Gattaca Pavel
Gattaca Pavel
Gattaca Pavel
1. For each word below, write a definition based on each word’s usage in the movie:
a. de-gene-erate – a human who won't accept their fate
b. valid – someone who is born with „great“ genetic material and therefore they have physical
predispositions than those who weren't , they are seen as more productive and they worth more.
c. in-valid – someone who is born with „bad“ genetic material. They are treated as less worth, even
though their ambitions might be higher than those of the valid ones. Because of their genes, they are
often prone to diseases, such as heart diseases.
d. faith baby – a baby that was born in „natural“ way. Their parents didn't ask to use genetic
engineering but they put the life of their baby in faith.
e. genetic engineering – use of technology which makes it possible to change or choose the genes we
want. Example would be choosing between height, hair or eye colour before the woman was even
pregnant with the baby.
2. Where in the movie can you observe the labeling theory in praxis?
The whole idea of the movie is built around the labelling theory. People in the movie can be labelled
as valid or in-valid, and by this, the quailty and the way of their lives changes drastically.
3. If we were able to exclude the eccentric, the different, the misfits, and the weak, what would
happen to society?
I think this, after some time, would lead to the same exact problem. Because If everyone was equal,
there wouldn't be „special“ of „powerful“ individuals. And that would cause big problem in a society,
because humans are very greedy when it comes to power. Than If everyone really was „perfect“, the
society would label certain race, age group or religion as less „valid“, and separation and hierarchy
would build around that again.
5. Compare Jerome and Vincent. What were their strengths and their weaknesses. In what ways
were they the mirror image of each other?
I think that Jerome and Vincent are pretty similar because they both had potential to do great
things(Vincent was motivated and didn't give up even though he was labeled as in-valid, and Jerome
had all genetic predispositions he needed). They were both victims of fate, Vincent was unlucky with
the genes he was born, and Jerome got into car accident even though he had perfect genes. Jerome's
weakness is that he was disabled and probably developed depression and alcohol problems after the
injury, and Vincent's is that he had weak heart which wouldn't let him become an astronaut if he was
detected earlier.
6. Compare Anton and Vincent, the two brothers. How was Vincent able to beat Anton at
swimming despite Vincent's weak heart?
I find Anton and Vincent very different. That's probably because they were raised differently and
treated purley based on their genetic heritage. Vincent was able to beat Anton because he didn't fear
anything, unline Anton. Anton was being held back by the limits of what others thought was normal
or possible, but this wasn't the case with Vincent, who was breaking stereotypes about un-valid
people and he knew that the only one who can stop him is himself.
7. Why is there such resistance to the new order imposed by this society? E.g., Vincent's
girlfriend; the test technician?
Because there are, and will be so many unfulfilled dreams only because someone was labelled as less
„perfect“. E.g. Vincent's girlfriend who can't go on a space mission because she has a heart condition,
but she really deserves it.
8. What do you think is wrong with the society portrayed in "Gattaca"?
It's the separation of humans who should exist as equals. When people are born in „natural“ way, no
one will be perfect. And that's how society should be, imperfect when we look at each individual, but
together trying to form a perfect environment for everyone.
9. What made Vincent able to qualify for the Saturn mission despite his physical infirmities and
lack of genetic perfection?
Obviously the hair, urine, blood, and other samples with DNA which Jerome had been supplying him
with. But even with all of this, the main factor which contributed to this is his ambition, confidence,
intelligence and adroitness.
10. Soon, life insurance companies, health insurance companies, employers, and the government
will have the tools to predict our future health. Is this too much information for them to have?
Is there any way to stop it?
It all depends on how this information is used. If we use it as a mega network of infromation which is
traded for money or other informations owned by big companies, then no. But if we use this as a way
to ensure better life for others by stopping deadly diseases, then yes. There is a way to stop it, by
thinking rationally and trying to be a decent human being, but that of course won't happen.
11. The character of the Director (the murderer) told the investigators that there was no indication
of violence in his genetic make-up. What were the screenwriters trying to tell us by this scene?
Screenwriters are trying to tell us that even the perfect human(director) could do a serious crime like
murder. That's because his desire to kill overpowered his perfect genes. In a same way we could turn
the situation around, where Vincent's desire to become an astronout overpowered his bad genes. I
think this means that genes mean nothing.
12. What limits should be placed on genetic engineering? Should it be allowed at all? Should it be
limited to the elimination of disease and physical imperfections? Why or why not?
I think that genetic engineering shouldn't be able to „max-out“ someones potential, but only to stop
diseases if possible. I paritally answered this in question 10.
13. Is it true that you are more than the sum of your genes?
It is true, you are definetly worth more than the sum of your genes. I think pretty much all arguments
I have given by now support this statement.
14. What is a caste system? Describe the caste system in Gattaca. Give some examples of caste
systems in other societies that have actually existed.
It's basically a system in which your potential and class is determined the second you are born, it
depens if you come from a rich and respected, or poor and unrespected family. Caste system in
Gattaca is made in a way in which when babies are born, they immediatly take sample of their blood
and label them as valid or in-valid. Example of a caste system is this system in India which is consisted
of four „categories“: Brahmins (priests), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas (commerce), Shudras
(workmen). I read about this on