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Sách Giáo Viên (Teacher's Guide) PDF

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Trần CAO BỘINgọc

Cao Bội NGỌC (Chủ
(Chủ biên)
biên) – TRƯƠNG
– Trương VănVĂN

Fa and y
National Edition
Teacher’s Guide
Scope and sequence 2 Unit 7 70
Introduction 4 Unit 8 76
Integrated component overview 8 Unit 9 82
Classroom language 11 Review 3 88
Tour of a unit 12 Fluency Time! 3 90
Starter unit 20 Unit 10 92
Unit 1 26 Unit 11 98
Unit 2 32 Unit 12 104
Unit 3 38 Review 4 110
Review 1 44 Fluency Time! 4 112
Fluency Time! 1 46 Games bank 114
Unit 4 48 Word list 119
Unit 5 54 Audioscripts 122
Unit 6 60 Workbook answer key 134
Review 2 66 Sample curriculum 140
Fluency Time! 2 68

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Scope and sequence

Billy Tim Rosy Max Holly Amy Leo

Words Grammar Phonics Values

Starter: Appearance  Family  
Possessive ’s  
I have brown hair.  
He has green eyes.   
Welcome back! Days of the week   Where’s Billy?   
Numbers 1–20   This is Rosy’s mom.   
p. 4
Colors   My favorite color is red.
Personal information

1 They’re
doctor, pilot, firefighter,
student, teacher,
We’re / They’re doctors.
We / They help sick people.
Schwa /ə/: teacher,
people who
help us!
p. 10 firefighters! police officer, farmer
Word stress:
doctor, teacher,
firefighter, office

2 Does he work
Places of work
hospital, airport, police
station, fire station, store,
He works in a police station.
She doesn’t work in a police
n /n/: nest
o /ɑ:/: octopus
p /p/: parrot
All jobs are

p. 16 in a police office, farm, bank Does he work in an airport?

station? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

3 Would
fries, noodles, pizza,
bubble tea, chicken
Would you like a bubble tea?
Yes, please. / No, thanks.
Would you like chicken or pizza?
q /kw/: queen
r /r/: rabbit
s /s/: sofa
Always be

p. 22 you like a I would like pizza, please.

Numbers 10–100
bubble tea? What does he / she like?
He / She likes / doesn’t like noodles.

Review 1  p. 28
Fluency Time! 1 
1  Everyday English Classroom language: What’s this in English?
p. 30 CLIL Social Studies Jobs: fire truck, ladder, helmet, uniform

4 We have
School subjects
art, math, English, P.E.,
What do we have on Mondays?
We have English on Mondays.
Can we take these bags?
t /t/: tiger
u /ʌ/: umbrella
v /v/: van

p. 32 English! Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

Places at school
schoolyard, art room,
computer room

5 We’re having
Beach activities
read, surf, play with
a ball, go on a boat,
Present progressive: affirmative
and negative
I’m surfing.
w /w/: window
x /ks/: box
Be safe at
the beach!

p. 38 fun at the snorkel, He isn’t surfing.

beach! collect shells, swimming, We’re / They’re playing with a
sitting, running ball.
We / They aren't collecting shells.

6 Funny
Zoo animals
penguin, zebra, kangaroo,
camel, lizard, crocodile
Present progressive: questions
and answers
Are you reading? No, I’m not.
y /j/: yo-yo
z /z/: zebra
Be kind to

p. 44 monkeys! Activities Is he sleeping? Yes, he is.

wear a hat, write in a What is he / she eating?
notebook, eat a sandwich, He’s / She’s eating a sandwich.
take a photo What are they doing?
They’re watching the monkeys.

Review 2  p. 50
Fluency Time! 2 
2  Everyday English Making plans: Are you free after school today? How about … ?
p. 52 CLIL Science Materials: float, sink, air, light, heavy

2 Scope and sequence

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Words Grammar Phonics Values

7 It isn’t cold
rainy, windy, hot, cold,
What’s the weather like?
It’s windy.
/ŋ/ ring, bang,
Be ready
for different

p. 54 today! snowy, sunny Wear a sun hat.

/ʒ/ treasure,
Weather activities
fly a kite, make a Because it’s sunny. explosion
snowman, go outside Wear a sun hat because it’s sunny.

8 Let’s buy
Special days
candy, balloon, present,
We like / don’t like balloons.
Do they like balloons? 
/ð/ father, brother,
this, that
Be good at
the party!

p. 60 presents! candle, neighbor, invite,

gift card, chocolate
Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
What do they like?  They like
/θ/ three, throw

He likes this candy because it’s red.

9 What time
Everyday activities
get up, have breakfast,
What time is it? It’s seven o’clock.
What time does he go to bed?
/u:/: flute, you
/ʊ/: foot

p. 66 is it? go to school, go home,

have dinner, go to bed
He goes to bed at nine o’clock in
the evening.
/ju:/: new

Times of day and Time What time do you / they get up?
morning, afternoon, We / I / They get up at seven
evening, two fifteen, o’clock in the morning.
two thirty, two forty-five

Review 3  p. 72
Fluency Time! 3 
3  Everyday English Getting dressed: Don’t wear hats in school. Take off your sun hat.
CLIL Math A bar chart for survey results: survey, bar chart, row, column
p. 74

10 Do they like
read comics, play chess,
He likes / doesn’t like reading
/ɔ:/ corn, horn,

p. 76 fishing? fish, play basketball,

play volleyball, play
They like / don’t like playing
/ɑ:/ car, farm, star

badminton Does he / she like playing chess?

Yes, he / she does. / No, he /
she doesn’t.
We like playing chess, but we
don’t like playing volleyball.

11 How do we
Prepositions of place
next to, opposite,
How do we get to the hospital?
Turn left. Go straight at the
traffic lights.
/ɜ:/: germs, fern,
girl, bird, nurse,
carefully at
the map!
p. 82 get to the It’s opposite the school.
hospital? turn left, turn right, It’s between the bookstore and
go straight the library.
It’s next to the library.
train station, bus station,

12 A smart
Adjectives to describe
old, young, handsome,
Past simple with be: affirmative
and negative
I / He / She was cute.
/i:/: green, eat,
dream, queen
Consonant blends:
Be interested
in other
p. 88 baby! pretty, cute, smart You / We / They were very young. /sl/: sleep
Words to describe rooms My / His / Her hair wasn’t white. /sp/: spoon
neat, messy, floor You / We / They weren’t all

Review 4  p. 94
Fluency Time! 4 
4  Everyday English Hobbies: I like playing soccer. / I don’t. I like playing tennis.
p. 96 CLIL Geography Volcanoes: volcano, inside, hole, erupt, lava

Picture dictionary p. 98

Word list p. 102

  Write in your notebook.  Say.   Write with a pencil.

  Audio track available.   Video available.

Scope and sequence 3

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Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition is an updated Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition recognizes that
version of the successful and much-loved Family and Friends children have different learning styles and the teacher’s
series. This new edition maintains the engaging content, notes provide a range of suggestions for addressing these
language, and activities of Family and Friends Special Edition, differences. Some learn better by seeing (visual learners), some
but has been adapted to meet the requirements of the new by listening (auditory learners), some by reading and writing,
curriculum from the Ministry of Education and Training, and some with movement (kinesthetic learners). The teacher’s
focusing on communicative competence and whole-child notes use all these approaches to help every child realize his
development. The course caters to teachers who prefer a or her potential.
traditional coursebook with modern content to motivate and
interest students. Its grammar-based curriculum, working in Differentiation
conjunction with parallel syllabi in skills and phonics, enables
children to develop the confidence and competence to Support and extension material
communicate effectively in English, as well as understand and There is a wealth of support and extension material available
process information from a wide range of sources. The course to Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition students,
combines the most effective literacy techniques used with offering additional practice in skills, vocabulary, and grammar.
native English speakers with proven techniques for teaching The Oxford Skills series and Grammar Friends provide plenty of
English as a foreign language to children. reinforcement for less confident students and further practice
for confident students.
Improvements to the National Further reinforcement of the students’ learning can be
Edition achieved by follow-up activities using the Oxford Children’s
Picture Dictionary for learners of English (see
www.oup.com/elt). Recommended Readers can be used to
Content draw upon themes and language found in the Student Book
A thorough review of the original content reinforced the and provide extra exposure to the language in a new context.
strong pedagogical value of the Family and Friends Special Find out more at:
Edition content. As such, those familiar with the course will www.oup.com/elt/recommendedreaders.
find that much of this high-quality content has been retained,
including the main characters, topics, and themes. The review Mixed ability classes
also resulted in activity-level improvements to the listening Most classes contain students with mixed abilities. Tiếng Anh
and speaking skills, as well as the addition of a Fluency Time! Family and Friends National Edition provides support for
section, accompanied by videos from Grades 3 to 5, and children who are above or below the average level of the
the systematic inclusion of CLIL (Content and Language class. Each lesson contains a differentiated-instruction
Integrated Learning) content. Furthermore, vocabulary and suggestion for at least one main activity. It provides
grammar have been amended to reflect the Ministry of suggestions on how to make activities easier for children
Education and Training’s curriculum specifications as well as who require more support, or more challenging for those
international standardized examination requirements. The who need more independence. This ensures that all children
revised and expanded content accounts for the increasing remain confident and motivated throughout their lessons.
range in children’s English ability as extra-curricular lessons
Classroom tips for mixed ability classes:
and exposure to English rise.
• Think about where children are sitting. Place less confident
Curriculum and exam preparation children closer to you, so that you can address any issues.
The new National edition meets the Ministry of Education and • Some confident children may enjoy being helpers. This
Training’s curriculum and prepares children for success in the will allow confident children to revise new language while
Cambridge English exams, the TOEFL, and now, the Pearson helping others to learn it.
Test of English. • Give simple, clear instructions so that children of all levels
This edition features updated exam-type activities to can understand you easily. Use hand gestures, as well
correspond with the most recent Cambridge English as words, to explain the activities. Ask children to repeat
examinations. It also now prepares children for the Pearson activity directions back to you with the gestures, to confirm
Test of English through ample practice worksheets. Although their understanding.
the course still includes the same attention to English as a skill, • Don’t simplify your language as much when talking to
it includes more support for test-taking in general, as today’s confident children or those with higher-level English skills.
academic and professional worlds require more testing. They will benefit from the additional natural language
input, and one-on-one interactions will encourage them to
Teacher support explore language further.
New to this edition is this full-color Teacher’s Guide, providing • Set goals for each lesson to help the children to focus.
step-by-step instructions for each activity in the Student Book. The goal can be different according to the children’s
This strengthened support for teachers will help them to abilities, but reaching the goals will give the same sense of
maximize children’s potential. achievement to all.

4 Introduction

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The Teacher’s Guide is supplemented by the Teacher’s Site children lay a solid foundation for expressing themselves in
(free registration required) which includes the Printable English.
Resources, offering assessment and materials to support The speaking skills are supported by example dialogues, and
the core content. The Printable Resources include exam children are encouraged to speak together in pairs or small
preparation worksheets from Grade 3 onwards. Teacher’s groups, to build their confidence in communication. There
notes for the worksheets are also included. is also a lot of repetition at the introductory stages, to give
The Teacher’s Site is accessed at: phuongnam.edu.vn clear models for children to pronounce English words and
sentences accurately.
Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition
component offerings: Phonics
• Student Book Phonics teaches the relationship between letters / letter
• Workbook combinations and the sounds they make. The study of
• Teacher’s Guide delivered on the Teacher’s Site phonics enables children to decode new words, thereby
improving reading skills and helping them to grasp spelling
• Printable Resources delivered on the Teacher’s Site to and pronunciation patterns quickly.
supplement course materials, including:
Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition draws on the
• Over 200 pages of worksheets and tests principles of synthetic phonics, in which sounds and letters
• Teacher’s notes for worksheets combine to form whole words (i.e., synthesis).
• Exam Preparation worksheets (from Grade 3) Every unit of the course contains a phonics lesson. Over
• Online Play Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, and Grade 4, the English alphabet
• Audio files letters are introduced and reviewed, with their most common
• Classroom Presentation Tool sound values (/a/ for Aa, /b/ for Bb, etc.). Children are
• Flashcards, Phonics cards, and Posters encouraged to see the relationship between the letter names
and sounds, and to read, write, recognize, and say these. From
Sample curriculum Grade 3, the children are also introduced to some consonant
Please see the sample curriculum in the Printable Resources. digraphs (ch, th, sh) and diphthongs (two letters representing
This course provides material to fulfill the 140 periods a a vowel sound with two elements).
year as required by the National Curriculum. There are also Children then learn to pronounce and spell common
supplementary materials available in the Printable Resources. consonant blends at the beginning and ending of words,
and then see how vowels are combined to form long vowel
Methodology sounds. By the end of the course, children will be able to
identify and spell all of the most common sounds in the
Words and grammar English language, and recognize that many sounds can be
New words are introduced in relation to each unit’s topic or spelled in different ways.
theme. They are presented in the Student Book with support
from the flashcards and recordings, and are then practiced Stories
through chants, songs, and motivating classroom games and Every unit contains a story which provides a fun and
activities. motivating context in which the new language appears. In
The children are first exposed to the new grammar items the early grades, we meet a happy extended family and see
in the unit stories. They then move on to focused grammar the amusing adventures of Rosy, her mischievous brother
practice, which is reinforced with a range of spoken and Billy, and their cousin Tim. As children grow and their world
written activities. This language is recycled throughout the of interest develops, the circle of characters expands and
course. includes international characters as well. In Grade 4, a second
family features in the stories: Max and Holly, their mom and
Skills dad, and their cousins Amy and Leo.
From Grade 3 to Grade 5, each unit of Tiếng Anh Family and The stories also provide ideal scenarios for practicing and
Friends National Edition contains two pages dedicated to the reviewing key language in a cyclical manner.
development of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. Animated versions of these stories can be found on the
The reading texts in this section expose children to a balance Classroom Presentation Tool, the Friends website and the
of both familiar and new language. With a range of different Teacher’s Site. They offer an effective way of presenting the
text types of increasing complexity, children develop the story and target language in class, or can be used at home
confidence to recognize and use the language they know in to consolidate what children learn in the first two lessons of
a wide range of situations. They develop the skills of reading each unit.
and listening for gist and detail, both of which are essential for
complete communicative competence, higher-level academic Review units
work, and success in examinations. After every three units there is a Review unit in the Student
The writing skills section provides a range of common text Book and Workbook. These are shorter units of exercises,
types. Children complete writing activities in their notebooks which provide additional practice of the vocabulary and
with further consolidation through their Workbooks. The structures presented in the three preceding units. No new
syllabus’ model texts provide structured examples to help material is presented or practiced in these units.

Introduction 5

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Picture dictionary a self-assessment box built into each review, so the children
In Grade 1 to Grade 4, a Picture dictionary is provided for can express how well they feel they are progressing.
children to then refer to whenever necessary. A suitable point
to use the Picture dictionary would be at the end of each unit. Fluency development
A sense of achievement and a sense of autonomy are essential
Songs and chants ingredients in promoting communicative competence and
Every unit in Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition fluency. The Fluency Time! lessons in Tiếng Anh Family and
contains a song for children to practice the new language, as Friends National Edition give learners the opportunity to
well as vocabulary and phonics chants. personalize the language they learn and to practice speaking
Melody and rhythm are an essential aid to memory. By together in pairs and groups; to play games using the new
singing, children can overcome fears and shyness while language and to create their own dialogues; and to help
practicing language in a joyful and harmonious way together. boost their confidence and motivate them in the classroom.
Songs and chants are also fun and motivating activities that It is important for language in the classroom to be meaningful
can add movement to the lessons, creating meaningful and functional, so that learners can see how the language
opportunities for children with different learning styles. they are learning can be applied to everyday life. When
learners are able to use the language that they learn to
Games communicate in a realistic situation, or to interact socially with
Games provide a natural context for language practice and others, then they feel a sense of purpose in their learning.
are very effective for teaching children. Games promote
the development of wider cognitive skills such as memory Fluency Time!
sequencing, motor skills, and deductive skills. If required,
games in Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition can Syllabus
take place at the children’s tables or desks with a minimum The syllabus for the Everyday English phrases is based, in part,
of classroom disruption. There is a Games bank at the end on the Cambridge English Examinations syllabus. Other useful
of the Teacher’s Guide, which is referred to where a game is phrases, which reflect daily life, have also been included. For
suggested in the teacher’s notes. learners who are preparing for the Cambridge exams, this will
provide additional preparation and practice for the speaking
Classroom management parts of the exam, but for those not taking the exams, the
Children learn best when the atmosphere in the classroom is Everyday English phrases will be equally useful and applicable
relaxed, happy, and well ordered. to the situations they may face in the future.
Success is a great motivator. Try to make every child feel Each of the Fluency Time! lessons in Tiếng Anh Family and
successful and praise their attempt enthusiastically. Children Friends National Edition consist of an Everyday English page
should be familiar with expressions such as, Good work! Good followed by a CLIL lesson.
job! Excellent try! You did that very well! • The Everyday English pages teach phrases through mini
Errors need to be corrected, but use positive and tactful stories in a meaningful context, and provide practice of the
feedback so that children are not afraid of making mistakes. new language through a listening activity and a speaking
If a child makes a mistake, say Good try. Try again, then model activity, providing gradual transition from receptive to
the correct answer for the child to repeat. Avoid using words productive skills.
such as No or That’s wrong, as these can create negative • CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) refers to
associations to learning. teaching subjects (such as science, math, art, geography)
Establish a clear and consistent set of classroom rules and through a foreign language. CLIL increases motivation by
ensure that all children know what to expect. presenting language in natural, real-life contexts, which
interests students and encourages them to communicate.
Assessment The CLIL lessons in Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National
Edition enable students to learn cross-curricular content
Students’ progress can be evaluated through formal testing,
and English simultaneously.
ongoing assessment, and self-assessment. For formal testing,
there are seven unit tests, and one end-of-year test provided All of the CLIL lessons in Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National
in the Printable Resources on the Family and Friends National Edition focus on a school subject. The content areas are
Edition Website. Together, these cover the target language carefully chosen to be interesting to students, while at the
from the course. same time not overwhelming them with too much new
Self-assessment tests are also available on the Website. These
allow teachers the possibility of continuously assessing Students are introduced to the subject topic and new
students’ progress, and provide feedback for teachers on areas vocabulary is pre-taught through a vocabulary presentation
that need further practice. activity, supplemented by flashcards. The students read a text
based on the lesson topic and complete a comprehension
The Printable Resources provide practice material for the
activity. A critical-thinking activity is always included so that
Cambridge English Qualifications, the Pearson Test of English
students can personalize the topic and the new language.
exams, and TOEFL exams. The Workbook also includes clearly
labeled exam practice tasks based on standard task types from The CLIL worksheets in the Printable Resources provide
these three exam suites. further practice of the new language through reading, writing,
listening, and speaking activities, ensuring that the students
The Student Book Review lessons can also be used as progress
have plenty of practice of the new language and all content in
tests to check how much the children have learned and to
all four skills.
determine whether or not further practice is needed. There is

6 Introduction

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Whole-child development Culture
Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition promotes positive Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition presents culture
whole-child development through the inclusion of 21st content from Viet Nam and a variety of other countries.
century learning, culture, values throughout the materials and Learning about different cultures helps students to enrich
the promotion of parental involvement. their knowledge of other countries and appreciate the values
of their own and other cultures.
21st Century Learning
As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, today’s Values
young students must develop strong skills in the four Cs: Values, which can also be called civic education, are a key
creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. strand in Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition.
Teaching values is important, as it focuses on the whole child,
Creativity not just language skills. It improves children’s awareness of
Creativity is an essential 21st Century Skill. Students who good behavior and how their behavior and attitudes can
exercise and demonstrate creativity are better prepared to impact on the people around them and their environment.
make changes, solve the problem, and express themselves Areas for values teaching include helping children to
clearly. Creativity can be fostered through project work and understand about:
other arts-based hands-on experiences. However, creativity • Community, e.g., agreeing and following school rules;
is also about thinking processes. Creative thinking can be understanding the needs of people and other living
encouraged through asking students interesting questions things; understanding what improves and harms their
and having them ask their own questions. Using different environment; and contributing to the life of the class and
techniques to approach problem solving also helps students school.
to internalize meaning in a personal way. Tiếng Anh Family and
Friends National Edition encourages creativity through the use
• Health and hygiene, e.g., understanding the basics of
healthy eating, maintaining personal hygiene, rules for
of interesting texts which stimulate personal responses, and
keeping safe around the house and on the road.
projects which require them to problem solve and express
themselves. • Interacting with others, e.g., listening to other people;
playing and working cooperatively; sharing, identifying,
Collaboration and respecting the differences and similarities between
Collaboration requires direct communication between people; and helping others in need.
students, which strengthens the skills of listening and Values are reinforced in the Values worksheets in the Printable
speaking and the associated skills of turn-taking, clarifying, Resources – one per unit.
explaining, and discussing. Students who work together
often achieve better results, as they benefit from each other’s Involving parents
strengths. But they also develop a sense of team spirit and Learning involves a cooperative relationship between home
pride throughout the process. Tiếng Anh Family and Friends and school. It is important to establish clear communication
National Edition offers opportunities for collaboration in with parents to encourage home support. The following are
every unit. Whether it is through project work, group games, suggestions about possible ways of doing this:
or team discussions, students are sharing ideas, expressing • Keep parents informed about children’s learning. Parents
personal opinions, and developing important social skills. might benefit from newsletters listing development,
Communication language studied, songs or stories they know, and any
exam practice they have done.
Communication forms an important part of collaboration.
Students need to learn the skills of listening, speaking, • Organize a concert or parents’ afternoon where the
reading, and writing to effectively take part in an age of rapid children can perform the unit stories, plays, and the songs
change. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, that they have learned, along with their actions.
today’s young students must develop skills that allow them to
communicate in a variety of ways, including oral and written
skills but also digital communication skills. oxfordparents
Help your child with English
Critical thinking
Students in the 21st century need to do more than acquire Oxford Parents is a website where your students’ parents can
information. They need to be able to analyze the information find out how they can help their child with English. They can
by making sense of it critically. Critical thinking skills help find lots of activities to do in the home or in everyday life.
students to determine facts, prioritize information, understand Even if the parent has little or no English, they can still find
relationships, solve problems, and deal with an ever- ways to help. We have lots of activities and videos to show
changing world. Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition parents how to do this.
encourages children to think about language, to focus on Parents can help by practicing stories, songs, and vocabulary
meaning, and to react to the world of English in a personal that the students have already learned in the classroom. Tell
way. Subject areas are introduced so that students can make your students’ parents to visit
connections between content and language, interesting www.oup.com/elt/oxfordparents and have fun helping their
facts are presented, and children are invited to be curious and children with English!

Introduction 7

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Integrated component overview

Student Book Workbook

The Student Book contains 12 units. The Workbook is
Each unit presents vocabulary and designed to give
grammar, with the opportunity students extra practice
to practice both with a focus on of the language and
all four skills. structures taught in
Fluency Time! pages class.
provide functional
language practice
(Everyday English) and
content-based learning

Online Play
Online Play is the place for children
to explore the language they are
learning through fun games and
activities. It includes the story
animations, class audio, and online
Audio 71 the Stude games. Online Play is delivered on
All the audio for the o r n the Friends website.

Student Book and


Workbook is provided on
the Friends website.

Recommended Readers
Family and Friends readers draw
upon themes and language Recommended Dictionary
found in the Student Book. They Oxford Children’s Picture Dictionary
provide extra exposure to the for learners of English. A topic-based
language in a new context. dictionary for young learners. This
beautifully illustrated dictionary helps
young learners to practice over 800
words for 40 topics taught in school,
including People at Work, My Body, and
What’s the Time?

8 Integrated component overview

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Teacher’s Guide Family and Friends National Edition
The Teacher’s Guide is a useful tool for all Website
aspects of the course. It contains teacher’s (www.phuongnam.edu.vn)
notes for all units, as well as Fluency Time! On the website, you can access the following
and CLIL lessons. Plus it resources: Teacher’s Guide, Printable Resources,
includes information about class audio, flashcards, phonics cards, posters,
the course features and story animations, self-assessment tests, full
how best to exploit the syllabus, lesson plans, digital lesson plans, demo
teacher’s resources. The teaching videos, online workshops, and learning
notes are full color, with management system.
Student Book images for
easy reference.

r the Teache

Classroom Presentation Tools (CPTs)

The CPTs are interactive versions of the
Student Book and Workbook and can
be used on a digital whiteboard or a
projector. The CPTs include extra songs,
interactive games, review pages, and all
Printable Resources
audio and video features. TIẾNG ANH This comprehensive classroom
Famandily support pack, delivered on the
National Edition
Family and Friends National Edition
Website (www.phuongnam.edu.vn),
Printable Resources
contains more than 200 pages
Grammar & words
Extra writing
of worksheets, tests, supporting
teacher’s notes, and tests audio.
See page 10 for full contents.
Exam preparation

Integrated component overview 9

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Printable Resources
The Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition Printable Resources
contain a wide range of materials to support and supplement the course.
The Printable Resources are available on the Family and Friends National
Edition website.

Sample curriculum
An example of how the Student Book material and the Printable
Resources can be integrated together to provide the curriculum.

Unit worksheets
Supplementary worksheets for each unit, covering the target
vocabulary and grammar.

Unit Test and End of Year Tests

Tests are available as ongoing assessment tools at the end of
each unit.
The End of Year Test reviews the language learned from the
complete grade. TOEFL
Primary Listening

2 Listen. Which sentence or conversation sounds correct?

Circle A, B or C. 31

Exam preparation worksheets 4

Example (A) (B) (C)

1 (A) (B) (C)

2 (A) (B) (C)

While there is plenty of practice of exam task types in the Workbook,

1 Complete the words.
3 (A) (B) (C)
a banana an orange pears an apple a mango
a pineapple grapes limes lemons a watermelon Look at

there are extra worksheets specifically for exam preparation

this fruit!
3 Listen, read, and circle A, B, or C. 32

1 3
a ba nana a p

(Cambridge English, Pearson Test of English and TOEFL) in the

an o

4 l
a w 7

Printable Resources.
a m p

Example (A) It’s a family photo.

Review worksheets
(B) They are family photos. 10
8 9 l an a
(C) They are friends. g

1 (A) Grandpa is a doctor. 2 Ask, point and say.

After every three units there is a Review worksheet. These worksheets (B)
Grandpa is a student.
Sarah is a doctor.
What are
They’re limes.
What’s this?

provide practice for children in preparation for the Review test in the Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2
Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 81
It’s a
© Oxford University Press
Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

Student Book. Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2 © Oxford University Press
Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 69 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

CLIL worksheets Grammar

4 Jobs Subject pronouns (1)
Yes/no questions (1)

These worksheets extend the Student Book CLIL topic and provide an
He and She
Starters Speaking Please see instructions in the Intensive Program Lesson Plans.

opportunity to consolidate and expand on the language and concepts What’s Mr Jones?

He’s a policeman. What’s Mrs Jones? She’s a doctor.

the children have learned in this lesson. They also have the opportunity He and she are subject pronouns.
We use he when
we talk about males
(boys and men).
We use she when
we talk about females
(girls and women).

to produce a piece of work to demonstrate their understanding of Other subject pronouns are: I , you, we, they
We use it when we talk about
a thing or an object.

4 Listening

the topic.
1 Match.
a b c
1 She’s a nurse. c 1 Listen and look at the pictures. Circle A, B or C. 19

4 2 He’s a pupil.
Extra writing
3 She’s a teacher.

4 He’s a doctor.
1 Look and write. d e f

Values worksheets
5 He’s a fireman. 3 (A) (B) (C)
1 2
6 She’s a vet.
f 2

Values, which can also be called civic education, are a key strand in
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2 4 76 e © Oxford University Press
3 4
Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

i (A) (B) (C)

Tiếng Anh Family and Friends National Edition. These worksheets help
Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2 © Oxford University Press
Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 2 75 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
5 6 5 t
6 r

reinforce the importance of values to improve children’s awareness of 2 Complete the sentences.
1 2
(A) (B) (C)

good behavior and how their behavior and attitudes can impact on She’s a teacher. a doctor.
(A) (B) (C)

the people around them and their environment.

3 4

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2 © Oxford University Press

Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 80 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

a pilot. a nurse.

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 2 © Oxford University Press


Answer keys and audio

Expansion Portfolio Unit 4 Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

There are answer keys and audio files to support the material from the
Printable Resources.

10 Integrated component overview

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Classroom language
Saying what you are going do some listening / speaking / coloring / writing.
to do at the beginning of listen and point.
Today we’re going to …
a unit, lesson, or activity sing a song.
Now we’re going to …
play a game.
listen carefully.

Showing children how to start like this.

We’ll …
do something do it this way.
We can …
point to the …
what I mean.
I’m going to show you …
what to do.
Let’s do some together first so you’ll see …
how to do it.

Giving instructions for Everybody, … stand up, please.

moving around and Now everyone, … come out here to the front, please.
helping in class I want you to … stand beside your desks / tables.
(name / names), can you … go back to your places.
(name / names), would you … hold this flashcard?

Giving encouragement Good work, (name) … you’re really good at this!

and praise That’s very good, (name) … you know the first letters of ten words.
Excellent, (name) … your picture is really neat.
very nice.
very neat work.
That’s …
really good.

Asking for recall of words, show me the cat?

Now, who can …
phrases, and activities tell me what this is?
what Billy says?
who / what this is?
Let’s see. Can you remember …
what happens next?
what happened last time?
What’s …
his / her name?
do the actions and sing the song?
see Tim climbing the tree?
count the oranges?
Can you …
tell me what Rosy says?
help me tell the story?
remember six things?

Encouraging good settle / calm down.

behavior Quiet everyone, … that’s good, (name/s).
thank you, (name/s).

Setting up pairs and in pairs / in twos.

Are you ready? You’re going to do this …
groups in small groups.
OK, everyone. You’re going to work …
in groups of three / four.
play this together.
We’re going to … make four groups.
share the coloring pencils.

Classroom language 11

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Tour of a unit
Lesson One Words
Lesson 1 teaches and practices the new vocabulary set. It reinforces this new vocabulary through a simple chant. It also
exposes children to the story and the grammar points they will be studying in Lesson 2.

The children listen and point to the pictures.

They then listen again and repeat the words.
This is reinforced with flashcard activities.

The children practice the words with a

rhythmic chant.

The children listen to a recording of the

story or watch the video. They then practice
reading the story text.

Teaching the words • Ask the children to look in their Student Books and find
and point to the words from Exercises 1 and 2 that appear
Words in the story.
• Play the recording and hold up the flashcards. The
children repeat the words. Review any words from Workbook
previous lessons that are related to this vocabulary set. The children practice
• Show the flashcards randomly and ask the class to say the recognizing and writing
words. You can hide the cards behind your back. the new words from the
• Ask the children to look in their Student Books. Play the lesson.
recording while they listen and point to the pictures. Play
the recording again and have children repeat the words as
they point.
• Teach the chant. You can ask children to perform actions
as they chant, for example pretending to be a police
officer or buying something at a store.

• Prepare the children for the story. Talk about each frame
with the class. Ask simple questions such as Who’s this?
Where are they? What’s this?
• Play the recording or watch the video the whole way
• Play the story again. The children point to the pictures as
they hear the text. Ask some comprehension questions
about the story.

12 Tour of a unit

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Lesson Two   Grammar
Lesson 2 teaches and practices the grammar points presented in the story. The children also practice the language by
acting out the story.

The children listen to the story again and

now produce the language by repeating and
then acting out the story.

The children study the grammar structure

that was presented in the story.

The children practice the grammar structure

in a reading or speaking activity.

The children practice writing the grammar


The Let’s talk! feature provides further

speaking practice.

Acting out the stories and teaching the • Have individual children say a sentence for the class.
grammar • Look at Exercises 3 and 4 together. Do the first question
in each exercise with the class, then encourage them to
Story work independently. Check answers with the whole class.
• Ask questions to see what the children can remember They write the answers to Exercise 4 in their notebooks.
about the story from the previous lesson. • Point to Let’s talk! and read the sentence together. The
• Play the recording again. This time, ask the children to children work in pairs to make sentences.
mime actions as the characters speak. Allow the children
to make suggestions and demonstrate the actions. Workbook
• Divide the class into groups, with each child having a The children practice
different role in the story. Play the recording and prompt recognizing and writing
the children in each group to say the lines of their the new grammar points
characters all together. Encourage the children to perform from the lesson.
actions as they speak.
• Once they have practiced a few times, act out the story
again without the recording, or have individual groups act
it out to the class.

• Ask the children to look at the Let’s learn! section in their
Student Books and read the grammar examples. The class
repeats chorally.
• Use flashcards of the vocabulary in the grammar examples
and have the children repeat again. Use other flashcards
to substitute new words. The children will see how
the grammar structure works with different words. The
children repeat the new sentences.

Tour of a unit 13

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Lesson Three Song
Lesson 3 teaches a further vocabulary set. The unit’s core language is then practiced with a song and Total Physical
Response activities.

The children learn new words and practice

them with flashcard activities.

The children learn and sing the song.

The children perform actions as they sing.

Teaching songs Workbook

• Teach children a further vocabulary set, often an extension The children practice
of the set from Lesson 1. Play games using the flashcards recognizing and writing
to consolidate learning. the words from this lesson.
• Play the song to the class. The children listen and point to
the pictures to show understanding of the words.
• Recite the words of the song with the class, without the
music. Say each line and ask the children to repeat.
• Now sing the song with the class a number of times with
the recording.
• Teach actions to accompany the song (see the suggested
actions in the lesson notes, or ask the children to suggest
their own).
• Sing the song again, this time with the actions.
• You could allow some children to provide
accompaniment with drums, shakers, etc.

14 Tour of a unit

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Lesson Four Phonics
Lesson 4 teaches phonics: the relationship between sounds and letters. The children will learn how to recognize and learn
the name of individual letters and associate them with their corresponding sounds; identify and pronounce sounds made
by letter combinations; and identify different letter combinations that are pronounced with the same sound.

The children learn the new sounds and

letters along with words containing them.

The children see the words in sentences and

learn a chant.

The children do further activities in their

notebooks, identifying sounds and letters.

The children do further speaking practice.

Teaching phonics Workbook

• Introduce the new sounds and letters. Show the class The children practice
the phonics cards for this lesson. Play the recording for recognizing and writing
children to repeat and point to the pictures. Play it again the target sounds.
for them to repeat.
• Display the phonics cards in the classroom. Play the chant,
asking the children to point to the cards as they hear the
words with those sounds. Play the chant again, pausing
after each line, for children to repeat. Play the chant once
more for children to join in. Encourage them to point and
chant at the same time.
• Tell the children to look for the words with the target
sounds as you read together. Pause and say each word
with the target sound. Then tell them to look at the chant
again; this time they write the words with the target
sound in their notebooks.
• For Exercise 4, do an example as a class. Say the words and
then invite the children to point to which sound the word
contains. Check the answer together, then allow them to
work independently. Check answers as a class.
• Point to Let’s talk! and read the words together. Invite the
children to say another word they can think of with the
target sound.

Tour of a unit 15

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Lesson Five  Skills Time! Reading
Lessons 5 and 6 provide a focused study of skills. Lesson 5 concentrates on reading comprehension,
looking at a variety of text types.

The children look at the illustrations for the

reading text. They do a simple activity as
preparation for reading.

The children read and listen to the text for

the first time.

The children read the text again, this time

looking for details that will enable them to
complete the comprehension activity.

The children answer questions to personalize

the reading topic.

Teaching reading • Personalization (Exercise 4): The children answer some

• Approach a new text in three stages: pre-reading, reading questions that personalize the topic of the reading. They
for gist, and reading for detail. Explain that children do not think about similar places they have visited or experiences
have to understand every word to do this. By focusing on they have had. Encourage them to talk about what they
the language they do understand, it is possible to guess know of other countries and how they differ to their own.
or use logic to work out the meaning of the rest.
• Pre-reading (Exercise 1): This stage is about looking for Workbook
clues to help the children piece together the meaning The children read a
of the text. This includes looking at the pictures and text related text and complete
style to guess what type of text it is and what it is likely comprehension activities.
to be about. Use the questions in Exercise 1 to help them
identify with the topic of the reading and suggest possible
language that it will include. Point to the illustrations and
ask them to name items they know.
• Reading for gist (Exercise 2): Play the recording twice
while the children follow the text in their books. They do
not need to be able to read every word independently,
they just need to be able to read carefully enough to
understand the gist. Ask some simple comprehension
questions to ensure they have understood the general
• Reading for detail (Exercise 3): Go through the
comprehension activity with the class so that the children
know what information to look for in the text. Give them
time to read the text again to find the answers and write
them with their pencils. Have a class feedback session.

16 Tour of a unit

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Lesson Six  Skills Time! Listening, Speaking, and Writing
Lesson 6 focuses first on listening comprehension, and then on speaking and writing skills in the Student Book. The
writing section is developed further in the corresponding Workbook page.

The children listen to a recording and

complete a listening comprehension activity.

The children practice speaking in pairs, using

a context that is similar to the reading and
listening activities.

The children do the exercise to develop their

writing skills in their notebooks.

Teaching listening, speaking, and writing Writing

• Demonstrate the writing exercise(s) by writing one or
Listening more example sentences on the board. Circle or underline
• Listening for gist: Play the recording right through. the target language.
The children listen and point to the pictures in their • Encourage the children to find examples of the writing
books. Play it again, pausing after each phrase to check skill in the reading text in Lesson 5 or the story in Lesson 1.
comprehension with some simple questions.
• The children complete
• Listening for detail: Play the recording, pausing for the exercise(s) in their
children to complete the activity in their notebooks. notebooks.
• The speaking tasks aim to develop speech that is clear
and fluent. The children do further
practice in their Workbooks to
• Call a volunteer to the front and demonstrate how to ask
consolidate their writing skills.
and answer the questions using the dialogue in the speech
bubbles. Use different examples from the vocabulary set.
• Ask the children to repeat chorally, emphasizing correct
intonation in the questions and answers. Check that the You can encourage the
words are flowing together, without unnecessary pauses. children to discuss the Values
theme for the unit via the
• The children then carry out the speaking activity in pairs.
Values worksheet in the
Move around the class while they are speaking, and give
Printable Resources, which
models where necessary.
also makes use of the unit
• Call on individual children to say the target language. Choose language.
confident children first, and encourage less confident
children to try later. Vary the children called on each lesson. Assessment
• In large classes, it is often effective to listen and collect Children are now ready to
feedback as you circulate, listening to the children speak complete the Unit Test in the
to each other. Then you can give feedback to the class as a Printable Resources.
whole about pronunciation or intonation.

Tour of a unit 17

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Fluency Time!  Lesson One Everyday English
The Fluency Time! lessons come after every three units. They focus on developing fluency. The Everyday English lesson
provides practice of new language used in functional situations through listening and speaking.

The Everyday English is presented via

audio and pictures in the Student Book.
The children listen, read, and repeat the

The children complete a listening activity to

show understanding of the new language.

The children practice speaking in pairs, using

the Everyday English phrases, in a context
that is similar to the activities above.

Teaching Everyday English • Check the answers as a class. Ask individual children to
play the part of the people in the picture and say the
Everyday English Everyday English phrases.
• Focus on the pictures. Ask children to say where the
people are (at home / in the kitchen) and what they think Speaking
is happening in each picture. Ask children what they • Ask children to work in pairs.
can see in the picture. Point to items they know such as • Ask two children to read out the example dialogue.
clothes, colors, etc. • In pairs, children read the example dialogue. Ask children
• Play the recording for children to listen and follow in their to point to the items in the wordpool as they are
Student Books. mentioned. Explain that they can choose other items and
• Play the recording again, pausing if necessary, for children make their own dialogues.
to repeat the phrases. • Monitor children’s performance. Ask some pairs to act out
• Children practice the dialogue in pairs or groups. their dialogues in front of the class.
• Ask groups of children to act out the conversation for
the class.

• Show children Exercise 2. Explain that they need to look at
the picture and listen to the dialogue. They then complete
the activity (circle the answer with their pencils.)
• The recording contains examples of the Everyday English
in context. Remind the children that they don’t need to
understand every word.
• Play the recording for the children to listen and point to
the correct part of the picture.

18 Tour of a unit

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Fluency Time!  Lesson Two CLIL
The subject lessons focus on teaching content through English (CLIL). The lesson introduces new language related to the
subject and reinforces it with lots of speaking practice.

The children look at the pictures and listen

and point to the new language. They listen
and repeat the new words.

The children practice using the new language

in a reading activity.

The children do more consolidation practice

in their notebooks.

Exercise 4 offers further practice and a

chance to personalize the subject language
by making it relevant to the children.

Exercise 5 gives children the chance to reflect

on their work in the previous three units.

Teaching CLIL • In Exercise 4, children are invited to make their own

versions of the texts on the CLIL topic. Provide paper, card,
Vocabulary or other materials. Encourage them to use language from
• Tell the children they are going to do some subject work the topic and other words they know. Children present
in English. Draw their attention to the page in the Student their work to the class.
Book and explain which subject it is.
• Use the flashcards to introduce the new words. Play a Printable Resources
flashcard game to practice saying the new words. There is further practice of the CLIL topic in the Printable
Resources worksheets. Children practice reading and
Listening and reading writing the new language and make something to show
• Ask the children to look at the pictures. Play the first part understanding of the concept.
of the recording for the children to listen and point to
the pictures. Review pages
• Play the second part of the recording for the children to Before each of the Fluency Time! lessons, there is a Review
repeat the words. lesson in the Student Book and Workbook. There are further
• Play the recording all the way through again for the Review worksheets in the Printable Resources.
children to listen and point and then repeat the words.
• Show the children Exercise 2 and explain they are going
to read some information about the CLIL topic. Point
to the pictures and ask what they can see, for example,
What is it? What colors can you see? Play the recording for
the children to listen and follow the text in their Student
Books. Play the recording again and ask comprehension
questions to check children’s understanding of the text.
• Point to Exercise 3 and tell the children to read the texts
again. Complete the first item together, then tell the
children to complete the activity in their notebooks.
Check answers as a class.

Tour of a unit 19

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Welcome back!
and say their names – Rosy, Billy, and Tim. Children repeat
their names after you.) Explain that they will see these
characters all the way through the coursebook.
• Tell children that they are going to begin the lesson with
a song. If the children have studied Family and Friends
before, talk about the songs with the class. Ask Can you
remember any songs from Family and Friends?
• Encourage children to tell you (or sing) any lines they
can remember from the songs. If they remember one of
the songs well, then sing it with the class. If they want to
sing, but they can’t remember any of the songs, write the
words Hello, Hello! on the board and sing (or chant) it with
the class.

1 Listen and sing.   01

• Explain to the class that they are going to listen and sing
the Welcome song. Play Track 1 once for children to listen
and follow the song in their books.
• Read each line for children to repeat after you.
• Play the recording again for children to sing along.

2 Sing and do.

• Ask children to think of some actions for the song (see
suggestions below).
• Play the song again. Children sing and do their actions.
Song actions
Welcome back to all our friends – wave
Lesson One Grammar    SB page 4 WB page 4  Fun and learning never end! – punch the air
Welcome back. It’s a happy day. – wave and smile
Objectives A day for learning, – mime opening a book
To recall the main course characters A day for play! – jump in the air
To understand a short story

Language • Below level: Play the song and, in pairs, children sing
together and do the actions.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures from previous
grade • At level: In small groups, ask children to think of new
actions for the song. Play the song again for children to
Extra: Welcome back!, learning, end (v)
practice. If time permits, children share with the class.
Resources and materials • Above level: Ask children to walk around the room
and introduce themselves in English, e.g. Hi, my name is
Audio Tracks 01–02 (Thanh).

Warmer 3 Listen and read.   02  

• As children come into the class, smile and say Hello. • Hold up your book to present the story. Ask what words
• Encourage children to say Hello back to you. Say It’s a new children know in the pictures.
school year. Welcome back! • Ask What’s happening in the story? Point to each frame one
• Begin the class with some common greetings. Ask at a time for the class to talk about them.
and answer How are you? and What’s your name? with • Ask comprehension questions: What is Rosy’s video about?
individual children. Children then ask and answer the What’s on Billy’s bed? Is Billy in his bedroom?
questions in small groups.
Further practice:
Lead-in Workbook p. 4; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask children to open their books to page 4 and look at
the three children at the top of the page. Point to each
one for children to tell you their names. (If it is the first
time the class has seen these characters, point to them

20 Starter

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• Put the class into groups of three to play Rosy, Tim, and
Billy. If the class doesn’t divide exactly, some children can
act out two parts. They practice acting out the story in
their groups.
• Ask a few of the groups to act out the story for the class.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Rosy waves to her video camera.
Picture 2:  Rosy holds the camera up to film Tim. Tim waves.
Picture 3:  Rosy holds the camera low to film Billy’s photo.
Picture 4:  Rosy and Tim walk into Billy’s bedroom, filming.
Picture 5:  Tim bends down to look under the bed. Rosy looks
around for Billy, while Billy “hides” on the bed.
Picture 6:  Billy jumps up with a big smile. Rosy and Tim are
happy and surprised.

2 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box, read the first sentence out
loud, and ask who says it in the story and what it means.
Read the second sentence. Children repeat chorally.
• Use the family flashcards to elicit new sentences with the
same pattern (e.g., Rosy is Billy’s sister, Billy is Rosy’s brother).
• Read out the first sentence. Say Rosy has brown hair. True or
false? Show the example.
• Read the rest of the sentences to check understanding,
but tell children not to say the answers out loud.
• Children mark the sentences T or F. They can check
answers in pairs before checking with the class.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 5 WB page 5  ANSWERS
1  T  2  F  3  T  4  F
To review family words 3 Listen and write the numbers.   03
To identify people from their descriptions • Tell children they are going to hear about people in Rosy’s
To describe people’s appearance family. Ask them to read the words.
To use the possessive case • Play Track 3, pausing after the first item for children to
To act out a story point to Rosy’s mom. Show the example.
• Play the recording, pausing after each item for the
Language children to write the numbers.
Recycled: family words, appearance words ANSWERS
Extra: grandma, grandpa a  2  b  1  c  6  d  5  e  7  f  9  g  8  h  4  i  3

Resources and materials 4 Point and say.

Audio Tracks 01, 02–03 • Ask two children to read the speech bubbles. The second
child finishes their sentence in their own words. Ask the
class to repeat each sentence chorally.
Warmer   01
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to the people in
• Sing the Welcome song from page 4 and do the actions to Rosy’s family and describing them.
energize the class.

• Below level: Look at the words in the box together. Say
• Ask the children what happened in the story in the each adjective and ask children to point to an example
previous lesson. Hold up your book to encourage ideas. in the picture. Then children complete the activity.
• Ask questions about the story, e.g., Who has green eyes? • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Who has brown hair? Who is Rosy’s cousin?
• Above level: Switch pairs. Ask the children to say a
1 Listen to the story and repeat.  02 third sentence about each family member, e.g., This is
• Ask children to turn to the story on page 4 of their books. Rosy’s mom. She has curly hair. She has brown eyes.
• Play Track 2, pausing for children to repeat each line. Further practice:
• As a class, decide on actions for the story. Play the Workbook p. 5; Classroom Presentation Tool
recording again for children to mime the actions as
they listen.

Starter 21

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2 Ask and answer.
• Ask a child to come to the front. Ask him / her to read the
question in the first speech bubble. Model how to read
the answer while the class listens.
• Read out the dialogue again, pausing after each line for
the class to repeat.
• Ask another child to come to the front and repeat the
procedure with the second dialogue. In pairs, children
practice the dialogues.
• Ask a few pairs to say their dialogues to the class.

3 Listen and sing.   05

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see?
Elicit the actions the children are doing (jumping, waving).
• Play the recording for children to listen.
• Read each line of the song aloud for the children to repeat
after you.
• Play the recording again for children to sing along.
4 Sing and do.
• Ask children to look at the pictures and as a class decide
on the actions (see below for suggestions).
• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions.

Song actions
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, jump! – jump in the air
Thursday, Friday. Down with a bump! – sit down on chairs
Saturday, Sunday. Let’s say “Hi!” – wave hello
Lesson Three Words and Days of the week. Let’s say “Goodbye!” – turn around and wave
song    SB page 6 WB page 6  
Objectives • Below level: Review days of the week. Say Monday and
To say the days of the week encourage the children to continue saying the days of
the week around the class.
Language • At level: Write the days of the week on the board. Say
Recycled: days of the week one of them. Ask children to point to the correct word.
Extra: bump, down, week If you wish, make it a game by dividing the class into
teams. Teams discuss the answer before coming to the
Resources and materials board. Give one point for each correct answer.
Audio Tracks 04–05 • Above level: Tell children they are going to make their
own song. Write the words to the song on the board
with the actions missing. Invite the children to call out
Warmer different actions that could be used e.g. touch your toes,
• Play Do it! (see Games bank). jump on the spot, bend your knees, clap! Divide children
into small groups to write their own version of the
Lead-in song. Invite groups to perform their song for the rest of
• Ask children what they can remember about Rosy’s family. the class.
Ask Who is Billy / Tim? to elicit He’s Rosy’s brother / cousin. Ask
How old is Billy? Further practice:
Workbook p. 6; Classroom Presentation Tool
1 Listen, point and repeat.   04
• Ask children to look at the picture and ask them what they
think it is (a page from a diary). Ask them what they think
the words at the top are (days of the week).
• Play the first part of the recording for children to point to
the days.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the recording again for children to listen and point
and then repeat the words.

22 Starter

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• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
questions about their favorite things.

2 Listen and point. Ask and answer.   06

• Ask children to look at the picture and say what they can
see (cars). Tell them they are going to listen to a recording
of someone saying different numbers. They must listen
and point to the cars that have the numbers they hear.
• Play the recording for children to listen and point. Allow
them to repeat the numbers quietly.
• Ask children to read the color words in the word box
aloud. Then read them again, pausing after each word
for them to point to a car that is that color and to say the
• Ask children to look at the speech bubbles. Choose a
child to read the dialogue with you. He / She looks at the
picture and says what color number 8 is.
• Ask the children to repeat the question and answer
• Practice more examples with the class. Ask What color is
number 6 / 13 / 20?
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
questions about the color of the cars.

• Below level: Explain to the children that you are going
to say a number and they have to make a group with
that number of people. The children stand up. Say six
Lesson Four Words and and encourage the children to get into groups of six.
grammar    SB page 7 WB page 7  Repeat a few times until the children are confident with
the numbers.
Objectives • At level: Write a list of numbers on the board. Ask
To ask and answer questions about favorite things children to come to the front and write the words next
To ask and answer questions about numbers to each number. When all the words are there, erase the
digits and ask children to write them.
Language • Above level: Ask children to stand in a row at the front
Recycled: red, green, blue, yellow, pink, black, brown, of the classroom. Say a word, and ask the first child to
orange, numbers 1 to 20 spell it. If correct, they stay at the front. If incorrect, they
Extra: color, animal, toy, food, favorite sit down, and the next child tries. Continue until there is
only one child left. That child is the winner.
Resources and materials
Further practice:
Audio Track 05–06
Workbook p. 7; Classroom Presentation Tool

Warmer   05
• Sing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, jump! from page 6 to
energize the class and review the days of the week.

• Write the numbers 1–20 on the board in random order.
• Point to the numbers for the children to say the words in
• Ask questions to revise the structure Do you like … ?, e.g.
Do you like teddy bears? Do you like cars?
• Encourage the children to think of questions to ask
a partner.

1 Point, ask, and answer.

• Ask children to look at the picture and say what they can
see. Ask two children to read out the speech bubbles.
• Ask children to repeat the question and answer chorally.

Starter 23

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Amy and Leo. Here they’re meeting the second family for
the first time, but they will see them again later.
• On the board write long, short, curly, straight, brown,
black, gray.
• Ask the children to describe Max.
• In pairs, children take turns choosing a character and
describe them for their partner to point to the picture.

2 Listen and read.   07

• Play the recording for children to listen and follow the text
silently in their books.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. How old is Max? How
many cousins does he have? What is Amy’s favorite color?
• Play the recording a second time to check the answers to
the questions.

3 Read again and write.

• Explain to the children that they have to read the text and
complete the sentences with the correct character names.
• Ask the children to write 1 to 8 in their notebooks.
• Focus on the example and ask the children to write Max
is twelve next to number 1 in their notebooks. Make
sure they know they will need to use the names more
than once.
• Allow time for children to read the text again and write
the complete sentences in their notebooks.
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 8 WB page 8  1  Max is twelve.   2  Holly is Max’s sister. 
3  Amy is Leo’s sister.   4  Leo’s favorite color is green.  
Objectives 5  Max has short hair and brown eyes.  
To describe people 6  Amy’s favorite color is blue.   7  Leo is Amy’s brother.  
To talk about personal information  8  Max and Holly are Amy’s cousins.

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
• Below level: On the board write nine, sister, green,
short, blue, brother, cousins. Tell children to find and
point to these words in the speech bubbles. Then they
Resources and materials
complete the activity.
Audio Track 07
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, ask them to write
Warmer one more sentence about each character, e.g., Leo is
• Play Forwards and backwards (see Games bank) to review Amy’s brother. Max is Amy’s cousin.
numbers from the previous lesson.

Further practice:
Workbook p. 8; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask children to turn to page 5 and look at the picture of
Rosy’s family for one minute.
• Tell the children to close their books. Describe one of the
family members, e.g. He has short, brown hair. The children
say the family member.

1 Look at the pictures. Describe the children.

• Focus on the pictures of the characters and ask children
to predict personal information about the characters, e.g.
How old do you think Max is? Who is Amy’s brother? Who is
Max’s sister?
• Explain to the children that throughout this book they will
see two families: Rosy and Billy’s family, with their cousin
Tim – the family the children already know – and this new
family: Max, Holly, their mom and dad, and their cousins

24 Starter

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2 Write and draw about you.
• Focus on the form and ask the children what they think
they are going to do.
• The children draw themselves and fill out the form with
their personal information and preferences.

3 Talk about you.

• Read out the examples with the class. Elicit that each
speaker has given four facts about themselves. Encourage
the class to read the speech bubbles chorally.
• Put the children into pairs. Ideally, try to pair up children
who haven’t worked together before.
• Ask the children to tell each other four facts about

• Below level: Go through each of the notes on the form
and elicit the full sentences. Repeat the sentences for
the children to say them again. Then divide them into
pairs to complete the activity.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Once they have finished, put the children
into different pairs and ask them to tell each other four
facts about their previous partner.

Further practice:
Workbook p. 9; Classroom Presentation Tool; Starter Unit Test
Lesson Six Skills time!    SB page 9 WB page 9 
To read, talk, and write about personal information

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

• On the board, write good, bad, curly, straight, big, small,
long, short, slow, quick.
• The children draw a 2 x 3 bingo grid and choose six words
to write in their grid.
• Play Bingo (see Games bank) with the words on the board.

• Ask questions to individual children about their likes and
dislikes, e.g., What’s your favorite toy? What’s your favorite
day of the week?

1 Read and say.

• Focus on the photo and ask children to make predictions
about Nam.
• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles.
• Ask the children to look at the text and tell you what it is
(a form).
• On the board write Name: Tran Nam. Elicit the sentence
His name is Nam. Repeat with Age: 9. (He is nine years old.)
• In pairs, the children take turns making sentences about
Nam, using the notes.

Starter 25

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1 They’re firefighters!
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the recording again for children to listen, point, and
repeat the words.
• Hold up jobs flashcards and ask individual children to say
the words.

2 Listen and chant.   09

• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again for children to say the words. Repeat.
This time they point to the correct flashcard as they
hear it.
• Ask children to close their books. Encourage the class to
say the chant from memory.
• Begin the chant again, faster than before. Continue in this
way until the chant is so fast that children can’t keep up.

3 Listen and read.   10

• Point to different characters and ask Who’s this? Ask
children if they can find any jobs words in the story
(doctor, teacher, student, firefighter). Talk about one frame at
a time with the class. Ask What’s happening?
• Play the video or the recording for children to watch
or listen.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Are Tim and the teddy
bears pilots? Is Grandma a student? Who are heroes?
• Ask children to open their books. Tell them to listen and
follow the words as you play the recording again.
Lesson One Words    SB page 10 WB page 10  • Ask children to find and point to the jobs words that
appear in the story.

To identify different jobs
To understand a short story
• Below level: Read the story again with the children.
Ask them to point to the jobs words as they hear them.
Encourage them to read along.
Core: doctor, pilot, firefighter, student, teacher
• At level: Give each child a number from one to five.
Explain that the number ones are firefighters, twos are
Extra: hero / heroes students, threes are teachers, and fours are doctors. Tell
children that you are going to play the story again. They
Resources and materials should listen without looking in their books. Every time
Audio Tracks 05, 08–10; Jobs flashcards they hear their job word, they clap their hands. Play the
story for children to listen for their words and clap at
Values the right times.
Respect people who help us! • Above level: In pairs, children write two simple
comprehension questions, e.g., Who is a teacher?
Warmer   05 Who are the students? The pairs swap questions and
• Sing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, jump! from page 6. answer them.

Lead-in Further practice:

• Hold up the jobs flashcards and say the words. Say the Workbook p. 10; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
words again so that children can repeat after you.
• Hold up each flashcard again. Ask Who’s this? for children
to say the word.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   08

• Ask children to look at the jobs pictures. Play the first part
of the recording for children to point to the pictures.

26 Unit 1

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Story actions
Picture 1:  Rosy points to Billy, who is writing on the board.
Tim raises his hand.
Picture 2:  Billy points to Grandma. Grandma adds salt to the pan.
Picture 3:  Rosy and Billy point to the pan, horrified.
Picture 4:  Grandpa and Grandma put out the fire with the
extinguisher. Billy holds up his hands and cheers.

2 Listen and say.   11

• Look at each picture and ask children what they can see.
• Play the recording, pausing after each sentence. Children
point to the people in the pictures and repeat.
• Focus on the grammar box. On the board write we are and
they are and then the contracted forms we’re and they’re.
• Read the sentences about what the people do and remind
children that we don’t add an -s or -es to the verb after we
or they.
• Use the family and jobs flashcards to encourage the
children to ask Yes/No questions with the verb be. Put the
Rosy, Billy, and pilot flashcards on the board, followed by a
question mark. Elicit the question Are they / Rosy and Billy
pilots? and the answer No, they aren’t. Use the Rosy, Tim
and student flashcards to elicit Are they students? and the
answer Yes, they are. Elicit what students do, e.g. They study.
You can elicit other things students do, e.g. They read
books. They write in their notebooks. They sing. etc.

3 Write.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 11 WB page 11  • Show the example. Children write the full sentences in
their notebooks.
To say what people’s jobs are and what they do 1  We’re doctors.   ​2  We’re pilots.   ​3  We’re firefighters.
To choose we or they for describing people
To identify short forms of the present simple of be 4 Look and say.
To act out a story • Look at each picture and ask children what they can see.
• Read out the example with the class to model the task.
Language • Divide the class into pairs to take turns saying something
Core: We’re students. We study. They’re firefighters. They about the pictures for their partners to guess the picture
fight fires. number.
Resources and materials 1 They fight fires. They’re firefighters.
Audio Tracks 10–11; Jobs flashcards 2 They teach students. They’re teachers.
3 They help people. They’re doctors.
Warmer 4 They study. They’re students.
• Play a miming game. Pretend that you are putting out a 
fire with a hose. Ask the class to guess your job.
• Below level: Children identify each job. Then they
• Ask a child to the front. Give him / her a job flashcard.
make a list of possible verbs they can use to talk about
He / She mimes for the class to guess the job. Repeat with
the jobs. Children complete the activity.
other children.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Lead-in • Above level: Children complete the activity. Then they
• Hold up the Student Book and ask What happened in the practice the question form, e.g., Are they firefighters? Yes,
story? Can you remember the jobs? they are.

1 Listen to the story and repeat.   10

Let’s talk!
• Ask children to turn to the story on page 10. • Ask children to look at the picture and read the speech
• Play the recording, pausing for children to repeat. bubble.
• Divide the class into groups of five. Each child chooses a • In pairs, children take turns saying sentences using other
role: Billy, Tim, Rosy, Grandma, or Grandpa. jobs words on the page.
• As a class, decide on the actions for the story (see
suggestions below). Children act out the story. Further practice:
Workbook p. 11; Classroom Presentation Tool
Unit 1 27

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2 Listen and sing.   13
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the people
and ask who they are. Ask what they think the people are
doing (they are meeting and greeting each other).
• Explain any unfamiliar words or phrases e.g. sick.
• Play the song. Children point to the pictures when they
hear the jobs words.
• Play it again as they follow the words in their books.
• Say each line and ask children to repeat before playing it
again for children to sing.

3 Sing and do.

• Ask children to look at the pictures of the people. Point to
each one for children to tell you their jobs. Then look at
the boy to see what he’s doing.
• Explain that children have to move their fingers up and
down as if their fingers were the different people. Start
with their thumbs, which are the doctors. Then the index
fingers which are the police officers. The middle fingers
are the farmers. The fourth fingers are the students.
• Play the song for children to sing and do their actions.

• Below level: Children point and say what each job is,
e.g. doctors, doctors, They’re doctors. Play the song and
demonstrate the actions for the first verse (doctors).
Encourage children to join in for the remaining verses.
Lesson Three Song    SB page 12 WB page 12  • At level: Divide the class into groups of ten. Assign
each child in the group a role, so that there are two
Objectives doctors, two police officers, two farmers, and two
To identify more jobs words students. Play the song again. Children sing the song in
their groups while taking turns “greeting” the child who
To use different jobs words in the context of a song
has the same role as them during their verse.
Language • Above level: Divide the class into groups of four to six.
Children can turn their chairs around to work with the
Core: police officer, farmer, help everyone, grow food
children behind them. Give each group a large piece of
Extra: sick, study paper and a job flashcard (use the flashcards from this
Recycled: jobs words lesson and from Lesson 1) and some colored markers.
The groups write a verse of the song for the job shown
Resources and materials on their flashcard. Children then illustrate their posters
Audio Tracks 12–13; Jobs flashcards with a picture of the two people meeting.

Warmer Further practice:

Workbook p. 12; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Play Mime the word (see Games bank) with Jobs flashcards
to review the jobs words.

• Hold up the jobs flashcards. Say the words for children to

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   12

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to each and ask
What’s his job?
• Play the first part of Track 12. Children point to the words
and follow the sentences.
• Play the second part for children to repeat the words and
• Ask individual children to say the words and sentences for
the class.
• Hold up jobs flashcards and ask individual children What’s
their job? What do they do?

28 Unit 1

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   14
• Ask children to look at the words in their books.
• Play the recording for children to listen and point to the
• Play the recording for children to repeat the words chorally.

2 Listen, chant, and clap at the big circles.   15

• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the recording again, and ask the children to chant
and clap at the circles.

3 Read the chant again. Say the jobs words.

• In pairs, children read the chant and say the jobs words.
doctors  ​teachers  ​office workers  ​pilots  ​farmers  ​

4 Listen and underline the letters with schwa.   16

• Tell the children that they’re going to listen to the words in
the colored boxes and that they will have to underline the
letters with the sound /ə/, i.e. the schwa. Demonstrate the
schwa a few times and encourage the children to repeat.
• Play Track 16, pausing it to give the children time to repeat
the words, identify the stress, and underline the letters
with schwa.
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 13 WB page 13  firefighter  doctor  pilot  teacher  farmer  
office worker  police officer
To identify stressed syllables and the sound /ə/ in 
unstressed syllables • Below level: Drill the words again. Say each word and
ask the children to discuss in pairs which letters have
Language a schwa sound. Ask them to repeat the words with
Core: doctor, pilot, firefighter, office worker their partner to make sure where the schwa is. Play the
Extra: teacher, student, farmer, police officer recording for children to do the exercise.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Resources and materials • Above level: After children have completed the
Audio Tracks 13, 14–16; Phonics cards (doctor, pilot, activity, ask children to write the words in their
firefighter, office worker) notebooks, underlining the stressed syllable. Encourage
them to notice that the unstressed syllables are
pronounced as schwa.
Warmer   13
• Sing Can you see … from page 12 and do the actions.
Let’s talk!
Lead-in • Ask children to look at the picture and read the speech
• Hold up the doctor flashcard and say the word twice: once bubble.
stressing the first syllable, and once stressing the second • Place the family and jobs flashcards on your desk. Put
syllable. Ask the children which is correct, and ask them to two family flashcards (e.g. uncle and aunt) and one job
repeat chorally. flashcard on the board (e.g. farmer) and elicit the sentence
• Explain that the vowel sound in some unstressed syllables They’re farmers. Put Mom and police officer flashcards on
is the sound /ə/. Ask the children to listen carefully to the board and elicit She’s a police officer.
notice it and say doctor again. • Invite children to the front to choose different
• Repeat with the pilot, firefighter, and office worker combinations of the flashcard, for the class to say the
flashcards. sentence chorally.
• Explain that not all unstressed vowels are /ə/. To show this, Further practice:
say firefighter again, pointing out that the sound in fight is Workbook p. 13; Classroom Presentation Tool
not /ə/.

Unit 1 29

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2 Listen and read.   17
• Point to the first picture and say This is Mai. She has some
photos of her family. We are going to read and listen to her
talking about her family.
• Play the recording. Children listen and follow the text.
• Play the recording a second time. Ask comprehension
questions, e.g., Is Mai’s dad a police officer? Is her mom a

3 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

• Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask more
questions about the family, e.g., Is Mai nine? Is her dad
a teacher? Children answer Yes or No.
• Ask two children to read the example question for
the class.
• Children re-read the text and decide if each sentence is
true or false.
• Check answers with the class.
• Ask children to close their books to play a memory game.
• Write Mai, Minh, Dad, Mom, Grandpa on the board.
• Give out the student, teacher, pilot, and doctor flashcards
to four children. The children put the cards next to the
correct names on the board.
• Allow the rest of the class to say whether they agree or
disagree. Then ask children to look at the story to check if
they were right.

Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 14 WB page 14  ANSWERS

1  F  2  T  3  F  4  T
Skills development 
Reading: read and understand a description of a family;
• Below level: Put children into pairs and assign one
develop reading skills (inferring, comprehension)
question to each pair. If you have a large class, there
may be multiple pairs with the same question. Once
Language children have completed the activity, bring the class
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously back together to check answers.
Extra: family, happy • At level: Children work in small groups to correct the
false sentences. Invite them to share their sentences
Resources and materials with the class.
Audio Tracks 15, 17; Jobs flashcards • Above level: Children talk about their own families,
using the reading as a model. Then they tell the class
Warmer   15 about their family.
• Do the chant from page 13.
Further practice:
Lead-in Workbook p. 14; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Explain that the first
picture shows a girl named Mai. Ask Who do you think the
other people are?
• Encourage children to predict what the text is about
(photos of Mai’s family).

1 Look at the pictures. Say the jobs.

• Point to the picture of Mai’s dad. Say He’s a pilot.
• Go through each picture. Children say the job word for
each one.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to a picture for their
partner to say the job word.
pilot  office worker  doctor  students 

30 Unit 1

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• Play the first part of the recording, then ask Which picture is
it? Show them the number 1 next to b in their books.
• Play the rest of the recording, pausing after each
description for children to write the numbers.
• Play the recording again for children to check their
answers before checking them with the class.
b  1  a  2  d  3  c  4

2 Point and say.

• Focus on the speech bubble. Read the sentences aloud.
Children repeat.
• Hold up a job flashcard for children to say new sentences.
Repeat using different flashcards.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to the pictures,
identifying the people’s job and saying what they do.

3 Say the jobs that your family members do.

• Read the example aloud and elicit sentences from the

4 Write about you and your family.

• To model the activity, write the following sentences
on the board: My name’s … . I’m a teacher. My (dad) is
a (firefighter). (Firefighters fight fires.)
• Ask a few children to tell you who they will write about.
• The children write about themselves and their family in
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 15 WB page 15  their notebooks. Ask fast finishers to write about more
than one person in their family.
Skills development
5 Read your sentences from 4. Circle the capital
Listening: identify people by their jobs; listen for specific letters and periods.
• Focus on the example sentences you wrote on the board
Speaking: describe what people do for their jobs; talk in Exercise 4. Circle the capital letters and the periods.
about what family members do
• Write another sentence on the board without
Writing: identify and write capital letters and periods; punctuation, e.g. my sister is a teacher. Ask a child to come
write about themselves and their family up to the board and add the capital letter and period.
• Ask children to circle the capital letters and periods in
their sentences that they wrote in their notebooks.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Resources and materials • Below level: Explain that capital letters come at the
Audio Track 18; Jobs flashcards beginning and periods come at the end. Children work
in pairs to complete the activity.
Warmer • At level: Children complete the activity. Then ask them
• Play Musical cards (see Games bank) with the jobs to write one more sentence without capital letters or
flashcards. periods. They exchange sentences in pairs and add the
capital letters and periods.
Lead-in • Above level: Copy a couple of the sentences
• Ask children What can you remember about Mai and her from Exercise 1 on page 14 on the board without
family from the last lesson? punctuation. Ask different children to come to the
• Ask children to look at the pictures on page 15. Ask them board and write the correct punctuation.
who they see and what their jobs are.
Further practice:
1 Listen and write the numbers.   18 Workbook p. 15; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 1 Test
• Tell children they are going to hear four sentences about
the people. Explain that they have to listen and number
the people in the order they hear them.
• Tell the children to listen and use their pencils to write the
numbers in the boxes.

Unit 1 31

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2 Does he work in a police station?
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   19
• Ask children to look at the pictures of the different places
in their books.
• Play the first part of the recording. Children listen and
point to the appropriate picture. Hold up the flashcard as
each word is said.
• Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each
word for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and point and
then repeat the words.
• Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class
to say the words.

2 Listen and chant.   20

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the
words in the pauses in the chant.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

• Below level: Ask five children to come to the front to
be different places. Give each of them a place of work
flashcard. Play the chant. When a place is mentioned,
they hold up the flashcard and wave. Give the
flashcards to different children and repeat.
• At level: Put the places of work flashcards around the
classroom. Say one of the places. Children point to the
Lesson One Words    SB page 16 WB page 16  correct flashcard.
• Above level: Ask children to close their books.
Objectives Scramble the letters of each word on the board. Call
To identify different places of work children to the board to unscramble the words.
To understand a short story
3 Listen and read.   21
Language • Talk about each frame with the class. Encourage
Core: hospital, airport, police station, fire station, store predictions.
Extra: work (v), cakes, delicious, parents, look (v), love (v), • Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play the
know (v) video or the recording. Children watch or listen and point
to the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
Resources and materials • Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Who is a police officer?
Audio Tracks 13, 19–21; Places of work flashcards Who works in a cake store?
• Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point
Values to words from Exercise 1.
All jobs are important! • Ask the children what other words they know for places in
a town.
Warmer   13 • Write them on the board as they say them. Ensure the
• Sing Can you see … from page 12 to energize the class. children know the meanings of any new words.
• Ask children what they can remember about the story • Ask children to give an example of the new places, e.g.
from the previous unit. hospital – Cho Ray; airport – Tan Son Nhat International;
• Have children look at the story pictures on page 10. Ask Is store – Saigon Coop.
Billy a doctor? Is Grandma a teacher? Who are the heroes? Further practice:
Workbook p. 16; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
• Elicit the vocabulary using the Places of work flashcards.
Hold them up one at a time for children to name the
places. Model any unknown words.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
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• Let children practice acting out the story in their groups.
• Ask a few groups to come to the front to act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1:  Tim and his friend are talking. Tim’s friend stands
up tall and straight like a police officer.
Picture 2:  Tim’s friend points into the distance (in the
direction of the police station).
Picture 3:  Tim’s friend points at Grandma. Tim shakes
his head.
Picture 4:  Tim’s mom mimes using a cash register.
Picture 5:  Tim’s mom puts small cakes on a plate.
Picture 6:  Tim’s mom offers small cakes to the boys.

2 Listen and say.   22

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
• Play the recording, pausing after each sentence. Children
point to the places and people in the picture, and repeat.
• Replace the places in each sentence with flashcards to
elicit sentences with the same pattern, e.g., He works in a
school. Does she work in a fire station / hospital? Say the new
questions for children to repeat.
• Ask children to make new sentences and questions.

3 Look and say.

• Ask the class to look at the speech bubbles. Ask a child to
stand up. Point to the doctor in the first picture and ask
the question for the child to answer while the class listens.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 17 WB page 17  • In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
questions about the people.
To ask and answer questions about where people work 
To write short answers • Below level: Play a variation of Simon says. Say Simon
says work at a (hospital). Children pretend to work in
To say where people work/don’t work
a hospital. Point to another child and ask Does he/she
To act out the story work at a (hospital)? Elicit the response. Repeat with
other instructions.
Language • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Core: He works in a police station. She doesn’t work in a
• Above level: Elicit other places of work from the class.
police station. Does he work in a police station? Yes, he does.
Write them on the board. Ask children to use these
Does she work in an airport? No, she doesn’t.
places of work as well, as they act out their dialogues.
Resources and materials
Audio Tracks 21–22; Places of work flashcards
4 Look again and write.
• Point to the first picture in Exercise 3 again. Ask What can
you see? Does she work in a store? No, she doesn’t.
• Ask children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks and
• Play What do I have? (see Games bank). complete the activity.
• Ask children what happened in the story in the previous 1 She works in a hospital.
lesson. Show the story in your book to encourage ideas. 2 He doesn’t work in an office.
• Close your book and ask which places were mentioned in 3 He works in a fire station.
the story. 4 She doesn’t work in an airport.

1 Listen to the story and repeat.  21 Let’s talk!

• Children check in their books how well they remembered • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
the story. Say My aunt works in a hospital. Ask a child to read the
• Play the recording, pausing for children to repeat.
• As a class, choose actions for the story (see ideas below).
• In pairs, children take turns saying sentences using other
vocabulary words on the page.
• Divide the class into groups of four to play Tim, Tim’s
friend, Grandma, and Tim’s mom. Further practice:
Workbook p. 17; Classroom Presentation Tool

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2 Listen and sing.   24
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Point to the different
pictures for children to name the places. Ask children to
predict what the song is about (places a boy goes to).
• Play the whole recording for children to listen. Then play it
again as they follow the words in their books.
• Read each line of the song out loud for children to repeat
after you.

3 Sing and do.

• As a class, decide on the song actions (see ideas below).
• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions.
• Say a sentence that ends with a place in the town, e.g. In
my town, there’s a hospital …
• Choose a child to continue the sentence, adding a new
word to the end, e.g., In my town, there’s a hospital and
a zoo …
• Continue the game until a child can’t think of any more
places, or until someone forgets the words in the chains.
• Divide children into smaller groups of three to four to play

Song actions
Invite two children to come to the front to be the boy and
his mom and to do the following actions for each chorus:
Places to go – walk
Things to see – shade eyes as if looking
Lesson Three Song    SB page 18 WB page 18  Out and about, my mom and me – hold out arms towards
each other
Objectives The rest of the children do the following actions:
We go to the bank – count money
To identify more words for places of work
We go to the park – mime sitting on a swing
To use place of work words in the context of a song We go to the farm – mime digging the ground with a spade
We go to the airport / We see some planes – hold out arms like
Language wings
Core: office, farm, bank We go to Dad’s office / before it rains – put a hand out looking
Extra: place, thing, out and about, dark, rain (v) at the sky as if to check if it’s raining and run on the spot;
Recycled: place of work words move arms in a circular motion at sides to imitate train’s
Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 23–24; Places of work flashcards
• Below level: Children point to the places they see in
the song lyrics. Play the song again. Children clap when
Warmer they hear a place.
• Play Smiley face (see Games bank) with the places • At level: Write the song lyrics on the board with blanks
vocabulary. for the places. Play the song again and ask children to
say the places.
• Use the Places of work flashcards to introduce the new • Above level: In pairs, children talk about places they go
to with their families, e.g., We go to the park. Help with
vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the
additional vocabulary if needed.
words for children to repeat.
• Show the cards in a different order for children to repeat. Further practice:
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   23 Workbook p. 18; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Play the
first part of the recording. Children point to the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the words.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and then repeat.
• Hold up flashcards one at a time for individual children to
say the words.

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• Play the second part of the recording for children to
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
2 Listen and chant.   26
• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat, as children follow the chant in their books.
3 Read the chant again. Say the words with n, o,
and p. Write.
• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Invite a child
to come to the front and find an example of the letter n
and say the word (net).
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with n, o, and p out loud.
• Children write the n, o, and p words in their notebooks.
net  purple  plum  nest  orange  octopus  parrot

4 Listen and complete the words.   27

• Tell children that you are going to play a recording. They
have to listen and fill in the missing letters.
• Children look at the first picture. Play the recording for
them to listen to the first word. Ask What’s the word?
(octopus). Draw attention to the example answer o.
• Play the rest of the recording for children to write the
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 19 WB page 19  missing letters.
• Play the recording again for children to complete or check
Objectives their answers.
To recognize and learn the name of the letters n, o, and p, • Ask children to say the missing sounds and then the words.
and associate them with their corresponding sounds
To pronounce the sounds /n/, /ɒ/, and /p/ on their own 1  o  2  n  3  p, p   4  o  5  p
and as part of words

Language • Below level: Drill the sounds /n/, /ɒ/, and /p/. Ask
Core: nest, octopus, parrot children to point to each picture and say the word.
Extra: purple, plum, net, orange Say the sounds next to the picture one at a time. Ask
children to raise their hand when they hear the correct
Resources and materials one. Then children do the exercise independently.
Audio Tracks 15, 25–27; Phonics cards (nest, octopus, • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
parrot) • Above level: After children have completed the
activity, have them draw three more pictures of words
Warmer   15 beginning with n, o, and p. If time permits, they can
share their words and drawings with the class.
• Say the chant from page 13 to energize the class and
review the phonics from the previous unit.
• Play Vocabulary review (see Games bank). Let’s talk!
• Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
Lead-in The parrots are in the nest!
• Teach the sounds and letters for this lesson using the • Ask a child to read the sentence.
phonics cards. Hold up the first card. Say the letter name, • In pairs, children take turns saying sentences using other
sound, and then the word for children to repeat. Repeat vocabulary words on the page.
the procedure with the other phonics cards.
• Show each card one at a time and say the words for Further practice:
children to repeat. Workbook p. 19; Classroom Presentation Tool

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   25

• Play the first part of the recording. Children listen and
point to the pictures.

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1 Look. Does she work in an office? What do
you see?
• Focus on the pictures again. Ask Does she work in an office?
• Ask children to name the animals they can see.
No, she doesn’t. She works in a zoo. Elephants, lions, giraffes.

2 Listen and read.   28

• Tell children they are going to hear a recording of the text.
• Play the recording for children to listen and follow along.
• Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions.
Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What does Vy do at
the zoo? Which animals does she take care of? Does she like
her job?

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

• Write some of your own true and false sentences on the
board and ask the children if they are true or false, e.g.,
Vy takes care of the little animals (F). Vy starts work in the
evening (F). Vy is always sad (F).
• Show the exercise. Ask them to read the sentences,
re‑read the text and write T or F next to each sentence.
• Go over the answers with the class. Read each sentence
for children to tell you which one is true and false. As a
class, correct the false sentences.
1  F  2  T  3  F  4  T  5  T
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 20 WB page 20 

Skills development • Below level: Write works, takes care, starts work, eat,
Reading: understand an interview about someone’s job; and go home on the board and ask children to find the
read for specific details words in the text. Then they work in pairs to complete
the activity.
Language • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously • Above level: Put children in pairs; one is the reporter
Extra: take care of, feed and the other works at the zoo. Write the text on the
board with blanks for children to personalize, e.g. name
Resources and materials and animals they take care of. Ask children to work
Audio Tracks 24, 28; plain piece of paper for each child; together to write a new text. If time permits, children
Colored pencils for each group of children (optional) can switch papers and read each other’s work.

Warmer   24 4 Think about a zoo animal. What does it eat? What

• Sing Places to go from page 18. doesn’t it eat?
• Play Vocabulary tennis (see Games bank). • Ask individuals which zoo animal they like and what foods
it eats/doesn’t eat.
Lead-in • Encourage them to ask other children the questions.
• Talk about jobs with the class. Ask Does anyone in your Further practice:
family work in a store / police station / hospital? What does
Workbook p. 20; Classroom Presentation Tool
he / she do?
• Draw some pictures of zoo animals on the board and ask
children to guess what they are.
• Encourage children to make predictions about what
they are going to read, e.g., She’s at the zoo. She feeds the

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1  works  2  doesn’t take care of   3  monkeys  4  12  
5  takes care of   6  talks

• Below level: Before listening, play Mime the word (see
Games bank) using the answer choices in the exercise.
For the numbers, children can use their fingers to show
the numbers or draw them in the air. Then they do the
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, ask them to imagine
they work at the zoo with Nam. They are being
interviewed about their job. In pairs, children ask
questions, e.g., What’s your favorite animal? Are they big
or small? What colors are they?, etc. Put some model
questions on the board for support.

2 Ask and answer.

• Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to
stand up. Read the questions for them to answer. Children
repeat the questions and answers chorally.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
questions about Nam and his job with the sentences from
Exercise 1.

3 Talk about a family member’s job.

• Read aloud the example speech bubble and elicit
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 21 WB page 21  sentences from the children.
Skills development 4 Write about a family member’s job. Use the
Listening: listen for specific information example to help you.
Speaking: ask and answer about someone’s job • Focus on the Job profile form. Explain that this is Vy’s job
Writing: write a job profile of a family member profile. Read out the headings and ask different children
to read the example answers.
Language • Ask the children to think about someone in their family
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously and the job they do.
• The children copy and complete the form in their
Resources and materials notebooks.
Audio Track 29 Further practice:
Workbook p. 21; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 2 Test
• Play This is your zoo (see Games bank).
• Ask children what they can remember about the text from
the previous lesson. Ask Where does Vy work? What does
she do every day? When does she go home?
• Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and
identify the animals.

1 Listen and circle the correct words.   29

• Point to the man in the picture. Say This is Nam. He works
with Vy at the zoo.
• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of
Nam talking to the boy about his job.
• Play the recording for children to point to the animals.
• Ask the children to read the sentences. Play the recording
again. Children circle the correct word in each sentence.
• Go over the answers with the class. Ask children to read
the sentences in chorus.

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3 Would you like a bubble tea?
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   30
• Ask children to look at the food pictures. Play the first part
of the recording. Children point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and point, and
then repeat the words.
• Put the flashcards in different places around the room.
• Call out one word. Ask children to listen to the word and
point to the correct flashcard as fast as possible. Have
them repeat the word when they point.
• Choose a child to say a word for the class to point at.

2 Listen and chant.   31

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the chant again for children to repeat the words.
• Divide the class into five groups, one for each type of food.
• Tell the children they have that kind of food in front of
them, and they are about to eat (or drink) it.
• Play the recording for the children to say the chant again.
When their food is mentioned, they mime eating or
drinking it.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

• Below level: Children complete the activity as
• At level: Write the food words on the board. Give the
Lesson One Words    SB page 22 WB page 22  food flashcards to different children. Ask children to
match the pictures to the words. Make it a game by
dividing the class into teams. Give three cards to each
To identify types of food team. The team who can match all their cards first wins.
To understand a short story Shuffle the cards, hand them out, and play again.
• Above level: Place the flashcards in a row. Above them
Language write blanks for the letters of each word. Call children to
Core: fries, noodles, pizza, bubble tea, chicken the board to write in the letters. Encourage children to
Extra: It’s OK, bad say the word after they’ve written it. Erase and repeat.

Resources and materials 3 Listen and read.   32  

Audio Tracks 24, 30–32; Food flashcards • Hold up your book to present the story. Talk about each
frame and encourage predictions.
• Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play the
Always be polite! video or the recording for them to watch or listen and
point to the different speech bubbles as they hear the
Warmer   24 words.
• Sing Places to go from page 18. • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g. Where are
Mom, Rosy, and Billy? Does Rosy give Billy some noodles?
Lead-in Does Billy eat the noodles?
• Hold up your book to review the story from page 16. Ask • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point
Does the boy’s dad work in a fire station? Does Tim’s mom to the words from Exercise 1.
work in a bank?
• Use the food flashcards to teach the vocabulary. Hold up
Further practice:
Workbook p. 22; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
each one and ask What’s this? Model any unknown words.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

38 Unit 3

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Story actions
Picture 1:  Mom puts down the bag of food and gives Rosy
her bubble tea.
Picture 2:  Mom holds up a bubble tea and water for Billy.
Rosy points to him. Billy is playing with a toy plane.
Picture 3:  Mom holds up some chicken. Rosy holds up some
Picture 4:  Rosy gives the food to Billy.
Picture 5:  Billy bursts into tears. Mom and Rosy look worried.
Picture 6:  Mom pats Billy on the back to reassure him. Rosy
scares away the birds.

2 Listen and say.   33

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
• Play the recording, pausing after each question and
answer for children to point to the picture and repeat.
• Explain that when somebody offers you something with
Would you like …? , the polite answers are Yes, please. or
No, thank you.
• Write the questions on the board. Change the subject
and replace the food words with flashcards to elicit similar
sentences, e.g. Would you like fries? Children repeat the
new questions and answer them.
• Draw attention to the questions and answers about what
the girl likes. Point out that we use like (without would) to
ask and talk about preferences.
• Draw attention to or in the box and explain that we use it
to say that the other person has a choice.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 23 WB page 23 
3 Look and say.
Objectives • Ask children to look at the words and notice the ticks and
To offer food/drink and respond crosses. Invite two children to read the example.
To ask and answer questions about what people like • In pairs, children take turns offering food or something to
To write short answers to questions drink for their partner to respond accordingly.
To act out the story
4 Look and write.
Language • Ask what food the two children are thinking of. Read the
first question and show the example.
Core: Would you like a bubble tea? Yes, please. Would you
like noodles? No, thanks. What does she like? She likes bubble • Ask children to write 1 to 5 in their notebooks and write
tea. She doesn’t like noodles. Would you like chicken or pizza? the full questions and answers.
I would like pizza, please. ANSWERS
1 What does she like? She likes bubble tea. She doesn’t
Resources and materials like orange juice.  
Audio Tracks 32–33; Food flashcards; Story cards (from 2 What does he like? He doesn’t like chicken. He likes fries.
the previous lesson)
5 Look and say.
Warmer • Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what food
the girl is offering.
• Play What’s the picture? (see Games bank) with the food
vocabulary. • In pairs, the children ask and answer with more food and
drink words from the box and of their choice.
• Hold up your book on page 22. Ask children what Let’s talk!
happened in the story. Prompt with questions, e.g. What • Show the picture and speech bubble. Ask Would you like a
happens to Billy’s noodles? (the birds eat them). bubble tea? to a few children, and elicit answers.
• In pairs, children ask and answer the question, using the
1 Listen to the story and repeat.  32 different food vocabulary.
• Ask children to turn to the story on page 22. Play the
recording, pausing after each line for children to repeat.
Further practice:
Workbook p. 23; Classroom Presentation Tool
• As a class, decide on the story actions (see ideas below).
• Divide the class into groups of three: Mom, Rosy, and Billy.
• Children practice acting out the story in their groups.
• Ask some of the groups to act out the story.
Unit 3 39

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• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point, then
• Hold up flashcards 10–100 in random order for the
children to say the words.
• If your class has fewer than nineteen children, give a
flashcard to each, and ask them to stand in the correct
order. If your class has more than nineteen children, ask
them to write a number between 10 and 100 in big digits,
and ask them to stand in the correct order (there will be
gaps and duplications, but that’s fine).
• Call out the numbers in random order. As they hear their
number, the children holding that number take a step
forward and then back again.

2 Listen and sing.   35

• Ask children to look at the pictures and to tell you what
they think the song is about. Show the menu and the
prices. Elicit or teach thousand. Read the prices and ask
the children to repeat them. Repeat until they pronounce
them comfortably.
• Play the song once for children to listen. Play it again as
they follow the words in their books.
• Play each line of the song for children to repeat aloud.
• Play the recording again for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do.

• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions (see
suggestions below).
Lesson Three Song    SB page 24 WB page 24  • Play the song again.
Objectives Song actions
To learn numbers 10–100 I would like a bubble tea. – indicate the menu
To use numbers in the context of a song One big cup, just for me! – mime “big cup”
How much is that? Let me see – mime checking the menu
Language Twenty-three thousand dong, please. – pretend to count money
Core: ten, twenty, twenty-one to twenty-nine, thirty, forty, Would you like some orange juice? – indicate the menu
fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred One big cup, just for you! – mime “big cup”
Extra: thousand, wait for (v), arrive (v) How much is that? Let me see – mime checking the menu
Twenty-two thousand dong, please. – pretend to count money
Resources and materials An orange juice and a bubble tea. – mime “big cups”
Audio Tracks 34–35; Numbers flashcards 10–20 from One for you and one for me. – point to an imaginary friend
previous level; numbers flashcards 10–100 and yourself
How much is that? Let me see – mime checking the menu
Warmer Forty-five thousand dong, please. – pretend to count money
• Review numbers 1–20. Say One. Point to the child nearest Further practice:
you to say Two. The next child says Three, and so on. Workbook p. 24; Classroom Presentation Tool

• Hold up your hands showing numbers 1–10 in order for
children to say them. Then hold up your hands showing
the numbers in random order.
• Hold up flashcards 1–20 from the previous level and say
the words for children to repeat.
• Show the cards in random order. Children say the

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   34

• Ask children to look at the numbers. Play the first part
of Track 34. Children point to the numbers and say the
• Play the second part for children to repeat the words.

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• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
• Hold up each of the phonics cards one at a time, showing
only the picture.
• Ask the class for the sound and the word.
2 Listen and chant.   37
• Ask children to say what they see in the picture.
• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant. Say
the chant line-by-line. Ask children to repeat after you.
• Play the recording again, pausing after each line for
children to repeat. Play it again for children to follow

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with q, r,

and s. Write.
• Focus on the chant. Write the first line on the board. Ask
children to find an example of the letters.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with q, r, and s out loud.
• Children write the q, r, and s words in their notebooks.
queen  question  socks  rabbit  sofa  (says)  
right  rocks

4 Listen to the sounds and write the letters.   38

• Ask children what they can see (a question mark, rocks, and
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 25 WB page 25  socks). Explain that they will hear different sounds from
the lesson. They listen and write the letters they hear in
Objectives their notebooks in the order they hear them.
To recognize and learn the name of the letters q, r, and s, • Play the recording for them to listen to the first sound. Ask
and associate them with their corresponding sounds What’s the sound? The children write the letters.
To pronounce the sounds /kw/, /r/, and /s/ on their own • Play the rest of the recording for children to write the
and as part of words letters.
Language 1  q  2  r  3  s
Core: queen, rabbit, sofa
Extra: question, socks, rocks 
• Below level: Ask children to close their books. Elicit the
Resources and materials target words, e.g. question. Ask What is the beginning
Audio Tracks 26, 36–38; Phonics cards (queen, rabbit, sofa) sound? Children answer. Write the target sounds on the
board for support if needed. Then children complete
the activity.
Warmer   26
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Ask children to tell you which sounds they looked at in
the previous phonics lesson (/n/, /ɒ/, and /p/).
• Above level: After children finish, put them in groups.
Together, they think of other words with the same
• Play the chant from page 19 to review the sounds. beginning sounds and make a list. Make it a game by
Lead-in giving one point for each word. The group with the
most words wins.
• Teach the new sounds and letters for this lesson, using the
phonics cards. Hold up the first card. Say the letter name,
sound, and then the word for children to repeat. Let’s talk!
• Repeat the procedure with the other cards. • Ask children to look at the picture and read the speech
• Show each card and say the words for children to repeat. bubble.
• In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence.
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   36 Encourage them to use other vocabulary words on
• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Tell the page.
them that they are going to hear a recording of the Further practice:
different sounds. Workbook p. 25; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Play the first part of the recording. Children listen and
point to the pictures.

Unit 3 41

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2 Listen and read.   39
• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the
text. They should listen and follow in their books.
• Play the recording. Children listen and follow along.
• Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g., Where is the boy? Does
the man have a lot of food? Why not? What’s the boy’s new
favorite food?
• In pairs, children take turns being the boy and the man
from the noodle soup stall, and practicing reading the
• Children switch roles and repeat.

3 What food do they have? Put a check () or cross

() in the box.
• Explain that children are going to read the text again, and
say what food the man in the noodle soup stall has.
• Read the list of words together. Focus on the first food. Ask
Do they have chicken? (No). Point to the example. 
• Children read the word and then put a check or a cross in
the box with their pencils.
• Go over the answers with the class.
chicken , bananas , rice , noodles 

• Below level: Ask children to read the four words in the
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 26 WB page 26  activity. Ask them to re-read the dialogue, look for those
words, and point to them. Then they complete the
Skills development
Reading: read and understand a caption story; find
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
specific information in a text
• Above level: Write the dialogue on the board with
Language blanks for the food and drinks so that children can
personalize it. Children copy the text into their
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
notebooks and fill in the blanks with their own ideas.
Extra: much, late

Resources and materials 4 What food does your friend like?

Audio Track 39; a large piece of paper and set of colored • Ask individuals to think about a friend and what food he/
pencils for each group of six children (optional) she likes. Invite them to share ideas with the class.
• You can also put children into pairs. They ask and answer
about what food/drink they like. Then they report their
Warmer friend’s answers to the class.
• Play Forward and backwards (see Games bank) to review
the numbers from the previous lesson. Further practice:
Workbook p. 26; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Talk about food with the class. Ask Do you like pho? Spring
rolls? Beef with rice? Seafood? Encourage children to tell you
what their favorite food is. Ask Do you like Western food like
pizza / burgers?
• Ask the children to look at the story. Encourage them to
make predictions about what they are going to read, e.g.
It’s a story. A boy is at a noodle stall.

1 Look at the pictures. What food does the boy like?

• Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you what food
the boy likes.
bananas rice

42 Unit 3

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1  Yes  2  No  3  No  4  Yes  

2 Point, ask, and answer.

• Ask children to look at the picture and tell you the
different foods they can see at the stall.
• Explain that they are going to practice asking for fruit at
a fruit market. Ask three children to read the example
• In pairs, the children take turns pointing to the different
fruits in the pictures, and asking and answering questions
using the words in the box.

3 What fruit does your mom or dad like?

• Read aloud the example speech bubble and elicit answers
from the children.

4 Write a menu with 6 types of food and drink. Use

the example to help you.
• Focus on the example menu. Ask the children to read it,
and elicit what type of information needs to be included
in a menu (name of the canteen, food and drink options,
• Ask the children to choose six types of food and drink
and write a menu with the price of each item in their

Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 27 WB page 27  • Below level: Ask children to tell you all the words
for food and drink they know, and write them on the
Skills development board. Then ask them to do the activity in pairs.
Listening: listen for specific information • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Speaking: ask and answer questions for buying fruit Ask them to swap notebooks and check each
other’s work.
Writing: write a menu with six items and their prices
• Above level: After children finish, put them into pairs.
They take turns being the server and the guest. The
server asks Would you like (water or a bubble tea)? The
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously guest answers I’d like (water), please.
Resources and materials Further practice:
Audio Track 40; Food flashcards Workbook p. 27; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 3 Test

• Play Shopping game (see Games bank) with the food

• Ask What can you remember about the story from the last
lesson? What does the boy want? Does the man have noodles /
chicken / bananas? What is the boy’s new favorite food?
• Ask children to look at the pictures on page 27. Ask what
they can see, and whether they like each food.

1 Listen and write Yes or No.   40

• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of a
boy and girl buying fruit. They need to listen carefully and
say which fruits the store does and doesn’t have.
• Play the recording. Children point to the correct fruit.
• Ask the children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks. Play the
recording a second time for children to write Yes and No
next to the corresponding number in their notebooks.

Unit 3 43

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Review 1
2 Listen and check () the box.   42
• Tell the children that they are going to hear a recording of
sentences saying what people do. They will need to listen
and choose the picture showing the people described in
the sentence.
• Play Track 42, pause it after the first item, and show the
example answer.
• Play the rest of the recording, pausing it after each
number for children to choose the correct picture and put
a check in the box with their pencils.
1  c  2  a  3  b  4  a

3 Read. Circle the correct answer.

• Tell the children that they are going to read a paragraph
by Uyen about her family and what they do. Explain that
they will need to answer questions about Uyen’s family by
choosing the correct answers.
• Ask the children to read the paragraph.
• Ask them to read the first question and show the example
• Ask the children to answer the rest of the questions.
1  Yes, he is.   2  No, she doesn’t.   3  Yes, they are.  
4  No, they don’t.

4 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

Review 1    SB pages 28–29 WB pages 28–29  • Ask the children to read Uyen’s paragraph about her
family again.
Objectives • Ask them to read the first sentences, elicit the answer, and
To review language in Units 1, 2, and 3 show the example.
• Ask the children to read the rest of the sentences and
Language write T or F with their pencils.
Listening: 1, 2 (numbers, jobs)
Reading: 3, 4 (jobs, questions with be, possessive case)
1  T  2  F  3  F  4  T  5  T
Writing: 5 (food and drinks)
Speaking: 6 (What does he/she like?, food and drinks)

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 41–42

1 Listen and write.   41

• Tell the children that they are going to hear a recording of
someone saying numbers and they are going to write the
• Ask them to write the numbers they’ll hear next to the
numbers 1 to 6 with their pencils.
• Play Track 41, pause it after the first item, and show the
example answer.
• Play the rest of the recording, pausing it after each
number for children to write it down.
1  35  2  22  3  67  4  53  5  46  6  99

44 Review 1

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5 Look and write.
• Show the pictures and the jumbled words. Tell the
children they need to write the names of the food and
drink items, and that if they can’t remember the words,
they can unscramble the words under each picture.
• Show the example and ask the children to write 1 to 6 in
their notebooks and the words next to the numbers.
1  rice  2  chicken  3  bubble tea   4  pizza  
5  fries  6  noodles

6 What does he / she like? Look and say.

• Show the picture and ask the children what they can see.
• Ask them to talk about what each child likes.
He likes noodles and pizza and a bubble tea. She likes rice
and orange juice.

Review 1 45

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Fluency Time! 1
1 Listen. Read and say.   43
• Focus on the pictures. Ask children to say where the
people are (in a kitchen) and what they are doing (reading
and writing).
• Play Track 43 for children to follow along.
• Play the recording again, pausing for children to say the
dialogue along with the recording.
• Children practice the dialogue in pairs.
• Invite children to act out the dialogue for the class.

2 Listen and circle the answer.   44

• Tell the children that they are going to hear a recording of
a conversation about homework.
• Ask them to listen and circle the correct answer.
1  English  2  Mom  3  rice

3 Ask and answer.

• Ask two children to read out the example dialogue.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
about the foods on the menu, and then buying and
selling them.

• Below level: Encourage the children to practice
ordering one thing only first, so that they don’t need to
add up the price: What would you like? I would like juice,
Lesson One Everyday English  please. OK, that’s twelve thousand dong, please. Make sure
children switch roles for extended practice.
 ​SB page 30 
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Objectives • Above level: Ask the children to draw a picture of
To learn how to order food and drink in a restaurant one of the food and drink words they know. Then
they move around the class, asking and answering
Language questions about each other’s picture (What’s this in
What would you like? I’d like noodles, please. OK, that’s forty English? / Chicken.) and buying and selling it. When they
five thousand dong, please. buy/sell an item, they swap drawings and repeat the
conversation with another partner.
Resources and materials
Further practice:
Audio Tracks 43–44; flashcards / pictures of known items
Classroom Presentation Tool

• Do a Spelling Bee with the class to review words from
Units 1 to 3.
• Divide the class into two teams and stand them on
opposite sides of the classroom.
• Say one word at a time to each child, alternating teams. If
the child spells the word correctly, he/she goes to the end
of the line. If he/she spells the word incorrectly, he/she sits
down. The team with the last member standing wins.

• Tell children they are going to learn how to ask for help
with new words in English. Ask if they know how to ask for
help, e.g., I don’t understand. Sorry, can you say that again?
How do you say … ? What’s this in English?

46 Fluency Time! 1

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2 Listen and read.   46
• Play the recording for children to listen and follow the text
in their books.
• Play the recording again. Ask comprehension questions,
e.g., What color is Jack’s helmet? What color is the fire truck?
Where is the ladder?
• Ask children to point to the fire truck, the helmet,
the ladder, and the uniform in the pictures.

3 Read again and write.

• Put children into pairs. Explain to children that they are
going to work together to complete the sentences with
information from the text.
• Write the first sentence on the board. Ask the children to
find and point to the sentence in the text about Jack’s
uniform. Ask What word is missing from the sentence? Write
the word to complete the sentence.
• Ask children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks. The
children work together to read the sentences; find
the missing information in the text; and write the full
sentences in their notebooks.
1 Jack’s uniform is brown and yellow.
2 His helmet is yellow and red.
3 The fire truck is very big and fast.
4 A ladder is on the fire truck.

Lesson Two CLIL: Social studies  • Below level: Divide the class into groups of four or five
 ​SB page 31  to work together to complete the sentences. Have each
group report back to the class. Other groups can listen
Objectives and complete the rest of the activity.
To learn some useful content and language about jobs • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Children work individually to complete
the sentences. Children ask and answer questions in
Core: fire truck, ladder, helmet, uniform pairs, e.g., What color is Jack’s helmet? Yellow and red.
Extra: firefighter, fire station, big, fast, light, fire, safe What color is the fire truck? Red and white.

Resources and materials

4 What things does a firefighter need to fight fires?
Audio Tracks 45–46; Jobs flashcards Make a checklist.
• Ask the class the question and elicit one thing,
Warmer e.g. a fire truck.
• Ask children to name all the jobs they know. Write the • Divide the class into pairs to discuss the question and
words on the board. Say one sentence about each of the make a list of what a firefighter needs.
jobs on the board, e.g., He works in a school. / She wears a • Ask different pairs to read out their lists for the class
white coat. and ask children to say the correct job. to check if they have the same or different things on
Lead-in their lists.
• Hold up the Jobs flashcards and say the words for children 5 Look and color.
to repeat. • Children color the smiley faces depending on how well
• Shuffle all the flashcards and hold them up in a different they feel they understand what they have learned in
order for children to say the words. Starter unit, Units 1, 2, and 3, and Fluency Time! 1.
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   45 Further practice:
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of the CLIL worksheet; Classroom Presentation Tool
recording for children to listen and point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point, and
• Hold up the Jobs flashcards for individual children to say
the words.

Fluency Time! 1 47

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4 We have English!
1 Listen, point, and repeat.  47
• Ask children to look at the school subject pictures.  Play
the first part of Track 47. Children point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and point and
then repeat the words.
• Hold up the flashcards in random order and ask the class
to say the words.
• Put the flashcards in different places around the room. Call
out one word. Children point to the correct flashcard as
fast as possible and then repeat it.
• Ask a child to take the role of caller. After a few turns,
change to a different child.

• Below level: Review the vocabulary words again. Show
the flashcards, and ask children to call out the words.
Line the flashcards up on the chalk rail and write the
words in random order above them. Ask a child to draw
a line, matching one word to its flashcard. Repeat for
the other words.
• At level: Play Musical cards (see Games bank) with the
new words.
• Above level: Play the “at level” game, but when the
music stops, children must say and spell the word.

2 Listen and chant.  48

Lesson One Words    SB page 32 WB page 30  • Play the recording and teach the chant.
Objectives • Play the recording a second time. Children repeat the
words in the pauses in the chant.
To identify school subjects
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
To understand a short story
• As a class, think of actions for each of the school subjects,
Language e.g., for art, they mime painting a picture; for math, they
count on their fingers, etc.
Core: art, math, English, P.E., Vietnamese
• Play the recording for them to say the chant. When they
Extra: our, time, wear
hear their school subject mentioned, they do the action
for their subject.
Resources and materials
Audio Tracks 47–49; School subjects flashcards 3 Listen and read.   49  
• Hold up your book to present the story. Talk about each
Values frame with the class. Encourage predictions.
Share things! • Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play the
video or the recording for them to watch or listen and
Warmer point to the speech bubbles.
• Play Fruits dance (see Games bank) to energize the class. • Ask comprehension questions, e.g. Does Tim like P.E.? Do
• Retell the Unit 3 story holding up your book on page 22. Rosy and Tim take their P.E. bags to school? Does Tim have his
Ask What is Rosy’s drink? Where’s Billy? What happens to P.E. clothes?
Billy’s noodles? • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point
to words from Exercise 1.
Further practice:
• Use the School subjects flashcards to elicit the vocabulary. Workbook p. 30; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
Show them one at a time. Ask What’s this? Model
unknown words.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

48 Unit 4

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Story actions
Picture 1:  Rosy points to the schedule on the wall.
Picture 2:  Tim punches the air with excitement.
Picture 3:  Grandma gives Rosy and Tim their P.E. bags as they
leave to catch the bus.
Picture 4:  The P.E. teacher holds up a soccer ball. Tim looks for
his clothes in his bag.
Picture 5:  Tim holds up the bag and frowns.
Picture 6:  Two boys give Tim their shorts and T-shirts. Tim asks
the teacher permission to wear their clothes, and he grants it.
2 Listen and say.  50
• Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box.
Ask What can you see?
• Play the recording, pausing after each sentence and
question. Children point to the picture and repeat.
• Write the sentences and questions on the board. Play the
recording again, miming the actions in the pictures to
reinforce meaning. Children repeat.
• Erase the last word in each sentence. Children suggest
other words, e.g., What do we have on Tuesdays? Can we
take these hats? Say the sentences for children to repeat.
3 Look and say.
• Ask the class to look at the schedule and read the days of
the week and the school subjects out loud.
• Focus on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to stand up. Ask
the question for him/her to answer.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 33 WB page 31  • In pairs, children ask and answer questions about the
other subjects in the schedule.
To ask questions about what subjects you have on 
different days of the week • Below level: Copy the schedule onto the board, but
To ask for and give permission, using can switch the subjects. Ask the question in the first speech
bubble. Then say an answer and elicit the question from
To act out a story
the children. Put children in pairs to practice on their own.
Language • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Core: What do we have on Mondays? We have English on • Above level: Ask children to write out their schedule.
Mondays. Can we take these bags? Yes, you can. / No, you They may include sports or after-school activities.
can’t. Switch pairs for children to ask and answer again.

Resources and materials 4 Look and write.

Audio Tracks 37, 49–50; School subjects flashcards • Ask children to look at the pictures, the words, and the
checks and crosses.
Warmer   37 • Show the first picture, the words, and the check. Ask Yes or
no? (Yes). Show the example, and ask two children to read
• Do the chant from page 25 to energize the class. the dialogue out loud.
• Play What’s missing? (see Games bank). • Ask the children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks and
Lead-in write the questions and answers.
• Ask children what happened in the story in the previous ANSWERS
lesson. Hold up your book briefly on page 32 to 1  Can we draw pictures, please? Yes, you can.
encourage ideas. Then close your book and ask which 2  Can we sing a song now? No, you can’t.
subjects were mentioned in the story. 3  Can I play soccer? Yes, you can.
4  Can I take photos, please? No, you can’t.
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   49
Let’s talk!
• Children look at the story on page 32. Play Track 49,
pausing for children to repeat. • Focus on the picture and speech bubble. Ask a child to
read We can play soccer in P.E. today.
• As a class, choose actions for the story (see ideas below).
• In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence using
• Play the recording again. Children mime the actions.
other vocabulary from the lesson.
• Divide the class into groups to play the characters and
practice acting out the story. Further practice:
Workbook p. 31; Classroom Presentation Tool
Unit 4 49

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• Play the whole recording. Children listen and repeat.
• Hold up the Places at school flashcards one at a time for
individual children to say the words.
• If you have all of these in your school, ask children Where
do you have P.E. / art / computer lessons?

2 Listen and sing.  52

• Point to the pictures. Children tell you what they see.
• Play the whole song for children to listen. Then play it
again as they follow the words in their books.
• Read each line of the song line-by-line for children to
repeat after you.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.
• Divide the class into four groups and assign each group a
word: art room, schoolyard, computer room, and school.
• Play the song. Each time children hear their word, they
quickly stand up and sit down.

3 Sing and do.

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Decide together on
actions for each verse of the song (see below).
• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions.
• Play the song again.
Song actions
What do we have on Mondays? – show 1 with your finger to
mean the first day of the week
Lesson Three Song    SB page 34 WB page 32  We have art. – draw in the air
We go to the art room. – walk on the spot
Objectives Time for class to start! – point at your (imaginary) wristwatch
or clock if you have one in the classroom
To identify rooms and areas in a school
To use these words in the context of a song What do we have on Tuesdays? – show 2 with your fingers to
mean the second day of the week
Language We have math. – mime counting on your fingers
We go to the classroom. – walk on the spot
Core: schoolyard, art room, computer room
Let’s start the class! – point at wristwatch or clock
Extra: start
What do we have on Thursdays? – show 4 with your fingers to
Resources and materials mean the fourth day of the week
We have English. Wow! – mime reading a book
Audio Tracks 51–52; School subjects flashcards; Places at
We go to the computer room. – walk on the spot
school flashcards
I’d like to go there now! – point at wristwatch or clock
What do we have on Fridays? – show 5 with your fingers to
Warmer mean the fifth day of the week
• Play Jump! (see Games bank) using the School subjects Oh yes! We have P.E. – hop on the spot
flashcards. We go to the schoolyard. – mime rope skipping
It’s fun for you and me! – children high-five each other
• Talk about school subjects with the class to set up the Further practice:
context. Ask What do you have today? Art / Math / P.E.? Workbook p. 32; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Introduce the new vocabulary using the Places at school
• Hold up the cards one at a time. Say the words for children
to repeat.
• Show the cards in a different order. Children repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.  51

• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Play the
first part of the recording. Children point to the pictures
and say the words.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.

50 Unit 4

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• Play the first part of the recording for children to point to
the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the sounds and words.
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
• Hold up each phonics card in turn, showing only the
picture. Ask the class for the sound and the word.

2 Listen and chant.  54

• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
Play the recording for children to listen. Say the chant
line-by-line. Ask children to repeat after you.
• Play the chant again, pausing after each line for children
to repeat.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with t, u,

and v. Write.
• Focus on the chant. Write the first line on the board. Ask
children to find an example of the letters.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with t, u, and v out loud.
• Children write the t, u, and v words in their notebooks.
tiger  van  visit  tall  vet  under  umbrella

4 Listen and complete the words.  55

• Children look at the first picture. Play the recording. Ask
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 35 WB page 33  What’s the word? (tiger). Ask What letter makes the first sound
in that word? Draw attention to the example answer t.
Objectives • Play the rest of the recording for children to write the
To recognize and learn the name of the letters t, u, and v, missing letters.
and associate them with their corresponding sounds • Ask children to say the missing sounds, then the words.
To pronounce the sounds /t/, /ʌ/, and /v/ on their own ANSWER
and as part of words 1  t  2  u  3  v  4  t  5  t, t

Language 
Core: tiger, umbrella, van • Below level: Drill the sounds t, u, and v. Ask children to
Extra: tall, vet, under, twenty point to each picture and say the word. Say the sounds
/t/, /ʌ/, and /v/ one at a time. Ask children to raise their
Resources and materials hand when they hear the correct one. Then children do
the exercise independently.
Audio Tracks 52, 53–55; Phonics cards (tiger, umbrella, van)
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Warmer  52 • Above level: After children have completed the
activity, ask them to draw three more pictures of words
• Sing At our school on page 34 to energize the class. beginning with t, u, or v. If time permits, they can share
• Play I know, I know, I know (see Games bank). their words and drawings with the class.
• Ask children if they can remember the sounds from the Let’s talk!
previous phonics lesson (/kw/, /r/, and /s/). Say the words • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
queen, rabbit, and sofa to help them remember. The tiger is tall!
• Teach the sounds and letters in this lesson, using the • In pairs, children take turns saying sentences using other
phonics cards. Hold up the first card and say the letter vocabulary from the page.
name, sound, and then the word, for children to repeat. Further practice:
• Repeat with the other phonics cards. Workbook p. 33; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Hold up each card. Say the words for children to repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.  53

• Show the pictures in the book and tell the children they
are going to hear a recording of the different sounds.

Unit 4 51

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English, math, art, Vietnamese

2 Listen and read.  56

• Tell children that they are going to listen to the text. Play
the recording. Children listen and follow along.
• Play the recording again. Answer any questions. Ask
comprehension questions, e.g., What can children do
on the computers? How many children can go into the
computer room?
• Tell the children you will ask them some questions and
they must race to find the answers. When they know the
answer, they should raise their hand.
• Ask the following questions: Is the computer room big?
(Yes). Is there a computer for every student? (Yes). Can the
children practice P.E. in the computer room? (No). What days
of the week can the children come to the computer room?
(Tuesday and Thursday).

3 Read again and answer the questions.

• Ask children to imagine that they have a new classmate
who wants to know about the computer room in their
• Ask children to read the first question and the example
• Read the rest of the questions. Children write their
answers in their notebooks.
• Check answers by reading each question out loud and
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 36 WB page 34  eliciting answers from different children.
Skills development ANSWERS
Students’ own answers
Reading: read and understand a web page; find specific
details in a text 
• Below level: Ask children to talk about the answers in
pairs. Then children complete the activity.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Extra: practice
• Above level: Children write the answers as an email to
their new classmate.
Resources and materials
Audio Track 56
4 What’s your favorite room in your school? Why?
• Ask individuals the questions.
• Encourage children to ask other children.
• Play Musical cards (see Games bank).
Further practice:
Lead-in Workbook p. 34; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Talk about computers with your class. Ask Do you like
computers? Do you have computer lessons at school?
• Focus on the picture. Encourage children to make
predictions about the reading, e.g., It’s about computer
lessons in school. Explain that they are going to read a
web page that some children have written about the
computer room at a school.

1 Look at the picture. What school subjects can

you see?
• Ask children to look at the picture again and name
the different subjects that children are studying in the
computer room.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to a child and saying
which subjects they are studying.

52 Unit 4

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• Play the recording a second time, stopping after
each item for children to write the number onto the
corresponding picture.
• Play the recording again for children to complete or check
their answers.
b  1  a  2  c  3  d  4

2 Point, ask, and answer about your school.

• Ask children to read the words and phrases in the word
box aloud.
• Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to
stand up and model the question and answer with you.
Children repeat the question and answer chorally.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing, asking, and
answering questions about what is in the different places.
• Ask some of the pairs to ask and answer questions for
the class.

3 Talk about your week.

• Read aloud the example speech bubble and elicit
sentences from the children.

4 Write about your favorite room in your school.

Look at the example to help you.
• Focus on the example form. Ask the children to read it,
and elicit what type of information can be included in a
description like this (name of the room, what activities they
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 37 WB page 35  do in that room, what’s in the room, when students go there).
Help with any other ideas about additional information
Skills development that they may want to include.
Listening: identify places at school from their
• Ask the children to copy the form in their notebooks and
to fill it out so that it’s true for them.
Speaking: ask and answer questions about different
• When they have finished, they should compare their form
places in a school
with a partner’s.
Writing: write a description of a school room

Language • Below level: Brainstorm options for each heading and
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously write the children’s ideas on the board. Put children
Extra: break time, learn with the same favorite school room into pairs to write
their description together.
Resources and materials • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Audio Track 57 • Above level: Ask children to write one more additional
piece of information about the room. They could
Warmer write about the colors of the walls, posters, number of
windows or anything else they have the language to
• Play Bingo (see Games bank) with the words children have
learned in this unit.

Lead-in Further practice:

• Ask children what they can remember about the web Workbook p. 35; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 4 Test
page from the previous lesson. Ask What’s the room in the
picture? How many computers are there in the room?
• Allow children to check the web page on page 36 of their
books to see how much they remembered correctly.

1 Listen and write the numbers.  57

• Tell children that they are going to hear a girl talking
about the places in her school. They have to listen and
write the number when they hear the word mentioned.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and point to the
places as they hear them described.

Unit 4 53

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5 We’re having fun at the beach!
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   58
• Ask children to open their books and look at the pictures
of the beach activities. Ask Do you like doing these things?
Do you like going to the beach? What do you do at the
• Play the first part of Track 58 for children to listen and
point to the appropriate picture.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
• Play the whole recording for children to listen and point,
and then repeat the words in chorus.

2 Listen and chant.   59

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time. Children repeat the
words and phrases in the pauses in the chant.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
• As a class, think of actions for each of the beach activities,
e.g., for snorkel, they mime swimming and looking around;
for play with a ball, they jump and catch an imaginary
ball, etc.
• Play the recording for them to say the chant with the

• Below level: Put children in pairs. Write the vocabulary
words on pieces of paper, and give one to each pair.
Lesson One Words    SB page 38 WB page 36  Then give one flashcard to each pair. Children work
together to see if they have a match. If not, they should
Objectives ask other children to swap papers or cards.
To identify different beach activities • At level: Use the Beach activities flashcards and a piece
To understand a short story of paper with a 2.5-inch hole in it to play Can you see?
(see Games bank).
Language • Above level: Play Can you see? but ask children to make
Core: read, surf, play with a ball, go on a boat, snorkel, a sentence using the word, e.g., I can surf.
collect shells
Extra: water, stand on his hands, fall, swim 3 Listen and read.   60  
• Remind children of the characters they met in Lesson 5 of
Resources and materials the Starter unit: Max, Holly, Amy, and Leo.
Audio Tracks 58–60; Beach activities flashcards • Focus children’s attention on the story. Talk about each
frame and ask questions, e.g., Where are the children? Who
Values is in the picture? Who is Amy talking to? What is Max doing?
Be safe at the beach! What does Holly have? Where is Leo? What’s he doing? Is Leo
surfing now? Encourage predictions about the story.
Warmer • Play the video or the recording for children to watch or
listen and follow along.
• Hold up your book to review the story on page 32. Ask
Can Tim play soccer in the end? • Ask comprehension questions, e.g., What does Amy say
about Max? What does she say about Holly? Does Leo like
Lead-in snorkeling? Is he good at surfing? What happens to Leo?
• Tell children they are going to learn the names of some • Play the recording a second time for children to follow in
beach activities. their books again.
• Hold up the Beach activities flashcards one at a time to elicit • Ask children to find the beach activities from Exercise 1
the vocabulary for this lesson. Model any unknown words. that appear in the story (play with a ball, read, surf ).
• Say all the words again for children to repeat. Further practice:
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat. Workbook p. 36; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet

54 Unit 5

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Story actions
Picture 1:  Max reads a book. Amy and Mom talk on the phone.
Picture 2:  Amy and Mom talk on the phone. Leo surfs. Holly
plays with a ball.
Picture 3:  Leo stands on his hands (children touch their toes).
Amy and Mom talk on the phone. Amy, Max, and Holly point
at Leo.
Picture 4:  Leo swims. Amy and her mom talk on the phone.
Mom is concerned. Holly and Max laugh and point.

2 Listen and say.   61

• Show the picture and ask two children to read the speech
• Mime surfing and elicit You’re surfing. Now mime
playing with a ball and say I’m swimming. Elicit You aren’t
swimming (You’re playing with a ball).
• Play Track 61, pausing after each sentence for children to
• Ask children to close their books. Write the sentences on the
board. Erase the letters that are red in the book, and then ask
children to come up to the board and write them in.
• Write I’m … and I’m not … on the board. Then hold up the
flashcards and elicit new sentences.

3 Read and match. Write.

• Read out the first sentence and ask Which picture is it? Elicit
and point to the example.
• Children read the rest of the sentences and write a letter
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 39 WB page 37  with their pencils.

Objectives ANSWERS
1  e  2  a  3  b  4  d  5  c
To identify the present progressive affirmative and negative
To complete present progressive sentences with the 
correct form of the verb be • Below level: Ask children to cover the sentences. Focus
To act out a story on the pictures. Children say what’s happening. Then
cover the pictures. Children mime the actions in each
Language sentence, then complete the activity.
Core: I’m surfing. I’m not snorkeling. He’s going on a boat. He • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
isn’t surfing. We / They’re playing with a ball. We / They aren’t • Above level: After children finish, put them in pairs and
collecting shells. have them make negative sentences, e.g., b. She’s not
snorkeling, using the pictures in the activity.
Resources and materials
Audio Tracks 60–61; Beach activities flashcards
4 Write.
• Look at the example with the class.
Warmer • Children write the full sentences in their notebooks.
• Play Listen, point, and say (see Games bank) to energize the
class and review the vocabulary at the start of the lesson. ANSWERS
1  isn’t, ’s eating   ​2  aren’t, ’re going on a boat  
Lead-in ​3  aren’t, ’re taking photos   ​4  isn’t, ’s reading a book
• With books closed, ask children to remember the beach
Let’s talk!
activities Leo does in the story (surfing and swimming).
• Ask about the story, e.g. Who does Amy phone? What does
• Show the picture and speech bubble and ask a child to
read the sentence.
Max / Holly do? Hold up your book to encourage ideas.
• In pairs, children take turns saying sentences, using other
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   60 vocabulary words on the page.
• Play Track 60, pausing for children to repeat. Further practice:
• Divide the class into groups of four to play Amy, Amy’s Workbook p. 37; Classroom Presentation Tool
mom, Max, and Holly.
• As a class, decide on the story actions (see ideas below).
• Children practice acting out the story. Ask a few groups to
act out the story at the front.

Unit 5 55

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1 Listen, point and repeat.   62
• Ask children to open their books to page 40 and look at
the pictures. Play the first part of Track 62 for children to
listen and point to the appropriate picture.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
• Play the whole recording for children to listen and point,
and then repeat the words in chorus.

2 Listen and sing.   63

• Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you what five
beach activities they can see.
• Point to the pictures and ask questions, e.g. What is the
sister doing? What is the dog doing? Who is surfing?
• Play Track 63 for children to listen and follow.
• Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do.

• As a class, decide on the song actions (see ideas below).
• Practice the actions with the class.
• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
Song actions
We’re playing at the beach. – mime throwing a beach ball
We’re sitting in the sun. – make a circle with your arms
My sister is running very fast. – mime running
Lesson Three Song    SB page 40 WB page 38  The dog is swimming in the sea. – mime doing doggy paddle
They’re surfing with my brother and me. – wobble as if you are
Objectives on a board
To write present progressive sentences about a picture 4 Look at the picture. Write.
To use the present progressive and activity words in the • Read the example with the children, and ask them to
context of a song finish the second sentence.
• Ask children to write sentences about the picture in their
notebooks, using the example to help them.
Core: swimming, sitting, running
• Ask some children to read aloud their sentences.
Extra: sun, dog, run, going on a boat, surfing

Resources and materials • Below level: Ask who and what they can see in the
Audio Tracks 62–63; Beach activities flashcards picture (a sister, Mom, a girl, children in the water, a dog,
etc.); then ask what they are doing, e.g. What is the sister
Warmer doing? What are the children in the water doing? The
• Play True or false? (see Games bank). children write their sentences. Allow them to work in
pairs if appropriate.
Lead-in • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Write these sentences on the board: Holly isn’t playing with • Above level: After children finish, ask them to write a
a ball. Amy is surfing. Amy is talking to her mom. Max isn’t simple story about one of the people in the picture.
reading a book. Holly isn’t surfing. Leo is talking on the phone.
• Tell children that some of the sentences are false. Further practice:
• Ask children to open their books to page 38 and correct Workbook p. 38; Classroom Presentation Tool
the false sentences.
• Ask children to read aloud the correct sentences (Holly
is playing with a ball. Amy isn’t surfing. Amy is talking to
her mom. Max is reading a book. Holly isn’t surfing. Leo isn’t
talking on the phone).

56 Unit 5

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• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording for children to point and repeat.
2 Listen and chant.   65
• Ask children to look at the picture and tell you what they
can see. Play the recording for them to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant once more, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat, and encourage children to chant along.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with w and x.

• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Invite a child
to come to the front, find examples of the letter w and say
the words (window and web).
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with w and x out loud.
• Children write the w and x words in their notebooks.
• Go over the answers with the class.
window   box  web  fox

• Below level: Hand phonics cards to different children.
Say different phonics words, e.g., six, walk. When
children hear their word, they raise the card in the air.
• At level: Divide the class into two groups, one for
each sound. Tell children you are going to read some
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 41 WB page 39  sentences. The groups stand up when they hear a
word with their sound. Read these aloud:
Objectives The window is open. / What’s in the box? / I’m six years old. /
To recognize and learn the name of the letters w and x I can see a fox from my window. / The fox is sleeping. /
and associate them with their corresponding sounds I walk to school!
To pronounce the sounds /w/ and /ks/ on their own and • Above level: Read the sentences from the “at level”
as part of words activity aloud. After each sentence, children recall
words with the sounds w and x, say them, and then
Language spell them.
Core: web, box
Extra: window, walk, fox, six 4 Listen and complete the words.   66
• Children look at the first picture. Play the recording. Ask
Resources and materials What’s the word? (box). Ask What letter makes the last sound
Audio Tracks 54, 64–66; Phonics cards (web, window, walk, in that word? Draw attention to the example letter x.
box, fox, six) • Play the rest of the recording for children to write the
missing letters with their pencils.
Warmer   54 • Ask children to say the missing sounds, then the words.
• Ask children which sounds they looked at in their last • Go over the answers with the class.
phonics lesson (/t/, /ʌ/, and /v/). Do the chant from page ANSWER
35 to review the sounds. 1  x  2  w  3  x  4  w  5  x
Lead-in Let’s talk!
• Teach the new sounds and letters for the lesson, using the • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
phonics cards. There’s a web on the window.
• Hold up the web card. Say the letter name, sound, and • Ask a child to read the sentence.
then the word for children to repeat. Repeat with the • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence, using
box card. other vocabulary words on the page.
• Show each card and say the words for children to repeat.
Further practice:
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   64 Workbook p. 39; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Play the first part of the recording. Children listen and
point to the pictures.

Unit 5 57

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1 Look at the picture. What can you do at Phan
Thiet beach?
• Ask children if anyone in the class has ever been to Phan
Thiet. Ask follow-up questions if they have.
• Ask children to look at the text. Ask what kind of text it is
(a postcard).
• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
What can you do at Phan Thiet beach? Elicit ideas from
different children.

2 Listen and read.   67

• Play Track 67. The children listen and follow the text.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What is the beach like?
What are the people doing? Are they happy?
• Play the recording a second time to check the answers to
the questions.

3 Read again and write.

• Allow time for children to read the text again and write
the full sentences in their notebooks.
1  shells  2  snorkeling, swimming   3  seafood  4  playing

• Below level: Ask children to re-read the text, look for
those words, and underline them. Help if needed. Then
children complete the activity.
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 42 WB page 40  • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, ask them to write five
Skills development new sentences, using those words.
Reading: read and understand a vacation postcard
4 Where do you go on vacation? Why do you like it?
Language • Ask individual children about their vacations.
Core: sitting, collecting shells, swimming, snorkeling, • Encourage them to ask other children the questions.
Extra: sand, seafood, restaurants, postcard Further practice:
Workbook p. 40; Classroom Presentation Tool
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 63, 67; Weather flashcards; Beach activities

• Play Word chain (see Games bank) using the weather

Lead-in   63
• Tell children they are going to sing The beach from
page 40.
• Ask children which activities they remember from the song.
• Ask children to open their books to page 40 to check.
• Play Track 63 and sing the song.
• Show the children flashcards in random order and ask
them to call out the word.

58 Unit 5

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• Play the recording again, pausing after each dialogue for
children to write the number next to the letter with their
• Play the whole recording again for children to check their
• Go through the answers with the class.
1  e  2  d  3  c  4  b  5  a

2 Look at the words in the box. Ask and answer.

• Show the activities in the word box, then ask two children
to read the speech bubbles for the class.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering four
questions. They can say more than one thing and also ask
questions with Do you like … ?

3 Draw a picture of you and your family at the

beach. What are they doing?
• The children draw themselves on a beach with their family.
• In pairs, they ask and answer questions about what
everybody in the picture is doing.

4 Number the sentences in order.

• Show the example and check that the children
understand the exercise. Children number the sentences
in order.
• Go through the answers with the class.
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 43 WB page 41  ANSWERS
a  2  b  1  c  5  d  6  e  4  f  3
Skills development
Listening: listen for information and put pictures in the 
correct order • Below level: Ask the children to look at the postcard on
Speaking: ask and answer questions to describe what page 42 and compare the parts with the sentences in
people in a picture are doing the exercise.
Writing: number the sentences in order; write a postcard • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, put them into small
Language groups. Ask them to write four more sentences about
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously beach activities, using the present progressive. Children
write sentences together. Make it a game by setting a
time limit. The team with the most sentences wins.
Resources and materials
Audio Tracks 63, 68; Adjectives to describe places of work
flashcards 5 You are on vacation. Write a postcard to a friend.
Look at page 42 to help you.
Warmer   63 • Ask the children to choose a vacation place and write a
postcard to a friend from there, using the postcard on
• Play The beach from page 40 to energize the class. page 42 as a model.
Lead-in Further practice:
• Play Quick flash (see Games bank) to review the Workbook p. 41; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 5 Test
vocabulary from the previous lesson.
• Show the pictures on page 43 and ask children to name
the activities (swimming, playing in the sand, flying a kite,
fishing, and snorkeling).

1 Listen and write the numbers.   68

• Tell the class they are going to hear some children talking
about things they like doing at the beach. They must
number the pictures in the order they hear them.
• Play Track 68 for children to point to the correct pictures.

Unit 5 59

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6 Funny monkeys!
• Use the Zoo animals flashcards to elicit the vocabulary for
this lesson. Hold the flashcards, and model any unknown
words. Say all the words for children to repeat.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   69

• Ask children to open their books and look at the pictures
of the zoo animals.
• Play the first part of Track 69 for children to listen and
point to the appropriate picture. Repeat if necessary.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording for children to listen, point, and
then repeat the words in chorus.

• Below level: Put children in pairs. Write the vocabulary
words on pieces of paper. Give one piece of paper and
one flashcard to each pair. Children work together to
decide if they have a match. If not, they should ask
other children to switch papers or cards.
• At level: Use a piece of paper with a 2.5-inch hole cut
in it together with the Zoo animals flashcards to play
Can you see? (see Games bank).
• Above level: Play Can you see?, but ask children to make
a sentence using the particular word, e.g. I like penguins.

2 Listen and chant.   70

Lesson One Words    SB page 44 WB page 42  • Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time. Children repeat the words
Objectives and phrases in the pauses in the chant.
To identify different animals • Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
To understand a short story • As a class, think of actions for each of the animals, e.g., for
kangaroo, they mime a kangaroo jumping.
Language • Play the recording for them to say the chant with the actions.
Core: penguin, zebra, kangaroo, camel, lizard, crocodile
Extra: funny, monkey, zoo, wait, come (here) 3 Listen and read.   71 
• Remind students of the characters they met in Lesson 5 of
Resources and materials the Starter unit: Max, Holly, Amy, and Leo.
Audio Tracks 69–71; Zoo animals flashcards; A4 paper with a • Focus children’s attention on the story. Talk about each
2.5-inch diameter circle cut in it (optional) frame and ask questions, e.g., Where are the children?
What animals can they see? What are the monkeys doing?
Values Encourage predictions about the story.
Be kind to animals! • Play the video or the recording for children to watch or
listen and follow along.
Warmer • Ask comprehension questions, e.g., What does Amy say
about the zoo? What does Max think about the monkeys?
• Play Simon says (see Games bank). Give an instruction that
reviews the previous structures and vocabulary, e.g. Simon • Play the recording a second time for children to follow,
says … you’re playing on the beach. and ask them which two words from Exercise 1 are in the
story (kangaroo, penguin).
Lead-in Further practice:
• Hold up your book to review the story on page 38. Ask Workbook p. 42; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
What is Max doing? What is Leo doing?
• Ask children to call out the names of any zoo animals they
remember from the previous levels, e.g. elephant, lion etc.

60 Unit 6

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• Divide the class into groups of five to play Amy, Holly, Max,
Leo, and the monkey, and ask them to practice acting out
the story.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Max holds his book. Amy points to the penguins.
Leo looks at the kangaroos. Holly stands on tiptoes to see.
Picture 2:  Leo holds a sandwich and the monkey takes it. Leo
is surprised. Amy and Max laugh. Amy holds her bag. Holly
stands on tiptoes.
Picture 3:  Max tugs to keep his book. Amy tries to hold onto
her bag. Holly stands on tiptoes. Leo laughs.
Picture 4:  Leo lifts Holly on his shoulders (ask the children
who are playing Leo just to pretend to lift someone). Holly
reaches and takes the things from the monkey. Amy and
Max smile at the monkey.

2 Listen and say.   72

• Write Are you sleeping? on the board. Ask a child to ask
you the question. Pretend to sleep and say Yes, I am. Then
pretend to do something else, and ask another child to
ask the question on the board again. Say No, I’m not.
• Ask children questions to elicit positive and negative
short answers, e.g. Are you listening to the teacher? Are you
sleeping? Are you wearing a hat?
• Ask two children to read aloud the speech bubbles.
• Play Track 72, pausing for children to repeat.

3 Read and circle a or b.

Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 45 WB page 43  • Read the first question. Ask Is the correct answer a or b?
Objectives Elicit the answer.
To identify present progressive questions and short answers • Ask the children to look at the pictures, read the questions,
and circle a or b with their pencils.
To respond to present progressive questions, using short
and longer answers ANSWERS
To act out a story 1  b  2  a  3  b  4  b

4 Look again and write.

• Read the example. The children complete the exercise in
Core: Are you reading? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Is he sleeping?
their notebooks.
Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. What is she eating? She’s eating
a sandwich. What are they doing? They’re watching the ANSWERS
monkeys. 1  What is he doing? He’s writing.   2  What are they
playing? They’re playing chess.   3  What are they doing?
Resources and materials They’re playing with a ball.   4  What is Mom doing? She’s
Audio Tracks 71–72; Zoo animals flashcards cooking.

Warmer • Below level: Look at the example question. Point out the
• Draw a plan of a zoo on the board. Write the names of the order of the words: what, verb be and subject pronoun.
zoo animals from the previous lesson in each enclosure. • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Hold up the Zoo animals flashcards one-by-one and ask • Above level: After children finish, ask them to choose
children to tell you where to put them. a different picture in their book. In pairs, they take turns
Lead-in asking and answering What is he/she doing? What are
they doing?
• Ask children what happened in the story. Ask Where are the
children? What animals do they see? What do the monkeys
take? Who do the monkeys like? Hold up your book on Let’s talk!
page 44 to encourage ideas. • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Ask
What are they doing? Elicit the answer They’re sleeping.
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   71 • In pairs, children ask and answer similar questions, using
• Play Track 71, pausing for children to repeat. other vocabulary words on the page.
• As a class, decide on the actions for the story.
Further practice:
Workbook p. 43; Classroom Presentation Tool

Unit 6 61

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2 Write about the girls.
• Read the example with the children and ask them to find
Thanh and Kim in the picture.
• Ask children to complete the sentence about Mai and Ly.
Elicit Mai and Ly are eating sandwiches.
• Ask children to write about the other girls, in their
notebooks, using the example to help them.

• Below level: Choose a girl. Ask children what she is
doing / wearing. Ask if another girl is doing / wearing
the same thing. Different children write sentences on
the board. Then children choose another girl and write
on their own.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Ask the children to write about individual
girls. Include one thing the girl is doing / wearing
and one thing she isn’t, using but, e.g. Mai is eating a
sandwich, but she isn’t wearing a hat.

3 Listen and sing.   73

• Ask children to look at the pictures and name the animals.
• Elicit what each pair of animals is doing (climbing, running,
walking, talking, swimming, sleeping).
• Play Track 73 for children to listen and point to the
pictures in their books.
• Play the recording again for children to follow the song.
Lesson Three Song    SB page 46 WB page 44  • Say the lines of the song for children to repeat.
Objectives • Play the recording for children to sing along.
To ask and answer present progressive questions: third- 4 Sing and do.
person singular
• As a class, decide on the actions for the song.
To use present progressive questions (third-person plural)
and short answers in the context of a song
• Practice the actions with the class.
• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
Language • Ask children Which animals aren’t in the pictures?
Core: wear a hat, write in a notebook, eat a sandwich, take (the lizards).
a photo Song actions
Are the monkeys climbing? – reach up with your hands
Resources and materials Are the zebras running? – run on the spot
Audio Track 73 Are the tigers walking? – move your arms as if walking on four
Warmer Are the parrots talking? – make beaks with your fingers to
• Ask a child to think of an animal and say the word. show two birds talking
• Ask the child to point to another child, who has to think of Are the penguins swimming? – mime swimming
and say another word. Continue around the class. Are the parrots flying? – flap your elbows as if flying
Are the lions sleeping? – mime sleeping
• Children can say animals from this unit or previous levels,
and they can repeat words, but they can’t say the same Further practice:
word as the person before them. Workbook p. 44; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask questions about the picture, e.g. What animals can you
see? Are the girls with their moms and dads? How many people
are wearing hats / eating a sandwich? How many penguins
can you see? Are the monkeys swimming? Are they climbing?
1 What are they doing? Ask and answer.
• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class.
• Check that children understand the exercise, and tell them
to choose two or three girls each.
• In pairs, children ask and answer questions about the girls.
62 Unit 6

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   74
• Play the first part of the recording. Children listen and
point to the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
2 Listen and chant.   75
• Play the recording for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat with children following along.
3 Read the chant again. Say the words with y and z.
• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Invite a child
to come to the front, find examples of the letter y, and say
the word (yogurt).
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with y and z out loud.
• Children write the y and z words in their notebooks.
yogurt  zoo  yo-yo  zebra

4 Listen and complete the words.   76

• Children look at the first picture. Play the recording. Ask
What’s the word? (yo-yo). Ask What letter makes the first
sound in each syllable? Draw attention to the example
letter y.
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 47 WB page 45  • Play the rest of the recording for children to write the
missing letters with their pencils.
Objectives • Ask children to say the missing sounds, then the words.
To recognize and learn the name of the letters y and z, • Go over the answers with the class.
and associate them with their corresponding sounds
To pronounce the sounds /j/ and /z/ on their own and as
part of words 1  y  2  z  3  y  4  z  5  z

• Below level: Ask children to close their books. Play
Core: yo-yo, yogurt, yellow, zebra, zoo, zero the recording and pause it after each word. Ask the
children to say the word chorally, paying attention to
Resources and materials the first sound. Write the letters on the board if needed.
Audio Tracks 65, 74–76; Phonics cards (yo-yo, yogurt, Children complete the activity.
yellow, zebra, zoo, zero) • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children complete the activity, put
Warmer   65 them in pairs. Together, they take turns pointing to a
• Ask children which sounds they looked at in their last picture for their partner to say the word.
phonics lesson (/w/ and /ks/).
• Play the chant from page 41 to energize the class and Let’s talk!
review the sounds from the previous unit. • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
Lead-in the sentence and ask the class to repeat it chorally.
• Teach the sounds and letters for this lesson, using the • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence, using
phonics cards. other vocabulary words on the page.
• Hold up the yo-yo card. Say the letter name, sound, and Further practice:
then the word for children to repeat. Repeat with the Workbook p. 45; Classroom Presentation Tool
zebra card.
• Show each card and say the words for children to repeat.

Unit 6 63

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They’re at the zoo.
camel, penguin, lizards, monkeys, lions, zebra, kangaroo

2 Listen and read.   77

• Play Track 77. Children listen and follow the text.
• Check the answers to the questions from Exercise 1.
• Check children’s understanding of lunchbox, a drink, sun
hat and zookeeper, miming where possible.
• Play the recording a second time and ask children what
happens if they touch the water when the crocodiles are
swimming; what happens if they open their lunchbox
near the monkeys; what happens if they talk near the
lizards while the lizards are sleeping; and why they should
listen to the zookeeper.

3 Read again and write.

• Explain that children are going to complete the sentences
with words they will find in the text. Show the example.
• Ask children to write 1 to 5 in their notebooks.
• Allow time for children to read the text again and write
their answers in their notebooks.
• Go through the answers with the class.
1  Wednesday  ​2  zoo  ​3  kangaroos  ​
4  lunchbox and a drink   ​5  sun hat

Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 48 WB page 46  • Below level: Ask children to look at the text again.
Skills development Turn the sentences in Exercise 4 into comprehension
questions, e.g. When is the school trip? Where are they
Reading: read and understand information about a
going? Children find the answers in the text, then
school trip; understand the reasons for specific rules
complete the activity.
Language • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Core: lunchbox, a drink, sun hat, bring; don’t touch, don’t • Above level: After children finish, ask them to write
open, be quiet sentences about a zoo they’ve visited or a school trip
they’ve been on. If time permits, ask children to share
Extra: zebra, kangaroo, camel, penguin, lizard, monkey, lion,
with the class.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen
4 Where do you go on school trips?
Resources and materials • Have a class discussion about school trips the children
Audio Tracks 73, 77 have been on.
• Ask a few children what their favorite school trip is
and why.
• Play Simon says with the verbs in Exercise 1 on page 46. Further practice:
You can add other verbs. Workbook p. 46; Classroom Presentation Tool

Lead-in   73
• Tell children they are going to listen to Are the monkeys
• Ask children which animals they remember from the song.
• Ask children to open their books to page 46 to check.
• Play Track 73 and sing the song.

1 Look at the picture. Where are the children?

What animals do you see?
• Ask children to look at the text and the picture. Ask
children to say what animals they see, what they are
doing, and what the place is.

64 Unit 6

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• Play Track 78 for children to point to the correct pictures
in order.
• Play the recording again, pausing after each part for
children to write the number in the box.
c  1  a  2  d  3  4  b

2 Look at the pictures. Ask and answer.

• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class.
• Tell children they are going to look at the pictures and ask
and answer questions about the monkey and the tiger
using the words from the box to help them.
• Tell children to follow the order of the pictures.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering

3 Mime an activity for your friend to guess.

• Read aloud the example speech bubbles.
• In pairs, children take turns miming activities, and asking
and answering questions.

4 Choose the best sentences for a poster.

• Show the box and read it with the class.
• Do the first item with the class: ask one child to read
the first option, then ask another child to read the
second option, and ask the class which is the short, clear
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 49 WB page 47  • The children do the rest of the activity.
Skills development 1  a  2  a  3  b
Listening: understand descriptions of things happening
in pictures, using the present progressive 
Speaking: ask and answer questions about pictures • Below level: Allow children to work in pairs.
Writing: identifying short, clear sentences to give • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
information in a poster • Above level: Children work in pairs writing one good
sentence for a poster and one long sentence with too
Language much information.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
5 Make a poster about a school trip. Look at page
Resources and materials 48 to help you.
Audio Tracks 73, 78 • Ask children to look at the poster on page 48 and say
what information is included, in what order, and why.
Warmer   73 • Ask them to choose a destination for a school trip they
• Play and sing Are the monkeys climbing? to energize the would like to go on. Ask them to think about how to get
class. there, what they would need to bring, and what rules they
think they will need to follow. Ask them to find images of
Lead-in the place and use them in their poster.
• Show the pictures in Exercise 1. Further practice:
• Ask children questions about the pictures, e.g. What Workbook p. 47; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 6 Test
animals can you see? What is on the tiger’s head? Is the tiger
angry? Is the monkey scared? Does the tiger climb the tree?
What is the tiger doing?

1 Listen and put the pictures in the correct order.

Write.   78
• Tell children they are going to hear a recording of a boy
talking about the pictures. They have to put the pictures
in the order they hear them mentioned.

Unit 6 65

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Review 2
1  h  ​2  b  ​3  c  ​4  g  ​5  d  ​6  f  ​7  e  ​8  a

2 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

• Read the first three sentences of the text out loud.
• Show the first sentence and ask Is Linh’s sister swimming?
Elicit No and say This sentence is false. Show the example
• Children read the text again and complete the exercise.
• Encourage fast finishers to correct the false sentences.
1  F  ​2  T  ​3  F  ​4  T  ​5  F  ​6  T

Review 2   ​SB pages 50–51 WB pages 48–49 

To review language in Units 4, 5, and 6

Listening: 1 (zoo animals)
Reading: 2 (beach activities, present progressive)
Writing: 3, 5 (school subjects, animals, present
Speaking: 4 (zoo animals, present progressive)
Phonics: 6 (sounds /ks/, /w/, /z/, and /y/)

Resources and materials

Audio Track 79

1 Listen and write the numbers.   79

• Tell the children that they are going to hear a recording of
someone talking about animals in a zoo. They will need
to find the picture of each animal they hear, and write
the word.
• Play Track 79 and pause it after the first item. Ask the
children what animal they heard (giraffe). Ask them to find
the correct picture (h) and write number 1 into the box
with their pencils.
• Play the rest of the recording for the children to write
the names of the animals.

66 Review 2

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6 Match the words with the same sound.
• Ask the children to think about all the sounds they have
learned so far. Ask them to match each word on the left
with a word on the right that has the same sound.
1  d  ​2  a  ​3  b  ​4  c

3 Look and write.

• Show the pictures and the letters below them. Ask the
children what the pictures show (school subjects and
• Explain that the children will need to complete the names
for each picture.
• Show the first picture, ask them what it shows (math), and
point to the example answer.
• Children complete the exercise.
1  math  ​​2  P.E.  ​​3  Vietnamese  ​​4  English  ​​5  art  ​
​6  computer room   ​​7  art room   ​​8  schoolyard

4 Look, ask, and answer.

• Focus attention on the picture, then show the question
and the example answer.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering about
what the animals are doing.
What are the lizards doing? They’re climbing the tree.
What is the zebra doing? It’s eating.
What are the kangaroos doing? They’re jumping.
What’s the crocodile doing? It’s sleeping.

5 Look and write.

• Show the example. Children copy the example in their
• Children write sentences about what the other animals
are doing.

Review 2 67

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Fluency Time! 2
• Ask children to practice the dialogue. Then invite pairs to
act it out for the class.

2 Listen and write.   81

• Show the photo and ask children to say what they see.
Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of a
conversation between the two girls and that they need to
complete the sentences with the words from the box.
• Ask the children to read the sentences. Ask What are the
two girls talking about? (They are arranging to meet up after
• Play Track 81 and pause it after the first sentence. Show the
example and elicit the meaning of free in the sentence.
• Play the rest of the recording, pausing after each sentence.
Children complete the sentences with the missing words.
• Elicit that on Wednesdays means every Wednesday.
1  free  2  No, Wednesdays   3  tomorrow  4  Let’s

3 Look at the words. Ask and answer.

• Ask two children to read out the example dialogue.
• In pairs, children read the example dialogue, then choose
phrases from the box and act out more dialogues.
• Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues for the class.

• Below level: Write No, he’s ____ing. on the board, and
Lesson One Everyday English  ask the children what words they can use to complete
the sentence.
  SB page 52 
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Objectives • Above level: Do the “below level” activity, but ask
children to add the after-school activities that they do.
To learn language for making plans

Language Further practice:

Classroom Presentation Tool
We have science after break. Are you free after school today?
Yes, I’m free. Let’s go to the playground.

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 80–81

• Tell children they are going to learn some language for
making plans. Ask them how they know when a class is
about to start. Ask them what they usually do after school.

1 Listen. Read and say.   80

• Focus on the pictures. Ask children where the girls are
(in the schoolyard). Ask them why they think the girls are
there (it’s break time).
• Play Track 80 for children to listen and read. Encourage
them to work out the meaning of unknown words from
the context. Answer questions, then play the recording
again, pausing for children to repeat the dialogue.
• Review the language with the class.

68 Fluency Time! 2

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• Invite a child to come to the board. Hand the child two of
the Science Time! flashcards. Say the word for one of the
flashcards. The child sticks the correct flashcard on the

2 Listen and read.   83

• Play Track 83 for children to listen and follow the text.
• Play the recording again. Ask comprehension questions,
e.g. Why do the toy ducks float? Why do stones sink?
• Ask children to name the items in the pictures.

3 Read and circle a or b.

• Focus on the pictures and ask What can you see?
• Put children into pairs.
• Read the questions and answers. Tell the children not to
answer yet.
• Ask children to find the answers to the questions by
looking at the information in the text again.
• They circle a or b for each question.
1  a  2  b

• Below level: Complete the activity as a class.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Ask children to make a list of three heavy
things and three light things. The children then ask and
Lesson Two CLIL: Science    SB page 53   answer questions in pairs about the items on their list,
e.g. Do soccer balls float? Yes, they do. They have air inside,
Objectives so they float. Check answers by inviting pairs of children
To learn some useful content and language about to ask and answer questions in front of the class.
different materials
4 Which objects are light and float? Which objects
Language are heavy and sink? Make a poster.
Core: float, sink, air, light, heavy • On the board, write the headings float / sink. Say stone and
Extra: object, bottom, duck, stone ask the class to tell you which heading you write it under.
Repeat with toy duck.
Resources and materials • Divide the class into pairs and ask them to copy the
Audio Tracks 82–83; Science Time! flashcards headings into their notebooks. The children write objects
under the correct heading.
Warmer • Children make a poster to illustrate what floats and sinks.
• Ask children to think of the ocean. Ask them to suggest
5 Look and color.
things you can see on the water and things you can see
under the water. • Children color the smiley faces depending on how well
they feel they understand what they have learned in
Lead-in Units 4, 5, and 6, and Fluency Time! 2.
• Hold up the Science Time! flashcards and say the words Further practice:
for children to repeat. CLIL worksheet; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Write the words light and heavy on the board. Ask children
to name things which are light and things which are
heavy. Write the words under the correct headings.
• Ask children to say which of the things on the board they
think will float, and which they think will sink in water.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   82

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of
Track 82 for children to listen and point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point and repeat.

Fluency Time! 2 69

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7 It isn’t cold today!
• Mime the weather types, e.g. wipe your forehead for hot;
stand under an imaginary umbrella for raining.
• Show the flashcards in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   84

• Ask children to look at the pictures of the different kinds
of weather.
• Play the first part of Track 84. Children listen and point to
the pictures. Hold up the flashcards as appropriate.
• Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each
word for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording for children to listen, point, and
then repeat the words.
• Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class
to say the words.

• Below level: Put children in pairs or groups. Scramble
the letters of the new words and write them on the
board. Children work together to unscramble the
words. They can use their books for support. You could
make it a game by setting a time limit. The group that
has unscrambled the most words when time is up is
the winner.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Ask children to close their books. Place
the flashcards in a row on the board. Above them, write
blanks for the letters of each word. Call children to the
Lesson One Words    SB page 54 WB page 50  board to write in the letters. Erase and repeat.
To identify different types of weather 2 Listen and chant.   85
To understand a short story • Play Track 85 and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat
Language the words.
Core: rainy, windy, hot, cold, snowy, sunny • Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
Extra: weather, like (prep), sun hat, quick, key, wet
3 Listen and read.   86  
Resources and materials • Draw attention to the story pictures. Talk about each
frame with the class. Encourage predictions.
Audio Tracks 73, 84–86; Weather flashcards
• Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play
Values the video or the recording for them to watch or listen
and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear
Be ready for different weather!
the words.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What’s the weather like
Warmer   73 at the beginning / middle / end of the story? Does Grandpa
• Sing Are the monkeys climbing? from page 46 to energize have the key? Who opens the door?
the class.
• Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point
• Hold up your book on page 44 to retell the story from to words from Exercise 1 (sunny, cold, hot, windy, rainy).
the previous unit with the class. Ask Where are the children?
What animals can they see? What do the monkeys do? Further practice:
Workbook p. 50; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
• Elicit the vocabulary, using the weather flashcards. Hold
them up one at a time and ask What’s the weather like?
Model any unknown words.

70 Unit 7

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• Children practice acting out the story in their groups. Ask a
few groups to act out the story at the front.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Rosy reaches for her coat. Tim opens the door.
Picture 2:  Billy puts on his coat. Grandpa hands out hats to
the children.
Picture 3:  Rosy holds onto her hat. Tim tries to catch his hat.
Picture 4:  Rosy holds out her hand to feel the rain. Billy and
Tim put their coats on.
Picture 5:  Grandpa searches for the key in his pocket.
Picture 6:  Mom opens the door. Everyone runs in quickly.

2 Listen and say.   87

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
• Play Track 87, pausing after each sentence for children to
point to the picture and repeat.
• Write the questions and sentences on the board. Replace
the weather or clothes word in each sentence with blanks.
Ask children to suggest other words for the blanks, e.g. It’s
sunny. It’s snowy. Put on your socks. Because it’s cold. Don’t
put on your boots. Because it’s sunny. Say the new sentences
for children to repeat.

3 Look and say.

• Focus on the speech bubble. Ask a child to read it out loud
and say which picture it refers to (picture 3).
• In pairs, children take turns making sentences for the
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 55 WB page 51  other pictures.

4 Look and write.

• Focus on the first picture. Ask What’s the teacher saying?
To ask and answer the question What’s the weather like? Point out the example.
To give affirmative and negative commands • Look at the other pictures one at a time. Children choose
To ask for and give reasons the missing words and write them in their notebooks.
To act out a story
1  Open the window because it’s hot.   2  Don’t wear
Language a coat because it’s sunny.   3  Don’t open the window
Core: What’s the weather like? It’s windy / rainy. Put on your because it’s rainy.   4  Wear a hat because it’s cold.
coat. Why? Because it’s hot. Don’t put on your coat because
it’s hot. 
• Below level: Ask the children to stand up. If you say
Resources and materials open, they open their arms wide. If you say put on, they
Audio Tracks 86–87; Weather flashcards mime putting on a coat. If you say don’t open or don’t
put on, they shake their heads.
Warmer • At level: Play Simon says (see Games bank). Use the
• Play Where was it? (see Games bank). actions from Exercises 2 and 3.
• Above level: In groups, ask children to think of more
Lead-in things they can open or put on. Each group makes a list.
• Ask children if they can remember what happened in the
story. Hold up your book on page 54 to encourage ideas. Let’s talk!
• Close your book and ask children which different types of • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
weather were mentioned in the story.
• Ask two children to demonstrate the activity. The first
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   86 child asks What’s the weather like? The second child
answers and mimes the action.
• Children turn to page 54. They check how well they
remembered the story. • In pairs, children take turns asking and answering the
question, using other vocabulary words on the page.
• Play Track 86, pausing for children to repeat.
• As a class, decide on actions for the story (see ideas Further practice:
below). Divide the class into groups of six to play the parts Workbook p. 51; Classroom Presentation Tool
of Rosy, Tim, Billy, Grandma, Grandpa, and Mom.

Unit 7 71

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• Hold up the Weather activities flashcards one at a time for
individual children to say the phrases.
• Place the flashcards for the weather in a column down
the left side of the board, and the flashcards for activities
down the right side.
• Point to the first flashcard and ask the children, e.g. What
do you do when it’s sunny? The children answer using one
of the activities on the right, e.g. I go outside.
• Ask children to think of any other activities they do to add
to the right side, and ask the children to write them on the
• In pairs, children ask and answer, e.g. What do you do when
it’s sunny?

2 Listen and sing.   89

• Point to the different scenes around the song, ask children
to say what the weather is like and to name the activities.
Ask them to predict what the song is about (what you can
do in different kinds of weather).
• Play the whole Track 89 for children to listen. Then play it
again as they follow the words in their books.
• Read each line of the song out loud for children to repeat.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do.

• As a class, decide on actions for the song (see below for
Lesson Three Song    SB page 56 WB page 52  • Practice the actions with the class.
• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions.
Song actions
To identify different weather activities
What’s the weather like? – sway from side to side
To use weather words in the context of a song Can we go outside today? – point outside
Because we want to play! – put hands up in the air
Language We fly our red kite – mime holding ropes and looking up at kite
Core: fly a kite, make a snowman, go outside Because it’s windy today. – fill cheeks with air and blow
Extra: high up, wear coats We all play outside – point outside
Recycled: weather words Because it’s sunny today. – imitate sun coming out placing
one hand behind the other
Resources and materials Don’t forget your sun hat – put on imaginary sun hat
Audio Tracks 88–89; Weather activities flashcards Because it’s hot today. – wipe imaginary sweat from forehead
We make a snowman – mime building a snowman
Because it’s snowy today. – imitate snow falling with fingers
Warmer We wear hats and gloves – put on imaginary hat and gloves
• Play Word chain (see Games bank) using the Weather Because it’s cold today. – rub arms with opposite hands
activities flashcards.

Lead-in • Below level: Play the song again. Tell children to clap
• Use the Weather activities flashcards to introduce the new when they hear the weather activities words, and stand
vocabulary for the activities. Hold up the cards one at a and then sit down when they hear the weather words.
time and say the phrases for children to repeat. • At level: In groups, children think of new actions for the
• Show the cards in a different order for children to repeat. song lyrics. Play the song again for children to practice.
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   88 • Above level: Ask children to think of places (in their
own country or around the world) where it is hot, cold,
• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Play the etc. Children write a few sentences about the place,
first part of Track 88 for children to point to the pictures its weather, and something you can do there, e.g. In
and say the phrases. Bangkok, the weather is hot. We can play outside.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat. Further practice:
• Play the whole recording for children to listen and repeat. Workbook p. 52; Classroom Presentation Tool

72 Unit 7

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2 Listen and chant.   91
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see?
• Play Track 91 for children to listen to the chant.
• Put the phonics cards around the room. Play the recording
for children to point to the cards.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with -ng,

-sion, and -sure. Write.
• Focus on the chant. Write the first line on the board.
Ask a child to find a word with one of the three sounds
(measure). They circle it and say it.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with -ng, -sion, and -sure out loud.
• Children write the -ng, -sion, and -sure words in their
measure  ​treasure  ​swing  ​strong  ​bang  ​explosion  ​
sing  ​song

4 Listen and complete the words.   92

• Ask children to look at the pictures and the beginning of
the words. Show the example.
• Ask the children to complete the words with their pencils.
1  measure  2  ring  3  long  4  explosion  5  bang  
6  treasure

Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 57 WB page 53  

• Below level: Drill each sound again. Ask children to
Objectives point to each picture and say the word. Children then
To recognize the sounds /ŋ/ and /ʒ/ in words do the exercise themselves.
To identify the clusters -ng, -sure, and -sion at the end of • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
words and associate them with the sounds /ŋ/ and /ʒ/ • Above level: After children have completed the
To match rhyming words activity, they work in pairs and take turns practicing the
sounds: one of them says a number, and the other says
Language the word, taking care to pronounce the new sound
Core: ring, bang, long, treasure, measure, explosion correctly.
Extra: swing, strong, sing, song
Let’s talk!
Resources and materials • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Audio Tracks 89, 90–92; Phonics cards (ring, bang, long, Say I’m looking for treasure.
treasure, measure, explosion) • Ask a child to read the sentence.
• In pairs, children take turns saying a line from the chant
Warmer   89 with the correct sounds.
• Sing What’s the weather like today? from page 56 and do Further practice:
the actions. Workbook p. 53; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Hold up the ring, bang and long phonics cards, saying
the words for the class to repeat. Then repeat with the
treasure, measure, explosion phonics cards.
• Ask children what they think today’s letters are (-ng, -sure,
and -sion) and what sounds they make.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   90

• Ask children to look at the words in their books.
• Play Track 90 for children to listen and point to the words.
• Play the recording for children to repeat the letter sounds
and words in chorus.

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cold, sunny, hot, windy, rainy

2 Listen and read.   93

• Play Track 93 for children to listen and read.
• Play the recording a second time.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What’s the weather like
in the morning / afternoon? What clothes do you need in the
morning / afternoon? What can you do in the evening?

3 Read again. Match.

• Focus on the pictures and ask the children to say what the
weather is like in each of them.
• Ask a child to read the first sentence. Ask them to look at
the pictures again and choose one that shows weather
you need a scarf for. Show the example answer.
• Ask children to read the other sentences and write
the letters.
1  b  2  c  3  d  4  a

• Below level: Tell children you are going to read some
sentences. When they hear a time, they hold up their
fingers to show what time it is. When they hear the
weather, they do an action. Decide on actions together,
or use the ones from Lesson 3. Read these sentences:
It’s seven o’clock in the evening. It’s rainy outside. / It’s five
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 58 WB page 54  o’clock in the morning. It’s snowy! / It’s two o’clock in the
afternoon. It’s hot. / It’s ten o’clock at night. It’s cold.
Skills development
• At level: Make a weather chart. Draw a chart with three
Reading: read and understand a weather report; match columns on the board, and write times of day at the
images with text top of each column. Give each child a sheet of paper
and colored pencils. Ask them to copy the chart and to
Language draw a picture for the weather in each column. Children
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously talk about their charts in pairs, e.g. It’s rainy at six o’clock.
Extra: wet, a good time, because • Above level: Do the “at level” activity, but ask children
to make five columns and write a sentence for each
Resources and materials one, e.g. It’s eight o’clock in the morning. It’s sunny. If time
Audio Tracks 89, 93; paper and colored pencils (optional) permits, put children in pairs talking about their charts.

Warmer   89 4 What’s your favorite weather? Why?

• Sing What’s the weather like today? from page 56 to • Ask individuals which weather they like and why.
energize the class. • Encourage them to ask other children the questions.
• Play Bingo (see Games bank).
Further practice:
Lead-in Workbook p. 54; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask What’s the weather like today? Ask children to predict
the weather for this evening / tomorrow / next weekend.
Write the weather types on the board as children
suggest them.
• Ask children to look at the pictures on page 58. Encourage
them to make guesses about what they are going to read,
e.g. It’s about the weather. The man is on TV.

1 Look at the pictures. What is the weather like?

• Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask them to
name the different types of weather they can see.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to the different
pictures and saying what the weather is like.

74 Unit 7

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• Play the recording again, stopping after the first item.
Elicit a or b. The children circle the letter a or b with
their pencils.
• Continue the recording, pausing for children to write.
1  b  2  b  3  b  4  a

2 Point, ask, and answer.

• Ask children to look at the pictures and say what the
weather is like in each one.
• Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child to
stand up. Read the first sentence for the child to ask Why?
Read the because sentence. Read the dialogue again with
the child for the class to repeat.
• In pairs, the children make dialogues about the actions
and weather on different days of the week.

3 Complete the sentences.

• Show the sentences. Read them out loud and elicit the
meaning. Show the words in the box and ask which is the
best one to complete the sentence (water).
• Ask the class to write the full sentences in their notebooks.
1  water  2  gloves  3  kite

4 Write a weather report for today. Look at page 58

to help you.
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 59 WB page 55  • Tell the children that they are going to write a weather
report for today.
Skills development • Show the example and elicit what information they need
Listening: identify different types of weather from a to include (advice on what to wear and the reason for the
report advice).
Speaking: give commands and reasons • Ask them to think about what the weather is like today
Writing: write about the weather and the best clothes for it.
• Ask them to write their weather report in their notebooks.

Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen
• Below level: Ask the class what the weather is like
Extra: be careful, get wet, keep
today and brainstorm items of clothing that are
appropriate for that weather. Put children into pairs to
Resources and materials write up their weather report.
Audio Tracks 89, 94; Weather / Weather activities • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Ask the children to include advice of what
to wear and also of what not to wear in today’s weather.
Warmer   89
• Play Musical cards (see Games bank) with What’s the Further practice:
weather like today? from page 56 and Weather / Weather Workbook p. 55; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 7 Test
activities flashcards.

• Ask children what they can remember about the weather
report in the previous lesson.
• Focus on the pictures in Exercise 1 and identify the
weather. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear.

1 Listen and circle a or b.   94

• Tell children that they are going to hear a weather report
for different days of the week. Explain that they need to
circle the weather the presenter is describing (a or b).
• Play Track 94 for children to listen and point to the
different types of weather as they hear them described.

Unit 7 75

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8 Let’s buy presents!
• Ask What other things do we have at parties? Write the ideas
on the board around the present.
• Use the flashcards to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson
(or use real objects if you have them). Hold them up
one at a time for children to say the words. Model any
unknown words.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   95

• Ask children to look at the pictures of the different party
objects. Play the first part of the recording. Children listen
and point to the picture or object. Hold up the flashcard
or object as each word is said.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and point. Then
repeat the words.
• Put the flashcards on the board in a sequence, e.g. balloon,
candle, present, candy for the children to say the words in
• Remove one flashcard. The class repeats the sequence,
including the missing word. Remove one more flashcard
each time, until children are saying the whole sequence
from memory.

2 Listen and chant.   96

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the chant a second time. Children repeat the words in
the pauses in the chant.
Lesson One Words    SB page 60 WB page 56  • Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

To identify different party objects
• Below level: Ask four children to come to the front.
To understand a short story Give the flashcards to each of them, or use real objects.
Play the chant. When a child’s object is mentioned, they
Language hold it or the flashcard up and wave.
Core: candy, balloon, present, candle • At level: Play What’s missing? (see Games bank) with
Extra: birthday, tomorrow, asleep, someone the flashcards, or use real objects.
• Above level: Ask children to close their books.
Resources and materials Scramble the letters of each word on the board. Call
Audio Tracks 89, 95–97; Special days flashcards; Real children to the board to unscramble the words.
objects from the vocabulary list (optional)
3 Listen and read.   97  
• Draw attention to the story pictures. Talk about each
Be good at the party!
frame with the class. Encourage predictions.
• Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play
Warmer   89 the video or the recording for them to watch or listen
• Sing What’s the weather like today? from page 56 to and point to the different speech bubbles as they hear
energize the class. the words.
• Retell the story from Unit 7 with the class. Ask What’s the • Ask comprehension questions, e.g. Whose birthday is it?
weather like at first? What’s it like later? What does Billy like? Who is in the living room?
Lead-in • Ask children to look at the story again. They find and point
to words from Exercise 1.
• Draw a picture of a big box with a ribbon on the board.
Ask What is it? (a present). When do we give presents? Further practice:
(birthdays, Tet, Teachers’ Day, etc.). Workbook p. 56; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet

76 Unit 8

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Picture 2:  Tim picks up a bag of balloons. Mom waves her
finger to say no. Billy mimes crying when a balloon bursts.
Picture 3:  Tim points to the candy. Mom and Rosy smile and
Picture 4:  Rosy and Mom put the presents on the table.
Picture 5:  Rosy shakes Mom and Dad to wake them up.
Picture 6:  Billy unwraps his presents. The family is shocked.

2 Listen and say.   98

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
• Play Track 98, pausing for children to point and repeat.
• Play the recording again for children to repeat.
• Write the target patterns on the board. Replace the last
word in each sentence with flashcards to elicit new
questions and answers, e.g. We like presents. Do they like
candles? No, they don’t. What do they like? He likes cake
because it’s delicious. Children repeat.

3 Look, ask, and answer.

• Show the pattern in the speech bubbles and the first
item. Explain that Yum! shows that we like something very
much, and Yuck! shows that we really dislike something.
• In pairs, children ask and answer about the other pictures.

• Below level: Give the Special days flashcards to
different pairs of children, without showing them to
the class. Ask the pairs to agree whether they like the
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 61 WB page 57  item or not. Point to a pair. The children show the
flashcard and mime liking or not liking. The class says
Objectives Do they (like) (candy)? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Point
To say what someone likes and why to another pair and elicit the sentence. Repeat with
To ask and answer questions about what people like different children and the other flashcards.
To act out a story • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Put children into pairs and the pairs into
Language groups of four. Give each pair two flashcards from
Core: We like/don’t like balloons. Do they like balloons? Yes, previous units without showing them to the others, and
they do. No, they don’t. What do they like? They like balloons. ask them to agree on whether they like the items or
He likes/doesn’t like this candy because it’s red. not. One pair shows one flashcard and mimes liking it
or not liking it. Child A in the other pair asks Do they like
Resources and materials (math)?, and child B replies Yes, they do. or No, they don’t.
Then the first pair shows their second flashcard, miming
Audio Tracks 97–98; Special days flashcards
liking or not liking it, and child A and B from the other
pair swap roles. Then the pairs swap roles.
• Play What’s missing? (see Games bank). 4 Look again and write.
Lead-in • Ask individual children to read the incomplete sentences.
• Retell the story. Ask children which party objects were • Show the first picture in Exercise 3. Establish that the
mentioned in the story. missing words are it’s delicious.
• The children write the full sentences in their notebooks.
1 Listen to the story and repeat.  97
• Show the story on page 60 for children to check their 1  it’s delicious   2  doesn’t like   3  it’s a new toy  
answers. Play Track 97, pausing for children to repeat. 4  don’t like
• As a class, decide on the story actions (see ideas below).
• Divide the class into groups of five to play Rosy, Tim, Billy, Let’s talk!
Mom, and Dad. • Focus on the speech bubble. Ask a child to read the sentence
• Groups practice acting out the story. Ask groups to act out and elicit other reasons, e.g. … because it’s pretty / yummy!
the story at the front. • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence using
other vocabulary words on the page.
Story actions
Picture 1:  Mom and Tim look around the toy store. Rosy Further practice:
points to the toys on the shelf. Workbook p. 57; Classroom Presentation Tool

Unit 8 77

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• Invite a child to come to the front of the class and whisper
the name of an object for them to draw. The child draws
the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess.
• The children play in small groups using the special days

2 Listen and sing.   100

• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
• Ask them to predict what the song is about (a family going
to their neighbors’ party).
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and follow in
their books.
• Read each line of the song for children to repeat.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do.

• Ask children to look at the picture and decide together on
actions for the song (see below).
• Play the recording. Children sing and do the actions.
Song actions
With candy, balloons, and cake. – mime eating the foods
What present can we take? – mime thinking
He doesn’t like flowers or chocolate. – wag your finger and
shake your head to mean “no”
I know, he likes music. – mime playing an instrument
Let’s buy a gift card from you and me. – mime putting
something in an envelope and giving it to someone
Lesson Three Song    SB page 62 WB page 58 

Objectives • Below level: Write the song lyrics on the board, with
To identify more words for special days blanks for the new words. Play the song again, and have
To use these words in the context of a song children recall the words from memory.
• At level: Scramble the lyrics and put them on the
Language board. Children close their books, and write the lyrics in
Core: neighbor, invite, gift card, chocolate the correct order. If you like, make it a game by putting
Extra: or, party, cake, flowers the children in groups. Tell children they have three
minutes. Whoever can put the lyrics in order first is
Recycled: special day words
the winner.
Resources and materials • Above level: Ask children to work in groups of three
or four and tell them they are going to make a different
Audio Tracks 99–100; Special days flashcards version of the song – and it’s going to be about their
teachers! Children substitute the word teacher’s for
Warmer neighbor’s in Verse 1, and as a class, decide on a teacher
• Play Quick flash (see Games bank) using the Special days for the song. They then decide on two things their
flashcards. teacher doesn’t like and one thing they like for Verse 2.
Groups practice the song and perform it for the class.
Lead-in Children choose their favorite new song and sing
• Ask children about their neighbors. Ask whether they ever together as a class.
visit each other or give presents to each other.
Further practice:
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   99 Workbook p. 58; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Establish
that a neighbor is anyone who lives near you, not just the
person who lives next door.
• Play the first part of the recording for children to point to
the pictures and say the words.
• Play the second part for children to repeat the words.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen and then repeat.
• Show the Special days flashcards for individuals to say
the words.

78 Unit 8

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   101
• Tell children to look at the pictures in their books. Tell
them they are going to hear a recording of the sounds.
• Play the first part of Track 101. The children listen and
point to the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the sound and the words.
• Play the whole recording. The children point and repeat.

2 Listen and chant.   102

• Ask children to look at the picture in Exercise 2. Ask What
can you see?
• Play the recording. Children listen and point to the items
in the picture.
• Play it again, pausing for the children to repeat the chant.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with th.

• Write the first two lines of the chant on the board. Ask a
child to come and find an example of a word with the
sound /ð/. They find and circle there. Ask another child to
find an example of a word with the sound /θ/. They find
and circle three.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with th out loud.
• Children write the th words in their notebooks.
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 63 WB page 59  there  ​three  ​this  ​that  ​father  mother  ​brother  
that’s  the
To learn that the spelling th makes the sounds /δ/ and /θ/ 4 Write the missing letters. Then say the word.
To identify these spellings in a text • Ask children to look at the pictures and say what they see.
Show them the words in the box and ask them to write
To match the sounds to specific words
the missing letters with their pencils.
Language • Ask children to pronounce the words.
Core: father, brother, this, that, three, throw ANSWERS
1  ath  2  thr  3  thi  4  tha  5  th  6  th
Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 91, 101–102; Phonics cards (father, brother,
this, that, three, throw) • Below level: Ask children to close their books. Play
Musical cards (see Games bank) using the phonics cards
and chant on this page. Then children complete the
Warmer   91 activity.
• Ask children which sounds they looked at in their last • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
phonics lesson (/ŋ/ and /ʒ/). Do the chant from page 57 to
• Above level: After children complete the activity, put
review the sounds.
them in groups. Together, they think of other words
Lead-in with the sounds /ð/ and /θ/, and make a list. Make it a
game by giving one point for each word. The group
• Teach the sounds and letters for this lesson using the
with the most words wins.
phonics cards.
• Hold up the father phonics card. Practice the sound /ð/
several times together. Then say the word father for the Let’s talk!
children to repeat. • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
• Do the same with the three phonics card. Practice the • Ask a child to read the sentence.
sound /θ/ several times together. Then say the word three • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence, using
for the children to repeat. other vocabulary words on the page.
• Contrast the two sounds. Point out that the tongue is Further practice:
placed between the teeth to make the /ð/ sound and Workbook p. 59; Classroom Presentation Tool
behind the teeth for the /θ/ sound. You can also explain
that /ð/ is voiced, whereas /θ/ is unvoiced.

Unit 8 79

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2 Listen and read.   103
• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of
instructions on how to make the card.
• Play the recording. Children listen and follow along.
• Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What does the boy draw
in the card? What does he write? Does his friend like the card?

• Below level: Read the instructions as you demonstrate
each step by making a card.
• At level: Ask children to close their books to play a
memory game. Hold up your rectangle of card for
the class. Ask What do I do first? Choose a child to give
the first instruction (fold the card). Fold the card to
demonstrate. Continue with the other stages. Mime all
of the instructions.
• Above level: Ask children to write their own sentences
on their cards to thank their friends. Encourage them to
think of something they liked at the party.

3 Read again and put the sentences in the correct

• Ask children to look at the exercise in their books. Explain
that the sentences are in the wrong order. Ask What’s the
first thing you do? Elicit the correct answer and show the
example answer.
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 64 WB page 60  • Ask children to number in the order in which the actions
are done.
Skills development
• Go over the answers with the class. Children say the
Reading: read and follow instructions on making a card; sentences chorally, in the correct order.
find specific information in a text
Language a  2  ​b  1  ​c  5  ​d  4  ​e  3
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously 4 Do you like cards and presents? Why?
Extra: in half, think about, front, give • Ask the questions around the class.
• Encourage individuals to ask other children the questions.
Resources and materials
Audio Tracks 102, 103; a rectangle of card for yourself Further practice:
(optional) and a rectangle of card for each child; colored Workbook p. 60; Classroom Presentation Tool
markers or pencils for each group of six children

Warmer   102
• Sing the chant from page 63.
• Play Concentration (see Games bank).
• Talk about cards with the class. Ask Who do you send cards
to? When do you send cards? Do you make cards or do you
buy them?

1 Look at the pictures. What is the card for?

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What is the boy
making? Point to the pictures for children to tell you what
the boy does at each stage, e.g. He folds the card. He draws
a picture.
• Ask What is the card for? (to thank a friend for inviting him to
a party).

80 Unit 8

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1 Listen and match.   104
• Ask children to look at the objects on page 65 of their
books. Ask them to predict what they are going to hear.
• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of
children talking about things they like or don’t like.
• Play Track 104. Children listen and point to the items as
they hear them mentioned.
• Play the recording again, stopping after the first item
for children to match the person (Trung) to the item he
mentioned (animals) and write c next to 1 in their books.
• Play the recording for children to complete the activity.
1  c  2  a  3  d  4  b

2 Point, ask, and answer.

• Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and read
the words in the box.
• Focus attention on the example in the speech bubbles.
Explain to the class that they need to ask and answer
questions about the children in Exercise 1, using the
words in the box.

3 Ask and answer with a friend.

• Read aloud the example speech bubbles.
• In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
questions about what they like giving reasons.

Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 65 WB page 61  4 Draw and write a thank-you card for a family
member. Look at the example to help you.
Skills development • Focus on the example text. Ask the children to read it, and
Listening: match children with things they like elicit what type of things you can say in a thank-you card.
Speaking: ask and answer about likes and dislikes, and • Ask them to choose a family member they want to thank,
give reasons and to think about what they want to thank them for, and
Writing: write a thank-you card what they can add to the card.
• Ask the children to write the text of the card in their
Language notebooks.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Resources and materials • Below level: Brainstorm reasons to thank someone
and write the children’s ideas on the board. Then write
Audio Track 104; Special days flashcards
Here’s a picture of a … I know you like … and ask children
to think about what their relative likes and how the
Warmer sentences could be completed. Allow children to work
• Put the Special days flashcards on the board. Tell children in pairs to help each other.
that it’s their birthday next week. In small groups, the • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
children choose a present the group would like and write • Above level: Ask children to think of a present for that
its name. person and to mention the present in the card.
• Ask a child from one group to stand up. Choose a present
for them from the board. Say, e.g. Your present from me Further practice:
is candy. If the present is the same as the one the group Workbook p. 61; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 8 Test
wanted, put a check on the board.
• Repeat the activity with different groups.
• Play What’s the meaning? (see Games bank).

• Ask children what they can remember about the reading
text from the previous lesson. Ask What does the boy
make? How does he make it?
• Allow children to check the text on page 64 of their books
to see how much they remembered.

Unit 8 81

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9 What time is it?
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
• Put the flashcards on the board. Ask the children to study
them for 30 seconds, then to close their eyes.
• Remove one flashcard and rearrange the others. Ask What’s
missing? Children say which everyday activity is missing.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   105

• Ask children to look at the everyday activities.
• Play the first part of Track 105. Children listen and point.
Hold up the flashcards as appropriate.
• Play the second part of the recording, pausing for children
to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point, and then
repeat the phrases.
• Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class
to say the phrases.

2 Listen and chant.   106

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the
phrases in the chant.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

• Below level: Assign one phrase to each child. Play the
chant again. When children hear their phrase, they
mime the action.
Lesson One Words    SB page 66 WB page 62  • At level: Write scrambled vocabulary words on the
board. Give flashcards to different children. Ask them to
Objectives unscramble the words and then match the cards to the
To identify everyday actions words.
To understand a short story • Above level: Place the flashcards in a row and write
blanks for the letters of each word above them. Ask
Language children to the front to write in the letters. Erase and
Core: get up, have breakfast, go to school, go home,
have dinner, go to bed
Extra: at night, asleep, at seven o’clock, What time is it?, it’s 3 Listen and read.   107  
seven o’clock • Draw attention to the story. Talk about each frame with
the class and encourage predictions.
Resources and materials • Ask children to look at the story in their books. Play the
Audio Tracks 100, 105–107; Everyday activities flashcards video or the recording. Children watch or listen and point to
the speech bubbles.
Values • Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What does Rosy’s friend
Be respectful! want to do? Who gets up at seven o’clock in the evening?
Can  the girls listen to music?
Warmer   100 • Play the recording again. Children point to the correct
flashcard when the activity is mentioned, and mime it.
• Sing The party from page 62 to warm up the class.
• Hold up your book on page 60 to retell the story. Ask Why Further practice:
are Mom, Rosy, and Tim shopping? Where do Mom and Rosy Workbook p. 62; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet
put Billy’s presents? Does Billy like his presents?

• Use the Everyday activities flashcards to elicit the
vocabulary for this lesson. Show them one at a time.
Model any unknown words.

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• As a class, decide on the story actions (see ideas below).
• Divide the class into groups of four to play Rosy, Rosy’s
friend, Dad, and Mom.
• Children practice acting out the stories in their groups.
Ask a few groups to the front to act out the story.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Rosy’s friend points to the CD player. Rosy shakes
her head.
Picture 2:  Rosy points upstairs and mimes sleeping.
Picture 3:  Rosy points to a clock or her watch.
Picture 4:  Dad yawns / stretches / rubs his eyes.
Picture 5:  Rosy’s friend points to the CD player. Rosy shakes
her head.
Picture 6:  Mom gives headphones to Rosy and her friend.
Rosy’s friend dances.

2 Listen and say.   108

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
• Play the recording, pausing after each question and
sentence for children to point to the picture and repeat.
• Write the questions and sentences on the board. Play the
recording again, miming the actions in the pictures.
• Replace the daily activity phrases in each question and
sentence with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same
pattern, e.g. What time does he get up? He gets up at six

Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 67 WB page 63  3 Look and say.

• Focus on the pictures. Point to the first clock. Ask What time
Objectives is it? to elicit It’s five o’clock in the morning. Children repeat.
To ask and answer the question What time is it? • Use a toy clock or draw clocks to show other times. Ask
To ask and answer about what people do at different What time is it? for the class to answer.
times of the day • In pairs, children take turns asking and answering
To act out a story questions about the times shown on the clocks.

Language 
Core: What time is it? It’s seven o’clock. What time do they • Below level: Draw a clock face on the board with the
get up? They get up at seven o’clock in the morning. What big hand to 12. Ask a child to draw in the little hand to
time do you have lunch? I have lunch at one o’clock in the any number on the clock. Ask What time is it? and elicit
afternoon. What time does he go to bed? He goes to bed at It’s (six) o’clock. Repeat with other times.
nine o’clock in the evening. • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Write five or six times of the day on the
Resources and materials board. In pairs, children talk about what they do at
Audio Tracks 105–106; Everyday activities flashcards; those times every day.
A toy clock (optional)
4 Write.
Warmer • Ask children to identify the everyday activities and times.
• Play Jump using the Everyday activities flashcards (see • Allow time for children to write the complete sentences in
Games bank). their notebooks.
1  He gets up at six o’clock.   2  He has breakfast at
• Ask children what they remember about the story in seven o’clock.   3  They go to school at eight o’clock.
the previous lesson. Show the pictures on page 66 to
encourage ideas. Let’s talk!
• Ask children which everyday activities were mentioned in • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubbles.
the story. • Ask two children to ask and answer the question.
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   107 • In pairs, children ask and answer the question. Encourage
them to use morning, afternoon, and evening times.
• Ask children to turn to page 66 in their books. They check
how many everyday activities they remembered. Further practice:
• Play Track 107, pausing for children to repeat. Workbook p. 63; Classroom Presentation Tool
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• Play the whole recording. Children listen and then repeat.
• Hold up flashcards one at a time for individual children to
say the phrases.

2 Listen and sing.   110

• Point to the different clocks to elicit the times. Ask Where
are the people?
• Play the whole recording for children to listen. Then play it
again as they follow the words in their books.
• Read each line of the song out loud for children to repeat.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.

• Below level: Give different times from the song to
individual children. Play the song again. When children
hear their time, they wave their arms in the air.
• At level: Divide the class in half. Ask one side to sing
the questions What time is it? for the other half to sing
the answers. Switch the groups for each verse.
• Above level: Tell children they’re writing a new song
called “What time is it?”. Write the song lyrics on the
board, with blanks for the times. In pairs, children
discuss and write new lyrics.

3 Sing and do.

• Ask children to look at the clocks and use their arms to
make the times in the song.
Lesson Three Song    SB page 68 WB page 64  • Practice the actions with the class.
• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
To identify different times of the day Further practice:
Workbook p. 64; Classroom Presentation Tool
To use these phrases in the context of a song

Core: two fifteen, two thirty, two forty-five
Extra: platform

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 109–110; Everyday activities flashcards;
Times of the day flashcards

• Play Slow reveal (see Games bank) using the Everyday
activities flashcards.

• Use the flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary.
• Hold up the cards and say the phrases for times of the day
for children to repeat.
• Hold up the cards in a different order for children to

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   109

• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Play
the first part of the recording for children to point to the
pictures and say the phrases.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to

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2 Listen and chant.   112
• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask What can you see?
(a boy); What does he have? (a flute, books, balloons, fruit,
and a birthday cake); What month is it? (June).
• Play Track 112 for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat and encourage children to follow along.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with u_e,

ew, ou, and oo. Write.
• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a child to
come and find an example of a word with u_e. They find
and circle June.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with u_e, ew, ou, and oo out loud.
• Children write the u_e, ew, ou, and oo words in their
look  June  few  books  new  flute  would  
you  balloons  fruit

4 Look, match, and say.

• Show the example and ask the children to match the
other pairs.
soup–you  cube–tube  look–book  few–new

Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 69 WB page 65  

• Below level: Put the children into pairs. Ask them to
Objectives look at the spelling in the middle of the words and say
To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations the words out loud to match the words with the same
u_e, ou (/uː/), oo (/ʊ/), and ew (/juː/) in the middle spelling and sound in the middle.
of words • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, ask them to think of
more words with u_e, ew, ou, and oo. Put children into
Core: flute, you, foot, new pairs or groups. Ask them to make a list and underline
Extra: June, few, would, fruit, tube, cube the vowels.

Resources and materials

Let’s talk!
Audio Tracks 102, 111–112; Phonics cards (flute, you,
• Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
foot, new)
I have a new flute.
• Ask a child to read the sentence.
Warmer   102
• In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence, using
• Play the chant from page 63 to review the /δ/ and /θ/ other vocabulary words on the page.
Further practice:
Lead-in Workbook p. 65; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Hold up the phonics cards for flute, you, foot, and new one
at a time, saying the words for children to repeat.
• Put the phonics cards on the board and point to them in
random order, asking children to say the words.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   111

• Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their
books. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of
the different sounds and words.
• Play the first part of Track 111 for children to listen and
point to the appropriate pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the sounds and words in chorus.
• Play the whole recording. Children point and repeat.
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Linh: gets up, has breakfast, takes her bag, walks to
school, goes home
Linh’s mom: goes to work, works, goes home
Linh and her mom: cook dinner and eat together

2 Listen and read.   113

• Tell children that they are going to hear a recording of the
text. Play the recording. Children listen and follow along.
• Play the recording again and answer any questions. Then
ask comprehension questions about what Linh does in
the morning, how she goes to school, what her mom
does in the morning and in the evening, etc.

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

• Ask children to close their books. Copy the first sentence
onto the board. Ask Is the sentence true or false? (True).
• Write some of your own true or false sentences on the
board, e.g. Linh goes to school by bus. Linh cooks dinner with
her mom. Ask the children if they are true or false.
• Children read each sentence, check with the text, and
write T or F next to the sentence.
1  T  2  T  3  T  4  F  5  T

• Below level: Ask children to look at the text again and
say the times they see. Ask them to find gets up, walks to
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 70 WB page 66  school, goes to work, and goes home in Exercise 3 and to
point to them. Then children complete the activity.
Skills development • At level: Once the children have completed the
Reading: read and understand information about activity, ask them to correct the false sentences.
someone’s typical day; find specific details in a text • Above level: Write the text on the board with blanks
for children to write about themselves and another
Language family member. Children copy the text and fill in the
Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen blanks. If time permits, children share their writing with
Extra: take my school bag, walk to school, cook dinner, the class.
Further practice:
Resources and materials Workbook p. 66; Classroom Presentation Tool
Audio Tracks 110, 113

Warmer   110
• Sing What time is it? from page 68.
• Discuss daily routines. Ask What do you do every day? What
time do you get up / have breakfast / go to school? What does
your mom / dad do every day?

• Ask children to look at the pictures on page 70. Ask them
to identify the different activities and make predictions
about what they are going to read.

1 Look at the pictures. Say what the girl and her

mom do.
• Ask children to look at the pictures again. Ask children to
say the activities from Linh’s day (e.g. she gets up, she has
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to pictures and
saying what Linh / her mom does in each one.

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• Play the recording again, pausing for children to write the
clock letter on the corresponding picture in their books.
• Play the recording again for children to complete their
answers. Go over the answers with the class.
1  d  2  a  3  c  4  b

2 Look and say.

• Ask children to read the phrases in the word box.
• Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Ask a child
to stand up. Read the first speech bubble for them to
• In pairs, children take turns saying the times, for their
partner to say what Linh’s dad normally does at that time.

• Below level: Play Mime the word (see Games bank)
with the phrases in the box. In pairs, children complete
the activity.
• At level: Put children in pairs. Give each pair a paper
plate and markers. Ask them to write the numbers
1–12 on the plate, to make a clock. Using two pencils,
children show different times. In pairs, one child sets a
time, and the other says what Linh’s dad does, e.g. At
8 o’clock … / He has breakfast.
• Above level: Do the “at level” activity. In pairs, one child
sets a time, and the other says what he/she usually
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 71 WB page 67  does at that time, e.g. At four o’clock in the afternoon,
I play soccer.
Skills development
Listening: listen for times when people do activities 3 Talk about your family’s day.
Speaking: talk about what someone does at • Read aloud the example speech bubble and elicit
different times sentences from the children.
Writing: write about what you do every day
4 Write about activities in your day. You can start
with the example.
• Focus on the example text. Ask the children to read it, and
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
ask them if their day is different, and how. Ask them to
think about times of the day and activities.
Resources and materials
• Ask the children to write a similar text about activities in
Audio Track 114; paper plates
their day in their notebooks.

Warmer Further practice:

Workbook p. 67; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 9 Test
• Ask children to stand. Say It’s twelve o’clock. Children show
the time with their arms in the air.
• Repeat with different times.

• Ask children what they can remember about Linh and her
mom’s day from the previous lesson. Ask them to say what
Linh does in the morning and in the afternoon.
• Allow children to check the text on page 70 to see how
much they remembered correctly.

1 Listen and match.   114

• Ask children to look at the pictures of a girl’s dad and to
predict what they are going to hear.
• Tell children that they are going to hear the girl talking
about her dad’s day. Play Track 114. Children point to the
pictures as they hear the activities.

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Review 3
2 Listen and circle. What do they like?   115
• Tell the children they are going to listen to some children
talking about the things they like.
• Ask them to read aloud the options in numbers 1–4. Tell
them they need to circle the option they hear.
• Play the recording once.
• Play the recording again for the children to check their
1  candy  2  candles  3  chocolate  4  gift card

3 Read and draw the times.

• Show the text, the pictures, and the clockfaces without
hands. Explain that children will need to read the text,
then look at the pictures, find the time that Lily does each
action, and draw the hands on the clockfaces to show
the time.
• Show the first picture and ask What’s this activity? (have
breakfast). Ask children to read the text and find at what
time Lily has breakfast (7:00). Show the example answer.
• Ask the children to complete the rest of the exercise. They
can draw the clockfaces in their notebooks. For extra
challenge, they can also write the times.
1  7:00  2  7:45  3  12:15  4  6:00

Review 3    SB pages 72–73 WB pages 68–69 

To review language in Units 7, 8, and 9

Listening: 2 (things people like)
Reading: 3, 4 (everyday activities)
Writing: 1 (weather), 6 (everyday activities), 7 (phonics)
Speaking: 5 (everyday activities, different times)
Phonics: 7 (spelling of /ŋ/, /ʒ/, /ð/, /ʊ/, and /uː/)

Resources and materials

Audio Track 115

1 Look and write.

• Show the pictures and ask the children what they
represent (types of weather).
• Ask the children to write the weather words, and say that
if they can’t remember them, they can unscramble the
words under each picture.
• Show the example and ask the children to write 1 to 6 in
their notebooks and the words next to the numbers.
1  snowy  2  hot  3  cold  4  windy  5  sunny  6  rainy

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4 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).
• Read the first sentence out loud and ask True or false?
(false). Show the example answer.
• Ask the children to complete the exercise.
1  F  2  F  3  T  4  F  5  T  6  T

5 Look and say.

• Do the first item with the class. Show the first picture and
the first clock. Ask a child to read the speech bubble and
complete the sentence with the correct time.
• Children complete the exercise in pairs.
1  He gets up at 7:15.   2  They have lunch at 1:30.  
3  They have dinner at 6:45.

6 What do you do in a day? Write 20–30 words.

• Ask children to look again at the pictures in Exercise 5
and think about when they get up, eat breakfast, and eat
• Ask children to write 3 sentences saying the times they do
those activities.
Children’s own answers.

7 Write.
• Ask the children to look at the letters in the box. Ask them
if they can remember the sounds these letters make.
• Ask the children to say the sounds aloud.
• Do the first item with the class.
• Ask the children to complete the exercise.
1  th  ​2  ng  ​3  sion  ​4  ou  ​5  sure  ​6  oo
Review 3 89

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Fluency Time! 3
and her teacher in picture 2). Ask children what clothes they
can see in the pictures.
• Play Track 116 for children to listen and follow the
dialogue in their books. Play the recording again, pausing
for children to say the dialogues along.
• Children practice the dialogues in groups of three.
• Ask groups of children to act out the dialogues for the

2 Listen and circle the answer.   117

• Tell the children that they are going to hear another
conversation between Kate and her mom.
• Show the sentences and the options, and tell the children
they are going to listen to the conversation and choose
the correct option in each sentence.
• Play Track 117, pausing after Mom says James and Dad are
making dinner. Point at the first item and ask Making or
eating? The children circle making in their books.
• Play the recording for the children to listen and circle the
correct words.
1  making  2  hungry  3  shoes

3 Look at the words. Ask and answer.

• Ask two children to read out the example dialogue.
• In pairs, children read the example dialogue, then use the
words in the boxes to have similar dialogues.
Lesson One Everyday English  • Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues for the class.
  SB page 74 

Objectives • Below level: Review the weather words using the
flashcards from Unit 7. Go over the various places
To learn some useful language for getting dressed
mentioned in the first box and ask the children to say
what they think the weather is like there today.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Wear your sun hat because it’s hot. Take off your sun hat,
please. Because we don’t wear hats in school. • Above level: Ask children to include what they’re
wearing when they say what the weather is like in the
Resources and materials place where they are, e.g. I’m in Quang Ninh. / What’s the
weather like? / It’s cold.
Audio Tracks 116–117; Grade 2 flashcards 21–26 and/or
Grade 3 flashcards 74–81
Further practice:
Classroom Presentation Tool
• Play Simon says to review instructions.
• Tell children they are going to learn some useful language
for getting dressed. Ask what words they know for clothes,
e.g. dress, socks, T-shirt, pants, shorts, shoes, coat, hat,
sweater, tracksuit. Use the flashcards from previous levels
to help the children revise the words.

1 Listen. Read and say.   116

• Focus on the photos. Ask children to say where the people
are (at home / in a bedroom, at school) and who they think
the girl is talking to in each picture (her mom in picture 1

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2 Listen and read.   119
• Focus on the pictures and ask what they can see and
what the girl is doing.
• Play Track 119 for children to listen and follow the text.
• Play the recording again. Ask comprehension questions,
e.g. What question does she ask for her survey? Where does
she write the bedtimes? Where does she write her friends’
names? How many bars does she draw? What time do most
children go to bed?

3 Read again and write.

• Ask the children to close their books. Ask What does the girl
do first / next and finally?
• Children open their books and focus on the words in
the box.
• Put children into pairs. Explain that together they must
choose the correct word from the box to complete the
• Ask children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks. The
children find the answers by looking at the information in
the text again.
• They write the full sentences in their notebooks.
1  table, columns   2  check  3  bar chart   4  information

4 Do the bedtimes survey in 2 and make your bar

Lesson Two CLIL: Math    SB page 75  • Ask the children to close their books and ask How do you
make a survey and a bar chart? to elicit the four steps.
Objectives • Allow the children time to draw the table, complete it,
To learn how to make a bar chart for survey results and do their survey. They then create a bar chart to show
the results.
Core: survey, bar chart, row, column 
Extra: bedtime, information • Below level: Draw a chart on the board with numbers
1–20 down the vertical line and the times across the
Resources and materials horizontal line. Show children how to count answers
and create a bar for each time.
Audio Tracks 118–119; plain paper; Math flashcards
• At level: Ask children to choose a different question for
their survey.
• Above level: After children create their bar charts, ask
• Ask children to say whether they like math and why or them to write a few sentences explaining the results.
why not. Elicit how math is useful in everyday life, e.g. to Invite them to present the results to the class.
talk about the weather, to prepare food, to understand
and solve problems, etc.
5 Look and color.
Lead-in • Children color the smiley faces depending on how well
• Hold up the Math flashcards and say the words for they feel they understand what they have learned in Units
children to repeat. 7, 8, and 9, and Fluency Time! 3.
• Show the flashcards in random order and elicit the words. Further practice:
CLIL worksheet; Classroom Presentation Tool
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   118
• Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of
Track 118 for children to listen and point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point, and repeat.
• Invite a child to come to the board. Hand the child two of
the Math flashcards. Say the word for one of the flashcards.
The child sticks the correct flashcard on the board.

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10 Do they like fishing?
• Say all the words for children to repeat.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.
1 Listen, point, and repeat.   120
• Ask children to open their books and look at the pictures
of the hobbies.
• Play the first part of Track 120 for children to listen and
point to the hobbies. Hold up the relevant flashcard when
the word is said.
• Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each
word for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording for children to listen, point and
repeat the words chorally.
• Hold the flashcards up in random order and ask the class
to say the words.

2 Listen and chant.   121

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the
phrases in the chant.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
Encourage them to act out all or some of the activities as
they chant.

3 Listen and read.   122  

• Focus children’s attention on the story. Talk about each
frame and ask questions, e.g. Where are the children? Who is
fishing? Who is reading? Who is fishing now? Are the children
Lesson One Words    SB page 76 WB page 70  happy? Encourage predictions about the story.
Objectives • Play the video or the recording for children to watch or
listen and follow along.
To identify different hobbies
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. Who has a fish? Is Max
To understand a short story
happy now? Do they like eating fish? Does Max / Leo want to
stay / play basketball?
• Play the recording a second time for children to follow
Core: read comics, play chess, fish (v), play basketball, play
again in their books.
volleyball, play badminton
• Ask children to find the hobbies from Exercise 1 that
Extra: a lot of, fish (n), like (v), Wow!, Help!, great, time to play
appear in the story (read, fish (v), play basketball).
Resources and materials 
Audio Tracks 110, 120–122; Hobbies flashcards • Below level: Play Mime the word (see Games bank).
• At level: Play a version of A long sentence with the class.
Values Say I read comics. Ask another child to add another
Play nicely! hobby, e.g. I read comics and I play chess. This child
then chooses another child to continue the sentence.
Warmer   110 Continue until you have practiced all the words or
• Sing What time is it? from page 68. someone forgets the chain. Put the children into small
groups to play on their own.
• Retell the story from Unit 9 with the class. Ask Who works
at night? What time is it in the story? • Above level: Ask children to close their books. Write
these sentences on the board, without the names: I
Lead-in have a lot of fish! (Amy); I like reading. (Max); Wow! It’s a
• Tell children that they are going to learn the names of big fish! (Leo); I think Max likes fishing now! (Holly). Ask
some hobbies. children to tell you who says each line.
• Use the Hobbies flashcards to elicit the vocabulary for
this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and model any Further practice:
unknown words. Workbook p. 70; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet

92 Unit 10

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• Play the recording again. Children mime the actions as
they listen and say their character’s lines.
• Children practice acting out the story in groups. Ask a few
groups to act out the story in the front.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Holly, Dad, and Leo hold fishing rods. Max reads a
book. Amy shows Max her fish.
Picture 2:  Max catches a big fish and Amy and Holly point at
it. Leo and Dad walk (along the river bank).
Picture 3:  Max holds the fish and stands next to Dad. Leo
points at them.
Picture 4:  Max holds a fishing rod. Dad picks up the tackle
box. Amy, Leo, and Holly fold their arms and look bored.

2 Listen and say.   123

• Focus on the Let’s learn! box and ask two children to read
the speech bubbles.
• Say I like playing chess. Do you like playing chess? Ask a few
children and elicit Yes, I do. or No, I don’t.
• Play Track 123 pausing for children to repeat.
• Write He likes … and She doesn’t like … on the board.
Place Hobbies flashcards next to the words. Elicit new
sentences, e.g. He likes fishing. She doesn’t like playing chess.
• Repeat with They like … and We don’t like … .
• Elicit a few examples with various subjects and but.

3 Look, read, and write T (true) or F (false).

Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 77 WB page 71  • Focus attention on the picture and ask what hobbies
children can see and what the people like doing.
Objectives • Read out the first sentence. Ask Is it true or false?
To identify affirmative, negative, and question forms of • Ask the children to read and write T or F on each blank.
the simple present: like + -ing
To express contrast with but
1  T  2  T  3  F  4  T
To act out a story
4 Write.
Language • Show the example. Children look at the pictures and write
Core: He likes/doesn’t like reading comics. They like/don’t the complete questions and answers in their notebooks.
like playing basketball. Do you like playing chess? Yes, I do.
Does he like playing chess? No, he doesn’t. Do they like
1  Yes, he does.   ​2  Yes, we do.   3  Do they like playing
playing badminton? Yes, they do. We like playing chess, but
badminton?  ​4  Does he like playing volleyball?
we don’t like playing volleyball.

Resources and materials • Below level: Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask children
Audio Tracks 122–123; Hobbies flashcards to read the sentences aloud. Work together to make
a few more examples. Focus on the different forms.
Warmer Then children complete the activity.
• Put the Hobbies flashcards up on the board. As a class, • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
think of actions for each of the hobbies. • Above level: After children finish, they ask each other
• Play Simon says (see Games bank) with the hobbies. the questions and give their own answers.

Let’s talk!
• Ask children about the story. Hold up your book on
page 76 to encourage ideas.
• Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
• Close your book. Ask which hobbies were in the story
• Ask a child to read out the sentence for the class.
(read, fish, play basketball). • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence using
other vocabulary words on the page.
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   122 Further practice:
• Play Track 122, pausing for children to repeat. Workbook p. 71; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Divide the class into groups of five to play Holly, Max, Dad
(silent), Amy, and Leo, and agree the actions for the story.

Unit 10 93

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1 Choose a pair. Ask and answer.
• Ask children to look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and ask
Do Alex and Lee like playing badminton? (No, they don’t.)
• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class,
and check that children understand the exercise.
• In pairs, children choose a pair of people each, and ask
and answer questions.

2 Write about a pair.

• Read the example with the children, and elicit the third
sentence about Alex and Lee (They don’t like playing
• Ask children to write about another pair, using the
example to help them.

• Below level: Ask children what three hobbies they see
in the chart. Say the example together. Ask children
to say a sentence about one of the other pairs. After
practicing aloud, ask children to write at least one
sentence on their own.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, write Trung, Max,
Nam and Phong like playing chess, but Alex and Lee don’t.
on the board. Ask children to write two more sentences
about each hobby. With very strong children, elicit the
alternative structure: Alex and Lee don’t like playing chess,
but Trung, Max, Nam, and Phong do.
Lesson Three Song    SB page 78 WB page 72 
Objectives 3 Listen and sing.   124
To ask and answer questions with do + like + -ing • Ask children to look at the pictures and name the hobbies.
To write sentences with like / don’t like + -ing Elicit playing basketball, playing tennis, playing chess, taking
photos, fishing, and drawing (pictures).
To use like + -ing and hobby words in the context of
a song • Point to the pictures and ask questions to elicit short
answers, e.g. Does the boy like fishing? Do they like drawing
Language pictures?
Core: Do Alex and Lee like playing chess? No, they don’t. • Play Track 124 for children to listen and point to the
They like reading comics. Dad / Mom likes … I like … pictures in their books.
Extra: happy, play tennis, like + best, weekend, Hip, hurray! • Say the words of the song with the class, without the
picture, have fun, all day, lots to do recording. Say each line and ask children to repeat.
• Play the recording for children to sing along.
Resources and materials
4 Sing and do.
Audio Track 124; Hobbies flashcards
• As a class, decide on the actions for the song (see below).
• Practice the actions with the class.
• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
• Hold up and show three Hobbies flashcards (e.g. read
comics, fish, and play basketball), then shuffle them and Song actions
give each one to a child. The children mustn’t show the playing basketball – mime throwing a ball into a hoop
class the cards. playing chess – mime moving a chess piece
• Tell the class that each of their three classmates likes the playing tennis – mime serving a tennis ball
hobby on their card. They must guess the hobbies. fishing – mime catching a fish with a fishing rod
• Children make guesses, e.g. (Son) likes fishing. If the Hip, hip, hip, hurray! / We have fun all day! – wave your hands
sentence matches the card, the child shows the card in the air
and gives it to the classmate who guessed correctly. If it drawing pictures – draw with your finger on your palm
doesn’t, the child keeps the card and children guess again. taking photos – mime holding a camera
• Collect the three cards, shuffle, and repeat. Further practice:
Workbook p. 72; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Write I’m happy it’s …! on the board. Explain that this is the
title of today’s song. Invite children to guess the full title.

94 Unit 10

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• Play the second part of the recording for children to
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
2 Listen and chant.   126
• Play Track 126 for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat and encourage children to follow along.
3 Read the chant again. Say the words with ar and
or. Write.
• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a child
to come and find an example of the sound /ɑː/. They find
and circle car.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with ar and or out loud.
• Children write the ar and or words in their notebooks.
car  park  short  scarf  shark  storm  dark

4 Listen and write the missing letters. Match.   127

• Ask children to look at the pictures and say what they see.
• Ask them to write the missing letters for each word and
match each word to the correct picture.
1  star  2  corn  3  forty  4  scarf  5  horn  6  park

Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 79 WB page 73  

• Below level: Write star, corn, forty, scarf, horn, park, on
Objectives the board. Ask children to point to each picture and say
To pronounce the sounds /ɔː/ and /ɑː/ the word. Children then complete the activity.
To identify the letters or and ar in the middle of words • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
and associate them with the sounds /ɔː/ and /ɑː/ • Above level: The children draw three more pictures
of words with or and ar. Put them into pairs to look at
Language each other’s pictures and say the words and the correct
Core: horn, corn, storm, car, farm, star sounds aloud.
Extra: scarf, park, short, dark, shark
Let’s talk!
Resources and materials • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
Audio Tracks 112, 125–127; Phonics cards (horn, corn, There are a lot of stars!
storm, car, farm, star) • Ask a child to read the sentence.
• In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence, using
Warmer   112 other vocabulary words on the page.
• Ask children if they can remember the sounds from the Further practice:
previous phonics lesson (/uː/, /ʊ/, and /juː/). Say the words Workbook p. 73; Classroom Presentation Tool
flute, you, foot, new to help them remember.
• Say the chant from page 69 to energize the class.

• Teach the sounds for this lesson, using the phonics cards.
Hold up the phonics card for the sound /ɔː/ (horn, corn,
storm) and say the words for the children to repeat.
• Repeat with the phonics cards for the sound /ɑː/ (car,
farm, star).

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   125

• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books.
• Play the first part of Track 125 for children to listen and
point to the pictures.

Unit 10 95

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2 Listen and read.   128
• Play Track 128 for children to listen and follow along.
• Check the answers to the questions you asked before
the children read the texts. Then answer any questions
they have.

3 Read again and write Yes or No.

• Explain that children are going to answer questions about
the profiles. Look at the example with the class.
• Allow time for children to read the texts again and write
the answers.
1  Yes  2  No  3  Yes  4  Yes  5  No  6  Yes

• Below level: Ask children to point to the hobbies in
the text. Then ask questions based on the sentences
in Exercise 3, e.g. What does Hoang like doing? Then
children complete the activity.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, they write a short
profile about their hobbies. They can use the profiles in
Exercise 2 as a model.

4 What activities do you and your friends like

doing in your free time?
• Ask individuals what they like doing.
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 80 WB page 74  • Put them into pairs to talk about what they and their
friends like doing in their free time.
Skills development
Reading: read and understand a web page about Further practice:
hobbies in different countries; read for specific details Workbook p. 74; Classroom Presentation Tool

Core: play the guitar, visit family, play soccer
Extra: pen pal
Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen

Resources and materials

Audio Track 128; Hobbies flashcards

• Play Musical cards (see Games bank) with the Hobbies

• Show children the Hobbies flashcards from Lesson 1. As a
class, decide on a mime for each activity.
• Ask children to stand up and play Mime the word (see
Games bank).

1 Look at the profiles. Where are the children from?

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask them what kind
of text it is (a web page) and what it’s about (pen pals / the
things they like doing). Ask children What’s a pen pal? and
explain if necessary.
• Ask questions to help children make predictions about
the text, e.g. What does he / she like doing?
• Ask the children to look quickly through the text and find
where the children are from (Viet Nam, Korea, Thailand).

96 Unit 10

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• Play the recording again, pausing after each dialogue for
children to write the correct letter next to the numbers.
1  b  2  a  3  c  4  d

2 Ask and answer.

• Focus on the photos and texts. Ask a few questions, e.g.
What does Quang like doing?
• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles for the class.
• Tell children that they are going to ask and answer
questions about what they like doing, and choose pen
pals for their partners.
• Tell children they must choose from the hobbies that the
children in Exercise 2 have.
• In pairs, children ask and answer, using the speech
bubbles as a model.

3 Talk about your family.

• Read the example sentences. Ask a child what activities
their family likes doing.
• Ask the child to say the full sentence. In pairs, children talk
about their families.

4 Complete the sentences.

• Ask children to look at the online pen pal profiles on
page 80.
• Show the text on page 81 and the words in the box. Ask
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 81, WB page 75  children to write the completed profile in their notebooks.
Skills development 1  name’s  ​2  eight  ​3  fishing  ​4  playing
Listening: understand specific information to match
people and their hobbies 5 Write your online pen pal profile. Use the
Speaking: ask and answer questions about things you
example to help you.
like doing; suggest pen pals for a partner based on their • Children use the example in Exercise 4 and write their
preferences own online pen pal profile.
Writing: write an email to a pen pal 
• Below level: Ask children to look at the pen pal profiles
on page 81 and say what information is included
Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen (name, country, age, one thing you like, one thing you don’t
like, your email address). Do a replacement drill for every
Resources and materials sentence, and use the Hobbies flashcards. Ask children
Audio Tracks 124, 129; Hobbies flashcards if they have an email address or another way a pen pal
can contact them. Children complete their profile.
Warmer   124 • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Sing I’m happy it’s the weekend! from page 78. • Above level: After children finish, ask them to choose
one of the online profiles on page 80 and write an
Lead-in email to the child.
• Focus on the photos in Exercise 1.
• Ask children to tell you the hobbies they can see (cooking, Further practice:
playing soccer, fishing, and playing chess). Ask children Workbook p. 75; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 10 Test
about their hobbies, e.g. Do you like cooking, Giang?
• Ask children to predict which hobbies Khang, Young, Ken,
and Maria like doing.

1 Listen and match. What do they like?   129

• Tell children they are going to hear a recording about
what the four children like doing. They must listen and
match the children with the hobbies.
• Ask the children to write 1–4 in their notebooks.
• Play Track 129. Children point to the pictures.

Unit 10 97

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11 How do we get to the hospital?
• Use the flashcards from Unit 2 to revise the names of
places in town (hospital, airport, police station, fire station,
• Use the Prepositions of place flashcards and the Directions
flashcards to elicit the vocabulary. Hold up the flashcards
one at a time and elicit the words. Model any words that
the children don’t know.
• Say all the words for children to repeat.
• Hold up the flashcards in a different order and repeat.
• Mime the actions as you say the words.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   130

• Ask children to look at the pictures and words.
• Play the first part of Track 130 for children to listen and
point to the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the words in chorus.
• Ask individual children to say the words for the class.

• Below level: Review the new words with the Directions
flashcards again. Then play Whispers (see Games bank).
Repeat as needed.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Play Quick flash (see Games bank) with
the Directions flashcards.

Lesson One Words    SB page 82 WB page 76  2 Listen and chant.   131
• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the
To identify directions
phrases in the chant.
To understand a short story
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.
Language 3 Listen and read.   132  
Core: next to, opposite, between, turn left, turn right, • Focus on the story. Ask questions about each frame. Ask
go straight What is Max holding? Where do they want to go? Why are
Extra: near, go back, traffic lights, in five minutes, come on, they worried? Who is in the car? Encourage predictions.
walk fast, together • Play the video or the recording for children to watch or
listen and follow along.
Resources and materials • Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., Do they go
Audio Tracks 24, 130–132; Places in town flashcards; back to the traffic lights? Are they going to be late?
Prepositions of place flashcards; Directions flashcards • Ask children to find the words from Exercise 1 that appear
in the story (next to, turn right, opposite, between).
Look carefully at the map!
Further practice:
Workbook p. 76; Classroom Presentation Tool; Values worksheet

Warmer   24
• Sing Places to go from page 18 to energize the class.
• Hold up your book to review the story on page 76. Ask
Does Max like fishing at the beginning of a story? Who has a
big fish? Does Max like fishing at the end of the story?
• Tell children they are going to learn some new words for
giving directions.

98 Unit 11

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? 2 Listen and repeat.   133
• Focus on the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see? What
does the man in the green shirt ask for?
• Play the recording for children to listen and repeat. Ask the
class to mime the directions as they say them.
• Remind children that they already know how to give
instructions, and ask them to look at the story on page 82
and the reading on page 64. Tell them that we use the
same verb form (imperative) to give directions.

3 Complete the sentences.

• Show the example. Check that children understand that
they have to look at the arrows and the icons to complete
the sentences.
• Children do the exercise individually.
• Go through the answers with the class.
1  left  2  straight  3  right  4  opposite  5  next to

4 Look at the picture below and write directions to

the park.
• Look at the map and example, with the children. Check
that they understand that they have to complete the
sentences with the direction words.
• Children do the exercise individually in their notebooks.

Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 83 WB page 77  • Below level: Allow children to work in pairs.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Objectives • Above level: After children finish, ask them to write
To learn how to give directions directions to the school and the bus station.  ​

Language ANSWERS
Core: Turn left. Go straight at the traffic lights. Turn right 1  straight  2  left  3  opposite  4  right  5  next to
here. It’s opposite the school. It’s between the bookstore and
the library. It’s next to the library. Let’s talk!
• Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
Resources and materials • Ask a child to read out the sentences for the class.
Audio Tracks 132–133; Directions flashcards • Have pairs take turns saying the sentences, using other
vocabulary words from Lessons 1 and 2.
Warmer Further practice:
• Play Slow reveal (see Games bank) with the Directions Workbook p. 77; Classroom Presentation Tool
flashcards from Lesson 1 (next to, opposite, between, turn
left, turn right, go straight).

• Ask children about the story, e.g., Where do they want to
go? How do they get to the hospital? Hold up your book on
page 82 to encourage ideas.
• Ask children to open their books to page 82, and check
how well they remember the story.

1 Listen to the story and repeat.   132

• Play Track 132, pausing for children to repeat each line.
• As a class, decide on the actions for the story.
• Divide the class into groups of four to play the parts of
Mom, Max, Holly, and Uncle.
• Children practice acting out the story.
• Ask one or two groups to come to the front of the class to
act out the story.

Unit 11 99

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   134
• Ask children to look at the pictures in their books. Play
the first part of the recording for children to point to the
pictures and say the words.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat.

• Below level: Place flashcards on the board that
match the places, directions, and prepositions of a
place mentioned in the song. For example, place the
train station flashcard, the turn right flashcard, and the
opposite flashcard for the first two verses.
• At level: Divide the class in half. Ask one side to sing
the questions How do we get to the …? Where is the …?
for the other half to sing the answers. Switch the groups
for each verse.
• Above level: Tell children they’re writing a new song
called “How do we get to the …?”. Write the song lyrics
on the board, with blanks for the places, directions,
and prepositions of place. In pairs, children discuss and
write new lyrics.

2 Listen and sing.   135

• Focus children’s attention on the pictures. Ask Where are
they? Ask them to predict what the song is about (places in
town and how to get to each one).
• Play Track 135. Then play it again as children follow the
Lesson Three Song    SB page 84 WB page 78  words in their books.
• Read each line of the song aloud for children to repeat.
Objectives • Play the recording for children to sing along.
To identify places in town
To ask for directions in the context of a song 3 Sing and do.
To give directions in the context of a song • Ask the children to look at each picture and verse and
decide together on song actions (see below for ideas).
Language • Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
Core: train station, bus station, supermarket
Song actions
Extra: How do we get to the …? Where is the …? How do we get to the …? – walk on the spot and look around
with puzzled expression
Resources and materials It’s getting very late. – tap on real/imaginary wristwatch
Audio Tracks 134–135; Places of work flashcards Turn right/left … – point right/left with your arms
It’s opposite … – point with two arms extended in front
Warmer It’s next to … – place two hands side by side
• Tell children you are going to ask them questions about Further practice:
the story in Lesson 1. Divide the class into groups of four. Workbook p. 78; Classroom Presentation Tool
• Ask questions and tell each group to write the answers:
Do they want to go to the hospital or to the bookstore?
(hospital) Is the hospital near the bookstore or the library?
(library) Is the hospital on the right or on the left? (on the
• Go through the answers with the class and see which
group got the most correct answers.

• Use the Places of work flashcards to introduce the
new vocabulary.
• Hold up the cards and say the places for children
to repeat.
• Hold up the cards in a different order for children
to repeat.

100 Unit 11

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   136
• Play the first part of Track 136 for children to listen and
point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording. Children point and then repeat.
2 Listen and chant.   137
• Play Track 137 for children to listen to the chant.
• Play the chant again, pausing for children to repeat.
• Repeat with children following the chant in their books.
3 Read the chant again. Say the words with er, ir,
and ur. Write.
• Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask a child
to come and find an example of the sound /ɜː/. They find
and circle girl and/or hurt.
• Children read the chant silently and only say the words
with er, ir, and ur out loud.
• Children write the er, ir, and ur words in their notebooks.
girl  hurts  ​nurse  ​purse  ​bird  ​fern  ​

4 Listen and complete the words with er, ir,

or ur.   138
• Ask children to look at the pictures and say what they see.
Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the words.
They listen and write the missing letters.
• Play Track 138 and pause after the first word. Ask Which
letters are missing? (ur).
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 85 WB page 79  • The children write the missing letters.
Objectives • Play the recording. Pause for children to write the letters.
To learn that the spellings er, ir and ur make the ANSWERS
sound /ɜː/ 1  ur  2  ir  3  er  4  ur  5  ir  6  er
To identify these spellings in a text
To match the sounds to specific words 
• Below level: Draw a three-column table on the board
Language and write er, ir, and ur at the top of the columns. Show
Core: germs, fern, girl, bird, nurse, hurt the phonics flashcards and some additional cards from
previous units or from previous levels such as thirty,
Extra: purse, skirt, finger, band aids, be careful, little, shirt
shirt, skirt, purple. Say each word and ask the children in
which column the flashcard should go.
Resources and materials
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Audio Tracks 126, 136–138; Phonics cards (germs, fern,
bird, nurse, hurt) • Above level: After children finish, ask them to think
of other words with the sound /ɜː/. In teams, children
have three minutes to write as many as they can.
Warmer   126
• Ask children which sounds they looked at in their last Let’s talk!
phonics lesson (/ɔː/) and /ɑː/.
• Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say
• Play the chant from page 79 to energize the class and
My mom is a nurse.
review the previous phonics lesson.
• Ask a child to read the sentence.
• Tell children that today’s lesson is about spellings er, ir and
ur that make the sound /ɜː/. • In pairs, children take turns saying the sentence. Tell them
to use other vocabulary words on the page.
Lead-in Further practice:
• Teach the sound and letters for this lesson using the Workbook p. 79; Classroom Presentation Tool
phonics cards. Hold up the germs card and say the word
for the children to repeat.
• Repeat with the other phonics cards.

Unit 11 101

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• Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., How old
will Vinh be on his next birthday? What time does the party
start? In which city does Vinh live? Is Vinh’s house far from the
supermarket? Is Phuong going to Vinh’s party?

2 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

• Ask children to read the sentences silently. Look at the
example and explain that they have to write T (true) or F
• Children do the exercise individually.

• Below level: Ask children to look at the text again.
Turn the sentences into comprehension questions,
e.g., What is the invite for? When is the party? Where is
the party? Is Vinh’s house next to or opposite the police
station? Children find the answers in the text, and then
complete the activity. 
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: After children finish, ask them to make
Yes or No questions based on the sentences, e.g., Is
Vinh having a party? Then, children ask and answer the
questions. If the answer is no, children say the correct
complete answer.

1  T  2  F  3  F  4  F  5  T

3 Give directions to your house from school.

Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 86 WB page 80  • In pairs, children give each other directions from their
Skills development school to their house. Help with any unknown vocabulary.
Reading: read and understand a birthday invite with Further practice:
directions Workbook p. 80; Classroom Presentation Tool

Core: turn left (at), go straight (to), next to, opposite
Extra: reply, invite
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 124, 139

Warmer   124
• Sing I’m happy it’s the weekend! from page 78 with books
• Children sing along and do the actions.

• Ask the children what they usually do to invite friends to
a party.

1 Listen and read the invite. Who is having a

party?   139
• Tell children they are going to hear and read a birthday
• Play Track 139 once all the way through as children follow
the text in their books.
• Play the recording again for children to read along,
pausing at regular intervals. Answer any questions
they have.

102 Unit 11

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• Ask children where they are at the end of the route.
Ask Where is Leo going? (to school).

2 Listen again and trace the route to Leo’s school

with your finger.
• Explain that the children have to listen and trace the route.
• Play the recording again, stopping after the first sentences
for children to locate the bus stop.
• Continue pausing at regular intervals so that children can
trace the route.
• Go through the route with the class.

3 Give directions to a visitor at your school. Start in

front of the school.
• Go through the phrases in the word box with the class
and show the places 1–4 they need to give directions to.
• Ask two children to read the speech bubbles. Repeat with
the whole class.
• Ask children to work in pairs, taking turns asking for and
giving directions.

4 Choose a place at school and give directions to

a friend.
• Tell children you are thinking of a place at school and you
will give them directions to get there. Say Where am I? First,
go downstairs. Turn left, etc.
• Tell children to work in pairs. They take it in turns to think
of a place and give directions.
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 87 WB page 81 
5 Write a party invite to a friend. Give directions.
Skills development Look at page 86 to help you.
Listening: understand directions • Tell the children that they are going to write a party invite
Speaking: give directions to a friend.
Writing: recognize and write imperatives • Show the example on page 86 and elicit what information
they need to include (name of their friend, what the party
Language is for, date of the party, start and end times, full address,
Core: go upstairs / downstairs, near, turn left / right, go directions from school, a request to reply).
straight, between, next to, opposite • Ask them to write their party invite in their notebooks.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously
6 Underline the directions in your invite.
Resources and materials • Children do the exercise individually.
Audio Track 140; Prepositions of place flashcards; • Go through the answers with the class.
Directions flashcards

• Below level: Allow children to work in pairs.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Play a flashcard game from the Games bank to review the
vocabulary from the previous lesson.
• Above level: After children finish, put them in pairs. Ask
them to think of two important places in their home
Lead-in town and to write directions from one to the other.
• Point to the map on page 87 and ask What’s this? What
can you see? Further practice:
Workbook p. 81; Classroom Presentation Tool; Unit 11 Test
• Elicit the vocabulary and write the words on the board
(park, stores, schoolyard, traffic lights, etc).

1 Listen and point to the route. Where is Leo

going?   140
• Tell children they are going to hear a recording of
directions that someone gave to Leo.
• Play Track 140, pausing at regular intervals for children to
follow the route with their fingers.

Unit 11 103

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12 A smart baby!
• Tell children they are going to look at some words to
describe people. Use the flashcards to elicit the new
vocabulary. Hold the flashcards up one at a time and
model any new words. Ask the children to repeat them.
• Say all the words again for children to repeat.
• Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   141

• Show the pictures and play the first part of Track 141 for
children to listen and point to the appropriate picture.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
• Play the recording all the way through again for children
to listen and point, and then repeat the words in chorus.

2 Listen and chant   142

• Play the recording and teach the chant.
• Play the recording a second time for children to repeat the
words in the chant.
• Children say the chant as a class, without the recording.

• Below level: Put children in pairs or groups. Scramble
the letters of the vocabulary words and write them
on the board. Children work together to unscramble
the words. They can use their books for support. You
could make it a game by setting a time limit. Whichever
group has unscrambled the most words when the time
Lesson One Words    SB page 88 WB page 82  is up is the winner.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
To identify different adjectives to describe people
• Above level: Ask children to close their books. Place
the flashcards in a row on the board. Above them, write
To understand a short story blanks for the letters of each word. Call children to the
board to write in the letters. Erase and repeat.
Core: old, young, handsome, pretty, cute, smart
3 Listen and read.   143  
Extra: still (adv), baby, different
• Focus children’s attention on the story. Talk about each
frame with the class and ask questions, e.g. Who are
Resources and materials
the people on the sofa? (left to right: Dad, Grandma,
Audio Tracks 135, 141–143; Prepositions of place and Grandpa). What are the children looking at? What
flashcards; Directions flashcards; Adjectives to describe is Dad doing? Who do you think the baby in the photo is?
people flashcards Encourage predictions about the story.
• Play Track 143 for children to listen and follow the story in
Warmer   135 their books.
• Play What’s missing? with the Prepositions of place and • Ask comprehension questions, e.g. What does Grandpa say
the Directions flashcards from Unit 11 to energize the about Grandma? What color was Grandpa’s hair when he
children. was young? What color is it now? Was Max different when he
• Play the song How do we get to the station? from page 84, was a baby?
or your own music, as children pass the cards around • Play the recording a second time for children to read and
the room. follow again.
Lead-in • Ask children to find the words from Exercise 1 that appear
in the story (old, young, handsome, pretty, cute, smart).
• Hold up your book to review the story on page 82. Ask
Where’s the hospital? Are they near the hospital? How do they Further practice
go to the hospital? Workbook p. 82; Classroom Presentation Tool

104 Unit 12

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• As a class, decide on the story actions (see below).
• Divide the class into groups of six to play the parts of
Holly, Max, Dad, Amy, Grandpa, and Leo.
• Children practice acting out the story. Ask a few groups to
act out the story at the front.

Story actions
Picture 1:  Dad reads the paper. Grandpa reads a book.
(Grandma knits). Max holds the photos. Amy comes in. Holly
beckons her over and points at the photo. Dad looks up and
responds to comments.
Picture 2:  Max turns the page in the photo album. Holly
points at another photo. The kids look at Grandma.
Picture 3:  Max and Leo point to the photo. Grandpa touches
his hair.
Picture 4:  Holly holds up a photo and points. Amy and Leo
laugh. Max is embarrassed.

2 Listen and say.   144

• Focus on the picture in the Let’s learn box and ask two
children to read out the speech bubbles.
• Play Track 144, pausing after each sentence for children to
repeat it.
• Copy the sentences onto the board; then rub out the red
words. Ask children to tell you what the missing words are.
• Rub out handsome and young and place suitable
Adjectives to describe people flashcards next to each gap
to elicit new sentences, e.g. He was cute then.
Lesson Two Grammar    SB page 89 WB page 83  3 Read and circle.
Objectives • Focus on the picture. Ask Where are they? Is the water
To identify affirmative and negative past simple forms of be warm? How many children are there? What are they eating?
To identify some time expressions to talk about the past • Show the example, then ask children to do the exercise
To act out a story individually.
Language 1  weren’t  2  wasn’t  3  was  4  were  5  weren’t
Core: He was handsome then. His hair wasn’t white. They
were very young. We weren’t all different. You were a baby. I 4 Look and write.
was very cute. Yesterday / last night / last weekend • Look at the example with the whole class, then ask
children do the exercise individually.
Resources and materials ANSWERS
Audio Tracks 134, 143–144; Story poster 12; Adjectives to 1  were, weren’t   2  were, weren’t   3  wasn’t, was  
describe people flashcards 4  weren’t, were

Warmer   134
• Below level: Drill the past of be with a substitution
• Play How do we get to the station? from page 84 to energize exercise. Start with I was cute, and then change the
the children.
subject to elicit the different forms, e.g. say she and
Lead-in elicit She was cute, then say you and elicit You were cute,
etc. When the children seem confident, ask them to
• Use Story poster 12 to retell the story on page 88. Ask
complete the exercise in pairs.
What are the children looking at? Who do they see in the
photos? (Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, and Max). What color was • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Grandpa’s hair? What color is it now? Was Max different then? • Above level: Children write sentences about where
• Cover the poster and ask children which words to they were at the time mentioned in items 1–3.
describe people were used in the story (old, young,
handsome, pretty, cute, smart). Further practice
Workbook p. 83; Classroom Presentation Tool
1 Listen to the story and repeat.   143
• Ask children to turn to the story on page 88. They check
which of the words to describe people they remembered.
• Play Track 143, pausing for children to repeat.

Unit 12 105

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2 Listen and sing.   146
• Show the pictures. Point to different things for children to
say the words they know. Ask children to predict what the
song is about (cleaning up after a party).
• Play Track 146 for children to listen. Then play it again for
children to follow the words in their books.
• Play each line of the song for children to repeat.
• Play the whole recording for children to sing along.

• Below level: Play the song again and tell children to
clap when they hear the cleaning up words.
• At level: Play Musical cards (see Games bank) with the
Cleaning up flashcards.
• Above level: Write the lyrics on the board with
blanks for the new words. You could also put blanks
for balloons, food, and cards. In pairs, children work
together to write a new version of the song. If time
permits, children read or sing their songs for the class. 

3 Sing and do.

• As a class, decide on the song actions (see below for
• Play the recording for children to sing and do the actions.
Song actions
Verse 1:  talk, eat, and dance as if at a party
Lesson Three Song    SB page 90 WB page 84  Verse 2:  point to imaginary balloons, food, and cards
Verse 3:  clean things up, and open a door
Objectives Verse 4:  cover eyes, and then open them, looking happy and
To identify words for describing rooms surprised
To use these words in the context of a song Further practice:
Workbook p. 84; Classroom Presentation Tool
Core: neat, messy, floor
Extra: each, kitchen, take a seat

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 145–146; Cleaning up flashcards

• Play It’s your party! (see Games bank).
• Introduce the new vocabulary using the flashcards. Hold
up the flashcards one at a time and say the words for
children to repeat.
• Hold the flashcards in a different order for children to
repeat again.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   145

• Show the pictures. Play the first part of Track 145 for
children to point to the pictures and say the words.
• Play the second part of the recording for children to
repeat the words.
• Play the whole recording for children to listen and then
• Hold up the flashcards one at a time for children to say the

106 Unit 12

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1 Listen, point, and repeat.   147
• Ask children to look at the words and pictures. Tell them
that they are going to hear a recording of the different
sounds and words.
• Play the first part of Track 147 for children to listen and
point to the pictures.
• Play the second part of the recording, for children to
repeat the sounds and words in chorus.

2 Listen and chant.   148

• Ask children to look at the picture. Ask Where is the girl?
What is she doing? What can you see in her dream?
• Play Track 148 once all the way through.
• Play the recording again, stopping after each line for
children to read and repeat.

3 Read the chant again. Say the words with ea, ee,
sl, and sp. Write.
• Ask children to read the chant and find all the words
with ea, ee, sl, and sp, say them and write them in their
• Children do the exercise individually.
sleep  dream  green  spoon  eat  ice cream  queen

4 Circle the missing letters. Write.

• Focus on the four spellings under each picture and the
Lesson Four Phonics    SB page 91 WB page 85  example.
• Ask the children to circle the missing letters and then
Objectives complete the words.
To learn that the spellings ea and ee make the sound /iː/, and • Check answers.
to pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations sl, sp • Ask children to say the words.
To identify these spellings in a text
To identify the missing sound and spelling in specific words 
• Below level: Ask the children to read out loud each
Language word chorally. Ask them what the missing sound is in
Core: eat, dream, queen, green, sleep, spoon each word, and elicit the spelling.
Extra: ice cream, tree • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
• Above level: Ask the children to add more words they
Resources and materials know with ea and ee making the sound /iː/, and sl
Audio Tracks 146–148; Phonics cards (eat, dream, queen, and sp at the beginning of words. Make it a game by
green, sleep, spoon) putting children into teams and giving one point for
each correct word. The team with the most points wins.  ​

Warmer   146 ANSWERS

• Sing The house was so messy! from page 90. 1  sleep  2  eat  3  spoon  4  green
Lead-in Let’s talk!
• Hold up the phonics cards for eat, dream, queen, and green • Ask children to look at the picture and speech bubble.
one at a time and elicit the words. • Say I see a green tree. Ask children to repeat after you.
• Explain that sometimes the letters ea and ee have the • Ask children to work in pairs to take turns saying the
same sound. sentence, using other vocabulary words on the page.
• Put the flashcards on different sides of the room and
say the words aloud randomly. Children point to the
Further practice:
Workbook p. 85; Classroom Presentation Tool
correct card.
• Hold up the sleep card and say Letters s and l make the
sound /sl/. Say the sound again for children to repeat.
Repeat the procedure with the spoon card.
• Show each card and say the words for children to repeat.

Unit 12 107

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1 Look at the pictures. What are the children
• Ask children to look at the pictures again. Point to the
different children and ask What’s he / she wearing?
• Ask the children what character they think each child is
One girl is wearing a red sweater, a skirt, socks, shoes, and
a coat. Another girl is wearing a purple dress and green
slippers. A boy is wearing a wolf’s costume.

2 Listen and read.   149

• Tell the children they are going to listen to the story.
• Play Track 149. Children listen and follow along.
• Play the recording again and answer any questions.
• Ask comprehension questions, e.g. Who was Xuan in the
school play? What was her costume? Does she like her English

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

• Ask children to close their books. Write the example
sentence onto the board.
• Ask children Is the sentence true or false? Ask a child to
come to the board and write T or F next to the sentence.
• Write some of your own sentences on the board and
repeat the activity. The school play was Little Blue Riding
Hood. The play was fun.
Lesson Five Skills Time!    SB page 92 WB page 86  • Allow time for them to read the text and then write T or F
on the blank after each sentence.
Skills development
Reading: read and understand a school newspaper
1  F  2  T  3  F  4  T  5  F
article; find specific information in a text

Language • Below level: Allow the children to work in pairs.
Core: school play, wolf, costume, hood • At level: Ask the children to correct the false sentences.
Recycled: vocabulary and structures previously seen • Above level: In pairs, children write five sentences
about the school play. Tell them that the sentences
Resources and materials should all contain one incorrect word. When they have
Audio Tracks 146, 149 finished, they exchange their sentences with another
pair who must correct the words. They then return this
Warmer   146 to the pair who wrote the sentences for checking.
• Sing The house was so messy! from page 90.
4 What plays do you know?
• Ask individuals what plays they know and what the story
• Write on the board Our school play and elicit the meaning. is about.
• If your school puts up school plays, ask the children if they • Encourage them to ask other children the question.
have ever performed in one or seen one.
• Have a class discussion about what plays they like and if
• Ask children to open their books to page 92 and look they would enjoy acting in a school play.
at the pictures in the article. Ask What kind of text is this?
(a blog post or a school paper article). Do you know the Further practice:
characters in the story? What story is it? (Little Red Riding Workbook p. 86; Classroom Presentation Tool
Hood). What happens in the story?
• If children know the story of Little Red Riding Hood,
encourage them to tell you what happens. If not, briefly
tell them the story.

108 Unit 12

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• Play Track 150 for children to listen and point to the
• Play the recording a second time for children to decide
whether the pictures show the correct information.
• Stop the recording after the first sentence. Show children
the first picture and ask Is this true or false? (True). Point out
the letter T in the box.
• Play the recording again for children to complete their
1  T  2  F  3  F  4  T  5  T

2 Look and say.

• Children look at the pictures and name the animal
• Ask children to read the words in the word box out loud.
• Focus on the speech bubble. Ask children to look at the
parts of the example and elicit what they will need to say
to complete the exercise.
• In pairs, children take turns pointing to the pictures and
then make sentences about what the children were in the
play and what color their costume was.

• Below level: Say the words in the word box for the
children to point to the pictures. Say sentences about
each picture, e.g. They were giraffes. His costume was
Lesson Six Skills Time!    SB page 93 WB page 87  blue and yellow. The children say the name of the child/
Skills development • At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Listening: listen for specific detail • Above level: In small groups, children imagine they
Speaking: talk about people’s costumes did a play at their school. They make notes about which
Writing: write about a place you were last weekend animal each person played. Nominate one person to
feedback to the class about their play, e.g. In our play,
Language Mai was a lion; Nam was a tiger; Long and Huy were
monkeys; Trang was a giraffe; and Son was a chicken!
Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Resources and materials 3 Talk about where you were yesterday.

Audio Track 150 • Ask a child to read the speech bubble.
• In pairs, children tell each other where they were
Warmer yesterday, following the pattern in the speech bubble.
• Play Smiley face (see Games bank). 4 Write an article about where you were last
weekend. You can start with the example.
• Ask children what they can remember about the text from • Write the first sentence on the board.
the previous lesson. Ask What was the play? Who was in it? • Ask who also was at soccer class last Saturday. If any child
What were the costumes? says they were, ask them if it was fun.
• Allow children to check the text on page 92 to see how • Identify children who didn’t play soccer last Saturday
much they remembered correctly. and ask Where were you? Who was with you? What was the
weather like? Was it fun?
• Ask them to look at the pictures on page 93 in Exercise 1
and tell you what they can see. • Encourage the children to write true, complete sentences
in their notebooks.
• Ask them to predict what they will hear (a story about a
school play). • When they have finished, the children read their
sentences to a partner and compare what they have
1 Listen and write T (true) or F (false).   150 written.
• Tell children they are going to listen to a recording of a girl Further practice:
talking about her school play. Explain that they need to Workbook p. 87; Classroom Presentation Tool;
listen and decide whether the pictures show the correct Unit 12; End-of-Year Test

Unit 12 109

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Review 4
1  b  ​2  d  ​3  a  ​4  c

2 Write.
• Show the sentences. Check that children understand how
to complete the sentences. Do the first one as an example
if necessary.
1  weren’t  2  wasn’t  3  was  4  were

3 Read the text and circle the correct words.

• Show the text and tell the children they need to read it
and decide which of the three options fits each gap. Ask
different children to read the text once without noticing
the gaps so they get an idea of what it is about.
• Show the example answer to demonstrate the activity.
• Allow time for children to read the text and decide which
word fits each gap. They circle the correct words.
1  old  2  was  3  cute  4  baby  5  pretty  6  weren’t  
7  were

Review 4    SB pages 94–95 WB pages 88–89 

To review language in Units 10, 11, and 12

Listening: 1 (directions)
Reading: 3, 4 (adjectives, simple present and simple past
of be)
Writing: 2, 6 (simple past of be)
Speaking: 6 (like + -ing form)
Phonics: 7 (spelling of /ɜː/)

Resources and materials

Audio Track 151

1 Listen and match.  151

• Tell the children that they need to listen to the
instructions in the audio to find out how to get to the
places on the left.
• Ask them to read out loud the names of the places. Then
ask them to read out loud the directions. Tell them they
need to match the places to the directions.
• Play the recording once.
• Play the recording again for the children to check their

110 Review 4

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7 What do you and your friends like doing? Write
20–30 words.
• Ask the children to make a list of the activities they talked
about in Exercise 6.
• Ask children to write 3 sentences saying what they like
doing with their friends.
Children’s own answers

4 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

• Ask the children to read the text once and say what it’s
about (the writer’s grandma).
• Allow time for children to read the text again and decide if
the sentences are true or false.
1  T  2  F  3  F  4  F  5  T

5 Read the text in exercise 3 again. Then write the

correct sentences.
• Ask the children to say what they remember about Mai’s
text in Exercise 3. Elicit ideas and then have children read
the text again to check.
• Ask the children to write 1 to 4 in their notebooks and
correct the sentences.
1 The photos are old.
2 Mai’s brother was cute.
3 Mai’s parents were students.
4 Mai was shy.

6 Look and say.

• Ask the children to think about what they like doing with
their friends. Point to the activities in the pictures and
elicit sentences, e.g. I like playing tennis (with my brother).
We like playing volleyball. I like reading comics.
• The children talk about what they like doing with their
friends, in pairs or small groups.

Review 4 111

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Fluency Time! 4
• Ask children to practice the dialogue. Then invite pairs to
act out the dialogue for the class.

2 Listen. Check () the things they

like and cross () the things they don’t like.   153
• Tell the children that they are going to hear a conversation
between children on a playground.
• Play Track 153 and pause it after I like orange juice. It’s my
favorite! Ask what the girl is talking about (orange juice).
Ask if she likes orange juice (yes). Show the example
• Play the rest of the track. The children do the task.
Anna: orange juice  fishing  playing games 
Tom: orange juice  fishing  playing games 

3 Talk with your friend.

• Ask two children to read the example dialogue aloud.
• Read the phrases in the word box with the class.
• The children do the task in pairs.
• Invite some pairs to act out their dialogues for the class.

• Below level: Break the dialogue up into three shorter
exchanges. Have children practice the first exchange a
few times, then the second.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Lesson One Everyday English  • Above level: Do the “at level” activity, but ask children
to add two activities not included in the word box.
  SB page 96 

Objectives Further practice:

Classroom Presentation Tool
To learn how to talk about your favorite activities

I like (playing volleyball). Me, too. I don’t like (fishing).

Resources and materials

Audio Tracks 152–153; flashcards from previous units

• Play Quick flash (see Games bank) with flashcards from
previous units. 

• Tell children they are going to learn some useful language
to have conversations about their favorite activities. Ask a
few children what they like doing with their friends.

1 Listen. Read and say.   152

• Focus on the pictures. Ask children what they can see.
• Play Track 152 for children to listen and read. Encourage
them to work out the meaning of unknown expressions
from the context. Answer questions, then play the
recording again, pausing for children to say the dialogue.

112 Fluency Time! 4

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• Play the whole recording. Children listen, point, and
• Show the Geography flashcards. Children say the words.
2 Listen and read.   155
• Play Track 155 for children to listen and follow the text.
• Play the recording again. Ask comprehension questions,
e.g. What is inside the hole in the volcano? What color is lava?
Where is Mauna Loa?
• Ask children to point to the volcano and lava in the

3 Read again and write T (true) or F (false).

• Put children into pairs. Explain that together they must
decide if the sentences are true or false.
• Write the first sentence on the board. Ask the children to
find and point to the part of the text that talks about the
color of lava. Ask Is the sentence true or false? Write T next to
the sentence.
• The children read the sentences, re-read the text, discuss if
the sentences are true or false, and write T or F.
1  T  2  T  3  F  4  F

• Below level: Do the whole activity as a class.
• At level: Children complete the activity as suggested.
Lesson Two CLIL: Geography  • Above level: Ask children to write two or more new
true or false sentences in their notebooks, based on
  SB page 97 
information in the text. Children can then switch
notebooks and mark each other’s sentences T or F.
To learn some useful content and language about
volcanoes 4 What happens when a volcano erupts? Make a
Language • Ask the class the question and make notes on the board.
Core: volcano, inside, hole, erupt, lava Make sure they use the new vocabulary in their answers.
Extra: amazing • Divide the class into pairs to draw a picture of a volcano
Resources and materials • Ask the children to label the vocabulary on their poster.
Audio Tracks 154–155; Geography flashcards; Large
5 Look and color.
pieces of paper
• Children color the smiley faces depending on how well
they feel they understand what they have learned in Units
Warmer 10, 11, and 12, and Fluency Time! 4.
• Slowly draw a simple picture of a volcano (erupting) on
the board. Ask children to guess what you are drawing
Further practice:
CLIL worksheet; Classroom Presentation Tool
before you finish the picture. Encourage them to call out
guesses (mountain, hill, etc.). Teach the word volcano.

• Hold up the Geography flashcards and say the words for
children to repeat.
• Shuffle all the flashcards and hold them up in a different
order for children to say the words chorally.

1 Listen, point, and repeat.   154

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Play the first part of
Track 154 for children to listen and point to the pictures.
• Play the second part for children to repeat.

Fluency Time! 4 113

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Games bank
Starter Unit 2
Lesson 3 Lesson 2
Do it! What do I have?
• Assign each child a word from the vocabulary set “family”, • Use flashcards showing places in the town.
e.g. mom, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin. • Quickly show them to the class.
• Give instructions, e.g. moms, jump! Uncles, stamp your feet! • Now hold up one card so that the class can only see the
Brothers, clap! Continue with more instructions, calling out back of it. Say What do I have? Ask the children to make
groups at random. guesses.
• Any child who does the action when it is not their word is • When the flashcard has been guessed correctly, put it on
out of the game. the board.
• Hold up a second flashcard and repeat the procedure.
Lesson 5 • Continue until all the flashcards are on the board.
Forwards and backwards
• Write the numbers 1 to 20 on the board. Lesson 3
• Make sure children are sitting in rows so they can count Smiley face
around the room. • Think of a word from the vocabulary the children have
• Ask them to start counting, with each child in turn saying studied recently, and on the board, draw a short line for
the next number. each letter in the word, one next to the other.
• Before they get to 20, say Change! The children have to • Ask the children to guess the letters that are in the secret
then start counting backwards from whatever number word, one-by-one.
they have reached. • If a child guesses a letter correctly, write it on the
• Say Change! again and the children start counting correct line.
forwards again. • If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the board
• If the class is ready, try to play without looking at the with an X through it, and draw a large circle to represent
numbers on the board. a face. With each letter that is guessed incorrectly, add
another feature to the face (two eyes, a nose, a smile, two
Unit 1 •
ears, a neck, and hair).
The game continues until either the face or the word is
complete. If the word is completed, the class has won; if
Lesson 3 the face is completed, the teacher has won.
Mime the word • Ask children to work in pairs and play the game together,
• Ask children to stand at their desk. with other words from the unit.
• Say a job, e.g. teacher. Children mime actions of teaching.
• Continue with other words related to jobs. Lesson 4
• In pairs, children mime performing a job action and their Vocabulary review
partner shouts out the word they are miming. • Put children into small groups of three or four. Each group
has a pile of blank paper and a pen.
Lesson 6 • Hold up any flashcard from the last two lessons and ask
Musical cards children to write the word on the paper and hold it in
the air.
• Play lively music. Hand the Places at school flashcards,
and any other words you would like to review, to different • Give points to the first team to hold up a correct word
children around the class. (spelling must be correct, too).
• Ask them to pass them to each other until the music
Lesson 5
• Stop the music suddenly and ask each child holding a Vocabulary tennis
card to tell you what the picture is. • Divide the class into two teams. Tell the class the category
is jobs.
• The first team “serves” by saying the name of one job, and
play passes to the second team, who has five seconds to
name a job.

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• If they are successful, the play passes to the first team to Unit 4
name another job. The first team who repeats a word or
cannot think of another job will lose. Repeat the game
with other lexical sets such as animals, colors, food, and
Lesson 1
sports. Fruits dance
• Draw four circles with different fruits in them on the board.
Lesson 6 • Assign a different action to each fruit (e.g. apple = jump,
This is your zoo banana = spin, etc.).
• Ask the class to work in groups of five. • Have children stand up and do the actions every time you
say or touch one of the fruits.
• Give each group a large piece of paper and tell them they
have five minutes to draw a zoo.
• All the children should draw at the same time and include
Lesson 2
as many animals as they can think of. What’s missing?
• At the end of five minutes, they should compare their zoo • Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on the
with the groups next to them. Ask What animals can you board.
see? Are they big or little? • Point to each one, one at a time, for children to say the
words. Give the class a few seconds to look at them all.
Unit 3 • Ask children to close their eyes and put their heads down.
Remove a card and rearrange the others. Ask What’s missing?
Lesson 2 • Repeat the activity to review all the vocabulary.

What’s missing? Lesson 3

• Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on the
board. Jump!
• Point to each one, one at a time, for children to say the • Give each child a word card with a school subject on it.
words. Give the class a few seconds to look at them all. • Ask them to stand behind their desks. Say a word at
• Ask children to close their eyes and put their heads down. random. If it is the same as the word on their card, they
Remove a card and rearrange the others. Ask What’s should jump. If it isn’t, they should stay still.
• Repeat the activity to review all the vocabulary. Lesson 4
I know, I know, I know
Lesson 5
• Divide the class into four teams.
Forwards and backwards • Use a variety of flashcards from previous lessons.
• Review the number vocabulary from the last lesson and • Show the class a flashcard very quickly. The first team to
write the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 shout I know, I know, I know and tell you the correct word
on the board. gets one point.
• Make sure children are sitting in rows so they can count
around the room. Lesson 5
• Ask the children to start counting, with each child in turn
saying the next number. Musical cards
• Before they get to 100, say Change! The children have to • Play lively music. Hand the schoolroom flashcards, and any
then start counting backwards from whatever number other words you would like to review, to different children
they have reached. around the class.
• Say Change! again and the children start counting • Ask them to pass them to each other until the music
forwards again. stops.
• If the class is ready, try to play without looking at the • Stop the music suddenly and ask each child holding a
numbers on the board. card to tell you what the picture is.

Lesson 6 Lesson 6
Shopping game Bingo
• Children write down three different types of food from • Ask the children to draw a three-by-three grid. In each
this unit. of the squares, they write a different word from the
vocabulary they have studied in the unit.
• Have children work in pairs. One child is the customer and
the other is the store employee. The customer uses his/ • Call out words from the vocabulary in any order. Keep a
her words to ask questions with Do you have … ? The store record of the words as you say them, so that you don’t say
employee looks at his/her list of words and answers the the same word twice. The children cross off the words in
questions. their grids as they hear them. The first child to complete a
line of three, shouts Bingo!

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Unit 5 Unit 7
Lesson 2 Lesson 2
Listen, point, and say Where was it?
• Place lesson flashcards around the classroom. • Display flashcards (the weather vocabulary from Lesson 1)
• Call out a word. The children point to the correct flashcard. on the board. Give the class five seconds to look at the
• Alternatively, play the chant from this unit. Children point cards.
to the correct flashcard when they hear the word. • Now turn all the cards over so children can no longer
• Now point to the flashcard. The children say the word. see them.
• Option: Describe the location of the card, e.g. It’s next to • Ask, e.g. Where’s snowing? The children try to remember
the door. What is it? The children then say the name. the position of the snowing flashcard.
• Give several children the opportunity to guess. Ask them
Lesson 3 to say the word before they point to the card.

True or false? Lesson 3

• Make true/false statements about the beach activities
children have learned, e.g. You collect shells underwater. / Word chain
You go snorkeling underwater. • Use the weather flashcards from the previous lesson to
• If the statement is true, children wave their hands. If it isn’t, review the vocabulary.
they remain still. • Place the flashcards on the board in a sequence, e.g. hot,
windy, snowing, raining, sunny.
• Ask the class to say the first word in the sequence, hot,
Unit 6 continue with the next word, windy.
• Continue with the class saying each word in the sequence
Lesson 1 in chorus.
Simon says • Remove one flashcard. The class repeats the sequence,
• Ask the children to stand at their desks. Explain that you including the missing word.
are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins • Keep removing the flashcards until the class is saying the
with the words Simon says … , children must do as you whole sequence from memory.
say. If not, they must stand still and wait for the next
instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of the Lesson 4
game and sits down.
Simon says
• Give an instruction that reviews the instructions from the
last lesson. Intermittently, introduce an instruction that • Ask the children to stand at their desks. Explain that you
doesn’t start with Simon says and see if any children follow are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins
the instruction. with the words Simon says … , children must do as you
say. If not, they must stand still and wait for the next
• Continue the game until there is one winner or a group of
instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of the
winners, if you prefer.
game and sits down.
Lesson 6 • Give an instruction that reviews the instructions from the
last lesson, e.g. Simon says put on your socks. Simon says
Where was it? don’t open the door. Intermittently, introduce an instruction
• Display flashcards (the vocabulary from Lesson 1) on the that doesn’t start with Simon says and see if any children
board. Give the class five seconds to look at the cards. follow the instruction.
• Now turn all the cards over so children can no longer • Continue the game until there is one winner or a group of
see them. winners, if you prefer.
• Ask, e.g. Where’s penguin? The children try to remember
the position of the snowing flashcard.
Lesson 5
• Give several children the opportunity to guess. Ask them Bingo
to say the word before they point to the card. • Write the following words on the board: raining, windy,
hot, snowing, sunny, white, bike, kite, line, snowman, hat,
coat, outside, park, weather, fun.
• Have children make a four-by-four grid on a piece of
• Demonstrate how to fill in the grid with the words, writing
them in random order.
• Call out words from the board in any order. Keep a record
of the words as you say them, so that you don’t say the

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same word twice. The children cross off the words in their Lesson 6
grids as they hear them. The first child to complete a line
of four, shouts Bingo! Whispers
• Organize children in groups of at least six. Show a
Lesson 6 flashcard to the first child in each group. This child
whispers the word to the child next to them.
Musical cards • Children continue whispering the word to the child next
• Use flashcards related to weather and weather activities. to them as quickly as they can, until the word reaches the
Play the song What’s the weather like today? from page 52 final child.
(Track 87). • The final child comes to the board and writes the word on
• Hand out the flashcards to different children around the the board, and the first child holds up the flashcard to see
class. They pass the cards to the children next to them whether the word and the flashcard are the same.
while the music is playing.
• Stop the music suddenly. Ask the children who are
holding the flashcards, What’s this? to elicit the words. Unit 10
• Play the music again and repeat the activity.
Lesson 1
Unit 8 What’s missing?
• Display the flashcards from the vocabulary set on the
Lesson 2 board.
• Point to each one, one at a time, for children to say the
Simon says words. Give the class a few seconds to look at them all.
• Ask the children to stand at their desks. Explain that you • Ask children to close their eyes and put their heads down.
are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins Remove a card and rearrange the others. Ask What’s
with the words Simon says … , children must do as you missing?
say. If not, they must stand still and wait for the next • Repeat the activity to review all the vocabulary.
instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is out of the
game and sits down.
Lesson 3
• Give an instruction that reviews the instructions from the
last lesson. Intermittently, introduce an instruction that It’s your party!
doesn’t start with Simon says and see if any children follow • Tell the class Today you’re having a party. What do you need?
the instruction.
• Write children’s suggestions on the board as they say
• Continue the game until there is one winner or a group of them. If necessary, use the special days flashcards from
winners, if you prefer. Unit 5 to help you.
• Put children into groups of three or four and ask them
Lesson 5 to choose five things they will have at their party. Tell
children they must agree together.
Mime the word
• Ask children to stand at their desk. • When they have decided, each group tells the class which
five things they have at their party. The class decides
• Say one of the vocabulary words. Children mime actions which group’s party will be the most fun!
involved in the word.
• Continue with other words related to the vocabulary. Lesson 6
• In pairs, children mime performing an action and their
partner shouts out the word they are miming. Smiley face
• Think of a word from the unit and draw a short line for
each letter on the board, one next to the other.
Unit 9 • Ask the children to guess the letters that are in the secret
word, one-by-one.
Lesson 2
• If a child guesses a letter correctly, write it on the line.
Slow reveal • If a child guesses incorrectly, write the letter on the board
• Put one of the flashcards from the previous lesson on the with an X through it, and draw a large circle to represent
board and cover it with a piece of paper or card. a face. With each letter that is guessed incorrectly, add
• Very slowly, move the paper to reveal the picture, little by another feature to the face (two eyes, a nose, a smile, two
little. ears, a neck, and hair).
• Ask What’s this? The first child to guess correctly comes to • The game continues until either the word or the face is
the front to choose the next card. complete. If the word is complete, the class has won; if the
face is complete, the teacher has won.
• Continue until you have reviewed all the cards in the set.
• Divide the class into groups of three or four to continue
playing with any new words from the previous lessons.

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Unit 11 • Collect the definitions and read them out loud. Children
vote on what they think is the best definition. At the end,
you can tell them the real meaning.
Lesson 2
• The idea of this game is to let the children be creative and
What’s missing? practice their writing skills.
• Ask children if they can remember the new words from
the previous lesson.
Unit 12
• Bring out the flashcards to help them remember and put
them on the board. Point to each one and ask children to Lesson 2
say the words.
• Ask children to turn around. Remove a flashcard. Jump
• Display the flashcards again and ask What’s missing? • Give each child a word card with a vocabulary word on it.
• When children have identified the missing flashcard, • Ask them to stand behind their desks. Say a word at
shuffle them again and repeat the procedure. random. If it is the same as the word on their card, they
should jump. If it isn’t, they should stay still.
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Quick flash
• Use the flashcards from the unit so far and any other Slow reveal
vocabulary cards that you want to review. • Use flashcards from the previous lessons.
• Show each card very quickly and then hide it again, ask • Put a flashcard on the board and cover it with a piece of
the class to call out the words. paper or card.
• Very slowly, move the paper to reveal the picture, little by
Lesson 4 little.
• Ask What’s this? or another appropriate question, such as
What’s missing? What does he like? The first child to guess correctly comes
• Put eight flashcards from previous units in random to the front to choose the next card.
order on the board. Give the children 30 seconds to look
• Continue until you have practiced all the vocabulary in
at them.
the set.
• Ask the children to close their eyes and turn around. Take
away one flashcard and rearrange the others.
• Tell children to open their eyes and ask What’s missing?
• When children have guessed correctly, ask them to make
a sentence including the missing flashcard.
• Repeat the activity with the other cards.

Lesson 5
• Put children in groups of three or four.
• Give each group a set of concentration cards and ask
them to spread them out face down in random order.
• Ask children to take turns flipping over two cards and
saying the sound and the word.
• If the flashcards are a match, the child keeps the cards. If
they are different, they put them back, face down.
• The child with the most cards at the end is the winner.

Lesson 6
What’s the meaning?
• Choose a word that is unknown to children, using a
dictionary as needed. Children in groups of three, without
using a dictionary, guess the meaning of the word and
write down a definition.
• Allow children a few minutes to think and write.
Encourage them to use their imaginations and emphasize
that it doesn’t have to be the correct meaning.

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Word list
Starter unit pizza /ˈpiːtsə/ bánh pizza
family /ˈfæməli/ gia đình queen /kwiːn/ nữ hoàng
gray /ɡreɪ/ màu xám rabbit /ˈræbɪt/ con thỏ
lion /ˈlaɪən/ con sư tử seventy /ˈsevnti/ số 70
long /lɔŋ/ dài sixty /ˈsɪksti/ số 60
week /wiːk/ tuần sofa /ˈsoʊfə/ ghế sô-pha
welcome back /ˈwelkəm bæk/ chào mừng quay lại ten /ten/ số 10
thirty /ˈθɜːrti/ số 30
Unit 1 try /traɪ/ cố gắng, thử
again /əˈɡen/ lại, lần nữa twenty /ˈtwenti/ số 20
bug /bʌɡ/ con bọ twenty-one /ˌtwenti ˈwʌn/ số 21
doctor /ˈdɑːktər/ bác sĩ twenty-two /ˌtwenti ˈtuː/ số 22
farmer /ˈfɑːrmər/ nông dân twenty-three /ˌtwenti ˈθri/ số 23
firefighter /ˈfaɪərfaɪtər/ lính cứu hoả twenty-four /ˌtwenti ˈfɔːr/ số 24
Grandma /ˈɡrænmɑː/ bà ngoại / nội twenty-five /ˌtwenti ˈfaɪv/ số 25
Grandpa /ˈɡrænpɑː/ ông ngoại / nội twenty-six /ˌtwenti ˈsɪks/ số 26
happy /ˈhæpi/ vui vẻ twenty-seven /ˌtwenti ˈsevən/ số 27
hero /ˈhɪroʊ/ anh hùng twenty-eight /ˌtwenti ˈeɪt/ số 28
kind /kaɪnd/ tử tế, tốt bụng twenty-nine /ˌtwenti ˈnaɪn/ số 29
lane /leɪn/ đường
meet /miːt/ gặp Unit 4
office worker /ˈɑːfɪs ˈwɜːkə/ nhân viên văn phòng art /ɑːrt/ môn Mĩ thuật
pilot /ˈpaɪlət/ phi công art room /ˈɑːrt ruːm/ phòng mĩ thuật
plane /pleɪn/ máy bay computer room /kəmˈpjuːtər ruːm/ phòng máy tính
police officer /pəˈliːs ɑːfɪsər/ cảnh sát English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ môn Tiếng Anh
student /ˈstuːdnt/ học sinh get wet /ɡet ˈwet/ bị ướt
teacher /tiː.tʃɚ/ giáo viên grape /ɡreɪp/ quả / trái nho
headphones /ˈhedfoʊnz/ tai nghe
Unit 2 math /mæθ/ môn Toán
airport /ˈerpɔːrt/ sân bay P.E. /ˌpiː ˈiː/ môn Thể dục
bank /bæŋk/ ngân hàng schoolyard /skuːljɑːrd/ sân trường
farm /fɑːrm/ nông trại study /ˈstʌdi/ học
feed /fiːd/ cho ăn subject /ˈsʌbdʒekt/ môn học
fire station /ˈfaɪər ˈsteɪʃn/ trạm cứu hoả tiger /ˈtaɪgər/ con hổ / cọp
hospital /ˈhɑːspɪtl/ bệnh viện van /væn/ xe tải
job /dʒɑːb/ nghề nghiệp vet /vet/ bác sĩ thú y
nest /nest/ tổ chim Vietnamese /ˌviːetnəˈmiːz/ môn Tiếng Việt
net /net/ cái lưới umbrella /ʌmˈbrelə/ cái ô / dù
octopus /ˈɑːktəpʊs/ con bạch tuộc wear /wer/ mặc
office /ˈɑːfɪs/ văn phòng
out and about /aʊt ənd əˈbaʊt/ đi đây đi đó Unit 5
parrot /ˈpærət/ con vẹt beach /biːtʃ/ bãi biển
plum /plʌm/ quả / trái mận beautiful /ˈbjuːtɪfl/ đẹp
police station /pəˈliːs ˈsteɪʃn/ đồn cảnh sát box /bɑːks/ hộp
store /stɔːr/ cửa hàng, cửa hiệu collect shells /kəˈlekt ʃelz/ nhặt vỏ sò, ốc
thing /θɪŋ/ đồ vật fox /fɑːks/ con cáo
work /wɜːrk/ làm việc go on a boat /ɡoʊ ɑːn ə ˈboʊt/ đi chèo thuyền
zoo /zuː/ vườn thú have fun /hæv ˈfʌn/ vui chơi
place /pleɪs/ nơi, chỗ
Unit 3 play with a ball /pleɪ wɪθ ə ˈbɔːl/ chơi với một quả bóng
bubble tea /ˈbʌbəlˌtiː/ trà sữa trân châu photo /ˈfoʊtoʊ/ tấm hình
chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ thịt gà run /rʌn/ chạy
eighty /ˈeɪti/ số 80 sand /sænd/ cát
fifty /ˈfɪfti/ số 50 seafood /ˈsiːfuːd/ hải sản
forty /ˈfɔːrti/ số 40 snorkel /ˈsnɔːrkl/ lặn với ống thở
fries /fraɪz/ khoai tây chiên stand on your hands / ˈstænd ɑːn jər đứng bằng tay
high /haɪ/ cao ˈhændz/
much /mʌtʃ/ nhiều sunglasses /ˈsʌnɡlæsɪz/ kính chống nắng
ninety /ˈnaɪnti/ số 90 surf /sɜːrf/ lướt ván
noodles /ˈnuːdlz/ bún, mì, phở, hủ tiếu swim /swɪm/ bơi
number /ˈnʌmbər/ số web /web/ mạng nhện
one hundred /wʌn ˈhʌndrəd/ số 100 window /ˈwɪndoʊ/ cửa sổ
or /ɔːr/ hoặc

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Unit 6 music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ âm nhạc
camel /ˈkæml/ lạc đà neighbor /ˈneɪbər/ hàng xóm
chew /tʃuː/ nhai party /ˈpɑːrti/ tiệc
come /kʌm/ tới present /ˈpreznt/ quà tặng
crocodile /ˈkrɑːkədaɪl/ con cá sấu scared /skerd/ sợ
funny /ˈfʌni/ hài hước, buồn cười someone /ˈsʌmwʌn/ một ai đó
jungle /ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ rừng rậm think about /θɪŋk əˈbaʊt/ nghĩ về
kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ con chuột túi tomorrow /təˈmɑːroʊ/ ngày mai
later /ˈleɪtər/ sau, lần sau throw /θroʊ/ ném
lizard /ˈlɪzərd/ con kì nhông visit family /ˈvɪzɪt ˈfæməli/ thăm gia đình
monkey /ˈmʌŋki/ con khỉ
penguin /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/ con chim cánh cụt Unit 9
sorry /ˈsɑːri/ xin lỗi 8:15 eight fifteen /eɪt ˌfɪfˈtiːn/ 8 giờ 15 phút
take off /teɪk ˈɔːf/ tháo ra 2:30 two-thirty /tuː ˈθɜːrti/ 2 giờ 30 phút
take photos /teɪk ˈfoʊtoʊz/ chụp hình 4:45 four forty-five /fɔːr ˈfɔːrti faɪv/ 4 giờ 45 phút
wait /weɪt/ chờ, đợi at night /æt ˈnaɪt/ vào buổi tối
yogurt /ˈjoʊɡɚt/ sữa chua clock /klɑːk/ đồng hồ
yo-yo /ˈjoʊ joʊ/ cái yoyo cube /kjuːb/ khối lập phương
zebra /ˈziːbrə/ con ngựa vằn cute /kjut/ đáng yêu, dễ thương
zero /ˈzɪroʊ/ số 0 dream /driːm/ giấc mơ
few /fjuː/ ít, không nhiều
Unit 7 flute /fluːt/ ống sáo
bang /bæŋ/ tiếng nổ lớn foot /fʊt/ bàn chân
cold /koʊld/ lạnh get up /ɡet ˈʌp/ thức dậy
explosion /ɪkˈsploʊʒn/ vụ nổ, tiếng nổ give /ɡɪv/ đưa, cho
fly a kite /flaɪ ə ˈkaɪt/ thả diều go home /ɡoʊ ˈhoʊm/ đi về nhà
gloves /ɡlʌvz/ găng tay go to bed /goʊ tə bed/ đi ngủ
go outside /ɡoʊ ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/ đi ra ngoài go to school /ɡoʊ tuː ˈskuːl/ đi đến trường
high up /haɪ ˈʌp/ lên cao have breakfast /hæv ˈbrekfəst/ ăn sáng
hop /hɑːp/ nhảy have dinner /hæv ˈdɪnər/ ăn tối
hot /hɑːt/ nóng home /hoʊm/ ngôi nhà
key /kiː/ chìa khóa June /dʒuːn/ tháng Sáu
like /laɪk/ như là o’clock /əˈklɑːk/ giờ
make a snowman /meɪk ə làm một người tuyết platform /ˈplætfɔːrm/ sân ga
ˈsnoʊmæn/ tube /tuːb/ cái ống
measure /ˈmeʒər/ đo zero /ˈzɪroʊ/ số 0
quick /kwɪk/ nhanh
rainy /ˈreɪni/ trời mưa Unit 10
ring /rɪŋ/ cái nhẫn car /kɑːr/ xe ô tô
sky /skaɪ/ bầu trời corn /kɔːrn/ ngô, bắp
snowy /ˈsnoʊi/ có tuyết dark /dɑːrk/ tối
sun /sʌn/ mặt trời email /ˈiːmeɪl/ thư, gửi thư điện tử
sun hat /ˈsʌn hæt/ mũ / nón chống nắng fish /fɪʃ/ câu cá
sunny /ˈsʌni/ có nắng hard work /hɑːrd ˈwɜːrk/ làm việc chăm chỉ
time /taɪm/ thời gian horn /hɔːrn/ cái còi
treasure /ˈtreʒər/ kho báu park /pɑːk/ công viên
weather /ˈweðər/ thời tiết pen pal /ˈpen pæl/ bạn bè qua thư
windy /ˈwɪndi/ có gió play badminton /pleɪ ˈbædmɪntən/ chơi cầu lông
play basketball /pleɪ ˈbæskɪtbɔːl/ chơi bóng rổ
Unit 8 play chess /pleɪ ˈtʃes/ chơi cờ
all day /ɔːl ˈdeɪ/ cả ngày play the guitar /pleɪ ðə ɡɪˈtɑːr/ chơi đàn ghi-ta
asleep /əˈsliːp/ buồn ngủ play the piano /pleɪ ðə piˈænoʊ/ chơi đàn pi-a-nô
balloon /bəˈluːn/ bong bóng, bóng bay play volleyball /pleɪ ˈvɑːlibɔːl/ chơi bóng chuyền
birthday /ˈbɜːrθdeɪ/ sinh nhật pretty /ˈprɪti/ xinh đẹp
buy /baɪ/ mua read comics /riːd ˈkɑːmɪks/ đọc truyện tranh
cake /keɪk/ bánh kem scarf /skɑːrf/ khăn quàng
candle /ˈkændəl/ nến shark /ʃɑːrk/ con cá mập
candy /ˈkændi/ kẹo shop /ʃɑːp/ đi mua sắm
chocolate /ˈtʃɔːklət/ sô-cô-la soccer /ˈsɑːkər/ môn bóng đá
cook /kʊk/ nấu ăn star /stɑːr/ ngôi sao
father /ˈfɑːðər/ bố, cha, ba storm /stɔːrm/ cơn bão
flower /ˈflaʊər/ bông, hoa weekend /ˈwiːkend/ cuối tuần
front /frʌnt/ phía trước
gift card /ˈɡɪft kɑːrd/ thẻ quà tặng Unit 11
in half /ɪn hæf/ làm đôi between /bɪˈtwiːn/ ở giữa
invite /ˈɪnvaɪt/ lời mời fern /fɜːrn/ cây dương xỉ
let’s see /lets siː/ để xem garbage can /ˈɡɑːrbɪdʒ kæn/ thùng rác
lots to do / ˈlɑːts tuː ˈduː/ nhiều việc để làm gas station /ˈgæs ˌsteɪʃən/ trạm xăng dầu
love /lʌv/ thân mến go back /goʊ ˈbæk/ đi ngược lại

120 Word list

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go straight /goʊ ˈstreɪt/  đi thẳng
germs /dʒɜːrmz/ vi khuẩn
girl /ɡɜːl/ con gái
hurt /hɜːrt/ làm đau, làm
bị thương
if /ɪf/ nếu
keep /kiːp/ giữ
next to /nekst tuː/ ở bên cạnh, kề bên
nurse /nɜːrs/ y tá
opposite /ˈɑːpəzɪt/ ở phía đối diện
quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ yên lặng
school gate /skuːl ɡeɪt/ cổng trường
start /stɑːrt/ bắt đầu
supermarket /ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/ siêu thị
traffic lights /ˈtræfɪk laɪts/ đèn giao thông
train station /ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪʃən/ ga tàu hoả
trash /træʃ/ rác thải
turn left /tɜːn ˈleft/ rẽ trái
turn right /tɜːn ˈraɪt/ rẽ phải

Unit 12
bad /bæd/ đáng ghét, xấu
costume /ˈkɑːstuːm/ trang phục
floor /flɔːr/ sàn nhà
friendly /ˈfrendli/ thân thiện
good /ɡʊd/ tốt
handsome /ˈhænsəm/ đẹp trai
hood /hʊd/ mũ trùm đầu
ice cream /ˈaɪs kri:m/ kem
kitchen /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ nhà bếp
messy /ˈmesi/ bừa bãi
neat /niːt/ ngăn nắp, gọn gàng
queen /kwi:n/ nữ hoàng
shy /ʃaɪ/ rụt rè, nhút nhát
smart /smɑːrt/ thông minh, lanh lợi
spoon /spuːn/ cái thìa / muỗng
take a seat /teɪk eɪ siːt/ ngồi xuống
wet /wet/ ẩm ướt
wolf /wʊlf/ con sói
year /jɪr/ năm
young /jʌŋ/ trẻ

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Student Book Page 10, activity 2  09
Listen and chant.
Starter doctor, doctor, doctor
pilot, pilot, pilot
Page 5, activity 3  03 firefighter, firefighter, firefighter
student, student, student
Listen and write the numbers. teacher, teacher, teacher
1 This is Rosy’s mom. She has curly hair. It’s brown.
2 This is Rosy’s dad. He has short, black hair. Page 12, activity 1  12
3 This is Rosy’s brother. His name’s Billy. He has short, curly
hair and brown eyes.
Listen, point, and repeat.
police officer, farmer, office worker, office worker, farmer,
4 This is Rosy. She’s Billy’s sister. She has brown hair. It’s
police officer
5 This is Rosy’s grandma. She has white hair.
6 This is Rosy’s grandpa. He has short, white hair. Page 13, activity 1  14
7 This is Rosy’s aunt. She has brown hair and green eyes. Listen, point, and repeat.
8 This is Rosy’s uncle. He has black hair and brown eyes. doctor, teacher, firefighter, office worker, office worker,
9 And this is Rosy and Billy’s cousin. His name’s Tim. He has firefighter, teacher, doctor
short, brown hair and green eyes.
Page 13, activity 4  16
Page 6, activity 1  04
Listen and draw big and small circles to show the
Listen, point, and repeat. stress.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, firefighter, doctor, pilot, student, teacher, farmer,
Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Wednesday, office worker, police officer
Sunday, Thursday
Page 15, activity 1  18
Page 7, activity 2  06 Listen and number.
Listen and point. Ask and answer. 1 This is Mai’s grandpa. He’s a doctor.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, 2 Mai is happy. She is nine. She’s a student.
Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, 3 And there is Mai’s dad. He’s a pilot.
Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty 4 Mai’s mom is an office worker.

Page 8, activity 2  07 Unit 2

Listen and read.
Max  Hi. I’m Max. I’m twelve. I have short hair and brown eyes. Page 16, activity 1  19
Holly is my sister. We have two cousins. Their names are Amy Listen, point, and repeat.
and Leo. hospital, airport, police station, fire station, store, police
Amy  Hello. I’m Amy. I’m Leo’s sister. My favorite color is blue. station, hospital, fire station, store, airport
Leo’s favorite color is green. What’s your favorite color? I have
an aunt and an uncle and two cousins, Max and Holly. Page 16, activity 2  20
Listen and chant.
Unit 1 hospital, hospital, hospital
airport, airport, airport
Page 10, activity 1  08 police station, police station, police station
fire station, fire station, fire station
Listen, point, and repeat. store, store, store
doctor, student, firefighter, pilot, pilot, firefighter, student,
doctor Page 18, activity 1  23
Listen, point, and repeat.
office, farm, bank, office, bank, farm

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Page 19, activity 1  25 Page 25, activity 1  36
Listen, point, and repeat. Listen, point, and repeat.
/n/ nest /kw/ queen
/ɒ/ octopus /r/ rabbit
/p/ parrot /s/ sofa
/ɒ/ octopus /s/ sofa
/n/ nest /r/ rabbit
/p/ parrot /kw/ queen

Page 19, activity 2  09 Page 25, activity 4  38

Write. Listen and chant. Listen to the sounds and write the letters.
In the net, a purple plum, /kw/ /kw/ /kw/ question
And in the nest, an orange carrot. /r/ /r/ /r/ rocks
No, that’s not a purple plum, /s/ /s/ /s/ socks
And that’s not an orange carrot.
That’s a purple octopus, Page 27, activity 1  40
And an orange parrot!
Listen and write Yes or No.
Page 19, activity 4  27 1 Boy  I like fruit.
Girl  So do I! Let’s buy fruit for our family.
Listen and complete the words. Woman  Would they like bananas?
1 octopus Girl  Yes, they would. Twelve bananas, please.
2 net Woman  Twenty four thousand dong please.
3 purple 2 Boy  And they would like plums.
4 office Woman  Sorry, we don’t have any plums.
5 plum 3 Girl  OK, we would like apples.
Woman  We don’t have any apples.
Page 21, activity 1  29 4 Woman  Would you like mangoes?
Girl  Yes, we would. Seven mangoes please.
Listen and circle the correct words. Woman  Thirty five thousand dong please.
This is Nam. He works in Saigon Zoo with Vy.
1 He takes care of the little animals. Page 28, activity 1  41
2 My favorite animals are the monkeys. They are very funny.
3 We have 12 monkeys at the zoo. Listen and write.
4 He also takes care of the parrots. 1 thirty-five
We have four parrots at the zoo. 2 twenty-two
5 My favorite parrot is called Fred. He is green and white. 3 sixty-seven
6 Fred talks to visitors. He can say “Hello.” Everyone loves Fred. 4 fifty-three
5 forty-six
6 ninety-nine
Unit 3
Page 28, activity 2  42
Page 22, activity 1  30
Listen and check the box.
Listen, point, and repeat. 1 They’re police officers.
fries, noodles, pizza, bubble tea, chicken, pizza, fries, chicken, 2 We’re students.
noodles, bubble tea 3 She’s a doctor.
4 They’re pilots.
Page 22, activity 2  31
Listen and chant. Fluency Time! 1
Fries, fries, fries
Noodles, noodles, noodles Page 30, activity 2  44
Pizza, pizza, pizza
Bubble tea, bubble tea, bubble tea Listen and circle the answer.
Chicken, chicken, chicken Kate  Mom, I’ve finished my English homework.
Mom  OK, let’s check it. What’s this in English?
Page 24, activity 1  34 Kate  That’s easy. It’s rice.
Mom  Great. OK, let’s do some more.
Listen, point, and repeat.
10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,
90, 100, 40, 23, 90, 28, 10, 29, 50, 25, 20, 70, 21, 100, 27, 30, 24,
80, 22, 60, 26
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Page 31, activity 1  45 Unit 5
Listen, point, and repeat.
fire truck, ladder, helmet, uniform, uniform, fire truck,
Page 38, activity 1  58
helmet, ladder Listen, point, and repeat.
read, surf, play with a ball, go on a boat, snorkel, collect
Unit 4 shells, read, collect shells, play with a ball, snorkel, surf, go on
a boat
Page 32, activity 1  47
Page 38, activity 2  59
Listen, point, and repeat.
art, math, English, P.E., Vietnamese, P.E., math, art,
Listen and chant.
surf, surf, surf
Vietnamese, English
play with a ball, play with a ball, play with a ball
go on a boat, go on a boat, go on a boat
Page 32, activity 2  48 snorkel, snorkel, snorkel
Listen and chant. collect shells, collect shells, collect shells
art, art, art
math, math, math Page 40, activity 1  62
English, English, English
P.E., P.E., P.E.
Listen, point, and repeat.
swimming, sitting, running, sitting, running, swimming
Vietnamese, Vietnamese, Vietnamese

Page 34, activity 1  51 Page 41, activity 1  64

Listen, point, and repeat. Listen, point, and repeat.

/w/ web
schoolyard, art room, computer room, art room, schoolyard,
/w/ window
computer room
/w/ wet
/ks/ box
Page 35, activity 1  53 /ks/ fox
Listen, point, and repeat. /ks/ six
/t/ tiger
/ʌ/ umbrella Page 41, activity 4  66
/v/ van
/ʌ/ umbrella
Listen and complete the words.
1 /ks/ box
/v/ van
2 /w/ web
/t/ tiger
3 /ks/ six
4 /w/ walk
Page 35, activity 4  55 5 /ks/ fox
Listen and complete the words.
1 /t/ tiger Page 43, activity 1  68
2 /u/ under
3 /v/ vet
Listen and write the numbers.
1 Man  Hi Minh! Do you like the beach?
4 /t/ tall
Minh  Yes, I do. The beach is beautiful.
5 /t/ twenty
Man  What is your brother doing?
Minh  He’s snorkeling.
Page 37, activity 1  57 2 Man  What are you doing at the beach, Duc?
Listen and write the numbers. Duc  I’m fishing.
Hi, my name’s Ann. This is my school. Man  Oh. Is it fun?
1 This is our room. We come here every day. We have a Duc  Yes, it is.
board and 30 tables and chairs. 3 Man  What are you doing at the beach, Thanh?
2 We come here at break time. We can play here and talk to Thanh  I’m flying a kite.
our friends. Man  Oh, is it difficult?
3 Look at this room. We have paint and paper here and we Thanh  Yes, but it’s fun.
can do art. 4 Man  What are you doing at the beach, My?
4 There are lots of computers here. We can learn with the My  I’m playing in the sand. It’s fun!
computers. It’s fun. Man  That’s nice.
5 Man  What is your cousin doing at the beach, Lam?
Lam  He’s swimming.
Man  Oh yes. He’s swimming in the sea! That’s fun!

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Unit 6 Fluency Time! 2
Page 44, activity 1  69 Page 52, activity 2  81
Listen, point, and repeat. Listen and write.
penguin, zebra, kangaroo, camel, lizard, crocodile, penguin, Elly  Are you free after school today?
kangaroo, zebra, camel, crocodile, lizard Kate  No, sorry, I’m not free. I have piano class on
Page 44, activity 2  70 Elly  How about tomorrow?
Kate  Yes, I’m free. Let’s go to the playground.
Listen and chant.
penguin, penguin, penguin Page 53, activity 1  82
zebra, zebra, zebra
kangaroo, kangaroo, kangaroo Listen, point, and repeat.
camel, camel, camel float, sink, air, light, heavy, heavy, float, air, light, sink
lizard, lizard, lizard
crocodile, crocodile, crocodile
Unit 7
Page 47, activity 1  74
Page 54, activity 1  84
Listen, point, and repeat.
/j/ yo-yo Listen, point, and repeat.
/j/ yellow rainy, windy, hot, cold, snowy, sunny, hot, snowy, rainy,
/j/ yogurt sunny, cold, windy
/z/ zebra
/z/ zoo Page 54, activity 2  85
/z/ zero
Listen and chant.
rainy, rainy, rainy
Page 47, activity 4  76 windy, windy, windy
hot, hot, hot
Circle the beginning letters.
cold, cold, cold
1 /y/ yo-yo
snowy, snowy, snowy
2 /z/ zebra
sunny, sunny, sunny
3 /y/ yogurt
4 /z/ zoo
5 /z/ zero Page 56, activity 1  88
Listen, point, and repeat.
Page 49, activity 1  78 fly a kite, make a snowman, go outside, fly a kite, go outside,
make a snowman
Listen and put the pictures in the correct order.
1 Look at the tiger. It’s eating. Look at the monkey. It’s
Page 57, activity 1  90
climbing. Listen, point, and repeat.
2 The tiger is sleeping now. The monkey is eating a banana. ring, bang, long, treasure, measure, explosion, measure, long,
3 The monkey is dancing now. Look at the banana. It’s explosion, bang, ring, treasure
falling. Oh, no! The tiger isn’t sleeping now.
4 The tiger is watching the monkey. It wants to eat the Page 57, activity 4  92
monkey. The monkey is running.
Listen and complete the words.
Page 50, activity 1  79 1 measure  2 ring  3 long  4 explosion  5 bang  
6 treasure
Listen and write the numbers.
1 Look at the tall giraffe. Page 59, activity 1  94
2 The penguin is black and white.
3 I see a small green lizard. Listen and circle a or b.
4 There is a monkey. Here is the weather.
5 The camel is very big. 1 It’s Monday. It’s a sunny morning.
6 I can see a green crocodile. 2 It’s Wednesday. The weather is very windy. Be careful!
7 Look at the kangaroo! 3 It’s Friday. It’s rainy. Don’t forget your umbrellas. Don’t get wet.
8 The zebra is walking. 4 Sunday morning. Here is the weather. It’s cold outside.
Keep warm.

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Unit 8 Page 68, activity 1  109
Listen, point, and repeat.
Page 60, activity 1  93 two fifteen, two thirty, two forty-five, two forty-five,
Listen, point, and repeat. two fifteen, two thirty
candy, balloon, present, candle, balloon, candy, present,
candle Page 69, activity 1  111
Page 60, activity 2  95 Listen, point, and repeat.
/uː/ flute
Listen and chant. /uː/ new
candy, candy, candy /uː/ you
balloon, balloon, balloon /ʊ/ foot
present, present, present /uː/ flute
candle, candle, candle /ʊ/ foot
/uː/ you
Page 62, activity 1  99 /uː/ new

Listen, point, and repeat.

neighbor, invite, gift card, chocolate, gift card, neighbor, Page 71, activity 1  114
invite, chocolate
Listen and match.
Page 63, activity 1  101 This is my dad’s day.
We get up at seven thirty.
Listen, point, and repeat. Mom, Dad and I have breakfast together at eight o’clock.
/ð/ father Dad is a pilot. He goes to work at nine thirty.
/ð/ brother Dad goes to my grandma’s house for dinner on Thursdays.
/ð/ this They have dinner at six forty-five in the evening.
/ð/ that Dad gets home at ten o’clock, and he goes to bed at eleven
/θ/ three fifteen.
/θ/ throw He is very tired!

Page 65, activity 1  104 Page 72, activity 2  115

Listen and match. Listen and circle. What do they like?
1 I’m Trung. I like the animals at the farm. 1 Duc likes candy.
2 I’m Linh. I like the picture of the rainbow. It’s beautiful. 2 Nhan doesn’t like balloons but she likes the candles on
3 I’m Vinh. I don’t like candy. the cake.
4 I’m Kim. I like my birthday present – it’s a football. 3 Hoa likes chocolate. Me too!
4 Look! Huy has a present. It’s a gift card. He likes gift cards!
Unit 9
Fluency Time! 3
Page 66, activity 1  105
Listen, point, and repeat. Page 74, activity 2  117
get up, have breakfast, go to school, go home, have dinner, Listen and circle the answer.
go to bed, go to school, have dinner, get up, go to bed, go Mom  It’s good to be home. James and Dad are making dinner.
home, have breakfast Kate  Great. I’m hungry.
Mom  Wait, Kate! Your shoes.
Page 66, activity 2  106 Kate  My shoes?
Listen and chant. Mom  Kate, take off your shoes, please. You’re in the house.
get up, get up, get up Kate  Sorry, Mom!
have breakfast, have breakfast, have breakfast
go to school, go to school, go to school Page 75, activity 1  118
go home, go home, go home
Listen, point, and repeat.
have dinner, have dinner, have dinner
survey, bar chart, row, column, row, survey, column, bar chart
go to bed, go to bed, go to bed

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Unit 10 Unit 11
Page 76, activity 1  120 Page 82, activity 1  130
Listen, point, and repeat. Listen, point, and repeat.
read comics, play chess, fish, play basketball, play volleyball, next to
play badminton, play volleyball, read comics, play opposite
badminton, play basketball, fish, play chess between
turn left
Page 76, activity 2  121 turn right
go straight
Listen and chant. go straight
read comics, read comics, read comics turn right
play chess, play chess, play chess next to
fish, fish, fish turn left
play basketball, play basketball, play basketball between
play volleyball, play volleyball, play volleyball opposite
play badminton, play badminton, play badminton
Page 82, activity 2  131
Page 79, activity 1  125
Listen and chant.
Listen, point, and repeat. next to, next to, next to
/ɔː/ horn, corn, storm, opposite, opposite, opposite
/ɑː/ car, farm, star between, between, between
corn, car, storm, star, farm, horn turn left, turn left, turn left
turn right, turn right, turn right
Page 79, activity 4  127 go straight, go straight, go straight

Listen and write the missing letters. Match. Page 85, activity 1  136
1 star  2 corn  3 forty  4 scarf  5 horn  6 park
Listen, point, and repeat.
Page 81, activity 1  129 /ɜː/ germs, fern
/ɜː/ girl, bird
Listen and match. What do they like? /ɜː/ nurse, hurt
1 Girl  Look at this. It’s a pen pal website. bird, hurt, germs, girl, fern, nurse
Boy  Oh, great! I want a pen pal.
Girl  Look at number one. This is Khang. He’s from Viet Page 85, activity 4  138
Nam. He likes playing soccer.
Boy  I don’t like playing soccer. Listen and complete the words with er, ir, or ur.
Girl  Oh, ok. 1 /ɜː/ nurse
2 Boy  Who’s that girl, number two? 2 /ɜː/ skirt
Girl  Her name is Young. She’s from South Korea. 3 /ɜː/ fern
Boy  What does she like doing? 4 /ɜː/ purse
Girl  She likes cooking. 5 /ɜː/ shirt
Boy  Oh, I don’t like cooking. 6 /ɜː/ germs
3 Girl  Number three is Ken. He’s from Japan.
Boy  What does he like doing? Page 87, activity 1  140
Girl  He likes fishing.
Boy  I like fishing, too. Good! He can be my pen pal. Listen and point to the route. Where is Leo going?
4 Girl  I want a pen pal, too. Walk to the bus stop. Turn right after the stores. Go straight.
Boy  Well, look! Number four is Maria. She’s from Thailand. Turn left at the traffic lights. Go straight. It’s on your right.
Girl  What does she like doing?
Boy  She likes playing chess. Do you like playing chess?
Girl  Yes, I do. Maria can be my pen pal.
Boy Great!

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Unit 12 Fluency Time! 4
Page 88, activity 1  141 Page 96, activity 2  153
Listen, point, and repeat. Listen. Check the things they like and cross the
old, young, handsome, pretty, cute, smart, handsome, old, things they don’t like.
smart, cute, pretty, young Anna  I like orange juice. It’s my favorite!
Tom  I don’t. I like water. Do you like fishing?
Page 88, activity 2  142 Anna  Yes, I do. I like fishing with my brother.
Tom  I like fishing too! Do you like playing games? I do. I like
Listen and chant. playing chess.
old, old, old Anna  I don’t like playing games. I like reading comics.
young, young, young
handsome, handsome, handsome Page 97, activity 1  154
pretty, pretty, pretty
cute, cute, cute Listen, point, and repeat.
smart, smart, smart volcano, inside, hole, erupt, lava, erupt, hole, inside, lava,
Page 90, activity 1  145
Listen, point, and repeat. Workbook
neat, messy, floor, messy, neat, floor

Page 91, activity 1  147

Listen and point. Page 6, activity 1  01
eat, dream, queen, green, sleep, spoon, queen, spoon, eat,
Order the days. Listen and check.
sleep, dream, green, eat, dream, queen, green, sleep, spoon
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Page 93, activity 1  150
Listen and write T (true) or F (false).
Narrator  1
Unit 1
Boy  Our school play was on Monday.
Narrator  2
Page 11, activity 2  02
Boy  Our play was about food. Listen and fill in the correct circle.
Narrator  3 1 A Woman  They teach students.
Boy  I was a cat in the play. My costume was brown with ears. B Woman  They fight fires.
Narrator  4 C Woman  They study.
Boy  Son and Lan were horses in the play. Son was in a 2 A Woman  They help sick people.
brown horse and Lan was a white horse. B Woman  They fly planes.
Narrator  5 C Woman  They fight fires.
Boy  Our families were very happy. Thank you, teacher, our 3 A Woman  They fly planes.
play was fun! B Woman  They teach students.
C Woman  They study.
Page 94, activity 1  151
Listen and match.
Page 13, activity 1  03
1 Woman  Where’s the museum? Check the correct stress. Listen and check.
Man  Turn left. It’s opposite the supermarket. 1 teacher
2 Man  Where’s the school? 2 office worker
Woman  It’s near the police station, opposite the office. 3 doctor
3 Woman  Where’s the library? 4 firefighter
Man  Go straight. It’s next to the bookstore.
4 Man  Where’s the park? Page 13, activity 2  04
Woman  Turn right. It’s between the school and the train
station. Write. Listen and chant.
Doctor, teacher, office worker,
Working hard, every day.
Pilot, farmer, firefighter,
Help us all in many ways.

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Page 13, activity 3  05 3 Girl  His favorite animals are lions.
Woman Lions?
Write the missing letters with schwa. Listen and Girl Yes.
check. 4 Woman  How many lions are in the zoo?
1 farmer Girl  There are eleven lions.
2 office worker Woman  Eleven or twelve?
3 doctor Girl Eleven.
4 firefighter 5 Woman  Do you like lions too?
5 teacher Girl  I don’t like lions. My favorite animals are birds.
6 pilot Woman Birds?
Girl Yes.
Page 14, activity 2  06
Listen and number. Unit 3
1 This is my mom. She’s an office worker. She uses a
computer. Page 22, activity 1  11
2 My name’s Milly. I’m nine. I’m a student.
3 This is my grandpa. He’s a doctor. He helps sick people. Listen. Look at the pictures. Fill in the correct circle.
4 This is my dad. He’s a firefighter. He fights fires. 1 I have a bubble tea.
2 My favorite food is fries.
3 I’m hungry. I want pizza.
Unit 2 4 I like noodles.

Page 18, activity 2  07 Page 24, activity 3  12

Listen and check. Listen, color, and write.
1 Where does Linh’s mom work? 1 Boy  Can I color this picture?
Sam  Where does your mom work, Linh? Woman  Yes, you can. Can you see house number 21?
Linh  She works in a train station. Boy  Yes, I can.
Sam  That’s fun. Woman  Color it blue, please.
2 Where does Sam’s mom work? Boy OK.
Linh  Where does your mom work, Sam? 2 Woman  Can you see the gift shop?
Sam  She works in a bank. She’s good at math! Boy  Yes, I can. It’s number 27.
3 Where does Sam’s dad work? Woman  That’s right. Color it with your red pencil, please.
Linh  Does your dad work in a bank too, Sam? Boy OK!
Sam  No, he doesn’t. He works on a farm. He takes care of 3 Boy  Can I color a truck now?
the animals! Woman  OK. Color the small truck.
Boy  Can I color it pink?
Page 19, activity 2  08 Woman  Yes. That’s a good idea.
4 Boy  Can I do some writing too?
Write and match. Listen and check. Woman  Yes. Write the word ‘pizza’, please.
1 nest, net Boy  Where? On the café window?
2 octopus, office Woman  Yes, please. Write ‘pizza’ on the window at the café.
3 parrot, purple Thank you. Good job!

Page 19, activity 2  09 Page 25, activity 2  13

Write. Listen and chant. Write. Listen and check.
In the net, a purple plum, 1 sofa
And in the nest, an orange carrot. 2 question
No, that’s not a purple plum, 3 rabbit
And that’s not an orange carrot. 4 rocks
That’s a purple octopus, 5 queen
And an orange parrot! 6 socks

Page 21, activity 1  10 Page 25, activity 3  14

Listen and write. Write. Listen and chant.
1 Girl  My dad works at a zoo. The queen has a question,
Woman  A zoo? About her lost socks.
Girl Yes. The rabbit on the sofa says,
2 Girl  He takes care of big animals. “They’re right here on these rocks!”
Woman  Big animals?
Girl Right.

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Unit 4 3 What are they doing?
Man  Are your cousins on the beach?
Boy  Yes, they are. But they aren’t collecting shells and they
Page 32, activity 2  15 aren’t going on a boat.
Listen and check. Man  Look! They’re playing with a ball.
1 Where’s English class on Mondays?
Girl 1  What do we have on Mondays? Page 38, activity 2  20
Girl 2  We have English on Mondays. It’s in the computer
room. Listen and write.
2 Where’s the ball? We’re playing at the beach,
Boy 1  Let’s play soccer! Where’s the ball? Is it in the art We’re sitting in the sun,
room? We’re playing at the beach,
Boy 2  No, it isn’t. It’s in the schoolyard. We’re having fun!
3 Where’s Mrs. Chi? Sister is running very fast.
Girl 1  What do we have on Tuesdays? The dog is swimming in the sea.
Girl 2  We have Art with Mrs. Chi. Look! There’s Mrs. Chi. Mom and Dad aren’t going on a boat,
She’s in the art room now. They’re surfing with my brother and me.

Page 33, activity 1  16 Page 39, activity 1  21

Write and match. Listen and check. Write. Listen and check.
1 tiger, tall 1 box
2 umbrella, under 2 walk
3 van, vet 3 web
4 fox
5 window
Page 33, activity 2  17 6 six
Write. Listen and chant.
The tiger gets in his van, Page 39, activity 2  22
To visit the tall vet.
“Stay under your umbrella, Write. Listen and chant.
And then you won’t get wet!” I can see a window.
I can see a box.
There’s a web on the window.
Unit 5 There’s a fox in the box.

Page 36, activity 2  18 Unit 6

Listen and draw a line.
Girl  Hi Ben. Are you at the beach? Page 44, activity 1  23
Ben  Yes, I am.
Girl  What are you doing? Look at the picture. Listen to a conversation. Fill in
Ben  I’m collecting shells. the correct circle.
Girl  Where’s your brother? Girl  This is a photo of my friends at the zoo. My friends are
Ben  He’s surfing. Anh, Chi, and Kim.
Girl  Where are your mom and dad? 1 Man  It’s a very small picture. Is Anh taking a photo?
Ben  My dad is swimming. He’s very fast. Girl  Yes, she is. She’s taking a photo of monkeys.
Girl  Is your mom with your dad? What is Anh doing?
Ben  No, she isn’t. She’s going on a boat. It’s very big! A  She’s taking a photo.
Girl  Where’s your sister? B  She’s looking at a photo.
Ben  She’s snorkeling. We’re all having fun. C  She isn’t looking at monkeys.
2 Man  Is Chi writing in a notebook?
Girl  No, she isn’t. She is eating a sandwich.
Page 37, activity 2  19
Man  Oh, is she wearing a hat?
Listen and check. Girl  Yes, she’s also wearing a hat.
1 What’s Mike doing? What is Chi doing?
Girl  Hi Mike. Are you on the beach? A  She isn’t eating a sandwich.
Mike  Yes, I am. I’m with my brother. He’s surfing. B  She’s eating a sandwich.
Girl  Are you collecting shells? C  She isn’t wearing a hat.
Mike  No, I’m not. I’m going on a boat.
2 What’s Sophie doing?
Girl 1  Where’s Sophie?
Girl 2  She isn’t playing with a ball. She’s in the sea.
Girl 3  She isn’t swimming. Look! She’s snorkeling.

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3 Man  Is Kim writing in a notebook? Page 53, activity 1  27
Girl  Yes, she is. She’s writing in a notebook.
Man  She isn’t wearing a hat. Write. Listen and check.
Girl  Yes, that’s Kim. 1 ring
What is Kim doing? 2 explosion
A  She’s wearing a hat. 3 measure
B  She isn’t taking a photo. 4 treasure
C  She’s writing in a notebook. 5 bang
4 Man  It’s sunny in the picture. 6 long
Girl  Yes, it was very hot.
Man  Why is Kim not wearing a hat? Page 53, activity 2  28
Girl  Oh yes. Kim doesn’t like her hat. I like my hat.
Why is Kim not wearing a hat? Listen and number the pictures.
A  Because she isn’t in the sun. 1 measure
B  Because she likes it. 2 ring
C  Because she doesn’t like it. 3 explosion

Page 45, activity 1  24 Page 53, activity 3  29

Write. Listen and check. Write. Listen and chant.
1 yo-yo Can you measure all this treasure?
2 zebra Can you swing and are you strong?
3 yogurt Can you shout “bang”? Big explosion!
4 zoo Can you sing a funny song?
5 yellow
6 zero
Unit 8
Page 45, activity 2  25 Page 56, activity 2  30
Write. Listen and chant.
Listen and match. There are two extra pictures.
I can see a yogurt.
1 Nam
I can see the zoo.
Mom  Let’s buy presents for your cousins.
There’s a yo-yo in the yogurt.
Jasmin OK.
There’s a zebra in the zoo.
Mom  Let’s get candy.
Jasmin  Yes, Nam likes this candy because it’s delicious.
Unit 7 2 Minh
Mom  Oh, look at the balloons!
Page 52, activity 1  26 Jasmin  Minh likes balloons. Can I get a red balloon for
Listen and check. Mom  Yes, you can.
1 What can the girl do today? 3 Huy
Girl  What’s the weather like? Mom  OK. What does Huy like? Cake?
Mom  It’s snowy. Jasmin  Yes, he does. He needs eight candles on his cake.
Girl  Great. Let’s make a snowman. Mom  OK. Here’s a cake with eight candles.
Mom  Put on your coat because it’s cold outside. 4 Mrs. Chi
Girl OK. Jasmin  Can I give an invite to Mrs. Chi?
2 What’s the weather like? Mom  Yes, that’s a nice idea. Here’s an invite with a dog. She
Boy  Let’s go to the park. likes dogs.
Girl  Why? It’s snowy.
Boy  Because we can make a snowman! Page 59, activity 1  31
Girl  Good idea. Let’s go!
3 Why are they outside? Write. Listen and check.
Dad  Where are Harry and Thomas? 1 three
Girl  They’re outside. 2 father
Dad  But it’s very windy! Why are they outside? 3 brother
Girl  Because they’re flying a kite. 4 throw
4 What’s the weather like?
Boy  Can I go outside?
Mom  No, because it’s rainy.
Boy  I like the rain because it’s cold.
Mom  OK. But put on your raincoat.

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Page 59, activity 2  32 Page 73, activity 2  37
Write. Listen and chant. Write. Listen and chant.
There are three people in this picture. We’re in the car,
Who is this and who is that? After playing in the park.
He’s my father, she’s my mother, I have a short scarf,
He’s my brother, that’s the cat. I have a toy shark.
Here comes a storm
It’s getting dark.
Unit 9
Page 64, activity 2  33 Unit 11
Listen and look at the clocks. Fill in the correct Page 77, activity 1  38
1 It’s four fifteen. Listen and check the box.
2 It’s seven o’clock. 1 Go straight at the bookstore.
3 It’s five thirty. 2 Turn right at the traffic lights.
4 It’s eleven fifteen. 3 The hospital is opposite the park.
4 He’s next to the school.
Page 65, activity 1  34
Page 78, activity 3  39
Order the letters. Listen and check.
1 flute Listen and write.
2 you How do we get to the station?
3 foot How do we get to the station?
4 new It’s getting very late.
Where is the train station?
Page 65, activity 2  35 The train doesn’t wait.
Turn right at the library.
Write. Listen and chant. You’re getting very near.
Look! It’s June and It’s opposite the bookstore.
It’s my birthday! The train station is here!
I have a few books and How do we get to the station?
A new flute. It’s getting very late.
Would you like to come Where is the bus station?
To my party? The bus doesn’t wait.
There’s cake, balloons, Turn left at the hospital,
And a lot of fruit! You’re getting very near.
It’s next to the supermarket.
The bus station is here!
Unit 10
Page 79, activity 1  40
Page 72, activity 3  36
Complete the words with er, ir or er. Listen and
Listen and write. check.
I’m happy it’s the weekend!
1 hurt
Dad likes playing basketball,
2 germs
He also likes playing chess.
3 bird
Mom likes playing tennis,
4 fern
But I like fishing best!
5 girl
Mom likes drawing pictures, 6 nurse
And I like drawing, too.
Dad likes taking photos, Page 79, activity 2  41
So we have lots to do!
Write. Listen and chant.
The girl hurts her finger.
She goes to the nurse.
The nurse gets some band aids
From her very big purse.
Here is a talking bird.
It’s perching in a fern.
“Be careful, little girl.
You don’t want germs!”

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Unit 12
Page 84, activity 2  42
Listen and look at the pictures. Fill in the correct
1 The house is very neat. We clean together.
2 After the party the house was so messy.
3 He was outside. He was very wet.
4 It is lunch time. He was very hungry.
5 The babies weren’t sad. They were happy.

Page 85, activity 1  43

Order the letters. Listen and check.
1 queen
2 sleep
3 green
4 dream

Page 85, activity 3  44

Circle. Listen and chant.
I go to sleep and I
Dream, dream, dream.
I have a green spoon to eat
Ice cream, cream, cream.
I am the queen in my
Dream, dream, dream.

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Workbook answer key
Starter unit 2 1 My name’s Nguyen / Trang.
2 I have brown / blue / green eyes.
3 This is my brother, Harry. He’s
3 My favorite color is orange / 4 This is my dad. He’s a firefighter.
Page 4 purple / red / yellow. 5 This is my grandpa. He’s a doctor.
Lesson One 4 I’m seven / eight. 6 We’re a happy family.
1 1  Rosy, straight, brown  ​2  Tim, 5 I have one brother / two sisters. 2 (From left to right:) 3, 1, 2, 4
short, green   ​3  Billy, curly 6 I have short / long / curly / 3 family: mom, grandpa
2 (In this order:) brother, cousin, straight hair. jobs: firefighter, doctor
grandma, mom, grandpa, dad 3 Children’s own answers numbers: thirteen, nine
names: Harry, Milly
Page 5 Page 9
Lesson Six
Page 15
Lesson Two
1 1  brothers  ​2  teddy bear   ​ Lesson Six
1 Children’s own answers
3  lions  ​4  green  ​5  chicken rice 1 1  Doctors help sick people.
2 1 This is Rosy’s mom. c
2 1   ​2    ​3    ​4    ​5   2 They’re farmers.
2 This is Rosy’s dad. b
3 Children’s own answers 3 Firefighters fight fires.
3 Tim is Rosy’s cousin. a
4 We’re students.
Page 6 Unit 1 2 Children’s own answers
3 Children’s own answers
Lesson Three Page 10 4 Children’s own answers
1 1  Monday  ​2  Tuesday  ​
3  Wednesday  ​4  Thursday  ​ Lesson One
5  Friday  ​6  Saturday  ​7  Sunday 1 (In this order:) firefighter, doctor, Unit 2
2 pilot, student
2 1 B  ​2  C  ​3  B  ​4  A Page 16
T S a t u r d a y S
h u Page 11 Lesson One
u T u e s d a y n 1 1  fire station   ​2  store  ​
Lesson Two 3  police station   ​4  hospital  ​
r F r i d a y d
1 1 They’re 5  airport
s a
2 We’re 2 1  hospital  ​2  airport  ​3  store  ​
d W e d n e s d a y 3 We’re 4  police station   ​5  fire station
a 4 They’re
y M o n d a y 2 1 B  ​2  B  ​3  C Page 17
Today is (children’s own answers). 3 1  They fight   2  They fly  
3 1 D, N, S   ​2  A, U, R 3  They study Lesson Two
1 1 He works in a police station.
Page 7 Page 12 2 She works in a school.
3 He works in an airport.
Lesson Four Lesson Three 4 She works in a fire station.
1 color: yellow, pink  ​animal: dog, 1 1 farmers, grow food
5 He works in a store.
giraffe 2 police officers, help everyone
6 She works in a hospital.
toy: train, doll  ​food: carrots, bread 2 1  police officers   ​2  doctors  
2 1 b  ​2  c  ​3  a  ​4  d
2 Children’s own drawings 3  farmers  4  firefighters  
5  pilots  6  students
3 1  13,  ​2  pink,  ​3  12,  ​4  orange,  ​ Page 18
5  20
Page 13 Lesson Three
Page 8 Lesson Four 1 (In this order:) farm, office, bank
1 1 b  ​2  a  ​3  a  ​4  b 2 1 a  ​2  c  ​3  b
Lesson Five 2 1  teach  ​2  work  ​3  ev  ​4  pi  ​
1 1 Hello. My name’s Holly. I’m 5  fire  ​6  ma Page 19
seven. I’m Max’s sister. I have 3 1  er  2  er  3  or  4  er  5  er  6  o
long hair and brown eyes. My Lesson Four
favorite color is pink. 1 1  nest – c net   ​2  octopus – a office
2 Hi. My name’s Leo. I’m eleven.
Page 14 3 parrot – b purple
I’m Amy’s brother. I have short Lesson Five 2 1  net  ​2  plum  ​3  nest  ​
hair and blue eyes. My favorite 1 1 My name’s Milly. I’m nine. 4  orange  ​5  purple  ​6  octopus  ​
color is red. 2 This is my mom. She’s an office 7  parrot
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Page 20 Page 27 Page 34
Lesson Five Lesson Six Lesson Five
2 Circle: pants, shirt 1 1 Does he like pizza? 2 Two things they can do: play ball
3 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  A  ​4  A 2 I would like an apple. games, talk with friends
3 Would you like a sandwich? Two things they can’t do: ride
Page 21 4 No, thanks. bikes, throw trash on the ground
2 Children’s own answers 3 1 B  ​2  A  ​3  B  ​4  C
Lesson Six 3 Children’s own answers
1 1  a zoo   ​2  big animals   ​3  lions  ​ 4 Children’s own answers Page 35
4  eleven  ​5  birds
2 Children’s own answers Lesson Six
3 Children’s own answers Review 1 1 1 We have Vietnamese on Tuesday.
4 Children’s own answers 2 What do we have on Thursday?
Page 28 3 Do we have science on Monday?
1 1  They’re doctors   ​2  a fire station  ​ 4 We don’t have school on Saturday.
Unit 3 3  a farm   ​4  They’re pilots 5 We have history on Wednesday.
2 1  doctor  ​2  parrot  ​3  pilot  ​ 2 Children’s own answers
Page 22 4  sofa 3 Children’s own answers
3 jobs: doctor, farmer, firefighter, 4 Children’s own answers
Lesson One office worker
1 1 B  ​2  C  ​3  B  ​4  B places of work: airport, bank,
2 1  bubble tea   ​2  noodles  ​ hospital, office Unit 5
3  chicken  ​4  pizza  ​5  fries food: chicken, fries, noodles, rice
Page 36
Page 23 Page 29
4 1  Would you   ​2  Do you   ​ Lesson One
Lesson Two 1 1  surf  ​2  go on a boat   ​3  read  ​
3  I would like   ​4  They would like
1 1  Would you like   2  Yes, please.   4  collect shells   ​5  snorkle  ​
3  No, thanks.   4  Would you like 6  play with a ball
2 1  Would you like   ​2  I would like   ​ Unit 4 2 1 c  ​2  d  ​3  a  ​4  b
​3  Would he like   4  He likes  
5  I like Page 30 Page 37
Page 24 Lesson One Lesson Two
1 (In this order:) art, math, English, 1 1  They’re going on a boat.
Lesson Three P.E., Vietnamese 2 She’s snorkeling.
1 (From left to right:) 30, 50, 100, 27, 2 art, Vietnamese, P.E., English, math 3 They aren’t playing with a ball.
70, 40, 90, 80, 26 3 1 What do you have on Tuesday? 4 He’s collecting shells.
2 1  thirty-three  ​2  sixty  ​3  twenty- 2 I have Vietnamese on Friday. 2 1 c   ​2  a  ​3  a
eight  ​4  ninety 3 Do you have art on Wednesday?
3 (Children should color images as 4 I have P.E. on Thursday. Page 38
follows:) 5 When do you have music?
House number 21 is blue. Lesson Three
The gift shop at number 27 is red. Page 31 1 1  A  ​2  C  ​3  B  ​4  C  5  C
The small truck is pink. 2 1 playing  ​2  sitting  ​3  playing  ​
‘Pizza’ should be written on the Lesson Two 4  having  ​5  collecting  ​
café window. 1 Children’s own answers 6  swimming  ​7  going  ​8  surfing
2 1  Can we   ​2  you can’t   ​
Page 25 3  Can we   ​4  You can Page 39
Lesson Four Page 32 Lesson Four
1 1  rabbit  ​2  queen  ​3  sofa  ​ 1 1  x  2  w  3  w  4  x  5  w  6  x
4  rocks Lesson Three 2 1  window  2  box  3  web  
2 1  s  ​2  q  ​3  r  ​4  r  ​5  q  ​6  s 1 1   ​2    ​3    ​4   4  window  5  fox  6  box
3 1  queen  ​2  question  ​3  socks  ​ 2 1  c  ​2  b  ​3  a
4  rabbit  ​5  sofa  ​6  rocks Page 40
Page 33
Page 26 Lesson Five
Lesson Four 1 beach, trees, sand, sea
Lesson Five 1 1  tiger, b tall   ​2  umbrella, c under  ​ 2 1 F  ​2  F  ​3  T  ​4  T  ​5  F
2 Simon: cookie, egg sandwich, salad 3  van, a vet
Kate: cheese sandwich, yogurt 2 1  tiger  ​2  van  ​3  tall  ​4  vet  ​
3 1  Yes  ​2  No  3  No  4  Yes   5  under  ​6  umbrella
5  No  6  Yes
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Page 41 Review 2 Page 53
Lesson Six Lesson Four
1 1 Dear  ​2  See  ​3  in  ​4  There
Page 48 1 1  ring  ​2  explosion  ​3  measure  ​
1 1 snorkeling 4  treasure  ​5  bang  ​6  long  ​
2 Children’s own answers
2 surfing 2 a  2  b  1  c  3
3 Children’s own answers
3 going 3 1 measure  2  treasure  3  swing
4 Children’s own answers
2 1  he, he isn’t.   ​2  they, they are   ​ 4 strong  5  bang  6  explosion
​3  is, He’s watching   7 sing  8  song
Unit 6 4  they, collecting shells
3 school subjects: art, English, math
Page 54
Page 42 places at school: art room,
computer room, schoolyard Lesson Five
Lesson One beach activities: snorkel, surf, 2 1 B  ​2  A  ​3  C
1 1  camel  ​2  kangaroo  ​3  lizard  ​ swim 3 1  playtime  2  home time  
4  penguin  ​5  zebra  ​6  crocodile zoo animals: lizard, crocodile, 3  home time   4  playtime  
2 1 It’s a zebra.   ​2  It’s a camel. zebra 5  P.E. time   6  home time
3 It’s a kangaroo.   ​4  It’s a penguin.
5 It’s a crocodile.   ​6  It’s a lizard. Page 49 Page 55
4 1  What do we   ​2  Can we   ​
Page 43 3  Is she   ​4  Are you Lesson Six
5 1 fox  2  van  3  yo-yo 1 verbs: make, go, ride, eat
Lesson Two adjectives: cold, happy, hot, sunny
1 1 No, we aren’t. 2 Children’s own answers
2 Yes, I am. Unit 7 3 Children’s own answers
3 No, I’m not. 4 Children’s own answers
4 Yes, we are. Page 50
2 1 they eating
2 are you doing Lesson One Unit 8
3 it playing 1 1  windy  ​2  sunny  ​3  rainy  ​
4 is it doing 4  snowy  ​5  hot  ​6  cold Page 56
2 1 a  It’s windy.
2 b  It’s sunny. Lesson One
Page 44 1 (In this order:) candle, balloon,
3 h  It’s snowy.
present, candy, invite
Lesson Three 4   e  It’s rainy.
5 d  It’s hot. 2 1 c  ​2  f  ​3  e  ​4  a
1 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  C  ​4  C
2 1 No they aren’t.   ​2  Yes, they are. 6 g  It’s cold.
3 No, they aren’t.   ​4  Yes, they are. Page 57
5 No, they aren’t.   ​6  Yes, they are. Page 51 Lesson Two
1 1  T hey like candy because it’s
Page 45 Lesson Two
1 1 What’s the weather like?
2 They don’t like balloons because
Lesson Four 2 Wear your scarf because it’s cold.
they pop.
1 1  y  2  z  3  y  4  z  5  y  6  z 3 Fly a kite because it’s windy.
3 They like presents because
2 1  yogurt  2  zoo  3  yo-yo   4 Don’t go out because it’s rainy.
they’re fun.
4  yogurt  5  zebra  6  zoo 5 Drink water because it’s hot.
4 They don’t like this cake because
6 Close the window because it’s
it has jelly.
Page 46 windy.
2 1 No, he doesn’t.  
2 1 it’s windy
​2  Do, No they don’t.
Lesson Five 2 it’s snowy
3 do, They like cards.
1 1  zoo, zookeeper, penguins, 3 it’s rainy
4  do, I like (children’s own answers).
monkeys 4 it’s hot
2 1 F  ​2  T  ​3  F  ​4  T  ​5  F
Page 52
Page 47
Lesson Three
Lesson Six 1 1 a  ​2  c  ​3  b  ​4  a
1  d  2  b  3  a  4  c 2 1 fly our kite, windy
2 Children’s own answers 2 make a snowman, snowy
3 Children’s own answers 3 play outside, sunny
4 Children’s own answers

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Page 58 Page 64 Page 67
Lesson Three Lesson Three Lesson Six
1 1  gift card   ​2  chocolate  ​ 1 1 1  I get up at six thirty in the
3  neighbor 1  morning.
2 1  presents  ​2  gift card   ​ 2  I have breakfast with my mom.
3  neighbor  ​4  likes  ​5  doesn’t 3 Then I go to school at eight o’clock.
like  ​6  candles  ​7  chocolate 2 Children’s own answers
3 Children’s own answers
Page 59 4 Children’s own answers
Lesson Four
1 1  three  ​2  father  ​3  brother  ​ Review 3
4  throw
2 1  father  ​2  mother  ​3  brother  ​ Page 68
4  this  ​5  that  ​6  father  ​ 1 1  Because it’s hot.
7  mother  ​8  brother 3  2 Because it’s snowy / cold.
3 1  throw  2  three  3  that 3 Because it’s rainy.
4 Because it’s windy.
Page 60 2 1  gift card, e   ​2  go to school, c   ​
3  fly a kite, f   ​4  have dinner, a   ​
Lesson Five ​5  like presents, d   ​6  make a
2 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  C  ​4  B 4  snowman, b
3 weather: cold, rainy, sunny, windy
Page 61 everyday activities: get up, go
home, go to bed, have breakfast
Lesson Six special days: balloon, candle,
1 1 I don’t like candy. invite, neighbor
2 They do not like balloons. 5 
3 We don’t like eggs. Page 69
4  I do not like tigers. 4 1  He gets up at seven o’clock.   ​
5 My friend doesn’t like cake. 2  He goes to school at nine o’clock.  ​
2 Children’s own answers 3  He has dinner at five o’clock.
3 Children’s own answers 6  5 1  ring, sing   ​2  father, brother  
4 Children’s own answers 3  measure, treasure

Unit 9 Unit 10
Page 62 2 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  C  ​4  C Page 70
Lesson One
1 1  get up   ​2  have breakfast   ​
Page 65 Lesson One
1 (From left to right, top to bottom:)
3  go to school   ​4  go home   ​ Lesson Four 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 1
5  have dinner   ​6  go to bed 1 1  flute  2  new  3  foot  4  you 2 1 They like playing chess
2 1  They go to school at seven 2 1  June  2  books  3  new 2 They like playing basketball
o’clock.  ​ 4 you  5  balloons 3 They like fishing
2  He goes home at five o’clock.   ​ 3 u_e: cube, tube ew: few, new 4 They like reading comics
3  I get up at six o’clock.   ou: soup, you oo: book, look
4  We have dinner at seven o’clock.  ​
Page 71
5  He has breakfast at six thirty.   ​ Page 66
6  She goes to bed at nine fifteen. Lesson Two
Lesson Five 1 1   ​2    ​3    ​4  
Page 63 2 1  Hieu  ​2  doctor  ​3  o’clock 2 1 c  ​2  a  ​3  e  4  f
4 goes to work   ​5  Hieu’s dad
Lesson Two 6 eleven Page 72
1 1 b  ​2  a  ​3  c  ​4  b 3 get up – six o’clock,
2 1 It’s seven o’clock in the evening. go to school – seven thirty, Lesson Three
2 It’s three o’clock in the go home – four o’clock, 1 1 B  ​2  C  ​3  A  ​4  B
afternoon. go to bed – eight o’clock 2 1  reading, they do   ​2  playing,
3 It’s ten o’clock in the morning. they don’t   ​3  playing, they do
4 It’s six o’clock in the evening. 3 1  likes  ​2  chess  ​3  playing  ​
4  like  ​5  drawing  ​6  I  ​
7  photos  ​8  we

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Page 73 Page 78 Page 84
Lesson Four Lesson Three Lesson Three
1 1  horn  ​2  horn/car  ​3  storm  ​ 1 1  bus – c   ​2  station – a 1 (In this order:) floor, messy, neat
4  star  ​5  farm 3 supermarket – b 2 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  C  ​4  B  ​5  A
2 1 car  ​2  park  ​3  short 2 1 The bus station is next to the
4 shark  ​5  storm  ​6  dark supermarket. Page 85
3 1  storm  ​2  parks  ​3  stars  ​ 2 The train station is near the bus
4  cars  ​5  horns station. Lesson Four
3 The supermarket is between the 1 1  queen  2  sleep  3  green  
Page 74 train station and the bus station. 4  dream
3 1  right  2  near  3  opposite   2 1 tree  2  please  3  eating  4  see
Lesson Five 4  left  5  next to   6  here 3 1  sleep  2  green  3  eat  
1 1  playing the guitar, chess   ​ 4  cream  5  queen
2  reading comics, books   ​ Page 79
3  going to the park, on a boat Page 86
2 1 B  ​2  B  ​3  C  ​4  C  ​5  C  ​6  A Lesson Four
1 1  hurt  ​2  germs  ​3  bird  ​4  fern  ​ Lesson Five
Page 75 5  girl  ​6  nurse 2 1 b  ​2  a  ​3  c
2 1  hurts  ​2  nurse  ​3  purse  ​ 3 1  4B  ​2  On the farm   ​3  a horse   ​
Lesson Six 4  bird  ​5  fern  ​6  girl  ​7  germs 4  a sheep   ​5  a hen   ​6  happy
1 1  It is, It’s   2  do not, don’t   3 er: fern, germs
3  do not, don’t   4  do not, don’t   ir: birthday, skirt Page 87
5  does not, doesn’t   6  He is, He’s ur: purse, Thursday
2 Email 1: Hi! I’m Felipe. Lesson Six
I’m from Brazil. I like Page 80 1 1  and  ​2  or  ​3  and  ​4  or  ​
playing the guitar! I 1 1  bus stop   ​2  stores  ​3  traffic 5  and  ​6  and
don’t like shopping, but lights  ​4  park  ​5  school 2 Children’s own answers
I like playing badminton. 2 1 March 21st   ​2  3 o’clock 3 Children’s own answers
Email me at felipe@mailme.com. 3 5:45  ​4  left  ​5  straight 4 Children’s own answers
Write soon! 6 left  7  opposite
Email 2: Hello! My name’s Kelly.
I’m from the U.S.A. I like
Review 4
Page 81
visiting family and fishing
with my grandma. Lesson Six Page 88
I want to be your pen pal. 1 1  c  ​2  d  ​3  a  ​4  b
1 1, 2, 5, 6
email me at kelly@mailme.com. Bye! 2 adjectives to describe people:
2 Children’s own answers
3 Children’s own answers cute, handsome, pretty, smart
3 Children’s own answers
4 Children’s own answers hobbies: fish, play chess, read
4 Children’s own answers
comics, play volleyball
directions: turn right, go straight,
Unit 11 Unit 12 it’s next to, turn left
3 1  was  ​2  weren’t  ​3  wasn’t  ​
Page 76 Page 82 4  was

Lesson One Lesson One Page 89

1 1  opposite  2  straight  3  next to   1 1  smart  ​2  old  ​3  pretty  ​ 4 1  fishing  ​2  visiting  ​3  playing
4  right  5  bookstore   4  young  ​5  cute  ​6  handsome basketball  ​4  taking  ​5  reading  ​
6  between  7  left 2 Children’s own answers 6  playing
2 Children draw the route on the 5 1  or  ​2  ir  ​3  ur  ​4  oo
map. Page 83 6 1  aw  ​2  ir  ​3  ar  ​4  ur

Page 77 Lesson Two

1 1  T he children weren’t at the Grammar Time
Lesson Two beach.
1 1 A  ​2  B  ​3  A  ​4  B 2 It wasn’t hot. Page 90
2 POSSIBLE ANSWERS 3 Mom was hungry.
1  Go straight.   ​2  Turn left at the 4 The children weren’t sad. Unit 1
traffic lights.   ​3  Turn right. 5 It was windy. 1 help
4 The school is on the left. 6 Dad was wet. 2 aren’t, ‘re
5  It’s opposite the library. 2 1  wasn’t  ​2  was  ​3  were  ​ 3 ‘re, We
4  wasn’t  ​5  were  ​6  weren’t 4 ‘re, They

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Unit 2 Unit 9
1 He works in a store. 1 I get up at six-fifteen in the
2 She works in a police station. morning.
3 Does she work in a police station? 2 I have breakfast at (seven o’clock)
No, she doesn’t. in the morning.
4 Does he work in an airport? Yes, 3 I go to bed at (nine-thirty) in the
he does. evening.
4 Children’s own answers.
Unit 3
1 No, thanks. Page 93
2 She would like water (please).
3 He likes pizza. Unit 10
4 Yes, please. 1 don’t like, like
2 Does she like
Page 91 3 like, don’t like
4 doesn’t like
Unit 4
1 What do we have on Tuesday? Unit 11
2 When do we have math? 1 The bus station is near here.
3 They can wear these T-shirts. 2 Turn right at the library.
4 Can I play soccer today? 3 The library is next to the train
Unit 5 4 Go straight and turn left at the
1 I’m not reading a book. traffic lights.
2 She isn’t collecting shells.
3 We’re swimming. Unit 12
4 You’re surfing. 1 wasn’t
2 were
Unit 6 3 was
1 Is he reading? 4 weren’t
2 What are you doing?
3 Are they sleeping?
4 Are you taking photos?

Page 92
Unit 7
1 Because it’s sunny.
2 Because it’s rainy.
3 Because it’s snowy.
4 Because it’s hot / sunny.

Unit 8
1 likes, it’s delicious
2 don’t like, it pops/goes pop
3 like, it’s fun / the children are
4 doesn’t like, it has jelly / it is
chocolate/there are candles

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Grade 4 Sample curriculum
This sample curriculum indicates the order in which the lessons should be taught. All of the tests
and worksheets can be found in the Printable Resources.
Unit Period Lesson content
 1 Lesson 1
 2 Lesson 2
 3 Lesson 3
Starter unit  4 Lesson 4
 5 Lesson 5
 6 Lesson 6
 7 Starter Unit Test
 8 Lesson 1
 9 Lesson 2
10 Lesson 3
11 Lesson 4
12 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 1
13 Grammar and Words worksheets
14 Lesson 5
15 Lesson 6
16 Consolidation
17 Unit 1 Test
18 Lesson 1
19 Lesson 2
20 Lesson 3
21 Lesson 4
22 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 2
23 Grammar and Words worksheets
24 Lesson 5
25 Lesson 6
26 Consolidation
27 Unit 2 Test
28 Lesson 1
29 Lesson 2
30 Lesson 3
31 Lesson 4
32 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 3
33 Grammar and Words worksheets
34 Lesson 5
35 Lesson 6
36 Consolidation
37 Unit 3 Test
38 Fluency Time! 1
Fluency Time! 1 39 Fluency Time! 1
40 Review 1

140 Sample curriculum

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Unit Period Lesson content
41 Lesson 1
42 Lesson 2
43 Lesson 3
44 Lesson 4
45 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 4
46 Grammar and Words worksheets
47 Lesson 5
48 Lesson 6
49 Consolidation
50 Unit 4 Test
51 Lesson 1
52 Lesson 2
53 Lesson 3
54 Lesson 4
55 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 5
56 Grammar and Words worksheets
57 Lesson 5
58 Lesson 6
59 Consolidation
60 Unit 5 Test
61 Lesson 1
62 Lesson 2
63 Lesson 3
64 Lesson 4
65 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 6
66 Grammar and Words worksheets
67 Lesson 5
68 Lesson 6
69 Consolidation
70 Unit 6 Test
71 Fluency Time! 2
Fluency Time! 2 72 Fluency Time! 2
73 Review 2
74 Lesson 1
75 Lesson 2
76 Lesson 3
77 Lesson 4
78 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 7
79 Grammar and Words worksheets
80 Lesson 5
81 Lesson 6
82 Consolidation
83 Unit 7 Test

Sample curriculum 141

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Unit Period Lesson content
84 Lesson 1
85 Lesson 2
86 Lesson 3
87 Lesson 4
88 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 8
89 Grammar and Words worksheets
90 Lesson 5
91 Lesson 6
92 Consolidation
93 Unit 8 Test
94 Lesson 1
95 Lesson 2
96 Lesson 3
97 Lesson 4
98 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 9
99 Grammar and Words worksheets
100 Lesson 5
101 Lesson 6
102 Consolidation
103 Unit 9 Test
104 Fluency Time! 3
Fluency Time! 3 105 Fluency Time! 3
106 Review 3
107 Lesson 1
108 Lesson 2
109 Lesson 3
110 Lesson 4
111 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 10
112 Grammar and Words worksheets
113 Lesson 5
114 Lesson 6
115 Consolidation
116 Unit 10 Test
117 Lesson 1
118 Lesson 2
119 Lesson 3
120 Lesson 4
121 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 11
122 Grammar and Words worksheets
123 Lesson 5
124 Lesson 6
125 Consolidation
126 Unit 11 Test

142 Sample curriculum

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Unit Period Lesson content
127 Lesson 1
128 Lesson 2
129 Lesson 3
130 Lesson 4
131 Grammar and Words worksheets
Unit 12
132 Grammar and Words worksheets
133 Lesson 5
134 Lesson 6
135 Consolidation
136 Unit 12 Test
137 Fluency Time! 4
138 Fluency Time! 4
Fluency Time! 4
139 Review 4
140 End of Year Test

Sample curriculum 143

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