IRR Orientation Handbook June 2020
IRR Orientation Handbook June 2020
IRR Orientation Handbook June 2020
Table of Contents
IRR Program Overview................................................................................ 2
Welcome to the Individual Ready Reserve (also known as the IRR)! The
U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC) appreciates your continued
dedication to our nation.
The majority of Soldiers going into the IRR do so because they have a
remaining statutory Military Service Obligation (MSO) under Section 651 of
Title 10 USC that they need to fulfill.
As an IRR Soldier, you are in an active status in the Army Ready Reserve
and are part of a pool of individual Soldiers who have been trained, through
their Service in the active forces or in the Selected Reserve, and are
available for mobilization in time of war or national emergency.
An IRR Soldier’s Responsibilities
1. Complete an annual readiness update using a virtual muster (VM),
personnel accountability muster (PAM), mail, or other means, as HRC
directs. (Army Directive 2017-09)
Muster Requirements Details
You may be directed to complete an in-person or electronic muster.
Muster Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a Muster and under what authority authorizes the muster
Yes. Even though you are receiving benefits, you are still part of the
Individual Ready Reserve. If ordered, completion of Muster duty is an IRR
Muster Frequently Asked Questions (Cont.)
5. What happens if I do not complete my muster duty?
If you have not received an exception from HRC and do not complete the
muster, you could be considered an unsatisfactory participant which could
result in early discharge. Failing to complete your obligation may affect your
benefits at separation. Additionally, failure to complete the muster will NOT
prevent you from mobilization if your grade/skills are required in the future.
6. What is the current process for IRR Soldiers to receive a pay stipend
for completing the personnel accountability musters?
Upon completion of the muster, the career counselor will submit the
Muster Pay Packet to HRC Reserve Pay. The packet will include a copy
of the Soldier’s muster order, Career Counselor Guidance Form, SF1199A
(Direct Deposit Form), USARC Form 25R (Certificate of Performance), and
a voided check or savings slip from the Soldier. The Career Counselor will
ensure the IRR Soldier is courtesy copied or receives a hard copy of their
Muster Pay Packet sent for processing to HRC Reserve Pay.
The stipend amount is published annually and can change from year to year.
The amount of the muster pay stipend is reflected on the muster order. Keep
in mind that the stipend is subject to taxes. Please allow for approximately
45 days from muster completion for your pay to process through Defense
Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).
Virtual Screening Portal
If you are not directed to perform in-person muster duty (Personnel Account-
ability Muster or Readiness Muster) and need to make required updates you
may log in the Virtual Screening Portal and complete the virtual muster.
2. Click on the Virtual Screening Portal and follow the instructions to com-
plete the virtual muster.
Opportunities in the Selected Reserve
The Selected Reserve (SELRES) is comprised of Troop Program Units (TPU), Individ-
ual Mobilization Augmentation (IMA), and Active Guard Reserve (AGR). The SELRES
is like the IRR in that all its members are in an active status in the Ready Reserve.
SELRES Soldiers are assigned to and participate as members of units.
Opportunities in the Regular Army (Cont.)
3. Click and download the CAD Application Checklist at
7. All other questions and inquiries regarding the CAD program can be
emailed to or contact the
CAD Team at (502) 613-6221.
Incentives, Bonuses and Benefits
There are various incentives, bonuses and benefits that may be available
to members of the Ready Reserve. Incentives and bonuses are continually
changing based on current recruitment needs. The listings below are for
example purposes only. You can speak with an Army Reserve Careers
Division (ARCD) Career Counselor or visit the ARCD website https://www. to view updates to incentives, bonuses and education
benefits that may be available to you.
1. Bonuses:
• Officer/Enlisted Affiliation Bonus: These bonuses may be available
to Officers and Enlisted Soldiers upon transfer from the IRR to the
Selected Reserve. Enlisted Soldiers can potentially receive a maximum
of up to $20,000. Officers can potentially receive a maximum of up to
Incentives, Bonuses, and Benefits (Cont.)
3. Reserve Retirement Pay: Reserve retirement pay eligibility is based
on completing 20 “good” or qualifying years of service in any combination of
Active Component, Selected Reserve or IRR. After your 20 “good” years,
you may qualify for retired reserve pay starting at age 60 and each month
after that for the rest of your life! The more points you accrue now, the
higher your reserve retirement pay will be at age 60! Visit the HRC website
and use your DS Logon to access
serve%20Component%20Retirements or contact your career manager at
1-888-ARMY-HRC for more information.
8. Crisis Hotline (For Soldiers): The Veteran’s and Military Crisis Line
(1-800-273-8255, press 1), online chat, and text-messaging service is free to
all Service members. Hundreds of men and women in the military call them
every day for crisis and suicide prevention assistance.
Inactive Duty Training for IRR Soldiers
IRR Soldiers may take part in Inactive Duty Training (IDT) in a non-pay
training status (for retirements point credit only) when authorized by HRC.
The Soldier MUST be attached to a unit to receive retirement point credit for
IDT. It is the Soldier’s responsibility to ensure they have a valid attachment
order BEFORE beginning to drill with a unit.
The unit commander will provide the Soldier with a unit training schedule that
lists the dates and location of the unit training. IRR Soldiers will comply with
the unit training guidelines. Soldiers are not authorized to drill from home.
The Soldier is responsible for the cost of travel to and from IDT duty.
Documenting attendance:
Unit commanders will ensure attendance is accurately documented and
recorded. IRR Soldiers will sign in at each drill period. AR 140-1 requires the
maintenance of rosters for roll call, sign-in, and attendance in accordance
with AR 25-400-2.
Inactive Duty Training for IRR Soldiers (Cont.)
Credit for IDT:
Once the attached IRR Soldier has completed their IDT, the unit will submit
the appropriate documentation to HRC according to AR 140-185 and AR
Processing DA Form 1380: Units will submit the IRR Soldier’s attachment
order, DA Form 1380, sign-in sheet and training schedule for Soldier’s first
drill. For subsequent submissions, under the same attachment order, units
will submit the DA Form 1380 and the sign-in sheet. The attached Soldier will
NOT complete or submit their own DA Form 1380.
For enlisted Soldiers (other than Health Services): The unit can submit the
DA Form 1380 to HRC, ATTN: AHRC-EPR-J, Dept. 370, 1600 Spearhead
Division Ave., Fort Knox 40122-5307, or send an email to the Enlisted Per-
sonnel Action Branch at
For officers/WO’s (other than Health Services): The unit can submit the DA
Form 1380 to HRC, ATTN: AHRC-OPL-P, Dept. 290, 1600 Spearhead
Division Ave., Fort Knox, KY 40122-5209, or send an email to Officer
Personnel Action Branch at usarmy.knox.hrc.mbx.rpmd-ord-ofcr-ret-pts@
For Health Service Soldiers: The unit can submit DA Form 1380 email to HS
PSB at
IRR Medical Readiness
United States Army Readiness is Priority Number 1!
For those Soldiers that have never utilized LHI before, LHI recommends
that you call the LHI Call Center for assistance in building a service request/
manual voucher(s). Inform the LHI customer service representative that you
are an Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Soldier.
If you are still having voucher and registration concerns, email the HRC
Command Surgeon Office at
Provide the following information to the HRC Command Surgeon Office:
current situation (reason for the email), rank, full name, current mailing/
physical address, current telephone number, a valid civilian email address
and LHI representative name. LHI will refer DoD PHAs to the HRC
Command Surgeon Office for medical fitness validation.
IRR Medical Readiness (Cont.)
4. Transfers Out of the IRR
Soldiers requesting transfer from the IRR to the Selected Reserve (TPU,
AGR, or IMA), must have a current DoD PHA. Any medical conditions that
could impact a Soldier’s ability to mobilize must be adjudicated (medically
cleared) by the HRC Command Surgeon Office prior to transfer. Email
inquiries can be sent to, please provide
the following information: Rank, full name, current mailing/physical address,
current telephone number, and a valid civilian email address.
Soldier Administrative Maintenance
1. Evaluations
a. Soldiers and raters should refer to AR 623-3, Evaluation Reporting
System and DA PAM 623-3, on the submission of evaluations.
b. For questions on the completion of evaluations coordinate with The
Adjutant General Directorate (TAGD) website:
2. Promotions
a. Enlisted Soldiers should refer to AR 600-8-19, Chapter 6, which
defines the policy and procedures for promotion.
b. Guidance for AC officer promotions is available in AR 600-8-29.
Guidance for RC officer promotions is available in AR 135-155.
d. Validity: Secret clearances are valid for 10 years from the date of
completion of the investigation, not from the date the clearance was
granted. Top Secret and TS/SCI clearances are valid for 6 years. If a
Soldier is within 18 months of ETS/Retirement an initial investigation
and/or reinvestigation is not authorized IAW AR 380-67.
HRC Individual Ready Reserve
Points of Contact
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1600 Spearhead Division Avenue
Fort Knox, KY 40122
Phone: 502-613-5209
Helpful Websites
HRC IRR Program Website
Reserve Retirement
US Army Military Occupational Skills (MOS)
Tour of Duty
(must access from Military domain