NegOr Q4 MAPEH7 Module4b v2
NegOr Q4 MAPEH7 Module4b v2
NegOr Q4 MAPEH7 Module4b v2
Quarter 4 – Module: 4b
Ways to Prevent and Control
Non-Communicable Diseases
MAPEH – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 4b: Ways to Prevention and Control Non-Communicable
Second Edition, 2021
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This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need
to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the
lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
With the learning and skills acquired from this unit, of course you can start
applying it first to yourselves by doing the healthy ways to prevent and control
NCDs, after practicing all those things then you can now influence and tell your
family and friends about it in order to achieve, sustain and promote personal
health and wellness. As an old saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”.
What I Know
1 A _ _ _ _ A
2 H _ _ _ T _ T _ _ C K
3 A _ _ _ _ _ T _ S
4 _ I _ N _ Y
5 H _ V _ _
6 W _ _ E Z _ _ G
7 L _ _ G _
8 _ N _ _ L _ N
9 H _ _ F _ V _ _
10 _ I _ _ _ T E S
11 _ T _ _ K _
12 H Y _ _ _ T _ _ _ I O N
13 _ U _ _ _ _ Y
14 _ A _ _ G _ _ _ T
15 _ E _ _ _ _ M _ _ T _ F H _ _ L _ H
1. A condition in which inflammation causes the bronchi to swell and the airways
to narrow.
2. A disease when the heart muscle tissue dies from lack of oxygen because of
reduced blood flow.
3. The inflammation of joints and usually occurs during old age.
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4. Renal failure is a medical condition in which the _________ fails to adequately
filter waste products from the blood.
5. Are skin reactions that appear as itchy swellings and can occur on any part of
the body.
6. It is one of the signs of asthma.
7. _______ cancer is common among men, the leading cause of cancer deaths in
the Philippines and mainly associated to smoking.
8. It is the hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose
in the blood.
9. It is the most common among allergic diseases.
10. It is a disease wherein the body limited or no ability to convert food into energy.
11. It occurs when a clot blocks a small blood vessel in the brain, thus brain cells
die from lack of oxygen.
12. It is also known as “high blood pressure”.
13. This treatment involves removal of tumor and affected organ.
14. Benign and __________ are two types of tumors.
15. It is the primary government agency responsible for the health of all Filipinos
What’s In
Task 1: Let’s Monitor Our Health. In this activity, you will learn about self-monitoring
skills and health practices to avoid non-communicable diseases.
Objectives: 1. Record your health practices.
2. Describe your health.
3. Tell the steps you can do to prevent non-communicable disease.
Materials: Health notebook and pen
Self-monitoring skills are competencies that will help us assess when we are healthy
or sick. It is important that we are familiar with the normal condition of our bodies so
that we can detect at once when something is wrong. It is also important that we have
information, such as our vaccination record, to ensure the health, safety, and well-
being to provide preventive measures.
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5. I do not smoke. _________
6. I avoid eating foods that are too salty, sweet, or fatty. _________
7. I properly manage my stress. _________
8. I make sure that the food I eat is nutritious. _________
9. I drink enough amount of water a day. _________
10. I monitor my weight regularly. _________
What’s New?
Activity 1: Reflect, Write and Share. This activity will help you learn skills to prevent
1. Describe each picture below.
2. List down the importance of each picture.
Instructions. Study the collage photos and describe each photo. Write your answers
in your Health notebook.
What is It
United Nations General Assembly NCD Review 2014
The world decision makers of United Nations (UN) World Health Organization
(WHO) met in New York and reviewed actions to combat non-communicable diseases
(NCDs) mainly; heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and cancer.
NCDs kill 14 million people between the ages of 30 and 70 every year. NCDs cause
unnecessary suffering and trap people in poverty. Most of these deaths can be
prevented. Some progress has been made but more needs to be done. Their targets
were the following:
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1. 25% fewer premature deaths from NCDs by 2025.
2. Develop and share new knowledge and experiences will be a major task of
international cooperation in the next decades.
3. The WHO to work with countries and the whole UN system to address NCDs.
4. Governments play a key role to map epidemic, to protect their people against
major risk factors (tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, and harmful
use of alcohol, to strengthen health system to improve prevention and treatment.
Governments need to set national targets to take simple measures such as:
The NCD Review in 2014 showed whether we are on our way to deliver out that
goal. Life without fear of premature deaths from NCDs is a vision within reach. United,
we need to address these major challenges for development in the 21st century.
Philippine Agencies that provide health services
Health centers are designed to give medical services nationwide. The following
are health services of the Department:
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Programs and projects of the DOH
The prevention and control of lifestyle related NCDs was traditionally addressed
through separate and distinct public health programs. The DOH implements these
programs vertically with policies, protocols, and interventions that targeted a particular
disease. This disease-based approach was implemented in all local government units
in the early 1990s with some limited successes. Some of these programs include the
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• Prevent hypertension and diabetes
• Do physical activity
• Manage stress
1. Medical check-up
2. School feeding
3. Deworming
4. Giving of anti-filariasis Tablet
5. Blood testing
6. Anti-smoking Campaign
7. Extracurricular activities such as different clubs and organizations
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
In support to Presidential Proclamation 958, DILG advocates “Perfect 10”
lifestyle program to prevent NCDs and urges all local chief executives to support the
campaign. The advocacy program promotes “Perfect 10” steps
• Eat a variety of nutritious food every day, with less salt, sugar, and fats
• Drink eight to ten glasses of water daily
• Rest and sleep for seven to nine hours every night
• Breathe clean air and say no to smoking and prohibited drugs
• Exercise every day, get enough sunlight, be physically active maintain normal
• Manage stress, relax, and pray
• Maintain personal hygiene and good grooming
• Keep a clean household practice waste management
• Consult a physician and go for a health check-up
• Be a role model, give good examples, and take care of your family and friends
What’s more
Activity 2: Our NCD Protection Shield. This activity will help you know
more about the healthful ways in preventing and controlling non-communicable
Objectives: 1. Make a poster about preventing non-communicable diseases.
2. Formulate brief explanation about your poster.
Materials: short bond paper, coloring materials, marking pen
Instructions: Create your shield of protection from non-communicable diseases and
label it.
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What I Have Learned
Share your insights. Complete the following statements in your Health notebook.
What I Can Do
Activity 3: NCDs! In this activity learners will express their ideas on how to protect
themselves from NCD.
A. Do you remember the DREAM from the previous lesson? We have used the
DREAM to remind us the ways on how to protect ourselves from NCDs:
J – Just hour of sleep
N – Nutritious diet
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A. Multiple Choice
Instructions: Identify what is asked or described in each item. Write the letter of your
answers in your Health notebook.
1. The Philippines’ primary government agency responsible for the equitable,
sustainable, and quality health for the Filipinos.
A. DepEd C. UN
2. This refers to diseases where abnormal cells divide out of control and invade
other tissues or organs.
A. Cancer C. Heart Disease
B. COPD D. Pregnancy Complications
3. The following are NCDs that UN is trying to combat as stipulated in the United
Nations General Assembly NCD Review 2014, EXCEPT….
A. HIV/AIDS C. Stroke
B. Heart Disease D. Cancer
4. The Rural Health Units and the Malasakit Centers are examples of Health
Centers run by the government for the promotion of health and wellbeing of
A. True
B. False
5. DepEd has nothing to do with the promotion of health and wellbeing of Filipino
A. True
B. False
6. Eating a variety of nutritious food every day, may mean?
A. with less salt C. with less fats
B. with less sugar D. all the above
7. Cigarette smoking and taking prohibited drugs is a sign of a healthy lifestyle.
A. True
B. False
8. Eat fruits and vegetables. Do not properly manage stress.
A. If only the first sentence is correct.
B. If only the second sentence is correct.
C. If both sentences are correct.
D. If none of the sentences is correct.
9. It is important to consult a doctor when you observe something unusual in
your body. Get enough sleep.
A. If only the first sentence is correct.
B. If only the second sentence is correct.
C. If both sentences are correct.
D. If none of the sentences is correct.
10. Renal failure is a medical condition in which the _________ fails to
adequately filter waste products from the blood.
A. Cancer
B. Cell
C. Kidney
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What I Know
A. Find the Secret Message
Instructions: Complete the secret message below by filling in the words/statements that has been asked in each
item. Do this on your Health notebook.
1 A S T H M A
2 H E A R T A T T A C K
3 A R T H R I T I S
4 K I D N E Y
5 H I V E S
6 W H E E Z I N G
7 L U N G S
8 I N S U L I N
9 H A Y F E V E R
10 D I A B E T E S
11 S T R O K E
12 H Y P E R T E N S I O N
13 S U R G E R Y
14 M A L I G N A N T
15 D E P A R T M E N T O F H E A L T H
1. B 6. D
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. A
4. A 9. C
5. B 10.C
Answer Key
program. Write your answer in your Health notebook.
agencies and their programs responsible for non-communicable disease prevention
Activity 4: Beyond the Classroom. Identify other government and non-government
Additional Activity
nnrhr. 2021. January 07. Accessed March 16, 2022.
Pabelico, N. et al. 2017. Physical Education and Health Learner's Material. Pasig City: FEP Printing
Corporation .