Rubik's Cube Competition Rules and Regulation
Rubik's Cube Competition Rules and Regulation
Rubik's Cube Competition Rules and Regulation
Every round is divided into one or more groups. This helps prevent crowding timer
stations with all the competitors in a round. Most competitions also rely on competitors to
judge, run, and scramble for eachother in the same round, and dividing competitors into
multiple groups with different scrambles allowsthem to help without seeing a scramble
that they will attempt in the future.
When your group gets called, you must be ready to submit your puzzle. You will find score
sheets placedon the assigned table; search for the one with your name on, put your
puzzle on it, and then go to the waiting area.
Remember that you must be ready to submit your puzzle as soon as your group is called!
Before each attempt, the judge needs to ensure that the timer is on and has been reset.
When the competitor sits down at the station, the judge/runner puts the covered puzzle
on the mat andthen waits until the competitor is ready to start the attempt.
The judge makes sure that the competitor is ready for the attempt, by asking “Ready?”
The judge needs to make sure that the competitor is ready! Lifting the cover to early can
lead to an extra attempt.
Remember that you have 1 minute to start your attempt once you sit at the station
with thepuzzle placed on the mat!
The inspection phase starts when the competitor confirms to the judge that they are ready
by saying “Yes”(or another clear gesture). At this point, the judge lifts the cover and starts
a stopwatch to measure the inspection phase. During inspection, the competitor has a
maximum of 15 seconds to inspect the puzzle. They may pick up the puzzle and look at it
from all sides, but must not apply any move. If the competitormakes a move, the judge
disqualifies the solve and the attempt is over. The following table shows what actions
occur during inspection.
Time Action
8 seconds Judge calls “8 seconds”
12 seconds Judge calls “12 seconds”
Judge does not stop the attempt, but will add a +2 second penalty at end of the
15 seconds
17 seconds Judge stops the attempt and applies a DNF
Remember that during inspection the competitor is not allowed to apply any moves!
Once the competitor starts their solve, the inspection phase ends, and the judge will not
perform any more actions from the inspection phase.
The judge has to start the stopwatch as soon as they lift the cover and to stop it only when the
lifts their hands from the timer (and hence starts the �mer).
At the end of inspection, the competitor puts the puzzle on the mat (in any orientation) and
places their hands on the timer sensors to start the timer. Choosing when to start the solve is
up to the competitor and they can do that at any point during the inspection phase. The
competitor must not be touching the puzzle,and their hands must be flat, facing palms down
with their fingers touching the sensors. The competitor can then start the solving phase by
lifting their hands from the timer and beginning their solve.
When placing their hands on the timer, the competitor will first see a red light, then a green.
Only once the light goes green is the timer ready for the competitor to start the solve.
Remember that for starting the solve the competitor’s hands must be flat, palms down and
must touch the sensors with their fingers, not their palms! (Penalty: +2 seconds A4b)
When the puzzle is solved, the competitor stops the timer by putting their hands on the
sensors. Theymust not be touching the puzzle and their hands must be flat with palms
Remember that for stopping the solve the competitor’s hands must be flat with palms down!
(Penalty: +2 seconds A6d)
The judge checks if the puzzle is solved or not, and tells the competitor the result: “OKAY”,
“PENALTY” or“DNF.” The competitor is not allowed to touch the puzzle until the judge has
clearly made a decision.
If any help is needed on a decision, or if something irregular happens, please contact the
WCA Delegate without hesitation.
Remember that penalties are cumulative, so you might get multiple +2 second penalties on
the same attempt.
Important Regula�ons
Regulation A4) is the rule which indicates how to start the timer correctly.
Regulation A5) explains the rules during the solve. During the whole solve, you can only talk
to your judgeor to the WCA Delegate, you can’t receive any external help from any objects
or person. Penalty for eitherinfraction is a DNF.
Regulation A6) is the rule which explains how to stop the timer correctly.
No penalty: the cube is solved and the misalignments of all layers compared with
their adjacent layers are below 45°.
+2: the cube is solved, but the misaligned layer exceeds 45°, which means the
cube is one move away from being solved. Please note that the WCA
Regulations consider all states of the puzzle to be one move away from the
solved state if you have to turn only one side of the puzzle to reach the solved
state – even if it’s a double turn.
Ask the Delegate: If it’s not clear whether a +2 penalty should be applied or not,
don’t touch the puzzle and call a Delegate to the station.
DNF: When more than one move is required to solve the puzzle, the result of the
attempt is DNF.
DNF: If a middle layer of the puzzle is misaligned, this counts as two moves
required to solve, as only outer layer turns are counted. Therefore, the result of
the attempt is DNF.
… never talk about the scrambles before the end of the round.
You will have plenty of time to discuss them later in the day. :)
… never talk to someone during your solves (other than your judge or a Delegate).
It will never be so important to risk getting a DNF because of it.
… never disturb a competitor when you are judging (e.g. playing with your phone or with
yourpuzzle or talking to someone).
You don’t want to be disturbed during your attempts, make sure that others won’t be disturbed
by you.
… never talk to a competitor when you are judging, other than telling them “Ready?”, “8
seconds”, “12 seconds” or confirming results or when resolving incidents.
Any other talk can be disturbing for them.
… never touch the puzzle if it’s misaligned a�er the compe�tor has stopped the �mer.
If you do so, you could influence the Delegate’s decision. Call them immediately to the station.
… never use your phone/camera for recording solves with a screen facing you.
Front-facing cameras automatically invalidate (DNF) the affected solve.
… never make a decision when you are not 100% sure if it’s correct or not.
Make sure to adhere with the WCA Regulations and ask a Delegate!