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LESSON PLAN Waste Disposal

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TEACHER:- Shaila panchal

TOPIC:- Waste Disposal
DEPARTMENT:- Community Health Nursing
VENUE:- Post B.Sc 2nd year class room
GROUP INVOLVED:- Nursing students
METHOD OF TEACHING:- Lecture com discussion

GENERAL OBJECTIVES:- At the end of the teaching, student will be able to gain the knowledge regarding waste disposal.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:- Student will be able to,

1. Introduce to the waste disposal.
2. Define the waste.
3. To explain the types of waste/ refuse.
4. To discuss Sources of refuse.
5. To explain the disposal of waste.
6. To discuss about the method of waste disposal.
7. To explain about the excreta and sewage disposal, sources, Transmission.
8. To explain the methods of the excreta disposal.
9. To describe the water carriage system.
10. To define the sewage.
11. To discuss about the aims of sewage purification.
12. To explain the decomposition of organic matter
13. To explain the Morden sewage treatment
14. To discuss about the social aspect of excreta disposal in India.

Sr. Subjective objective Time Contents Teaching learning A.V Evaluation
No. data activity Aids
1. Introduce to the Introduction-: Power- What is the waste
waste disposal. point management?
Waste management is
the "generation,
monitoring, treatment,
handling, reuse and
residual disposition of
solid wastes". There are
various types of solid
waste including
municipal (residential,
agricultural, and special
(health care, household
hazardous wastes,
sewage sludge).
The term usually
relates to materials
produced by human
activity, and the
process is generally
undertaken to reduce
their effect on health,
the environment or

2. To Define the waste. Definition-: Student teacher defines Power-

the waste with the help point
Waste-: of power point.
Waste or refuse is the unwanted left over substance that
have been discarded or thrown away. Waste, litter,
garbage etc. Are the other name of refuse.

3. To explain the types Types of waste/refuse-: Student teacher to Flash- What are the types
of waste/ refuse. explain the types of card of the
Solid refuse-: waste/refuse with the waste/refuse?
help of flash cards.
“Solid waste” include garbage (food waste), rubbish (paper,
plastic, wood, metal, throwaways containers, glass),
demolition products (bricks, masonry, pipes), sewage
treatment residue ( sludge and solids from the coarse
screening of domestic sewage), dead animals, manure and
other discarded material. It should not contain night soil.

Wet refuse-:

1. Sewage and animal excreta.

2. Dirty domestic water
3. Water overflowed or wasted.
4. Contaminated water of markets, fairs, streets,
slaughter houses etc.
5. Industrial waste water especially of chemical
factories, small-scale industries like dyeing, printing

Sources waste allowed to accumulate, is a health hazard


a. It decomposes and favours fly breeding.

b. It attract rodent and vermin.
c. The pathogen which may be present in the solid
waste may be conveyed back to man’s food through
flies and dust.
d. There is a possibility of water and soil pollution.
e. Heaps of refuse present on unsightly appearance and
nuisance from bad odours.

4. To discuss the SOURCES OF REFUSE-: Student teacher to Flannel Can you explain
Sources of refuse. discuss about the chart the source of
1. Street refuse sources of refuse with refuse?
2. Market refuse the help of flannel
3. Stable litter chart.
4. Industrial refuse
5. Domestic refuse
6. Biomedical refuse or waste ( Hospital refuse)

5. To explain the METHOD OF DISPOSAL OF WASTE-: Student teacher explain Power What are the
disposal of waste. the disposal of waste point disposal of waste?
Collection of waste-: with the help of
Storage of waste is the primary necessity before its disposal.
It requires a dustbin and selection of proper place to keep it.
Dustbin made of zinc, cement, or steel or drum with a
closed lid should be used for it. Use of bags in dustbin and
drums is most suitable to collect garbage. These bags are
disposable and use a new bag after disposal of first one.
Bags of different colours can be used to collect refuse of
different types.
Transportation of waste-:

Safe and regular transport system is essential to collect

waste or refuse from dustbins, kept at different places.

 Push carts or trolleys-:

These are used transport the refuse collected
from residential areas, markets and streets to other
large vehicles.
 Bullock carts-:
These carts are not covered and hence
unsuitable to carry the garbage that is foul smelling,
contains dust, is capable of transmitting the
infections and present at unpleasant view.
 Tractor trolleys-:
These are uncovered and hence can pollute
the environment covered trolley may be helpful for
transportation of refuse.
 Dumpers-:
Dumpers are better to transport refuse but only
covered vehicle should be used.

6. To discuss about the METHODS OF WASTE DISPOSAL-: Student teacher discuss Flannel What are the
method of waste about the method of chart methods of waste
disposal. Small scale methods-: waste disposal with the disposal?
help of flannel chart.
Waste collected from homes, rural area and camps
can be disposed in the following manner-:

Refuse is collected in an open place and burned every


Feeding the animals-:

Uncontaminated food stuff like leftover food, fruits,

vegetables, leavings etc. Can be fed to animals.


A burial trench that is 1.5 meter broad and 2 meters deep is

dug, everyday refuse is put into it and then covered with a
20-30cm thick layer of soil. When the depth of trench is
reduced to only 4cm from the ground level then, it is
covered compactly and another trench is dug up for use.
After 4-6 months the first trench can be dug open to obtain
manure (fertilizer).

 Using the manure pits-:

This is similar to the burial method but in this
all the domestic refuse, cow-dung etc, are put only
into the pit and then covered with soil. It is closed
properly when it is full and another pit is used. The
first pit is opened after 4-6 months and the manure
obtained can be used for agricultural purposes.

Large scale methods-:

1. Incineration-:
This is the best method of waste disposal. Tin,
glass, sand etc. Should be removed from the refuse
before burning it. Incinerators are used to burn the
refuse. Presently, under environment management,
hospital have been directed to use incinerators to
dispose off the bio-medical waste. Incinerators can
burn 250-450 kg of refuse everyday.


 Reduced transportation cost.

 Quantity of refuse is reduced to one fourth.
 Less space is required.
 Though initial investment is more but it is
economical to use.
 “clinker” obtained after burning the waste can be
used for making cement, rods etc.


 Reducing the height of chimney can increase air

 Sorting of refuse is a laborious and time-consuming
 Risk of infection is always present for labor.

2. Dumping-:
According to this method, waste is dumped into low
lying areas so as the level of ground can be lifted
and brought to the same level of surrounding area.
Here refuse decomposes into manure but this ground
should be far away from residential areas.


It levels the ground and later on, it can be used as

agricultural land.


 It gives shelter to flies and rodents.

 Air pollution and foul smell spreads to the
surrounding areas.
 Air may spread the refuse and the surface water may
get contaminated.

3. Controlled tipping-:
This is a healthy technique but sufficient land
should be available for it. A trench 2-3 meter deep,
12 meters broad and of suitable length is dug. Refuse
is dumped into it and covered with soil. Dumpers
and bulldozers accomplish this work with ease.
Chemical, physical and biological changes take4-6
months time to convert this refuse into good quality


 It is a healthy technique.
 It gives sufficient quality of manure.
 No problem of files or rodents.


 More land is required.

 Nearby water sources may get contaminated.
 In case, machines are not available, covering the
trench with soil becomes a laborious task.

4. Composting-:
This technique can be used to dispose of both
sewage and refuse. Action of bacteria decomposes
the organic part of refuse. Compost produced at the
end of decomposition process is good for
agricultural purposes. There are two methods of
 Anaerobic method (Bangalore method)
 Aerobic method (Mechanical method)

7. To explain about the EXCRETA AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL-: Student teacher to Power- what is the excreta
excreta and sewage explain about the point and sewage
disposal, sources, Excreta disposal is undoubtedly one of the key excreta and sewage disposal?
Transmission. elements of any emergency sanitation programme. disposal, sources,
Containment and safe disposal of human excreta is the transmission with the
primary barrier to transmission of excreta-related disease. help of PowerPoint.
Implementing agencies often focus solely on the quantity of
toilets in emergency situations, however, and pay scant
attention to their quality
and usage.

Sources of disease-:
Inadequate and unsafe disposal of human faeces can lead to
the contamination of ground and water sources, and can
provide breeding sites for flies and mosquitoes which may
carry infection.

Transmission of disease-:
Transmission of excreta-related diseases is largely faecal–
oral or through skin penetration.

8. To explain the Methods of excreta disposal-: Student teacher to Power- What are the
methods of the 1. Unsewered areas explain about the point, methods of the
excreta disposal. a) Service type latrine (conservancy system) method of the excreta flannel excreta disposal?
b) Non Service type ( sanitary latrine) disposal with the help chart,
a. Bore hole latrine of PowerPoint, chart, chart.
b. Dug well or pit latrine flannel chart.
c. Water seal type of latrines
i. P.R.A.I type
ii. R.C.A type
iii. Sulabh Shauchalya

d. Septic tank
e. Aqua privy
c) Latrine suitable for camp and temporary use.
i. Shallow trench latrine
ii. Deep trench latrine
iii. Pit latrine
iv. Bore hole latrine
2. Sewered area-:
1. Water-carriage system and sewage treatment-:
a. Primary treatment
 Screening
 Removal of grit
 Plain sedimentation
b. Secondary treatment
 Trickling filters
 Activated sludge process
c. Other methods
 Sea outfall
 River outfall
 Sewage farming
 Oxidation ponds

9. To describe the WATER CARRIAGE SYSTEM-: Student teacher to Flannel What are the water
water carriage A water carriage system consists of the following described the water chart carriage systems?
system. element-: carriage system with
1. Household sanitary fitting( plumbing system of the help of flannel
building) chart.
2. House sewer
3. Street sewer or trunk sewer
4. Sewer appurtenances: manholes, traps etc.

It is divided into two type-:
a. Indian squatting type
b. The western commode type
It is recommended that for efficient performance:
a) The water seal area should not be more than 7.5cm
b) There should not be any sharp corners in the trap
c) The volume of water in trap should be as little as
possible, preferably not exceeding 1.75 liters to
maintain a minimum of 50mm deep water seal,
d) The interior of the bowl should be vertical at least 50
to 75mm just above the surface of water seal.

10. To define the SEWAGE-: Student teacher to Power- What is the

sewage. Sewage is waste water from a community, containing define the sewage with point sewage?
solid and liquid excreta, derived from houses, street and help of PowerPoint.
yard washing factories and industries.

Health aspect-:
1. Creation of nuisance, unsightliness and unpleasant
2. Breeding of flies and mosquitoes
3. Pollution of soil and water supplies
4. Contamination of food
5. Increase in the incidence of disease, especially
enteric and helminthic diseases.

11. To discuss about the Aims of sewage purification-: Student teacher discuss Power What are the aims
aims of sewage The aim of sewage treatment is to “stabilize” the organic about the aims of point of sewage
purification. matter so that it can be disposed off safely and to convert sewage purification purification?
sewage water into an acceptable standard purity which can with the help
be disposed off in to land, rivers. A standard test which is an PowerPoint.
indicator of the organic content of the sewage is biomedical
oxygen demand.

12. To explain the DECOMPOSITION OF ORGANIC MATTER-: Student teacher explain Flash Can you explain
decomposition of 1. Aerobic process-: the decomposition of card the decomposition
organic matter. The process requires a continuous supply of free organic matter with the of organic matters?
dissolved oxygen. The organic matter is broken help of flash card
down into simpler compounds namely Co2, water,
ammonia,nitrites, nitrates and sulphates by the action
of bacterial organisms including fungi and protozoa.
2. Anerobic process-:
The sewage is highly concentrated and contains
plenty of solids, the anaerobic processis highly
effective. The end-process of decomposition are
methane, ammonia, CO2, and H2. In anaerobic
decomposition, the reaction are slower and the
mechanism of decomposition extremely complex.

13. To explain the MORDEN SEWAGE TREATMENT-: Student teacher explain Flannel What are the
Morden sewage The treatment of sewage may be divided into two the Morden sewage Chart, Morden sewage
treatment stages-: with the help of flannel chart treatment?
chart, chart.
1. Primary treatment-:
The solids are separated from the sewage partly
by screening and partly by sedimentation and
subjected to anaerobic digestion which is the first
stage in purification.
a. Screening
b. Grit chamber
c. Primary sedimentation

2. Secondary treatment-:
The effluent is subjected to aerobic oxidation,
which is the second stage in purification.
a. Trickling filter method
b. Activated sludge process
3. Secondary sedimentation
4. Sludge digestion

Disposal of effluent-:
a) Disposal by dilution-:
Disposal into water course such as reverse and
screens is called “ disposal by dilution”.
b) Disposal on land-:
If suitable land is available the effulent can
be used irrigation purposes (eg. The Okhla Sewage
Treatment Plant In Delhi)

14. To discuss about the SOCIAL ASPECT OF EXCRETA DISPOSAL IN Student teacher to Power What are the social
social aspect of INDIA-: discuss about the social point aspect of excreta
excreta disposal in India is a land of village and about 70% of aspect of excreta disposal in India?
India. its population lives in villages. The problem of sanitation disposal in India with
therefore is one of “Rural Sanitation” surveys have shown the help of PowerPoint.
that substantial % of population “go to the open fields” for
defecation. This habit of indiscriminate foulding of the
surroundings with human excrement its generation-old, and
rooted family in the cultural behaviour of the village people.

Research studies indicated that there is only one way to

solve the problem, i.e., through health education. Social
scientist have listed the reason why villagers do not except
latrines. Some of the reasons found in the surveys are-:
1. Latrines are associated with bad smell
2. They are the breeding places of flies
3. They are something foul and dirty houses
4. Latrines are costly and beyond there means to install
5. They do not know how faecal- borne disease are

The solution to the problem lies in teaching people first the
reason why latrines are important.
The teaching should be undertaken by all known methods of
health education-: direct discussion, group discussion, later
in demonstration and abuse of visual aids and above all
service facilities.

15. To discuss disposal Disposal of waste and excreta responsibilities of Student teacher discuss flannel What are the
of waste and excreta community health nurse-: disposal of waste and Chart responsibilities of
responsibilities of 1. Public co-operation and participation of community excreta responsibilities community health
community health health workers, local bodies, government and of community health nurse?
nurse. voluntary organizations is desirable in excreta nurse with flannel
disposal and waste management. chart.
2. Survey-:
i. Prevalent method of disposal, collection and
transportation system.
ii. Desirable changes in the method of disposal.
iii. Assessment of available resources like land,
expenditure etc.
iv. Finding avenues of co-operation and the
related agencies.
3. Health education-:
- Relation of waste and excreta disposal to
- Ill effect of unhealthy disposal.
- Methods to reduce the number of insects,
flies, rodents and other disease carrying
- Healthy habits of waste disposal and their
4. Construction of disposal units and supervision-:
Selection of appropriate waste disposal
techniques, getting aid or assistance from various
organizations and providing help in digging up wells
or pits for excreta disposal and in constructing
latrines is the responsibility of community health

16. Summary-:
As the part of
my has conducted
practice teaching on
waste dispose and in
that i have explained
about the introduction,
definition, methods,
excreta, methods
sewage and its methods

17. Conclusion-:
At the end of my
topic i will conclude
my topic Waste or
refuse is the unwanted
left over substance that
have been discarded or
thrown away. Waste,
litter, garbage etc. Are
the other name of

18. Evaluation-:
To evaluate the
students by the
assignment on waste
disposal in urban area.


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