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GST Notes

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= - As athum aule , a rug. poiaen mulch be digi oe Pouon lisula not be able te claim Toft tan cule fo te pti! puis Bug. ° = | Houreuen, Bection 18C1)) 4 gechon (4Ce) a |b auch input held in stock 4 inbut aw in contained semi finished ore finished: good, Ail tn gteck. as of following dates i i LIZ) CIA) aaa if Unity ay pacuting Bu di reich Aw bicond iahle te pax he Umdo Section 8 C18) ou sonDen - Se ze z Wow input tox cscodit: utilised (px. payment of, leqst, SQsT # UTGST 2 c 4. Input tax cuedit of Last :_ | de cam bo pe utilized fou the paynurt ob IGsT , GST, SGST on outumnd guppy Input tax audit of CGSt: |atcane be ubilized pou tho paynunt of Cast pirat prg- Mote Vehicle tothe, commegance. 2 batamet ses | + Peed £ Bavenages 2 outdoor catering Health 3 ox audit of SGST i _ =| t6can be utilized for the payment ef sqst fiat + Membuuship of a dub x @ filrtat cents 2 balama focthe” payment op LqsT «| fenta cap, life Insunamen b health Yneumance Inbut tax oudlt of UT@st : + Jrowel Benefits extenduy fo embbloyers on the |b can be Utilized pow the vigs, fowt 2 balance v vacation guch as (yard trou concession + Wexks contract snupice shire Rupp for. construction, immepvable sexicw 7 io for tht paymuct of IGst Input Ton Gudit Of ST Combunsation CES. + Goods L geowies ouceived. by a nen cusident taxable penser B Qt can be utilized fpr the paymirt of GST “Geadls b Avaric usec fo pinaon censiimnplion ‘bust ustich ig ip0ege unin. section 4a ncn) ila Coeere enkyy for the following Sesuricts. SN eating a eas Begs Activities foy- Aa cons [counsbing Sf tesuninalyy UW pewon th Zw phygical 2 monte disability PANHTV, Albs OH the pexaon + adicted to nascrtic Drugs. Arctiuities solaking. te public health by- UY Of | Queues, epebrrvitive eatin 4 ea _luumam bleed 2 its venfBenenks Kajal | sindser, bind) , pekai muncipay umete 2 ae edurancement of ——_ Sewage shudge, plastic bangla. (Ay Prd. culating to education GAUALLepment of 1B abdan abider. , onvhan ow So iildwon | +| Fie Geedl (Fudd Coed) aly SiR aa i a ek. Kredi pyaun 2 khadi Fabsic, Vute Fabuic Ack. eelating P |Intesenational Flag €asthen pots clay lamps , glass (©), Pacsouration of orurisvernmunk Unclucliag. weiter ud | Linflement vshih avis mimually preuabh wild Uke peated ~ | | Munclpalitey ceuwice / Panchayat Ssuices —— baggage. bripsick aE beomu L buushe | sewio by the debat. of host by way of spucl pest ip t a 4 Seurices psupuided, by achibatilisalien professionals ia &, bie-miciical waste, public CAMs e frdmission to musuem ora puotected monumet -{ As the plpct of Cupbey of Qeed/ sour fegethor with ‘the Leeotion dethe cupplier dutesumine Whtthr Bubpiy ii inter state Oe mactate cubbly 4 Te ie qugubhial point whew thesubbuior 1s lecated with goed. Lrcation of the cubbtien is usually 1s the puct who is made Ane jg mantioned as tht principal plact of bus GSi rug. certificate may be faleen a th Location oy fte calbbly 1.08 24 RK Dulhir Azaatd, a. machine te XY Gandhi Nagas after, sometinics Rk sol the machine to XY | Place of Supply is Ganclfii Nagas whert tht S$ (S amachine U8 Lecated 4,| Ruction 10 (4)(A) a [Goede asseriBtal [instadtid at a site the place of | subboy is the place of such installation or assembling. Rk Dit, tnatalled machine at thw Plact of Bus. of XY Gandhu Nagas Pack tae Of e ca ei 29 bette Re Dulhi sebplies XY Gandhi [nagar thw place of subbly, “ig Gandhi Nagar. ~ 2 kechion 10 (4)(B) aa sun a i fae Of bet such 3d) Pexwen is HAL Section 10(2) () uf ‘Geode rupplied en byand of conneyance ike aintragt, train vessels, Plane thy Place of suppoy 18 the lecation uthure such geek ore takin on beand | LAU bt 38 Such Sod Penson ie of Rk Duhi wAbplies ford We Indigo Rivtinds tebe prom ciienrucesmnal oor [x piace ob Q What arw thy various sul of aubblyr of gercts aported./imberted fev India 2” i (owe] TT 1108 :| Subpuy inuplving goods exported ou of ¢ India the plact of ‘eB uth te sane. tapoted | Le Country ouwicle the counteey. Rk Dithi port gerda tp US from Bethi. the place of supply is US What asw the sutted of the supply of gorunced whow the lecatien o& beth gupbblions te Prd Thew art 2 Rules 4p to prowicto the place weceipent ign India 2 Thew arw vaolious Rules — Saeed. 4.\ Suction 14a) faction so6a) 12 (2) Fqensnal Rute] ha SSPE ina : (hin the Subbliewla made Bip theowg.. pusen tht placu 6h supply is whine tw Importer [8 suceing. the Se>wiCh Seruricas Rk Dwthi prerde covertfaney fo X¥ in Nota & xy Ig Reg. Peuson at Neida” I RE ae eh pal fon iw ea a Place of Supply is Nelda iene ain of ic ap. Pay TF averilable, thon the place a supplier ia, such eee oe Betion 124) aaa | Rubuvant Sources —fessenal amming. fe . Aovalliyy hwalth Pryce | | Section 12¢) Seca Rul ey fee te eucsipents of Besa 18.084 pein = a> en te lmmeei blo pnoperty | the plow of subbly 1g thy lecation of immovable | propoty 7 TY 8 lo ol Ben se US MBA unzy- individual Uundur 4st alo athends the come,, ther tre place of Supply.is eth Bt hels UN RB. payer place of supply is Ye Me tation cuhuce thay ase handed éucr fox tram portation e9 RK AUK a cUzib'c Lemony sends Govole Oebhi ‘te Mumbai to MRA who is Reg. pewoon on Munbar poe B But if he Weld, beer Un. Reg urdu GST then | Section 12.3) i :| fassengor Tuamspordation serwices the place of cubby ik lecabion if the Reteipene is Rep. Power pla: >| But if he is unkeg - pesen cuppliy of is Whee is Lo a 4 BR Delhi Beok a ticket through India enbust (yr sinw RR is rey. the place of supply is Det Operon. Ra > tora what are the rules Of < wersiced Whe the Location of anyof the cuppiierc Is net in India? ae Seamone, i Sesion 13 (2) - (General Rule :| location of the rectipent is cuailable, the place Of supply Will be the Lrccction of the Ouceipent Rk Delhw pusvides gofume powias in Lordon, tho Pw tnd Location of weceblent ls metauailbble Lhe plact of supply is tho lection of the subbus Sp Section 134) :| Baits lation: tp iwmovalole poeberky. namely anchietectu Pla of cupply is tho location op inrmovable subply_ of Rk duly onchitectunb sowicu to M~¥ whe in New 4 York, whese psohinty ig lection is in Unter. Section (35) :| Besuices by way of- admiscion te ov orgn. of event the-place of apply i te place who Count is actoally held. ef fi fashion designer from Uk ognized Shy | (oaie_T—] | Section 23(41) a Lf conuyyarice aggre L & thw ei a hs — «| Medication ig puevidedl ogdingt a choowye duviing tno Plight fovon Mumbo 1p New York , the plaw of fe Mua 5 Suction 43142) Tho tinue of the seibbly fens the Point urhut the = s Uability fe GST anise. beard) blight funy 2, aubhig Mina ta pd Bunda fh Gt difnds suber thotine of ast beetaining. Ao the Supply of the Cibo rent. shold be noxipally pall ery menthly hash by. 20th Mi onsatan! mepnthy pais smniony A 2 = eae = x| Statutory, Lime v Ke iesue of jnussice in cam 5 ~Rotion 38 cove the Hind of insuee. Of inv} _| of taxable AW = i Bicskdiog ven | :| Rection At i — i Gnipice ig euquired te be prxpared before 4 te time & Hw woe in olathe time of = Shue oe jaa invoice [should be issued wsthi Snuysice. cam be issutcl usithin A6.daxys foun Hw dot eae In aa Rho, Land conte ETE te be month rpexe tre duc peetoe ig [len uncactainable und the z - |e inamicd Bball be ee befor ox ab the time dus i the Met abe, es the wal thie invotee shall be ideal before se ab | ieee | “|i the paymeal is Uinkicl ty the dan unk the iwretce spat be issued enor pag te complition of that uu. [7th Apsil —» Puuchaae coud wsithy Are advance | [icgihs aA yt eee a. machune sith t= 40 vakha + Wes made [es in tho Bolhews books of Alc. nal GL oat whine HEA. todas “tne ely a po the cB uardignd bout en te escapee Vouches Change Whi tho pstential burs ane obliged Fs actulor in Bonk or bulb for Aw Ee Se ineidtaatetersbe es af jpat vouchan Ta idk z the tine oh issue of vouhun - Aw daty “of issue hh vouch u On De May XY rahi Hh Sears Payment 1 hits May dn all oth cosa : oe voucher da of sadumbtion of; gad ; of Iegue of vourhust . fbx delhi changer a pment eyed 00 onus [en “st August 2019, xv pays = 41 [ase ud QA. pa, ore dil }0 Glnmewauldebe dime of supply of Rowicos Sever UR ewevindlotn _ 10D0_ on the nde, the time oF zupbly Lupilld be 2030 > SS Residual pxoulsion umdu this Section would Time of kupblyy of Stsuictt eee ike maith the datt of inpice nou dat, Fouwand Chasige | 5 a 1s cael, tre dime of pubbey in gi ¥ sagt WISER a CUAL Dee Rewwma Charge | vouchos__| 3 dt date fess Bling the aativin dats on util “>| AML othe Case GST paid Hi Menbuds o- Sr Council ) Unlon Finance Minister - Chainpenten | J 2 Wat on which past is eucorded on the bop of Aye ma ___| thats ewcoives ep sctaticn se : = . | 2 | —> [dhe Union Minister of State, inchasge of { =f hati.en whch is Adbllad pose enkitys bamk hc | Revenue e%- Finames — Membese “Date mia eo doi of S [ihe Minister tn change of Finance, ox ovation_| ina ime bl + oat Agno painigtese, byp each wteite Groveunment | . — = 7 ; T 1 ie eaneatieanes” ta amy afew disso 5 tSpucial feat Wotth seeapock eee a | padesh Wiping + Utbakhand _ 3. Sho Ministov in change of finan ox toration, p: Othun Minister nominated by Cah 6BLL gout, ——__| be the membew (uil| Any mattese ewlating te goede suvice tax ad a council mary decide e L Although, a0 of nou, GST is net Lebved on = vere 1 Kole £ Function oh ast Counclb Pete: Petoleim, deseal motor zpinit (pete) Natal gad * ambjation tusbine fuel . y | Make cxtconmucadation 0S: teouconumend thedate on ushith GST cam be letved OM the gooda je Recommedation atte mae biy the Union ® rae a | Suleblish a muchanisen: fox disput, Redaichion following: (mB. issue ewlated’ easy : :| Prmaly mucaniunn is cofblish te rusolue ane ST ye Dok , dapat re hipaa Hate local brdig| vehich ray bien & hte osr Uli) Goods 2 Senices C 5 vom Gop ep be fibjeced 4 xemphed ° duper mow daly anising ub of necommedation sy Spe sutunn mechanism, dusign, te assigh the toxpayer | Undue GST a sugelas, toxpayer nocd te fasinish sutusins amd end anwvial -|Apewon will Uable te diduckt TDS ete zz ‘|b is imp to knew Bhat tho torpayur is nat say v l as GSTR-8) Menthiy glatenurb E-Conmench doth of the Next Month 15th. VOM penator [Subpplice affecting tit 20th of the | Gcre-3| Annual Rerun Register Sist of the Next. Mpreh Pésusor. Re er 2 Yea Ath of the ment STR-l0| Final Retuun Toxabe fouon within & month aus ushrese Rog. Of the date ie) : has beery of cameehiohion om Comite or fez Susmended comediation Which tere Late, SS eee a eae | = #_GSTR-2 Q) Pmandinwin wise details of all the inter state indua state ccxceived, fuer Rep. on un Reg. Pevsens. (6) Import of Goods + Zwias madL (0) Ocbit & Gudit notes if amy wrceived fem Ab Aappdicn 6 Cmsilidated duels 4 stat supplies made tp _non pug. poisons each wore of tax amd. _ aA invoice vi ae mads tO non- Reg. feren (Un ke) a Debit + Gudit Notes Yi tezued, duping Ent monks | fon the invoices issued Pusvioudy. = oe 7 dd qste-4 _:| Details that asa neg. te gubbritied_in in @STR=4 | etd indude the «| Gmubiee uvise Trcwastoto + intestate Wad eubply FUG. fevorne peg, A UN Te - purser «ox payable 2 tax Paid b However few a tax putied of Tuly 2017 te Masich 2019, Lrweice URE ek intuastate Uwand eee raeatiacemiarps un pais | Fart A & Part B ee: fora og perpen would mof be cag. fant A= Shall bo hucdrenically Sean generated en the basis of Info generate Pusinished ee thaough GiR-4'2GSTK-2 —__| baru on otfor tiabilits of Pouscithing :|Cuaup Reg - fuser ushie is eg, te gel Ale audited umdise section 6 (S) weuld file ‘am ammual cutusin Cudeniiallyr adserge uaith Kh uy of audited amawmal fe = Pant B= wuld ventalina tee te t of Vabiliiy Bey debit oH + dictownic” cosh. ledge + ocbuenic ostdis + | the Reg. Porson Usould be sug. te subuit a Babess aieooneiling the. yeliue | t | auduomn | a fond gout sath the acted annual Birdrciak Statersrt . —_ fee Werk ‘| Poinciple ghalh end amy inBute ox cibitel gees —— — waite pagent Tob wrk ber | Job we = F a Power init the Save tO the | matenial ox gendi Realabod anode so dtpardnent Hove the Rem ITC oy a ign irua| — : - ; : =| Pownciple, back the inbulg or capital ~ — biased. by smal scale induces. ' aimee SEERA —~— fouson doing the job uieik 18 calli Tob Work as cee ee a id, Ee ntains dana ola werk ang |» cudh goed di eb wpb — —tawadmint env precsss undertaken) by person. on M4 ak with the sf of fed om witout Pe goede. belonging tp anithu ug. penton | ttn Ha Hing Vii prov tenet in case ob tine venauaning B- realy @ te iS t= A | a. pasth gr gab a — 2 time but ity. cb ie. the a cm a {a (c) Tob wanker poemises is included ao the adclibional Pe oF Fhe business Ay He Paincifpee *QST Rates on Tob WOrk Tob Work i @st_Rate 2 |Aiguiculitise, Rewcsbey fishing O% animal husbandeyp } ‘t -|aill besaaued ence foe. the wate inbuiy E “tant inuily, te the Tob WN Med S|. etenmedianiy sousicu salated. fo ov. cultivation ¥ animal reaning etait ob, the Chatlam, must be ghoven. in hg a —__| qste=2 Gh Painting of, nauzspapess elastase rust indnds the particulars (b Textile ar Textile Pevadiict a @ Dated Ne. of delivers of Challan. ; & Tewelloyy a = (b) Name, addruss VGSTIN of the Povincibly & (d Painting of beoks including Baill!’ Books, Te Ly evicdicab) Hit Tob wenkin GN cote & desciption tf ged Ce Evcastiog Cf as shina E rae rs Taxable value P nate ob ox ee iy 2. Place ef Subbliy & signatures t X Rater onthe Tob nek Nes

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