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Drying of Foods 2

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MOJ Food Processing & Technology

Mini Review Open Access

Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact

review on advance food science
Abstract Volume 6 Issue 1 - 2018

Foods (mostly fruits and vegetables) are dried and dehydrated to increase their
usable lifetime, storage stability and minimize processing requirements and enhance Avijit Mallik,1 Arman Arefin Md,1 Sonmoy
transportability. Preservation techniques of foods are mostly based on drying through Kundu,2 Al Nahian SR,1 Sadman Sakif A1
sunlight/solar energy methods, causing quality degradation and product contamination. 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of
Energy utilization and nature of dried items are basic parameters in the choice of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
drying process. An ideal drying system for the arrangement of value dried out items 2
Department of Botany, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
is savvy as it shortens the drying time and makes least contamination the item. To
diminish the energy use and operational cost new measurements came up in drying Correspondence: Avijit Mallik, Department of Mechanical
procedures. This paper represents basic review on food drying techniques along with Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology,
two drying methods of cranberries (microwave-vacuum and microwave-convective) Bangladesh, Email avijitme13@gmail.com
and their merits and demerits regarding the quality of dried product and the process
Received: December 01, 2017 | Published: January 12,
performance are evaluated. 2018
Keywords: micro-convection, food engineering, convective food drying, heat
engineering, preservation techniques, heat pump dehumidifier, superheated steam;
mw-vacuum drying framework

Introduction Types of drying

Foods grown from the ground are critical wellsprings of Heat pump drying
fundamental dietary supplements, for example, vitamins, minerals
and fiber. Since the dampness substance of new foods grown from the The utilization of heat pumps for drying has been contemplated
ground is over 80%, they are delegated profoundly perishable wares.1 since the mid 1950s; however the thought was mechanically
Keeping the product fresh is the best way to keep up its wholesome attainable, it was not monetarily alluring because of the low fuel
esteem, yet most storage techniques require low temperatures, which costs winning around then. By setting the evaporator of a heat direct
are difficult to maintain all through the distribution/supply chain. Then in the fumes stream, the air leaving the dryer is cooled (in this way
again, drying is an appropriate option for post-harvesting particularly recuperating the sensible heat segment) and afterward dehumidified
in South-Asian countries like Bangladesh, India, and China etc. (to recoup the dormant heat) by the refrigerant. The heat in this
where exist ineffectively established low temperature dispersion manner added to the refrigerant is then rejected at the condenser of
and handling options. It is reported that more than 20% of the world the heat pump to the surge of air entering the dryer, along these lines
perishable food products are dried to increase shelf-life of realistic raising its temperature. At the point when the air leaving the dryer is
usability and advance food security.2 Organic products, vegetables recycle, the additional advantage of dehumidification of the drying
and their items are dried to improve capacity dependability, limit air is likewise acknowledged, expanding its capability to accomplish
bundling prerequisites and diminish transport weight. Regardless, in better drying. Hogan et al.,8 contemplated warm pump helped grain
India scarcely any segment of perishables are dried which prompts drying and presumed that the techniques were valuable because of
huge misfortune as far as cash and work other than soak ascend in their lower energy utilization in contact with electrically pre-heated
costs of wares amid the off season. units.8 Basically, heat pumps were utilized to lessen the energy
utilization of dryers and it is currently all around concurred that heat
Drying of foods grown from the ground has been essentially expert pump dehumidifier (HPD) helped drying systems to have energy
by convective drying.3 There are various investigations that have reserve units.9,10 One of the primary focal points of HPD drying is
tended to the issues related with ordinary convective drying. Some the maintenance of value and its effective application to drying
essential physical properties of the items have changed, for example, esteemed heat delicate materials. Kohayakawa et al.,11 depicted an
loss of shading, difference in surface, concoction changes influencing investigation in which mango cuts were dried in a HPD dryer and the
flavor and supplements and shrinkage.4 Plus, convective drying gives energy utilization of this framework was contrasted and a theoretical
little extension for earlier re-hydration to additionally preparing electrically warmed dryer.11 Figure 1 shows a typical schematic of
subsequent to drying for a negligible quality.5 The high temperature industrial heat pump arrangement.
of the drying procedure is an imperative reason for loss of value.
Bringing down the procedure temperature has extraordinary potential It is accounted for that the HPD dryer has favorable position of 22
for enhancing the nature of dried items.6,7 However in such conditions, to 40% decrease in the power utilization. Hawlader et al.,12 examined
the working time and the related cost end up noticeably unsuitable. To dried apple, guava and potato pieces in a HPD dryer utilizing nitrogen
lessen the operational cost distinctive pre-medicines and new strategy and carbon dioxide to supplant air. The evacuation during drying
for low temperature and low energy drying techniques are developed. appeared profitable to the items, which indicated lesser caramelizing.
A concise audit of late improvement (recent years) will be talked Moreover, the porosity and rehydration attributes of the item were
about in the accompanying areas. predominant contrasted and material dried under vacuum.12 Gabas

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Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science ©2018 Mallik et al. 37

et al.,13 considered drying of apple chambers in a heat pump dryer are difficult to dry in a fluidized bed. The model was created in view of
and contrasted it and items got from an electrically pre-heated dryer. diffusivity hypothesis and utilizations various presumptions. Among
The HP dryer utilized 40% less energy contrasted and the electrical them are:
warmer and at a quicker rate of drying.13 Alves-Filho et al.,14 made
i. Buildup of water vapor on tests happens beneath the breaking
a research on dried green peas in a fluidized bed warm draw dryer
point of water
under barometrical stop drying conditions and acquired items with
elevated amounts of rehydration capacity, floatability and alluring ii. The greater part of the heat moved into the specimen surface is
shading qualities.14 Uddin et al.,15 contrasted warm pump drying and utilized for vanishing when the example temperature is equivalent
microwave and stop drying of guava, mango and honeydew melon.15 to the breaking point
iii. Breaking point of water changes the weight in the neighborhood
purpose of test
iv. General heat exchange coefficient on the specimen surface
incorporates warm radiation from the drying medium
v. Drying process is finished when the temperature of test is higher
than the breaking point of water.17
Figure 3 relays a schematic which depicts the stated system. This
process is widely used on food industries.

Figure 1 Heat pump drying for industry.

Superheated steam drying

Drying with superheated steam (SS) without air in a medium made
completely out of steam. The capacity of SS to dry sustenance material
is because of the expansion of sensible heat to raise its temperature
over the relating captivated temperature at a given weight. It is not
necessary to exhaust the evaporated water from the produce until the
pressure develops beyond certain limit. Figure 2 portraits a graphical
presentation of the system stated.

Figure 3 SS fluidized drying process for industries.

Impingement drying with SS

Despite the fact that it is primarily utilized as a part of paper
industries, in the food business, air impingement is utilized for heating
and cooking of items, for example, potato chips, pizza, treats and
level breads.18 Low fat potato chips can be set up by this strategy. A
graphical presentation of the system is given below in Figure 4.

Figure 2 Superheated steam drying.

The immense preferred standpoint is that reusing of drying

technique is conceivable, given extra sensible heat is included.
Furthermore, any regular convection and conduction dryer could be
effortlessly changed over to utilize superheated steam.16 Settled bed,
fluidized bed, streak, impingement, pneumatic and splash dryers
are utilizing super-warmed steam innovation for quality drying of

Superheated Steamed (SS) fluidized drying

Trials demonstrate that SS drying could be adequately utilized
for some, items like corn starch, potato starch and for making other
Figure 4 Impingement drying with Superheated Steam
results. In any case, particles those are too substantial or fine courses

Citation: Mallik A, Arman AM, Kundu S, et al. Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science. MOJ Food Process Technol.
2018;6(1):36‒40. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2018.06.00142
Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science ©2018 Mallik et al. 38

SS prepared potato chips held more vitamin C and were preferred does not consider energy required to heat air, or energy required for
in surface over air dried examples. It is watched that mass exchange vacuum pump.
was following Fick’s law of dissemination and heat exchange inside
Pressure and power level must be correctly chosen to maximize
potato was considered to take after Fourier’s law of heat conduction.19
the efficiency. Drouzas et al.22 showed that the drying rate was
In any case, consideration ought to be given to the impact of SS
significantly raised with increase of the pressure or the MW power
impingement drying on item quality including shrinkage, freshness
level, but the final quality of dried banana slices was lower. The same
and microstructure.
trend was observed in Wadsworth et al.23 drying efficiency (defined
Microwave vacuum drying as the amount of water evaporated from the sample divided by the
amount of MW energy entering the drying cavity) of parboiled rice
Additionally drying upgrades can be gotten by utilizing sub- was significantly influenced by both MW power level and dryer
atmospheric pressure. Water vanishing happens at lower temperatures operating pressure. One way to counter disadvantages of MW drying
under vacuum, and subsequently the product handling temperature such as non-uniform heating is to operate in a pulsed mode, by
can be essentially lower, offering higher product quality. Numerous alternating between MW power-on and power-off. This permits better
correlations have been made between MW-vacuum drying and redistribution of the temperature and the moisture profile within the
different frameworks, for the most part concentrating on hot air and product during power-off times. For a given product, the MW power-
freeze drying. on time and the pulsing ratio should be optimized. Pulsed application
Figure 5 depicts the following system very well. The MW- of MW energy combined with vacuum to dry cranberries has been
vacuum lack of hydration was first utilized for convergence of found more efficient than continuous application.24 In pulsed mode,
citrus juice.7–10 In the sustenance business, MW-vacuum drying shorter power-on time and longer power off time provided a higher
is utilized for drying of pastas, powders, and numerous permeable drying efficiency, where the energy utilization coefficient (defined as
solids. McDonnell Company has constructed a MW-vacuum drying a ratio of energy absorbed by the sample and energy absorbed by the
framework (MIVAC) to dry grains; outright weight extending from same mass of distilled water) pulsed mode ranged from 0.53 to 0.95,
3.4 to 6.6kPa offers dampness vanishing at temperatures from 26 to and for continuous MW application it was significantly lower, ranging
52°C. In any case, it was not industrially fruitful because of financial from 0.43 to 0.67. Concerning the quality properties, continuously
aspects. Dissipated water from the item in this MW-vacuum drying20 dried samples had a higher redness and undesirable tougher texture
framework is expelled for the most part by consolidating utilizing a than the samples dried with pulsed mode.
cooling framework, nourished with water.21
Influence on storage on quality
A huge loss of supplements happens in dried foods grown from
the ground amid capacity. This misfortune relies upon capacity
temperature, pH, and presentation to oxygen, porosity, light and
nearness of natural acids. The degree of misfortunes relies upon the
sort of vitamins and capacity conditions, for example, the presentation
to oxygen and light.25 Amid capacity of spaghetti, for instance, no loss
of thiamine and niacin was watched yet riboflavin was defenseless to
temperature, stockpiling period and light.
In a few circumstances the strategy for lack of hydration can
likewise impact the loss of supplements. For example, Kaminski
Figure 5 Microwave-vacuum drying of cranberry. et al.26 watched a quick debasement of carotenoids in solidify dried
Drying energy performance carrots. They watched that air-drying was more effective for carotene
conservation when put away at encompassing temperature. Stop dried
By analyzing the food drying performance it can be measured items are for the most part more permeable. This encourages oxygen
that the system of drying is economically feasible or not. Drying exchange and advances fast oxidation of carotene.26 Cinar27 revealed
performance is depicted by the following equation: that the most noteworthy shade misfortune was in carrot put away at
40°C (98.1%) while the least misfortune was in sweet potato kept at

DE =
M i mi − m f ) (1)
4°C (11.3%) amid 45days of capacity.27

t on P 1 − m f ) Ways to reduce energy consumption
Routine care in operation ought to dependably frame a basic piece
DE=Drying performance (kg of evaporated water/J of supplied of yield dryer operation. Mix-drying, another most ideal approach
energy) to decrease the energy consumption expanding the through-put
and enhances quality.27 Improvement of vitality through scientific
ton=Total time of MW power-on (s)
displaying is another critical approach to lessen vitality utilization.28
P=MW power input (W) Irregular drying and electro drying advances are likewise used to
diminish vitality utilization. The utilization of microwave was found
mi, mf=Initial and final moisture contents (ratios, wet basis)
to majorly affect both the drying time and the vitality utilization.29
Mi=Initial sample mass (kg) The particular vitality utilization for the drying of grapes diminished
from 81.15MJ/kg if there should arise an occurrence of convective
Equation-(1) only considers the efficiency of MW systems; it

Citation: Mallik A, Arman AM, Kundu S, et al. Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science. MOJ Food Process Technol.
2018;6(1):36‒40. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2018.06.00142
Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science ©2018 Mallik et al. 39

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2018;6(1):36‒40. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2018.06.00142
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Citation: Mallik A, Arman AM, Kundu S, et al. Drying and dehydration technologies: a compact review on advance food science. MOJ Food Process Technol.
2018;6(1):36‒40. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2018.06.00142

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