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Devotional v2

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FEBRUARY 21, 2023 His presence saved them: in His love and in His pity He

SRIPTURE: PS. 51:11-12 Do not cast me away from Your presence or take Your redeemed them; and He bare them, and carried them all the
Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of Your days of old.
salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
RHEMA: Ps.51:12 … grant me a WILLING SPIRIT, to sustain me. APPLICATION/PRAYER:
REFLECTION: Father, thank You for Your undying love and care for me. Make known to
Grant me a willing/obedient spirit. A spirit that knows God’s voice. A spirit that me my trespasses and forgive me. Make my heart, mind, spirit, and body
obeys God, so that my body and soul will yield to Him. A spirit that does what clean so that I can face my tomorrows without fear and worry.
God has commanded so that I will not fall to sin.
A willing, ready spirit for God, not rebellious, noble-minded. Cast me not away, oh Lord, from Your presence; and do not take Your Holy
I can know God’s instructions from His word. Therefore, I must read, read, Spirit away from me. I don’t want to be a castaway, someone that has no
contemplate His word (continous devotional). Practice myself to do it worth, someone that no one cares, someone that can easily be thrown away
(make it a habit). or burnt.
Practice what I have learned and received from God through His word. This
will therefore keep me from falling to sin. Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation. Light me up, oh Lord. Grant me
a willing and obedient spirit. A spirit ready for You, to sustain me. Strengthen
and sustain me, oh Lord, so that I can do the great commission You have
DIVINE CARE à God’s promise commanded us to do. Help me, let it be unto me that I will realize it to myself
What God can do? that it is my responsibility as Your follower and believer of Jesus Christ; and as
God’s mighty hand (Deu. 32:11, Exo. 19:4) a child of You, oh God.
Deu. 32:11 Like an eagle stirs its nest, hovering near its young,
I ask it again, oh Lord, grant me a willing and obedient spirit so that I will
spreading out his wings to take him and carry him on his
pinions. not sin against You and of people. Help me to discipline myself. How to
Exo. 19:4 You saw what I did to the Egyptians, and how I manage my time, money, and other resources You have given me. Help me to
carried you on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself. discipline my mind, body, soul, and life.
God is my refuge; He will destroy my enemy. (Deu. 33:27)
Help me to have a continuous and true devotional. Help me to know Your
Ps. 18:35 voice. Help me to know and follow your leading. Help me to read and study
God is my shield of salvation. Your word. Help me understand Your word, oh Lord.
God’s right hand will hold me up.
God’s gentleness has made me great. Lord, as You have promised and declared. You have promised and declared
  that You will heal Your people. You will heal me, oh Lord. You will comfort me.
Isa 41:10
You will restore me to health, You will heal my wounds. You have promised
God is with me; I should not be afraid.
God is my God; I should not be dismayed. divine care to me and my family and Your people, oh Lord. You will strengthen
God will strengthen and help me. me, You will help me, You will redeem me, You will sustain me. Not just me,
God will uphold me with its right hand of righteousness. oh Lord, but Your people.
I claim it all, oh Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, Your son. Amen.
Isa. 63:9-7 In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of
February 24, 2023  February 25, 2023

RHEMA: Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
RHEMA: Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat
REFLECTION: down at the right hand of the throne of God.
God will rule over me. He will rule my heart and mind through Jesus. He will REFLECTION:
cause me to be without trouble inside me. He can do it to me but I cannot
understand how He does it. But He is so great that he can do it for me and us. Attitude, behavior, the way I think and speak, be like Jesus.
He will cause e not to care about what the world care and He will make anxiety to Though there will be pain, be like Jesus. For there is a reward set after it.
get away from me.
Jesus is our example. He suffered for us, leaving as an example, that we should
And as Phil. 4:4 says, I will rejoice in the Lord always. For the Lord is near.
follow His steps. (1Pe. 2:21)
(Phil. 4:5) I will not be anxious of anything and everything. I will let know to God
everything in prayer with thanksgiving. (Phil. 4:6) MOTIVATION:
MOTIVATION: Though I will experience pain and suffering, there is joy, peace, contentment,
The peace of God is not like the peace of men or the world can give. And it and favor set before me, so I will endure and keep the faith. Keep trusting God.
will guard my heart. If I will remain in faith in God, His peace will come to me, Keep on moving with God.
and guards my heart and mind. I will then not worry or be anxious.
Father, thank You for Your word. Thank You for Your peace. Thank You that Fix, focus on Jesus. Set Him as an example. By the grace of God, by His
You are always near to me. You are always with me. Your peace will strengthen word, I may be like Him. Read and study His word so that I may know Him
me and will take away my worries and anxiety. more and learn from Him.
I will rejoice in You always for You will guide me and rule over me. Your Father, thank You that You gave Jesus to die for us, for our sins and
peace will rule my body, my heart, my mind, my interactions with people, my
weaknesses. Though no sin was found in Jesus, still He suffer and endure the
doing, and my life.
cross and shame. Help me to be able to endure the Christian race. Help me to
Thank You God, through Jesus, that You have overcome the world through
the cross, through Jesus. You have overcome the situation I am in now. You keep the faith and keep on moving forward with Jesus. Amen.
have overcome the cyst in my right ovary.  
Thank You Lord, that I will no longer need to undergo medical operation for
You have already healed me didto sa cross sa kalbaryo. You have already taken
away the cyst in my right ovary. I will always be in awe of the wondrous and
miracle acts You have done and will be done in my body, mind, soul, life, and
family. Doctors will be amazed and be in awe of Your greatness and mercy. We
will be amazed and thankful of your greatness and mercy to us. Your glory will
be known throughout mankind.
Thank You for the complete healing. Thank You for the strength, and thank
You for sustaining us. These all I pray, in Jesus name, amen.
March 15, 2023 March 16, 2023

RHEMA: Isaiah 55:6-7 6 Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him RHEMA: 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal
while He is near! 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous men his glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish,
thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to strengthen, settle you.
our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
God called us. Though we may suffer but God is there, the owner of all grace
This encourages us to seek God for there is a warning, “while He may be found”. and mercies. God called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus. There is
There is time favorable for seeking God. We must seek Him, call Him while He is support in God’s grace.
near. For when He will come as a judge, He will judge us according to what we
have done. God called us, meaning, if we turn to Him, He is there (present) and will not
leave or forsake us. If we remain in Him, the support and strength that we need
We must seek Him, call Him now and every now and then for He promised that (which is in Him) will not cease, always there.
He will answer us and help us (Isa. 49:8)
In Isa 55:7, God tell us what is necessary in order to seek Him and to return to Suffered for a while… meaning there are afflictions, but we will experience it
Him. The first step is to forsake our way and our thoughts. We must come to a shortly compared to eternity. They are light compared to the exceeding eternal
realization and acknowledge that we are limited and must abandon all our weight of God’s glory. Though our body may feel heavy and tired, the inner man
transgressions. We must acknowledge that we are limited, we cannot solve within us is renewed every morning through the word of God.
anything on our own. We should let our mind and thoughts to under the
sovereignty of God. We cannot truly seek God if we cannot and will not abandon Make you perfect… by means of afflictions or trials, we will be like a shiny
our sins. We will not obtain God’s favor. We are like wanderers in a dessert land if precious stone.
we remain in sin, pride, chasing worldly things. We must abandon these things Stablished… our faith in God is immovable, cannot be swayed, it is firm.
and return to God. Returning to Him for pardon, protection, and support. We
must trust God’s wisdom and guidance. Strengthen… by waling with God through His word and His grace. He will
strengthen us so that we will be able to bear and become victorious (through
MOTIVATION: Jesus) in all trials that we may face.
We are inspired by these verses to seek God, call to Him, and return to Him.
Why? Because it is only in Him that we will have true forgiveness, true
I should continue consistently my devotional and prayer for this will help me to
protection, and support. God has all the answers to all our questions and need.
be strong in my daily life and dealings with other people.
But we need also to abandon sin and not rely on ourselves. For we are limited.
And sin blocks God’s provisions. If we ask forgiveness from God, He is merciful Thank You God that you have called us. Make known to me Your will and help
and will abundantly forgives us. And we should keep ourselves away (by the me to follow it. Help me not to back out when trials come. Show me Your grace
grace of God) from sinning. and mercy so that I can overcome it and help me to acknowledge You always.
Help me not to own the glory for the glory is Yours alone. May your
compassion, mercy, power, strength, and favor reflect in my life and family, so
I must have a constant connection with God so that I will not sin, and we that people will glorify You.
guided. I must seek God’s guidance when ever decisions need to be made. I
know, God is working inside me. I pray that God will finish what He had started Thank You for the assurance that what You have started in us, You are faithful to
in me. I pray that my devotional and prayer will be consistent. And help me finish and complete it. You will perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us. In
God to share Your lovingkindness to other people, especially to my students. Jesus’ name, amen.
 May 10, 2023 May 9, 2023 PM

RHEMA: Colossians 3:13 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any RHEMA: 1 John 1:9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Forgiveness matters. For me, you will be at peace if you forgive. You will no
We all have sinned and living improperly. We made mistakes and acted in a way
longer be carrying heavy feelings everyday.
that goes against the will of God. Sin separates us from being in a right
But sometimes, we choose not to forgive. How often have we chosen not to relationship with God. But while we are separated from God, God himself made
forgive someone while happily receiving the forgiveness that God offers us?
a way to solve it. He gave Jesus to die for us, for our sins. God solve it through
Striking! God has forgiven us long, long time ago. He offers that forgiveness to
us. And we happily receive it. Even God, which is God, forgives us. So we must Jesus’ death and resurrection.
also practice forgiveness. Though we know that Jesus died for us to save us from our sins, and we avail
We all made mistakes. We all rebelled against God in certain ways. And all that forgiveness, sometimes, it does not feel that way. We sometimes made
wrongdoing is contrary to God’s ways. We may perceive that some sins have mistakes, we carry around the guilt and shame from our sinful actions. 1 John
bigger consequences—but every mistake causes us to fall short of the glory of
1:19 is a remainder for us that when we confess our sins to God, He is faithful
and just to forgive us.
Forgiveness does not necessarily erase the hurt caused but it will help us heal
and move forward. We does not always understand what experiences impact MOTIVATION:
the decisions someone makes. That is why empathy matters. Think deeply God is faithful and cannot lie, I can trust Him of His words and promises. I can
before react. Putting ourselves in the position of the person who’s offended us trust Him that He will forgive me and purify me from everything that keeps
and choosing to understand their situation and burdens. Jesus experienced how me from Him. I must just be willing to be purify by Him.
to be human yet He does not sin, but then, He took our sins on Himself when
He died for us. He gave His life to save us. Matthew 6:14-15 also says that if we
forgive, our heavenly Father will also forgive us. If we forgive not men their APPLICATION/PRAYER:
trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. We need to extend Thank You God for forgiving me through Jesus’ death. Thank You that I am
forgiveness to others if we truly want to experience God’s forgiveness. now a new creature through Jesus’s resurrection. Thank You that I can talk to
MOTIVATION: You and confess my sins to You. Thank You for your faithfulness, mercy, and
As Jesus and God did for me, He forgave me, I should extend forgiveness to forgiveness. Thank You for taking away the guilt of the past. Strengthen me O
others. As Matthew 6:14-15 says, if we forgive, our heavenly Father will also God, as I walk with You. Help me also to forgive others. Amen.
forgive us. If we forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.  
Father, show me who I need to forgive. I allow You God to shift my
perspective and soften my heart towards that person. Give me the strength
and empathy I need to forgive.
May 8, 2023 PM be aligned with You.
May 7, 2023 PM
RHEMA: Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard you heart. For everything you do flows
from it. RHEMA: Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one
REFLECTION: another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Every aspect, every part of who we are, every part of our being is developed REFLECTION:
from the heart, the character is developed from the heart. Guard the heart. We If we have been saved by God, and have been shown mercy and goodness of
should be aligned with God. God, then we ought to show mercy and goodness to other people. We received
What’s in the heart determines our perspective and perception of life. And if grace freely from God, we also ought to give grace freely to others.
we feed our heart with wrong things, wrong thinking, (streams of negativity), God is love, we also ought to love one another, operate in love. We ought to
then our perspective and perception of life will be negative, life will be show compassion as our heavenly Father is compassionate. We ought to be
dragging. humble as of God is humble, Jesus gave His life to die for us even though He is
When we are under pressure (pressures of life), what’s comes out from us is God. Showing humbleness, love, and compassion will communicate to other
what we been putting inside us (our heart). Our reactions is a reflection of people what God is.
what we have been putting in our heart. That is why God says, guard our heart. Forgiveness and compassion go together. Compassion means someone else's
But how? heartbreak becomes your heartbreak. That is, to empathize with someone who
Psalms says, Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my is suffering and to feel compelled to reduce the suffering. Just like what Jesus
thoughts. This means, we allow God to search us, we allow Him to guard our did on the cross, He suffered for us and because of us, yet Jesus say, “Father
heart. Unless we have faith in God, who surrounds us, uphold us, and gives us forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing”. What a love.
wisdom. Unless we trust God that His wisdom will guide us, it will be difficult MOTIVATION:
for us to guard our heart effectively. Philippians says, And the peace of God, Take time to think about the people in my life who I may have the opportunity
which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in to show compassion to, or someone in need who I can extend help. Practice
Christ Jesus. So, let Jesus rule our mind and heart. Focus on Jesus not on the humbleness, showing compassion, and forgiveness.
difficulties in life. Feed our heart all about God.  
If I will guard my heart always, with the help of the grace of God, then I will God, thank You for choosing to forgive me, though I don’t deserve it. Let
be unblemished and clean. If I will guard my heart always, with the help of the this sink deeply inside me that will cause me to be kind, humble,
grace of God, then everything that is fed in my heart will be all good things; compassionate, and forgiving to others. I want to be like You. Help me each
and everything comes out of me will be all good things. day to remember what Jesus did on the cross, Your gift of forgiveness, and
  release all my anger towards those who have wronged me. In Jesus’ name,
Father, thank You for Your word. Help me Lord to guard my heart and I will  

May 6, 2023 PM May 5, 2023 PM

RHEMA: 1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. RHEMA: 1 Colossians 4:2 Devote yourself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful
Sometimes, I will say, I’m fine, I’ve got this, I can solve this, I can find ways to REFLECTION:
solve this, I don’t need the help from other people—self-sufficiency. Masking A striking warning note from my Pastor, A sinning man will stop praying, and a
tat I don’t want to bother other people. I don’t want to burden others with my praying man will stop sinning (a quote from Leonard Ravenhill). He also warned
problem. It is PRIDE. us that A believer who is not PRAYING is playing. It awakes me, plus supported
by 1 Colossians 4:2.
But in reality, I cried a lot sometimes because I don’t know what to do anymore.
I’ve search my mind of ways to solve my problems, but then I’ve come up with Prayer is more than just asking God what we need. Prayer will gives us strength
no solution. No one is an island. I exists because of God. If it wasn't because of and sustain us. As the verse says, not just to engage in prayer, but to devote in
God, I wouldn't be here today. In short, I am nothing without God. Humility, it. Give time to it for it is a way to talk to God about every aspect of life, about
acceptance of what I am, what I can do compared to what God is. everything.

God knows what we need, and He wants us to cast our anxieties onto Him. The verse also said, be in an alert mind. Be watchful and discerning of what’s
Giving Him our concerns, hurts, hardships, and heartbreaks is an act of happening in my life and to the world. Discerning comes from the Holy Spirit.
surrender, vulnerable surrender to God. We cannot do this unless we The Holy Spirit help us know what God is doing and God’s voice.
acknowledge our need for Him, our need for Him to save and help us.
The verse also said, be in prayer with a thankful heart. Use our time in prayer to
1 Peter 5:7 says that we must be open to God, come openly and honestly to worship and praise God through thanksgiving and gratitude.
MOTIVATION: I have to make time for prayer, make it an important part of my entire day,
If I come openly and honestly to God, casting all my cares, worries, and everyday. I need to have a conversation with God everyday. So that I may now
anxieties to Him, He will show His care for me. He will rescue and help me. His plans and will. I will use my time in prayer to worship and praise God
  through thanksgiving and gratitude.
God, You know that people need You. You know that I need You. I need APPLICATION/PRAYER:
You. Forgive me for all the times that I acted alone, acted that I can do it alone God, help me. I want to dedicate time to pray with You each day. Help me
by myself. Today, I can to You just as I am, and I give You all my cares, worries, devote a discipline of prayer, offering thanksgiving to You for who You are and
and anxieties. Please replace it with peace, joy, and hope that comes from all that You are doing. In Jesus’ name, amen.
You alone. I know that I am safe with You, and You can handle all my problems  
for nothing is impossible and difficult to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

May 4, 2023 PM May 3, 2023

RHEMA: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just RHEMA: Psalms 4:8 In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep
as you are already doing. me safe.

Most of the time, people were going through tough times and we didn’t know The peace of God that is not like others. This verse assures us that the Lord will
what to do to help them. We didn't know what to say to them, but we felt like keep us safe. God is not like men, He does not lie with His words and promises.
we could have said something.
Worries and anxieties happens inside us. If we only feed our mind and heart
The verse says, to continue to encourage one another. Encouragement can with the cares of this world, we will not experience true joy and peace in this
change someone’s attitude. It can lift them up. It can give them hope and world. We must feed our mind and heart with the things of God, with the
determination to push through even though it is hard or painful. promises of God.

I remember the incident that happen to one of my students. I don’t know how Often, we spend time worrying of the things that we have no control. The verse
to help her. I just pray in silent that God will help and heal her. I don’t know also points us to trust God. Trust God that He will always be there for us when
what to say to her to help her. I felt angry to myself of what had happen to her we call, that He will provide our daily needs. We should not be anxious of the
for I lack a prayerful life. But God is hope, and truly cares for us all. Though she things of this world, but we should submit everything to God in prayer. He
stops schooling, I know that it will not be forever. I know that God had done alone can control everything.
and started something wonderful and powerful inside her.
He alone can control everything. He is peace. So we can lie down and sleep,
We as a church must be a place and bearer of encouragement and light from free from worry and anxiety. Danger will be there but if we put our trust in God,
God. We should generously uplift one another. we will be at peace.

Continue to encourage other people. Encourage them to do rightly in life and Cast all my worries and problems to God. Trust in Him for He cares for me, for
in the sight of God. Encourage people to keep on moving forward with God. He will keep me safe. He will give me peace. God is much, much more greater
Never let opportunity to encourage other people be wasted. than my worries and problems.
God, thank You for the people You gave me in my life. I know You gave Thank You God that I can sleep peacefully because You cares for me and
them for a reason. I am grateful for the people in my life who encourage me my family. My future, our future is in You hands. We are in better hands.
one way or another. I pray that I can be an encouragement to others. Help me Today, I commit my concerns to You. Give me peace-filled rest so that I can
to be aware of those around me who are discourage. Show me ways to rise joyfully and do all that You have called me to do. Help me O God. In Jesus’
spread Your love with others. Put Your words (words of encouragement and name, amen.
life) in my heart, mind, and mouth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

May 2, 2023 May 1, 2023

RHEMA: Matthew 7:24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like RHEMA: 1 Peter 5:8-9 8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a
a person who builds a house on solid rock. roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9  Whom resist steadfast in
the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that
are in the world.
Jesus is the word. Jesus is the strong, solid foundation. Jesus is our shelter.

Every decision we make reinforces what we believe our support system to be. REFLECTION:
When life’s storms come, will that support system we believe support us or will Don’t let your guard down. The reasons behind letting your guard down is
cause us to fall down and crumble? laziness, distraction, tiredness, listening to other voices, and wrong confidence.
God’s teaching remains reliable and steadfast through all seasons and time. For If we are going to resist the enemy, we must stay on both offensive and
it is life. And God’s word will not fade away. No matter what happens, God’s defensive.
word will remain and stands firm.
Offensive: Staying alert at all times. Standing firm, and be strong. Read and
The teachings from the world tend to change and shift through time. As the meditate the word of God. Make time for God, connect with God. Have
saying goes, Nothing is constant in this world, its only change. fellowship with fellow believers.
MOTIVATION: Defensive: If someone is twisting the truth, call it out—out of love. If injustice,
Choose Jesus, God as my foundation in life and in every decision I will make. do something to help. Have the courage to fight the enemy. Be strong, resist it.
If I listen and follows God’s teaching, I will be a wise person in the sight of
If you let your guard down, don’t stay that way. Ask forgiveness from God, rise
up, keep moving with God.
Thank You God that I can rely on Your words and truth because Your word Stay alert. Don’t give an inch for the enemy. Remind myself that there are
is never-changing and You are a never-changing God. As I continue to study others fighting this battle with me.
Your word, help me to practice what I have learned from You. Help me to  
think like You, give like You, understand like You, love like You and humble like APPLICATION/PRAYER:
You. In Jesus’ name, amen. God, I desire to live for You. You must increase in me, in my life, my family,
  and my career. I must decrease. Help me to stay alert throughout the day,
everyday. I ask for Your wisdom and spirit of discernment. Please make it
easier for me to pay attention to the things You want me to. When You urge
me to, please give me the courage to do so. Help me to discern what is holy
so that I can be pleasing to You in all I do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

April 30, 2023

April 29, 2023
RHEMA: Galatians 1:4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from
this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 25:1-11

REFLECTION: RHEMA: Isaiah 25:1 O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God.
Jesus came to this world. Live as a human. He died on our behalf to free us You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have
from our sins. He did not do this by Himself, He obeyed what the God the accomplished them.
Father wanted Him to do. Jesus became a sin-offering to God in behalf of REFLECTION:
Worshiping God is one of the most basic aspects of the Christian life.
Jesus came and gave Himself so that He can rescue or deliver us from the Worshipping is not just singing songs of praise, worship can be much more than
present evil. So that He can separate us from evil. This is the will of God. The that. Worship is rightly thinking about and praising God for who He is and what
plan was made by God and was done exactly as God planned it.  If it is in He has done and can be done. We worship God because He is God. He is
accordance with God’s will, then it is good. awesome, God of unimaginable things. This means that we can worship God
any time, any day, and in any season.
Now, we should not live like other people live. We must choose to live the right
I will thank and worship God of who He is and who He is in my life, and family,
and see how much God has done for me and my family.
God saved me from sin and caused Jesus’ death. But Jesus conquered death.
This means that He is very much able to save and deliver us from evil in this
present times. It is God’s will to save us.
  Take some time to think about God. How I have come this far because of Him.
APPLICATION/PRAYER: Consider His character, of how He showed it. Think of the things He has
blessed me, my family, and other people. Take time for this and thank and
I should not take it for granted what Jesus did on the cross in order to save
worship Him.
me. I must choose to live the right way, that is pleasing to God.
Father, help me to be pleasing to You always, everyday. Help me to be a
channel of Your love to other people.

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