Software Req Spec (SRS) Try
Software Req Spec (SRS) Try
Software Req Spec (SRS) Try
Prepared By:
Name of the Student, Name of Student, Name of Student, …….
<Submission Date>
Software Requirements
<date created>
Acknowledge organizations or people who cooperate and help you in providing information during the
preparation of this SRS document.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................... II
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE..............................................................................................1
1.2 PRODUCT SCOPE......................................................................................................1
1.3 INTENDED AUDIENCE AND DOCUMENT OVERVIEW................................................1
1.4 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................................2
1.5 REFERENCES............................................................................................................2
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................3
2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE...........................................................................................3
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS..............................................................................................3
2.3 USER CLASSES AND CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................3
2.4 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT.....................................................................................4
2.5 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS.......................................................4
2.6 USER DOCUMENTATION..........................................................................................4
2.7 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES........................................................................4
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................6
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS..................................................................6
3.1.1 User Interfaces.........................................................................................6
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces................................................................................6
3.1.3 Software Interfaces...................................................................................7
3.1.4 Communication Interfaces.......................................................................7
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................8
3.3 SYSTEM USE CASE MODELING...............................................................................8
3.3.1 Actors and Use Cases...............................................................................8
3.3.2 Use Case Diagram...................................................................................8
3.3.3 System Use Case Documentation.............................................................9
4 NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS...................................................................10
4.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................10
4.2 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS...............................................................10
4.3 SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES........................................................................11
4.3.1 Reliability...............................................................................................11
4.3.2 Robustness..............................................................................................11
4.3.3 Availability.............................................................................................11
4.3.4 Maintainability.......................................................................................11
4.3.5 Portability...............................................................................................11
Version Primary Author(s) Description of Version Date Completed
Draft Type Full Name Information about the revision. This table does not need 00/00/00
and Number to be filled in whenever a document is touched, only
when the version is being upgraded.
1 Introduction
Our project Clinic Management system for ASU includes registration of patients, storing
their disease details into the system. My software has the facility to give a unique
id for every patient and stores the details of every patient. The Hospital
Management System can be used by entering respective username and password. It
is accessible either by an administrator, a Doctor or A patient . Only the respective person
can add data in the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very
user-friendly. The data are well protected and data processing is very fast, accurate
and relevant
This document is to describe all the software requirement specification (SRS) for the Clinic-
Management-System (CMS). The system aims to help the patients to take appointment
paper-based system and track their records through it. Polyclinic has been facing problems
due to its paper-based appointment system. With the increase in the number of patients
visiting the University clinic, it has become difficult to manage the appointment system
manually, and Recording Patient data manually also became troublesome to the employees.
The purpose of this project is to solve these complications by creating custom-built database
software to manage the Management System. it makes easy to set date and time for the
treatment of the patient to the relevant doctor. Doctor enters medical prescription and
receptionist takes the print. It also helps to maintain doctor’s consultation fee, Laboratories
and Testing charges automatically and maintaining the employee salary and its expenses.
The system has been facing problems due to its paper-based appointment system. With the
increase in the number of patients visiting, it has become difficult to manage the appointment
system manually. Recording of appointments and creating registers by pen and paper has
become a tedious task. And also its difficult to manage huge number of patient database.
Daily functions like patient registration, managing admission and overall management of
various departments can be easily performed with higher accuracy after the installation of
hospital software. The modules of hospital management software are user-friendly and easy
to access.
Developers: in order to be sure they are developing the right project that fulfills requirements
provided in this document.
Testers: in order to have an exact list of the features and functions that has to respond
according to requirements and provided diagrams.
Users: in order to get familiar with the idea of the project and suggest other features that
would make it even more functional.
Documentation writers: to know what features and in what way they have to explain. What
security technologies are required, how the system will response in each user’s action etc.
Admin, Receptionist, Doctors and patients: in order to know exactly what they have to
expect from the system, right inputs and outputs and response in error situations.
The following are the definitions of the \abbreviations we used in this documentation
1.5 References
2 Overall Description
Product perspective is essentially the relationship of the product to the other products,
defining if the product is independent or is part of a larger product (dependent), and what the
principal interfaces of the product are.
This software is totally independent system that manages activities of the CMS as taking
appointments, generating patient reports, personnel management and administrative issues.
This CMS is a self- contained system that manages activities of the hospital as Appointment
scheduling, personnel management, and administrative issues. Various stakeholders are
involved in the CMS.
In this project all the records are stored in single database. Different users have different
permission to access this web application. Each user has unique id. If any data is lost user is
having option to recovery. User’s don’t have right to alter records after particular time period
and also it is not having option to alter other patient records.
The admin, doctors, receptionists and patients will be the main users. The system is also
designed to be user-friendly.
Admin: Admin should have prior knowledge of the system. Admin is able to control the
whole system. He/she can add, delete, update and modify user accounts from the system.
Receptionists: in order to add or delete the details of the patients come for the treatment and
accordingly provides identity to them.
Doctors: Doctor should fairly know about the usage of the system. Doctors are able to see
the respective appointments taken, Should also be able to search patient data, edit patient
data, add patient data, also can view patient’s details and records.
Patients: Patients can view their own records and doctors details and timings. And also can
make appointments.
2.4 Operating Environment
This proposed software (CMS) will be used in Windows platform in the version of Windows
7.MySQL will be used for the database to hold the patients, doctors and other employees’
o Operating system: Windows platform, linux, Mac OS
o Processor: Pentium 4
o Processor speed: 2.5 GHz
o RAM: 512MB
o Hard disk drive: 500GB
Design and implementation constraints for a digital clinic management system may
1. Security: The system must be designed to ensure patient data confidentiality, integrity,
and availability. It should have robust security measures in place to prevent unauthorized
access or data breaches.
3. Interoperability: The system must be able to integrate with other healthcare systems
such as electronic health records (EHRs), lab systems, and billing systems. It should also
support industry-standard protocols to enable seamless data exchange between different
4. Usability: The system must be user-friendly and easy to navigate for both healthcare
providers and patients. It should have an intuitive interface that requires minimal training
to use.
5. Accessibility: The system must be accessible from any device and location, including
smartphones, tablets, and desktops. It should also comply with accessibility standards to
cater to patients with disabilities.
7. Cost: The system must be cost-effective and provide value for money. It should have a
reasonable pricing model that aligns with the needs of healthcare providers and patients.
A person who has no knowledge of computers will find it difficult to understand the
system. But with a little knowledge it will be very easy to handle the project.
2.6 User Documentation
User Manuals will be provided that will be providing document with screen shots.
If the user has more queries regarding this software then he/she can contact with the
3 Specific Requirements
The user interface for the software shall be compatible to any browser such as Internet
Explorer, Google chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.
FR1: The system shall allow Patients to Log in, schedule appointments, view reports,
search records. .
FR2: The system shall allow Doctors to view and update patient information,
including to make appointments, delete patient data, search patient data.
FR3: The system shall allow Admins to log in, add accounts, delete accounts, edit
account details, change passwords.
FR4: The system shall allow Receptionists to add and delete data of new or existing
patient records.
3.3 System Use Case Modeling
3.3.3 System Use Case Documentation
Use cases 01:
Use cases UC-1 Description
Main Flow The use case begins when the actor types
his/her name and password on the login
Basic Flow - Login
1.The system validates the actor’s password
and logs him/her into the system.
2.The system displays the Main Form
and the use case ends.
Alternative Flows
1.Invalid Name / Password
If in the basic flow the system cannot
find the name or the password is
invalid, an error message is displayed.
The actor can type in a new name or
password or choose to cancel the
operation, at which point the use case
Alternate flow The data the User inserted Does not meet the
requirements, so the system can not continue.
Exception flow System show error unrelated to the user input.
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Login” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system displays the login page that
allow users to fill in their username/email
address and password
3. The user keys in the details and clicks “Sign
In” button
4. The system checks the details in the
5. The system displays the Home page.
Use cases 03:
ID UC-03
Main Flow 1.The use case starts when the Customer clicks
the “Make Appointments”
2.The system displays the detail
page with all kinds of available Doctors/ patients
3. The system displays a list of Doctor/ patient
that matched
the name of Doctor/patient input by the user
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Add new Data ” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system displays the Add data page that
allow users to insert the desired data.
3. The user keys in the details and clicks “Save”
4. The system checks the details in the
5. The system Saves the system inserted.
Alternate flow The user tries to insert an invalid data list into the
system that doesn’t meet the requirements.
Primary Actor Doctor, Patient, receptionist
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Search ” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system displays the search page that
allow users to write what/ who they are searching
3. The user writes in the details and clicks
“search” button.
4. The system checks the details in the
5. The system displays the data requested.
Alternate flow The user tries to search a data in that is not found
in the system and the system shows a “Data not
found message”.
Secondary Actor Patient
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Delete data” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system displays the search page that
allow users to write what/ who they want to
3. The user writes in the details and clicks
“delete” button.
4. The system checks the details in the
5. The system deletes the data requested.
Alternate flow The user tries to delete a data in that is not found
in the system and the system shows a “Data not
found message”.
Secondary Actor Patient
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Edit Data ” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system displays the search page that
allow users to write what/ who they are searching
3. The user keys in the details and clicks “search”
4. The system checks the details in the
5. The system displays the data requested with
and editing form.
6.The user makes the desired modifications to the
data and press save button.
7. The data inserted is saved on the system.
Alternate flow The user tries to search and edit a data in that is
not found in the system and the system shows a
“Data not found message”.
ID UC-08
Primary Actor Patient, Doctor, Receptionist
Main Flow 1. The use case starts when the user clicks the
“Logout” tab on the navigation bar
2. The system returns to the sign in page
4 Non-Functional Requirements
4.2 Safety and Security Requirements
In case the user forgets or loses Password, the repair functionality helps by choosing “forgot
password” option in the main login window. To avoid this kind of situations, backups can be
done regularly.
While typing the password, if the caps lock is on it must be notified.
If the system is kept idle for 10 min the session will expire.
This system is provided with authentication without which no user can pass. So only the
legitimate users are allowed to use the application. If the legitimate user’s share the
authentication information then the system is open to outsiders.
4.3.1 Reliability
The software should be dependable and consistent, with minimal errors or crashes.
It’s Good validations of user inputs will be done to avoid incorrect storage of records.
4.3.2 Robustness
If a user enters invalid data or if there is a network outage the system will be able to handle these
situations gracefully and recover without losing any important information.
4.3.3 Availability
The software should be available for use at all times, with minimal downtime for maintenance or
upgrades. This can be measured by calculating the percentage of uptime over a given period of time.
4.3.4 Maintainability
The software will be easy to maintain, with minimal downtime required for updates or fixes. This will
be easier with backed up data.
Backup: The system shall provide the capability to back-up the Data.
The system shall keep a log of all the errors.
During the maintenance stage, SRS document can be referred for any validations.
4.3.5 Portability
This system can be installed in any personal computers supporting windows operating system
This can be measured by the number of platforms on which the software can run and the ease of
installation on different systems.