Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
chapter objectives:
1. the different forms of behaviors that employees exhibit at work
2. examine the differences between the employees
3. studying different models and strategies of employee’s motivation techniques used by
4. Explain the meaning and importance of psychological contracts and the person-job fit in
the workplace
Chapter definitions:
Forms of employee behavior: هاااااام
- The employee behavior is a pattern of actions by the organization members that affect
directly or indirectly in the organization effectiveness.
Performance behavior:
- It’s a set of behaviors that the organization expect the employees will display
Organizational citizenship:
- The behavior of individuals who make a positive overall contribution to the organization
Counterproductive Behaviors:
- behaviors that decrease from organizational performance
- when the employee is absent
- annual percentage of an organization’s workforce that leaves and must be replaced
Individual Differences:
- The attributes that differ from one person to another one
- a relatively stable set of psychological characteristics that distinguishes one individual from
the five personality traits السمات الشخصيه:
1. Agreeableness: a person’s ability to get along with other
2. Conscientiousness: a reflection of the number of things a person tries to accomplish
3. Emotionality: the degree to which people tend to be positive or negative in their
outlook and behaviors toward others
4. Extraversion: a person’s comfort level with relationships
5. Openness: reflects how open or rigid a person is in terms of his or her beliefs (open
mind or not).
Myers-Briggs Framework:
- a popular questionnaire that some organizations use to assess personality types, and it
have four dimensions:
extraversion Vs introversion شخص اجتماعي او شخص انطوائي
sensing Vs intuition االستشعار و الحدث
thinking Vs feeling
judging Vs perceiving االدراك و الحكم اي شخصيه مدركه او سريعه الحكم
- the degree to which people are self-aware, have emotional control, can motivate
themselves, show empathy for others, and have social skills.
- a person’s capacity for being aware of how they are feeling (what is person feeling)
Managing emotions:
- a person’s capacities to balance anxiety, fear, and anger so that they do not overly interfere
with getting things accomplished (controlling his feelings)
motivating on self:
- a person’s ability to remain optimistic and to continue striving in the face of setbacks,
barriers, and failure ()قدرة الشخص علي البقاء متفائل رغم المشاكل و العقبات
Empathy: التعاطف
- a person’s ability to understand how others are feeling even without being talk
Social skills :
- a person’s ability to get along with others and to establish positive relationships ( القدرة علي
)بناء عالقات ايجابيه مع االخرين
Attitude at work:
- a person’s beliefs and feelings about specific ideas, situations, or people ( المعتقدات و االحاسيس
)تجاه فكرة معينه او شخص معين
Job Satisfaction:
Organizational Commitment:
Attitude Structure:
Cognition: المعرفه
Intention: النيه
- the extent to which a person’s contributions and the organization’s inducements match
one another مساهمات الشخص في الشركه مقابل اغراءات الشركه للشخص
Hawthorne Effect:
- the ability to increase the productivity when workers believe they are receiving special
attention from management
Theory X Theory Y
Theory of motivation holding lazy, Theory of motivation holding energetic,
uncooperative persons active, self-motivated persons
People lack to inspiration and they don’t People have inspiration and seek
like responsibilities responsibilities
Selfish people Selfless people
People resist change. People want to contribute to business
growth and change.
People are not intelligence People are intelligence
- Theory of motivation describing five levels of human needs and arguing that basic needs
must be fulfilled before people work to satisfy higher-level needs
نظريه العاملين Two-Factor Theory:
- theory of motivation holding that job satisfaction depends on two factors, hygiene and
مثال لكيفية استخدام نظرية العاملين في مكان العمل .لنفترض أن أحد أعضاء فريقك يأتي إليك بمشكلة -عضو آخر في
الفريق ال يبذل قصارى جهده في المشروع .إنهم يتجاهلون المواعيد النهائية والعمليات المناسبة للعمل ،ولديهم موقف
رافض عند الضغط عليهم بشأن سبب فقدانهم القوة .أنت تواجه معضلة حول كيفية إعادة عضو الفريق إلى حالة ذهنية
جيدة للمشروع .وف ًقا لنظرية العاملين في هيرزبرج ،يمكن إصالح ذلك من خالل النظر في ما يحفز أعضاء الفريق.
ببساطة ،سيتصرف الناس عندما يشعرون أن شيًئ ا ما مفقو ًدا (أي عدم الرضا) أو عندما يشعرون بالرضا عن أنفسهم
(أي االعتراف).إذا أردنا أن يتوقف عضو الفريق االفتراضي عن التصرف ،فقد يكون الوقت قد حان للنظر في مدى
.تلبية الشركة الحتياجاتهم
- the desire to control one’s environment, including financial, material, informational, and
human resources
Expectancy Theory
- theory of motivation holding that people are motivated to work toward rewards that they
want and that they believe they have a reasonable chance of obtaining
- تنص على أن الناس لديهم الدافع للعمل من أجل الحصول على المكافآت التي يريدونها وأنهم يعتقدون أن لديهم فرصة
معقولة للحصول عليها
Equity Theory:
- based on the idea that individuals are motivated by fairness, In simple terms, equity theory
states that if an individual identifies an inequity between themselves and a peer, they will
adjust the work they do to make the situation fair in their eyes مقارنه معامله الشركه لهم مع معامله
الشركه لزمالئهم
Reinforcement/Behavior Modification:
Positive Reinforcement:
- learning that occurs when people observe the behaviors of others, recognize their
consequences, and alter their own behavior as a result.
- ويغيرون سلوكهم نتيجة لذلك، ويتعرفون على عواقبها، التعلم الذي يحدث عندما يالحظ الناس سلوكيات اآلخرين
Job Enrichment
- method of increasing job satisfaction by adding one or more motivating factors to job
Job Redesign
- method of increasing job satisfaction by designing a more satisfactory fit between workers
and their jobs
Combining Tasks
- involves enlarging jobs and increasing their variety to make employees feel that their work
is more meaningful
Forming Natural Work Groups
- helps employees see the importance of their jobs in the total structure of the firm
Establishing Client Relationships
- letting employees interact with customers
Flextime Programs
- method of increasing job satisfaction by allowing workers to adjust work schedules on a
daily or weekly basis
- form of flextime that allows people to perform some or all of a job away from standard
office settings
Advantages and Disadvantages of Modified Schedules and Alternative
Advantages Disadvantages
more satisfied, committed employees challenging to coordinate and manage