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CW1 - NG KOK HONG - TSLB3463, Class 1

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SESI 2022 / SEM 1


Nombor Kad Pengenalan : 030331-01-1407

Nombor Angka Giliran : 2021212350167

Kumpulan/Unit : CLASS 1



Tarikh Hantar : 20 SEPTEMBER 2022

Tarikh Diterima :
(Diisi Oleh Pensyarah)

Pengakuan Pelajar

Saya mengaku bahawa kerja kursus ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan
ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya.

Pengesahan Pelajar

Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya

Tandatangan Pelajar : NG Jumlah markah :

Tarikh : 20 SEPTEMBER 2022

Catatan : Pastikan pensyarah telah memberi maklum balas di dalam tugasan kerja kursus

In the year 2019, a new virus called COVID-19 was discovered in Wuhan, Hubei, China.

Unpredictably, this virus has spread across the world while causing an unprecedented effect to

human beings. Although it had taken away million of lives and health through these three years,

some also notices that it indirectly accelerates the process of development of and enables the

industry revolution 4.0 to completely takes place in developing countries such as Malaysia,

Indonesia and Myanmar, even laying the foundation for industry revolution 5.0 in advanced

countries such as America, Japan and Korea. Nowadays, people can decide whether they want

to work from home or go to their workplace, creating opportunities of work and more flexible

working hours. Thus, instead of being effortless, people are more intense and productive in their

jobs. Besides, it is also noticeable that the food delivery system in Malaysia has become more

sophisticated and well-established after the pandemic kicks in, which further improves the quality

of life of Malaysian citizens. Lastly, the focus of our topic today, which is education. Undeniably,

COVID-19 pandemic brings a great effect in the education systems. This can be seen clearly

through the transformation of the education system in Malaysia. Before the pandemic, most of

the schools and institutions in Malaysia were still not adapted to online learning and teaching

applications. This is because most of the teachers and educators were not used to online learning

and teaching tools as they had been using the traditional teaching methods for a couple of years.

Some of them were either afraid or too egoistic to try out new teaching methods. However, after

the pandemic, a new education medium was urgently needed so students did not fall behind and

drop out from school. Thus, Google Classroom and Google Meet were introduced and it was a

great success. Nowadays, even though students and teachers are allowed to have their face to

face session in classrooms, those online platforms and tools are still adapted due to their unique

utility and features. We can also relate this example with the usage of Computer Assisted

Language Teaching (CALT) in the classroom. In this essay, we will be discussing the article,

“Language Learning and Teaching Using New Technologies” by Prathiba, M. (2019).

Concepts and Principles

For general understanding, the writer claims that due to the high demand of language

learning as a result from transformation of learning context from conventional to digital, students

and teachers need to make use of technology effectively in classrooms to improve student’s

language learning, while the effectiveness of the tool depends on a learner or teacher‟s choice -

its portability, affordability, multimedia effects, and availability. Prathiba, M. (2019). The writer also

claims that adaptation of new technologies in teaching is part of the teacher‟s professional

toolbox. In this case, teachers and educators should act as a pioneer by guiding ahead, and learn

to use learning or teaching tools that are viral across the internet in their language teaching

classes to further enhance the learning process and effectiveness of their students. Technology

is the branch of intelligence which deals with the creation or invention and

the use of techniques and approaches'. K.Gangadharamurthy. (2016). According to

K.Gangadharamurthy, usage of technology in the classroom will eventually change the entire

classroom norms. As an example, firstly, the classrooms will be equipped with electronic devices.

Then, several modems are set up by the school authorities to provide internet access to the

teachers and students. Thus, with the presence of electronic devices, in order to increase the

effectiveness of teaching and learning process, teachers will start to educate and approach their

students with online teaching and learning tools when students have the access to the internet

and their electronic devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones that can be used in the

classroom. If teachers are using traditional and dull teaching methods such as textbooks and one-

sided communication as teachers will be the only ones who speak in the classroom, especially in

language topics, most of the students will not involve themselves as they find language learning

boring and they are not interested in it. Therefore, with technology and CALT, teachers can create

connections and communications with their students, besides enhancing the motivation and

involvement of students in learning language. Moreover, students can give feedback to teachers
on how they would like the language teaching session to be carried out. By using technologies in

language teaching, we can create new learning opportunities and various instructional tools for

the students. By 2022, since some of the educational institutions and schools have already started

to provide internet facilities, our government and school authorities should plan to train the

teachers and students to use both the electronic devices and internet efficiently.

K.Gangadharamurthy. (2016).


According to Pratibha, M., since technology has changed vastly recently to meet the

teaching and learning requirements of growing demands of learners, teachers and educators

have great responsibility in mastering the latest technology, tools and equipment and further

considering which specific tool is suitable for teaching-learning purposes. Obviously, the

increasing variety and accessibility of technology have expanded the toolbox and the learning

opportunities of students. Undoubtedly, teachers have to use various technological tools that

are continuously added for the teaching and learning process. Pratibha, M. (2019). The writer

also indicates that common technologies and tools such as projectors, interactive whiteboards,

laptop and wireless internet have opened up the classroom to a wider context. For example,

teachers are using PowerPoint to present slides about grammar, playing podcasts to practice

and improve students’ listening skills, acquire articles and materials from the internet to

introduce reading skills, empowering their students by giving them access to various learning

tools and social medias which allow them to share their innovation among worldwide learners

and interact with audiences in real live. Pratibha, M. (2019) We can observe that technologies

that connect the global learners and educators enable the learners to access reliable sources

and data from the internet. Both teachers and learners are benefited and enhance themselves

to a new level. Broadly speaking, various tools and applications are extending the horizons of

language skill development of learners and educators.


In the article, the writer introduced eight approaches that can be adapted into CALT,

which are software tools, audio recorders, video conferencing, computer, mobile phones,

moblogging, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and Ipods. Examples of common and popular

software tools include, Blogs, Skype, Facebook, Podcasts, Youtube, Yahoo, Microsoft Teams,

PowerPoint, Slideshare, Google Drive, Media Player, Windows Movie Maker and Twitter. These

software tools are viable for academic and non-academic purposes. Pratibha, M. (2019).

Audio recorders can be used to increase the effectiveness of the speaking process while

carrying out activities such as singing popular songs or a one act play. Recording gadgets also

have a major role to play in assessment, in which recording of someone's speech and reading

process can be saved and rewind at a later time in order to show progression in language

learning. Thus, it is necessary to record the learning progress of students to estimate the

learning process for further practice. Pratibha, M. (2019).

According to the writer, Video conferencing is an efficient way of inviting visitors into

classrooms and enabling learners to cooperate with each other at a distance. For instance,

learners are exposed to native English speakers and facilitate cultural exchanges. This would

also enable the learners to understand the language easily. Students can use video cameras to

record their mouth movements to improve their own pronunciation. Pratibha, M. (2019).

By using computers or laptops, teachers are able to obtain a rich source of authentic oral

models via recorded songs, talking electronic books, podcasts and video clips that help their

students with pronunciation as well as acquisition of new vocabulary, besides supporting

teachers who do not feel as confident with their own language skills.

The writer also states that smartphones combine the mobility and functionality of a

computer with all the facilities to access online materials to learn language skills such as

listening, reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. The usage of
mobile phones in language teaching and learning includes internet access, voice messaging,

texting, cameras, and video-recording. Pratibha, M. (2019). There are a lot of teaching and

learning tools available on mobile devices such as ‘Duolingo’, ‘Two min English’, ‘Real English’,

‘Kahoot’ and ‘Quizizz’. ‘Whatsapp’ is also a great example of teaching tools as it allows texting,

creating groups, sending unlimited images, video and audio messages with internet connection.

Pratibha, M. (2019).

Moblogging is one of the newest technologies with potential application in language

learning as blogs provide opportunities for language or academic creation and collaborative


PDAs offer other uses than m-learning, including Internet access, and file-sharing

between teachers and students, and students themselves. Risks of data lost are reduced as

data are backed up on personal computers.

Besides performing its wireless capabilities, the iPod has propagated a new form of

media known as podcasting. Podcasting is already widely adapted in language learning as

students may directly listen to native English language speakers and improve their listening and

speaking skills. Teachers may also access and record the authentic content from podcasts.


On the whole, CALT is important in enable trainee and senior teachers to acquire new

skills to provide better approach to their students in learning languages. Although the pandemic

has bring certain impacts to our daily lives, it also improves our education system to provide a

better future to the new generations. Education is a lifelong process which takes place since we

were born. It works as a life-changing process which benefits mankinds by plenishing

knowledge to humans, making us more socialised and civilised. Language acts as a medium for

teachers and educators to communicate with their students and to plenish them with knowledge,

wisdom and intelligence. With the use of technology, language learning has become more
interesting and attractive for learners by making a clear change from teacher-centred learning to

student-centred learning. Just as stated by the writer, technology enables learners to be

independent in language learning. Thus, it enables them to learn language easier and faster.

Pratibha, M. (2019)


Pratibha, M. (2019). Language Learning and Teaching Using New Technologies. IRA

International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN 2455-2526), 14(1), 14-

20.doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jems.v14.n1.p3

K.Gangadharamurthy. (2016). New Technologies in Classroom Teaching and Learning. IJEMR,

6(11), 5. https://ijemr.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/New-Technologies-in-Classroom-


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