your swatch is larger or smaller than specified,
make another, changing hook size to get the
correct gauge. Keep trying until you find the
size hook that will give you the specified
inspired by Axel Scheffler’s
best-selling Pip and Posy Markers are used to help distinguish the
characters beginning of each round being worked.
Make a habit of taking care of loose ends as
Amigurumi you work.
Abbreviations (US) 2 sc in next stitch
sl th slip stitch(s)
ch chain(s)
Pull up a loop in next 2 sts or next 2
sc single crochet(s) rows, YO and draw through all 3
hdc half double crochet(s) loops on hook (counts as one sc).
dc double crochet(s) INVISIBLE DECREASE
tr treble (s) FRONT LOOP 2-SC DECREASE
Pull up a loop in Front Loop Only of
inc increase next 2 sc, YO and draw through all 3
dec invisible decrease
loops on hook (counts as one sc).
MR (double adjustable) magic ring Pull up a loop in Front Loop Only of
CC change color next 3 sc, YO and draw through all 4
FL Front Loop loops on hook (counts as one sc).
BL Back Loop Work tightly when decreasing or
Rnd Round(s) skipping a stith or row throughout.
sp(s) space(s)
YO yarn over (tapestry crochet)
() -work enclosed instructions as many Pull up a loop in next sc, hook new
times as specified by the number immediately yarn and draw through loops on
following or contains explanatory remarks. hook.
Crochet Terminology Work only in loop(s) indicated by
United States International
slip stitch (sl th)= single crochet (sc) arrow.
single crochet (sc)= double crochet (dc) FREE LOOPS OF A CHAIN
half double crochet (hdc)= half treble crochet (htr) After working in Back or Front Loops
double crochet (dc)= treble crochet (tr) Only on a row or round, there will
treble crochet (tr)= double treble crochet (dtr)
double treble crochet (dtr)= triple treble crochet (ttr)
be a ridge of unused loops. These
skip= miss are called the free loops. Later,
when instructed to work in the free
Gauge loops of the same row or round,
Exact gauge is essential for proper size and fit. work in these loops.
Before beginning your project, make the JOINING WITH SC
sample swatch given in the individual When instructed to join with sc,
instructions in the yarn and hook specified. begin with a slip knot on hook.
After completing the swatch measure it, Insert hook in stitch or space
counting your stitches and rows carefully. If indicated. YO and pull up a loop, YO
and draw through both loops on
1 hook.
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
Work in spiral. Do not join rounds unless it is
written to do otherwise.
You are not allowed to resell this pattern. You
are allowed to sell products based on this
pattern provided that you credit me as a
designer by adding the address of my blog
(http://zoldpamuk.blogspot.hu/) to the
description of the product (if you sell on the
internet) and by attaching a tag with this web
address to the product itself.
If you have any questions or notes about the
pattern, contact me: polli.pertl@gmail.com
For more information and patterns visit my
blog: http://zoldpamuk.blogspot.hu/
I am also on Etsy, Ravelry, Craftsy, Facebook
and Pinterest.
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
LEGS, BODY and HEAD st into right leg, sc in next 4 st into chains free
loops (36 st)
Rnd 10: sc around (36 st)
Left Leg
Rnd 11: sc around (36 st)
Rnd 1: With Gold yarn join with sc into FOOT
Thread yarn needle with long end, sew
at the right corner of the hole, ch 1, sc in next
opening at the heel closed. Secure end. Stuff
6 st, turn, sc in next 7 st in free loops. (14 st)
Legs and Body firmly with polyester fiberfill as
Rnd 2: sc around (14 st)
you work.
Rnd 3: sc around (14 st)
Rnd 12: (inc, sc in next 5 st) x 6 times (42 st)
Rnd 4: sc around (14 st)
Rnd 13: sc around (42 st)
Rnd 5: sc around (14 st)
Rnd 14: (inc, sc in next 6 st) x 6 times (48 st)
Rnd 6: sc around (14 st)
Rnd 15: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 7: sc around (14 st)
Rnd 16: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 8: sc around, sl th (15 st)
Rnd 17: sc around (48 st)
Finish off. Thread yarn needle with long end,
Rnd 18: sc around (48 st)
sew opening at the heel closed. Secure end.
Rnd 19: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 20: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 21: CC to Raspberry, sl th, sc in next 48
(50 st)
Cut off Gold yarn.
Rnd 22: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 23: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 24: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 25: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 26: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 27: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 28: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 29: sc around (48 st)
Rnd 30: (dec, sc in next 6 st) x 6 times (42 st)
Rnd 31: sc around (42 st)
Rnd 32: sc around (42 st)
Rnd 33: (dec, sc in next 5 st) x 6 times (36 st)
Rnd 34: sc around (36 st)
Rnd 35: sc around (36 st)
Rnd 36: (dec, sc in next 4 st) x 6 times (30 st)
Rnd 37: CC to White, sl th, sc in next 30 (32 st)
Cut off Raspberry yarn. Stuff the Body.
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
Rnd 38: CC to Gold, sl th, sc in next 30 (32 st) Rnd 60: (dec, sc in next 2 st) x 6 times (18 st)
Cut off White yarn. Rnd 61: (dec, sc in next) x 6 times (12 st)
Rnd 39: sc in next 8, dec, inc in next 3 st, dec, Rnd 62: dec x 6 times, sl th (6 st)
sc in next 15 (31 st) Finish off leaving a long end for sewing.
Rnd 40: sc in next 9, inc, sc in next 2, inc, sc in Thread yarn needle with long end, sew
next 2, inc, sc in next 12, inc, sc in last (34 st) opening closed. Secure end.
Rnd 41: sc in next 33, inc (35 st)
Rnd 42: sc in next 11, inc, sc in next 4 st, inc,
sc in next 3 st, inc, sc in next 15 (39 st)
Rnd 43: sc in next 38, inc (40 st) EARS (make 2x)
Rnd 44: sc in next 11, inc, sc in next 6 st, inc,
sc in next 4 st, inc, sc in next 16 (43 st) Earlap A
Rnd 45: sc in next 42, inc (44 st) Rnd 1: With Peach yarn 6 sc in MR, pull tightly
Rnd 46: sc in next 11, inc, sc in next 8 st, inc, to close, do not join, place marker (6 st)
sc in next 5 st, inc, sc in next 17 (47 st) Rnd 2: inc around (12 st)
Rnd 47: sc in next 46, inc (48 st) Rnd 3: (inc, sc in next st) x 6 times, sl th (18 st)
Rnd 48: sc in next 11, inc, sc in next 10 st, inc, Finish off.
sc in next 6 st, inc, sc in next 18 (51 st)
Rnd 49: sc around (51 st) Earlap B
Rnd 50: sc in next 11, inc, sc in next 12 st, inc, Rnd 1: With Gold yarn 6 sc in MR, pull tightly
sc in next 7 st, inc, sc in next 19 (54 st) to close, do not join, place marker (6 st)
Rnd 51: sc around (54 st) Rnd 2: inc around (12 st)
Rnd 52: sc in next 21, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in Rnd 3: (inc, sc in next st) x 6 times (18 st)
next, dec, sc in next 25 (51 st) Turn Earlap A back to Earlap B and insert hook
Rnd 53: sc in next 20, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in both of them in the next round.
next, dec, sc in next 23 (48 st)
Rnd 54: sc in next 19, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in
next, dec, sc in next 21 (45 st)
Rnd 55: sc in next 18, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in
next, dec, sc in next 19 (42 st)
Rnd 56: sc in next 17, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in
next, dec, sc in next 17 (39 st)
Rnd 57: sc in next 16, dec, sc in next, dec, sc in
next, dec, sc in next 15 (36 st)
Rnd 58: (dec, sc in next 4 st) x 6 times (30 st)
Rnd 59: (dec, sc in next 3 st) x 6 times (24 st)
Stuff Head firmly with polyester fiberfill as you
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
Row 1: With Green yarn, make 40 chainless
foundation st, ch 6, turn (46 st)
Row 2: skip 6 st (chains), sc in next 40 st, ch 1,
turn (40 st)
Polli inspired by Pip and Posy characters Amigurumi Pattern © 2016 Polixena Pertl / Polligurumi
©2016 by Polligurumi