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English Comp (Ha)

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eono®@ « ©0200 ® ® © » Section A is compulsory. All parts of this Section are to be answered on this page and handed ‘over to the Centre Superintendent Deletingloverwiting is not alowed. Do not use lead pencil. Fill the relevant bubble against each question: ENGLISH COMPULSORY SSC-II SECTION — A (Marks 15) Answer Sheet No. Sign. of Candidate Sign. of Invigilator ten dey nent srevedirs No article is BERBRBBR RRR RRR RR RRR RRR eRe ee eee eee.) word to the wise is sufctent. The orrect option is: Oa Om O The O required ‘Owning two cars is a luxury in most a a ~ 2. countries. Which type of pronoun is the () Concrete ©) Abstract) Proper © Colietive inderined? Wen saw him, he chess. Choos By eaciciiad kono ebae 18° ©) Isplaying ©) Was playing) Were playing OQ Play “Te foash crow ted to sing. The underined ae © Noun O ve O Adectve Atv The ship____ rapidly. Choose the correct | _vetb to complete sentence O Sinking © sane O Sunk O Sinked He works careuly. The underlined word is “He wrk cart neu OQ Menner Quantity Degree © Frequency |_ Selman enjoys playing cricket. The sentence -> Assertive Interogative (>) Exclamatory Imperative ; i ° oO O° isan exampe of sentence __O sentence sentence sentence | am doing it now. This sentence is an Compound ® example of sentence. © simple © Compound © Complex O compiex noe 7 ‘She is an - my 4, Which of the following sentences hes an | shell shen She walks too adjective? OC westent —O setnitey pay © Sve © stout | ~The cat amped ‘he chair Choose = 10. the comect”prepostion to complete the C) About Oot © Beneath © Through sentence ameneheies ime _ vem | had writen the letter. Which tense is used S Past pect im the given sentence? O Simple past © Pastpertect OQ continuous 1p, {ate some rice, The underined is adecive > quaity —C)Quantiy CQ) Manner © Demonsration Our friend —— wilting to us before he ~ = 13, eft the cif Choose the correct option to Is O willbe O Have © Had been complete the sentence. - _ - - : 4. ‘Cat isto kitten’ as “lloness' iso: © Lion © Puppy O ow © Baby __ Ho says, "1am unwel. Choose the corect He sath! Cy He sad that He syethat ©) He says that insect speech amunvel” © heisunwotl One's unve! O he was unwel asa 201048) — Page 1 of 1 l Ww ol ENGLISH COMPULSORY SSC-II Time allowed: 2:40 Hours Total Marks Sections B and C: 60 NOTE: Answer all the questions from Sections ‘B’ and ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet Le. Sheet-8 if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. ‘SECTION ~ B (Marks 36) Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer any FIVE questions including Question No.(i) appended to it. Note: Question No. (i) about summary writing is compulsory carrying 06 marks while rest of the question carry 03 marks each. (6 + 4x3= 18) More than 99 percent of the world's food supply comes from the land, while less than 1 percent is from oceans and aquatic habitats. The continued production of an adequate food supply is directly dependent of ample fertile land, fresh water and energy. As the human population grows, requirements for these resources also grow. Even if these resources are never depleted, on a per capita basis they will decline significantly because they must be divided among more people. At present, fertile agricultural land is being lost at an alarming rate. The shortage of productive fertile land and combined with decreasing land productivity Is the major cause of current food shortages Water is another critical item for all crops. Massive amount of water is required during the growing season for cuttvation. In fact, agricultural production consumes more fresh water than any other human activity. In many countries, people are facing shortage of fresh water. Competition for water resources among individuals, regions, countries and associated human activities is already occurring with the current world population. Water resources, critical for irrigation, are under great stress as populous cities, states and countries require and withdraw more water form rivers, lakes and aquifers every year. A major threat to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-use of surface and ground water resources. ‘Questions: (i) Summarize the given passage. Also suggest a suitable tte to it. (Compulsory) (i) Explain the food resources of the world (ii) What happens to the avaitable food resources if the population of the world continues to increase? (iv) What is the condition of fertile land at present? (Vv) What are the effects of shortage of water in agriculture sector? (vi) Do you also face shortage of water in your locality? Why? or Why not? (vil) Write down the synonyms of any three of the underlined words (02) 3 A. Paraphrase any ONE of the following stanzas: l. The pines where they stood: The wind will miss them —~ the rain, When its silver blind is down They have stripped the bark from the wood: The needy boughs, and the brown Knobby nuts trodden into the ground. OR I. Butall of that is Not its core, Its center is in truth Eternal stiliness Bright blue skies And all you hear Are gentle whispers Far away And unimportant B. _Read the following poem/stanza carefully and answer the questions appended to it: 1. Figure it out for yourself, my a, You've all the greatest of men have had, “Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes, ‘And a brain to use if you would be wise, With this equipment they all began, So, start for the top and say ‘I can’ Questions: i) Explain the theme of the stanza, (02) (i) Whats the rhyme scheme of the given stanza? (02) OR as as. @ “ (ii) (ili) (wy) ) (vi) I hear leaves drinking rain; | hear rich leaves on top Giving the poor beneath Drop after drop; ‘Tis a sweet noise to hear ‘These green leaves drinking near. Questions: ()) What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for? (i) Explain the ‘sweet noise’ mentioned in the stanza, Fill in blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets. oO tt (rain) all night. (i) Alifeli off the ladder when he, (mend) the roof. (ii) This time tomorrow 1 (sit) on the beach in Karachi, (iv) Don't disturb me, 1 (do) my work. Change the FOUR bold sentences into indirect speech: He said, “Who are you to speak to me like this”. He added, “I am the master”. “Why should help you? “The man replied. “tis your work to draw the cart” Do as directed (any FOUR) of the foll ‘The sun rises in the east. Piper, piped that song again The girl closed the door quickly. ‘Ahmed spoiled the project in a hurry. Did the plane arrive at 3:30. (Change into affirmative) bought a new bicycle last week. (Change into negative) ‘SECTION ~ C (Marks 24) (Change into interrogative) (Change into negative) (Change into imperative) (Change into interrogative) ‘Write an application to the ‘Director of Education’ for the grant of scholarship. OR Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about price hike. Describe your weekend, using appropriate/correct transitional devices (at least six) for connecting your ideas logically in paragraph Write an essay on any ONE of the following topics: (200-250 words) We Live in Deeds Not in Years OR Importance of Tree Plantation OR Hard Work is the Key to Success —28A,12201(HA) (02) (02) (04) (04) (04) (08) (08) (10)

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