Tugas UPFK
Tugas UPFK
Tugas UPFK
Volume of flow
during time period Volume in Storage at
Waktu (m3) Voc (m3) end of time (m3)
06:00-09:00 328.00 224.563 103.438
09:00-12:00 341.25 224.563 220.125
12:00-15:00 396.00 224.563 391.563
15:00-18:00 315.00 224.563 482.000
18:00-21:00 115.00 224.563 372.438
21:00-00:00 100.00 224.563 247.875
00:00-03:00 100.00 224.563 123.313
03:00-06:00 101.25 224.563 0.000
BOD Mass
loading during
Volume (m3) Volume Kumulatif (m3)qi time period
100.00 100 100.000 800.000
101.25 201.25 101.250 607.500
328.00 529.25 328.000 3083.200
341.25 870.5 341.250 4368.000
396.00 1266.5 396.000 5148.000
315.00 1581.5 315.000 4410.000
115.00 1696.5 115.000 1380.000
100.00 1796.5 100.000 960.000
1796.50 2594.588