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Ethical Guidelines AI Healthcare 2023 ICMR

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Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial

Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare

Prepared by
DHR-ICMR Artificial Intelligence Cell
© 2023, Indian Council of Medical Research

Overall guidance and supervision:

Dr. M Vishnu Vardhana Rao
Head, AI Cell, ICMR
Director, ICMR-NIMS
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029-India.

ISBN: 978-93-5811-343-3

Photograph © From the archives of ICMR or as attributed

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system

Or transmitted in any way or by any means, (including photocopying,
recording or storing it in any medium by electronic means), without the
written permission of the publisher.

Compiled and Edited by:


Cover page Designed by:

Mithlesh Prasad Singh
Scientist-B (AI Expert), AI Cell, ICMR

Published by:

Indian Council of Medical Research

V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, P.O. Box No. 4911
Ph: 91-26588895 Fax: 91-11-26588662
Email: icmrhqds@sansad.nic.in

Designed & Printed at M/s Aravali Printers & Publishers (P) Ltd., W-30, Okhla Industrial Area,
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These guidelines may be followed by all stakeholder, including innovators,
developers, technologists, researchers, healthcare professional, Ethics Committees
(ECs), Institutions, sponsors, and funding agencies involved in research related to
artificial intelligence in biomedical research and healthcare.
Table of Contents





Applications of AI in Healthcare....................................................................3

  Diagnostics and Screening..........................................................................3

  Therapeutics, Drug Discovery and Development........................................4
  Clinical Care.................................................................................................4
  Epidemiology and Prevention of Disease.....................................................5
  Behavioral and Mental Healthcare...............................................................6
  Health Management Systems using AI.........................................................7
   Medical AI Software for Clinic Management Systems..............................7
   Medical AI Software for Hospital Management Systems..........................8
Section 1 - Ethical Principles for AI in Healthcare......................................9

  General Ethical Principles for Healthcare Research....................................9

  Responsible AI..............................................................................................9
  1.  Ethical Principles for AI Technology in Healthcare..............................10
  1.1 Autonomy........................................................................................11
   1.2  Safety and Risk Minimization..........................................................12
  1.3 Trustworthiness...............................................................................16
  1.4 Data Privacy...................................................................................18
  1.5 Accountability and Liability.............................................................21
   1.6  Optimization of Data Quality...........................................................23
   1.7  Accessibility, Equity and Inclusiveness..........................................25
  1.8 Collaboration..................................................................................27
   1.9  Non-Discrimination and Fairness Principles..................................29
   1.10    Validity............................................................................................30
Section 2 - Guiding Principles for Stakeholders involved in development,
validation and deployment..........................................................................31

   2.1  Guiding Principles during Development Phase.............................32

   2.2  Guiding principles for Validation Phase.........................................34
  2.3  Guiding Principles for Clinical and other health related deployment..... 36
Section 3 - Ethical Review Procedures in Medical AI................................40

   3.1  Ethical Issues related to reviewing a protocol................................41

Section 4 - Informed Consent Process.......................................................44

  4.1 Requisites.......................................................................................44
Essential information for prospective research participants/
responsibility of researchers..........................................................45

Section 5 - Governance of AI Technology use for Healthcare

and Research................................................................................................47
Ethics Checklist of AI for Biomedical Research and Healthcare.............49
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising technologies in the
coming decade and healthcare sector is the one to benefit the most by
integrating with AI. Medical AI has enormous potential to overcome some of
the major challenges in healthcare, such as lack of medical professionals and
infrastructure, rising healthcare costs, and difficulties in the implementation of
new technology due to the complex healthcare system.

The adoption of AI technology in healthcare is growing in India. However, AI

as data-driven technology has many potential ethical challenges which include
algorithmic transparency and explainability, clarity on liability, accountability and
oversight, bias and discrimination.
I am happy that the DHR-ICMR AI Cell has identified the need to develop these
guiding ethical principles concerning AI/ML-based tools. These guidelines will
provide the ethical framework for development of AI based tools which will benefit all
stakeholders, including innovators, developers, patients, technologists, researchers,
healthcare professionals, ethics committees (ECs), sponsors and funding agencies
involved in research related to AI in biomedical research and healthcare.
I hope that this document will contribute in the adoption of ethical standards
during development of AI based tools in India.

Dr. Rajiv Bahl



Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are certainly the
game-changer in the space of healthcare. A wide variety of exciting and
future-looking applications of AI/ML techniques and platforms are available
now. Identification of disease, screening, making diagnosis, medical imaging,
intelligent health operations management, personalized medicine to digital
surveillance for public health, outbreak prediction, and drug discovery are
only some of the emerging uses of AI/ML. The central goal for such systems
should be to make the AI-assisted platforms available for the benefit of
largest section of common people with safety and highest precision
possible. Human beings are the target and that makes the goal complex and
demanding. Data quality, data ownership, usability, trust of the patient-doctor
duo on AI software’s effectiveness, risk acceptance by the doctor and the
patient and ethics are among the various challenges that should be taken up
as medical profession increasingly applies AI based solutions.

Patient privacy, confidentiality and ethics are of paramount concerns for this
emerging field of biomedical research and its application. ICMR is the apex
body for conduct of biomedical research and has been at the forefront to set

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare ix
the standards on ethics in biomedical and health research. The ICMR ethical
guidelines are highly regarded not only in India but in a number of other nations.

The purpose of the Guideline is to provide an ethics framework which can

assist in the development, deployment, and adoption of AI-based solutions
for biomedical research and healthcare delivery. The guidelines are intended
for all stakeholders involved in research on artificial intelligence in healthcare,
including creators, developers, technicians, researchers, clinicians, ethics
committees, institutions, sponsors, and funding organizations. The document
includes separate sections addressing ethical principles for AI in health,
guiding principles for stakeholders, ethics review process, governance of
AI use for healthcare and research, and informed consent process involving
human participants and their data. The guideline has been formulated after
extensive discussions with subject experts, researchers and ethicists.

We expect the ICMR “Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence

in Biomedical Research and Healthcare, 2023” to guide the stakeholders in
ethical conduct of research that provides AI solutions in healthcare and will
help in identifying and negotiating emerging ethical challenges and concerns.
Similar to the basic field, ethics for AI/ML is also a rapidly evolving area and
therefore the document is a live document and will be updated as and when
the need arises.

Warm wishes,

Prof (Dr) Narendra Kumar Arora

Executive Director
The INCLEN Trust International

x Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
This document entitled ‘Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial
Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare’ is the result of continuous
efforts of the member of the Drafting Committee of ethical guidelines of AI in
biomedical research and healthcare. I thank each one of them for their valuable
direction and advice during the formulation of this guidelines. In particular, I wish
to express my profound sense of reverence and gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) Narendra
Kumar Arora, Chairman, for his guidance, supervision and leadership.
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Rajiv Bahl, Secretary, Department
of Health Research and Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research,
New Delhi, for his support.
I express my sincere thanks to Prof. (Dr.) Balram Bhargava, Former Secretary,
Department of Health Research and Director General, Indian Council of Medical
Research, New Delhi, for his encouragement and keen interest in publishing this
The publication of this document would not have been possible without the
commitment and contribution of a team of scientists from the Indian Council of
Medical Research and ICMR-National Institute of Medical Statistics, New Delhi.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank the project staff from the ICMR AI
Cell for their valuable support at different stages of the preparation and finalization
of this document.

(M. Vishnu Vardhana Rao)

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare xi
Artificial intelligence(AI) is defined as “a system’s ability to correctly interpret
external data and to use those learnings to achieve specific goal and tasks
through flexible adaption”[1]. AI uses complex computer algorithms to emulate
human  cognition albeit with far reaching capabilities of analyzing large
datasets. The field of AI is rapidly expanding and has made significant inroads
in almost all aspects of human life, including healthcare. The incorporation
of AI-based tools and techniques is expected to improve healthcare delivery
by making healthcare accessible and affordable and improving the quality
of care provided. For example, Computed Tomography (CT) scans can be
automatically read by AI as well as radiologists[2]. Tuberculosis screening
can be done by AI using Chest X-Rays with comparable performance as
molecular testing[3], and mammography scans can be used to predict the
onset of breast cancer before visual signs appear[4]. As a result, AI for health
has been recognized as one of the core areas by researchers as well as the

An ethically sound policy frame work is essential to guide the AI technologies

development and its application in healthcare. Further, as AI technologies get
further developed and applied in clinical decision making, it is important to have
processes that discuss accountability in case of errors for safeguarding and
protection. Just like any other diagnostic tool, AI-based solutions themselves
cannot be held accountable for its decisions and judgments. It is therefore
important to have assignment of accountability and responsibility at all stages
of development and deployment of AI for health.

Despite all the potential benefits, adopting AI for health brings to the fore several
ethical, legal, and social concerns, especially as it pertains to its development
and deployment. The field can be broadly guided by well-established

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 1
principles of health research but the development, as well as deployment of
AI-based solutions in healthcare, has to deal with several issues, including
those related to data safety, data sharing, data privacy, etc. For example,
AI-based solutions can empower the masses by permitting easy and early
diagnosis and access to health facilities but unsupervised use of such tools
and techniques is potentially risky. It is therefore mandatory to have ethical and
regulatory framework before AI for Health becomes part of health research
and delivery of healthcare. While the general principles related to biomedical
research and healthcare delivery are applicable to AI for health, the field also
has some unique ethical considerations.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has formulated ethical guidance
documents from time to time for promoting ethical and high quality research
in India. The most recent version of ICMR’s National Ethical Guidelines for
Biomedical and Health Research involving human participants, was released
in 2017[5]. In 2019, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)
also brought out guidelines for evaluation of new drugs and conduct clinical
trials[6]. India has given these guidelines legal status under the new drugs
and clinical trials rules.

In developing AI technology for application in healthcare, broadly same

ethical principles can be followed. However, since AI technology has several
unique methodological and interpretation challenges and in the context of
rapidly evolving healthcare scenario, the guidelines have been formulated in
consultation with experts from these two fields. The purpose of these guidelines
is not to limit innovation or recommend any disease-specific diagnostic or
therapeutic approach but to guide effective yet safe development, deployment
and adoption of AI based technologies in biomedical research and healthcare
delivery. These guidelines are to be used by experts and ethics committees
reviewing research proposals involving use of AI based tools and technologies.

2 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
There is no standard and commonly accepted term and therefore the term
AI technology has been used to refer to AI technologies, AI applications, AI
models, AI products, AI-driven solutions, or AI-based solutions in the entire

These guidelines apply to AI based tools created for all biomedical and health
research and applications involving human participants and/or their biological
data. Considering the far-reaching implications of AI-based technologies in
healthcare, these guidelines are applicable to health professionals, technology
developers, researchers, entrepreneurs, hospitals, research institutions,
organization(s), and laypersons who want to utilize health data for biomedical
research and healthcare delivery using AI technology and techniques.

Both healthcare and AI technologies are rapidly advancing and so shall the
associated ethical dimensions. The document therefore shall remain a living
document and undergo refinement periodically.

Applications of AI in Healthcare
The induction of AI into healthcare has the potential to be the solution for
significant challenges faced in the field of healthcare like diagnosis and
screening, therapeutics, preventive treatments, clinical decision making,
public health surveillance, complex data analysis, and predicting disease
outcomes. This list is likely to grow continuously in future.

Diagnostics and Screening

AI technologies provides an edge in diagnosing diseases. AI provides the

hope to tackle the diagnosis and screening burden on the healthcare system.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 3
As per the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report,
“Postmortem studies have shown that around 10 percent of patient deaths
can be attributed to diagnostic errors. They also reported that the diagnostic
errors account for 6-17 percent of adverse events as per the review of medical

AI-based technologies might help reduce human error in healthcare and

have the potential of enhancing known methods of screening and diagnosis
of disease, improving diagnostic accuracy, and guiding evidence based
treatment algorithms, predicting outcomes, identifying health system gaps,
with an overall impact on human health and wellness. AI technology has
recently been used to predict genetic makeup based on body phenotypes.

Therapeutics, Drug Discovery and Development

AI technology such as Machine learning (ML) is being used in the field of

drug discovery and epitope identification for vaccine development and has
the potential to accelerate the process and make it more cost effective.

Precision medicine as the word suggests explores the possibility of delivering

personalized treatments based upon individual’s unique characteristics such
as age, gender, race, family history and genomic variation. ML algorithms
utilizing large datasets such as genomic, socio-demographic, and electronic
medical records for predicting disease outcomes[8]. Genetic based analysis
and personalized drugs to target specific health conditions using AI technology
can guide treatment plans.

Clinical Care

Healthcare demand is ever rising and countries are facing a shortage of

skilled workforce. Advances in AI have opened up new opportunities to
tackle this shortage. Telemedicine and self-care via interactive chatbots,

4 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
digital monitoring devices like wearable is one of the areas which have shown
significant development in the recent years. This also provides an alternative
for remote monitoring and identifying early signs of disease by healthcare

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is being utilized to analyze unstructured

data like physician clinical notes to facilitate clinical decision making[10].
Google Deep Mind and IBM Watson Analytics have developed AI powered
tools including mobile based medical assistant, diagnostics, clinical decision-
making tools and prognostic prediction tools for improving overall patient
outcomes [11][12]. AI technology can assist in self-monitoring of personal
health-related parameters such as intake of nutrition, physical activity,
blood pressure, glucose, lipids for identifying high risk group. AI based
health coaching systems and smartphone apps using neural network and
ML methods could provide solutions for medication adherence, motivation,
reminders and building a care network[13]. Chatbots and robotic assistants
can empower patients in self-management of Non-Communicable Diseases
(NCDs) and improve decision making.

Epidemiology and Prevention of Disease

Epidemiology is the cornerstone of public health that guides policy decisions

and evidence-based practice. The science involves identification of the factors
and determinants of the diseases and the trends, patterns and prediction of
diseases. Conventional methods of data collection involve one or two sources
but AI methods have the potential to integrate data from several sources viz.,
surveillance, administrative, hospital data, registries and General Practitioner
clinics to provide meaningful evidence. AI and ML tools allow handling large
and diverse datasets efficiently with a high accuracy and offer data driven
solutions for predicting the risk and strategies to mitigate them. For example

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 5
during the initial times of the COVID-19 pandemic many countries used AI
based methods for early detection and tracing of contacts to monitor the
spread of the disease[14].

AI solutions through medical image interpretation, scrutinizing societal,

behavioural and health data, and medical records can provide decision
support system both at an individual level and for large-scale preventive
intervention planning. It can help in reducing risk factors and hazardous
exposures in places using Geographic Information System (GIS) based
sources and automation services.

Behavioral and Mental Healthcare

Medical AI model provides significant possibilities in behavioural and mental

health treatment. Medical AI may improve psychology and psychiatric
procedures in a variety of ways, including assisting patients in receiving a
diagnosis, actively managing their symptoms between in-person consults,
predicting and preventing probable flare-ups, and more.

Individuals with several  mental and behavioural conditions exhibit

distinguishable symptoms that may be diagnosed by verbal output (written or
spoken), facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, and various other
factors. AI psychology and psychiatry models will assist patients stay active
in their self-care to assure better treatment of their illness and optimal mental
and behavioural health.

Chatbots are one of potential use of AI in mental health. While mental disorders
continue to carry significant social stigma, and many people struggle to
express their thoughts and feelings directly, mental health chatbots provide
an opportunity for individuals who are inhibited  to seek direct professional
psychological and psychiatric help to take their first step towards self-care.

6 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
In this approach, AI chatbots on mental health can give initial assistance for
people who are not ready for professional or non-professional care, as well as
augment that support in between interactions with psychologists, psychiatrists,
and peers.

Health Management Systems using AI

AI has the potential of improving and optimizing operational functions in a

healthcare setup or healthcare organization. Healthcare management involves
scheduling, admission, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), accounting,
billing, claim settling that involves repetitive task and high level of scrutiny. By
leveraging AI powered tools and automated processes, the productivity could
be enhanced, operational and clinical workflows could be improved and
operating costs for healthcare practices could be reduced. Robotic process
automation (RPA) is capable of advanced financial accounting, medical
billing and claims. NLP can automate clinical documentation thus reducing
the turnaround time. AI healthcare administration tools can help in in-patient
and out-patient scheduling, interdepartmental coordination and patient alerts
for optimizing the functionality. Thus AI technology could be useful both in
patient care and in back-office operations thereby boosting productivity in
health sector.

Medical AI Software for Clinic Management Systems: Medical AI has

the potential to make Clinic Management System (CMS) more autonomous,
efficient and functional. Custom ML is rapidly being used to accomplish
tasks that were previously completed by employees. Task scheduling and
appointment may be automatically modified to meet changing conditions, with
assignments and time-tables adjusted on the fly and notifications provided to
relevant physicians and other staff to match the redirected processes. CMS
model also makes it easier for clinicians to store EMR and patients to access

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 7
it, providing for quick access and preservation of health and treatment history
for speedier decision-making based on a more comprehensive understanding
of the patient’s unique health profile.

Medical AI can assure the accuracy of recorded medical data by promoting

follow-up queries when certain symptoms are reported. These models can
also assist in locating a qualified specialist in the patient’s insurance network
and share pertinent information for future diagnosis, consultation, and
treatment. CMS model may also employ to check that medical billing and
claims verification, and that any prescriptions given are appropriate for the
insurance benefit of the patient’s individual plan and pharmacy. These AI
models may also provide advanced financial accounting parameters to CMS,
allowing administrators to better balance expenses and identify new potential
for efficiency improvement in their firm.

Medical AI Software for Hospital Management Systems: Medical AI can

enhance Hospital Management Systems (HMS) in the same manner that CMS
could. Hospitals have unique issues that may provide greater potential for
better functioning using AI technology. Medical AI may aid in the administration
of in-patient and out-patient scheduling, where decisions on patient rotation
can be made based on a range of parameters such as prognosis, prior health
history, treatment response, available personnel and more. AI HMS systems
can facilitate interdepartmental communication and coordination to make sure
the optimal use of resources and time  for best results for all patients, with
alerts issued when specific areas are stressed to give direction a heads up on
finding alternative solutions as needed.

8 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare

General Ethical Principles for Healthcare Research

At the outset, all health and biomedical research, whether AI-based or

conventional methods, should adhere to the basic ethical principles of
respect for persons (autonomy), do good (beneficence), do no harm (non-
malfeasance), and distributive justice, to ensure the protection of the dignity,
rights, safety, and well-being of the community and the participants. These
four basic principles have been expanded into 12 general principles in the
ICMR National Ethical guidelines, 2017.

These general ethical principles address most of the ethical aspects of any
biomedical and health research. Nevertheless, AI for health to a large extent
depends on data obtained from human participants and invokes additional
concerns related to potential biases, data handling, interpretation, autonomy,
risk minimization, professional competence, data sharing, and confidentiality.
It is therefore imperative to have an ethical framework that addresses issues
specific to AI for biomedical research and healthcare.

Responsible AI

Inclusiveness, fair, secure, and transparency are core elements of widely

asserted responsible AI frameworks, but how they are operationalized and
interpreted by each domain can vary. Furthermore, there is significant dispute
about whether responsible AI frameworks can address the explicit and implicit
biases contained within systems to assure equality in prediction judgments,
particularly when applied to biomedical applications. Secure, responsible
and ethical AI deployment necessitates a collaborative, multidisciplinary,

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 9
and informed approach. However, a lack of consensus on how to employ
AI technology ethically has left many medical decision-makers seeking for

1.  Ethical Principles for AI Technology in Healthcare

The development and application of AI technology in healthcare has to be guided

by the values and principle of ethics adhered and practiced by all relevant
stakeholders. AI technology uses various types of data sets and algorithms
such as, supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning. Although
promising, the complex nature of such “machine-driven” analytical processes
has prompted caution among health professionals and researchers. Unlike
other fields of AI, AI for Health directly affects human life and can potentially
have grave implications on all aspects of patients. Therefore, a cautious but
non-obtrusive and ethical approach is mandated before these algorithms
can become part of routine health sector. The issues related to safety and
confidentiality of patients’ health data are equally important and must be dealt
with caution at all stages of development and deployment of AI for health.

Non-Discrimination Optimization and

and Fairness Data Quality

Accessibility and Equity

Trustworthiness Ethical
( Data Security and Risk Minimization
Principles of
Trustworthy) and Safety
Medical AI

Accountability and
Liability Collaboration

Data Privacy Autonomy

Fig.1: Ethical principles in AI for Health.

10 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
The ten ethical principles in Fig 1 addresses issues specific to AI for health.
These principles are patient-centric and are expected to guide all the
stakeholders in the development and deployment of responsible and reliable
AI for health. These principles are as follows –

1.1  Autonomy

When AI technologies are used in healthcare, there is a possibility that the

system can function independently and undermine human autonomy. The
application of AI technology into healthcare may transfer the responsibility of
decision-making into the hands of machines. Humans should have complete
control of the AI based healthcare system and medical decision-making.
The AI technology should not interfere with patient autonomy under any

The ‘Human in The Loop’ (HITL)[15] model of AI technologies gives room for
humans to oversight the functioning and performance of the system. Clinical
decisions made by the AI technology and the physician may be different
and such disparity causes confusion to the user/patient, whether to trust the
clinician or the AI technology. In such cases, the patient should be provided
with both the options. Before introducing any AI technology in healthcare,
consent process is must for all research projects and evaluation programs
patients should be fully informed about the use of AI technologies benefits
and associated physical, psychological and social risks. Patients must have
complete autonomy to choose or reject AI technologies. There should be
effective and transparent monitoring of human values and moral consideration
at all stages of AI development and deployment.

The patient/ participant has the right to refuse consent. There should not be any
coercion from the government/sponsor/researcher/healthcare professional
and all other stakeholders for using such AI technologies. Over-dependency

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 11
on AI system for diagnosis and treatment may negatively affect the patient
clinician relationship and autonomy of the patient. Therefore developers,
institutions, hospitals, health systems and linked stakeholders should develop
policies and guidelines to strengthen the autonomy of the participants.

1.2  Safety and Risk Minimization

Before an AI technology based system is put into widespread use, affirmation

is required that the system will operate safely in a reliable manner. The
responsibility of ensuring the safety of participant’s lies with all the stakeholders
involved in the development and deployment of the AI technology. Protection
of dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of patients/ participants must have the
highest priority. The risk involved with the deployment of AI technology and
techniques in clinical research or patient care will differ based on the type of
use case and subsequent deployment methodology used. For example, the
risk involved with models running in an unsupervised way, i.e. without a human
in the loop, will be more than those deployed under the supervision of AI
researchers and healthcare professionals. The risk of using AI-enabled tools
in areas with a high potential for harm to patients will be much higher than in
other areas. Some of the risk minimization and safety points are mentioned

i. A robust set of control mechanisms is necessary to prevent

unintended or deliberate misuse.

ii. The paramount and essential requirement is to have secure systems

and software because of the sensitive nature of data in the healthcare

iii. It is essential that AI technologies be designed with a pre-emptive

approach to risks in such a way that they perform consistently while
minimizing unintended consequences and results.

12 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
iv. AI technologies are prone to cyber-attacks and can be exploited
to get access to sensitive and private information, thus threatening
the security and confidentiality of patients and their data. It must be
ensured that the data is completely anonymized and offline/delinked
or from the global technology for its final use.

v. All AI technologies/algorithms must be tested with scientific rigor in

the settings where it is intended to be used. The performance of the
algorithm must be evaluated in different races, ethnic groups, age
groups, social classes, and other relevant human characteristics.
The researcher has to ensure that the AI technology performance is
satisfactory in varied conditions.

vi. The Ethical Committee (EC) and other stakeholders must ensure
that there is a favorable benefit-risk assessment. The benefit should
outweigh the risk involved. The risk must be justifiable when the
social and scientific value of AI technology is considered.

vii. All possible measures for participant/patient protection must be

undertaken by the researcher. The measure should be reviewed by
the EC and other regulatory bodies.

viii. AI technologies should be built in line with legal and data protection
requirement of the country and with strict adherence to the basic
principles of ethics.

ix. A robust explicitly stated mechanism should be in place to

continuously monitor the performance, vulnerabilities and safety
standards of the AI technology.

x. AI technologies must adhere to the highest security standard with

regard to patient data. The manufacturer and all other stakeholders

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 13
must ensure timely upgradation of security standards. The security
measures taken to protect the patient data must be publicized so
that it can undergo rigorous scrutiny and gain public trust.

xi. Measures must be in place to protect and safeguard patients/

participants from stigmatization or discrimination due to their health
status that may be revealed by the use of AI technologies. The EC
and relevant authorities must scrutinize these measures before
deploying AI technologies in healthcare.

xii. Similar to trials for new drugs and products, if new evidence of
unintended harm associated with using an AI technology comes
to light, then the researcher/ manufacturer and all other relevant
stakeholders must inform the concerned ethics committee and data
safety monitoring board. Post introduction also, like phase 4 trials,
rare and new technology related unintended harm is to be monitored
and documented. The patient/ participant must be informed about
the increased risk of harm. They must have the freedom to withdraw
or continue in the study/treatment.

xiii. AI technologies that have the potential to cause physical/ mental

harm should have additional security measures. Additional security
measures will be reviewed by the relevant regulatory bodies and
shared with ethics committees.

xiv. At any stage of AI technology development, if vulnerable groups are

involved, additional security measures must be in place to protect
the rights and security of such groups. The researcher must be able
to justify their inclusion.

xv. Special care must be given to ensure the safety and security of
the vulnerable population. The composition and quality of training

14 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
datasets may not adequately represent the population in which
the AI is intended to be used. The marginalized communities and
vulnerable groups may be underrepresented in the training data sets.
It may lead to distorted or poor performance of AI technologies. The
EC, sponsors, and all other stakeholders must ensure the adequate
representation of the population in the data. Exposing patients to
unnecessary risk is unethical.

xvi. AI technologies that are used for predicting the possibility of acquiring
a disease may predispose the patient/participant to emotional and
psychological stress. This may potentially lead to the stigmatization
of individuals or communities. The researcher and EC must explore
methods for mitigating such harm. The patients/participants must be
fully informed about the probable outcomes of using AI technology
and the chances of stigmatization and harm.

xvii. The assessment of AI technology and techniques should address

risks posed by the use of technology derived information, which may
cause discomfort or unanticipated physical, psychological, social,
economic, or legal harm.

xviii. Depending upon the risk assessment of the situation, appropriate

oversight bodies/committees may be included to ensure the fairness
during the development or deployment of AI technology.

xix. Risk minimization is a continuous process; all stakeholders must ensure

that the objective and impact of the technology are in line with the
expected performance. External audits for accessing potential risks
must be encouraged. The reports of such audits have to be submitted
before respective stakeholders and relevant regulatory authorities.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 15
xx. The potential and the extent to which an AI technology can cause
harm must be assessed before the deployment of AI technology
for widespread use. AI technologies must not cause severe bodily
injury or serious emotional distress.

xxi. AI developers, EC, and concerned regulatory bodies must review

the measures taken for risk minimization. EC and other regulatory
bodies can advise regarding risk minimization strategies.

1.3  Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is the most desirable quality of any diagnostic or prognostic

tool to be used in AI healthcare. Clinicians need to build confidence in the tools
that they use and the same applies to AI technologies. In order to effectively
use AI, clinicians and healthcare providers need to have a simple, systematic
and trustworthy way to test the validity and reliability of AI technologies. In
addition to providing accurate analysis of health data, a trustworthy AI-based
solution should also be:

i. Lawful, i.e., it must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.

ii. Ethical, to ensure adherence to ethical principles and values

cherished by the community. Agencies involved in developing and
deployment of AI should cultivate trust in the general public by
adopting ethical principles at all stages of development.

iii. Reliable and valid, both from technical and social perspectives,
to ensure predictability in the results and outcomes of AI-based
solutions when applied in variety of clinical settings. The results thus
obtained also should be in sync with standard assessment tools.

16 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
iv. Explainable, i.e., the results and interpretations provided by AI-based
algorithms should be explainable based on scientific plausibility.
It should be possible to understand the logic behind the results
obtained so that AI technology is valid, reliable and responsible.
The lack of information about the decision-making by AI algorithms
has prompted some to label it as a “black box” which can prove a
deterrent to its wider adoption. A well explainable AI-based solution
is expected to improve the confidence of both the patient and the
health professionals.

v. A diagnostic AI technology may produce results that are not in line

with the physicians’ views/ decision on disease. Such situations may
question the credibility of the system as well as the doctor. In such
cases, the physician may seek the help of their colleagues or may
consult with AI developers. The patient should be informed about
the recommendation from both the doctor(s) and the AI technology.
The patient must have the ultimate autonomy to choose over whether
to accept or reject the AI technology-generated decision.

vi. Transparent, i.e., details about the development and deployment

must be easily available to all the stakeholders to enable them to make
an informed decision. AI developers should ensure transparency in
every step so that consumers can make informed choices about
sharing their data and using AI. The end-user must be provided with
adequate information in a language they can understand to ensure
that they are not being manipulated by the AI technologies. The end-
user must be informed about the intention, outcome and limitation of
using AI technologies. In absence of transparent information about
the processes involved it is difficult to expect large scale adoption
of AI for health. This is also important for legal and regulatory

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 17
purposes in cases where undesirable clinical outcomes may arise
out of the inaccurate interpretation and or recommendation by
AI-technologies. Therefore, for the regulation, acceptance, and
deployment of AI technologies transparency, explainability and
functional understanding is necessary. Limitation in transparency of
the system impairs validation, clinical recommendations, and make
it difficult to identify errors and biases.

vii. Sufficient information must be published widely before deploying

AI technologies in the healthcare sector. An adequate platform
must be there to ensure the input of public consultation and debate
regarding design, usage, safety security, etc. such information must
be published regularly and must be documented.

viii. All AI technologies must comply with legal norms. Developers must
be able to demonstrate and interpret how the AI technology complies
with data and privacy laws. All software/ privacy policy updates in
an already established AI technology must comply with legal norms.

ix. AI technologies developed outside India must have the ethical

responsibility to be explicitly transparent like an indigenously
developed AI technology and comply with the law. Evaluation will
include all the steps as for any indigenously developed AI technology.

x. Conflict of interest arising at any stage of development must be

disclosed and available on public platforms.

1.4  Data Privacy

AI-based technology should ensure privacy and personal data protection at

all stages of development and deployment. Maintaining the trust of all the
stakeholders including the recipient of healthcare over the safe and secure

18 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
use of their data is of prime importance to the successful and widespread
deployment of AI. Data privacy must aim to prevent unauthorized access,
modification, and/ or loss of personal data. The application of AI to personal
data must not unreasonably curtail people’s real or perceived liberty
[16]. These practices are crucial in the healthcare sector where medical
information represents sensitive data that, if misused, could harm patients
or subject them to discrimination even if it is unintended. Individual patients’
data should preferably be anonymized unless keeping it in an identifiable
format is essential for clinical or research purposes. All algorithms handling
data related to patients must ensure appropriate anonymization before any
form of data sharing. It is important to know that patient identifiers can be
present as “Metadata” and as “on-image” data and both need to be effectively
anonymized. The issues related to the ownership of the data are complex and
vary based on the national or regional laws and regulations. It also depends on
the degree of data anonymization. Since often data for building AI applications
is gathered from multiple diverse sources (e.g., medical and insurance
records, pharmaceutical data, genetic data, social media, GPS data, etc.), it
can potentially become easier to trace that data to patient and (intentionally
or unintentionally) defeat the goals of privacy. Current Data Protection Act
available in India is the IT Act, 2000. According to section 43A, corporate
bodies possessing, dealing with or handling any sensitive personal data, or
information in a computer resource owned, controlled, or operated by it would
be liable to pay damages as compensation to affected persons if they are
negligent in implementing and maintaining reasonable security practices and
procedures to protect sensitive personal data or information[17]. To ensure
privacy and security of health data, the Indian government is bringing a new
healthcare data protection law - Digital Information Security in Healthcare Act
(DISHA) Bill and Personal Data Protection (PDP); these will have binding on
AI technology ethical guidelines[18]. Some of the salient point on data privacy
are mentions below:

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 19
i Users should have control over the data that has been collected from
them for the purpose of developing and designing AI technologies
for healthcare. Users should be provided with the provision to
access, modify, or remove such data from AI technology at any point
in time.

ii. End-users must be explicitly explained about the safeguards

designed for the protection of privacy. They must be well informed
about the type of data collected and how it will be used using either
for developing the AI algorithms or interpretation or storage.

iii. Predictive algorithms of AI technologies may produce inappropriate

results, which may harm the privacy of the patient. Consent must
be mandatory before running a predictive algorithm in participants/

iv. AI technologies requiring human biometric data should have

additional security measures to safeguard the data. Approval from
EC and regulatory bodies should be mandatory for using such
data. An accidental leak of such data can have unprecedented

v. Impact assessment must be carried out by relevant authorities before

deploying AI for widespread use. It should focus on key areas like
human rights, privacy, and ethical principles.

vi. The manufacturer has the responsibility to prevent re-identification

from datasets and the prevention of leakage of identifiable

vii. Data sharing may expose patients/ participants to privacy threats.

Additional consent from patients is required for data sharing if not

20 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
taken previously. The consent must contain the nature of data, to
what extent it is being shared, and possible harm that can occur
from sharing data.

viii. Excess data collected contributes to data surplus. It is unethical

to repurpose data surplus without proper consent from the patient/
participants. Storing surplus data for future uses may require
additional consent, if not taken earlier.

1.5  Accountability and Liability

Accountability is described as the obligation of an individual or organization to

account for its activities, accept responsibility for their actions, and to disclose
the results in a transparent manner. AI technologies intended to be deployed in
the health sector must be ready to undergo scrutiny by concerned authorities
at any point in time. AI technologies must undergo regular internal and external
audits to ensure their optimum functioning. These audit reports must be made
publicly available. AI developers must allow independent analysis and review
of their systems, some of them are mention below

i. Innovators in the field of AI may be unfamiliar with medical ethics,

research regulations, and regulatory guidelines applicable to this
area. It is therefore important to have representatives from health
sector at all stages of development and deployment of AI based
tools and technologies.

ii. The most direct benefit of AI-based solutions is automation. Machine-

assisted decision algorithms are coming into use in clinical medicine.
Nevertheless, inherent risks of misinterpretation in the clinical setting
with full automation mandates caution. Therefore, unlike other fields
of AI technologies where unsupervised deployment is common, AI

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 21
for health should always be appropriately supervised. Open source
software must also follow best ethical practices so as to ensure that
ethical consideration are not compromised at any point of time in the
name of innovation.

iii. The concept ‘Human In The Loop’ (HITL) places human beings in a
supervisory role and is more relevant for healthcare purposes. This will
ensure an individualized decision making by the health professionals
keeping the interest of the patient in the center. Adoption of the HITL
principle throughout the development and deployment of AI for
Health also helps in optimal sharing of accountability by the team
involved in development and deployment of AI-based algorithms.

iv. It is critical to ensure that the entity(s) seeking such responsibility

have proper legal and technical credentials in the area of AI
technologies for health.

v. The AI-based solutions may malfunction, underperform, or make

erroneous decisions with a potential of harm to the recipient
especially if it is left unsupervised. The health professional who will
use the technology, will assign responsibility. Like other diagnostic
and decision-making tools used in clinical practice the responsibility
of optimal utilization of the technology is on the health professional
using AI-based solutions for delivering healthcare.

vii. During the deployment of AI technology based tools, the legal

responsibility of its usage needs to be defined before adopting it
into clinical or public use.

viii. The responsibility of harm caused by AI technology malfunction

depends on the nature of the cause of harm. If the malfunction is

22 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
primarily due to flaws in functionality, then the designer, developer,
or manufacturer may be held responsible. If the harm is caused
due to defective implementation of technology, then the end-user
or organization may be held accountable. There should be a clear
understanding and allocation of responsibility before the deployment
of AI technology.

ix. If AI technology has caused harm, then there should be an appropriate

mechanism to identify the relative roles of stakeholders in damage,
extending from the manufacturer to the user and their legal liability.
All stakeholders engaged in conceptualization to implementation
chain must associate and work together to minimize harm.

1.6 Optimization of Data Quality

AI is a data driven technology, the outcomes of which largely depend upon

the data used for training and testing the AI. This is of particular importance
in the field of AI for health as a dataset which is skewed and is not sufficiently
large can produce issues related to data bias, errors, discrimination etc. Data
bias is considered to be the greatest threat to data driven technology like AI
for health [29]. Due diligence is necessary to ensure that the “training data” is
free from known biases and represents large sections of the target population.

One major concern it raises is the pre-existing prejudice that arises in AI

models when making decisions against a specific group of people, which
is primarily attributed to the human involved in training those data, clouding
the AI judgment. Challenges inherent in ML science, logistical difficulties in
implementation, and consideration of adoption barriers as well as necessary
socio-cultural or pathway changes. Following measure may be taken for
medicating the challenges related to data quality:

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 23
i. Before deploying AI technologies, the possibilities of biases must be
considered, identified and thoroughly scrutinized. Training data must
not have any sampling bias. Such sampling bias may interfere with
data quality and accuracy. Researchers must ensure data quality.

ii. Data sets used in AI technologies should adequately represent the

population in which the technologies are intended to be used. Data
of ethnic minorities, marginalized and remotely located population
should be adequately represented, or oversampling may be required
to obtain the same quality of results observed with populations that
are better represented.

iii. The existence of bias in the data set can potentially affect the
functioning of AI technology. If there is any allegation of discrimination
or indication of bias in an AI technology, the operation of such a
system must be temporarily discontinued. The manufacturer has the
responsibility to eliminate the bias. Demonstration of a bias-free AI
technology with the optimum function before a competent authority
is mandatory for resuming operations.

iv. The process of data collection and development of AI algorithms has

various challenges and tradeoffs and developers and researchers
need to ensure that the best possible data is used for their specific

v. These inherent problems related to data can be minimized by

rigorous clinical validation before any AI-based technology is used
in healthcare.

vi. All emerging technologies including AI must pass through a well-

established process of scrutiny applicable to all areas of biomedical

24 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
research and clinical care. In fact, it is prudent to implement a ‘pre-
deployment testing’ process at every new site were AI is being
deployed so that the AI’s performance can be ensured at a local
level. There should be a robust mechanism to oversee data collection
methods, it should be able to check the fairness and inclusiveness
of data collection and should be able to point out inadequacies and

vii. Poor data quality, inappropriate and inadequate data representations

may lead to biases, discrimination, errors and suboptimal functioning
of the AI technology.

1.7  Accessibility, Equity and Inclusiveness

The use of computers for development as well as the deployment of AI

technologies in healthcare presupposes wider availability of infrastructure. The
digital divide is known to exist in almost all countries and is more prominent in
low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The heavy reliance on technology
may therefore interfere with the wider application of promising tools in areas
where it is expected to make a greater difference. It can be accomplished in
the following ways:

i. AI developers and concerned authorities have to make sure of

fairness in the distribution of AI technology. Organizations should
endeavour to provide equal opportunity and access to AI technology
among different user groups. Special consideration must be given
to those groups who are underprivileged or lack the infrastructure
to access such technology. Priority must be given to such groups.
Government and other regulatory bodies must encourage such
potential end user groups to access AI technologies.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 25
ii. AI technologies might lead to discrimination in ways that may be
hidden or which may not align with the fundamental rights of humans.

iii. AI developers and other stakeholders should focus on the

accessibility of such technologies to socially and economically
disadvantaged classes.

iv. Social, cultural and economic background shape the patient

perspective towards AI technologies. AI technologies must be
designed to be used in a wide range of variations in user with regards
to gender, race, ethnicity, income classes, other characteristics, etc.

v. AI developers should pay special attention to employing people

from different strata of society with diverse cultural backgrounds.
They should have sufficient opportunity to actively participate in
designing and developing AI technologies. It would reduce the bias
associated with the AI technologies.

vi. AI technologies may include local languages in their user interface

to overcome the language barrier associated with the accessibility
of technology. It increases AI technology acceptance and more
comprehensive user compliance.

vii. Some AI technologies may need internet connectivity, technical

expertise, electricity, and other infrastructure. Relevant stakeholders
of AI technology should ensure that adequate infrastructure is
available for the smooth and optimum functioning of an AI technology
that is intended to be used in a low-resource setting.

viii. Digital divide refers to uneven distribution of access to, use of or

effect of information and communication technologies among any

26 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
number of distinct groups. The government and other relevant
stakeholders have to eliminate the already existing digital divide in
society for universal acceptance and usage of newer technologies.
The introduction of newer AI technology should not cause or worsen
digital divide among populations/groups.

ix. Each and every person involved in the development of AI technologies,

including those who have given data for AI development, is ethically
eligible to access the technology. Access to AI technologies must
be granted to all individuals or groups from which the data for AI
development is collected.

ix. The interoperability of AI software must be considered whenever it

is possible so that different applications can work seamlessly over
different platforms. It promotes wider accessibility option for user

x. The user interface of AI technology may enable multiple language

settings so as to overcome language barrier and narrow the digital

1.8  Collaboration

The field of AI for health is data-driven. A large collection of well-curated

datasets is mandatory for any meaningful use of AI for health. This can
only be achieved by fostering collaboration at every level. Considering the
rapidly changing landscape of AI technology, it is imperative to collaborate
among AI experts at the time of research and development so that the most
appropriate techniques and algorithms are used to address any healthcare
problem. Needless to say, the collaboration among AI researchers and health
professionals throughout the process of development and adoption of AI-

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 27
based solutions is likely to improve the yield from this promising technology.
As a result, stronger collaborations must be achieved with the following

i. While inter-disciplinary collaboration should be encouraged, it is

important to ensure that no ill effect comes on the patients whose
data may be used to build or test the algorithms during prospective
trials of AI technologies.

ii. Motivation for collaborations, and potential conflicts of interest,

should be explicitly stated and examined deeply if required to
ensure avoidance of harm to any stakeholders.

iii. All international collaborations or assistance related to biomedical

and health research with regard to data collection, sharing of
biological samples, and intellectual property must be submitted
to the Health Ministry’s Screening Committee (HMSC) for approval
before initiation.

iv. Data sharing for any national or international collaboration while

safeguarding privacy and security is very critical in the case of using
healthcare data in an AI technology’s research and development as
it might contain very sensitive information about a participant. Indian
laws and guidelines (DISHA & PDP guidelines) are to be adhered to.
Appropriate MoU and/or MTA to safeguard the interests of participants
and ensure compliance (addressing issues of confidentiality, sharing
of data, joint publications) must be in ensured. Actively involving
those whom the data is intended to serve is important for effective
use of data. Stakeholder engagement and involvement of diverse
interest groups helps in better communication of the technology,
ensuring that the AI technology meets the user need.

28 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
1.9  Non Discrimination and Fairness Principles

In order to refrain from biases and inaccuracies in the algorithms and ensure
quality, the following principles should be followed:

i. The data set used for the training algorithm must be accurate and
representative of the population in which it is used. The researcher
has the responsibility to ensure data quality.

ii. Inaccuracy and biases can cause suboptimal or malfunctioning

of AI technologies external independent algorithmic audits and
continuous end-user feedback analysis should be performed to
minimize inaccuracies and biases. The AI developers/researchers
must acknowledge any biases involved and should take the
necessary steps to rectify it.

iii. AI should never be used as a tool for exclusion. Special attention must
be given to under-represented and vulnerable groups like children,
ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, etc. The AI developers
should promote the active inclusion of women and minority groups.

iv. Developers should give special attention to promoting and protecting

the equality of individuals. Freedom, rights and dignity, should be
treated with equality and justice.

v. AI technologies should be designed for universal usage.

Discrimination of individuals or groups on the grounds of race, age,
caste, religion, social status is unethical.

vi. The reversibility of decisions made by the AI technology should be

considered; if harm has occurred to any patient/ participant. Before

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 29
implementing the technology, the option for reversibility of decision
must be integrated with the AI design.

vii. In case of any unfortunate events arise from the malfunctioning of the
AI technology occurs, then there should be an appropriate redressal
mechanism for the victim. The manufacturer must ensure that there
is a provision for proper grievance redressal.

viii. There must be a safe mechanism to raise concerns pertaining to

the AI technology the issues can be technical, functional, ethical,
or misuse of technology. There should be a proper mechanism for
protecting the whistleblower.

1.10  Validity

AI technology in healthcare must undergo rigorous clinical and field validation

before application on patients/participants. These are necessary to ensure
safety and efficacy. The divergence of AI-based algorithms may be amplified
due to differences in the datasets used for training of AI algorithms. Like any
other diagnostic tool, such discordance in the diagnostic abilities of different
solutions is expected to confuse the end-users, both health professionals as
well as the recipient of AI healthcare. There has to be an internal mechanism
to monitor such issues and convey appropriate feedback to the developers
while keeping in view the clinical context. When an AI technology impacts an
individual or healthcare system there must be an efficient feedback mechanism
for bringing in necessary updates. Application of AI based decisions for clinical
applications can lead to clinical mismanagement or a potential health hazard.
Therefore, any AI-based tool needs to be validated based on the principles
described under section 2.1.

30 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare



The development, validation/ testing, and utilization of AI-based solutions for

healthcare is a multistep process and involves partners from different areas of
expertise. Each of these steps must follow standard practices to make the AI-
based solutions technically sound, ethically justified and applicable to a large
number of individuals with equity and fairness. All the stakeholders should
adhere to these guiding principles to make the technology more useful and
acceptable to the users and beneficiaries of the technology. Furthermore,
stakeholders have a role right from conceptualisation, design, development,
implementation, monitoring, feedback, accountability, ongoing education,
training, and advocacy. Public engagement can play an important role in
improving acceptability and building public trust.

A brief can be provided on the roles and responsibility of stakeholders such

as the following:

a. Academic/ Researchers

b. Industry/ Sponsors

c. Clinicians/ Hospitals/Public health system

d. Public/ Patients/ Community

e. Ethics Committees

f. Government/ Regulators

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 31
2.1  Guiding principles during Development phase

The whole process of concept design and product development should be

based on the inputs from all the stakeholders including health professionals
so that the final product performs as intended. The data collection should
consider the following:

i. The purpose and end goal of data collection by developers of AI

technologies should be known to hospitals/institutes, technicians,
and developers of the AI technology.

ii. Pre-consent should be taken if applicable. Informed consent,

confidentiality, privacy, and re-consent are largely influenced by the
degree of identifiability, whether the biomedical material and data
are anonymized or not.

iii. The data should not be used to inflict harm or discrimination on

anyone. AI technology developers should use techniques such as
data encryption and data anonymization to serve the purpose of
protecting individuals’ privacy. Highest standards of data security
and privacy protection policies has to be followed.

iv. There should be an established mechanism to ensure delivery

of information back to the patient/healthcare professional/health
authority in case of any findings of significance.

v. There should be a feedback mechanism for which the user/physician

can communicate concerns and suggestions with the developers.

vi. The organizations or the researchers must be truthful to the

participants as to how their health data will be used.

32 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
vii. The data collection should be limited to only what is necessary, with
defined time limits of storage of the protected data. Surplus data if
collect should be destroyed or can be stored after obtaining proper
informed consent from the participant /patient.

viii. Existing data sets (e.g., hospital record, EMR, EHR, administrative
sources, research data) can be used with due diligence as already
mentioned and following ethical guidelines and safety, security and
confidentiality measure mentioned before and also referred in the
2017 ICMR ethical guidelines[5].

ix. The provision of removing/modifying the data from the databases

also must be ensured in case a patient opts out at a later time. The
user must have the right to exercise the right to be forgotten.

x. There should be appropriate provisions for disciplinary (legal or

financial) actions in case the providers fail to comply with these
regulations. The relevant stakeholders should be made liable to pay
compensation to the users in case of any harm or injury arising from
the use of AI technologies.

xi. The source of both the training as well testing data should be properly
documented and reviewed by organizational ECs. In case there is
a difference between the actual purpose for data collection and
the objective of the AI technology being developed using this data,
the same should be documented and reviewed. The population on
which the AI technology is intended to be used should be part of the
testing and validation data sets.

xii. Data should include person from wide range of geographical areas
representing different race, ethnicity, gender, socio economic class
and age to reduce bias in training data.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 33
xiii. Consent waiver can be obtained in case of anonymized data for
retrospective studies.

xiv. AI technologies have a dynamic learning process and the

performance of the tool improves with the addition of more data
ECs should consider the issue of enhancing the quality of these
additional training datasets appropriately. While the inclusion of more
datasets is likely to improve the generalizability of the algorithm the
developers should develop a mechanism to maintain both audit trail
and the quality of datasets used for ongoing training of the algorithm.
In absence of such a mechanism, the AI-technologies may prove to
be less accurate than claimed in earlier validation studies.

2.2  Guiding principles for Validation Phase

The objective of conducting a clinical validation is to establish the safety and

accuracy of AI-based solutions throughout its life cycle and especially after
deployment, and to evaluate whether the AI-based solution will live up to its
claimed performance when deployed in the real world. In order to validate the
performance of an AI technology, independently collected datasets other than
the training dataset should be used[19]. Auditing of algorithms has also been
proposed as a possible approach for deep validation of AI technologies[20].
A robust process of clinical validation minimizes systemic biases and can
uncover various limitations that might have remained unnoticed in the
preclinical stages of the development of AI-based solution(s).

i. Clinical validation verifies the clinical accuracy of the AI-based

solutions for a specific clinical condition. Similarly, for public health
applications, screening, surveillance, and performance of health
system are to be assessed using AI technologies. The process
typically compares the performance and efficacy of the AI-based
algorithm in the designated setting to the levels claimed by the

34 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
developers of the AI in comparison to gold standard. The process
must also aim at determining whether or not the proposed AI-based
solution is fit-for-purpose.

ii. Performing robust validation of an AI technology requires a multi-

dimensional multi-sectoral team comprising of clinical, data science,
statistical, engineering, public health and epidemiological experts.

iii. In case of validation using retrospective data, all segments of

population where the AI-based solution is intended to be used
should be included. However, the entire AI related data should be
made available for audit, if required.

iv. The validation should be preferably done prospectively which could

be hospital, laboratory, community based or both depending upon
the need. There may be a mechanism for real-time communication
of false positive / false negative cases, as the case maybe.

v. The validation should be objective and based on principles of both,

biomedical research and medical practice.

vi. In addition to the assessment of accuracy, the validation should also

include usability and user experience results. It should also include
an assessment of any potential risks to the healthcare providers and
recipients of healthcare.

vii. SPIRIT-AI[20] and CONSORT–AI[21] may be used as frameworks

for designing and running assessment trials related to AI.

viii. The whole process of AI-technology based analysis and decision

support must have mechanisms of audit both at the level of pilot
studies and implementation in the clinical scenario. This is extremely

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 35
important to retain the faith of both the healthcare providers and

ix. AI-technology output should be explainable, and the mechanism for

explaining the outputs as well.

The validation of AI technology is constantly evolving with newer and more

complex statistical metrics coming up to evaluate the performance of AI
for health purposes. Appropriate and update analytics should be applied
for validation studies such as AUCROC, Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score,
Mathew’s Correlation Coefficient [22][23].

2.3  Guiding principles for clinical and other health related deployment

Deployment of AI technology is the last and most important step in the journey
of the development of these tools and technologies. It must be dealt with
utmost care since poorly designed healthcare deployment of AI can have
significant negative impact on patients and healthcare providers.

i. Health professionals are the most important contact person for the
recipient of healthcare. Irrespective of whether the data is used for
research or patient management or public health decision making,
concerned health professionals should be aware as to how the data
collected from the participants will be used. They also should be
aware of the processes used for data safety and privacy while it
is being used to train or validate various AI-technology algorithms.
Proper training should be provided to the healthcare providers
regarding the appropriate and safe use of AI technology.

ii. Health deployment of AI technology should be preceded by relevant

validation of the tools at a local level to determine whether the AI

36 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
technology is performing optimally or as expected on the target

iii. During the initial deployment phase the AI technologies should be

evaluated in variety of rigorous situations to ensure its optimum

iv. Prior to deployment, health professionals should have a fair idea

about the functional basis of the AI-technology. This should also
include strength, weakness, opportunity, and threats (SWOT)
analysis of the proposed solution.

v. The usability of any diagnostic or prognostic tool should be based on

the risk profile of the area of healthcare it belongs to. The perceived
risk assessment will also guide the level of involvement of health
professionals at different levels of development and deployment of
AI for health.

vi. Health professionals using AI-based solutions for biomedical research

and or in the clinical/public health setting may be responsible and
accountable for the consequences arising out of their use. However
if the adverse consequences are arising due to inherent defect in
the development of the AI technology, then all relevant stakeholders
have their own shared responsibilities.

vii. If any adverse event or injury occurs due to the use of AI technology,
then the user/participant has the right to receive appropriate
compensation. The onus of providing the compensation lies with all

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 37
viii. Health professionals should be aware of potential lacunae and
limitations of the AI technology prior to clinical/research/public
health deployment. Such limitations must be communicated with the

ix. Prior to clinical deployment, the user of the AI-technology should be

educated about various forms of bias that might creep in once the
tool is used [24].

x. Individuals and organizations responsible for the development

of AI-technology should be accountable for the quality of the
algorithm. They should also be responsible for any deviations in the
performance of the AI technology in the research, clinical and public
health settings. There should be an inbuilt mechanism of switching
over to alternative mode of health provision in case the AI technology
falters in providing optimal support for which it is intended.

xi. Appropriate security protocols and processes should be in place

that accounts for the use of AI technologies.

xii. The AI technology should neither exaggerate nor underestimate

the seriousness of the clinical condition of the patient. The output
of the AI technology should be aligned with the capabilities and
understanding of the user of the technology, and appropriately the
“Human-in-the-loop” concept may be adhered to. Human oversight
and manual override mechanisms must be made compulsory for all
AI technologies that have the capability to cause severe or bodily

xiii. The information about the use of AI-based technology should be

shared with the healthcare recipient or their legal representative. A

38 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
disclaimer in this regard must be included in the resultant document
highlighting to what extent and for what purpose the said AI tool was
used during biomedical research or clinical decision making. The
terms of service need to include pointers to guide end users that it
is an AI technology and the results/diagnosis/interpretations are not
done by humans. A statement of disclaimer in this regard should
be explicitly conveyed to the health professional and the subject for
whom the technology has been employed.

xiv. The information on cost effectiveness and operational cost should be

mentioned when available to improve adoption of the AI technology.

xv. The terms of service should clearly mention the technology used
behind the solution is an AI technology, validations/certifications if
acquired any and underlying assumptions and disclaimers.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 39

The EC is responsible for assessing both the scientific rigor and ethical aspects
of all health research and should ensure that the proposal is scientifically sound
and weigh all potential risks and benefits for the population where the research
is being carried out. ECs should check the proposals for data source, quality,
safety, anonymization, and/or data piracy, data selection biases, participant
protection, payment of compensation, possibility of stigmatization and others.

A. Composition of an EC–Apart from guidelines mentioned in the National

Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research involving human
participants (2017), ECs that frequently deal with AI-technology projects
should consider including legal experts who have experience in IT and
medical law, data scientists and computer scientists with expertise in AI
technology. Subject experts may also be invited if AI related proposals
are to be reviewed occasionally.

B. Training - Members should be occasionally trained in emerging AI

technologies such as big data, DL, internet of things (IoT), so that they
are informed about these subjects to an appropriate level before they
start evaluating proposals for the same.

C. Roles and responsibilities of the EC - The EC reviews research proposal,

progress and final reports as well as reporting of adverse events and
provides suggestions for minimizing the risk to the study. Recommendations
regarding appropriate compensation for research related injury should
be made by the EC, wherever it is required. Monitoring visits at study
sites should be carried out by the EC as and when needed. In case

40 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
of conflicts in ethical requirements during implementation of key ethical
requirements, decisions on the tradeoff should be evaluated regularly.

D. Types of review: As provided in the ICMR Ethical guidelines the type of

review will be based on the type and degree of risk involved and can be
exempt, expedited or full committee review as the case may be.

E. Ethical issues related to reviewing a protocol. All research proposals

require scientific and ethical review by the EC. While in general all issues
specified in the National ethical guidelines should be followed while
reviewing a protocol based on AI technologies, there are certain specific
additional requirements to be examined by the committee before taking
the decision.

3.1 Ethical Issues Related to Reviewing A Protocol

Table 1: Ethical Issues Related To Reviewing A Protocol

Routine issues Special issues for AI related protocols

1. Essentiality of the study 1. Essentiality and

appropriateness of the system

2. Disclosure or declaration of 2. Alternates available and

potential COI opportunity/cost comparison

3. Scientific design and 3. Qualifications of researchers/

conduct of study developers

4. Benefit-risk assessment 4. Training for Data collection


Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 41
5. Recruitment of research 5. Selection of Training and Testing
participants (Retrospective/ populations
Prospective study)

6. Informed consent process 6. Possible Technology

malfunctions / glitches / failures
and the redressal mechanisms
Stakeholder responsibility
and accountability to different
aspects of AI technology
malfunction / injury

7. Payment for participation 7. Adequacy assessment of study

(Prospective study) sites

8. Protection of privacy 8. Informed Refusal process

and confidentiality 9. Data source, participant
including data privacy selection process and quality
(both retrospective and assessment
10. Opportunity to constantly
upgrade AI technology with
additional data and technology
and its influence on participants
11. Quality check of the AI
12. Participants ‘right-to-be-
13. Data storage and sharing

42 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
14. Community considerations

15. Compensation for study

related injury including medical

For further details refer the National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and
Health Research involving Biomedical and Health Research, 2017.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 43

The researcher must obtain written informed consent from the study participant
for any health research involving human participants and their data. This
requirement is based on the principle that competent individuals are entitled
to choose freely whether or not to participate or continue to participate in the
research and development. Informed consent is a process which primarily
involves three major components providing relevant information to prospective
participants, ensuring the individual’s competence, ensuring the information
is easily understood by the participants and ensuring the voluntariness of

4.1 Requisites

The document must inform that this is a “research”. The participant must
be able to comprehend the proposed research or system to be developed,
be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to participate
in the study and communicate her/his decision to the researcher in order to
give consent. The consent should be freely given and not obtained through
duress or coercion of any kind, or by offering undue inducements. In case the
participant is not competent (medically or legally) to give consent, the consent
must be taken from a legally authorized representative. Before beginning
any study-related procedures involving the participant, a researcher must
obtain consent. At all stages, participants’ privacy and confidentiality must be
protected. The potential consequences of breech in privacy should also be
mentioned in the informed consent document.

44 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
Essential information for prospective research participants/
Responsibility of researchers

i. The Researcher must make sure that the research participants

understands the alternatives available (including traditional methods)
for the AI technology in question, including doing nothing. Also, the
comparable benefits and risks involved should be discussed.

ii. The Researcher must ensure that the patient/research subject has
understood the process and must evaluate the research subject by
“teach-back”, or “show-me” or any other evaluation technique. The
patient/research participant education is a very important step for
an ongoing process which would be required including if consent
obtaining is required multiple times to reduce patient drop-outs. This
should also be documented.

iii. The Researcher/End-user of the product should be able to distinguish

between the role of human caregivers and technology during each
part of the procedure. This should be explained clear to the research

iv. The Researcher/End-user of the product should clearly explain the

possibility of missteps at each level of the procedure and the risk
attached to it.

v. Without prior consent, AI technologies informing significant decisions

should not attempt to make value judgments on people’s behalf. When
informing an AI subject about important decisions they will make, AI
technologies should not unreasonably limit the available options or
otherwise attempt to influence their value judgements without the
AI subject’s consent. The standard procedure for documentation of

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 45
informed consent process, electronic consent and specific issues in
clinical trials may be followed as per the National Ethical Guidelines
for bio-medical and health research, 2017.

vi. IEC approval is required for the use of retrospective data for
developing and validating the AI technology.

vii. Waiver of consent - The researcher may apply to the EC for a

waiver of consent if the research involves less than minimal risk to
participants and the waiver will not jeopardize the participants’ rights
and welfare. (As per the National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical
and Health Research, 2017).

46 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare

Healthcare AI technologies also known as Software as a Medical Device

(SaMD) has immense potential to improve health outcomes which also
carries along with it, immense challenges for regulatory bodies and related
stakeholders. The regulation of AI technologies in healthcare is still in the
nascent stage even in developed countries like US and EU who have taken
steps towards building a regulatory framework for such a complex technology.
The AI Act proposed by the European Commission (EC) intends to build the
first legal frame work which aims to “guarantee the safety and fundamental
rights of people and businesses, while strengthening uptake, investment and
innovation across the EU”[25].

The Indian Government has made efforts to streamline AI technologies in

various sectors including healthcare. The National Health Policy (2017)
focuses on the integration of digital health and establishment of National
Digital Health Authority for leveraging Digital health Technologies[26]. The
National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB 2019) further builds on developing
a system of Electronic health records based on international standards and
establishment of data ownership pathways with integrated ethical principles
of data anonymization and de-identification[27].

The Digital Information Security in Healthcare Act (DISHA) 2018 proposed

by the MOHFW, Government of India is a step towards providing “electronic
health data privacy confidentiality, security and standardization and provide
for establishment of National Data Health Authority and Health Information
Exchanges”. The Act intends to provide for “establishment of National and

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 47
State eHealth Authorities and Health Information Exchanges to standardize
and regulate the processes related to collection, storing, transmission and use
of digital health data; and to ensure reliability, data privacy, confidentiality and
security of digital health data”[28].

Regulatory frameworks lay guidelines to assess the product’s probable

benefits and risk as well as provide an enabling environment. The Medical
Device Rules, 2017 and its amendments in 2020 have expanded the definition
of medical device and includes any software or an accessory intended to be
used for a medical purpose[29]. However, there is a need to further develop
and establish norms for testing and validating SaMD in India.

48 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
Ethics Checklist of AI for Biomedical Research and
Table 2: Ethics checklist of AI for biomedical research and healthcare[30]

S. No. Index Description

1. Objectives The project’s objectives and functioning of the AI


2. Technology Describe the broad principles of AI technology

used and its application (e.g., supervised or

3. Funding & Notify all sources of funding and who would

conflict of possibly have an interest or benefit from the AI
interest technology

4. Credentials Description of Team and individual expertise in AI

technology for healthcare or any other field of AI
domain. And also describe how these participants will
assist in the design, development and validation of AI

5. Type of Describe the participants (Healthy volunteers,

participants Patients, Vulnerable persons/ Special groups)

6. Participant The recruiter name (person, organization,

recruitment etc.) and the recruitment methods considering
methods used equity, fairness, representativeness, geographic
distribution, and ethnic minorities

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 49
7. Risks The anticipated physical/social/psychological
involved and discomforts/ risk to participants if any may be
management mentioned and risk management strategy.

8. Treatment of Describe the provision for free treatment/

research related management for AI technology research related
injuries injuries.

9. Potential Describe the potential benefits of AI tool (e.g., for

benefits of AI the participants, medical/clinical science, health
tool system, society/community, enhancement of

10. Evidence Provide justification and evidence regarding

AI technology in terms of accuracy, validity,
efficacy, and performance. Sources of scientific
publication, if any, may be added.

11. Validation Provide details of the validation strategy or

methodology run on the AI technology and
outcomes of testing under different scenarios/

12. Accountability Describe the complaint redressal procedure and

the names of the persons/institutions who will be
accountable for the AI tool related actions and
associated consequences

13. Monitoring Process of monitoring unintended consequences

and adverse events with the use of AI technology

50 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
14. Data collection, Describe the source of data, data collection
storage, sharing method and storage, data access procedures,
and access to and data security

15. Informed Describe the type of consent (Signed consent,

consent Verbal/Oral consent, Witnessed consent and
Audio-Video (AV) consent). Ethical approval
from an Ethics Committee! Who will obtain the
informed consent (PI/Co-PI, Nurse/Counselor,
Research Staff or Other.)? And mechanism for
consent withdrawal.

16. Right to be Can a person retrieve and erase all their records
forgotten or not? And if yes then how? Describe the

17. Moderation Does the AI technology require human

(human in the intervention/ moderation? If yes give proper
loop) details for instance, who will control the access
to AI technology

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 51
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52 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
[9] A. Bohr and K. Memarzadeh, “The rise of artificial intelligence in healthcare
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[17] Indian Joint Parliamentary Committee, “The Draft Personal Data Protection Bill.,”

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 53
[18] “Information Technology Act, 2000 - Wikipedia.”

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54 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
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Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 55
AI - Artificial Intelligence

CDSCO - Central Drugs Standard Control Organization

CMS - Clinic Management System

COI - Conflict of Interest

CSR - Clinical Study Report

DL - Deep Learning

EC - Ethics Committee

EPSRC - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

GCP - Good Clinical Practice

HCP - Healthcare Professional

HITL - Humans in the loop

HMS - Hospital Management Systems

HMSC - Health Ministry’s Screening Committee

HTA - Health Technology Assessment

ICD - Informed Consent Document

ICF - Informed Consent Form

ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ITU - International Telecommunication Union

LAR - Legally Authorized Representative

ML - Machine Learning

56 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding

MTA - Material Transfer Agreement

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

NLP - Natural Language Processing

PIS - Participant Information Sheet

SAE - Serious Adverse Event

SOP - Standard Operating Procedures

WHO - World Health Organization

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 57
1. Algorithms: Algorithm refers to a set of rules/instructions that step-
by-step define how a work is to be executed upon in order to get the
expected results.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence

processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes
include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the
information), reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite
conclusions) and self-correction.

3. Black-box: In science, computing, and engineering, a black box is a

device, system or object which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and
outputs (or transfer characteristics), without any knowledge of its internal
workings. Its implementation is ‘opaque’ and is therefore referred to as
‘black box’.

4. Data Anonymization/ De-identification: Data Anonymization is the

process of protecting private or sensitive information by erasing or
encrypting identifiers that connect an individual to stored data. The
process of de-identification mitigates privacy risks to individuals and
thereby supports the secondary use of data for comparative effectiveness
studies, policy assessment, life sciences research, and other endeavors.

5. Deep Learning (DL): DL is a subset of machine learning based on

artificial neural networks in which multiple processing layers are used to
extract higher level features from the data. It can be supervised, semi-
supervised or unsupervised.

6. Homomorphic Encryption: Homomorphic Encryptions is a technique

which allows computational encryption on data enabling AI functions
without the need to transfer personal information. It includes key
generation, encryption, decryption and evaluation algorithms.

58 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
7. Human in the Loop (HITL): Human-in-the-loop (HITL) is a branch of
artificial intelligence that leverages both human and machine intelligence
to create machine learning models. In this people are involved in a
virtuous circle where they train, tune, and test a particular algorithm.

8. Informed Consent: Informed Consent is the process by which a patient

learns about and understands the purpose, benefits, and potential risks
of a medical or surgical intervention, including  clinical trials, and then
agrees to receive the treatment or participate in the trial.

9. Informed Refusal: Informed refusal is where a person has refused a

recommended medical treatment based upon an understanding of the
facts and implications of not following the treatment. It is linked to the
informed consent process, as a patient has a right to consent, but also
may choose to refuse.

10. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

are legal rights that protect creations and/or inventions resulting from
intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. The
most common IPRs include patents, copyrights, marks and trade secrets.

11. Machine Learning (ML): Machine learning is an application of Artificial

Intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn
and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

12. Teach-back /Show-me Technique: The  teach-back also called the

show-me is a communication confirmation technique used by healthcare
providers to confirm whether a patient/ care taker understands what is
being explained to them. If a patient understands, they are able to “teach-
back” the information accurately.

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 59
Expert Members:
Dr. N.K. Arora, Executive Director, INCLEN Trust, New Delhi (Chairperson)

Dr. Vasantha Muthuswamy, Ex-Addl. DG ICMR & President, FERCI, Mumbai

Dr. Chander Shekhar, Ex-Addl.DG, ICMR, New Delhi

Mr. Rajeev Roy, Sr. Financial Advisor, ICMR, New Delhi

Dr. M Vishnu Vardhana Rao, Head, AI Cell, ICMR & Director, ICMR-NIMS
New Delhi

Dr. Usha Agrawal, Director, ICMR-NIP, New Delhi

Dr. Roli Mathur, Scientist F, ICMR-NCDIR, Bangalore

Dr. Harpreet Singh, Scientist F and Head BMI Division, ICMR, New Delhi

Dr. Manjula Singh, Scientist F, ECD ICMR, New Delhi

Dr. Saurabh Kumar Gupta, Additional Professor, Dept. of Cardiology, AIIMS,

New Delhi

Dr. T. Velpandian, Additional Professor, Dept. of Ocular Pharmacology, AIIMS,

New Delhi

Mr. Raghu Dharmaraju, President, ARTPARK, IISC, Bengaluru

Dr. Vidur Mahajan, Associate Director and Head of R&D, Mahajan Imaging,
New Delhi

Dr. Prakamya Gupta, Consultant NHSRC, New Delhi

60 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare
Compiled & Edited by:

Dr. Geetha R. Menon, Scientist E, ICMR-NIMS & DHR-ICMR AI Cell, ICMR,

New Delhi

Dr. Saurabh Sharma, Scientist D, ICMR-NIMS & DHR-ICMR AI Cell, ICMR,

New Delhi

DHR-ICMR AI Cell Project Staff

Mr. Navnit Kumar, Scientist C (Data Expert), DHR-ICMR AI Cell, ICMR,

New Delhi

Mr. Mithlesh Prasad Singh, Scientist B (AI Expert), DHR-ICMR AI Cell, ICMR,
New Delhi

Ms. Harleen Kaur Gulati, Project Research Scientific (Data Expert)-IV, DHR-
ICMR AI Cell, ICMR, New Delhi

Ms. Kanika Sandal, Consultant (AI Expert), DHR-ICMR AI Cell, ICMR,

New Delhi

Ms. Sonal Khurana, Jr. Data Expert, AI Cell, DHR-ICMR ICMR, New Delhi

Ms. Irin Anna Soloman, Jr. AI Expert, AI Cell, DHR-ICMR ICMR, New Delhi

Mr. Deepak Singh Negi, Secretariat Assistant (Legal), DHR-ICMR AI Cell,

ICMR, New Delhi

Mr. Piyush Gautam, Secretariat Assistant (Technical), DHR-ICMR AI Cell,

ICMR, New Delhi

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 61

62 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare

Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare 63

64 Ethical Guidelines for Application of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Research and Healthcare

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