Discounted Cash Flow Model For Dam Phu My: Asset Beta A Equity Beta E
Discounted Cash Flow Model For Dam Phu My: Asset Beta A Equity Beta E
Discounted Cash Flow Model For Dam Phu My: Asset Beta A Equity Beta E
Unlevered beta = Asset beta = Equity beta * E/A + Debt beta *D/A
General data
(debt beta is assumed to be 0)
Share price as of last close 32.250,00 --> Asset beta = Equity beta*E/A OR Asset beta*A = Equity beta*E
Latest closing share price date 02/06/2023 With A = E+D*(1-t)
Latest basic share count 391.334.260,000
--> Asset beta = Equity beta*E/(E+D*(1-t))
Case Base case
--> Asset beta = Equity beta*1/(1+(D/E)*(1-t))
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model): Cost of equity kE=Rf+beta*ERP with ERP=Equity Risk Premium=(RM-Rf+CRP) with CRP=Sovereign spr* Multiplier
Cost of equity Calculating ERP for Vietnam, using Damodaran's data & approach:
Observed beta 0,63 Multiplier 3,28
Select beta (observed or industry) Average Equity Risk Premium (RM-Rf) of US 5,9%
Beta selected 0,78 Method 1 Method 2
Risk-Free Rate (Rf) (US) 3,76% Sovereign spread 2,20% 3,13%
Equity Risk Premium 14,69% CRP (Equity Country Risk Premium) 7,22% 10,28%
Cost of equity 15,18% ERP (Equity risk premium) for Vietnam 13,16% 16,22%
ERP average for Vietnam 14,69%
WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital): WACC = kE* E/V + kD* (1-t)*D/V
Options / warrants data Equity Value and Fair Value per share
Number of exercisable options (mm) 0,00 Perpetuity EBITDA
Exercise price - Enterprise value 27.963 26.546
Current market price 32.250,00 Plus: Cash & marketable securities 1.879 1.879
Number of exercisable options in-the-money 0,00 Less: Trapped cash (enter as -) 0 0
Total proceeds ($mm) 0 Plus: Investment in affiliates 29 29
Number of shares repurchased (mm) 0,00 Less: Debt (ST+LT) (enter as -) -3.098 -3.098
Number of shares issued (mm) 0,00 Less: Preferred stock (enter as -) 0 0
Less: Minority Interest (enter as -) -188 -188
Basic shares outstanding 391.334.260,00 Equity value 26.584 25.168
Dilutuve impact of options/warrants 0,00 Diluted shares outstanding 391.334.260,000 391.334.260,000
Dilutive impact of shares from other securities 0 Equity value per share VND 67.932,526 VND 64.312,915
Net diluted shares outstanding 391.334.260,00 Market premium / (discount) to fair value (52,5%) (49,9%)
Net Debt = Debt + Preferred stock + Minority Interest -Cash & marketable securities - Investment in affiliates
Sensitivity analysis
Sửa số multiplier 1.5 ở ô màu vàng trên cùng thành 2.01 cho Việt Nam (số 2.01 này lấy
từ 1 worksheet khác bên cạnh, được tính bằng sigma của VNI return chia sigma trái
phiếu CP VN phát hành bằng tiền $)
(trong bảng thì Damodaran gọi Sovereign spread là Default spread, nhưng mình sẽ gọi
là sovereign cho rõ nghĩa hơn)
Vậy theo phương pháp 1 thì cost of equity của 1 cổ phiếu có beta=1 (market) là: