend an inordinate amount of time to control ink

and water balance. For color printing each process ink might as well

need a different fountain solution if better performance is to be

achieved. This might be very important because Surland's performance

gradings of fountain solutions shows that a set of four colors ink using

the same type of fountain solution do not have the same gradings on

their performance.

Lithographic Plates

It is very important that the platemaker make a good plate for

the pressman. A good plate is more forgiving to broad changes in ink

and fountain solution characteristics thus the pressman can print accept

ably with greater ease. If the plate is not made well then it becomes

difficult for the pressman to maintain ink and water balance. Excessive

fountain solution feed may be required in order to keep the plate clean

with a trade off for transfer problems due to excess of surface water.

This situation can become worse if the ink used has a narrow range

of water balance. In a production situation, plates are often not

well processed due to negligence or other reasons causing erratic re

sponse on the press. One solution to the problem can be the selection

of an ink with a wide range of water balance that reducing the need for

constant press adjustment and thereby reducing waste on time and materials.

To maintain consistent printed ink density throughout the run li

mited variation in the process is required for each commerial job. To

maintain quality the pressman must carefully observe the printed sheets,

then make adjustments as necessary to ink feed or water feed in order to

minimize variation in printed ink density.

There are coarse, medium, fine and grainless plates. Finer

allows the use of a finer screen and it is expected that better


formed dots will be printed. Less water used in the process might be

expected to reduce problems of the effect of water in ink and obtain

constant ink transfer .

Choosing the proper fountain solution for a given ink and choosing

an ink with a wide range of water balance may reduce difficulties with

plates with both medium or fine grain. Inappropriate combinations of

ink and fountain solution can increase printing problems when the print

ing plate was not well made.

Effect of Surface Water

In each
printing cycle the image area is wet by the fountain

form roller. Figure 4 illustrates the water film transferred to the

image areas by the fountain form roller as well as non-image areas .

Figure 4:

Water Film Transferred

to Image Areas by Foun
tain Form Rollers as Well
As Non-Image Areas

The effect of surface water is dependent on the capacity of an ink to

emulsify water. If the printing ink being used has very poor emulsifi

cation capacity then surface water can inhibit ink transfer because the

ink transfer is based on ink film splitting . Increase in ink feed will

not improve ink transfer but might cause scumming .

Preliminary studies

of the effect of surface water on the ink tack readings indicates that

its presence will reduce the ink tack readings on the inkometer. Various

inks produce different responses due to the same amount of surface water

added to inkometer rollers. Some inks produce only a minute change in

the tack readings when water is added. Figure 5 shows ink tack readings

change with respond to the addition of same amount of surface water in

different sheet-fed offset inks.




10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Time in Seconds

Figure 5: Ink Response Due to Addition of Surface Water in the

Tack Reading

This preliminary study indicates that different types of lithographic

sheet-fed offset inks have different response toward the added fountain :."

solution. An ink with poor emulsifying capacity can be seriously affected


by the existence of surface water film in its ability to transfer. The

time needed for the drop in ink tack on the inkometer to return to the

original tack reading seems to be related to the surface tension of the

fountain solution but furthur investigation is required.

Optical Density Loss Versus Water Gain

T.A. Fadner and F.J. Doyle studied 6 types of lithographic news

ink for water pick-up . The result of their experiment indicates that

some inks required lower dampening setting to print scum free while

other inks required a higher dampening setting. The inks which required

higher dampening setting often print with a lower optical density. If

the ink has a lower emulsification capacity a greater ink density var

iation is found. The ink which required a lower dampening setting can

run with higher optical density but the printed density variation is

still related to its emulsification capacity. The test ink with the

lowest printed density variation is the ink with an emulsification rate

curve similar to that ppinted out by Surland as an ideal ink. This ink

has about 129% of water pick-up rate and water balance at 6 minutes.

All the test inks are shown to have a tendency to decrease in

ink density after the second and the third recycled printing run but the

degree of decrease is dependent on the type of ink used. The ink that

requires the higher dampening setting in order to run scum free should

have adequate emulsifying capacity or the result will be large variation

sheets. The density variation is caused mainly by the

among the printed

existence of surface water on the test ink which produced the greatest

printed optical density change. This type of ink is similar to the ink

which has an emulsification curve shown by Surland as Pe type.

It is very possible that printed density variation among the

printed sheets can be reduced by a choice of ink anf fountain solution

such that the ink will transfer properly without being disturbed by the

surface water. The printing process can continue functioning stably.

With the appropriate choice of materials the printing process can pro

ceed most smoothly. Improper ink and fountain solution combinations

can cause the process to fluctuate and result in undesirable variation.

Ink and Water Balance

Ink and water balance is defined as the amount of ink and water

delivered to the plate to produce the correct contrast . Figure 6 is a

simplified illustration representing the meaning of ink and water ba


w : water marking point

Water Feed Level

Figure 6: Solid Ink Density Change As a Function of Water Feed


The pressman has some limited leeway in printed density by increasing

or decreasing the ink film thickness. This is shown in Figure 6 as the

optical density range ab. Surland defined ink and water balance as

the water feed at which printing is obtained free of scumming and water

marking . The ink which has a wide range of water balance is one that

prints well after scumming and can continue to print well with more

water feed. Zero water balance is an ink that can not produce an

acceptable print with any combination of water and ink feed. In general

it can be expected that most inks have a very small water balance area;

improper control can lead to fill-in or scumming.

In the printing operation there are a number of factors that

alter the ink and water balance, notably

1. The amount of water delivered to the plate.

2. The amount of gum used in the water

3. The water resistence of the ink.

4. The quality of the image in relation to ink receptability.

5. The amount of water emulsified in the ink at a given instant.

A suitable lithographic sheet-fed offset ink according to Surland's

suggestion should have wide water balance capacity as well as adequate

emulsification capacity.


1. Surland, Aage, "A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of Litho

graphic Ink TAGA Proc. 1980, p. 222-247.

2. Karttunen, Simo, and Manninen, Mikko, "Water-Ink Interaction in

Lithographic Advances in Printing Science and Technology,

1976, p. 163-174.

3. Noller, Carl R., Chemistry of Organic Compounds, Sauders, Phila


delphia, 1965.

4. Surland, Aage, "Factors Determining the Efficiency of Lithographic

TAGA Proc. 1983, p. 191-233.

5. Ibid. Surland Aage, "Factors Determining the Efficiency of Lithographic


6. Evans, Brad E., "Surland Emulsification Test GATF
Annual Research Department Report, 1982/1983, p. 85-92.

7. Ibid. Surland Aage, "A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of Litho
graphic Ink Performance,".

8. Latham, Charles W., Advanced Pressmanship, Graphic Arts Technical

Foundation, Pittsburgh, 1963.

9. Cozzens, Samuel L., Butto, Anthony M. Schaeffer, William D.,

, and

Zettlemoyer A.C., "Ink Penetration During High-Speed Printing of

Uncoated Paper in the Printing Processes, Advances in
Printing Science and Technology, 1965, p. 1-21.

10. Ibid. Karttunen.

11. Fadner, T.A., and Doyle, F.J., "Real-Time Rates of Water Pick Up

by Lithographic TAGA Proc. 1985.

12. Virtanen, Jouko, and Lindqvist, Llf , "Testing Methods for Litho-
Offset Plates and Their Compatibility with the Process, TAGA Proc.
1983, p. 237-258.

13. Ibid. Surland Aage, "A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of

Lithographic Inks,".

14. Askew, F.A., Printing Ink Manual, W. Heffer and Sons, Cambridge,
England, 1969.



Research Question

Does Surland's method of classifying ink quality also predict

the variability of solid ink density and dot gain ?


The working hypothesis for this study is summarized by the follow


If a simulated printing production run is conducted using both an

ideal ink (Pc type) and a non-ideal ink (Pb type) then the ideal ink is

expected to produce a lower variability in solid ink density and dot gain.

The size of variation is determined two standard deviation and the

values may be compared directly.

We will reject the statement that the printing using a Pc type of

inks will produce a smaller variation of solid ink density and/or dot

gain if the sample sheets collected from one of the two printing runs

using the ideal inks has to than

a variation equal or greater either of

the printing runs using the non-ideal inks.




Experimental Design

In order to investigate if the ideal inks always produce lower

variation in solid ink density and dot gain than the non-ideal inks when

printing with a sheet-fed lithographic printing press, the following are

required: two lithographic printing plates (3M Tartan 60 Negative Sub-

tractive Working Plate); two types of characteristic of the


same ink (one ink was modified by changing its emulsification capacity);

two fountain solutions (at two levels of surface tension, high and low).

There are four different emulsification rate curves are produced. A test

printing form is prepared for the four printing runs and each of them is

expected to require three thousand sheets. An advanced pressman will

operate the printing press. A skilled operator is expected to minimize

the press variables and it is the author's hope to use the new T & E

Center Heidelberg two color sheet-fed offset press to perform the four

printing runs. The response variables of this experiment are solid ink

density and dot gain. The RIT Symmetrical Scale is used for both measure

ments. The sampling procedure is the same for each run. Random sampling

on the printed sheets is adopted and there are fifty samples collected

from each run. Table 1 shows the design of the simulated production runs.

Table 1 : Design of A four Simulated Production Printing Run

Modified Ink Normal Ink

( + glycerol) (no glycerol)

Alcohol Dampening
Solution Ideal Ink Ideal Ink
(low surface tension) (Pc Type) (Pc Type)


Dampening Solution Non-Ideal Ink Non-Ideal Ink

(high surface tension) (Pb Type) (Pb Type)

Test of Emulsification Rate

The testing procedure is based on Surland's standard procedure

and the major errors in the emulsification rate test are prevented by

some extra precautions:


The adapted equipment for the standard procedure uses a Sunbeam

Mixmaster modified for the test. A flat bottom mixing bowl is placed

larger diameter turntable and two opposite driven

on a freely-revolving

(90 rpm) the bottom of the bowl over their

mixing blades
each contact

widest width and conform to the bend of the bowl to its vertical side.

the bowl during the test slides from side to side

Properly aligned,

blades to scrape ink off the sides

on the turntable, allowing the mixing

of the bowl. The center distance of the mixing blade is 42mm.

Prestirring of the Ink

The ink prior to the test is brought to a state of agitation similar

the of a printing press.

to that in which it is on rollers

Addition of the Fountain Solution

The standard procedure, recommends the addition of fountain

solution in increments of 15 ml from a 100 ml reservoir prior to each

mixing period.

Mixing Speed

The standard procedure for the test uses 90 rpm mixing speed.

Separation of Free Solution

The way to separate the surplus free solution is done carefully

in order to avoid error. No stirring is allowed to separate the surplus

water from the ink. Using only one minute to do the separation process

as recommended by Surland.

Testing Temperature

The temperature is 73 F -
2 F. recommended in the standard test


Relative Humidity

Relative humidity is 50% -


Gravimetric Versus Volumetric Determination

A loss of dampening solution during the test due to transfer,

splatter and evaporation is in the range of 2.5 to 6 grams. The loss is

independent of the maximal emulsification. The emulsification is deter

mined as weight gain of the ink phase therefore gravimetric determination

is used.

Preparation of Fountain Solution


Tensiometers are used in the measurement of small force i.e.


surface tension of a liquid or interfacial tension between one liquid

and the other liquid. The one which is available is cat. nos 70545

tensiometer manufactured by Central Scientific Company. The instrument

should be calibrated so that the dial reading is the apparent surface

tension expressed in dynes/cm. If a known weight M is placed on the

ring and balanced by the torsion in the wire, then the dial reading P is

given by the following equation:



M= weight expressed in grams

gravity in cm/ sec

L= mean circumference of ring in centimeters

P= dial reading = apparent surface tension in dynes/cm


The standard calibration procedure has to be followed in order

to obtain meaningful readings about the liquid's surface tension:

1. the tensiometer torsion arm with the adjustable stops

2. the dry platinum ring on the hook
Cut fit small strip of paper on the ring as a platform
3. and a

4. Release the torsion arm

Turn the knurled knob until the index and its mirror image are exactly

in line with the reference line on the mirror

Loosen the dial clamp and rotate the dial until the vernier indicates

approximately zero

7. Tighten the dial clamp and rotate the fine adjustment knob until the

of the vernier is exactly zero


8. Place known weight of 600 mgs on the paper platform


9. Turn the knob until index is opposite the reference line on the mirror

10. Adjust the length of torsion arm if the dial reading does not match

with the calculated value.


Imperial Mark III Fountain Solution is the one selected fountain

solution to be mixed with isopropanol to produce the desired surface tension.

Isopropyl alcohol is used mainly to reduce the surface tension of a diluted

fountain solution. Five fountain solution are prepared for the preliminary

emulsification rate test and their surface tension are 35, 40, 50, 60, 70

dynes/cm respectively. The prepared fountain solutions are only different

in their surface tension values and their contents are kept as close as

possible. Table 2 indicates the different mixture volume of diluted

fountain solution, isopropyl alcohol and distilled water to produce an

equal value of five different surface tensions

Table 2: Per Cent Mixture of Diluted Fountain Solution, Isopropyl Alcohol

and Distilled Water and the Produced Surface Tension

No. Diluted F. .S. Isopropyl Alco. Distilled H0

Distill Surface Tension

1 60 0 40 72.0

2 60 10 30 43.1

3 60 20 20 32.3

4 60 30 10 27.0

5 60 40 0 25.0

The surface tension of each fountain solution is measured using the ten

siometer. The solution is placed in a clean container such as an eva

dish, watch glass or beaker about 4.5 cm in diameter and the


container then is placed on the sample table. With screw in its uppermost

position raise the entire table assembly until the ring is immersed appro-

ximately 5 mm in the test solution. Lower the entire assembly until the

ring is just above the surface of the solution and centered with respect

to the container.

Increase the torsion of the wire by rotating the knob and at

the same time lower the sample table by means of screw so as to keep the

index on zero. Continue the same operation until the film breaks.

The scale
reading at that breaking point of the film is the appa

rent surface tension P.

A plot of surface tension versus per cent isopropyl alcohol may

now be generated. By connecting the five data points a curve is formed

and this curve may be used to find the correct mixture of diluted

fountain solution, isopropyl alcohol and distilled water by interpo


Each of the five different fountain solution are prepared and

will be used in the test of emulsification rate as well as in the test

of the effect of surface water on the tack reading.

pH of the five solutions is adjusted with 2N hydrochloric acid or

phosphoric acid to the same pH value. The common pH value is 3.5 which

is acidic. This common pH value is used because it has the greatest

buffering capacity .

Effect of Surface Water on the Tack Reading


Thwing-Albert inkometer, Thwing-Albert direct reading attachment

and Hewlett Packard X-Y recorder are basic instruments for the testing

and recording of the effect of surface water on the tack readings. Figure

7 is the setup.



Figure 7: Layout of Inkometer, Direct Reading Attachment and X-Y Recorder


An inkometer is an instrument designed to measure the tac of

lithographic and printing inks under conditions in which the degree

of working of the ink closely approximates that taking place

during printing. The results are the numerical values for the torque

required to the ink film at a known rate, with predetermined film

thickness and temperature. Records can be either in tack readings or

curves of time vs tack. Temperature is set at 90 degree Fahrenheit which

is recommended to be the most satisfactory for general ink testing pur

poses. The ink to be tested is taken out from the ink can and put into a

volumetric container called an ink metering device. Excessive ink is

scraped with a spatula to ensure a constant volume of ink metered out.


This ink is then transferred to the inkometer rollers. To avoid excess

ive the ink the inkometer is started, the initial distribution

flying of when

is done by turning the motor

coupling by hand. Start the inkometer and

timer whenever it is ready.

Direct Reading Attachment

Inkometer tack reading can be read from this meter connected to

the inkometer. By using this meter the dynamic tack reading can be

observed and the readings can also be recorded by including an X-Y re


X-Y Recorder

The basic function of An X-Y recorder is to produce a graphic

tracing showing the relationship between two variables or one variable

against time. For this experiment the Y coordinate will be tack reading

and X coordinate will be time. With the graph paper the time interval

can be calculated by measuring the length of the X axis which is calibrated

in time. The model 7030A Series is equipped with a time sweep generator

for use on both X and Y axes. Because the equipment is to record tack

reading versus time the range selector is set to X axis and the sweep speeds

are tested to find the proper one for the particular experiment such

that the generated data can be interpreted easily. Operation on the

most sensitive range may result in excessive noise. This electrical noise

by instruments or machines. A 10 K or smaller

may be generated near

resistor at the input terminal may be required to correct this problem.

Sample Volume

The amount of each type of fountain solution for each test is

maintained as closely as possible by following standard operating pro

cedures when fountain solution is put into the front rubber roller of the

inkometer using a micropipette (10ml to 250 ml). The desired amount of


fountain solution for the test in order to manifest a significant level

of surface water effect on the tack changes due to different ink


emulsification capacity is determined by trial and error.

Standard Operation Procedures

1. Check the temperature. 90 F is the temperature for all the test.

2. Shift to high running speed.

3. Zero both Direct Reading Attachment and X-Y recorder.

4. Switch to Time Sweep Operation and set the sweep rate switch at the

desired speed.

5. Fill the ink metering device or volumetric container with the ink to

be tested, by means of a spatula. The ink must not be taken from

surface layer of the ink in the can.

6. Evenly distribute the ink across the front rubber roller of the ink

ometer. Turn the motor

coupling by hand to make initial distribution

before starting the inkometer, timer and X-Y recorder.

7. Start inkometer, timer, Direct Reading Attachment and X-Y recorder.

8. Inject the desired volume of fountain solution to the nip of rubber

rollers very carefully with the pipette held perpendicular to the

roller. Injection of fountain solution is performed 20 seconds after

starting the instrument.

9. Allow to run 40 seconds then stop.

Plate Making and Press Run


Two printing plates are used for all the four test runs. The

plates used are 3 M Tartan 60 Negative Subtractive Working Plate. The

11" 17"

same test form which is x is used. One plate is made with the

test form on its right hand side while the other is made with the same

test form on its left hand side. Two plates are exposed and processed

that these two plates have approximately the same printing



Selected Inks and Fountain Solution

After the test of emulsification rate of several inks by using

Surland's method, one ink is selected for the press performance test.

The ink is ranked as an ideal printing ink when it is used with a foun

tain solution which has its surface tension at 30 dynes/cm. The ink

becomes a non-ideal ink when it is used with a fountain solution which

has its surface tension at 72 dynes/cm.

The other
printing ink for the press performance test is obtained

by modifying that selected ink. The ink is mixed with glycerol and it

becomes more water repellent when it is used with the fountain solution

which has surface tension about 30 dynes/cm. Both of these two test inks

have the same initial tack reading.

Two fountain solutions are selected for this experiment. They

have their surface tension of 30 and 72 dynes/cm respectively. The two

fountain solution are the ones which are expected to have the greatest

effect on the ink's emulsification capacity.


The same batch of coated paper is used for all the printing runs

and the paper is Westvaco Celesta Litho Gloss Sub 100 paper.


The printing press for the test run is a new

Heidelberg offset

two color sheet-fed printing press. This press is equipped with elec

tronic press and quality control system CPC and Alcolor continuous

A device called Royse Alco-Miser is used to maintain

dampening unit.

constant alcohol content throughout the run. A blower is positioned

between the inking rollers to increase the evaporation rate of the emul

sified ink so that the ink can maintain a constant emulsification capa



A highly skilled pressman is used to operate the printing press

and he is capable of
maintaining good control over the problems encountered,

The operator operates the press

according to a set of standard oper

ation procedures.

It is assumed that experimental error associates with operator will

be insignificant. It is also assumed that experimental error due to the

press is not significant.

Standard Operation Procedure

Normal press operation procedures are used for each level of this

experiment but the following are some of the notes for the operator:

1. Take approximately the same amount of printing ink from each indivi

dual ink can and put it to the ink fountain pan for each
printing sta


2. Replace the fountain solution with the one for that particular test.

Use Royse Alco-Miser Circulation system to maintain a constant alco

hol content.

3. Adjust ink feed and water feed to produce 1.4 solid ink density on

the printed sheets without scumming or water marking.

4. Complete makeready and start the printing run

5. Control of printed sheets visually to maintain constant printed qua

throughout the run.

6 Make necessary adjustments if the printed quality start to deteriorate

or the plate starts to scum.


7. Record the adjustment.

8. Finish the printing run, washup and repeat 1 through 7 for

another set of
printing run.

The printing plate is divided into two sides i.e. the image side

and the non-image side. Figure 8 shows the layout.

i - -




Image |i Non-Image Non-Image

Side 1 Side Side

1 i

Figure 8: Layout of Two Printing Plates Used in Printing Press Runs

The test form is shown in Figure 9. It includes screen tints of two

different ruling, RIT Symmetrical Scale. The photographs are included

in order to assist the pressman to judge his settings based on subject

ive response.

o o

o o

m Z co Z

(O "O

m Z


1. Surland, Aage, "A Laboratory Test Method for Prediction of Litho

graphic Ink TAGA Proc. 1980, p. 222-247.




With regard to the experimental work performed, this thesis includes

the following three critical experiments:

1. A review of Surland's emulsification rate method including a differ

entiation of the character of selected printing inks according to

the resulting emulsification rate curves.

2. A test of the effect of surface water on tack readings by use of

a bench inkometer.

3. A printing press trial intended to find the relationship of printed

quality with emulsification rate curves.

Surland's emulsification rate test method was modified because of the

limits of the available Sunbeam on blade speed and torque. The

recommended method was attempted but could not be maintained because

the viscosity of the test inks stalled the motor at the recommended blade

speed rate (90 rpm). The blade speed of the modified method is increased

to 320 rpm which produces a torque sufficient to provide uniform


of the ink with the fountain solution. The mixing time is reduced to

0.28 minutes which is equivalent to the Surland recommended mixing re

quirement of 90 strokes of the mixing blade.

The mixing procedures are changed somewhat in order to match the

modified method. The standard operating procedure used is outlined by

the following:

1. Pre-stir 50 grams of the test ink for 0.1 minutes.

2. Charge the mixing bowl 15 foun

containing the ink with ml of

tain solution.

3. Start mixing, rotate the bowl counterclockwise and allow


the blades to scrape ink off the side of the bowl, avoid splashing.

4. Decant the supernatant water, wipe out splashed water drops re

maining inside or outside the mixing bowl.

5. Never stir the emulsified ink to remove any additional water.

6. Weigh the bowl along with the blade, calculate the gained weight

of each operation.

7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 at least eight times for each test.

Eight sheet-fed offset inks tested for emulsification rate are listed

in alphabetical order at table 3:

Table 3 : Ink Data of Eight Sheet-Fed Offset Inks for Emulsification

Rate Test

Ink Manufacturer Brand Name and Ink Color Manufacture Date

Braden Sutphin PMS sparkle set Spanish yellow

Capico PMS base process blue
Capico PMS base rubine red

Capico PMS base process blue

Capico Speedmatch radiant pantone base blue

Marathon Hard dry premium ten black
Sinclair & Valentine Sinvalith yellow

Superior Offset speedway process black

Emulsification Rate Test Results

Table 4 lists the emulsification rate curves of the above eight


selected sheet-fed inks using Surland's emulsification rate test method.

Each test response is the weight in grams of fountain solution emulsi

fied by 100 grams of test ink after each mixing operation. There are

eight data points for each test ink and each test fountain solution.

Table 4 : Emulsification Rate test Results

T .
m Fountain ,

Ink Type
3 * -,..
x 2
* 3
J 4
* 5
J 6 7 8

#1 0 15.0 22.2 31.2 37.6 44.2 51.0 57.6 63.6

#1 235 11.8 18.8 25.8 30.6 36.4 40.6 43.0 43.8

#2 0 15.0 22.8 30.8 38.2 45.0 53.4 58.0 64.6

#2 235 11.6 19.0 24.2 27.6 34.4 38.4 40.0 41.8

#4 0 25.4 30.4 37.0 43.2 46.4 48.8 55.2 59.8

#4 235 11.8 19.8 26.0 33.8 40.8 43.6 47.6 50.6

#6 0 14.4 22.0 28.0 34.0 39.2 43.4 46.0 50.0

#6 235 15.6 24.4 28.2 31.6 31.8 31.8 32.2 32.2

#7 0 13.6 21.6 30.2 36.4 42.0 48.6 53.0 59.6

#7 235 13.8 17.4 25.0 30.6 33.9 37.2 37.2 37.4

#8 0 16.2 22.8 28.0 33.2 39.8 43.2 47.6 50.8

#8 235 15.4 22.4 26.8 32.4 33.4 33.4 35.6 36.0

0 13.6 22.2 30.0 39.8 49.6 60.8 74.0 82.6


#9 235 12.0 17.4 25.6 29.0 36.4 42.8 47.4 55.2

#10 0 14.0 22.6 29.6 36.6 42.0 47.2 55.0 57.8

#10 235 15.2 23.2 28.4 33.8 36.6 37.8 39.4 41.0

Each ink was mixed with two types fountain solution, the FS-0

Fountain solution FS-0 contains no added isopropyl alcohol

and FS-235.

23.5% isopropyl alcohol by volume. Figure 10

and FS-235 is mixed with

representation of emulsification rate of the eight inks and

is a graphic

FS-0 FS-235


M 80
h 70
Ink #1 Ink #1
MH 60

o 40
2 30

3 20

Ink #2 Ink #2



7 8
Ink #4 Ink #4



1 2 3
Ink #6



1 2345678 12 8

Figure 10 : Graphic Representation of Table 4


FS-0 FS-235

80 -
Ink #7 Ink #7
H 70
o 60
oo 50
o 40
oo 10
S i i . 1 '
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
80 .
Ink #8 Ink #8


40 -


r i i i _ _i _

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
80 -
Ink #9 Ink #9


r _i 1 1 - i i

0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
80 -
Ink #10 Ink #10


50 -



r i j 1 L i i ,
i__ i. ... i J

0 4 7 8
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 3

Figure 10 : Graphic Representation of Table 4 (continued)


two fountain solutions. An interesting note is that all the curves are

changed by the presence of alcohol in the fountain solution. This obser

vation agrees with Surland's conclusion with regard to the effect of foun

tain solution surface tension on emulsification rate curves.

According to Surland's classification of lithographic printing

inks, the emulsification rate curves of inks 6, 7, 8 and 10 may be said

to be ideal inks when used in combination with fountain solution FS-235.

These inks are not classified as ideal when used with fountain solution


A repeatability experiment is designed to test this method. Inks


#6, 7, 8 and 10 are chosen to perform the test. The test results are

shown in table 5 and a graphic representation of the results is shown in

Figure 11. The solid line is the first measurement and the dotted line is

the second measurement.


Table 5 : Repeatability Test of Four Selected Inks

Fountain ,
InkTyPe 12 3 4 5 6 7 8

#6 0 14.8 21.0 26.6 31.8 36.4 41.0 43.4 48.4

#6 0 14.0 22.4 27.2 33.0 38.2 42.4 46.0 49.6

#6 235 15.2 23.0 28.4 31.2 31.4 32.4 32.4 32.4

#6 235 13.8 23.0 28.6 30.4 31.8 32.2 32.4 32.2

#7 0 13.4 21.8 30.6 36.0 42.8 48.0 52.0 56.6

#7 0 14.0 21.8 29.8 36.2 42.0 48.4 53.8 60.6

#7 235 14.4 18.4 25.2 30.2 34.4 37.4 37.6 37.4

#7 235 13.0 15.2 25.2 31.0 34.2 37.2 38.2 38.6

#8 0 14.2 23.6 30.2 32.6 40.0 44.4 49.4 51.8

#8 0 15.0 24.8 30.6 34.4 41.0 44.4 49.0 51.4

#8 235 12.2 18.2 24.2 28.8 29.8 32.6 32.6 32.2

#8 235 13.6 21.2 27.6 31.4 33.2 33.8 33.4 33.8

#10 0 13.4 21.0 28.8 35.4 42.8 50.0 56.2 59.4

#10 0 15.0 24.6 30.8 37.8 44.6 48.8 54.8 61.8

#10 235 12.2 21.0 28.4 34.8 38.0 39.4 39.4 39.8

#10 235 14.2 23.6 30.6 36.6 39.4 40.2 40.4 40.2

There is variation between each replicate, The variation indi

cated is tolerable and the main concern of this experiment is to demon

strate the possibility of obtaining approximately the same curves. The

curve shapes are critical.


FS-0 FS-235

80 Ink #6 Ink #6

oo 10





80 Ink #8



1 2 7 8
80 Ink #10




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1

Figure 11 : Graphic Representation of Table 5


The prediction of an ink's printing performance based solely on

the emulsification rate curve is the main purpose of this study. In order

to avoid the introduction of other factors into this experiment the prepa

ration of inks for the printing run is well examined. Ink type #6 is

chosen because it has the following attributes:

1. It is a black ink allowing the pressman to see the results of

printing. This allows maximum ability for visual control of

printing variation.

2. It is a high tack ink. The inkometer tack reading of this ink

is 16.0 at one minute, 1200 rpm.

3. It is miscible with glycerol and the mixed ink maintains the

same ink tack after the glycerol is added.

4. It is immediately available.

Ink type #6 is mixed with 10% glycerol by weight to produce a

second ink type and this ink is designated as ink type #6-M. These inks

become different in terms of emulsification capacity but have the same ink

tack as measured by the inkometer. Figure 12 and 13 shows the recorded

inkometer tack readings of the two inks. The effect of tack therefore is

excluded from this experiment.

Ink #6 and #6-M are mixed with two different fountain solutions

respectively producing 4 different emulsification rate curves. The foun

tain solutions used are FS-0 and FS-235. Curve 1-1 and 1-2 are classified

as the ideal inks and they are the two inks mixed with
dampening solu

tion alcohol. Curve II-l and II-2 are the two inks mixed with

non-alcohol dampening solution and they are classified as non-ideal inks.

The classification is based upon Surland's method.

Figure 14 shows the four different emulsification rate curves formed

ink #6 ink #6-M with two fountain solutions.

by and

>- o E
g e-

S < CO

9* i
f E

-"* O)
Z 2 Q.

I o E O
O a> co

'jkn, E
O o <3

c o
LU 3
\ i! o


"$ h-

$V? CO o


LU 2
c E
H CO c
LU " o
o C\J
X 'c
o .c

o O

DC m

>. D
CO a.

O E 0)
z <5 cS CO


<z c

UJ: 4-1

o CO
Z! H







*Jlw^^ CO

00 CD CM O 00 CO
CM o

o CO co (M CM <M CM CM


> o E
] CD < c3

! O o 8
Z b
i o en E
1 Q.
< )<>>
o h- CO
I :..<.:. I

is n
LL 0)
o D

c o
LU 0) o

1 2 c

z co
cc 3
co o
LU "CO o
o CM
I *c^

o .c
! O 0)

Lt H co


Ql E O
o o
z O cS

< .......


t v5
Z! 00











k> b
00 co CM o CO ..i/ -<lL_
CM O 00 CM
o co co CO CM CM > ~VjT CM CM




M 40




30 -




c 20

10 -

I-l : Ink #6-M FS-235

1-2 : Ink #6 FS-235
II-l : Ink #6-M FS-0
II-2 : Ink #6 FS-0

4 5 6 7
Time in minutes

Figure 14 : Emulsification Rate Curves of Two Inks Under Two Types of

Fountain Solution.

Per Cent Addition of Isopropyl Alcohol and the Surface Tension

The diluted fountain solution is mixed with various percentages

of isopropyl alcohol as described in chapter III. The plot of surface

tension versus per cent isopropyl alcohol is shown by figure 15.

r t i
-i 1

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Per Cent Isopropyl Alcohol (%)

Figure 15: Surface Tension Versus Per Cent Alcohol

marginal decrease in surface tension

Figure 15 shows the greatest

isopropyl alcohol. Figure 15 also allows determina

at about 16-17% of

percentage isopropyl alcohol to make up a fountain

tion of the required

tension of 30 dynes/cm. The indicated alcohol

solution which has surface

alcohol has a
The diluted fountain solution without
amount is 23.5%.


tension about 72 dynes/cm at C.


Effect of Surface Water on Tack Readings

10 sheet-fed offset inks were tested for tack due to the

addition of surface fountain solution bench inkometer
using a
the procedures described in chapter IV. The data were registered by an

X-Y recorder in graphic form and the resulting tack drops were calculated.

Table 6 is a
listing of the tack data
drop of the 10 selected inks. Each

ink was tested with four different fountain

volumes of solution. The

tack drop is a measurement of the amount of tack difference between two

tack readings. The initial tack reading before the addition of surface

water is measured followed by a second which is the lowest tack


reading after the addition of fountain solution.

Table 6 : Tack Drop Data

10 Selected Sheet-Fed Offset Inks

in Various Volume of Surface Water

F.S. \. Initial
15.6 15.8 15.2 12.3 16.0 16.8 13.2 14.8 19.8 16.0
VolumeX. Tack

40 (ml) 0.9 1.0 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.4 1.2

80 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.6 2.2 2.2 1.6 1.8 2.8 2.5

120 3.0 2.9 3.1 2.3 3.2 3.2 2.3 2.9 4.6 3.5

160 4.1 4.1 4.1 3.0 4.0 4.3 2.8 3.9 5.8 4.5

The data show in table 6 indicate that the amount of tack drop has

direct relationship with the added volume of water and the initial tack

reading. Inks which have higher initial ink tack have a greater tack reduc

tion than those inks which have lower initial ink tack.

Comparison of Surland's Method with Inkometer Method

With Surland's method the emulsification

tendency of an ink is

determined by the shape of emulsification rate curve. The method used

in producing the curves is very simple but the curve is capable of

showing the dynamic changes of ink's miscibility with fountain solution

at each
mixing state. The proposed inkometer method does not supply the

same type of curve as Surland's method.

Since the printing ink is subject to dynamic change in the inkometer,

the Surland method is not replaceable with the proposed inkometer

method .

Printing Press Experiment


Makeready was carefully performed before starting the simulated

printing production run for this test. The inks were put into each re

spective ink fountain of each

printing unit with approximately the same

quantity. The overall ink feed as well as individual ink keys were adjusted

at control panel to produce the solid ink density of 1.6 across the printed

sheet. After adjustment the ink keys were kept the same for each of the

runs but it was found necessary to change the overall ink feed

for the second printing run. The overall ink feed for each station was

recorded numerically. The dampening system were adjusted to just above

plate and the fountain solution feed data was obtained from

the scale at each printing unit. The printing speed is 6,000


impressions per hour for each printing run.

Observation During the On Press Experiment

The printing run was started with the alcohol dampening system.

The fountain solution feed was set to 4.5 at both printing units. The

overall ink feed is displayed and set the

at press control panel by pushing

the station select button. Printing unit one was finally set at an

overall ink feed reading of 88, while of two 70.

setting printing unit was

The production run continued smoothly without any disruption. Printing run

I was terminated at about 3,000 impressions.

After wash-up the new inks and new fountain solution with no alcohol

were applied to the press. Fountain solution with alcohol was found con

taminated with dye stuff of the ink. It is possible that the toner of the

printing ink was dissolved by the alcohol. The press run was started with

no change in ink or fountain solution feed settings. The plate scummed when

the press was started. Fountain solution feed was increased to produce scum

free prints. The fountain solution feed was increased to 5.5 (previous

setting was 4.5) at printing unit one and 7.0 for printing unit two. Ink

feed had to be reduced to 68 (from 88) for printing unit one and 46 (from 70)

for printing unit two in order to maintain the targeted solid ink density

of 1.60. Printing unit one required adjustment to fountain feed three times

during the 3,000 impressions run in order to avoid scumming and the fountain

feed was finally adjusted to 6.7. Printing unit two was adjusted once to

avoid scumming and the fountain solution feed reading is above 7.0.


The printed sheets were sampled randomly but at interval of appro

50 impressions. 50 samples were collected from each run and the


of the RIT Symmetrical Scale. The print

data is obtained by measurement

ink the density of 50% dot area were included in

ed solid density and

these measurements. Table 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d are lists

of data collected from two printing runs and two printing units.

Table 7a : Solid Ink Density Data of 50 samples Collected From

Press Run I-l (Ale FS; Ink + 10% Glycerol)
1.44 1.45 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.45 1.48 1.45
1.45 1.47 1.46 1.43 1.46 1.44 1.41 1.45 1.46 1.42 1.47
1.44 1.45 1.44 1.43 1.44 1.42 1.43 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.43
1.45 1.44 1.45 1.43 1.46 1.44 1.45 1.44 1.42 1.44 1.41
1.42 1.39 1.43 1.35 1.39 1.42

X = 1.44 S= 0.025

Table 8a : Frequency Distribution of Table 7a

Cell Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency

1.335 -
1.355 1.345 # 1

1.355 -

1.375 1.365

1.375 -

1.395 1.385 fr*


1.395 1.415 1.405


1.415 -

1.435 1.425 11

1.435 -

1.455 1.445 #######4HHHHBHHM {#?*### 21

1.475 1.465 ##*#-3HHHHHHfr#

1.455 -



1.475 -

1.495 1

Total =50

Table 9a : Ink Density of 50% Dot Area of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run I-l

0.52 0.50 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.51

0.51 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.50 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.54

0.53 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.53

0.52 0.52 0.54 0.52 0.55 0.53 0.55 0.52 0.51 0.52 0.51

0.51 0.52 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.52 X = 0.52 S =


Table lb : Solid Ink Density Data of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run 1-2 ( Ale FS; Normal

1.38 1.35 1.39 1.37 1.37 1.34 1.37 1.38 1.37 1.39 1.37
1.34 1.38 1.37 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.35 1.33 1.36 1.36
1.35 1.33 1.35 1.39 1.34 1.33 1.35 1.34 1.33 1.32 1.35
1.34 1.34 1.36 1.35 1.33 1.37 1.36 1.34 1.35 1.34 1.36
1.36 1.35 1.32 1.39 1.39 1.40 X =
1.36 S = 0.020

Table 8b : Frequency Distribution of Table 7b

Cell Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency

1.315 -
1.335 1.325 ******* 7

1.335 -

1.355 1.345 ****************** 18

1.355 -

1.375 1.365 ****************


1.375 -
1.395 1.385 ******** 8

1.395 -
1.415 1.405 * 1

Total =50

Table 9b : Ink Density of 50% Dot Area of 50 Samples Collected From


Press Run

0.50 0.49 0.51 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.49

0.49 0.49 0.49 0.51 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.51

0.51 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.52 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52

0.52 0.53 0.52 0.52 0.53 0.52 X_= 0i50__S_=_0i012


Table l'c : Solid Ink Density Data of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run n_i ( FS No Ale; Ink + 10% Glycerol)

1.32 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.35 1.34 1.35 1.32 1.33 1.32 1.35
1.40* 1.40* 1.37* 1.40* 1.41* 1.43* 1.38* 1.37*

1.35 1.43 1.34

1.34 1.33 1.33 1.31 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.34 1.32 1.35 1.35

1.35 1.36 1.37 1.36 1.37 1.36 1.37 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.37

1.37 1.37 1.38 1.36 1.36 X = 1.36 S= 0.027

Table 8c : Frequency Distribution of Table 7c

Cell Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency

* 1
1.295 -
1.315 1.305

1.315 -
1.335 1.325 ******** 8

1.345 ************* 13
1.335 -

**************** 16
1.355 -
1.375 1.365

1.375 -
1.395 1.385 ****** 6

1.395 -
1.415 1.405 **** 4

1.415 -
1.435 1.425 ** 2

Total =50

Ink Density 50% dot area of 50 Samples Collected From

Table 9C : of

Press Run II-l

0.45 0.47 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.49 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.48

0.46 0. 0. 49*0. 49 0.50*0. 0.48 0.49^). 47

0.48 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.46 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.46

0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.49

0.46 0.50 0.48 0.46 X = 0.47 S = 0.024


ii*n defective sheets because of plate up

Table 7d : Solid Ink Density Data of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run H_2 ( FS No Ale ; Normal Ink )

1.32 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.35 1.33 1.31 1.34 1.31 1.29
1.33 1.33 1.26 1.35 1.32 1.35 1.34 1.32 1.34 1.32 1.31
1.33 1.33 1.33 1.28 1.32 1.32 1.34 1.30 1.33 1.34 1.34
1.32 1.34 1.32 1.34 1.33 1.31 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.35
1.32 1.32 1.34 1.31 1.34 1.35 X =
1.33 S = 0.018

Table 8'd : Frequency Distribution Table

Cell Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency

1.255 -

1.275 1.265 *

1.275 -

1.295 1.285 **

1.295 -

1.315 1.305 *******


1.315 -

1.335 1.325 ************************ 24

1.335 1.355 1.345 ****************



Total =50

Table 9d : Ink Density of 50% Dot Area of 50 Samples Collected From

Press Run II-2

0.44 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.46 0.44 0.43

0.43 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.44 0.44 0.45

0.44 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.44 0.46 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.45

0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.45

0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.45 0.46 X = 0.45 S =


Printing Characteristics of the Four Test Experiments

On a subjective visual basis the printed results of the four test

experiments are The printing quality

approximately equal. of non-alcohol

run appears to be sharper, the difference however is subtle.

The printed sheets were furthur studied by application of PC graph

paper (PC for printing characteristic) as a shortcut method for the esti

mation of dot gain. Dot gain calculation based upon Murray-Davis equation

and upon Yule-Nielsen equation are listed in Appendix I. With the use of

PC graph paper, dot gain of each test combination was obtained by connecting

the average solid ink density with the origin. A straight line is drawn

between these two points. The straight line is used as reference to indicate

the dot gain at 50%. Table 10 lists the average dot gain determined by this

method for each test combination. These results show that the dot gain is

higher at both printing units when the press is running with alcohol dampen

ing solution.

Table 10 : Average Dot Gain Obtained From Each Test Combination

Fountain Solution Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6

(alcohol dampening 5.0% 4.5%


(non-alcohol 1.7% 0.5%

indicating the average dot

Figures 16, 17, 18, 19 are graphs gain

of the four test experiments using PC graph paper.

jr^jj Rochester Institute of Technology PC Graph Paper
= Graphic Arts Research Center Order No. 3 043 40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100

Halftone Dot Area % (Positive)

Figure 16 Dot Gain of Press Run I-l

Notes: \

Average Solid Ink Density =1.44

Average Density, of 50% Dot Area = 0.52

-Average Dot Gain = 5.0%

Rochester Institute
[mjl of
Technology PC Graph Paper
Graphic Arts Research Center
Order No. 3 043 40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100

Halftone Dot Area % (Positive)

Notes: Figure \1 Dot Gain of Press Run 1-2

Average SnliH Tnlc Density = 1.36

Average Density of 50% Dot Area =0.50

Average Dot Gain -

Rochester Institute
jr^jl of
Technology PC Graph Paper
I Graphic Arts Research Center
Order No. 3 043 40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100

Halftone Dot Area % (Positive)

Notes: Figure 18 : Dot Gain of Press Run II-l

Average Solid Ink Density = 1.36

Average Density nf 50% Dot Area = 0.47

Average Dot Hain =1.7%

JF^jj Rochester Institute of
Technology PC Graph Paper
Graphic Arts Research Center Order No. 3 043 40





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Halftone Dot Area % (Positive)

Notes: Figure Ip, : Dot Gain of Press Run II-2

Average Soliri Tnk Density = 1.33

Average Density of 50% Dot Area = 0.45

Average Dot Gain =0.5%

Comparison of the Printing Results Which Are Associated With the Four
Different Emulsification Rate Curves

The variation of the ink

printing results are compared using solid

dot +
density and gain response. The size of variation set at 2 sigma,

includes 95% of measurements. This is the usual critical level which

is practical in industrial applications.

Table 11 and table 12 the ink dot

are solid density and gain averages

and variations of the four test runs which are associated with the four

different emulsification rate curves.

Table 11 : Average Solid Ink Density and the 2 Sigma Interval

Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6

+ *
Alcohol Dampening 1.44 0.050 1.36 0.040

+ +
Dampening 1.36 0.054 1.33 0.036

Table 12 : Average Dot Gain and the 2 Sigma Interval


Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6


Alcohol Dampening 5.0% 2% 4.5% _


Non- Alcohol
+ +
1.7% 5.3% 0.5% 1.5%

Test of Hypothesis

Both ink #6-M and ink #6 are classified as good inks when mixed

with alcohol dampening solution. The emulsification rate curves are of

Pc type according Surland's classification. These two inks form a Pb


type of emulsification rate curve when

they are mixed with non-alcohol

fountain solution. They are therefore classified as non-ideal inks.

Table 11 indicates that the

printing runs
using the ideal inks do

not produce a lower solid ink density variation than the printing using the

non-ideal ink. The +

average solid ink density and the 2 sigma interval

in printing +
using ink #6 and non-alcohol
dampening solution is 1.33

0.036. Although this is not ideal

ink, it produces a lower solid ink

density variation. The size of the solid ink density variation is not

predicted by the emulsification rate curves proposed by Aage Surland.

Table 12 shows that the run ink

printing using a non-ideal pro

duces the lower amount of dot gain variation. The size of dot gain vari

ation is 1.5% using PC paper graph.

Both table 11 and table 12 indicate that the size of variation in

solid ink density and dot gain was not in this

predicted experiment by the

emulsification curves. An ideal ink defined by Surland does not necessary

produce a lower variation in solid ink density or dot gain.

Additional Observations of the Printing Run Using Ink #6-M and Non-Alcohol
Dampening Solution

The printing run using ink #6-M and non-alcohol

dampening solu

tion were analyzed to determine which treatment had the largest dot gain

variation. The printed sheets which were sampled were reviewed and the

cause are found.

Ten of the sheets which were sampled are found to be defective due

to plate "catching up". The defective sample sheets are marked in

table 7c and 9c at page 55. Table 13 and 14 indicate the adjusted results.

Table 13 +
: Average Solid Ink Density and the 2 Sigma Interval (Modified)

Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6

* *
Alcohol Dampening 1.44 0.050 1.36 0.040

* +
Dampening 1.35 0.046 1.33 0.036

Table 14 : Average Dot Gain and the 2 Sigma Interval (Modified)

Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6

+ *
Alcohol Dampening 5.0% 2.0% 4.5% 2.0%

+ *
Non-Alcohol 1.7% 2.3% 0.5% 1.5%

Table 13 and table 14 are the modifications of table 11 and table

12. The 10 defective sample sheets were removed from the 50 randomly

collected samples in the printing run using ink #6-M and non-alcohol fountain

solution. The average solid ink density and dot gain were recalculated

based upon 40 good printed sheets. The new standard deviation was also


Comparison of table 13 with table 11 and table 14 with table 12

the of solid ink density variation as well as dot gain

indicates that size

variation is reduced. The printing run using ink #6-M and non-alcohol

produces increased variation due to the effect of plate "catching up".

is defined the situation where the non-image areas of


Plate as

the plate is taking ink. It can be reversed by increasing dampening feed.




This thesis confirms that each combination of ink and fountain

solution forms a characteristic ink emulsification rate curve as a result

of using a modified, Surland technique. The experimental results show

that the emulsification rate curve is subject to change due to the changes

in the ink formula or due to a difference in fountain solution surface


The addition of isopropyl alcohol to the fountain solution reduced

the surface tension of the dampening solution. The presence of isopropyl

alcohol in a dampening solution aids the ink to reach a state of equili-

bruim with the fountain solution. Conversely it suppresses on ink's

continuous emulsification tendency with the dampening solution. Figure 12

indicates the effect of isopropyl alcohol in eight selected sheet-fed

offset inks. All the test inks have a continuous emulsification


with non-alcohol
dampening solution, that is the emulsification rate

curves do not flatten out at the tail end of the curves. With the use of

alcohol dampening solution, all the curves are reduced in their emulsifi

cation capacity. Some of the inks tested reach the state of equilibruim with

alcohol dampening solution.

A proposed inkometer method was attempted for correlation with

Surland's method. The conclusion is that with the proposed inkometer

method the dynamic change of ink's miscibility with fountain solution is

not measureable. Due to the limits in the use of inkometer, a correlation

of these two methods can not be established.


Ink #6-M was ink #6 successfully 10%

modified by the addition of

producing an ink with a tack equal to #6. Surland's
onk Using
technique ink #6-M deteriorates by with a steeper emulsification rate

curve shown by figure 15 in non-alcohol fountain solution. Ink #6-M

remains classified as a ink

good with the alcohol fountain solution.

On the basis of observation of the simulated production run,


the printing performance of the four emulsification rate curves support

Surland's performance rating. The pressman was required to make three

adjustments to dampener feed at printing unit 1 and two adjustments in

dampener feed at printing unit 2 when he was running the job using

dampening solution. The adjustments were made to overcome plate

catching-up. This is a prediction based on the Surland's curves.

Analysis of solid ink density data collected from the four test

combinations appears to indicate that solid ink density variation within

a printing run is independent of an ink's emulsification rate curve.

Printing with inks of different emulsification rate curves do not corres

pond with a imajor change in the size of solid ink density variation.

Printing using a non-ideal ink on the contrary exhibits the lowest relative


Analysis of dot gain data collected from the four test combinations

indicates that the printing using alcohol

dampening system produces more

dot gain than the printing with a non-alcohol

dampening system. The

average dot gain obtained from printing press run II-2 is 0.5% using ink

#6 and non-alcohol dampening solution. Printing using an alcohol dampen

has about 5% of average dot gain at both of the printing units.

ing solution

Although the average dot gain is 5% with an alcohol

dampening system,

the dot gain variation within a run remains relatively constant.


Printing press run II-l has the average dot gain of 1.7% but the size of

dot gain variation is the largest. Due to the in maintaining


scum free prints the dot gain variation becomes the greatest.

The cause of

plate is confirmed by this simulated

production In improper ink

printing run. addition to a possibility of

feed or water feed set up by a the of plate "catching

pressman, tendency

is associated with emulsification rate curves. The Pb type of emulsi

fication rate curves can be modified such that press run will encounter

fewer problems during a printing run, density variations within a press

run then is controlled.

The study of the effect of alcohol on the dissolution of the toner

in the ink andx its relationship .with.ink. film thickness is recommended for

furthur study.


Conversions of dot gain results using both Yule-Nielsen


Murray-Davis equations.

Murray-Davis Yule-Nielsen

Formula: Formula : -(Dt/n)
% D = 1-1G

n =
1.0 n= 1.7

% D = % Dot Area % D = % Dot Area

Dt =
Density of the Tint Dt =
Density of the Tint
Ds =
Density of the Solid Ds =
Density of the Solid

The following table shows dot gain averages and variations of the four

test runs which are associated with the four different emulsification

rate curves. Dot gain calculation using PC graph paper, Murray-Davis

equation and Yule-Nielsen equation are compared.

Modified Ink #6-M Normal Ink #6

Murray- Yule- PC Murray- Yule-
Solution PC
Graph Davis Nielsen Graph Davis Nielsen

+ + 4.5%+ + +

22.4% 21.5% 8.5%

Solution 2.0% 1.9% 2.0% 2.0% 2.4% 2.0%

Non-Alco +
+ + + + +
hol 1.7% 19.1% 6.0% 0.5% 17.7% 4.7 %
5.3% 4.1% 4.3% 1.5% 1.6% 1.8%

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