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MGT 3601 Final

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Industrial Management

MGT-3601 Final Exam

Ques: What are the characteristics of a decentralized control system. Elaborate.
Ans: The characteristics of a decentralized control system are:
1. Goal of control approach: Employee Commitment
2. Degree of formality: Group norms, culture, and self-control
3. Performance Expectation: Directed towards enhanced performance above and beyond the
4. Organization Design: Flat Structure, Shared Influence
5. Reward System: Directed at group performance
6. Participation: Extended and informal
Ques: How can a manager determine whether his or her firm needs improvement in control? If
improvement is needed, how can the manager tell what type of control needs improvement
(operational, financial, structural, or strategic)?

Ans: Symptoms of poor control may include excessive costs or waste of other resources, too
many errors or defects, an inability to adapt in response to changes, and lack of managerial
capability in the face of organizational complexity.
➢ Operations control would help in improving the transformation process, such as more
training for workers to reduce product defects or a new system for obtaining customer
satisfaction feedback.
➢ Financial control is best for control of resources. This would include budgets, financial
statements, and audits.
➢ Structural control is needed when the various elements of the firm cannot work together
effectively. The performance appraisal system, the goal-setting system, and data sharing
on the information system are all examples of structural control.
➢ Strategic control is required for issues related to long-term goals and includes top
leadership capability and growth and profitability targets.
Ques: The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote
its brand or product in the market. Explain four P components of the marketing mix.
Ans: Four P components of the marketing mix are:
1. Product: This represents an item or service designed to satisfy customer needs and wants.
To effectively market a product or service, it's important to identify what differentiates it
from competing products or services.
2. Price: The sale price of the product reflects what consumers are willing to pay for it.
Marketing professionals need to consider costs related to research and development,
manufacturing, marketing, and distribution.
3. Placement: The type of product sold is important to consider when determining areas of
distribution. Basic consumer products, such as paper goods, often are readily available in
many stores. Premium consumer products, however, typically are available only in select
stores. Another consideration is whether to place a product in a physical store, online, or
4. Promotion: Joint marketing campaigns are called a promotional mix. Activities might
include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. A key
consideration should be for the budget assigned to the marketing mix.
Ques: The product life cycle is an important concept in marketing. It describes the stages as a
product goes through from when it was first thought of until it finally is removed from the market.
Not all product reaches this final stage. Some continues to grow, and others rise and fall. Discuss
the different stages of Product Life Cycle in brief.
Ans: The four (4) stages in a product life cycle are Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
1. In the introduction stage, a product is new to the market and there is little awareness of it.
Operations strategy and issues at this stage include building awareness of the product,
creating demand for the product, and ensuring that the product is available when consumers
want to purchase it.
2. In the growth stage, a product becomes more popular, and sales start to increase. Operations
strategy and issues at this stage include meeting the increasing demand for the product,
ensuring that the product is available when consumers want to purchase it, and managing
the product's inventory.
3. In the maturity stage, a product is well-established, and sales start to level off. Operations
strategy and issues at this stage include managing the product's inventory and ensuring that
the product is available when consumers want to purchase it.
4. In the decline stage, a product is no longer popular, and sales start to decrease. Operations
strategy and issues at this stage include managing the product's inventory and determining
when to remove the product from the market.
Ques: Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promoting, and delivering goods and
services to consumers and businesses. In fact, marketing involves ten types of entities. Explain all
of this and show the example of all 10 entities.
Ans: Marketing people market 10 types of entities. They are: GSEEPPPOII
1. Goods: A good is a commodity or tangible item that satisfies a human want or need.
Examples: food, beverages, clothing, shoes, and gasoline
2. Services: A service is an intangible act or use for which a consumer, firm, or government
is willing to pay. Example: transportation, cleaning, traveling, hospitality, maintenance, or
3. Events: Marketers promote time-based events, such as major trade shows, artistic
performances, and company anniversaries.
4. Experiences: By orchestrating several services and goods, a firm can create, stage, and
market experiences.
5. Persons: Celebrity marketing is a major business. Artists, musicians, CEOs, physicians,
high-profile lawyers and financiers and other professionals all get help from celebrity
6. Places: Cities, states, regions, and whole nations compete actively to attract tourists,
factories, company headquarters and new residents.
7. Properties: Properties are intangible rights of ownership of real property or financial
8. Organizations: Organizations actively work to build a strong, favorable, and unique image
in the minds of their target publics.
9. Information: Information is essentially what books, schools, and universities produce,
market, and distribute at a price to parents, students, and communities.
10. Ideas: Every market offering includes a basic idea.
Ques: Give an example that shows the difference between Need, Want and Demand in business
Ans: Needs are the basic human requirements. People need air, food, water, clothing, and shelter
to survive. People also have strong needs for recreation, education, and entertainment. These needs
become wants when they are directed to specific objects that might satisfy the need. Demands are
wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay. Many people Mercedes: only a few are
willing and able to buy one.
Ques: What is operation management? Describe five Ps of operation management with real field
Ans: Operations management is the branch of management that administers the complete
production timeline of a service or product from the input stage to the finished stage, including
planning, organizing, and supervising the operations, manufacturing and production processes, and
service delivery to lead to the desired outcome of high-quality product or service that meets the
demands of the customers.
Five Ps of Operation Management are:
1. Product: Defined as anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or
need. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and sold as finished goods
2. Process: Defined as a designed sequence of activities for changing the properties or
attributes of an object or system
3. Plant: Refers to a place where goods and services are produced commonly referred as
factory, mill or establishment
4. People: Referred as human resources who are engaged in operations
5. Programs: Defined as a planned series of events.

Ques: Operation Management solution helps to ensure Safe, Reliable and Efficient plant
operations and regulatory compliance by digitalization of information related to key Operations
Management Practices. This results in improved productivity through standardized work practices,
streamline, processes, plus improved communications, and coordination across departments.
Briefly discuss the operation management system.
Ans: An Operations Management System is an integrated set of requirements, responsibilities and
business processes that will continuously improve performance and help you achieve your goals.
We find most companies have many overlapping goals that can all be addressed by
the Management System. Operations Management solution helps to ensure Safe, Reliable and
Efficient plant operations and regulatory compliance by digitization of information related to key
Operations Management Practices. This results in improved productivity through standardized
work practices, streamlined processes, plus improved communications, and coordination across
Ques: People require different services and products to satisfy various needs and wants. In this
regard, it can observed that the marketers play a pivotal role in marketing different products and
services to various targeted customers. However, some people often confuse the two terms and
often use them interchangeably to refer to one thing but a closer analysis between them show that
they are different. Above this aspect distinguish between product and services.
Ans: Products are tangible – they are physical in nature such that they can be touched, smelled,
felt, and even seen. Services are intangible and they can only be felt not seen.
Product Service
Products are Tangible Services are Intangible
Products are Imperishable Services are Perishable
Products can be returned Services cannot be returned
Products are homogeneous in nature Services are heterogenous in nature
Quality of products can be measured Quality of service is not measurable

Ques: You decide to run a small pilot project for a month, using a new supplier to deliver your
products to a small sample of your customers, and you are pleased to see that the feedback from
these customers is positive. As a result, you decide to use the new supplier for all your orders.
What you have just done is to go once around a loop called PDCA Cycle which helps you to strive
for continuous improvements to your business. Explain PDCA cycle with an example.
➢ PDCA – stands for Plan – Do – Check – Act.
➢ Sometimes it is also called a PDSA cycle: Plan-do-Study-Act.
➢ It is used for a new product or concept development, problem solving, project
implementation and many other fields.
➢ Plan:
- Establish the objectives and goals of the task to be improved or developed.
- Describe the task in detail with clear specifications
- Develop a team that will be a part of the PDCA and set the deadlines
- Note down the data to be used, resources that will be needed, cost expected, risks and
mitigating steps, manpower required, support needed from management.
- Draw an implementation plan with breakdown of each task, owner, expected
outcome, operating procedure or guidelines etc.
➢ Do
- As per the implementation plan, perform all the tasks.
- Keep the stakeholders informed of the progress
- Adhere to the schedule and highlight any significant concerns and variations noted.
➢ Check
- One the activity is performed, validate whether the outcome is as intended and planned.
- Make a note of all variations, defects, best practices, pain areas and challenges faced
- Identify the root causes for the problems
➢ Act
- Correct the defects and make it comply with the specifications
- Identify the preventive actions for all the root causes identified
- Implement the preventive actions and check whether the outcome is as expected.
- Repeat the steps Do-Check Act until all of the objectives are met to the satisfaction of
the stakeholders.
Ques: What is contract? Describe the essential elements of contract.
Ans: A contract is an agreement enforce at law made between two or person by which right are
acquired by one or more to act or forbearance on the part of the other
1. Parties to contract
2. Capacity of the prates Pirates
3. Lawful offer
4. Lawful acceptance
5. Lawful consideration
6. Free consent
7. Intention to create legal relation
8. Lawful purpose and object
9. Certainty
10. Specific subject matter
11. Possibilities of performance
12. Not declared as void
13. Formalities
Ques: Define Delivery. What are the rules regarding delivery?
Ans: Delivery is the act of transferring a commodity, currency, security, cash, or another
instrument that is the subject of a contract.
According to Article 36.1 of the Sale of Goods Act 1930, “Goods sold are to be delivered at the
place at which they are at the time of the sale, and goods agreed to be sold are to be delivered at
the place at which they are at the time of the agreement to sell, or if not then in existence, at the
place at which they are manufactured or produced.”
Ques: Write short notes on: (Any Four)
1) Oil crisis due to Ukraine War: Since the second half of 2021, European energy costs have
increased by 54%. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, European natural gas prices
nearly tripled, and crude oil prices reached $105 per barrel for the first time since 2014.
2) Importance of Padma Bridge: The Padma Bridge has significant impacts on the whole
country that contributes to the socio-economic and industrial development of the south-
western region. It has improved the connectivity of these parts of the country with the
3) Chattogram Trade Fair: Chattogram International Trade Fair is the most awaited occasion
in Chattogram every year. Having grown into a month-long spectacular event, CITF
attracts visitors from every sphere of the society. With over 1.5 million visitors, the
business entities representing different countries get an ideal opportunity to showcase their
4) BM Container depot tragedy: At least 49 people have been killed and over 450 injured in
a fire caused by an explosion at a private Inland Container Depot (ICD) in Sitakunda
upazila in Chittagong.
5) Economic crisis in Sri Lanka: The government blamed the Covid pandemic, which badly
affected Sri Lanka's tourist trade - one of its biggest foreign currency earners. It also says
tourists were frightened off by a series of deadly bomb attacks in 2019. However, many
experts blame President Rajapaksa's poor economic mismanagement. At the end of its civil
war in 2009, Sri Lanka chose to focus on providing goods to its domestic market, instead
of trying to boost foreign trade. This meant its income from exports to other countries
remained low, while the bill for imports kept growing. Sri Lanka now imports $3bn
(£2.3bn) more than it exports every year, and that is why it has run out of foreign currency.
At the end of 2019, Sri Lanka had $7.6bn (£5.8bn) in foreign currency reserves, which
have dropped to around $250m (£210m). Mr Rajapaksa was also criticised for big tax cuts
he introduced in 2019, which lost the government income of more than $1.4bn (£1.13bn)
a year.
6) Rohingya Problem in Bangladesh: Overcrowding from the recent population boom at
Bangladesh's Rohingya refugee camps has placed a strain on its infrastructure. The
refugees lack access to services, education, food, clean water, and proper sanitation; they
are also vulnerable to natural disasters and infectious disease transmission.
Ques: What do you mean by Budgetary Control? Describe the different types of budgets.
Ans: Budgetary control is a system of procedures used to ensure that an organization's actual
revenues and expenditures adhere closely to its financial plan.
Different types of Budgets
1. Financial Budget: Sources and Uses of Cash
a) Cash flow or cash budget: All sources of cash income and cash expenditures in
monthly, weekly, or daily periods
b) Capital Expenditure Budget: Costs of major assets such as new plant, machinery, or
c) Balance sheet budget: forecast of the organization’s assets and liabilities in the event
all other budgets are met
2. Operating Budget: Planned Operations in Financial Terms
a) Sales or revenue budget: Income the organization expects to receive from normal
b) Expense budget: Anticipated expenses for the organization during the coming time
c) Profit budget: Anticipated differences between sales or revenues and expenses
3. Nonmonetary budget: Planned Operations in Nonfinancial Terms
a) Labor budget: Hours of direct available to use
b) Space budget: square feet or meters of space available for various functions
c) Production budget: Number of units to be produced during the coming period
Ques: Identify different steps of control and why it is said that controlling is a continuous activity.
Ans: Control is a Continuous Process: Controlling is not the last function of management, but it is
a continuous process. Control is not a one-time activity, but a continuous process. The process of
setting the standards needs constant analysis and revision depending upon external forces, plans,
and internal performance.
Steps of Control
1. Establish Standard: A control standard is a target against which subsequent performance
will be compared. Standards established for control purposes should be expressed in
measurable terms. Control standards should also be consistent with the organization’s
2. Measure Performance: Performance measurement is a constant, ongoing activity for most
organizations. For control to be effective, performance measures must be valid.
3. Compare Performance against Standard: Checking if the performance matches with the
standards is very important. It is an important step in controlling. In this step, the results
are measured with the already set standards.
4. Determine Need for Corrective Action: Corrective measures need to be taken when there
is a discrepancy. Correct actions provide protection against loss and stop them from
reappearing in future.
Ques: Describe the difference between marketing concepts and holistic marketing concepts.
Ans: Marketing concepts hold that the key to achieving organizational goals is being more
effective than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value to
the chosen target market.
Holistic marketing concept considers all the different parts of a business as one single entity. It is
based on the premise that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. As such, there is a shared
aim and purpose for all the activities related to a business.
Ques: What do you mean by segmenting, targeting, and positioning?
Ans: Segmenting is splitting the audience into smaller groups based on specific attributes gives
better clarity on who benefits the most out of the product and how. With this clarity, one can make
the messages more focused and relevant to target groups. Commonly used criteria to segment
audience are:
▪ Geography
▪ Demography
▪ Behavior
▪ Psychography
Targeting is the stage where we decide which segments, we created during the segmentation phase
are worth pursuing. We should consider the below criteria:
▪ Size: The selected segment big or small
▪ Difference: Measurable difference between two segments
▪ Reachability: The segments should be accessible
▪ Profitability: The audience must be willing to spend money on the product
Positioning defines where your product (item or service) stands in relation to others offering
similar products and services in the marketplace as well as the mind of the consumer
Ques: Why do producers produce the product? How is marketing different from shopping and
Ans: Producers produce the product to satisfy the customers’ needs and wants. Marketing is not
just about buying and selling. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for
creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
Ques: Describe the importance of Production Management for a manufacturing industry.
▪ Accomplishment of firm's objectives: Production management helps the business firm to
achieve all its objectives. It produces products, which satisfy the customers' needs and
▪ Reputation, Goodwill, and Image: Production management helps the firm to satisfy its
customers. This increases the firm’s reputation, goodwill, and image.
▪ Helps to introduce new products: Production management helps to introduce new products
in the market. It conducts Research and development (R&D). This helps the firm to develop
newer and better-quality products.
▪ Supports other functional areas: Production management supports other functional areas in
an organization, such as marketing, finance, and personnel.
▪ Helps to face competition: Production management helps the firm to face competition in
the market.
▪ Optimum utilization of resources: Production management facilitates optimum utilization
of resources such as manpower, machines, etc.
▪ Minimizes cost of production: Production management helps to minimize the cost of
▪ Expansion of the firm: The Production management helps the firm to expand and grow.
Ques: Describe the different types of transformation process.
Ques: What is ISO 9000? Briefly describe the documents of ISO 9000.
Ans: The ISO 9000 series was created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
as international requirements and guidelines for quality management systems. It was originally
introduced in 1987 and over the years has established itself in the global economy having been
adopted in over 178 countries with over one million registrations.
ISO 9000 (1994) originally had three QMS models depending on the primary function:
1. ISO 9001:1994 Model for quality assurance in design, development, production,
installation, and servicing was for companies and organizations whose activities included
the creation of new products.
2. ISO 9002:1994 Model for quality assurance in production, installation, and servicing had
basically the same material as ISO 9001 but without covering the creation of new products
3. ISO 9003:1994 Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test covered only the
final inspection of finished product, with no concern for how the product was produced
Ques: Describe the provisions of welfare that should be provided in an organizational
establishment according to Bangladesh labor ACT 2006.
1. First Aid Appliance
2. Maintenance of Safety Record Book
3. Washing Facilities
4. Canteens
5. Shelters
6. Rooms for Children
7. Recreational and Educational Facilities in Tea Plantation
8. Housing Facilities in Tea Plantation
9. Facilities for Daily Necessities in Tea Plantation
10. Medical Care for Newspaper Workers
11. Compulsory Group Insurance
Ques: Identify and distinguish between two opposing forms of structural control. Which one is
mostly followed by organization?
Ans: The two opposing forms of structural control are Bureaucratic Control and Decentralized
Control. The difference between the two opposing structural control are:
Ques: Identify characteristics of effective control, why people resist control, and how managers
can overcome this resistance.
Ans: Characteristics of Effective Control:
1. Integration with planning: Control should be linked with planning. The more explicit and
precise this linkage, the more effective the control system is.
2. Flexibility: The control system itself must be flexible enough to accommodate change.
3. Accuracy: Effective controls generate accurate data and information. Accurate information
is essential for effective managerial decisions. Inaccurate controls would divert
management efforts and energies on problems that do not exist or have a low priority and
would fail to alert managers to serious problems that do require attention.
4. Timeliness: There are many problems that require immediate attention. If information
about such problems does not reach management in a timely manner, then such information
may become useless, and damage may occur.
5. Objectivity: The control system must provide information that is as objective as possible.
Resistance to Control:
Managers sometimes make the mistake of assuming that the value of an effective control system
is self-evident to employees. Many employees resist control especially if they feel overcontrolled,
if they think is control is inappropriately focused or rewards inefficiency, or if they are
uncomfortable with accountability.
Overcoming Resistance to Control:
Perhaps the best way to overcome resistance to control is to create effective control to begin with.
If control systems are properly integrated with organizational planning and if the controls are
flexible, accurate, timely, and objective, the organization will be less likely to overcontrol, to focus
on inappropriate standards, or to reward efficiency. Two other ways to overcome resistance are
encouraging employee participation and developing verification procedure.
Ques: Describe different major consumer promotion tools.
1. Sampling: Offering a sample of your product or service is a tool to get your customers to
try it, with the goal of them paying for it next time.
2. Discounts and Sales: Implement pricing strategies such as discounts and sales as
promotional incentives for customers to buy.
3. Sweepstakes and Contests: Designing a sweepstakes or contest can promote your product
or services in a participatory manner, but they can be tricky.
4. Displays: Prominent displays in retail stores and other business establishments draw
attention to a product or service.
5. Premiums: Premiums can promote sales and build brands.
Ques: What is strike or lock-out? What about the strike in public utility services? Describe.

1. No person employed in a public utility service shall go on strike in breach of contract-

2. No employer carrying on any public utility service shall lock-out any of his workmen-
3. The notice of lock-out or strike under this section shall not be necessary where there is
already in existence
4. The notice of strike referred to in sub-section(l) shall be given by such number of persons
to such person or persons and in such manner as maybe prescribed.
5. The notice of lock-out referred to in sub-section (2) shall be given in such manner as may
be prescribed.
6. If on any day an employer receives from any person employed by him any such notices as
are referred to in sub-section (1) or gives to any person employed by him any such notices
as are referred to in sub-section (2), he shall within five days thereof report to the
appropriate government
Ques: Who is a collective bargaining agent (CBA)? Describe the mode of determination of CBA
according to Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969.
Ans: Collective Bargaining Agent in relation to an establishment or industry, means the trade
union of workmen which, under section 22, is the agent of the workmen in the establishment or,
as the case may be, industry, in the matter of collective bargaining.
Ques: Think of a hospital. What kind of product or services is produce? What are the inputs and
Ans: Services in a hospital:
1. Emergency room services
2. Short-term hospitalization
3. X-ray/radiology services
4. General and specialty surgical services
5. Blood services
6. Laboratory services
Inputs in hospital may refer to capital investments (Beds), labor (FTE), operating expenses.
Outputs in hospital may refer to the range of services provided or to the hours during which a
service is available. Outputs are usually measured in terms of quantity, quality, timeliness, and
Ques: “Management is what a manager do”- do you agree? Why or why not?
Ans: Yes, I’m agree with this. According to Louis Allan, “Management is what a manager does”.
Management means decision making and that is what a manager does.
Ques: Write a short on Product Supply Chain and Corruption in Workplace.
Ans: A product supply chain is the network of all the individuals, organizations, resources,
activities, and technology involved in the creation and sale of a product.
Corruption in workplace is false or misleading financial reporting, procurement fraud,
embezzlement, bribery, and a range of other acts
Ques: Describe how a budget is created in most organizations.
Ans: A budget is created in most organization by the following procedures:
1. Operating units are requested to submit their budget requests to divisions
2. These divisions, in turn, compile unit budgets and submit their own budgets to the
3. An organizational budget is then compiled for approval by the budget committee,
controller, and CEO.
Ques: How does a budget help a manager with financial control? Discuss.
Ans: Budgets help managers create financial controls by telling them when they must limit
spending, and when they have extra cash to spend on reducing debt or increasing inventory.
Ques: What is the purpose of organization control? Why is it important?
Ans: The purpose of organization control is to provide an organization with ways to adapt to
environmental changes, to limit the accumulation of error, to cope with organizational complexity,
and to minimize costs.
Ques: Discuss Industrial Relationship Ordinance 1969.
Ans: An Ordinance to amend and consolidate the law relating to the formation of trade unions, the
regulation of relations between employers and workmen and the avoidance and settlement of any
difference or disputes arising between them.
Ques: Write down the rules of regarding offer and acceptance.
Ans: Rules relating to Offer:
1. The offer must be with intent to create a legal relationship
2. The offer must be certain and definite
3. The offer must be express or implied
4. The offer must be distinguished from an invitation to offer
5. The offer must be either specific or general
6. The offer must be communicated to the person with whom it is made.
7. The offer must be made with a view to obtaining the consent of the offeree.
8. An offer can be conditional but there should be no term in the offer that non-compliance
Rules relating to Acceptance:
1. Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified
2. The acceptance must be communicated
3. Acceptance must be in prescribed mode
4. The acceptance must be given within a reasonable time and before the offer lapses
5. Mere silence is not acceptance
6. Acceptance by conduct
Ques: Mention the different stages in family life cycle.
Ans: The different stages in family life cycle are:
1. Independence.
2. Coupling or marriage.
3. Parenting: babies through adolescents.
4. Launching adult children.
5. Retirement or senior years.
Ques: Explain 5w2h method.
Ans: 5W2H is a simple process improvement tool. 5W2H stands for 5 Ws and 2Hs or Who,
What, When, Where, Whey How and How much. When working on improving a process this
is a very simple tool to help you think thorough improvement opportunities.
➢ Who does this? This can lead to, could we do it with less people?
➢ What is done at this step? This can lead to, can we eliminate some of the steps?
➢ When does this start and finish? This can lead to, can we shorten the time it takes?
➢ Where is this work done? This can lead to, can we do this elsewhere or in various locations?
Why are we doing this? This can lead to, do we need to do this?
▪ How do we do this? This can lead to, is there another way to do this?
▪ How much does this cost? This can lead to, how much would this cost if we made these
Ques: Compare between Facebook advertising and Paper Leaflet advertising. Which one is better
in your opinion? Discuss.
Ans: Let us consider some factors to decide the context
▪ Costs: When it comes to costs, print ads are way more expensive compared to Facebook
▪ Targeting: The best part about using Facebook Ads to promote your products or services
is that you’re sure that every cent of your advertising budget is spent on your potential
▪ Cost-Effectiveness: If you want to spend your advertising dollars wisely, we suggest you
go with Facebook Ads.
▪ Tracking: Print ads are difficult to track.
In my opinion, Facebook advertising is better than Paper Leaflet advertising.
Ques: How social media reviews can increase the number of customers? How should the
marketers deal with negative comments in social media?
Ans: Online reviews also build brand trust with your audience. If potential customers know that
other people had positive experiences with your brand, they're more likely to trust your brand.
Reviews build brand credibility and increase the likelihood that consumers will purchase from
The marketers should do the following things to deal with negative comments in social media.
▪ Respond to the comment as soon as possible
▪ Be apologetic
▪ Discuss the problem privately
▪ Appreciate their feedback
▪ Ask them how you can help, and help
▪ Don't delete their comments.
Ques: Do you think that online campaign will be able to boost up their sales? If yes, why? If not,
why not? Discuss your viewpoint.
Ans: I think that online campaign will be able to boost up their sales. But they have to do certain
1. Determining Sale Goals
2. Improving Website Search Engine Optimization
3. Showing Customer Testimonial
4. Installing a Chatbot to help people find what they are looking for
5. Offering Promotions, Discounts, and Packages and so on.
Ques: What should be the considering factors in choosing advertising media types?
1. Nature of product
2. Nature of potential market
3. Advertising objective
4. Availability of budget
5. Type of selling message
6. Distribution strategy
7. The level of competition
Ques: What are the factors that affect advertising budget decision?
1. Marketing goals
2. Target audience
3. Types of products
4. Selected media types and their frequency
5. Expected profit
6. Product life cycle stage
Ques: How do a marketer evaluate advertising effectiveness?
1. Clarify your goals
2. Set up data collection and analysis capabilities
3. Measure your advertisement’s reach
4. Uncover your effective frequency
5. Identify touchpoints that need optimization
6. Take a closer look at your media mix
7. Link campaign outcomes to revenue
Ques: What should be considering factors in selecting an appropriate plant layout?
Ans: Factors considering in selecting an appropriate plant layout are:
1. Type of Industry
2. Type of Products
3. Volume of Production
4. Influence of Processes

Ques: Describe different types of plant layout.

Ans: Different types of plant layout are listed below:
1. Line or Product Layout: In this layout only one product or one type of product is produced
in an operating area.
2. Functional or Process Layout: each department or section is responsible for carrying out a
particular process and not a particular product as under line type layout
3. Fixed Position Layout: This type of layout is used in manufacturing huge air crafts, ship
vessels, and pressure vessels etc. where the products are too heavy.
4. Combination Layout: In this layout, a combination of any of the three methods is formed
according to the requirement of an industry
Ques: Describe the provisions of Safety that should be maintained in a factory place according to
Bangladesh Labor Act 2006.
1. Safety of building and machinery
2. Precaution in case of fire
3. Fencing of machinery
4. Work on or near machinery in motion
5. Striking gear and device for cutting off power
6. Self-acting machines
7. Casing of new machinery
8. Cranes and other lifting machinery
9. Hoists and lifts
10. Revolving machinery
11. Pressure plant
12. Floors, stairs and means of access
13. Excessive weights
14. Protection of Eyes
15. Precaution against dangerous fame
Ques: A manager involved some decision-making activities. What are they?
1. Manage and direct operations team to achieve business targets.
2. Assist in developing or updating standard operating procedures for all business operational
3. Build strong relationship by addressing customer issues and complaints in a timely manner.
4. Assist in employee appraisals, promotions, compensation, and termination based on the
performance review.
5. Provide operational support and guidance to staff.
6. Assist in developing operating and capital budgets.
7. Monitor and control expense according to allotted budget.
8. Assist in interviewing, recruiting, and training candidates.
9. Manage work assignment and allocation for staff.
10. Conduct performance review and provide performance feedback to staff.
11. Maintain accurate and clear documentation for operational procedures and activities.
12. Work in compliance with company policies and procedures.
13. Ensure team follows standard operating procedures for all operational functions.
14. Conduct regular meetings with team to discuss about issues, concerns, updates etc.
15. Support operational risk and audit process for the purpose of preventive maintenance.
Ques: Explain PDCA cycle in real field perspective.
Ans: PDCA cycle is mainly used in software field for Software development lifecycle. It is used
in manufacturing and Service industries for new product development. It also finds its place
in Project Management of any nature. Areas like Change Management also use PDCA
cycle for their implementation

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