Practical Research Revised
Practical Research Revised
Practical Research Revised
Chapter 1
Background of the Study
There is no doubt that technology, particularly computers, laptops, and phones, has
become an integral part of many people's daily life in the current generation, particularly
among students. But many of us continue to worry about how these technologies impact
students' learning and their ability to learn, as well as their positive and bad
consequences on them.
the impact of technology on education. As technology evolves, classrooms must adapt
by adding additional technology and integrating it into student learning.
Technology has the potential to both help students learn and damage the educational
Technology improves many educational opportunities and makes students more
comfortable, but it can also be a tool that is overused and could have negative effects on
What kind of existence would we have now if technology didn't exist? Technology plays
a significant role in our daily lives and is essential to human survival in a rapidly
changing environment. The creation of these new technology improves employment,
saves lives, and improves the world.
In actuality, technology has had a significant impact on how we interact with the world
around us and how we live in it today. Technology has a bigger impact than we
anticipated. So, in order to live a better and more uniform existence, we are creating new
Conceptual Framework
This study aims to explore the relationship between variables by examining the
influence of technology, including computers, laptops, and the internet, on the
academic performance of senior high school students. The dependent variable in
this study is the performance of the students, while the independent variable is the
use of technology. The study seeks to determine how the utilization of technology
might affect students' academic achievements.
Balanced and Moderated utilization of technology, including computers, laptops,
and the internet, among senior high school students positively correlates with
improved academic performance.
The only Valencia National High School students included in this study are those
in grades 11 and 12, who are the investigation's focus and who use the
aforementioned technologies. The respondents will all receive the same set of
pupils, it is restricted to the study's objective. The results of this study depend on
respondents, High School National of Valencia. The research will be done during
the current academic year, 2022–2023. Beyond the aforementioned point, the
framework of this study does not cover any advancements in specifics or new
It will assist the students in understanding how they should utilize technological
tools to further their education as well as assist them in bettering themselves and
participating actively, increasing productivity and motivation.
They could assist their child in using technology for academic or school-related
objectives, supervise them, and remain actively involved, allowing them to keep
an eye on them both in and out of the classroom .
They can learn some new methods and strategies with its assistance, and
teachers can use it to create straightforward lesson plans or exercises.
The researchers will be able to complete their course requirements with the aid of
this investigation. Additionally, this will assist students see the significance of
understanding how technology affects a student's academic achievement.
Definition of terms
In this study, the following terms were written to clarify the meanings of the
words used and to provide a frame of reference and a clear interpretation of the
Technology- is the term for tools and apparatus created by the application of
scientific knowledge.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature and studies, foreign and local which
provided the researcher the needed information and direction for the completion
of the study.
Foreign Literature
Lynne Schrum, past president of the International Society for Technology in
learn. She said that It is certainly not enough to tell educators that they need to
use the boxes and wires that have invaded their schools simply because they are
expensive or because students need to know how to use the latest widget. If it's
clear that technological tools will help them achieve that goal, educators will use
those tools. Technology lends itself to exploration. But before technology can be
information, analyze river water, chart the results, and record what they've
a static process to one of defining goals the learners wish to pursue. Students
are active, rather than passive -- producing knowledge and presenting that
intimate partner for a learner. Impacts of mobile technologies have many direct
effects, like better quality and format of documents, or less repetitive works, as
relationship is two folds. It provides convenience and instant access for learners.
However, it may also eat up time of learners or become a distracting factor during
learning to mobile learning. More research studies should be done regarding how
research could also look into the relationship of mobile technologies and
Public schools in the United States now provide at least one computer for every
five students. They spend more than $3 billion per year on digital content. Led by
the federal government, the country is in the midst of a massive effort to make
even the most rural and remote schools. And in 2015-16, for the first time, more
state standardized tests for the elementary and middle grades will be
There were seven (7) steps for adapting technology to the classroom by Sean
Nank (2017) As the recession of 2008 becomes a not too distant memory, some
schools are finding themselves better funded. With this comes the acquisition of
learning. But some schools have not experienced these results. The following are
the seven aspects of adapting technology that will help you avoid lackluster
results. Buy technology for teachers and students, Use the 10% rule (If you have
$100,000 total to spend on technology, then spend $90,000 and set aside $10,000
with it, Technology for the sake of technology, Students are and are not digital
technology has changed the way educators teach, how students learn, and the
way teachers and students communicate. Bob Wise a former governor of West
organization, said that "You can't just slap a netbook [computer] on top of a
textbook and say, 'Great, now we have technology," Good teaching, especially
the kind that involves working with evolving technologies, sometimes requires
good advice. "The whole intention of Digital Learning Day is to really celebrate
teachers and good instructional learning practices," says Sarah Hall, director of
the Alliance's Center for Secondary School Digital Learning and Policy.
Samantha Cleaver (2014) wrote an article about it. With a world of information at
their fingertips nowadays, it seems like kids should be finding it easier than ever
technology, test scores remain the same, bringing its effectiveness into question.
says Shelley Pasnik, director of the Center for Education and Technology,
Educators who receive new technology must first learn how to use the equipment
and then decide whether or not it supports the class objectives and curriculum.
Despite the challenges, incorporating technology into education still has proven
that adjust the level of difficulty as players progress to electronic books that talk
and respond to the tap of a finger, products that personalize the learning
more engaging than a book, so technology often promotes more practice and
This frees up time in the classroom so educators can focus on skills like problem
Local Literature
The Philippine Star created an article last 12th of July 2014 about how technology
helps students study well. According to it more and more school use technology
such as computers and the internet in their classroom and several improvements
on students have seen and they are now getting better in education. These
learning experience and Preparation for jobs later on. By connecting the internet,
students learn how to do their own research and with the large information that
they access. Students are induced to learn to think critically. Through exchange
of ideas and messages, students are able to collaborate with each other to test
and the senses because of its multimedia nature. Knowing all of these
improvements and advantages. more and more schools are allowing not just
desktop computers and laptops, but also tablet devices and smartphones in their
traditional face-to-face delivery of lessons. Now, via internet we can also learn
not only in the classroom but outside the school. Through the convergence of
modern and traditional methods, students are now able to experience the best of
both worlds. They can learn from school and get additional information or
Foundation in the United States found that more than six in 10 college students
and high school seniors agree that they study more efficiently by using tablets. A
percent of students said the use of gadgets enhanced their learning experience.
Even though that the parents and some teacher fear that gadgets may distract
students, surveys and studies have shown that these technological devices are a
big help in learning.Today, more states administered tests for the elementary
and high school through the internet, discarding the use of the traditional pen
and paper.
Back in 1960s where computers are very bulky to the very compact gadgets of
the present time, technology had been continuously developing in the past
technology had played great roles in many people’s daily tasks starting with the
communication with other people became easier. Recent years, the use of
students. With the use of the internet, teachers are able to communicate with
their students more easily, and allows them to distribute learning materials such
learning from the views of teachers, With iPads, Facebook, smartphones, video
child's time in the United States (almost eight hours a day - National Center for
Education Statistics, USA). Students in the Philippines probably face the same
Thus, it is time to ask how current technology affects student learning. The
provide guidance for them. Also free educational tools are easier and faster to
use than the traditional tools. Teachers could use this to build student’s
succeed in today’s world. Teachers and parents should teach and guide the
Foreign Studies
Technology is a way to improve students’ goals. But are they using it the way it is
algebra teachers if they are using graphic calculators when they are teaching,
practices. The ones who became a part of the study were students and teachers.
They were selected solely because of their great variety of populations. The study
has surveys to be completed by the ones who participated. Of the 243 surveys,
146 were returned, for an average rate of 60%. It has been confirmed that the use
the majority of the teachers says that the use of graphing calculator is a great
In the James Kulik Study (1994), the researcher used a technique called meta-
analysis to aggregate the findings from more than 500 individual studies of
of each student (Kulik, 1994, 4). The study found that students who used
the percentile. This study helps to show that student achievement can be affected
positively especially through assessment scores. Students also tend to like their
classes more and develop more positive attitudes towards learning which results
who studying physiology during their 2nd year at one five health colleges they
are the ( Medicine, Dental, Clinical Pharmacy ,Applied medical sciences , and
use of technology and the devices they use. The Pearson correlation coefficient
students use of technology , and the most used devices is laptops (50℅)
(0.5℅) .The result of their online survey tells that technology usage might
There are many terms that are currently in use so far as ICT in Education is
concerned. Many terms have come and gone and there are overlaps in some
instances which are not necessarily identical. Bybee, Poewll, and Trowbridge
science education into three as follows: learning about computers, learning with
Achivement, Wenglinsky found out that who used higher order of thinking
levels. Wenglinsky also controlled for socioeconomic status, class, size, and
class sizes. This study has consisted a national sample of about 6,227 fourth
grade students and 7,146 grade eight students on the National Assessment
of Educational Progress. Then another finding was found that higher order uses
achievement in mathematics for both 4th and 8th grade students. The use of
math achievement.
Local Studies
According to the study of Jimson Mariano (2017) The Philippine government has
particularly on basic education, in its effort to make each and every student at par
capable to utilize and produce information and to transform it into knowledge and
vast array of goods and services. The Department of Education (DEPED) has
students for employment and competitive career by teaching them to master new
forms of technology. They also would like to harness and enhance the power of
in its bid to make each and every public school student empowered in this highly
ICT plays a major role in creating a new and improved model of teaching
Diwanie Perez (2016) to achieve this vision we should continue to use ICT to
learning institutions where students can become more motivated, inquisitive and
creative learners. Also to link students with vast networked world of knowledge
and information and develop student’s skills and capabilities to critically and
Luistro said that ICT education will be an important aspect as they formulate an
effectively enhanced K to 12 BEC curriculums. “We have to set up our ICT thrust
all know, ICT plays a very important role in administrative functions as well as in
developments in teaching and learning all seem promising and yet are still at
classroom. Howard Gardner contradicts the IQ phenomena with his own findings
to some education circles and yet the new methods bring their own share of
confusion. The use of technology is at least one unavoidable reality and twenty
years after the introduction of the PC, as many roads have been paved for us to
follow, a lot of work still lay ahead. In the present stage, since technology is here
to stay, some educators took a second look at how technology is being used.
Instead of technology dictating what they should do, they started telling
experts of the school started shifting gears. From being the untouchable nerds in
the computer lab, they suddenly found themselves as the assistants of the
Arimbuyutan (2007) Educational infra of the Philippines was meager before 4-5
years Also computing and Internet infra it will not support to education
interest about e-Learning. Therefore, the study wants to correct analysis and
According to the MST News (2013) millions of Filipino students are back to
over disparities in learning conditions. Substance over form, we say. With the
curriculum undergoes a major overhaul in the form of two additional years from
the existing 10-year basic education. The authority says the transition will
provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong
make the Philippines comparable and competitive with other countries, as the 12
years of basic schooling had long been a global standard. But while the change
Accordingly, the related litterateurs and studies just reviewed provided guides
and directions necessary for the researchers to meet the desired objectives.
Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life today. Technology has
profoundly changed education in many ways,. For one, technology has greatly
expanded access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only an
(books, audio, images, videos) are available at one’s fingertips through the
and collaboration has been limited to other students in the same classroom or
augments it and makes it more powerful. So, for example, I wear contact lenses
makes it better.”
The findings of the other studies reviewed by the researcher had presented
a relevant study to our research which will rate our study high and make our
study more credible and reliable. It also has the identical or similar findings of the
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
The study's methodology, respondents, tools, and statistical techniques are all described
in this chapter.
Descriptive research can often combine parts of both quantitative and qualitative
research approaches, according to Ed Forest (2001), hence it does not easily fit
into the definitions of either. The type of research question, design, and data
analysis that will be used on a certain issue are all referred to as descriptive
research. While inferential statistics seek to establish causation and effect,
descriptive statistics describe what is. Devin Kowalczyk (2013) stated that the
simplest definition of a correlation is a relationship between two variables. To
identify which variables are connected, correlations are used in study for this
very reason.
The Valencia National High School seniors in Grade 12 for the academic year
2021–2022 served as the study's respondents.
The following formula was used to determine the sample population for
the study that came from each year level:
1 Ne2
n = number of samples
The table below shows the present senior high school student population at Valencia National
Table 1
Grade 12
Every other person in the population would be represented in the estimated sample of
the population, which was obtained by systematic sampling. The total number of grade
Systematic Sampling was used to choose the ____ senior high school students at
Valencia National High School who would participate in the study.
Table 2
The population size of the year level was divided by the overall population in order to
distribute this sample size equally throughout the Strands. Every course's demographic
instrument, which was created by the researcher and approved by the instructor,
consists of 20 questions that will assess how the usage of technology may
Using the Pearson r product moment correlation algorithm, the test results of
Table 3
A high score represents that technology highly affects the student’s level of performance.
Procedure of Analysis
Table 4
The rating scale was used in the survey questionnaire to determine how
accurately the comments provided indicated how technology had an impact on the
Table 5
Scale for Student’s Grade
Limits Level
90 and above Excellent
85-89 Above Average
80-84 Average
75-79 Fair
74 and below Poor
The effectiveness of
The following arbitrary scale was used to group pupils in grade 12 according to their
achievement grade. Each level's frequency count and percentage distribution of SHS
Each instructor was asked for permission before the survey was done. After approval,
The instructor was asked for the average grade of Grade 12 pupils, which was used as a
benchmark for measuring the academic achievement of Valencia National High School
students in 2022–2023.
Treatment of Data
X̅ =
X̅ = mean
ΣX = sum of all data value
n = number of data items in the sample
performance, Bi-variate Correlation Analysis with the Pearson –Product Correlation was used.
Table 6
This study used the correlation scale, which showed the interpretation of the
correlation based on the value of r obtained, to analyze the correlation between
the impact of technology and students' academic achievement.
Table 7
P-value Scale
P-value Interpretations
The p-value for each term evaluates whether the coefficient is equal to zero,
which is the null hypothesis (no effect). If the p-value is less than 0.05, there is a
significant association. The null hypothesis, "There is no significant association
between the impact of technology on students' academic performance," can be
accepted since the p-value with (> 0.05) suggests that there is no significant