The document contains a table with information about 23 children including their ID number, name, date of birth, gender, parents' names and ID numbers, phone number, height, weight and breastfeeding status. The table includes fields such as date measured, standing position, length and breastfeeding status from 1-6 months.
The document contains a table with information about 23 children including their ID number, name, date of birth, gender, parents' names and ID numbers, phone number, height, weight and breastfeeding status. The table includes fields such as date measured, standing position, length and breastfeeding status from 1-6 months.
The document contains a table with information about 23 children including their ID number, name, date of birth, gender, parents' names and ID numbers, phone number, height, weight and breastfeeding status. The table includes fields such as date measured, standing position, length and breastfeeding status from 1-6 months.
The document contains a table with information about 23 children including their ID number, name, date of birth, gender, parents' names and ID numbers, phone number, height, weight and breastfeeding status. The table includes fields such as date measured, standing position, length and breastfeeding status from 1-6 months.
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No NIK nama_anak tgl_lahir jenis_kelamin
1 3215291412160003 ALI SAPUTRA 2016-12-14 L
2 3215292307150001 ALL BIYAN ARIFF 2015-07-23 L 3 3215295511168107 ANGELA 2016-11-15 P 4 3215290402180002 AZKAL ZAIDAN 2018-02-04 L 5 3215292503184970 AZKHA Z.F 2018-03-25 L 6 3215292511160002 BIMA ARKA NUR HABIBI 2016-11-25 L 7 3215296308160004 CINTA FITRI YANI 2016-08-23 P 8 3215295201160002 CITRA NUR AYUMI 2016-01-12 P 9 3215291804150002 DEBYAN DWI PUTRA 2015-04-18 L 10 3215291405150002 DWI SARTA SAPUTRA 2015-05-14 L 11 3215296904150001 JASMINE APRILLYA AL-ARAFAH 2015-04-29 P 12 3215296507160002 KEYSHA MUTHIA KHANSA 2016-07-25 P 13 3215292311160003 LUKMAN NOVAL PERMANA 2016-11-23 L 14 3215292002172416 M. FASYA F. 2017-02-20 L 15 3215294305150002 MEI\'RA AINUN NUFUS 2015-05-03 P 16 3215292410160002 MUHAMMAD NAZRIL IRHAM SAPUTRA 2016-10-24 L 17 3215055312150007 NADA AULIA MAULIDINA 2015-12-13 P 18 3215294404160001 NAZWA NAJMULLAILA 2016-04-04 P 19 3215296807160002 NITA JULIANTI 2016-07-28 P 20 3215296001160001 PUTRI RAHAYU 2016-01-20 P 21 3215291212160001 RADHIKA ADITYA 2016-12-12 L
INEU SEPTIYANI/iwan 3215291006940002 089625536188 2019/14/11 86 CARAUKUR BERAT vita asi_bulan_1 asi_bulan_2 asi_bulan_3 asi_bulan_4 asi_bulan_5 asi_bulan_6 BERDIRI 15.4 BERDIRI 18 BERDIRI 15 BERDIRI 13 YA BERDIRI 13 YA BERDIRI 15 BERDIRI 15.5 BERDIRI 16 BERDIRI 16 BERDIRI 17 BERDIRI 16 BERDIRI 15 BERDIRI 11.5 BERDIRI 13 BERDIRI 14 BERDIRI 13 BERDIRI 14 BERDIRI 15 BERDIRI 13 BERDIRI 12 BERDIRI 12 TERLENTAN G 12 YA BERDIRI 14