Iecex 03-3-2013
Iecex 03-3-2013
Iecex 03-3-2013
Useful links:
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 7
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 7
3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 7
4 Governing of the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme ............................................. 8
5 Principles of the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme for Ex installation
and initial inspection ......................................................................................................... 9
5.1 IECEx Service Facility Certificate ............................................................................ 9
5.2 Method of application .............................................................................................. 9
5.3 Acceptance ........................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Permissions .......................................................................................................... 10
5.5 Editions of standards, documents and guides ........................................................ 10
6 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................ 10
7 Participation of countries in the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme ..................... 10
8 IECEx instruments .......................................................................................................... 10
8.1 IECEx Service Facility Certificate .......................................................................... 10
8.1.1 Issue ....................................................................................................... 10
8.1.2 Layout ..................................................................................................... 11
8.1.3 Content ................................................................................................... 11
8.2 IECEx Facilities Audit Report ................................................................................ 11
8.2.1 Content ................................................................................................... 11
8.2.2 Layout ..................................................................................................... 11
8.2.3 Issue ....................................................................................................... 11
8.2.4 Restrictions ............................................................................................. 12
9 Procedure to issue an IECEx Service Facility Certificate for Ex installation
and initial inspection ....................................................................................................... 12
9.1 Applicant ............................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Documentation ...................................................................................................... 12
9.3 Examination .......................................................................................................... 12
9.4 Assessment of Service Facility’s quality system .................................................... 12
9.5 Completion ............................................................................................................ 12
9.6 Surveillance .......................................................................................................... 13
9.7 Changes not covered by the FAR .......................................................................... 13
9.8 Ensuring conformity ............................................................................................... 13
9.9 Documentation retained ........................................................................................ 13
9.10 Surcharges ............................................................................................................ 13
9.11 Suspension or cancellation .................................................................................... 14
9.12 Notification of cancellation .................................................................................... 14
9.13 Compliance with rules ........................................................................................... 14
9.14 Appeals ................................................................................................................. 14
This publication is directly related to Publication IECEx 01 containing the Basic Rules of the
IECEx System.
1. ExMC/819A/RM
Not applicable
2. ExMC/746/INF
This edition of the Rules of Procedure was approved for publication during the 2012 ExMC
Calgary meeting subject to any further comments received during a three month extension of
the comment period. All comments received by 22 March 2013 have been incorporated and
accepted by ExMC Working Group 10.
The IECEx is a single global certification framework based on the IEC International
Standards. It caters for countries whose national standards are either identical to those of the
IEC or else very close to IEC International Standards.
The IECEx is truly global in concept and practice, reduces trade barriers caused by different
conformity assessment criteria in various countries, and helps industry to open up new
The goal is to help manufacturers reduce costs and time while developing and maintaining
uniform product evaluation to protect users against products that are not in line with the
required level of safety.
The aim of the IECEx System and its Schemes is to ease international trade of Explosion
Protected Equipment (termed Ex equipment) by eliminating the need for duplication of testing
and certification, while preserving safety. IECEx operates as an international certification
system covering products and services associated with the Ex industries and plants.
IECEx Schemes also aim the true view and approach of assure safety in hazardous areas
during the whole life-cycle of Ex plants, which requires proper hazardous area classification,
design, installation, inspection, maintenance and repair of explosion protected equipment.
Flammable gases, vapours and combustible dusts create potentially explosive atmospheres.
Ex equipment in such areas include:
IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme – Part 3: Ex Installation and initial inspection
While certification of new Ex equipment is covered by the IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme,
as detailed in IECEx 02, the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme provides a single
international scheme for the assessment and certification of Ex related service facilities that
have an impact on the ongoing compliance of Ex equipment and Ex installations with Ex
safety standards.
The IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme provides Ex equipment users, regulators and
the community with the confidence that Ex compliance is maintained when Ex equipment is
installed and verified as compliant with IEC 60079-14 by an IECEx Certified Service Facility in
accordance with this Scheme.
Ex Service Facilities that achieve IECEx Certification are required to demonstrate compliance
with stringent IECEx requirements including:
• Operational procedures and Ex installation and initial inspection methods meet the IECEx
technical requirements encompassing IEC 60079-14
• Possess and maintain in operating condition necessary facilities and equipment including
test equipment and traceability of measurements
• IECEx Quality Management System (QMS) requirements, based on ISO 9001
• Competent responsible persons and operatives with current competencies related to Ex
equipment and Ex installation and initial inspection standards or certification requirements,
encompassing IEC 60079-14 and Units of Competency Ex 003 (Install explosion-protected
equipment and wiring systems), Ex 006 (Test electrical installations in or associated with
explosive atmospheres) and Ex 008 (Perform detailed inspection of electrical installations
in or associated with explosive atmospheres) set forth in IECEx OD 504 (Specification for
Units of Competency assessment outcomes)
• Others necessary for proper Ex installation and initial inspection
More information
Further information is available from the IECEx website:, (containing free
copies of the IECEx Rules of Procedure), from any of the IECEx Certification Bodies or
directly from the IECEx Secretariat via the coordinates shown on the IECEx website.
1 Scope
This publication contains the Rules of Procedure of the IECEx Scheme, hereinafter referred to
as the "Rules", for the certification of installation service facilities involved in the Ex
installation and initial inspection which is intended for use in explosive atmospheres IECEx
Certified Service Facilities Scheme – Part 3).
Rules covering the IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme and the IECEx Certification of
Personnel Competencies Scheme are given in Publications IECEx 02 and IECEx 05
These Rules relate to the Basic Rules of the IECEx System, as given in Publication IECEx 01.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of these Rules. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IECEx 01, IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to equipment for Use in
Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System) – Basic Rules
IECEx OD 504, IECEx Scheme for Certification of Personnel Competencies for Explosive
Atmospheres – Specification for units of competency assessment outcomes
IEC 60079-14, Explosive atmospheres – Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and
ISO/IEC 17020, Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of
bodies performing inspection
ISO/IEC 17021, Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies providing audit and
certification of management systems
3 Definitions
For the purpose of the IECEx Service Facilities Scheme – Part 3, the definitions contained in
IECEx 02 and those below apply:
IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme – Part 3
the IECEx Scheme for the certification of service facilities involved in Ex installation and initial
inspection of equipment intended for use in explosive atmospheres
IECEx Service Facility Certificate
a document issued under these Rules indicating that adequate confidence is provided that a
duly identified Service Facility has been found to operate procedures that provide confidence
that the work undertaken complies with IECEx requirements and is under the surveillance of
an IECEx Certification Body (ExCB)
IECEx Facilities Audit Report (FAR)
a document that presents the results of an on-site assessment of a service facility’s quality
control system, equipment, operating procedures and competence of their staff, by an ExCB,
to the requirements of the IECEx Scheme
an organization who applies to an ExCB for an IECEx Service Facility Certificate for
installation and initial inspection
Service facility
an organization that carries out or controls such stages in Ex installation and initial inspection,
as required in IEC 60079-14
This IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme (referred to throughout this document as
“Scheme”) shall be governed by the Ex Management Committee (ExMC), whose
responsibilities in this respect are defined in the Basic Rules of the IECEx System,
Publication IECEx 01.
IECEx 03-3 sets out the general rules and procedures of the IECEx Service Facilities Scheme
covering Ex installation and initial inspection. These general rules are supplemented by the
IECEx Scheme’s Operational Documents. These Operational Documents are available to all
IECEx Member Bodies, ExCBs, and participating Service Facilities.
The ExMC Secretary shall be responsible for the issuing and maintenance of Operational
Documents which generally fall under the following categories:
The ExMC shall be kept informed on the currency of Operational Documents with ExMC
agreement required for Operational Documents that fall under category b) above.
The IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme provides the means for service facilities to
obtain an IECEx Certificate that is intended to provide the international Ex community with
confidence that such Service Facilities undertake work in accordance with the technical and
quality management system requirements of the IECEx Service Facilities Scheme for Ex
installation and initial inspection.
The aim of this IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme is to ensure that Ex installation and
initial inspection Service Facilities comply with the following:
IEC 60079-14 and IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme’s Quality Management System
(QMS) requirements, based on the relevant requirements of ISO 9001 with additional
requirements specific to installation and initial inspection of Ex equipment, form the basis of
the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme for Ex installation and initial inspection
The IECEx Service Facility Certificate for installation and initial inspection shall be issued for
the full scope of activity covered by IEC 60079-14 but may be issued for a specific activity
that is clearly defined on the certificate.
Ex Service Facilities that have attained and maintain IECEx Certification may affix the IECEx
logo to IECEx installation and initial inspection Reports providing that there is no
misrepresentation of the scope of certification.
An ExCB approved by the ExMC in accordance with these Rules and associated IECEx
Operational Documents may issue IECEx Service Facility Certification for Ex installation and
initial inspection.
Applications from organizations seeking ExCB acceptance for the purpose of issuing IECEx
Service Facility Certificates can be accepted from bodies that reside in an IECEx Participating
Member Country. The application is made to the Secretary of the ExMC.
5.3 Acceptance
Certification bodies are accepted into the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme for Ex
installation and initial inspection following satisfactory assessment of their competence by
assessors appointed by the ExMC as providing adequate confidence to regulatory authority,
user, manufacturer and certification body interests. Competence is judged by reference to
ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17021 and IECEx Scheme requirements.
5.4 Permissions
Only ExCBs that have been accepted for the purpose of issuing IECEx Service Facility
Certificates and reside in an IECEx Participating Member Country are permitted to issue
IECEx Service Facility Certificates for installation and initial inspection.
A new IECEx Certificate of Conformity (CoC) may be issued only to the current edition of
standards, documents and guides indicated in Clause 2.
CoCs not upgraded to the latest editions within this period shall be suspended or cancelled.
6 Confidentiality
All those participating in the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme shall respect the
confidentiality of any information that they obtain and take all reasonable steps to bind their
staff and those working under contract to preserve that confidentiality. The effectiveness of
such steps taken shall be evaluated as part of the IECEx assessment of the ExCB.
In order for a country to participate in the management of the IECEx Certified Service
Facilities Scheme the country must first be a member of the IECEx System and comply with
the requirements for IECEx Membership, as detailed in IECEx 01.
Countries that are existing members of the IECEx System shall be considered members of the
IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme.
8 IECEx instruments
8.1.1 Issue
An ExCB, on the basis of a satisfactory IECEx Facilities Audit Report (FAR), issues an IECEx
Service Facility Certificate certifying that the Ex installation and initial inspection service
identified on the certificate conforms in all relevant respects with the IECEx requirements
concerning technical and Quality Management System procedures; and utilizes at least one
person, identified as a Responsible Person, as defined in IEC 60079-14 and demonstrated as
competent by the ExCB.
NOTE 1 The ExCB obtains evidence to verify the competence of the Service Facility staff, as claimed by the
Service Facility, during the assessment which may be by way of examination, interviews, demonstration of skills or
a combination of these. Formal training, both internal and external, concerning Ex should also be taken into
NOTE 2 The requirements set forth in IECEx OD 504 (Specification for Units of Competency Assessment
Outcomes), Units of Competency Ex 003 (Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems), Ex 006 (Test
electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres) and Ex 008 (Perform detailed inspection of
electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres) should be used as a reference.
8.1.2 Layout
The ExMC shall decide on the layout and content of IECEx Service Facility Certificates.
8.1.3 Content
The IECEx Service Facility Certificate for Ex installation and initial inspection shall contain at
least the following information:
• Certificate number
• Date of issue
• Indication of changes to certification and amendment issue
• Clear description of the Ex installation and initial inspection service and any limitations of
• Reference to the requirements set forth in IEC 60079-14
• Name and address of the Service Facility installation and initial inspection
• Location that is within the scope of the IECEx Service Facility Certificate. A certificate
shall only cover one location; in case of multiple locations each location shall have its own
• Reference number of the original FAR that enabled the IECEx Service Facility Certificate
to be issued
• Name of the issuing ExCB
• Conditions on certification, if any
8.2.1 Content
8.2.2 Layout
The ExMC shall prepare a document detailing Quality Management System (QMS)
requirements for the Scheme and the layout and content of FARs.
8.2.3 Issue
Upon issuing FARs, ExCBs shall ensure that the FAR refers to the location(s) of the Service
Facility’s activities.
8.2.4 Restrictions
The FAR is a document used in the preparation of the IECEx Service Facility Certificate and
is the basis for ongoing surveillance of the Service Facility. It shall not be used in any form of
advertising or sales promotion in a way that the information may be misrepresented.
9.1 Applicant
An Ex Service Facility may make an application for an IECEx Service Facility Certificate for
Ex installation and initial inspection to any ExCB that has been accepted for this purpose by
ExMC. The applicant shall declare that the same application is not ongoing with any other
ExCB nor has been refused in a previous stage with the same ExCB.
9.2 Documentation
The documentation submitted by the applicant shall accurately identify the Ex installation and
initial inspection services for which certification is required, the names of the Responsible
Persons and Ex installation and initial inspection operatives that are to be verified as being
competent as well as their location where the Ex Service Facility conducts its activities.
The Service Facility shall have a competence management system for the appointment and
maintenance of Responsible Persons and operatives. This competence management system
shall be reviewed by the ExCB.
Reference should be made to the requirements set forth in IECEx OD 504 (Specification for
Units of Competency Assessment Outcomes), Units of Competency Ex 003 (Install explosion-
protected equipment and wiring systems), Ex 006 (Test electrical installations in or associated
with explosive atmospheres) and Ex 008 (Perform detailed inspection of electrical installations
in or associated with explosive atmospheres).
9.3 Examination
The ExCB shall conduct an examination of the documentation to verify that the Ex installation
and initial inspection service is in conformity with IECEx requirements, which embody the
requirements of IEC 60079-14.
The ExCB shall assess the conformity of the Service Facility’s Quality Management System
(QMS) and associated quality plan(s) for compliance with IECEx Certified Service Facilities
Scheme requirements. The ExCB shall issue an IECEx FAR, only when full conformity with
IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme requirements has been established.
A FAR has a limited duration of 3 years and can be withdrawn or suspended if the results of
intermediate surveillance assessments are unsatisfactory.
9.5 Completion
Upon satisfactory completion of the work, the ExCB shall review the FAR to ensure that it
covers the Service Facility location, the specified scope of Ex installation and initial inspection
service, and the type of product and Ex types of protection, where applicable. If the review is
satisfactory the ExCB shall issue the FAR together with an IECEx Service Facility Certificate
to the applicant, with a copy of each being retained by the ExCB. The Service Facility and the
ExCB shall each retain a set of the documentation referred to in the certificate.
A FAR summary report is published on the IECEx website:, containing at least
the Service Facility’s location, the type of service, any limitations, the types of protection of
the Ex equipment to be installed and initially inspected and the expiration date of the FAR.
9.6 Surveillance
The ExCB shall sign an agreement with the Service Facility to enable the ExCB to carry out,
or arrange for another body to carry out on its behalf, periodic surveillance of the Service
Facility’s Quality Management System (QMS) and quality plan(s) that shall include on-site
assessments at the Service Facility’s premises. The frequency of such surveillance,
inspection and assessment shall be set at a frequency of at least every 12 months.
If the Service Facility wishes to make any changes, not covered by the FAR, that may
compromise the Ex installation and initial inspection service listed on the certificate, the
Service Facility shall apply for an addendum to the ExCB which granted the IECEx Service
Facility Certificate. The Service Facility is required to describe the changes and the measures
adopted to ensure continuing conformity with IECEx requirements.
The ExCB shall arrange for such work as is necessary to be carried out to verify that the
service incorporating the change will still conform to the Scheme requirements. The ExCB
shall issue a FAR, only when (continued) full conformity with IECEx Certified Service
Facilities Scheme requirements has been established.
Upon satisfactory completion of the work, the ExCB shall review the FAR to ensure that it
covers the required change(s). If the review is satisfactory the ExCB shall issue the FAR
together with a new certificate authorizing the change to the applicant, with a copy of each
being retained by the ExCB.
The Ex Service Facility and the ExCB shall each retain a set of the documentation referred to
in the certificate.
The Service Facility has the responsibility to ensure that all Ex equipment is installed and
initially inspected in accordance with IECEx and IEC 60079-14 requirements. Following such
work, the Service Facility shall issue their clients with an IECEx installation and initial
inspection Report that may bear the IECEx logo.
The Ex Service Facility shall ensure that the IECEx logo or IECEx Service Facility Certificate
is not subjected to misuse or misrepresentation. Such misuse or misrepresentation could lead
to suspension or withdrawal of the IECEx Service Facility Certificate.
In placing an application with an ExCB, the Service Facility authorizes the ExCB to keep, for
future reference, photographs and technical documentation of the Service Facility. Such
reference material shall be confidential.
9.10 Surcharges
An Ex Service Facility who is not located in an IECEx participating country and an applicant
acting on behalf of a Service Facility in such a country shall pay a contribution to the costs of
the IECEx Scheme in the form of a surcharge for each application, the amount to be decided
by the ExMC. The surcharge is to be collected by the ExCB handling the application, and
remitted to the IECEx account.
NOTE At the moment of the publication of these Rules, the surcharge amount is zero.
An IECEx Service Facility Certificate may be suspended or cancelled by the issuing ExCB in
The ExCB shall give due notice to the Service Facility of such suspension or cancellation and
shall give the reason(s).
When an IECEx Service Facility Certificate is suspended or when it has been cancelled, the
Service Facility shall no longer describe the Ex installation and initial inspection service, or
their organization, as "IECEx certified", nor shall he use the IECEx logo on IECEx installation
and initial inspection Reports.
The ExCB responsible for issuing the IECEx Service Facility Certificate shall determine the
effect of Ex equipment already installed prior to the cancellation of the certificate.
When an IECEx Service Facility Certificate has been cancelled, the issuing ExCB shall notify
the ExMC Secretary immediately. Cancellation of certificates shall be published on the IECEx
The applicant shall follow the rules of procedure of the ExCB and shall confirm readiness to
comply with all the relevant provisions regarding, for example, facility surveillance and
payment of fees.
9.14 Appeals
Should a Service Facility or applicant be refused the issuing of an IECEx FAR or IECEx
Service Facility Certificate or be the subject of suspension or cancellation of an IECEx
Service Facility Certificate and disagree with this decision, he may lodge an appeal to the
IECEx Board of Appeals.
A certification body shall be accepted as an ExCB by the ExMC and given the right to issue
IECEx Service Facility Certificates and FARs, under the following conditions:
• The competence of the certification body to comply with these Rules shall be
demonstrated by assessment. The general competence, efficiency, experience, familiarity
with the relevant standards and the types or concepts of protection included in those
standards and competence to carry out quality management system assessments as well
as compliance with ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17021 shall be assessed. Acceptance in
another IEC Conformity Assessment System or IECEx Scheme or accreditation by a
recognized national accreditation body shall be taken into account. In those cases, the
ExMC shall decide upon the extent of the assessment that is necessary
10.1.2 Application
The candidate certification body, via the national Member Body of the IECEx System, shall
make an application for the acceptance of a certification body for the issuing of IECEx Service
Facility Certificates.
The application shall be submitted to the Secretary of the ExMC and shall be accompanied by
a declaration as detailed in Annex A. Applications from ExCBs currently operating in the
IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, seeking to participate in the IECEx Certified Service
Facilities Scheme shall submit an application for extension of scope to the IECEx Secretariat.
10.1.3 Assessment
The candidate certification body shall be assessed according to the IECEx Assessment
procedures to determine that the conditions according to 10.1.1 are fulfilled. The assessment
may include witnessing by an IECEx Assessor of an assessment of a service facility
conducted by the candidate ExCB.
Assessors approved by ExMC shall carry out the assessment. The candidate shall be given
the names and current appointments of the assessors proposed. All those IECEx Assessors
proposed will have a working knowledge of Ex installation and initial inspection practises.
Candidates may object "for cause" (reasons to be stated) to the appointment of the
The candidate to be assessed shall express its willingness to pay the professional fees of the
assessors. The amount will be decided by the ExMC, and will include reasonable travelling
and living expenses arising from the assessment. An estimate of these expenses shall be
provided to the candidate in advance and agreed by the candidate.
IECEx Assessment Teams shall report to the Secretary of the ExMC who shall manage all
assessments, including the appointment of assessment teams from a list of assessors
approved by the ExMC, to ensure assessments are carried out in a timely manner and in
accordance with the requirements of the Scheme.
During the assessment, the assessors shall prepare a draft report that shall be discussed with
the management of the candidate certification body. Efforts should be made to resolve any
differences of opinion between the assessors and the candidate during this discussion.
The assessors shall submit to the ExMC, with a copy to the representatives of the candidate
certification body, a confidential report containing their findings and recommendations, taking
into account the declaration submitted together with the application. The candidate may
attend an ExMC meeting or submit written comments in order to respond to enquiries
regarding its application.
10.1.6 Acceptance
The ExMC shall decide upon the acceptance of the candidate certification body at a meeting
or by correspondence. In the latter case, the decision shall be reported to the next meeting of
the ExMC and recorded in the minutes.
10.1.7 Notification
If the decision of the ExMC is positive, the Secretary of the ExMC shall inform the candidate
certification body in writing.
If the decision of the ExMC is negative, the Chairman of the ExMC may, depending on the
findings, suggest to the candidate certification body
Each ExCB shall inform the Secretary of the ExMC about changes in the information given
according to 10.1.2.
When an ExCB wishes to extend its scope of acceptance, an application shall be made to the
Secretary of the ExMC via the Member Body of the IECEx System. When the ExCB has been
assessed within the last five years, the members of the Assessment Team who assessed the
ExCB should give their comments on the application.
The IECEx Officers shall decide whether the extension can be accepted on the basis of the
information thus available or whether a full or limited assessment will be needed. Decisions of
the officers shall be reported to the next ExMC meeting for endorsement.
The matter shall either be submitted to a meeting of the ExMC for decision or handled
according to 10.1.10.
The ExMC may delegate the decisions according to 10.1.9 to the Chairman and Vice-
Chairman of the ExMC to be made by correspondence between meetings. Such a decision
shall be reported to the next meeting of the ExMC and recorded in the minutes.
10.1.11 Re-assessment
By means of re-assessment to the extent and frequency deemed necessary, the ExMC shall
verify whether ExCBs are still fulfilling the conditions of 10.1.1.
10.1.12 Withdrawal
An ExCB wishing to withdraw from the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme shall notify
the Secretary of the ExMC via the Member Body of the IECEx Certified Service Facilities
Scheme at least one year in advance and shall indicate the reason for the withdrawal and the
date from which the withdrawal will become effective.
10.1.13 Suspension
The acceptance of an ExCB may be suspended or withdrawn by the ExMC if the ExCB no
longer fulfils the conditions of 10.1.1 or if in the opinion of the ExMC, the ExCB hampers the
aim, operation or development of the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme, fails to take
action regarding misuse of IECEx Service Facility Certificate, or violates these Rules.
Before such a decision is made, the ExCB shall be given the opportunity to take corrective
action over a period of six months and state its own opinion on the matter.
In case of a suspension or a withdrawal, the certification body in question shall not be allowed
to claim any relationship with the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme.
ExCBs previously accepted according to IECEx 02, IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme, shall
be assessed according to 10.1.3.
11 IECEx publications
The publications of the IECEx System shall accommodate the relevant information regarding
Ex installation and initial inspection.
In addition, the ExMC through its Secretariat may issue Operational Documents to ensure the
common application of these Rules of Procedure by all ExCBs.
The ExMC Secretary shall maintain a current list of all Operational Documents.
This and other relevant information may be made available on the IECEx website:
The Bulletin detailed in IECEx 02 shall be amended to accommodate the relevant information
regarding the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme.
The information published in the IECEx publications is based on information given by the
Member Bodies of the IECEx Certified Service Facilities Scheme and ExCBs. Neither the IEC
nor the Secretary of the ExMC is therefore liable for the accuracy of that information.
Publication of commercial information shall be avoided.
12 Complaints
If there are complaints concerning the actions of an ExCB that the ExMC cannot resolve, the
ExMC or the complainant shall have the right to request the IEC Conformity Assessment
Board (CAB) for appropriate action.
Annex A
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CH-1211 Geneva 20
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