Sangre Pesada
Sangre Pesada
Sangre Pesada
energies come to announce the renewal of the cycles. The 2 This passage is adapted from Annals
of Juan Bautista, a compilation of
↑ Video stills, Heavy Blood (HD video, character puts a mask on, becoming one of them. She smiles texts written in náhuatl (the language
18’46”), by Naomi Rincón Gallardo, of the Nahua p eople in Mesoamerica)
2018 and shows her copper teeth. from the sixteenth century.
42 HEAVY BLOOD Naomi Rincón Gallardo 43
Flecha Arrow
Espina sangre Blood thorn
Borracha de miel Drunk on honey
Inmóvil en el aire Motionless in the air
Zumbando sortilegios Humming incantations
Nómada Nomad
Vuelo vibrador Vibrating flight
Libando el nectar Sipping the nectar
En intercambio mutuo In a mutual exchange
Para una muerte pasajera For a fleeting death
Picaflor Hummingbird
Caldera interior Inner boiler
Guerrero caído en combate Warrior fallen in action
Alas batientes que guían Wings flapping and guiding
A los que desaparecieron como por magia Those who disappeared as if by magic
Zurda Lefty
Piedra tornasol Iridescent stone
Dardo que se desplaza Dart moving back
A sus paisajes natales To its native landscapes
Ruinas tóxicas y cerros triturados Toxic ruins and crushed hills
Vuelan Flying
Larga ruta A long way
Los resucitados The resurrected
Que mueren en la sequía That die off in the drought
Y reviven con las lluvias And come back to life with the rains
Desierto Desert
Vine a buscar I came to look
A la mujer que se quema For the burning woman
La de los dientes de cobre The one with copper teeth
La destructora telúrica. Monstruo The world destroyer. Monster
↑ Video still, Heavy Blood (HD video,
18’46”), by Naomi Rincón Gallardo,
44 HEAVY BLOOD Naomi Rincón Gallardo 45
↑ Bárbara Lázara in Heavy Blood of the cycles of life and death. The Lady of the Copper ↖ Bárbara Lázara in Heavy Blood
(HD video, 18’46”), by Naomi (HD video, 18’46”), by Naomi Rincón
Rincón Gallardo, 2018 Teeth howls and hums earthly sounds of a hurt land. Gallardo, 2018
46 HEAVY BLOOD Naomi Rincón Gallardo 47
Inhala Breathe in
Exhala Breathe out
Liba! Sip!
Escupe! Spit!
Deglute! Swallow!
Muerde! Bite!
Arranca! Destroy!