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Mr. Rishabh Upadhyay, M.Sc. (N), CHN MR. Amrut Parmar
Lecturer, skin, bhabhar Roll No. 21
Bsc (N) 4th Year
Topic : Plague
Duration :
Date :
Time :
After completion of the class the students will be able to acquire deep knowledge about plague
Specific objectives
Introduction of plague
1. Define the plague
2. Explain the epidemiological factor of the plague
3. Discus about the clinical manifestation of the plague
4. Mention the diagnostic evaluation of the plague
Host Envrionment
All ages,both Rainfall
Sexes hunters, Rodent density
Harvesters, Human
cultivators Dwelling
4. Discus about the Clinical Manifestations Explain about Asking question Which are the
clinical clinical clinical
manifestation of Three types of plague are found in manifestation of manifestation of
the plague humans: the plague the plague
• Bubonic Plague
• Pneumonic Plague
• Septicaemic Plague
The beginning of bubonic plague is
sudden with fever, shivering and
headache. Face and eyes turn red and
person feels extremely tired. Pain
and swelling develop in all the
lymph glands especially in the
thighs. This plague does not spread
from one person to another because
infection is locked in buboes and
they cannot get out. Bubonic plague
might change into septicaemic
plague. Patient may die due to
toxicity. Pneumonic plague affects
lungs and is usually a complication
of bubonic or septicaemic plague.
Because the bacteria are found in
sputum and spreads throughn droplet
infection, pneumonic plague is very
SR Tim Specific Content Teacher Learners AV Aids Evaluation
No. e objectives activity activity
5. Mention the Diagnostic Evaluation Describe the Clarify the By which test
diagnostic diagnostic doubts you diagnose the
evaluation of the Smear examination of secretion of evaluation of the plague
glands, fluids and sputum. plague
Blood culture and serum examination.
7. Explain the Lecture cum Listen carefully What is the
prevention of • Control of fleas: By any method discussion prevention of
plague rodent flea-human chain should be plague
interrupted. Insecticide should be used
on the floor. Destroying rats and
rodents: For this, the holes and cracks
in the houses should be filled, repair
the house, improve cleanliness, kill
rats and improve living standards.
• Use plague vaccine (Haffkine's anti
plague vaccine). This produces
resistance for 6 months. It is modified
by sokhey. This vaccine is given
subcutaneously in two doses 0.5 ml
and 1.o ml within 7 to 14 days
• For saving people from the disease,
tetracycline (500 mg, 4 times a day for
3 days) may be used as prophylaxis.
Keep close watch on areas affected by
• It is essential to dispose of patients
sputum, secretion and other related
materials, properly. . Health education,
information and communication. (Re-
porting of sudden death of rats is
Today we have discussed and came to know about what is plague ? it’s introduction , epidemiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic
evaluation, management and prevention. The various measurement and method will helpful to aware and know much about the health related
facts of a community with conducting health care system in India..
Plague is an acute bacterial illness that is typically transmitted to humans by the bites of infectious fleas, direct contact with infected animals, or
inhalation of infectious respiratory droplets.
Swarnkar keshav, Community health nursing, 4th edition, Indore: N.R Brother publication, Page no-62
Tulsi T. Vasundhara & Prasuna G. Gnana. Community health nursing II, 2nd edition ,Hyderabad : Frontline publications, Page no-340-342
Saxena R.P. Community health nursing II, 3rd edition,panjab: Lotus publishers, Page no- 370-373
Basvanthapa B.T, Community health nursing, 3rd edition, New Delhi: Jaypee brothers publication, Page no- 1262-1264