MATH - MW - Fibonacci Sequence
MATH - MW - Fibonacci Sequence
MATH - MW - Fibonacci Sequence
1. Carefully draw the Fibonacci Spiral composed of squares with sides of lengths 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and 21.
5 ⎢
⎡ 1+ 5
− ) (
1− 5
a. Use the Binet’s Formula to find the 30th and 40th numbers.
30 30
5 ⎢
⎡ 1+ 5
−) (
1− 5
⎥ = 832040
40 40
5 ⎢
1 ⎡ 1+ 5
−) (
1− 5
⎥ = 102334155
b. Use MS Excel or Numbers to find the 30th and 40th numbers.
c. What advantages and disadvantages does Binet’s Formula hold over the method of generating
Fibonacci numbers?
Like in any other mathematical concerns, being able to use a formula is a convenience
especially if it involves large numbers. If we are going for the step-by-step way of getting the value, it
would be an extensive computation, unlike when we use the formula, it would already direct you to
your desired value. On the other hand, its disadvantages may vary depending on what value you are
aiming for and what computations are to be performed. Let us take into consideration the generation of
the Fibonacci Number. If we are aiming for the lower numbers, it would be a hassle to use the Binet’s
Formula when you can just add a few numbers, while if you are going for the two-digit numbers and
higher, it would save time if one uses the formula.