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Lexico Grammar 3 Key

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1. The old lady _______ at them kindly when she saw them enter her shop.
A. glared B. grinned C. grimaced D. beamed
To beam at sb tươi cườ i vớ i ai
2. The railway track has been constructed in such a way as to allow space for _______ on a hot day.
A. extension B. expropriation C. expansion D. Explosion
To expand mở rộ ng, nở ra ( vậ t chậ t)
Expansion (n)
3. According to Burgess, a novelist should not _______, for sermonizing has no place in good fiction.
A. offen B. preach C. distort D. invent
To preach giả ng đạ o
To sermonize lên lớ p ai, đưa ra lờ i khuyên rỗ ng tuếch ( khô ng cầ n)
Fiction (n) tiểu thuyết, điều hư cấ u
4. At the moment the ruling party is on the _______ of a dilemma.
A. hooves B. points C. top D. horns
On the horns of dilemma trong tình trạ ng khó khă n, tiến thoá i lưỡ ng nan
5. We couldn’t stay long, so we only wished Mark many happy _______ for his birthday and hurried to the
A. days B. returns C. moments D. regards
Many happy returns of the day : Chú c mạ nh khỏ e, số ng lâ u ( lờ i chú c ngà y sinh nhậ t)
6. Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence:
“Once you have started something, you ought to see it through to the end.”
A. be persevere with B. be subjected to
C. be conspicuous about D. be stuck with
7. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence:
“The senator chose to incur dislike rather than compromise her principles to win favor with the public.”
A. dissent B. negotiate C. articulate D. take away
To dissent bấ t đồ ng >< to consent ưng thuậ n
To negotiate thương lượ ng, điều đình
To articulate nó i rõ rà ng, khớ p lạ i vớ i nhau
8. Close your eyes and try to _______ up a picture of a place where you feel at peace.
A. store B. eat C. stick D. conjure
To conjure up tưở ng tượ ng
Conjurer (n) ả o thuậ t gia
As a conjurer, David Copperfield is second to none.
9. Martin: “Hey, can you pick me up at 3 p.m?”
Peter: “Sorry, I can’t. I don’t have my _______ at the moment!”
A. vehicles B. trail C. wheels D. means
To have one’s wheels có phương tiện
10. Please don’t _______ when you talk to me. Open your mouth!
A. murmur B. mumble C. stumble D. stutter
To mumnle lẩ m bẩ m
11. My teacher _______ for my good marks in the Math test.
A. promised me the moon B. coincided with me
C. gave me a pat on the back D. showed no sign of remorse
To give sb a pat on the back khen ngợ i, độ ng viên ai
12. Advertisers often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending _______.
A. power B. force C. energy D. capacity
Spending power sứ c tiêu tiền
13. Jennifer: “Hey, Tommy. What are you guys doing?”
Tommy: “_______”
A. We’re just chilling out. Do you want to come around?
B. I don’t think it’s a question I can discuss.
C. We’re talking to you, Jennifer!
D. I’m not sure if we’re doing something much.
14. We sent him to the best school in England and hired the best teachers, but it was all _______ as he had no
will to learn at all.
A. vain B. incurable C. invalid D. futile
Futile (adj) vô ích = in vain
15. I was _______ in an autumn month 18 years ago.
A. taken up B. put forward C. given away D. brought forth
To bring forth = to give birth sinh ra
16. Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence:
“The construction of mammoth shopping malls has contributed to the decline of small stores in
neighboring towns.”
A. modern B. gigantic C. numerous D. separate
Mammoth = gigantic (adj) to lớ n, đồ sộ
17. Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence:
“An experiment can be marred by poor planning.”
A. disclosed B. qualified C. constructed D. spoiled
To mar là m hư hỏ ng
To construct = erect = set up = build
18. If I _______ home a bit later, I would never have had a chance to pass the door mat.
A. have come B. were to have come C. came D. could have come
If I did ,..... = Were I to do = If I were to do ( type 2)
If I had done..., = Had I done...,= If I were to have done (type 3)
19. A trap _______ disguise is what has come to be called a Trojan House.
A. offered a gift of B. offers a gift in C. offering a gift to D. offered as a gift in
20. Peter: “Hey, do you want to go out tonight?”
Mary: “Sorry I can’t. _______ and I will have to wake up early tomorrow.”
A. I’m beat B. I’m cool C. I’m in the cloud D. I’m socked off
I am beat = I am exhausted
21. The company directors asked the government to .................... in the dispute and prevent a strike.
A. interpose B. interfere C. intercept D. intervene
To intervene can thiệp
22. A delivery driver has been .................a hero since he caught a baby who fell from the 13 th storey of a Ha
Noi apartment block.
A. hailed B. appointed C. named D. become
To hail mưa đá , chà o hỏ i, hoan nghênh, khen ngợ i
23. Luckily my wallet was handed in to the police with all its contents.....................
A. preserved B. unscathed C. contained D. intact
Intact (adj) nguyên vẹn
Unscathed = unharmed (adj) khô ng bị tổ n thương
24. The advantage of this new plastic covering is that it will………………..to fit any size of object.
A. change B. stretch C. extend D. expand
25. A washing machine of this type will certainly _________ up to normal domestic use.
A. hold B. stand C. come D. take
To stand up to đương đầ u, chịu đự ng đượ c, phù hợ p
26. Grain and coffee are major trading………….
A. articles B. materials C. commodities D. stocks
Commodities hà ng hó a
27. This fantastic new gadget has been selling like…………………..cakes.
A. birthday B. cream C. wedding D. hot
To sell smth like hot cakes bá n cá i gì đắ t như tô m tươi
28. It was the solicitors who persuaded me to make a clean ...................of everything in the court.
A. head B. tongue C. breast D. heart
To make a clean breast of smth nó i sự thậ t
29. I’ll have to take the toy back to the shop to exchange it because the mechanism is……………………
A. blame B. faulty C. false D. defect
Faulty (n) có lỗ i
*30. This set is the only one of its kind, so none of the cups can be……………
A. copied B. exchanged C. replaced D. substituted
To replace A with B = To substitute B for A
This set is the only one of its kind, so you can …………… none of the cups/ cantl ……V……… any of the cups A
...........................................................................................can’t substittute others for any of the cups A
31. I would like passersby to be excited by the sculpture and to feel it has not a __________ value but a timeless
feel to it.
A. conclusive B. swindling C. twisting D. superficial
Superficial (adj) hờ i hợ t, bề ngoà i
32. _________ recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their 
personal belongings.
A. Considering B. Bearing in mind C. After all D. In the light of
In the light of = as a result of = because of
33.But most people will not assess the small print setting out changes to a(n) _________ and little understood
institutional structure.
A. ambiguous B. raucous C. intricate D. lively
Intricate (adj) = complex = complicated phứ c tạ p
34.Every time she is in a _________, she rings her father and asks for help.
A. chance B. trouble C. difficulty D. fix
To be in a fix ở và o tình thế khó khă n
35.The world’s first boot camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet may be the _________ of things to come.
A. draft B. formula C. character D. shape
The shape of things to come hình ả nh/dấ u hiệu củ a điều gì sẽ xả y ra trong tương lai
Boot camp chương trình huấ n luyện đặ c biệt theo phương phá p quâ n độ i
36.Teachers aim to help children become _________ learners.
A. autonomous B. withdrawn C. susceptible D. composed
Autonomous (adj) tự trị, tự lậ p
37.Sam was born in the country and had a deep _________ with nature.
A. credence B. stature C. guile D. affinity
Affinity (n) sự đồ ng cả m. mố i quan hệ gầ n gũ i( vớ i thiên nhiên)
38.When her tears had _________ their course, she felt calmer and more in control.
A. run B. put C. take D. set
39.His emotional problems _________ from the attitudes he encountered as a child.
A. flourish B. stem C. root D. spout
To stem from = to derive from = originate from = come from bắ t nguồ n từ
40.She _________ scorn on his plans to get rich quickly.
A. threw B. splashed C. spread D. heaped
To heap scorn on khinh bỉ, dè bỉu
41.He quickly learned the _________ of the job.
A. by and large B. fair and square C. ins and outs D. odds and ends
Ins and outs chi tiết, tấ t tầ n tậ t mọ i thứ
42.The picking of the fruit, _________, takes about a week.
A. whose work they receive no money B. for which work they receive no money
C. they receive no money for it D. as they receive no money for that work
43.She made _________ telling him exactly what she thought of him.
A. the best of B. no bones about C. a splash D. a clean sweep of
To make no bones about smth khô ng do dự
44.My patience is beginning to _________.
A. make waves B. hold water C. wear very thin D. stay afloat
To wear thin trở nên nhạ t dầ n, mấ t tá c dụ ng
45.For the first few months the babies looked so alike I couldn’t tell _________.
A. who is whom B. which is which C. which from which D. whom with whom
46._________ invisible to the unaided eye, ultraviolet light can be detected in a number of ways.
A. Although is B. Despite C. Even though it D. Although
47. You can imagine how upset I was after the closure of the magazine. Since the first day on its staff I
_________ it as my best job ever.
A. have considered B. considered C. had considered D. was considered
48. The boss shouted at me as if _________.
A. I had been the only one who were to blame B. I were the only one to be to blame
C. nobody but I am to blame D. only I had been blamed
49. If I were you, I would regard their offer with considerable _________ because it seems too good to be true.
A. suspicion B. doubt C. reservation D. disbelief
Reservation (n) sự dè dặ t
50. I love to do things for children because I get a _________ out of it.
A. pass B. shoot C. kick D. move
To get kick out of smth thích thú là m gì
51. Most people feel a slight _______of nostalgia as they think back on their schooldays.
A. feeling B. surge C. pang D. chain
To feel a pang of cả m thấ y buồ n, day dứ t ( lương tâ m)
Nostalgia (n) lò ng hoà i cổ ,nỗ i nhớ về quê hương
52. The cost of a new house in the UK has become _______high over the last few years.
A. totally B. astronomically C. blatantly D. utterly
Astronomically (adv) vô cù ng to lớ n
53. The entire staff was thrown off _______when the news of the takeover was announced.
A. composure B. disarray C. stable D. balance
To throw sb off balance là m ai lú ng tú ng, bố i rố i
54. Mr Simkins is the big _______ in the company as he has just been promoted to the position of Managing
A. bread B. cheese C. apple D. meat
Big cheese nhâ n vậ t chó p bu ( ngườ i quan trọ ng, có quyền lự c)
55. Of all entries received, his was _______ out for special raise.
A. isolated B. brought C. opted D. singled
To single out lự a chọ n
56. I was in a _______ as to what to do. If I told the truth, he would get into trouble, but if I said nothing I
would be more in trouble.
A. doubt B. quandary C. hitch D. complexity
To be in a quandary trong tình thế khó xử
57. The matter has been left in _______until the legal ramifications have been explored.
A. recess B. suspension C. abeyance D. criticism
In abeyance bị đình trệ, bị hoã n tạ m thờ i
58. It was an extremely hostile article which cast _______on the conduct of the entire cabinet.
A. criticism B. aspersions C. disapproval D. abuse
To cast aspersions on chỉ trích
59. He's so lazy! We all have to work harder because he's always _______ his duties.
A. evading B. shirking C. ducking D. dodging
To shirk one’s duty trố n trá nh nhiệm vụ
60. I found the information for the project in the encyclopedia but I couldn't give ______and verse on it.
A. chapter B. unit C. poem D. extract
To give chapter and verse on đưa ra thô ng tin chính xá c về, nó i có sá ch má ch có chứ ng
61. The engineer _______the machine with a hammer and, miraculously, it roared back to life.
A. slapped B. smacked C. whacked D. punched
To whack đá nh mạ nh
62. The Oscar winning actress simply _______charm and professionalism in her acceptance speech.
A. exuded B. excluded C. expunged D. extricated
To exude đưa ra, rỉ, ứ a ra
63. The carrots are ready; could you drain them in the _______and put them in the serving dish?
A. casserole B. colander C. whisk D. blender
Colander (n) cá i chao
64. Sue went for a _______when she injured her foot and broke several toenails.
A. manicure B. pediment C. foot massage D. pedicure
Peducure (n) sự điều trị bệnh ( ở châ n)
65. What I find most ________ about it is that he didn’t even have a decency to say that he was sorry.
A. galling B. furious C. touchy D. blazing
Galling (adj) gâ y khó chịu)
66. I’m hoping that this work experience will stand me in _______in my future career.
A. good grounding B. good stead C. fine precedent D. stable footing
To stand sb in good stead có lợ i cho ai
67. A meal in that restaurant costs the _______but still it is always packed.
A. world B. soil C. earth D. moon
To cost the earth tố n kém
68. Terry is an old _______of mine. We split up nine years ago but we’ve stayed friends.
A. fire B. spark C. flame D. blaze
Old flame (n) ngườ i tình cũ
To be in flames đang bố c chá y
69. Take the doctor's advice into consideration. He's in _______ earnest about the epidemic.
A. deadly B. fatally C. gravely D. mortally
Deadly (adv) vô cù ng, cự c kỳ
Earnest (adj) đứ ng đắ n, nghiêm chỉnh, số t sắ ng
70. What's that horrible noise downstairs?'
'It's only Sam. He always screams _______ murder when we take him to the dentist.'
A. red B. black C. yellow D. blue
To scream blue murder kêu ca ầ m mĩ
71. The vegetation on the island was ___.
A. exuberant B. chivalrous C. overcast D. ingenious
Exuberant (adj) sum suê
72. We had been looking for the nest for hours before we ___ lucky.
A. hit B. made C. struck D. came
To strike lucky độ t nhiên gặ p may mắ n
73. This evidence should prove ___ that he was telling the truth.
A. once and for all B. now and then C. over and above D. from time to time
Once and for all = for good
74. Have you considered applying for a job with the ___ service?
A. civil B. civic C. national D. governmental
Civil service (n) cá c cơ quan chính phủ
75. In all ___, he’s already left.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
76. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, ___ film one.
A. let alone B. not to mention C. apart from D. but for
Let alone chưa kể đến, huố ng chi là
77. We don’t have a secretary ___, but we do have a student who comes in to do a bit of filing.
A. as such B. the least bit C. whatsoever D. little more
As such đú ng nghĩa
78. I would like to welcome you all on this auspicious ___, the 25 th anniversary of the founding of our
A. occasion B. moment C. meeting D. gathering
Auspicious = prospective (adj) có triển vọ ng
79. The football team Manchester United paid ___ to sign up the Brazilian twins Rafael and Fabio Da Silva
when they were only eighteen.
A. their heart in it B. an arm and a leg C. a good heart D. their eyes to eyes
To pay an arm and leg trả nhiều tiên
80. Why are you so mad? You ___ me you weren’t coming to dinner. I waited for you for two hours.
A. should tell B. should have told C. ought to tell D. should be told
81. What he told me was a ___ of lies.
A. load B. mob C. flock D. pack
A pack of lies mộ t chuỗ i nhữ ng lờ i nó i dố i
A pack of wolves đà n chó só i
82. When I ___ at my suitcase, I could see that somebody ___ to open it.
A. look/ try B. looked/ tried C. looked/ had tried D. looked/ trying
83. She’s decided to ___ her German by attending an evening course.
A. brush up B. patch up C. polish off D. dust off
To brush up ô n lạ i
84. Do you think there will be any chance of your brother ___ his job?
A. quit B. to quit C. quitting D. for quitting
To quit a job bỏ việc
85. Choose the answer which most closely expresses the meaning of the underlined word in the following
sentence: Soot can penetrate closed window.
A. make dirty B. stick to C. erode D. enter
To penetrate xâ m nhậ p, lọ t và o
86. I just can’t give you the answer on the ___ - I’ll have to think about it for a few days.
A. place B. minute C. bet D. spot
On the spot ngay lậ p tứ c
87. Mrs. Lan went to ___ school to meet her son’s teacher.
A. zero article B. a C. an D. the
88. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to ___ is at the desk.
A. whoever B. who C. whom D. which
89. Would you be ___ to hold the door open?
A. too kind B. kind enough C. as kind D. so kind
90. I’ll enter the competition if you ___.
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
91. The increasing popularity of the telephone has been rather _____to the art of letter writing.
A. Negative B. detrimental C. destructive D. prejudicial
Detrimental = harmful (adj)
92. The director uses a variety of techniques to ____up suspense in the film.
A. Make B. arouse C. build D. develop
Suspense (n) tình trạ ng hồ i hộ p
93. Live theatre has proved to be very _____art form.
A. durable B. lengthy C. elongated D. constant
durable = lasting (adj) bền
94. The book was so _______that he stayed up until 4 a.m to finish it.
A. Grasping B. grabbing C. gripping D. holding
Gripping = interesting (adj)
95. The film was ___near as good as the novel.
A. Not B. no C. nothing D. nowhere
Nowhere near cò n lâ u mớ i bằ ng
96. If I had invented the book, I would be ____as a genius.
A. Accosted B. hailed C. exalted D. addressed
To hail sb as tung hô ai như là
97. The film was a bit ____on plot but the special effects were great.
A. Poor B. bad C. short D. small
On plot về cố t truyện
98. Some authors use their novels as a ____to put over a message.
A. Carriage B. method C. cover D. vehicle
Vehicle (n) phương tiện ( đi lạ i hoặ c truyền thô ng)
99. Her eyes were tired from gazing at the ____screen of her computer all day.
A. Flickering B. twinkling C. glimmering D. sparkling
Flickering (adj) lậ p lò e
100. They were able to ____over their meal and enjoy it instead of having to rush back to work.
A. Loiter B. stay C. linger D. dwell
To linger chầ n chừ , ná n lạ i
101. He's an exceptionally ______ violinist and has won several prizes in international competitions.
A. gifted B. artful C. ingenious D. competent
Gifted (adj) có nă ng khiếu
102. You'd better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive ______.
A. entire B. intact C. whole D. complete
103. "A special feature of the room is the huge picture window which ______ a splendid view of the Quantock
A. allows B. affords C. enables D. presents
To afford có điều kiện, tạ o cho, ban cho
104. Sheila will inherit everything ________ her uncle’s death.
A. on account of B. in spite of C. in the event of D. in place of
In the event of + N + If + clause
105. His poor handling of the business ________ on negligence.
A. neared B. edged C. approached D. bordered
To border on gầ n giố ng như
106. The job wasn’t giving the ________ of the experience he wanted.
A. width B. depth C. length D. breadth
To give the breadth of smth nó i đú ng, đầ y đủ về cá i gì
107. He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he _______ while in Africa.
A. infected B. complained C. gained D. contracted
To contract đính ướ c, giao kèo, nhiễm bệnh
108. Some people prefer to watch a film first, and then read the ______ in the paper.
A. critic B. revue C. review D. criticism
Review bà i phê bình
109. All the ______ from the jumble sale will be given to charity.
A. proceeds B. expenses C. income D. rewards
Proceeds (n) số tiền thu đượ c qua việc bá n hà ng/biểu diễn
110. We want everyone to begin the test ________.
A. simultaneously B. unexpectedly C. indefinitely D. continuously
Simultaneously = at the same time
111. After its engine failed, the small boat _______ with the current.
A. waved B. tossed C. hastened D. drifted
To drift trô i dạ t
112. In the last century, it was widely ______ that Indian fakirs were capable of superhuman feats.
A. held B. grasped C. kept D. shaken
113. There is a rumor that the National Bank is going to ____ the company I work for.
A. take on B. overtake C. take over D. take off
114. Why don’t you have a night out? It would take your ______ off your worries.
A. thoughts B. heart C. mind D. head
115. Down ________ for three days.
A. the rain poured B. poured the rain C. did the rain pour D. do the rain poor
116. Can I ________ your brains for a moment? I can’t do this crossword by myself.
A. have B. pick C. mind D. use
To pick one’s brain moi hoặ c dù ng chấ t xá m củ a ai
117. The newspaper report contained ...... important information
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
118. She refused to eat meat under any ..........
A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity D. reason
119. I left my last job because I had no ........ to travel
A. place B. position C. opportunity D. possibility
120. He missed the lecture, so I had to lend him my notes .......
A. after B. afterwards C. at last D. finally
Clause + afterwards
121. He waited in the ________ for the front door to open.
A. perch B. threshold C. porch D. crypt
Porch (n) cổ ng vò m, má i vò m
122. As the sky darkened it soon became obvious that a violent thunderstorm was _______.
A. imminent B. instantaneous C. immediate D. eminent
Imminent (adj) = impending (adj) sắ p xả y ra
123. A half-savage mongrel went ________ the tramp as the man approached the farm.
A. at B. against C. upon D. for
124. The clumsy boy tripped and sent the whole pile of metal plates _______ to the ground.
A. clattering B. tinkling C. thudding D. pattering
To clatter rơi loả ng xoả ng
125. In some countries, confrontation between police and strikers on ________ has become a feature of life in
the eighties.
A. dole queues B. picket lines C. back benches D. assembly lines
Picket line : Hà ng ngườ i đứ ng cả n ( khô ng cho đình cô ng)
126. They were ____ tempted to relieve the shopkeeper of his three juiciest-looking apples.
A. badly B. sorely C powerfully D. utterly
Sorely (adv) mộ t cá ch nghiêm trọ ng, rấ t lớ n, rấ t nhiều
127. His appearance at the reception with the late Mayor’s widow caused something of a __________.
A. confusion B. rumour C. wonder D. stir
128. Certain details in the contract still remain to be ________ out.
A. fluttered B. dealt C. ironed D. borne
To iron out = solve = handle = tackle
129. A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of protest than
trade _________.
A. treaties B. actions C. blocks D. sanctions
Sanction (n) sự phê chuẩ n, sự chấ p nhậ n
130. The low, unbroken __________ of the machine next door gradually bored its way into his brain.

131. At the start of the course, everyone is assigned a(n) ____ of studies.
A. advisor B. consultant C. counsellor D. guide
132. You are bound to find information on the stock market crash of 1987 in the newspaper ...........
A. files B. archives C. records D. collections
Archive (n) vă n thư lưu trữ
133. I knew my mother would ...............a face the minute she saw my new haircut.
A. drag B. lift C. pull D. raise
134. The government decided to ............... down on income tax evasion.
A. press B. crack C. push D. snap
To crack down on thẳ ng tay
135. After the concert, everyone had to ............... home through the thick snow.
A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle
To trudge sự lê bướ c, sự bướ c đi chậ m chạ p
136. ……. comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it.
A. It B. Here C. There D. That
137. There is no point in phoning him. He’s certain ……..by now.
A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left
138. The lawyer claimed that the tests had been carried out by experienced scientists but this is not
necessarily ……..
A. so B. the way C. thus D. the method
139. If you don’t stop smoking, you ………the risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
A. bear B. suffer C. make D. run
To run the risk of có nguy cơ
140. Marcus never writes the timetable down. He keeps it in his ……..
A. brain B. mind C. head D. heart
To keep smth in one’s head ghi nhớ trong đầ u
To keep smth in one’s mind câ n nhắ c, suy tính
141. He was a pickpocket and had to spend many years behind ------.
A. windows B. prisons C. cells D. bars
Behind bars = in prison
142. Mr Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his ------ until it was announced publicly.
A. cap B. tongue C. hat D. Umbrella
To keep smth under one’s hat = to conceal smth giấ u diếm
143. Because of road works, traffic is restricted to one …………. in each direction.
A. lane B. row C. alley D. path
Lane (n) là n đườ ng
144. What stands out from The Voice Kids is that many young children are ............... with natural talent for
A. bestowed B. conferred C. endowed D. vouchsafed
To endow sb with smth ban cho, phú cho
145. With the economic situation looming large, many families find it difficult to rear their ............
A. descendant B. lineage C. offspring D. successor
Offspring (n) con chá u
146. That Mary is an ............... liar: you must take what she says with a small grain of salt.
A. incorrigible B. incurable C. irredeemable D. irremediable
Incorrigible (adj) khô ng thể sử a
147. Employees who have a ………………… are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance
Grievance (n) lờ i than phiền
148. Men still expect their jobs to take ................
A. superiority B. imposition C. priority D. seniority
To take priority ưu tiên
149. The police have been ordered not to ………………… if the students attack them.
A. combat B. rebuff C. retaliate D. challenge
To retaliate trả đũ a
150. The police finally arrested the ……………… criminal
A. famous B. renowned C. respectable D. Notorious
151. Tamara has set her _______ on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. feet B. brain C. heart D. head
To set heart on doing smth quyết tâ m là m gì
152. If you say you'd like _______ of cream on your strawberries then you don't want very much cream.
A. a dash B. oodles C. lashings D. a dollop
A dash of cream mộ t chú t kem
A dollop of cream mộ t khú c kem, que kem
153. The UN has called for an immediate _______ of hostilities.
A. cessation B. cancellation C. deletion D. ceasefire
Cessation of hostilities sự đình chiến
154. I felt an _______ with the writer from his descriptions of a world that seemed to have a great deal in
common with my own.
A. affection B. adherence C. acknowledgement D. affinity
Affinity (n) mố i quan hệ, sự giố ng nhau về cấ u trú c
155. In such a plight _______ that we had no choice but to radio for help.
A. we found ourselves B. we ourselves found C. did we find ourselves D. did we ourselves
156. The old lady came near to _______ of pneumonia but to everyone's amazement she pulled through.
A. death B. dying C. being dead D. die
Pneumonia (n) bệnh viêm phổ i
157. The book _______ to a number of interesting research studies which I would really like to find out more
A. hints B. cites C. declares D. alludes
To allude á m chỉ, nó i bó ng gió
158. I take great exception _______ the implication that I was not telling the truth.
A. against B. from C. to D. with
To take exception to smth = to be opposed to smth = to object to smth phả n đố i
159. The children's interest in playing the game soon _______
A. flagged B. tottered C. stumbled D. thawed
To flag = to wear thin giả m dầ n
160. Ever year many small companies get _______ up by large multinationals.
A. swallowed B. burnt C. digested D. drowned
161. Serena is still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant
A. delightedly B. blissfully C. jubilantly D. ecstatically
Blissfully (adv) hạ nh phú c, sung sướ ng
162. The nuclear industry _______ most of the country's electrical power.
A. generates B. engenders C. originates D. initiates
To generate phá t điện, tạ o ra nguồ n điện
163. The country has few natural resources and its economy has been _______ for some time now.
A. diseased B. unwell C. sickening D. ailing
Ailing (adj) khô ng khỏ e, ố m
164. In her speech the Prime Minister _______ tribute to the valuable contributions to society made by
voluntary organizations.
A. paid B. sent C. brought D. gave
To pay tribute to sb tỏ lò ng tô n kính ai
165. Not many people are good at assessing their own abilities and Mark must be _______ for recognising that
he would never become a great musician.
A. merited B. commended C. advocated D. talented
To commend sb for smth khen ngợ i, ca ngợ i
166. One of the most powerful pressure groups in the country is the road and car _______, which opposes any
legislation that will increase taxes specifically for them.
A. folder B. branch C. segment D. lobby
Lobby (n) hà nh lang, tiền sả nh, mộ t nhó m ngườ i vậ n độ ng
167. I'm looking forward to meeting your new boss — you've been _______ his praises ever since he arrived.
A. calling B. shouting C. singing D. crying
To sing one’s praise ca ngợ i ai
168. Tamara has set her _______ on becoming a ballet-dancer.
A. feet B. brain C. heart D. head
Set heart on doing smth quyết tâ m là m gì
169. Most critics praise that actor's work but I think he's rather _______.
A. over-played B. over-rated C. over-blown D. over-priced
Overrated (adj) đượ c đá nh giá quá cao
170. Marlene is quite _______ - I don't know she manages to fit everything in.
A. inexhaustible B. tiresome C. inexorable D. indefatigable
Indefatigable = tiredless (adj) khô ng mệt mỏ i
171. ______ speaking, everything is going on as well as we have predicted.
A. Unsuccessfully B. Impossibly C. Generally D. Unfortunately
172. We’d better hurry. There’s a ______ to Uncle Timothy’s patience.
A. top B. bottom C. border D. limit
Limit to smth sự giớ i hạ n vớ i cá i gì
173. Mick has been in trouble with the police a few times, but now he as promised his parents that he will
turn over ______.
A. a new page B. a new leaf C. a corner D. the towel
To turn over a new leaf cả i tà quy chính
174. I can’t afford to buy a new coat this winter. I’ll ave to ______ the one I have.
A. make amends C. make myself at home with
B. make light with D. make do with
To make do with smth dù ng tạ m cá i gì
175. The unpleasant smell in the restaurant _____ me off my dinner.
A. set B. put C. sent D. took
176. Although he was completely ______ as a furniture maker, he produced the most beautiful chairs.
A. unable B. untrained C. incapable D. uneducated
177. The President visited the area to see the devastation ______.
A. on first hand B. at first hand C. on first hands D. at first hands
At first hand trự c tiếp
178. Because of road works, traffic is restricted to one ______ in each direction.
A. lane B. row C. alley D. path
179. They are going to tear down those old warehouses to ______ for a big new hotel.
A. make path B. do way C. do path D. make way
To make way for tạ o điều kiện
To make room for tạ o khoả ng trố ng
180. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second _____ when it was offered.
A. sharing B. pile C. helping D. load
Helping (n) phầ n thứ c ă n đưa mờ i
181. As an ecotourism ______, the park provides visitors with beautiful landscape.
A. land B. park C. place D. site
Site (n) nơi, chỗ , vị trí
182. In spite of our big effort, we have not managed to ______ enough money for renovation of the school
A. raise B. compose C. rear D. score
183. Nobody took any _____ of the warning and hey ent swimming in the contaminated water.
A. information B. notice C. attention D. sight
184. On no account ______ in the office be used for personal materials.
A. the photocopy machines C. should the photocopy machines
B. the photocopy machines should D. does the photocopy machines
185. I was immensely ______ to hear that none ofmy relatives was kill in the bus accident.
A. healed B. improved C. recovered D. relieved
To relieve là m vơi đi
To everybody’s relief mọ i ngườ i cả m thấ y nhẹ nhõ m
186. Mr. Roboson’s job is to teach the young officers _____ their duty in the right way.
A. operate B. perform C. commit D. proceed
187. ______ dangerous the situation is, Jim always indulges himself in it head first.
A. In spite of B. However C. No matter what D. Though
188. The Internet has led to the faster and more effective _____ information.
A. spread B. coverage C. dissemination D. expansion
Dissemination (n) sự reo rắ c, phổ biến ( tin tứ c)
189. “I saw you studying at the library last night.” “You ______. I wasn’t there.”
A. wouldn’t have B. have C. might have D. can’t have
190.By 1890, there were over 60 steamboats on the Mississippi River ______ were quite luxurious.
A. many of which B. many of them C. which many D. many those
191. Jack has egg ______ because he couldn't remember how to spell "Batman"!
A. on his teeth B. on his face C. on his shirt D. on his fingers
192. As the maestro lifted his baton the theater was so still you could hear ______ .
A. his heartbeat B. a pin drop C. bird wings D. the drum beating
To hear a pin drop con ruồ i bay qua nghe tiếng ( ý nó i khô ng gian tĩnh lặ ng)
193. I don't agree with you, but your idea certainly gives me food _____.
A. for fun B. for consider C. for thought D. for thinking
194. I think I understand the nuts and ______ of the operation.
A. screws B. hammer C. nails D. bolts
Nuts and bolts nhữ ng yếu tố , thà nh phầ n cơ bả n
195. I'll be back in the twinkling of ______ .
A. an eye B. a lighting bolt C. a smile D. a laugh
In the twimkling of an eye trong nhá y mắ t
196. Look, I will pay you back. Would you please call the ______?!
A. hunters off B. tigers off C. dogs off D. apes off
To call the dogs off dừ ng đe dọ a, cư xử bấ t lịch sự
197. Ever since he married Jane, he's had a new ______ on life.
A. rent B. lease C. title D. loan
Lease (n) hợ p đồ ng cho thuê
A new lease on life luồ ng sinh khí mớ i, sứ c số ng mớ i
198. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I guess I really put my ______ in my mouth.
A. foot B. hand C. elbow D. knee
Put one’s foot in one’s mouth nó i điều ngu ngố c xú c phạ m đến ngườ i khá c
199. You need to keep a stiff ______ no matter what! Don't get nervous!
A. nose B. right arm C. eyebrow D. upperlip
To keep a stiff upper lip tỏ ra cứ ng rắ n, khô ng lộ vẻ sợ hã i
200. I think you can take what he says at ______ value.
A. real B. face C. true D. straight
Face value giá trị bề ngoà i, mệnh giá
To take/accept smth at its face value thừ a nhậ n cá i gì theo giá bề ngoà i củ a nó
201. I wish you'd be honest with me. Don't lead me down the ______ .
A. hiking path B. garden path C. hiking trail D. garden trail
To lead sb down the garden path = deeive sb lừ a ai
202. I'd like to start the meeting and get down to ______ tacks.
A. silver B. brass C. copper D. gold
To get down to brass tacks bắ t đầ u nó i về điều quan trọ ng nhấ t hoặ c bả n chấ t củ a mộ t vấ n đề
203. I've been working here for two months and have got into the ______.
A. swing of things B. groove of things C. rut of things D. swing of routine
Get into the swing of things thích nghi vớ i mộ t thó i quen
204. I really wasn't ready for the presentation, but was saved by the ______ when Jack took over for me.
A. tone B. bang C. bell D. ring
To be saved sb by the bell Đượ c cứ u hoặ c thoá t khỏ i khó khă n
205. We need to tighten our ______ and start saving some money.
A. shoes B. tie C. belt D. shoelaces
To tighten one’s belt thắ t lưng buộ c bụ ng
206. Bob's so stupid. He doesn't know enough to come in out of the _____.
A. rain B. snow C. wind D. sleet
To come in out of the rain đủ khô n ngoan để giả i quyết vấ n đề
207. I had to ______ the class all the answers to the test.
A. fork-feed B. knife-feed C. spoon feed D. happily feed
To spoon feed nhồ i nhét, dạ y quá nhiều
208. She needs to take a vacation. She's been working her fingers to the _____.
A. bone B. skin C. blisters D. nails
To work one’s finger to the bone = to work around/round the clock là m việc cậ t lự c
209. Ask Tom, he's got money to ______ .
A. throw B. eat C. burn D. cut
210. I told you not to tell her! Now you've let the _____ out of the bag.
A. dog B. mouse C. fly D. cat
To let the cat out of the bag tiết lộ bí mậ t
Born to burn
Born to love

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