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Part 1 In this part, I am going to ask you three short questions about you and your
interests. You will have 30 seconds to reply to each question.

1. Please tell me about your hometown or city.

I am from Las Gabias. It is a small town in Granada. There are some ancient
monuments such as a church or a medieval castle witch you can visit. Besides, It
is a calm and very cosy town and the people are very friendly. I feel really
comfortable living here.

2. How do you relax in the evening?

I usually drink milk and I read books in the evening. I like drinking milk and
reading books because it makes me feel relaxed. I am very busy during the day,
so it’s important that I take some time to relax.

3. Do you have a large family?

I have a small family formed by four members: my father, my mother, my sister

and me. I am three years older than my sister. She has got a daughter and a son.
I have got a daughter. Her name is Alex. She has got seven years old. My parents
have been married for forty years.

Part 2 In this part, I am going to ask you to describe a picture. Then will ask you
Two questions about it. You will have 45 seconds for each response.
1. Please describe this picture in detail.

In this picture we can see two woman and a girl. The girl has got white and
yellow t-shirt. She has got blond and long hair. The woman on the right is older
than the woman on the left. She has got short hair. She is wearing a white and
blue blouse. The woman at the centre has got white and red t -shirt. I think that
they are family. They are in the kitchen. They are cooking some biscuits.
2. Why is it important for people to learn to cook well?
People who never learn to cook are missing a great opportunity to learn one of
the most valuable skills. Cooking is an important skill that everyone should
acquire. It is very important for people learn to cook because: First, Cooking is
fun way to relieve stress after a hard day of school or work. Second, you can save
money. Cooking is less expensive than eating at restaurants. Finally, you have
control over your menu and can pick exactly what you want to eat at every meal.
3. Tell me about a dish that you like?

I love foods, who does not?I love eating pizza. In fact, if my memory serves me
well, pizza has been one of my favourite foods since my early university days,
and there wasn’t a week for me in those university years that had passed by
without eating at least 2 or 3 pizzas.  Of course, I don’t eat them as much as the
time when I was younger, but still, I like to enjoy them as often as I can without
putting too much strain on my stomach and heart health.  

Part 3 In this part I am going to ask you to compare two pictures. Then I will ask
you two questions about them. You will have 45 seconds for each response.

Tell me what you see in the two pictures.

What would it be like to work on these two farms?
Which method of farming is better for the community?
Part 4 In this part I am going to show you a picture and ask you three questions.
You will have one minute to think about your answers before you start speaking.
You will have two minutes to answer all three questions.

1. Tell me about a book that is important to you.

2. How has this book helped you?
3. Do you think computers will replace books in the future?

PART 1: INFORMATION RECOGNITION. Listen to a short recording and identify

specific information.
1. Your cousin calls to invite you to her new house. Where has she moved to?
a. Close to the station
b. Close to the stadium
c. Close to your house
2. Ana calls her friend to arrange lunch. Where does she want to go far lunch?
a. An Italian restaurant
b. A Japanese restaurant
c. A Spanish restaurant
3. Helen calls you about her birthday party. What has changed?
a. The time
b. The restaurant
c. The date
4. Listen to the message from your aunt. What does she need you to buy?
a. A cake
b. Some drinks
c. Some candles
5. Listen to the recorded message. What is Timothy Brown's telephone number?
a. 07754456789
b. 07754456567
c. 07754465567
6. Listen to a woman talking about the best things about her town. What does she
say is the most popular attraction for visitors?
a. The beach
b. The temple
c. The museum
7. Listen to a man talking about his hobbies. What activity does he normally do on
Thursday evenings?
a. He plays cricket
b. He goes to the gym
c. He plays tennis
8. You hear two friends discussing their recent trip to the USA. What do they
agree was the best thing about their trip?
a. The food
b. The weather
c. The scenery
9. Listen to a message for your cousin Tony. What does he need you to do?
a. Take his dog to the vet
b. Collect his daughter from nursery
c. Call Julie at work
10. Listen to an announcement in a pet shop. Which items have the best
discount this month?
a. Hamster cages
b. Dog food
c. Cat beds
11.Your friend calls to tell you where to meet him. Where and when does he
suggest that the two of you meet?
a. At the cinema at 9pm
b. At the underground station at 8pm
c. At the underground station at 8:30pm
12. Listen to a couple discussing moving to a new area of town. Where do they
decide to move to?
a. The north of the city
b. The south of the city
c. The east of the city
13. A man is in a shop buying a wedding anniversary present for his wife. What
gift does he decide to buy for her?
a. A designer ring
b. A pair of leather shoes
c. A silk scarf

PART 2: INFORMATION MATCHING. You listen to four audios in which the

speaker talks about their next holiday and match the person to the information.

SPEAKER A is going
going to SPEAKER C
is going to SPEAKER
D is going to

Go to the beach

Go camping

Take a city


a l to an exotic location Go
y backpacking

PART 3: OPINION MATCHING. You listen to short conversations with two speakers
to identify the attitude of the speaker, their intention or opinion. Listen to two
parents discussing children´s film they have seen. Read the statements below and
decide who expresses which opinion the man (M), the woman (W) or both (B).

1. Animated movies are the best choice for kids.

2. I don´t regret watching the movie.

3. The movie is unsuitable for kids.

4. The movie should be rated differently.

PART 4: MONOLOGUE COMPREHENSION. You listen to a monologue and

identify the attitude, intention or opinion of the speaker.

Listen to a student explaining a problem to her tutor and answer both questions.

1. What is the main issue she has with the class?

a. The teacher doesn‘t explain things well enough for her
b. She doesn’t get on well with the other members of the class
c. She is finding some of the topics challenging
2. What is her opinion of the app she was recommended by a friend?
a. She thinks it’s very handy to be able to access it online
b. She believes it’s not for beginners as it doesn’t give enough theory
c. She comments that it’s better than a traditional textbook

Listen to a worker from an elephant sanctuary and answer both questions.

1. How long has the speaking been studying elephants

a. She has been studying them for 10 years
b. She has just begun to study them
c. She has been studying them all her life
2. What does the speaker mention as a characteristic of elephants that
surprises her?
a. They love their relatives in a similar way to people
b. They show kindness to other animal species
c. They are one of the smartest species in the world

Grammar. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C)

1. The boy ………called me last night was my brother's friend.
a. That
b. Which
c. Whom
2. A. Do you remember Joanna? I think she's just walked into the restaurant.
No, that ……. be her as she moved to New York last summer.
a. can´t
b. shouldn’t
c. won't
3. In the lecture the teacher focused on............different situations you might
a. the
b. a few
c. a
4. She goes to Spain on holiday..........year.
a. a
b. every
c. all
5. Don't worry. I'll do it as soon as I........home.
a. get
b. getting
c. got
6. Last night, we had dinner in a restaurant and...........we went home.
a. after
b. then
c. so
7. We............a fantastic series on Netflix at the moment.
a. are watching
b. watch
c. watching
8. Peter........................on the phone when I arrived at the office.
a. is talking
b. was talking
c. talked
9. Travelling by plane..................to be more expensive in the past.
a. use
b. has
c. used
10. When I finish university, ………I will start my own business.
a. perhaps
b. may
c. might
11. While he...........from school, he was hit by a car.
a. were coming
b. was coming
c. came
12. They talked to Ryan in the end,........they?
a. don't
b. didn't
c. aren't
13. If James.....................studied his IT degree, he would have chosen
engineering instead.
a. hadn't
b. weren't
c. didn't
14. I meant to do the shopping this morning, but I........Harry Potter.
a. read
b. have read
c. was reading
15. Sorry. Could I try ……this t-shirt, please?
a. in
b. on
c. at
16. I saw Jim at the party. He......me that he had moved back to London.
a. said
b. told
c. asked
17. I haven't decided what to study at university next year. I.............study
a. might
b. can
c. would
18. It's only 10 pm. So, the shop..............still be open.
a. should
b. won' t
c. ought
19. When my mother................home, my father was still cooking dinner.
a. gets
b. had got
c. got
20. If I hadn't studied politics, I..............understand the importance of voting.
a. wouldn't
b. won 't
c. didn't
21. Although I.................eat cabbage, now I have it every week.
a. could
b. didn't use to
c. would
22. BBC news.........broadcasting for over 80 years now.
a. has been
b. have been
c. had been
23. John said he..................for ages.
a. had been studying
b. will study
c. is studying
24. London,........is the capital of England, is one of the most iconic cities in
a. that
b. which
c. what
25. I remember...........wolf I saw at the zoo the other day.
a. -
b. the
c. an
Vocabulary. Task 1.
Write the word from the list (A-J) which is most similar in meaning to the words on
the left (1-5). Use each word only once. There are extra words which you will not
need to use (A-J).
1. happy
A. carve
2. fly B. drop
C. alleviated
3. cut D. intensify
E. glide
4. scared F. horrified
G. loan
5. relieved H. terrified
I. spread
J. joyful
Vocabulary. Task 2.

Finish each definition (6-10) by using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word only
once. There are extra words which you will not need to use (A-J).

6. To unfasten something is to ... A. make up

7. To apply your mind to B. crash
learning is to ... C. phone
8. To write on a keyboard is to ... D. purchase
9. To give consent is to ... E. look after
10. To care for somebody is to... F. type
G. agree
H. undo
I. do up
J. study

Vocabulary. Task 3.

Write the word from the list (A-J) which matches the definition (11-15). There are
extra words which you will not need to use (A-J).

11. Bright or glossy in appearance A. shiny

B. broad
12. Having a flat even surface ...
13. Enjoying the pain or distress of C. cruel
others ... D. outdated
14. Beautiful, remarkable and
E. sharp
astonishing ...
15. Aware of and responsive to the F. breath-taking
feelings of others ... G. ugly
H. sensible
I. sensitive
J. smooth
Vocabulary. Task 4.

Finish each sentence (16-20) using a word from the list (A-J). Use each word only
once. There are extra words which you will not need to use (A-J).

16. This is the third...........the A. jaw

author has released this year. B. profits
17. Company..........are up by 30%
C. stool
this year.
D. cushion
18. The witness identified
E. duvet
the..........and he was sent
to F. cruise
prison. G. mat
19. It's cold, so we should put the H. thief
winter...............on the bed. I. jail
20. I ' m going on a three-week J. novel
………. around the

Vocabulary. Task 5.

Write the word (A-J) that is most often used with a word on the list (21-25) to form
a collocation. Use each word only once. There are extra words which you will not
need to use (A-J).

21. set up A. weight

22. bake B. a cake
23. ask C. a question
D. a business
24. lose E. attention
25. pay F. school
G. happiness
H. a threat
I. a mystery
J. traffic

Task 1. Choose one word to complete the email.

Hi Sam,
How (0) are you?
Could you buy (1) things from the shop?
Please (2) some pasta, some cheese, and a few tomatoes. Don't (3) that I finish work
late on Tuesdays. So, please (4) you walk the dog? I’ll be home (5) at 8pm.
EXAMPLE 0 A. is B. are C. be
1. A. few B. some C. much
2. A. give B. sell C. buy
3. A. remind B. forget C. remember
4. A. shall B. should C. could
5. A. almost B. nearly C. around

Task 2. Order the sentences so that they make a complete, coherent text.


A. This report gives information about the dangers of driving on the mountain road.
B. This is why I think there should be more warning signs along the road.
C. For this reason, it is easy for them to lose control and have an accident.
D. They aren't used to driving in dangerous conditions.
E. These will make it safer for them to get to the ski resort in our beautiful mountains.
F. This road is sometimes icy during the winter when people come to ski here.


A. Barry George was born in the English city of Manchester in 1942.

B. He became a racing driver at 21 and won his first competition at 22 years old.
C. He died at the age of 85 and is fondly remembered for his generosity.
D. His career went from strength to strength, until he was the best in the world.
E. By the time he retired, he was very wealthy. So, he invested his money in a school.
F. As a child, he was obsessed with racing cars and speed.
Task 3. To complete the task, you need to match four people' s opinions (Person A-D) to
seven questions. Four people respond in the comments section of an online magazine article
about their first day at work. Read their comments and answer the questions (1-7).
Everyone in my new team was very friendly, but I soon confused the names as I was quite
nervous. It is probably a good idea to investigate your future colleagues' names before you
start. I was asked to write a short report and then left on my own. I didn't do it very well,
mainly because I did it quite quickly. You must look as if you' re doing something, though, so I
typed it out four times. It was a bit disappointing overall because l had wanted to make a good

The first thing I did was learn everyone's names - not too hard as l' m good at that sort of
thing. My line manager showed me where everything was, and it was a thrill to have my very
own desk. I was stunned when she told me most people went home fairly late and l'd have to
do the same if I wanted to be considered for promotion in the future. I should have realised
that before as my mates had warned me that might be the case - I ought to have listened to

When I walked into the office the first person, I saw was the person who' d interviewed me.
She didn't make much of an effort to put me at my ease which I reckon is wrong. I just sat
down where she told me to and got on with it. I decided I’d bring in some pictures and a plant
for my desk, just to make it feel more mine and this worked well. I could see that's what the
others had done. l 've been there for two years now, and I’ve made some good buddies - this is
important as it helps the time fly by at work.

I remember being pretty nervous, and when I got there, nobody seemed to know who I was or
what my role was. I looked overly smart and everyone else was fairly casual. I wished I’d asked
beforehand and not worn a suit - so that's a decent tip. I’d imagined I might not do much, but I
was asked to look for some pictures of architecture to go with an article any co-worker was
writing. I found several appropriate ones and went home at the end of a long day feeling rather
1. Who thinks it's a good idea to personalise your workspace?
2. Who thinks it's a good idea to ask about the dress code?
3. Who thinks it's important to look busy?
4. Who thinks you should learn from the experiences of friends?
5. Who thinks you should build good relationships with colleagues?
6. Who thinks you should research the other staff before you start work?
7. Who thinks others could try to ease your nerves on your first day?

Task 4. To complete the task, you need to match 7 headings to the correct paragraphs in the
text. Choose from the list (A-I) and match it to a paragraph (1-7). There is an extra sentence
and an example given (0).

(0) Vancouver is a coastal seaport city in western Canada, located in the Lowe r Mainland
region of British Columbia. As the most populous city in the province, the 2016 census recorded
631,486 people in the city, up from 603,502 in 2011. Vancouver has the highest population
density in Canada with over 5,400 people per square kilometre, which makes it the fifth-most
densely populated city in North America behind New York City, Guadalajara, Sa n Francisco
and Mexico City according to the census.
1. Vancouver is one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada; 52% of its
residents have a first language other than English. The city has been called "a city of
neighbourhoods” as each area has its own distinctive ethnic and cultural mix. People of English,
Scottish and lrish heritage were the historically the largest ethnic groups, but this has been
surpassed by immigration from Hong Kong and mainland China since the 1980s.
Nowadays, roughly 30% of the city 's inhabitants are of Chinese heritage.

2. Many plants and trees growing throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland were
imported from other parts of the continent and points across the Pacific. Examples include the
monkey puzzle tree, the Japanese Maple, and various flowering exotics. Some species
imported from harsher climates in Eastern Canada or Europe have thrived and grown to
immense sizes. Many of the city 's streets are lined with flowering varieties of Japanese cherry
trees donated from the 1930s onward by the government of Japan. These flower for
several weeks in early spring each year, an occasion celebrated by the Vancouver Cherry
Blossom Festival.
3. With its location on the Pacific Rim and at the western terminus of Canada' s
transcontinental highway and rail routes, Vancouver is one of the nation' s largest industrial
centres. In recent years, Vancouver has become a centre for software development,
biotechnology, aerospace, video game development, animation studios and television
production and film industry. Vancouver hosts approximately 65 movies and 55 TV series
annually and is the 3rd largest film & TV production centre in North America.

4. Vancouver ' s scenic location makes it a major tourist destination. Over 10.3 million
people visited Vancouver in 2017. Annually, tourism contributes approximately $4. 8 billion
to the Metro Vancouver economy and supports over 70,000 jobs. Many visit to see the city' s
gardens, Stanley Park, Queen Elizabeth Park, VanDusen Botanical Garden and the
mountains, ocean, forest and parklands which surround the city. Each year over a million
people pass through Vancouver on cruise ship vacations, often bound for Alaska.

5. Vancouver is the most stressed city in the spectrum of affordability of housing in Canada. In
2012, Vancouver was ranked as the second-most unaffordable city in the world. As of April
2010, the average two - level home in Vancouver was sold for a record high of $
987,500, compared with the Canadian average of $365,141. A factor explaining the high
property prices may be policies by the Canadian government which permit snow
washing, which allows foreigners to buy property in Canada while shielding their identities
from tax authorities, making real
estate transactions an effective way to conduct money laundering.

6. As with other Canadian cities, the overall crime rate has been falling " dramatically " in
the city. Vancouver's burglary rate is particularly high, ranking among the highest for major
North American cities, but even this dropped 10.5% between 2004 and 2005. For 2006,
Metro Vancouver had the highest rate of gun-related violent crime of any major
metropolitan region in Canada, with 45.3 violent offences involving guns for every 100,000
people in Metro Vancouver, above the national average of 27.5 a series of gang-related
incidents in early 2009 escalated into what police have dubbed a gang war.
7. Vancouver is consistently named as one of the top five worldwide cities for liveability and
quality of life, and the Economist intelligence Unit acknowledged it as the first city ranked a
mong the top-ten of the world ' s most well- living cities for five consecutive years. Vancouver
has hosted many international conferences and events, including the 1954 British Empire and
Commonwealth Games, and the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics which were held in
Vancouver. In 2014, following thirty years in California, the TED conference made Vancouver
its indefinite home.
A. A growing city in the Americas
B. Health, sport, and intellectual offerings
C. From factories to the silver screen
D. The pride of Canada
E. Pricey apartments may attract the corrupt
F. immigration has led to diversity
G. Fewer thefts, but what about the shootings?
H. Urban and rural sightseeing
l. The success of foreign species

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