Minimally Invasive Endodontics: A New Era For Pulpotomy in Mature Permanent Teeth
Minimally Invasive Endodontics: A New Era For Pulpotomy in Mature Permanent Teeth
Minimally Invasive Endodontics: A New Era For Pulpotomy in Mature Permanent Teeth
Key points
Provides a contemporary update Presents proposed new diagnostic Details the most recent evidence base Outlines treatment considerations
on pulp pathophysiology and terminologies for pulpitis. for pulpotomy in mature permanent for pulpotomy in mature
defence mechanisms. teeth. permanent teeth.
Emerging clinical and histologic evidence is challenging the long-established dogma that root canal treatment (RCTx)
is the only therapeutic option for preservation of vital mature permanent teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis
or carious pulp exposure. Vital pulp therapy procedures like pulpotomy are not only technically simpler and more
economical, but also afford patients a host of other benefits over conventional RCTx. This narrative review provides an
update on the contemporary understanding of pulp pathophysiology and defence mechanisms, the proposed new
diagnostic terminologies for pulpal inflammation, and how the biological characteristics of hydrophilic calcium silicate
cements have enabled consistent successful outcomes for pulpotomy-treated mature teeth. The paper also details the
evidence base from clinical trials and systematic reviews conducted over the past decade and outlines the practical
treatment considerations for pulpotomy in mature permanent teeth.
Introduction: a new era for the permanent teeth are mature or immature, ability of pulp tissue to accommodate increases
minimally invasive endodontics if the pulpal infection and inflammation can in intra-pulpal pressure or effectively deliver
be controlled, even ‘irreversibly’ inflamed humoral and cellular immune components
Dogmas in medicine and dentistry are often pulp tissue appear capable of healing, thus to the injured site. The diagnostic consensus
cherished with implicit faith, despite the allowing for the conservative management of was that cariously exposed pulp in mature
lack of high-quality evidence. Paradigm such teeth.1,2 Recent position statements from permanent teeth should be considered
shifts from existing treatment practices often the American Association of Endodontists and irreversibly inflamed based on the rationale
generate great resistance, even at the risk of the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) that the underlying inflammation has spread
delivering poor-quality care to patients. One have concluded that ‘pre-treatment diagnosis throughout the pulp tissue and the restricted
such closely held belief is that a vital mature of irreversible pulpitis is not necessarily an blood supply through the closed apices of
permanent tooth diagnosed with irreversible indication for pulpectomy’,3,4 heralding a new mature teeth would not be enough to promote
pulpitis will require root canal treatment era for minimally invasive VPT in mature healing, even if the tissue insult is removed.2
(RCTx) for long-term preservation of the permanent teeth. This paradigm shift suggests However, studies have shown that dental
tooth. Less invasive vital pulp therapy (VPT) the need for dentists to consider offering pulp can not only accommodate moderate
procedures like pulpotomy were restricted to pulpotomy as a definitive treatment modality increases in intra-pulpal pressure during
immature permanent teeth, with the goal of for managing mature permanent teeth inflammation,5,6 but that the dental pulp also
ensuring completion of their root formation diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis or carious has an effective immune defence response.7,8,9
(apexogenesis). However, there is now growing pulp exposures. The rationale, evidence base C ontemp orar y underst anding of
evidence to suggest that irrespective of whether and treatment considerations for successful dental pulp pathophysiology and defence
pulpotomy in vital mature permanent teeth mechanisms have confirmed early studies
are presented in this paper. that showed the innate ability of pulp tissue
College of Dental Medicine, QU Health, Qatar University,
Doha, Qatar; 2Baba Jaswant Singh Dental College and to heal itself if the insult is removed.10 The
Hospital, Ludhiana, India. abundant fibroblast cells in the pulpal tissue
*Correspondence to: Nebu Philip Pulp defence mechanisms
Email address: are the only non-immune cells in the body
Refereed Paper.
Historically, the dental pulp was believed to be capable of activating the complement system
Submitted 18 February 2022 very vulnerable to tissue insult from bacterial and play a central role in modulating the
Revised 30 May 2022 carious attack and the resulting inflammation. repair and healing potential of pulp.11 Besides
Accepted 8 June 2022 The low compliance dentinal walls and lack of pulp fibroblasts, adult dental pulp stem cells
collateral circulation was thought to limit the also contribute to the regenerative potential of
pulp in mature permanent teeth. Recent data New diagnostic terminology The proposed new diagnostic terminologies can
have suggested that pulp defence mechanisms for pulpitis guide clinicians in choosing more conservative
are mediated via the following pathways: i) therapeutic options when treating patients with
complement activation by pulp fibroblasts Traditionally, identifying reversible/irreversible caries-induced pulpal inflammation.
expresses significant anti-inflammatory pulpitis relied on a patient’s subjective
potential and also contributes to tissue description of symptoms and pulp sensibility Why pulpotomy in mature
regeneration by recruiting pulp progenitors;12 tests. However, the simple dichotomous way permanent teeth?
ii) pulp fibroblasts can directly induce lysis of describing inflamed vital pulp as reversible
of cariogenic bacteria; 13 iii) chemokines or irreversible pulpitis does not match the Full pulpectomy and RCTx of vital mature
released from injured pulp tissue attract current understanding of pulp biology and permanent teeth with irreversible pulpitis or
mesenchymal dental pulp stem cells that can the defensive response of the pulp complex.22 carious pulp exposure can be considered as
differentiate into odontoblast-like cells and With histologic evidence showing that there is a prophylactic procedure to prevent further
induce reparative dentine formation;14 and no discrete boundary that would render a pulp pulpal infection and subsequent development
iv) synthesis and release of antimicrobial irreversibly inflamed and beyond repair, it may of apical periodontitis (AP).1 There is no
peptides by dental pulp stem cells.9 be better to consider pulpitis as a temporally doubt that a correctly performed RCTx can
Histopathologic and histobacteriologic and spatially graded disease.3 The contemporary achieve high success rates.26,27 Unfortunately,
studies have shown that, in teeth with understanding of pulpal inflammation and cross-sectional studies from across the world
irreversible pulpitis or carious pulp exposures, healing have led to calls to revise the existing have shown that up to 40% of root filled teeth
there is a bacterially colonised necrotic area diagnostic nomenclature.23,24 Wolters and are technically inadequate with persistent
of varying dimensions in the pulp chamber.15 co-workers expanded the classification of AP.28,29,30,31,32 Managing irreversible pulpitis
However, few millimetres away from the pulpitis based on patient symptoms and in mature permanent teeth with pulpotomy
bacterially colonised necrotic tissue, it is not possible histologic picture and related them to could potentially have a number of advantages
unusual to find the healthy pulpal architecture different VPT modalities (Table 1).24 The ESE over conventional RCTx: i) treatment
that is generally free from inflammation and proposed the term ‘partial irreversible pulpitis’ procedure is technically less challenging,
bacteria.16,17 Innate and adaptive immune as possibly a more accurate clinical reflection avoiding the complications associated with
defence mechanisms equip the pulp to limit of the histological picture,4 while others have difficult root canal anatomy; ii) it preserves
the spread of bacterial infection.18,19 If no suggested that the diagnostic term for pulpal the proprioceptive sensation of the tooth; iii)
treatment is rendered to eliminate the infected inflammation should be confined to ‘pulpitis’ biological immune response from the retained
pulp, the pulp infection at the carious exposure without any further designation.2 In the context pulp tissue can prevent infection of the apical
site will gradually spread to involve the entire of practising minimally invasive endodontics, area; iv) regenerative and repair potential of
coronal pulp, although the radicular pulp can the terms ‘reversible’ and ‘irreversible’ are the pulp is retained; v) structural integrity of
still remain free from infection.15 In theory, considered obsolete, especially considering our the tooth is maintained, lowering the risk of
if the infected coronal pulp is completely improved understanding of the pulp biology fracture; vi) there is significant reduction in
removed, a favourable environment can be and the importance of preserving vital pulp.25 pain and discomfort to the patient; and vii) it
created for radicular pulpal healing as the
immunoinflammatory cells get eliminated by Table 1 Proposed diagnostic classification of inflamed vital pulp and suggested treatment
apoptosis and the odontoblast-like cells induce options24
dentine bridge formation. Taken together, the Pulp Histological
Clinical symptoms Treatment suggested
histological picture of a severely inflamed pulp status picture
may not always be a sign of irreversibility in • Heightened but non-lingering Limited local
terms of infection. Initial response to thermal tests inflammation
Indirect pulp capping
pulpitis • No spontaneous pain or confined to coronal
Thus, the current interpretation of pulp percussion sensitivity pulp
inflammation includes the understanding
• Heightened lingering response
that ‘irreversible’ pulpitis need not to be Limited local
to thermal tests lasting up to
Mild inflammation
seen as a one-way route towards pulp cell 20 seconds Indirect pulp capping
pulpitis confined to coronal
• No spontaneous pain but
impairment and subsequent necrosis, but pulp
possible percussion sensitivity
as a ‘double-edged sword’, where a so-called
• Strong, heightened and
wanted inflammation, given the right balance, lingering response to thermal
Extensive local
can result in pulpal repair and healing. On tests which can last for
Moderate inflammation
minutes Partial/full coronal pulpotomy
the other hand, if the pulpal inflammation is pulpitis
• Spontaneous dull pain that is
confined to coronal
sustained and uncontrolled, it will inevitably pulp
controlled with analgesics
lead to an infected pulp cavity and tissue • Possibly percussion sensitive
necrosis.20,21 However, the demarcation point • Clear pain reaction to thermal
Extensive local
Full coronal pulpotomy if
at which pulpal inflammation becomes truly stimuli haemostasis can be achieved. If
Severe • Severe spontaneous sharp or bleeding from pulp stumps persists,
irreversible is difficult to determine based of coronal pulp
pulpitis dull pain with limited relief more inflamed tissue is removed
possibly extending
solely on patient symptoms and currently from analgesics from canals. If bleeding still persists,
into root canals
• Very sensitive to percussion full pulpectomy is done
available diagnostic tests.2
saves time and cost for both the patient and beneficial biocompatible, immunomodulatory reviews, meta-analyses and recent umbrella
public health systems. and osteogenic properties.50,51 Recent studies reviews (Table 2) have also concluded that
A potential concern after full pulpotomy in have shown that CSCs can induce the release pulpotomy could be a prospective substitute to
mature permanent teeth is the occurrence of of regenerative dentine-bound growth factors, conventional RCTx in managing vital mature
pulp canal obliteration leading to AP. However, upregulate angiogenesis, and stimulate cellular permanent teeth diagnosed with irreversible
the development of AP in pulpotomised differentiation of dentine-forming cells.52,53 pulpitis or carious pulp exposure.71,72,73,74,75,76
permanent teeth is a sequela of pulp infection, These biological properties provide for better
either due to coronal restoration microleakage pulpal healing and improved quality of the Treatment considerations for
or incomplete pulp disinfection during the mineralised dentine bridge over the pulp, pulpotomy in mature teeth
pulpotomy procedure, and not due to the pulp contributing towards successful pulpotomy
canal obliteration itself.1 Canal calcification in outcomes even in mature permanent teeth. While the pulpotomy procedure is technically
pulpotomised teeth without pulp infection less challenging than conventional RCTx, it
will not lead to AP and further treatment State of evidence still requires strict adherence to procedural
intervention should not be required.33 guidelines to achieve long-term success.
Pulpotomy has traditionally not been part of the Parameters like correct diagnosis of initial
Contemporary pulpotomy treatment considerations for mature permanent pulp status; strict aseptic operative technique;
medicaments teeth diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis. disinfection and haemostasis of remanent
However, there is now increasing evidence pulp; use of bioactive hydrophilic pulpotomy
The pulpotomy medicament to be placed from retrospective studies,54,55,56 prospective medicaments; and provision of immediate
directly over the remaining pulp tissue should cohort studies40,41,47,57,58,59,60 and randomised definitive coronal restorations will influence
ideally be able to provide a good seal against controlled trials,39,42,43,44,45,46,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70 pulpotomy outcomes in mature permanent
long-term bacterial leakage, stimulate healing showing high success rates for pulpotomy teeth. Treatment considerations for pulpotomy
and repair of the remnant pulp tissue, and in treating mature permanent teeth with in mature permanent teeth, based on a
promote dentinogenesis.34 Calcium hydroxide irreversible pulpitis or carious pulp exposures synthesis of evidence from successful clinical
(CH) was among the earliest and most popular (online Supplementary Table 1). Systematic studies, are detailed below.
medicaments used for VPT based on its high
alkalinity and ability to stimulate reparative Table 2 Systematic/umbrella reviews on pulpotomy in mature permanent teeth
dentine formation. However, CH also induced (2016–2021)
several healing complications when placed Study Authors/ Studies
Population Intervention Conclusions
directly over vital pulp, with studies showing design year included
the success rates of CH VPT significantly Alqaderi
Vital mature FP has favourable success
posterior teeth rates in treating carious pulp
declining over time.35 The drawbacks of using SR and MA et al.71 FP 6
with carious exposure of vital mature
CH for VPT included: i) tunnel defects in the 2016
pulp exposure permanent teeth
newly formed dentine resulting in an ineffective Cariously FP is a prospective substitute
seal; ii) high solubility of CH in oral fluids; Li et al.74
exposed vital 21 for SR for RCTx in managing
and iii) poor adhesion to pulp floor due to its SR and MA mature posterior FP and 5 for permanent teeth with
teeth including MA carious pulp exposures, even
hydrophobicity. These healing complications those with IP with IP
could be the reason why CH demonstrated a Cushley Mature posterior
lower range of clinical success (34–92%) when High success for FP in treating
SR et al.72 teeth with FP 8
teeth with IP
used as the pulpotomy medicament in mature 2019 symptomatic IP
permanent teeth.36,37,38,39 Despite its lower costs, Vital mature PP has high success rates in
posterior teeth treating cariously exposed
the use of CH as a pulpotomy medicament in SR and MA et al.76 PP 11
with carious permanent posterior teeth up
mature teeth can no longer be recommended. 2019
pulp exposure to two years
Recent decades have seen the development of FP and PP performed with
Santos Mature posterior
bioactive hydrophilic calcium silicate cements SR et al.75 teeth with FP and PP 12
CSCs had favourable outcomes
(CSCs), such as mineral trioxide aggregate, in mature posterior teeth
2021 symptomatic IP
diagnosed with IP
calcium-enriched mixture, Biodentine, and
PP and FP had higher and
bioceramics for use in VPT procedures. These Vital mature
more predictable success
Leong and posterior teeth
hydrophilic CSCs have demonstrated more UR DPC, PP, FP 6 rates than DPC and could be
Yap73 2021 with carious
consistent clinical success (85–100%) when considered as an alternative
pulp exposure
to RCTx
used as the pulpotomy medicament in mature
permanent teeth.40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47 The contrast in SR = systematic review
MA = meta-analysis
clinical outcomes was especially stark when UR = umbrella review
direct comparisons were made between CH and IP = irreversible pulpitis
FP = full pulpotomy
CSCs for VPT.39,48,49 New-generation bioactive PP = partial pulpotomy
DPC = direct pulp capping
CSCs are not only dimensionally stable RCTx = root canal treatment
CSC = calcium silicate cements
with excellent sealing abilities, but also have
Fig. 1 Decision tree for inflamed vital pulp in mature permanent teeth. Reproduced with permission from Yong et al., ‘Conservative pulp
therapy in the management of reversible and irreversible pulpitis’, Australian Dental Journal, 2021, Australian Dental Association77
Indirect pulp
Direct Partial Full Irreversible pulpitis root canal
cap-single visit
pulp cap pulpotomy pulpotomy treatment/extraction
or stepwise
example, ferric sulphate or hydrogen peroxide) directly adapted over the pulp stumps, asymptomatic functional tooth, no tenderness
should be avoided as they tend to mask the true ensuring that there is no porosity or excess to percussion or palpation, and no swelling or
inflammatory status of the pulp.4 cement on the pulp chamber walls. Immediate sinus tract associated with the treated tooth.
The time taken to achieve haemostasis after placement of a definitive coronal restoration is Radiographically, there should be no signs of
pulp amputation has been used as an indicator also recommended to prevent microleakage, internal root resorption, evident healing of any
for the degree of pulpal inflammation and as a protect the bioactive medicament, reduce post- pre-operative periapical lesions, and no new
prognostic factor for procedural success of VPT.81 operative sensitivity, and establish foundation periapical pathologies. Sensibility tests should
However, a retrospective study that investigated for future cuspal coverage restoration, should it elicit a normal response in teeth that receive
the ‘time to stop bleeding’ after pulpotomy in be required.3 The data on placing full coverage pulp capping or partial pulpotomy. However,
vital mature teeth with carious pulp exposures crowns on pulpotomy-treated teeth are limited, teeth that have undergone full pulpotomy
concluded that bleeding time had no effect on with a couple of studies reporting that placing will not be responsive to sensibility tests and
treatment outcomes55 and clinical studies have crowns on such teeth had higher success rates in these cases, radicular pulp is considered
reported successful outcomes for bleeding times compared to resin composite or amalgam normal unless there are clinical or radiographic
ranging from 1–25 minutes.79 Recent reviews restorations.54,60 In addition, 100% success rates signs of failure.2
suggest that bleeding duration may not be a have been demonstrated following placement of Recent clinical trials suggest that early
true indicator of pulpal inflammatory status82,83 stainless steel crowns in pulpotomised permanent failures of pulpotomy-treated mature teeth
and therefore achieving immediate haemostasis molars of children.47 A 3–6 month waiting (that is, those that fail within 3–6 months
need not be a determining factor for successful period has been suggested before additional of treatment) are mostly due to endodontic
pulpotomy outcomes. Nevertheless, persistent tooth preparation for cuspal coverage, as early causes (for example, inaccurate assessment
bleeding beyond ten minutes, despite attempts endodontic failures tend to occur within this of inflammatory status of pulp), while later
at haemostasis, should be considered as a period.59 If clinical and radiographic outcomes of failures tend to reflect restorative causes (for
contraindication for pulpotomy in mature the pulpotomy treatment are successful after this example, pulp space reinfection due to poorly
permanent teeth and RCTx or extraction should waiting period, a full coverage restoration should sealed coronal restorations).59,60 Clinical trials
be preferred in these cases.2 be strongly considered for long-term survival of have shown that age, sex, previous restorations,
the pulpotomised tooth.3,77 site of carious exposure, and presence of pre-
Pulpotomy medicament and coronal operative periapical lesions do not appear to
restoration Follow-up and prognosis be significant factors in deciding prognosis of
Probably the most critical factor in achieving The ESE recommends that teeth that receive pulpotomy-treated mature teeth.42,58,59 The only
favourable pulpotomy outcomes is adequate VPT should be assessed with clinical, potential prognostic predictive factors found
sealing of the remnant pulp tissue with the radiographic and sensibility testing at 6 and in clinical studies of pulpotomy in mature teeth
bioactive medicament and a definitive coronal 12 months post-operatively, and thereafter were pre-operative pain (for early failures) and
restoration. Once haemostasis is achieved, at yearly intervals for up to four years.4 The the type of definitive coronal restoration used
2–3 mm of a hydrophilic CSC should be clinical outcome measures for success are an (for late failures).59,60
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