This document appears to be an exam for a 3rd quarter English class. It contains multiple choice questions and short answer questions testing understanding of topics like cultural heritage, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of passages. The exam covers identifying social media platforms and true/false statements about culture. It also contains situational questions testing appropriate responses and identifying parts of speech. The exam seems aimed at assessing a student's English language and comprehension skills.
This document appears to be an exam for a 3rd quarter English class. It contains multiple choice questions and short answer questions testing understanding of topics like cultural heritage, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of passages. The exam covers identifying social media platforms and true/false statements about culture. It also contains situational questions testing appropriate responses and identifying parts of speech. The exam seems aimed at assessing a student's English language and comprehension skills.
This document appears to be an exam for a 3rd quarter English class. It contains multiple choice questions and short answer questions testing understanding of topics like cultural heritage, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of passages. The exam covers identifying social media platforms and true/false statements about culture. It also contains situational questions testing appropriate responses and identifying parts of speech. The exam seems aimed at assessing a student's English language and comprehension skills.
This document appears to be an exam for a 3rd quarter English class. It contains multiple choice questions and short answer questions testing understanding of topics like cultural heritage, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension of passages. The exam covers identifying social media platforms and true/false statements about culture. It also contains situational questions testing appropriate responses and identifying parts of speech. The exam seems aimed at assessing a student's English language and comprehension skills.
Determine what category do these items belong. Choose your answer from the box below. __ 1. YouTube __ 2. Wordpress __ 3. Brochure __ 4. Twitter __5. Instagram Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. ________ 1. Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts that are inherited from past generations, maintained by the present, and bestowed for the benefit of the future. ________ 2. Every aspect of our present is greatly influenced by our past experiences and environment we are associated with. ________ 3. Objects are important to the study of historical heritage because they provide concrete basis for ideas. _________4. The natural and cultural resources are conserved for its continuous use in the future. _________5. Through the nation’s collaborative effort, tying the world’s cultural heritage may be possible. Give your response to the following situations. A. A fur covering an animal skin. Choose the letter of the best answer. B. An outer garment covering torso and arms. 1. Can You tell me where the market is? C. Canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a A. Yes, turn around and walk straight. mast. B. Just walk along the road and you will see it. 10. “You are the sunshine of my life.” In pragmatics, C. Sure, just go down the street and turn left. It’s next what does this sentence mean? to the laundry shop. A. You are my happiness. 2. I want to cook steamed banana. How will I do it? B. You are my life’s sunshine. A. Ask your mom to cook it for you. C. You are the sun that shines in my life. B. Leave the banana in the pot and heat it. 11. What will be your best statement for this situation? C. Put the banana in the pot and pour some water then You want to borrow your new classmate’s pen. let it boil for 10 to 15 minutes until it is cooked. A. Give me your pen please. B. May I borrow your 3. Why are you late in our class today? pen? C. Hey Dude! May I borrow your pen? A. It is none of your business so let me in. 12. Which sentence is correctly structured? B. Please forgive me. My alarm did not ring that’s why I A. There are many beautiful things to look forward to. woke up and came to school late. May I come in? B. She came to school late because she walk from home C. My mother went to the market and buy some food to to school. eat for our lunch. C. I forget my book yesterday that’s why I don’t have 4. Which statement gives you information? any homework. A. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella today. 13. It’s dinner time and you saw your sister’s hands are B. I work as a teacher and I’m teaching English to grade dirty. What will you say? schoolers. A. You will not eat until your hands are clean. C. Please buy me some food for dinner because our B. Eat your dinner without using any utensils. refrigerator is empty. C. Go to the sink, wash your hands with soap and rinse 5. Which of the following narrates an event? it thoroughly. A. When I was young, I loved to play in the rain with my 14. The following are proper gestures that the speaker friends. We ran after another and stopped under the big should do except one. tree to rest. After that, we went home and ate delicious A. Maintain eye contact. hot soup. B. Speak loudly and never mind what others are doing. B. To live a simple and happy life, remember to be C. Avoid unnecessary gestures or distracting contented on what you have. Don’t be jealous and be mannerisms. happy for everyone. Live with a peaceful mind and heart 15. As a speaker, what will you do if someone is and love yourself as well. interrupting you while you’re still talking? C. These are the things that you need to remember in A. Pause for a while and tell him to shut up. cooking your favorite food. First, complete all your B. Never mind that person and continue talking. ingredients. Then, start following your procedures and C. Pause for a while, approach him politely and give him lastly don’t forget to cook with love. time to talk. 6. What is the best word that will complete the 16. What is culture? sentence? I will ________ the books in the library after I A. A shared way of life B. The spread of ideas read it. C. A short well-known expression A. rewrite B. reread C. return D. A custom prohibiting or restricting a practice 7. Which word has a hard [th] sound? 17. The way people eat in their country such as with A. throw B. thunder C. weather forks, chopsticks or fingers is an example of 8. Complete the sentence to make it grammatically A. Cultural trait B. Ethnic trait correct. “Please be quiet. I’m ____________. “ C. Cultural differences D. Cultural region A. worked B. working C. works 18. Selections may be embedded with 9. What is the best definition for the underlined word? A. Environmental aspect B. Cultural aspect He wears his coat for this winter season. C. Historical aspect D. All of the above 19. Cultural features may have connections to Activity 1 - Write AGREE if you think the statement is A. Geography B. History C. Both A and BD. None of the correct and DISAGREE if it is not. Write your answer on above the space before the number. 20. People’s culture adopts to the environment. _______1. Panel discussion is a more formal way of A. Yes B. No discussing issues, problems or topics in front of the 21.Let us join together to end this pandemic. Let us help audience. our community to be safe always. Follow the health _______2. There are three members of panel protocols that the Department of Health announced. discussion, they are the moderator, panel and audience. A. Expository B. Narrative C. Persuasive D. Descriptive _______3. The audience do not play any role in the 22.Domingo decided to live in the province. He enjoyed discussion. They are not allowed to raise questions. seeing the beautiful sceneries in the province; the fresh _______4. Creative questioning is the key to a air, the birds and trees, the clean river and green meaningful discussion. mountains. He also enjoyed mingling with his friendly _______5. The members of panel discussion do not and helpful neighbors. need to do further research before the activity. A. Descriptive B. Narrative C. Narrative D. Expository Tell whether the underlined phrase is NOUN or VERB 23. Earl is a hard working seller of fruits and vegetables PHRASE. On the space before the number, write NP for in the community. Every day he always call the attention Noun Phrase, and VP for Verb Phrase. of the people by shouting “ Gulay, Gulay!” He sells _________ 1. The great scientists all over the world different nutritious fruits and vegetables. During snack are studying and discovering the vaccines for COVID-19. time he also sells banana fritters which the people love. _________ 2. They offer a prayer for the frontliners A. Narrative B. Descriptive C. Persuasive D. Expository including the doctors, nurses, paramedics, pathologists, 24. If we will not change our attitude, nothing will hospital support attendants, and police. happen. We should start disciplining ourselves. Cleaning _________ 3. Different sectors from the government your backyard, throwing your garbages properly would are giving donations and relief goods to the charity. be a great help to the community. _________ 4. Killua would have gone for a walk to A. Narrative B. Descriptive C. Persuasive D. Expository explore the surroundings like what others did. 25. The beggar wore tattered clothes. He went to the _________ 5. In this pandemic, the children below canteen to ask some food. The customers gave him food twenty years old should stay in their place of and drinks. The beggar was so thankful with the residence. generosity of the customers. Suddenly, an expensive car ________ 6. The quarantine period in Metro Manila has stopped and called the beggar. The customers stared at started since March 2020. the beggar and became speechless. ________ 7. All talented mothers share their A. Narrative B. Descriptive C. Persuasive D. Expository expertise in baking cakes to their children. 26. This is used to make the readers feel what the ________ 8. Footnote to youth is my favourite short author is feeling towards a character or a situation. story in Philippine Literature. A. Imagery B. Mood C. Tone 27. This literary device uses ordinary things to represent ________ 9. Medical frontliners have been heroes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. a very important lesson that the author wants readers to ________ 10. Our donations will help us to reach out learn. the frontliners A. Imagery B. Symbolism C. Tone 28. This literary device lets readers create mental pictures to help them understand the passage. A. Character Development B. Imagery C. Tone 29. This literary device shows changes in characters from good to bad and vice versa. A. Character Development B. Symbolism C. Tone 30. This refers to the emotional responses of readers towards the characters or events in a story. A. Imagery B. Mood C. Tone
___1. “I can feel the cold blow of the wind in the
seashore.” ___2. “As a member of the environmentalist group, I feel annoyed when someone speaks ill against our objectives.” ___3. “A healthy environment is imperative for the continued existence of humans, animals and plants. We have to act now!” ___4. “The long faces of the children show that they don’t want the park to turn into a business area.” ___5. “They are so lucky to see the wonders of the nature. They feel inner peace.”