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Section 3 Adjusting Equipment 3.6 Service Command and Other Operations ‘This section explains the service commands used for maintenance by service engineers and which are not available to the general user. (A) Service Command Input Method: ‘Mer selecting cer oc ROESEENMESTENIN are mena screen LED (inthe Cool Unit stam splay setion comes on; check hat LED etotf and perform he following operation. (LED (Riso peste EE) key sothatitcames on Ifthe LED (9) iso, ps the keys that goes oft) key while pressing the [J key. 2) Input in Figs. 33 or 3.4 is displayed. 1) Press the, (8) EESETEGEY service Menu ee avn EE SEEC TY apse is) S.NBDP iB) A Teeenph(A10) 5.Test Alarm unit (LED/SpeakerSwiteh) Fig. 3.3 ERSTE Service menu meen. Oy Eero. Scere Operation can be performed in each radiowave type without using the user operation communication menus. The following additional functions aze also availabe. DA wom amie > SON LE Naw Cys Sere) Meet OF RI ay SON SY Section Controller Screens and Basic Operation Methods 2 5.5 MF/HF Controller RF29A Basic Operations o S540 ‘The keyboard switches ofthe contol ar id ou as shown below ue Nua ek eS fc [ec cc u en = ree sce EVE] 555) 5.5.1 Power ON/OFF z + Power ON i Press the key below the LCD display. z + Power OFF _ c Pres the BOWER] key tlow the LCD phy fr 2103 seconds ® £69 Aatuetinn Senna Betattnnen Section 3 Adjusting Equipment (c) PERSE eter Service Menu 20, 30.2 HO. 7 ‘a ‘Tone Re eq A or: oe véasuTc| WR scan fe: ENR MOMETSD Maw EY An 98 System intiaine eee {.NBDP seal tog {4 NBDP Seal dig {5 NADP Grovp Cal or aie {6 NBDP Group Cal 9a or conten 8. conteera {sow nase BAND) POARC 10.00 Team (BAND PAPE 11130 Fram Spa) POAPE 12 00W Tamil Spec) POMPE GMAT ant DET veo VeMATt (UC rae) 1S BSC ECC err Fig. 3.4 [ERS Service Menu (01. DSC Selcall B05. NBDP Group call 9 digit ‘Select this item when registering the DSC and NBDP own vessel ID. For de tails, referto item 3.6.2 Checking and Registering ID, and Registering NBDP “Answerback Code and AAIC. CReoel . Coke) ‘Select this item when installing two MF/HF Control Units (RC140A) to regi ter the name of each Control Unit. For details, refer to item 3.6.3 Registering Control Unit Names (Two Control Units). 109. 1SOW Transmit (Band) PC/APC fy 12. 400W Transmit (Special) PC/APC ‘Select this item when adjusting the transmitter output. For details, refer to item 3.6.4 Adjusting Transmitter Output. Note: The RSS112A cannot be monitored with the FTN] PieRenU Gently ond REMIT eren en Sse Reed EX items. 13, MAT unit (DET value) ‘Select this item when checking the automatching phase, interface, and VSWR values. For details, refer to item 3.6.5 Checking Matching Status of Transmit- ae ‘Select this item when checking and manually adjusting the Matching Unit coil ene Ee. ‘These items are used at factory inspection for adjusting and inspecting the DSC. They cannot be used in thé field. However, check that DSC-ECC error 3.8 Service Command and Other Operations Terminal No, Signal Name Description Check Mathod 39. LINE_RXA Receive demodulation signal (Check that the Alarm Unit volum 40. LINE_RXB (0.Bnv600 2 balanced) increased and thatthe receive audio can be heard from the speaker. 3.6.2 Checking and Registering ID, and Registering NBDP Answerback Code and AAIC (A) Registering ID 1 ‘When the service command is input as explained in item 3.6 after selecting [DESIRE «he menu seen the service menu in Fig. 3.4, displayed. Se°erahon Use items 01, t0 06 on this menu to register the IDs a follows @sc setean Input DSC recognition I. 02. DSC Group call Input DSC group ID. 03. NBDP Seleal or 5 digit. Input NBDP 4 to 5-ig rcogntion 1D @ nave seta 9 agi Input NBDP 9-git recognition 1D 05. NBDP Group call 4 or S-digit_ Input NBDP 4- or 5-digit group ID 06.NBDP Group cal9digt Input NBDP 9 iit group call 1D 2 Move the cursor to the number where input is to be madé and press the 3 Refi: The IDs are saved in non-volatile memory so they are not lost even when the power is switched off. Use the above menu to change IDs as well. ‘key. When the cursor flashes inthe numeric input field, input the ID. key is pressed again, the cursor disappears from the ‘numeric input field and the ID is registered. (B) Checking IDs Registered IDs are displayed onthe menu screen; check them. (C) Registering NBDP Answerback Code and AAIC Note: The NBDP Answerback Code and AAIC can be registered by the user as well as by the service engineer. { ‘When the NBDP IDs have been registered as described in (A) above, the ID is set automatically in the Answerback Code. Only the 4-digit abbreviated ‘vessel name requires registration, For the registration method, refer to item 6.5.3 Setting Answerback Code, described in the Operatién Manual Note: The 4-digit abbreviated vessel name must be alphabetic characters. 2 Refer to item 6.5.10 AIC Input in the Operation Manual for the AAIC input method. &® Adjusting Equipment ME/HF CONTROLLER (RE29A)OR RD-O4 a MF/HF controller RF24B (note type personal computer) is discontinued, so the personal compu ter of RF2SA will be used instead of RF24B The key operation is almost same as RF24B, but the following point was modified. 1. Power-on/off Power-on : Press the "POWER’ key at the bottom of the LCD display. Power-off :In case of Power-off, press the "POWER" for more than 3 seconds. 2. Modification of the Memory RF29A uses the flash ROM instead of the HDD which is used in RF248. 8. Service Command Input Method (refer to "3.6 Service Command and Other Operations ~ (A)Service Command Input Method!" of the MF/HF Radio Equipment Service Manual ) In case of RF29A, input Service Command in condition of LED "Caps" lighting. (note) If LED "Caps" is off and input Service Command, this operation is invalid, 4.Registering ID (refer to "3.6.2 Checking and Registering ID, and Registering NBDP Answerback Code and AAIG ~ (A).Registering ID" of the MF/HF Radio Equipment ‘Service Manual) (note) Before registering ID, you need to remove RF29A from Alarm unit and it connect RF 29A to the Main unit in the Radio rack. This is due to hardware function for preventi ng ID Number missing. (This procedure is necessary for both RF24B and RF29A.) Refer in detail to Fig.1 "Registering ID by RF29A" on next page. ay

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